:. ' . ' kl KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER '. :' , - v , ,&.& M M.AMAinCUU OFFICIAL NK . I - . . . ?ir'J)t cy vHi Mc'! vsK-sa-mrrs MhIIi Vcur Xo. V.TM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1915 9 ?'i l -v i&urnimj " .' , p.l v.; , " "sA . ;" j .- . 'V'v y flBH l - I ',T ''. - ' I b7ftU- I" NEW YORK TRIBUNE CHARGES GERMAN SPIES IN UNITED STATES Wiltkm J. Bryan in HitfVariout Moods Z nearly dmihlo of those heretofore. An appropriation of llon.SlO.ooo.nno baa besn asked for. DR. GERHARD SAID TO BE DR. MEYER FORTY BOLLS FOR has spent up to dntu f7,S60,000,OOUtercdr Tlii-ic questions and others on I ho war siuru tlm licglnnliiK. ltoccupled tho attention of the National Ih ostlinnted (lint the dally expendl- Assoclatlon'tor f ho Study and Pre'-' mrm or Die coming year wilt bo veutlon of Tuberculosis nt their scs- tlijef of UrrmaiiyV Army Kuply IH vUIimi AtiMK-Ulr Haiti In Ito a Hpy. " IIUkuImiI anil I'umhI t Kil'i VBH.'MKXT .Wlurlit', ami Tliua UalniHl Hale 'nlun todar la this cltr. "BtudenU of prentltlvo nu-dlclno ro rorolng to rrol that tho IiuuiIdk) of iteoplo la ono of th grest factor In tho cnudo of tnbrculoala," doelar-' vil Or, Iaac V. Urewer of Geneva,' N. Y., to tho medical delegate of thei .convention. "Tho hlalorlea of our clinic ahow man cnaea which are apnarentlri 'hoimo Infcctlonit. Between 1880 and 1105 a house In Cumberland countjr, IVnnyivnnln, waa occupied miccc-! IIUVI.NU THoa-.Hlvcly by four famlllea, a tout of' oi!hiiiikd mum van uiHTi.,,ullr'cll0; a,lopwl ,monK tne ,. INDIANS IumiK" Miimr WnlilBtoB Oitl cln'lly Hay Mlorr l I'oUtilf, Itui liiirulMtil llcrnatorHTii Hrctf. iiiry Itrnwl tlio Hlorr a Almunl. IILTIOX OX KKHKKVATIOV. MKIIKKOItlHi AMI IIVIIHAMrt Tim tlullvil Hlaicit Kovcruiucm linn tuircliMHctt twenty HerufordH ond the i.nn iiiimlic r of Durham bulla for the tinhtfnnld ftt,l nt 4liA flmn nt llm rA. HirnwilfFI I'm H !! Wf - port thero wore thrro auiifiertfi, , "Tnbcrciilo lincllll hare been ' round In n virulent atate In the duttj of ii room two yesra aHer tho death, of tho occupant. It would seem.' umi of Ihv Klnraalh Indiana on tlm. I'IiIumI Pre H.'rvlc m:w umii, junn n, ini n-aervatlon In an effort to ral tho ir.otnliiK'H .Vo- Vork Trltiuiu charKOd'ntuudird of mock on the reservation. Or. (lurhmil with hulng Dr. Alfred 'Twi.nly of them will bo distributed In part therefore, that bad hoimlng. lo fre quently n direct cmiso of tubercUlosli Infecllon." , Hie oAvtern of tho reaervatlon wetern COUNCIL ACCEPTS NfW CITY HALL! Mnvrr nrlvv rountollor to the chloli ...,, . ,. ! the other twenty In the ! Illl' tll'rillHIl Wl f HU)'H Ml I.IUIIi 1 -..-I Ii' w-m aU, .charged that hla aocl.io. ahjiU foy. u$o l.ud Hllemplcd to purrliate auppllei jmllt ,mrc,0,.,j ioo bulls and placed In iltln eoiuitry, and that ha had iol-j(tiem at tho dlsKal of tho Indians, leclc.l viilti.itilo Information regards ueeordlng lo Agent Freer, who rame I UK (bo Culled Hthteii' Mnto of pre down from the. Agency last night. imreilnetM for uillltury operutlons. Theno bulla hnvo grndualiy been nold II wit Inferred that llerniorffff'0,r BMa changed hands, at U neccs nltarhrH tho (lerman cinbamy were ? kW)P "P ho tde, and this purKea to tho deception. Tho rtlclc!l,,,rcnlu, ,B,I' o supplnnt them, utai.n that fnlno touieett and glnaen The Hereford are being purchased weio woru by the oluclala to lildelfrom Frank Adama of Merrill, and llielr Identity. Ily claiming lo b Iho Durhmns from Kd. Terwllllger, ocmberM of the Itcd Crow, they're- nl.o of Merrill. There seems to be a T m ma,.r ot ,mportaBW BCt. rived 4fe Irannportatlon home. .great scarcity of good thoroughbred, cd Jy , clly councll( whlch con. A record of agreement or contriict.,",",i "' iw ' Oregon, states lVpnej'n postponed meeting last l-Klween Dr. Merer and Mrs. 