' i- ""!, J?.;?.ti - ' TrNF. i'A r' r. jrvjv Mw SMj lEunfnn Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ntaktk Yea No. 8,710 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1915 Price. Kite Ormtm KLAMATH MECCA FOR TOURISTS - NOW POME MODOC COUNTY STARTS ON UAVA IIKDH HOAR Will Take Sttrwyur Into Ivh Red Till Week, anil Will Hlrt Gang lo Work July I, Sn)n MHter rrni Sec rotary of Road Amrlntiou Till County Mutt Iht Her Purl, Say ITwl -tirrnl (iHirtiiiiily Afforded One of Kluniiiili county's greatest opportunities lo place herself before tho oyw of tho traveling public seem almost a certainty, following tho re eclpt of a letter this mnrnliiK by Fred Fleet, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, from Clinton J Fu Ichor, ecretary of tho flood Heads Asuocla tlon nt lookout, Ciillf., Modoc coun ty. In regard to tho l.avn Hod rosid. The letter states that sufficient money tins been mixed there to put their cud of tho road In shape, nnd that n urveor will bo taken Into the 1-iva Reds this week for tho purpose of surveying the road. A contractor U to be placed on the ground with n crew of men Immediately following July 4, nnd the work u ill bo started. They expect tn complete their work In I line weeks Seerelnry Fleet niiiuitinred Him, llio' loot I conutllttee uppoliitid through j the Chamber of Commerce Iiiih prue tlrnlly raised the money which they storied I) fciL anil with it little more work will be nble to (to ahead with definite plan for Klumntli count) 's end of tho work. The letter from Knlchcr gue the Intimation that If SIkl)ou county does nut build their part of (he road that .Modoc county will do It. A meeting It desired by Fulrhor with r. commlttco from thin end to meet nt llenr Peel Cao soon. "Tho completion of tlilx rond through the l-nva Ileds would rIvo firccHH to ono of tho greatest attrac tion on a highway In the state." said Fleet, "sciond only to Crater l.nko. Klamath county, with Crater Lnke within her boundaries rant tho Lava lleda In n illrn t lino south from hero, can, by seeing Hint thin road In placed In sh.iM, direct a large portion of tho traffic between Portland anil H.m rranclHco via thin wn. "The Pacific highway Is officially I'own the west coast of Ihe stnto, through tho Rogue Rlvor Valloy nnd over the HIsklyoiiK. This road nt tho present tlmo Is In bad shape for miles at n stretch, according to utttomohll Ists and newspaper rportH that coma from there. The Central Oregon high way Is to run south from The Holies through Lnkovlow to Alturns, coming back to the Pacific highway farther south. "To make Crater Lake, a sldo trip SIX ADMITTED TO FEDERAL BAR I'KDKRAL IIAIt HOARD IN HKH HION HKRi: DURLN'O TKRM OK I'KDKItAL COURT ADMITS SIX liOCAli ATTORNKYK Hlx local attorneys wero admitted to proctlco buforo tho Federal courts by tho Federal Uar Hoard, appointed by Judge Wolverton while ho wan hero, the lust man bolng chosen thin morning. Tho man are: Judgo 'A. I,. Leavltt, J. C. llootnlc, J. 8. Kent, 12. L. Klllott, W, II. Shaw and Pert C, Thomas, Tho Uftmber of tho Bar Hoard ap pointed by' Judgo Wolverton were: Judgo II. D. Oale, J, 0. Ruetnlc and I), V. Kuykendall. No examination waa given tho applicants owing to their state supremo court qualifica tion, Their moral character and professional ability waa tho bails of awarding tbe permlta. lin to lie made h) the tourist going throurh the countr) II) cotuhlnlng 1 these two attractions, seeing that the I roads lit these directions are III good oh.ipe. and hy proper advertising of both Crater Lake and the Lux a Hadi, wonderful In their formations. Mid uno which compare with any caoi known, Klamath county and Klnmnth