jrf-ivli,- -ja. m a.i. 'niPtf-M - tiMmf 4v;J Stf?? Herald T "rf ,' jri X Wf. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth Yonr No. 2,711 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1915 Price, Mv Onto ,f Evvtiuxa Ji '- V V V. ORGANIZATION OF CIVIC BODIES INTO UNIT IS PLAN PROPOSED COMMERCIAL CLUB TO BE SOLUTION Orgnul'o Now, Say Itmmr Get in Mou, Womrii, Glrli nmt llo), Sy Judge Wotwtcr lime n Federal Hulltllng nml Regular Term of Court by Aaklng for 11 IWHwren HIU.IMMl mill Hin.OtMl ItruUKllI Her' Hilrlt if Co-Ointlii. of K'umy, of Working Togtilirr l .Nrcrint In Klaiunlli Fall Com inlllcc HliiitN lo Work. A Commercial Club lor the city In tho undertaking Hint the Chamber of Commerce linn now undertaken, uml which m uiiliouncod nt tho "boost" mooting taut nlRht. Tho spirit of tho meeting wi.ii co-operation from all iiiariin, thu uricuiiliutlun of all civic bodle Into olio hud)' no fur it U pou nihil, .mil tho working for tho com- hltiod Intercuts of Iho city. Dr. Jnhiiion, president of tho Chamber. presided .aid Inlioilucod ihu spekkcrn. "Tho city of Klnmnth Falls In uti'ijtUt In thm It U no flirty In Itn hlnlory undertaking tho work (hat otl or cities of iiiui.1i luiKor lu nro Juu now uwnkitnlug lo," unlit (.'litr onid Reunion, United States cIlHtrlci titloriio), who icmaliicil In llu city an extra tin) Mlor iho clmtlng of tho Hiixlim of tho court 'I undi-mtnuil (tint (ho club lit to ho it now hoily, which Mill ho coiuprln oil of uicii unit women, nil to Imvo lot ii common Intercut, iho furthcrliiK of tlm Intertill, of jour city mid )our county " Mr. Kuntnei then related thu export leiiceft which Piirtltcnd linn had In tint lint few year In nn nt tempt to core lato ItH numerous eh In bodies Into u combined null, Intend of hating it lingo iiuinher of hoillcii working foe the ronimoii kooiI, hut novorlholoM workliiK nl cross purposon hefautiv they worn not combined. "They Imvo nccompllnhcd II, after yearn of hard work, nml now havo n Commercial Club com posed of IIioiinmuIh of mem tterH," viilil IteumoK. "Home cltloti nro over-dovelopod, nml llvo tolcly on n ImHU of "nwni pliiK' nnd trnde, hut Klamath Kalld U not over-develoied, for you Imvo n Rplendld country hehlnd you. No elty can exlxt nml (uoHpor on tho 'iwnppliiR' iitandard, The recent term of (ho federal court In thin city ought to menu mmiothliiK to you, GERMANSCROSS ONEISTER REPORT t OFFICIAL IIKI'OHT FltOM I'ICTIIO JHAI) NTATKS THAT AUHTIIO OKIIMANS HAVi: CltOHHKH TIIK HNKISTKII IIIVKIi United Press Uarvloa PKTnorjRAT), Juno 10. it wan iinnouncod officially from the war of lice tmluy that the Auitro-aorman forcen Imvo crosnod the Dnolntor River, and ndvunccd if.' mllon north ooHt towards Btnnlnlau, It was also ruportod, however, that east of tho BlryJ Hlvor tho Russians havo captured 202 unicorn nnd 8,600 .nteu from tho enemy, N o report has bVn iMUtd on Iho Ajistro-dorraan drnu In tbt wtat, 'hunt Im mi reniKiii cm iMrth why yoiijDunbur of iho illy mcIiouIn wan thou J ii it it nt lutio it r.v tiltir tnrm if ftinl mil nil llliflll lififl n 111 "Thfi fniiftrnt I court hum wim .,r twite each yi-ar All )oii IiiiNo lo ill) In Id nsk for It. "Koiiid of tho honvlimt luturi-HtH In Iho Hulled SlateH nro In Klnnuith loiinly, mid our oltlin In I'ortlnud irlun iniiro iiiuch from Klamath coun I)' Hum imy other portion of tho Htnto. The wltneimon uto coiuixillod to umlie wo trlpH to Portland In each rno, whero If u term of lonrt could bo held here It would nnvo tho itov eminent thoin:iuilii of ilnllarx, "Only twd arti provided for I ho lute outiildo of Portland, Medford and I'eiiillutou, and I am perfectly iinlUllod that If you would tpeuk to our riiiroKiutatloH In con k re that you would cot It. hpnimhia you thin, hnnover, that tho lultlatlvo mtut romo from you Tho Koiernmrnt itewr fori on Ilu faom on any com munity "Vou ieopo novd a federal build Inc. here, it new pontofflco building and n reKulnr term of tho fcdorM court. If )m will Ktnrt lo work In mini' liilellkent, ynlimatlc and fun if ul iminner, l promUn you that tho dlntilct nttorney'H otllco In Port land will do everything OMlblii to) am )ou. "Ill n few dii) you will hao with you a (oiiKronnlonnt committee, and that In tho tlum for you