'elnlnl'.,r rruvr. l.owU for the purchaso of discarded A merit an Krug Jorgcnsoitii wm print- lUHTI.VK MATTKItK OK tJITl' lll'HI.VKKK TAKEN CAKK OK.' HUT XO ACTION IH TAKKX OX ' HI'KflAli KLKCTIOX . -,- ed, 'hut iiiiconrlrmed The 'persons mentioned In tho article by the Trlb itiienhVo denied tho charge. t!tit U's llirt nrrrtntnnrA nt llm rllv The bulls are placed on tho rewr- ,, T,u, tQntnti nna specifications V4llon at tho dlap.,. of the Indians.! wcrn ookc(, nnd ftfWr the cUy but the government retains owner-1 ... u.a . i.. -. . .- - , 1 nituiiiu unit unril iuhbuiicu an iu .iiv ship, and htm n man that looks after) status of tho city and contractor, V. Washington Doubt Truth t'nlud il'emi Servlro ; WAHHINOTON. D. ! Junn !. ' The official verdict here Is that thel siory Is "posslblo hut Improbable.' j Secretary of Rlato l.auslng denies) knowledge of facts, as well a ex fecreiafy Bryan. Attaches ot tho Herman cmbaimy deny that Ilern-t morR'a secretary Is roally Captain j Frederick Rider. They call tho story i absurd. ttjfcaam aAillHii slant ikau at .. hutHulii ...., -.,. ...v ..,, . u i.n.r.,, Cofer ,ad maitt oxpunations rc- ,.p.i euro o, a.... wno ai.o governs .,.,, and ttlxiffa lnBt tlxcrif WCre Iho moving of them about from place ',., .m. ,h,H ,,,,,, ,hn hl,1H. to place. ialaaaaaaaaaaaLsgaal aflsWHissB aHiwCQssHssllIHI sr?''llls0aw 'I a-g ?F. Sn-al-al-------. M Mi& asslalalalalH ' tK-'t'' . "::lMvlaaal KrrllisF"''' K's---r raiattViPaaMiaiw '' sw'aS2aM5BBMBW rtQK)liaJK3C.BBH X" Vrrmsk dtsBSmSmSmSpVaBSHSHBaSav xllltkjlMsSs-S-r JaWBstaV ilMagCTHs-f Nsslalalalalalalalalalalalalalssslalaw. kJiRW JUSTICE NEEDS MORE BUSINESS rtl U'ANTCDCrlmlnal buslnew of nny nature; guarantee light fine; need the bulne. Jus- tiro of i'.eace. .' CHICAGO STRIKE ; IS ENDED AFTER LONLS CONFERENCE I HHK IB Villi cli i LLinnniu uir , ifii'JlvMl tm 5? -r i ??.M '.1 'H-S ENGLISH COAST KILLS FIFTEETI ' ' ? KL'LI, HKItncK IH HUiLMKD AT HEAVIEST MMM .-VjiJlf.' BTftf XOO.V TODAY LA9T NIOMT mm In order to stimulate criminal blislness In the office of the justice of the peace, the present Incumbent, E. W CoH-eti. Is considering cutting iiiowii lines one half, and it this does i.-oi help, hr; threatens to cut to 2S per ictnt. "UuMlness has been so slack, as far ii criminal cases arc concerned, that something must bo done," said the JtiKtlcc In a jocular tone today. "I do not know whether I have been too sovere, or wbat Is the trouble. How. (iter. I feci that a stimulant Is need til, as I have not had r.- criminal case for weeks." The Justice is a victim 'of cfrcum- (Mances In another way, too. Today ho had planned to journey to Fort Klamath on a business trip, for the third time in three years, he claims, ho' was to be out of town. There has been very little business In the court, nnd he thought that his services would not be needed for a day. II nt not so. He was roused out of bed early this morning by a man that wanted htm to serve papers on an other man. It was, but a short time until another came and wanted his opinion on a "certain point of law. Another wanted a warrant, and stilt another wanted him to place a bond on a friend of his to keep the peace. To 