Fall con work out s ssteni by which the tourist cannot afford to go through th state without seeing these points "There Is no other portion of the state that can offer the attractions of these two wonder spots. A move ment hits been started In nti effort to h.ne the roads leading north and saulli where they branch off the Ta ctile highway, properly equipped with signs of such a nature us to stop the to.irlst and bring the wonders to be revealed to their attention, A tom- p.ict, nttrtu'tUe rond map, showing lit t clear manner tho roads, point of) Interest mid other attractions, should ' bo lulled and placed whore the Irttv-f eletv through the, state will get thoml without Inning to emiulre after them J "lly some co-operation, the early completion of this roml and the prop er advertising of this scenic route In I'oitland, Han Krnnrlsco and byway points, Klamath county will become an even greater mecru for to.irlsls than It Is at present " KING RECOVERS FROM OPERATION 1 Hilt OVKRV SCIttiKONS Itl'.POItT SLOW. lll'T TIII.NK UK WILL mo Hi: ARM. nt TAUK HOLD OP AIVAIIW t titled Plena KeYllle LONDON. June IS. -An Athens dispatch to Iteutcr's Telegram com pany says the surgeons who operated on King Constantino Itsued n state-1 incut prior to their departure that the worst phase of the king's lllnea was over, and that nil Immediate danger, had been removed. The hope, they added, was Justified that Ihu king would soon become con valescent, although complete recov ery necessarily would ho alow WOMEN WANT A BOARD MEMBER iu:i.im:i that womknoi' cm) WILL PLACi: .MRM. WATTK.N IILRO'K NA.Mi: O.V THII IIALMT I.V MO.NDAY HCIIOOL LI.Ktri'lO.V Fioiii persistent minorx that weto ft Hon i on thu streeta estuiday It bus dcteloped that thu women of the city are seriously lontemplatltiri placing thu name of Mm. It, C Wallenberg on tho ballot us a candidate for the city school board In the school elec tion, which ocelli h .Monday, It Is got known whether Mrs. Will letibeig will (onsetit to run yet, hut It Is contended by those who aro ad vocating her name that she Ik a most competent woman, and would make it good Hchool director. Wra. Watton horg Is a member of tho Wouioh'm Library Club, and has hvou pioml nent la a number of civic movements aud school matters, film has been a teacher In the city schools, and Is cogulzuni or conditions In t tip schools. Thuro Js ono vacancy to fill on the school board this year, that of Marlon llnuku, present county Judgo, mid who, it Ih understood, will not bo a randldato for re-election, Tho other iiieiuberH, C, C, lloguci, P. I,. Foiiu tnln, '. A. Delzell nnd Kltnor Apple gate, lire Htlll members of tho hoard, iih their time limit ruuu over, tho dlMictors being elected for (liieu yearn. In InterviowH with mivuial momborw of tho hourd yoMtorduy lu rogurd to the placing of u woman on tho school hoard, tho xoutlineiil expressed was vory favorable. The women of the city, since I lie Innovation of woman suffnige, aro i walclng n i io the situation, and ing an Interest in munlclpul and I school uffalra that they heretofore I navo not exhibitad, GREAT BATTLE OF LEMBER6 STARTS THIS MORNING TWO LAItOU AILMILS UN.MASSING ItKKOHi: GHORKK On U Ailtaiii'lng 1-UutMiinl Along I'Mcniysl ItallriMd, While Anotitef U PrewiluK I'nim the .VortJiweMt, A I lerte I tattle In Alwt Reported Ih-lnu Wngel .North of Arr An nheixiry of llntlle of Waterloo. Pulled rP's Hvrvlio IICItl.lN, June IS 1 1 nun all uoiiniud this morning thwl Ilia first great battle nl l.emberg Is hcglnullig Two large armies are being mussed before tlrodck, one mlwinclng toward the east along the Pnitm)nl rullioad, while the other I touting In from Ihu