to preneut our ciiito to l bene Hcnntom. If you do thin imiperly I hmo no doubt uhiitnoowr hut that ou will kcI them nil. You people cannot keep thU country from prospering If you try Thero Is too much hack oflt, hut by concerted effort you enn reach out, by KMtlnr. tOKcther and showlnc what j on havo bore, you will set wluit you ttaut much iiulckor thnn If ou nil buck und null. When an out Hhler IbIIh your community ho liken to i,eo that the ixstplo want to help llii'iimchcK Tho Initiative In all thoho m.Mterx mint romo from you." Secretary Fleet then KttVi a report of the work tucompllHhcd durliiK the pant live inontliH by tho Chamber, which will ho printed In full In tho Herald next week. I'rofomnr R. II WILL RUN FUR SCHUOL BOARD AlltS. It. i;. WATTK.VIIIIIUJ AN- XOUXCKH TOIIAY NTIIAT sin: woui.it itux for offick MON'ltAY .A. Mrs. R. K, Wattenburg, well known Klnmath Falls xoclety and civic club worker, announced this morning that nho would ho a candidate for the only otllco open cm tho city school bouru, which In to ho tilled Monday In thu vihool oloctioiiH. Mrs, Wattenburg received tho iiiimuIuiouh support of Iho Woman's Mbrnry Club ut Hh mooting yesterday, of which hIih was elected president. Mm. WnttenbiirK, If elected, will he tho only woman to havo ever hold a place on thu school hoard us n mem ber. Thero In but otto plnco to fill, nn tho members nro olofted for n five yours term nnd no other tonus Imvo expired. Marlon Hanks Is not n can illiluto for re-elocllon, und Is the member who goes out nt this time. No other civndldntcK have announced themselves for tho plnco so far ns In known. Thn election polln opou lit 2 o'cloc In (ho Central School building. This ufllco In tho only ollUo to ho filled In the city nt thin election. Mm. Wnt toiiborg Is particularly titled for Uiu position, owing to her long residence In tho city, her experience us u teach er In tho city kcIiooIs, nml hor closo copnoutlon with till civic movements lu' tho city, Tho Library Club ut ItH mooting ycitordny adopted n resolution by n unanimous voto of tho members, to tupport Mm. Wattenburg for tho office. l rurt which hnN just cloned Its hch-j''A,,,tXSKA H,,"''n HKADQIMBT-, jnlon hem Iiuh coot $16,000, a groati KIW TO ISLAND f deal of which Iiuh been left In thin city The Pelican Hay mill h a payroll of between $20,000 and f 26, ooo it month. Theao thlnxN nhould iiienii xoinethlng to u. Though tho enreor of tho Chamber of Commerce linn been tnrlcd, If you will Inveitl Kate oii will find that at all timet It hud the bent InlcroaU of thin city at the bottom of ItH heart." W. A. Delzell, iMjHiniuter, wan tben called upon by Dr. Johnson, and lie announced that he hop to have a pontal delivery Hyxtom hero by fall. That tho mutter ban been favorably pacd upon nnd would be ro-npencd thlx Mummer Thin pontofllce, ho Mated, In one of Iho few that payn nbovo Hh fxpene. and It U becaune It In In n cheap, rented building, and I Continued on page 4 1 - GIVEN FOOD; TAKES MONEY (i.lllCIA, OIVKN KOOO IX OK SI'AMAItl), HKI'AVS IIV TAKIMS W70 KHOM OW.VKH'S 1 CilAT. IT IS AI.MX.KIt rho hospliullty of I', Mortetcna. a! native of Spain, who lives In a small shark south of town, was the cause of lilt liming $270 In ha.-d cash last night about C 30. when Junu Garcia, n Mexican who MArtcteim had taken In ..nil r,.l dlirlrn; Ilu, Hp.v. n.wl nnonn.l ills house to hl.n. cut his coat opon tUiIbi ho was out of iho house. and dti.ippcurod Willi tho money At leant, this !.t the way Marlctena linn It nltcd up. Garcia had been about the houso nil day, had bceu fed when ho Bald ho had no money, and then dccnmiied with his benefactor's savings. Tho Spaniard's coat was hanging ou the wall whore ho usually leaven It, and Garcia, discovering the presence of tho gold nnd hills, most of It being In bills sowed In tho lining, did not hesitate In procuring It. Mirny long months had Martetenui worked, saved and scilmped to hoard!,,' COLONISTS AHK KNOANOKItKO that money, nnd now It Is gone. (nrcln Is u well known Mexican lu this country, as ho hits been about horo for several yearn, recently hnv lug been employed ou a ranch at Illy. The robbery was not reported to tho polite until nearly 12 o'clock last illKhl, and Garcia was