'cap the climax, the Justice had a subpoena served on him to appear In tho circuit court as a witness. Io"liii8aScTded not to make ibf rl l57 a V- I Z-1. I, i. 4"-truti4 fLntfl. iilMimm 11mm m VmL a t..i li - - v- - - -, I'nOer Cover of tsrkaM,tWH;aBvIv1 WHITE PLAGUE IN OWN HOUSE gland Hpendlng llllHosw United Press Hervlco ' LONDON, Juno IB. I'remler As-1 one's own house? . ijulth has announced that England I Infected and how en they bo dlscov Senatorial Special Train Arrives Saturday Night Tho special tralu carrying the cow inltteo of seuators who are to b In Klivmalh Falls next Sunday for the )urpbso of .Inspecting the proposed nxtonslbn work under tho Klamath frrlgnllou system ,nd Iho project In Kenorul la expectod to arrive In tho local yards soma tlma Saturday night. Att Wended trip through the vat- ' ley Ik Being planned for tho twenty , :fourraseaer of t,he party and ev , cry opportunity 1 to-be given the peeele id talk with these Men. -The plana, f or ,tk wrly klle In the city tigvn .licesi left to the Water. Uiwre Association an they are; wek4g ,e- K tensWo, preparations; -" The,einMlt- teo, h'oweVer, haa sent notice that no banquets aro, deatreg. ' i"- " -T According to the preaent plan, aiitomobllea will go to'he depot fctn". day morning end will uke the mam- bera of the party te'rthe kegdgtea near the Upper " eoiC . to (he city ever (be. hills to that the several smalt things about tho build Ing to bo remedied, tho council voted to accept the building, and ordered k warrant drawn. The amount due ou the hall la $3,876.80. Permission waa then granted the .telephone, company to ralso one of ' their wires at the rock cruahcr on the I Upper Klamath Uiko to allow Coter brothers to run an aerial tramway from the cVushor to the lake, President Mathews of the council J then announced that he had appoint ed four policemen under spelclal ap pointment for five days, the fourth man on account of the federal trial now being held In the city. Ho, then placed tho matter before the council for their consideration. Miller and St rouble vigorously disapproved of four men on account of tho unneces sary expense. When put to n Anal ,oto tho chairman cast the deciding voto to retain tho four men temnorar. 1 Ily, No chief Iish been appointed, as I (hero Is doubt as to whether Qeorgo Humphrey will accept. The perma nent appointments will probably be made next Monday night. A resolution Is to bo prepared by visitors may get a good ylew of th.l ?ZL' ?!"& -mu ivy. mv VMM VI tiraw cHrHIr Knifed Press Service HKATTI.K, Wash., Juno Id. How U It possible to become Infected with the deadly germs of tuberculosis In What housee are city and surrounding country. " The party will then; leave for lio ttant i, through the north Poe valley, cross tho river at Donanaa and back down the south" sldo of tho river through tho upper cud ot tho Poo valley, then to Hand Hollow and Into Mnlln by that way, From there tho trip' hack up the valley to the Adams ranch will be made, where lunch-will bo served, After lunch the party will go to Merrill, then to ower Klamath Lake; back through Mor roli und up1 to the, Ioat river dan. A ilg ag trip will the he made over the. general project around Miller hljlnnd otl(er points, the .return to town to bo made about, Si SO, The distance covered by the trip Is ninety three wllaa. asking the telephone company to fur nish two more phones for the city hall, on tho Increased valuation of tho franchise, five,' being allowed un der