northwest. The ennui) has retired to Its trenches! awaiting the battle lo begin at (trndck It has been announced, also, that the Krcnch hate entered the (lermiin trenches at four points lu a tierce battle north of Arm Waterloo Im lleuieiulM-ntl 1 lilted Press Service I PARIS, June IS. Tim lentenaryj of the battle of Waterloo Is marked iloilu) by n furious halite waging lo the north of Arms along an eight mile battle Hue It has been hinted for weeks In French circles that there would bon might) Freuili inhume on the wntilversnr) The French are ad vancing 0. S. INSPECTOR PCOPLi: WITH IXCOMKH F Kl.tMX) OR OVKIt ARK IwWINO TIIKM SLLVKS I.IAHLi: IV TIIKV IMI N'tT RKPORT PROPKRTV That thero are a iiumbur of ros dents of Klamath county laying them selves liable to a heavy tine hy not re. i,urlln" ,l",lr i,rior,y nmJ ftklim thu necessary steps to vunniii ine leu eral government to Unci out their In- comes WflH ntnted yesterday ! u United Hlatcs Internal ro veil lie In- Ispcitnr, who la In tho county. The largest number of violators of tho law aro In tho country district, according to tho Inspotcor. Bottle of the larger ranchers and stockmen have not turned In tho required rec ords to tho olllclals. 't'l.n In.mni.lm la ,i,.l' l.t.unllnif nl'ltl t I lit, iunfui lui in, n , i ,'(. .,. the county, visiting the larger iowiih, Informing us many people as possible In restart! to tho Mtuntlnn and their ilutlcH under tho federal law, Spe cially prepared blanks will be fur nished tho property ImldurH, and Ihoso of largo Incomes, which thoy urn Hiipposiid to.llll out and send In to tho federal lax collector. The federal law on tho Income tux Is.very strict, and thero la no oppor tunity for escape miliar thu Income tax law, Rhoiild Home person man age to cover tip some of his property In some manner now, and tho govern ment Hilda it out Ion yo.irg from dnto, iih atrlct inetliodN would tin unod In punishing the person then na If ho woro found out ut tho time, When I'lido 8nm tweR after n tax It is bet tor to pay It, according to tho In apoctor, , Thero are it number of phascH of tho law which are explained by tho blanks. A lino of 1,000 U provided for each and every specific violation of tho law. Carter In Churge of Olllce, Dr. Roes W. lloyd left, Thuraday morning with hla family far Odell ISSUES WARNING lak-ILuko for n ten daya' ramping and Mshlng trip. Whllo he la away HarJ din Carter Is In chargo of hlu dental 'office, JIM GEORGE IS 6IVEK SENTENCE KLAMATH IMMA.V SUM :.Nt:i:i TO i. in: i,Mi'itiMNMi:,NT itn thi: ,MHItli:it til' I'KTKIt IlltOWV I.KAVCS foil PORTLAND ) The (.ouncll chamber of th city hall was tilled (his morning, nt a : 1 . , hath by Indlaus and while people lu hear Until suutame pronounced tiu Jim (leorgc, oiilr(iiil of Hist degri o murder, wlthmu' caplial punishment, by n Jur) )eterdit) urteruoou The l-Vderiil law ges the July the option of git lug two nrdlits n first degrie murder, wh or without capital punishment nnd lliu Juiy rhou the lallei tleorge will be com pelled to servo n life setilttnce nt Me- .Ni'lll h Island, Washington, when1 the Ketlerul prison Is Itauted A motion for the suspension of cii li'iico was tniido by Webster nod dale for the defense, ,J)lcli the Judge d - tilled Notice of appeal of lliu caie will be made tor tho supreme cou.