neon on tho flreotH ubout S o'clock by a membor ol the force, Tho town was thor oughly searched Inst night, but no trace of tho man wns found. Tho Spi'iilnrd and u friend or IiIb spent Ihr night searching for him ulso. FIRST CAR OVER THE MOUNTAIN IIRHT AUTO MAKES THROUGH I'RIP OVER MOUNTAINS FBI DAY ,SAYS MOMYl'.R 1.0 ABE IICUISTEBKD ALREADY' Tho first automobile to cross Iho mquntnliiH through Crater Lake Na tional Park wont through Thursday morning, according to II, K, Motuyor, park official, who Is lu tho city. Tho rand Is clear to tho hoadquartors, ac cording to Momycr, nnd tho snow ho ynml U going rapidly, It avoratlng In depth two uml u half foot. In some places It Is doepor nnd others tho ground Is bare, Tho busiest season tho Park has SITUATION MEXICO ALMOST AT ACUTE STAGE lUdleveil He Kearrd-AMwiulBJition or linprlaoanicat .inih to tipluro lelii( City iuhI Iteiimud lt-cogii. lion May He Havlntf Trouble In ternally Four Cabinet .MomlH-rs Kroign United 1'resi, Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Juuu J'J. It wan loarned hero today that Car rmua him nhlftcd hi beadquartera to Han Juan do Ulu Ultiid, In the harbor of Vera Crui. It U unknown wbeth er It meniiK trouble )lth bin follow- cix or not. It In known that lie ha accepted resignation of four of his citMni t mombern. The convcntlonnllHin, with the ox ceptlon of Villa, arc squarely against jl'renldent Wilson's policy. Carranza I lo attempting to conciliate. He alms to rnpturo Mexico City and demand tifoguitlon. ' Admiral Ilowarithun been told that ( If he i.ecded morf men or ships that Iho In to order thw himself from the reti rve ntatlonn along the coast. WASHINOTON, 2 p. m. Juno !. ()fllcliil It has been suggested that (Cnrrnnta changed his headquarters, i fearing thai ho would come to the same fate as Madero, assassination or Imprisonment t u ,opcj ,hal lc aauRcr ls paaa. ed in tho-Ouaymas district, according to n dispatch from Admiral HowaTd nnd from the American consul. liirlllilttakra at Ixmit HlCli l'"ed Press Sen Ico I.ONC5 HKACII. Juno IS. Two shocks were felt hero this morning, about 7 o'clock. No damage Is re ported. U. I MAY LAND TROOPS AT TOBARI FROM UIMtlSINO, IT. S. TROOPS WILL UK la.XDKD IMMEDIATE LY TO PROTECT FOREIGNERS WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1S. When the United States cruiser Colo rado, arrives ut Tobarl Ray, Admiral Howard will send a ropresentatlvo accompanied by an armed escort, In to thu valley to meet with the chiefs of tho Yaqtll trlbo. If ho tlnds that tho colonists there are in danger from tho recent upris ings, un expedition will be landed Im mediately, Thu report that Admiral Capterton, stationed at Vera Crui has requested that "all ships avail able" should bo sent Is denied. over experienced Is looked forward to, and alraady 200 Imvo registered at hoadquartors. A gang from the gov ernment service Is working In tho park, putting It luto condition, while Mr. Momyer has teiuor twelve men working In his department, cleaning up tho roads and putting tho hoad quartors and roads Into shape for the tt.'Wel. Tho hotel will open July 1, aa Is re quired, and It is expected that by that time machines will bo able to go to tho rim. J. R. Ltnd of Salem, driv ing an Overland, has boon In tho furthest so far, driving his machine cno day this weok a half mile beyond headquarters. Mr. Moroyor will remain lu tho city uutll the middle of next week, to attend tho school election Monday and to attend to the purchasing of supplies and othtr business. SETTLES QUESTION ! OF WHO VOTES :hmi. makes statement regarding legal votes i. mommy's school election, eligibility settled un account of the usual contro versies that arise over the persons that are eligible to vote In the school elnrtlon next Monday, County School Superintendent Fred I'eterson has ex plained the law which governs this. The polls open at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Central school build ing on Main street, and will continue open until all have voted, the law not providing special hours. The election Is general all over the county. Following Is tho statement made out by Mr. I'eterson at the request of the Herald, and explains just who arc the legal oters In Oregon