-t 'of the United Klntes, stated Judge 'Huh, this morning? Omirgo wns taken to Portland litis morning by tho P. H marshal! CITY ATTORNEY I RESENTS CRITICS .. .Vh II I.NPKCTH TO HOLD JOIIjP'"" ""i v1 imm ) tti counsel tor in iterouse. it is A VII IH I)m;IIHTI:D AT CRIT.aleged Hint Karl Rogers, former spe- ICISM THVT HAS u,,,iVCliil prosecutor, was an employe of, ;iln. Mallllfarllllers Assoclutlou at the iii:i: Diiti:rri:D at him there are a number ol suits pand nit: against th" city of Klamath Kails, which will coin up before the courts lu a short time, tho first hearing be ing today In the en Be of Marplo agilust the city for damages Other diuiiago suits arc pending, n well ns legal questions, such UN the Ankeuy canal prohlom. Ilnlcmt they are at tended lo properly and promptly, tho city stands to lose considerable mon-' ev. aeenrdlnir to Itollo llrocabeck. the,',:,',,J'uM,, I new city uttornoy, ( The new attorney has a number of cases staring him In the face that hate been hanging over for several )enis, previous nltoriiojs having pass eel (hem along continually on account of the frequent changing of the oc eupautH of the olllce. As a result of some criticism which already has Ifcon directed nt tho pres ent Incumbent of the olllce, Mr. Oroesbeck has Issued the following statement: "That owing lo tho aov eral suits pending nnd tho nature of these suits, they must bo taken up iih soon ns possible, and a thoy come up In court, or the city Mauds in lose considerable money, "Further," he stated, "I accepted the olllce of city uttornoy without ob ligations to any persona. It waa en tirely unsolicited. I felt free to take the hiiiiio without feeling that I am bound or toiiHtralnocI by anything or anybody but my own Interest In tho city and Its welfnr". "The question of salary was not considered, and no amount of money could have Induced mo to take tho olllco unless It wiih agreeable to mo In take It, Also, thin Is no tlmo for any citizen to quibble over the quoa lion of salary. Caaea now ponding In tho circuit court against tho city have boon pasHoil along from ono attorney lo another, piling up to a groat ex tent. Tho city must ho defended from thoso, or lose monoy, "I expect to hold tho job and ren der nil tho snrvlco lu my power ao long iih my sorvlces aro agreeable to inyHolf and thoao ovr mo," ArreaUHl for Roollogglng Another nrroit waa mado today hy .1, M. Holmaii on a charge of bootleg ging lo tho Indiana. Tho man waa placed In tho county Jail, United States ComraiMtoner J. O, Ilumakor of Tlonanxn was sont for to oxamlne Iho man. .Ho had returned home, reeling that the bootlegging caioi were nvnr, J, C, McQragor la hla naac. IS CONSIDERING THE STATOS OF U. S. :.Mi:.l0 ,.M I.NTCII.NATIO.V.tl, proiii.kms r.Mniit inn: IiiisIiiU Prevents llertmlorfl" Denial VWilili Are Accented Oerhanli t'onlldetiially ReiNirU Tlmi Oernuini Heiillnieni K IP'iomlng ImniuiliiK- l-rlendl) l4.nr.l Unllrd State-."! ) WIUoli lloM'fiil on eleo Pulled Press Korvlio WAHIIINtlTON, I) f. Juno Is 'the lablllet discussed today the Me lean and International situations U understood that further efforts will he madn lo get Ihe Moklrau factious to agree lousing pn-soulcd llurnsiorff's de. iilals of ihe Tribune story of a flor-j man plot to Interfere with the United J State malls, which were accepted, ficrhnrd bus onilldeiitlally report ed that Herman sentiment Is becom ing Increasingly friendly President Wilkin Is hopeful of uu agreement In Mexico among the factions, but Is prepared to act If they do not settle their troubles Motion to set ,lde Cnplan Cam LOS AN(li:i.i:.4. June IK Motion WASHINGTON 1 LOS ANtt : LI.S. June IK Motion............... ,...i. .,.. m..i. ......... nius tieen men to set namo tile i.apiou L I Ul....l.l. .....-..... I...IIM......,. I.. lime. letters were receded by Rogers from the association nt tlmr.,,( t, ph)slcluu states that he has of trial, stating that certain enlre-.,, nlcMon Later h was taken lo men were niitl-iiuloiilstri. It Is charged BASEBALL STARS LEAVE TONIGHT ri:ci:ivi:d iro.m IlKJIICi: AND NKIJMLN STATII TIIKV LCAVi: TO.NKJHT WILLI WORK SUNDAY L)lo lllgbeu and Dick Nolsou, Uul ) el sit) baseball slurs, leave Pot Hand tonight for Klnmnth Pulls to bo on hand for u game between tbv Klum ntli Falls I cu in and thu Foil Klamath 1 ef. in lllgbee Is a speed demon of well known lepute throughout thu Wlllamiitte Valley and Kasturn Ore gon, and Nelson plii)cd through the I'.UI baseball utiasou at the Uulvor- sit) with haidly an error to his debit, lie also won several of tho champion-1 a toutatho program has beeu ship games lu tho tutor pun of Iheutiuwii up for tho big Fourth of July season hy his timely hitting. I lei celebration and an tho committee hnu welgliH 204 pounds, and when hu lifts It arranged At present thero will be tho bull It's up to Homebody to chutm'somcthlng doing every fifteen mill- after It, lllgbeu Iiiih all kinds of dope In Ihei sphere, unci can liuiulla it to suit him- Helf. In a roreut game butween Kit- gone and thu Pentium! Monarchic, the best team lu Ihu Portland City leugue, lllghco lei them down with one lilt a snatch in a twelve Inning, pitch- cm' battle, winning 'tils game by a 2-to-l scene by swatting tlio hull over' thu fence. Complete uriangomentH havo-not heon mado with Tuerclc iih yet, but will undoubtedly make Oil celebra - dellnlto word Ih expected at any tltiie.ltlou a sntlRfuctory one. JulniCHim will not bo nble to come, as J, J, Keller Is In charge of the ho Iiiih n Job In Portland. Tho local gcnternl urrungemouta and vt apodal icnin, however, In being strengthened, mall sack has been put on by the pott-, and other men will ho brought for tho 'olllco to take euro of tho mutter. hciihoii. lllgbeu nud Nelson uro both, stickers, nnd will materially Increase the team's hatting porccntago. Tho game Hunday with Fort Klum ntli will start ono or tho moat success ful yeiirn tlmt Klamath Falls Iiuh over Hocn, In Hint game Motachonbachc nnd lllghco, tin old University battery, will work together onco again, Moro plnyora will bo brought until a chuiuploiiHlilp team la aeourod. Two games with Yreka have been ached ulod in Auguat, one In Yraka and the othor horo, Hiilimni'liui TorK-Joe HuhuuirliM- , I lilted Press Korvlcn IIOMi:, Juno IK For the first time' lu history It has boon announced here' today ihut an Austrian submarine torpedoed the Italian submarine Mo dtitia. It wan not stated whether tho Medusa was sunk Hhe carried a crew of seventeen men, Turk Uli Holrilcn, Drmrneal I'nlted Press Borvlco ATIIKNH, June IS.I.ater dis patches regarding tho torpedoing of l ho Turkish transports carrying Turk ish troops statu that most of tho sol diers were drowned Tho submarine escaped, eluding two gunboats, The transport sunk In five minutes. "" ttnlled Press Service IICItl.lN, Juno IH. It was ofllclal- "liliouiiced that Mackeiueil's left Is oerupying ino niage or uacgnow, and that Urn Russians aro being drlv- ,en hack across the border toward Tarnowgr&d FALLS OFF BIKE .i!i:i,ii:vi:d i.v htati: of i.ntoxi- CATION ;i)TH UK AD DKLIItl- OPS AT HOSPITAL t--OLI.OWI.NO ! Till: PALL While uttemptlng to ride u bicycle lu a supposedly state of Intoxication )esterday morning on Sixth street, a , ,y the nume of Corbetl. former '. . .... , an einplo).. on the Indian resen n,,,,, WuH rn,tlro, unconscious when . HtrucK lU .ail ,, lllu uavomeut. 