school elec elec teons: "In D!srlct No. 1, Klamath Falls, a legal votqr at the school election to bo held next Monday must be a tax payer; and tho name must anpear on the tax roll that Is now In the process of collection. IIuvIdk one's name placed upon tho tax roll now In prep aration by tho assessor docs not qual ify. In all other school districts in Klamath county, in addition to tax paers, heads of families having chil dren between the ages of 4 and 20 arc qualified av voters. Woman's suf frage has no effect on the quallflca tlons of school voters, as It is still re stricted to tax payers, except In third class districts, where heads of fam Hies may vote." ITALY SUFFERS FROM ATTACKS ON LAND AND SEA I.KIH)T AT TRIKSTK BOMBARDED IIY DIRIGIBLE Light houso ut Tngliamento Near Ven ice Bombarded Two Squadrons Attack Attempt to Firo Big Nap- tlia Reservoirs Malborgot Fort' res Silenced Battle of Godrlz Is IWh-oiuIuk Flercv. United Press Service ROME, Juno 19. Tho Austrian fleet bombarded tho lighthouse to day at Tagllamento, according to a dispatch received today. An attempt w as made to fire the huge naptha res ervolrs at Monopolt also. The light houso Is 34 miles north of Venice, at the mouth of tho Tagllamento River. Tho maxine ministry has officially announced that an Italian dirigible has bombarded the ammunition depot at Trieste. Monopoli Is 400 miles s'oi th of Venice, and it Is evident that two squadrons participated in the at tack. United Press Servico HOME (2 p. m. Tho Italian artll ety has silenced Malborget fortress, svcccrdliiE to a bulletin Just posted, and nro dominating tho Important passes. Oenoral Cadorua has reported that the battle at Godrlt Is "assuming largo proportions," and that the en emy is attacking tho Italian trenches from tho forests of fir on tho sur rounding hillsides. Tho Austrian forces are still raid ing Adrla, the town along the Adri atic coast, harrasslng shipping, The Italian destroyer flotilla has driven off tho squadron which bombarded Tngllaraonto, according to a late re port from tho admiralty. Ritchie Cancels Bout itltchlo cancellod his bout with Welch at Brighton Beach. Julias said there waa not enough time to train. CRISLER WILL BE A CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR OF CITY I'lt.lMI.NK.VT K.X-IILHINRHS 3UX,,0,,B COMt:8 VV W,TH 11' OS IT will buy . wroaore-r ibMsm That Special Electioa Will He Held Witlioat Delay Fatroni! Xo Salary Would CoaaoUdate Cr-i tain Deportment and Handle Otb e .More Efficiently Lower Taxes, Kroaomize lo the Beat of Ability. To the Citizens of Klamath Falls: Tho resignation of Mayor Nicholas has rendered it Imperative, under tho charter, that an election be held to elect a successor. Assuming that such an election will bo called without unnecessary delay. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of mayor for the unexpired term of Mayor Nicholas. While the present condition or the city from a financial standpoint Is fairly good, it Is evident that to main tain that condition a policy of re trenchment Is imperatively demanded. If elected as the executive of the tlty, it will be my policy to make auch retrenchment as will, so far aa possi ble offset the $10,500 from license after January 1, 1916, and lessen the necessity for a higher rate of tasa tion for the next fiscal year. I believe that consolidation is pos sible In some departments that will lessen considerably the expense of conducting the city government. I also believe that- other departments can bo handled efficiently with safety to tho public with less expense. 1 further believe that the salary of Mayor of $1,200 per year Is an ex travagance in tho executive depart' ment, and can well be dispensed with If honored by the people of this city with election to office of mayor, I will bring to boar upon the affairs of the city the same business policy that has characterized the conduct of my own affairs. C. B. CRISLER. UasebaU Tomorrow. Since Dorris failed to come through with the game for the Box Factory and Fort Klamath failed to connect w Ith Klamath Falls, these two aggre gations will tangle again tomorrow at Modoc Park. Game will be called at 2:30. Senator Arrlie Tonight. The special train carrying tho con st