911 It. II,. was taken Into the O K. Trans- fcr mu, ua Pcu,, called. A ,iwll .....i, ,..., cut M..nr ,,, iof, .,. tin' liotpltal, where he remained In a delirious state, and dllllculty was had lit rultng him Person who saw the accident stale thai he was evidently uunblu to han dle bin machine, a ho atruck the curb once before he fell, He started again, but bofore he could get under way fell over the handle bars, strlk- Ing his head on the pnvment. and rendering him unconscious. ALL THE TIME UNCONSCIOUS SOMETHING OIN pluns. Ho will return to Medford b nulo. Tho Medford l-odgo will dedl AN i:vi:T I'OR i:YI:KY KIKTi:KV cato their now homo September 23. MINPTKS OK TWO DAY'S IMMI. ORAM. WHICH IS NKARLY ceMPLirn: kor cklkrration utes. A Heparnto event overy llfteen minutes Is tho plan. At a mooting of the iiuslnesH Mens Association last night further arrangement were mado for tho fourth, lCwryihlng is to held within the city llinlis mid ho arranged that the crowds will huvo no trouble In see- Ing nil events. Tho committees aro being appointed to have charge of , Iho vailoiiH eventH and the plans iiro- hiding for overy known emergency i which hu has boon Bonding out In tho hitercstn of tho commlttco nud to make sure of nil tho ovorttH. Tho piixo lists for tho varloua amuse-1 intuitu will bo ready for announce - inont In the near future, ... Throe TrausMHM In DurdauelleN . ATHENS, Juno 18. A dUpatch from MurdoH aaya that tho IlrltUli aubmarlnoa sunk three Turklah tranaporta laden with troopi In the Dardanellea Wedneaday, Fato of the aoldlera not stated. TORNADO DOES DAMAGE IN THE MIDDLE WEST li ANNAS AMI MIHHOUKI HLI'Fl.lt MOHT Inclve Kiiohii Ded In Tornado That 'I ears t'p ItiilldingM uad Moods SiniiiB CooiinuulcatlonH IX'mor ulled ami Tin In Plungnt Into Riv er WImii C'ttMoltig lirldge Weabaa el hy Htonu. , I nlted Press rivrvica KANKAS CITV, June l Twelve known dead are reported at reault of a tornado which swept Kansas and Mlsiourl last night. (Ircat damage was done Trees were uprooted, the roofs lorn olT buildings, streams flood ed &nd bridges aro gone. Communication but bet-u demoral Uod nud a bridge collapsed, at West Moreland uadcr tho weight of a train, killing three. Oiie woman died from fright here. Tho home of John Ilurgess wa wrecked at Onaga, Kuniuis, nnd Ave members of tho family were killed. Two others were seriously Injured. Mrs. Arthur Covey aud child wero killed at Richmond. -ELKS INITIATE rnn Arptarn I-1 1 IJ IILLII'l-U I U It UIIIULll sit-iAi. iyitmtiov i i.itt ,v FOR IIK.NKPIT OK VISITING OK IICKH PROM MKDFORl .N'EAV lll'II.DI.NO IS INSPKCTKD Deput) Ulsulci , Kxalted Ruler Daniels of Medford mado mi otllclal slt of Inspection to Klamath Lodge No, 1217, II. P O. ClkK, last evening. While It wan not tho regular night for Initiation, a candidate was secured and tho work put on for tho bgnelli of the Orniid Lodge otllclal. With tho building committee and o ill cent of the lodgo -Mr. Daniels this forenoon Inspected the work on the i:iks new- home, nud went over tbv nnd arrangements ure being mado for a state meeting of IClks to be held lu tlmt city at that tlmo. OLD STAGE DRIVER ,n,i i:.ATO, OLD TIME KKSIDENT AND PORMCR HTAOK DRIVKR DROWNS IN IRRIGATING DITCH AT tOUNTY' INFIRMARY A report wits brought to the city this afteruoon that Jim Eaton, old time rouldcnt and former stago drlv- csr botwocn thin city and Lnkevluw, had fallen Into an Irrigation ditch at i Mho county Infirmary this morning and had drowned, Baton la well known to tho oldor 'icsldontB of Klamath Falls, and owing to an accident n number of years ago, when u Htago turned over with him, waa compolled llnally to quit drlvlug. It la supposed that ho was working liiotr tho ditch, nud that owing to his enfeebled condition losl hla balance antd fell in and was unable to got out, Ho has been at the luflrmary for nboui two years. Tho coronor went nut this afternoon to the luflrmary. All Southern Pttcjflo properties In Oregon have now ono head, D, W. Ca-npbell, OWNED IN DITCH