csstonnl committee, headed by Rep resentative Fitzgerald, is expected to arrive In Klamath Falls late tonight. Representative Slnnott and Mark Woodruff, secretary of tho publicity and convention bureau of the Port land Commercial Club, accompanied by Mr. Grower of Portland, will arrive tonight from the North. Will Go to the Lava Beds. A committee of men from this city will go to tho Lava Beds tomorrow to confer with Secretary Fulcber of tho Modoc county good roads asso ciation at Bear Foot Cave. MEXICO CITY IS TO BE ENTERED TROOPS EXPECT TO TAKE MEX. i ICO CITY TONIGHT AFTER CAP TURING CITY OF TKXICO FIF. TEEN MILES AWAY United Press Service , GALVESTON, Juno 19. A cable gram received here today from the Mexican consul states that Mexico City is expected to be entered tonight, ns Toxica has boon captured, which ls but fifteen miles from the city, General Pablo Gonzales Is leading the Carrauia troops, and la making 'a steady march on th city. Yeetarnay he occupied Taxlco. Inn in otmim UIL 10 OIKIM AT MEACHAM'S IN POE VALLEY ThTl KT IMIeMley of a' Flow W OH Kxaertctf le Ba Mnwfc at Any Time at WeU on Mrnrtiani Ibincli First Seen oat Ice Ilwrlag Ijist Winter halo la Oosy WM Oil Will Go Down 8,000 Feat i Every Indication that there is oil in the Poe Valley region has come to light, according to J. O. Hamnker, United States Commissioner, who Is In Klamath Falls. A drilling outit has been working on the Meachajn place for several months, where ladl- cations of oil wero found last winter on the ice of a drain. Wednesday, when the drill was pulled out the rope was covered for twenty feet with. otl. Mr. Hamaker states that the oil ' hicb has been struck is under 100 feet of water, which forces it down i.nd prevents it from rising to the s'irface. A larger engine had been installed Tuesday on the works, nnd the company is prepared to go down 3,000 feet, If necessary, until a good How or oil Is struck. A year ago this spring Mr. Meaeh am noticed considerable oil on the ice in ar drain on his place. Ha told several of his neighbors about It, nnd they began making preparations for drilling,... May 3 theLost River De velopment and Prospecting company was incorporated, and a lease secured on the Meacham place. The members of the corporation arc Tom Rooerts. E. W. Roberts. Ell Wolfe and J. O. Hamaker. Their lease holds for three years, and covers a half section of ground. They first struck water at a 100-foot depth, and got lato SO feet of water. So far they nave drilled down ISO feet. Hamaker states that they are In a shale that Is green and soppy with oil, and that every Indication points to the location of oil. He states that he has experimented for several years with samples of rock and sand in these regions, and that there is oil here some place. He states that this shale they are In Is so soppy that the oil can be squeesed out by the hand. Mr. Hamaker has secured entry on all the government land In the region. If oil should be struck with a groat degree of success It would not be a month until thero would bo 100 drlllc at work, ho says. BAPTISTS GIVE OH Y EXERCISES APPROPRIATE EXERCISES HAVE BEEN PREPARED FOR CHIL DREN'S DAY AT THE BAPTIST MISSION IN LIBRARY BUILDING Children'!) Day will be observed at the Daptist Mission In the Library building tomorrow morning. Tho Sunday school will be called to order promptly at 10 o'clock to make up the records and reports, and reports, and yfjfr'4 tho program will follow at 10,80. v n Vjp am of - ;,fV en nranarad. A An appropriate program clses and songs has been prepared. portraying tbo mission work of the Baptist Publication Society; which" has six chapel cars and about seventy colportor wagons and autot, operat- $&; Inar malnlv In tha South and West, ha- AK':?'''.v( ' sides thren irusnel cruisers on thin. -vRv!',, - - . T - -, .-"J. 1.' on WvMm . ? t i unfile i coast. A cordial invitation tuiiu-q in in? cuuiiv, T "'"" ' " '""J "! During 1I4 MarHMM . i r. j Jona of.) era u wwinl m.....l-. - -3' "mS&l tw M;rT' via r. . rr?,'::.; til ' mi m fit . IP dm yZtattn .. V.M? ""$;; -M n?K -': ,!- ffiStff?'. Ait., K I Wfti mm w- &M mi i.fl3ft4i '.7 W-.'SvlS' & J .. . .a r;T.i rf.w:r ' "J - m " "' '- '"''' ' "''- ' -ti..K&ffl. W 3mte-XsHm$jT