the franchise, This was referred to the fire committee, Superintendent fl. J, Walton ot the California-Oregon Power company was present, and the council asked him If, tho company would, In the Interest of the city, to cut down ex penses, arrange for the taking care of the city's lights by tho company, thus relieving a city official from that duty, It developed that the present city's Un'htlng.syalem la still working under nn agreement, reached Ifteen years ago, and which has been dead for ten yea-TH, Ho. stated that hla. company trip to Fort Klamath. Their CoalrsttlosM oat the Case, eatd Will Then Be fjirea tfeariaga Be. OMrlal Report Frew .jmMm fore Arhltwtors fltreet Oai Cosa glUti IVopte Tkromi late, rasargg iaale Have StofM-ed Iasporletioa of Htrikebreaken. ' KtrMeaee-it and Fear RakU Froas Aaicnuft a, a I rnHfcse'SI 'a4;, ij&SI L'nlted I'resa Servlcw ciucaoo, jiino.ie rm &&?&. - - .... rtJffi. ITnlteVt Press Henrico Alter a cun. uvisuvx. June ie. tu;uui( fcrence lasting all night, tho, street ,oiis that hM yM otmnMW' of the raids raadn hv artim tln nmimd l-. nlvht i-rtKa-'a tWk It-'.' .- . -r ..,.. .- -. -. craft of the air slipped car pmcials and the leaders of the striken reached an agreement this morning, and the strike was called oS at .' o'colck. Mayor Thompson, the; nciius ui me mreci rar lines, repre- -.-itS51 . . - M . -.- - ?-''mmZ,i&4 North Sea under cover at imikmtMh'tl t, -.a SCtltatives Of the atrlkem and Ihn !. j w j , ' jM gi dermanlc committee were present ati..,h. ... . ,fc-.,i'iSn2: i.,vu ih- cafr vv ui -asi-u-J--fv- tho conference. The strikers have agreed that the 'fif'A. ItAftttlA fin.4 Ih(h.bJ . - .i.. - .tv i " H.-i.v-iA.w.,: men shall return to work on the oldn,0- ' ,i. T1.U .au . a . I as.-- . - . - .'-.--T ' 'rj -"- -w -' i fc-u aseesaaiB uur t The Zeppelin managed to eteereaa:;.? ,- trators within three days, and their tth. .. -a h. - .:!'."iwl i.tr ", euv uvici jrearn . etjaaaar anasaBBBjam-"kw-.!! cases are to, be prepared in sr week.gC0n points, dropping The hearing will .then be given. Any the sleeping people coM cnanges in wages tnat are made will begin June 1st The, street car eompaniee bate stopped the Importation of strike breakers from the East. The strikers admitted today that they had granted concessions at the conference which they had refused at Brat. 600.000 rs.iai n r: llryan Han Iseuetl First Htetcment United Press Servlco WASHINGTON', D. C, June 16, Bx-Seeretary of 8tato William Jen nings Bryan Issued the first part statement on the war. and It Is en titled "Causeless War." He de nounces it as on International war. Ilryan to laane Statements WASHINGTON. D. C. June 16. llryan has returned, and announces that ho will Issue threa part state ments beginning tomorrow, on a dis cussion of the "Causes of War, and Its' Lesson to Us." KLAMATH GKTfl g8T4.UA Klamath county is to receive (-874.0. R,jor; share of the appor tion provided for the support of coun ty fnh8,"lind products seowa and livestock exhibitions, acoordlng to' a report given eut .recently by BenJ. Olcolt, secretary of state,. The ntoney h given by the levying' of one-twentieth of a mllllm all, taxable property in tho state. " Should tho conuty fall to use the npporlloumeut It la provided that It i shall be turned Into tho general road fund, Klamath's share stands well In proportlou to the, rest, of the coun ties, The total distributed' Is f3,-tiSO.HR. 1iih' to Craecent - ' " County AgrlcnlturaUQletoyerjle- A BMAAlal veVasA la a, ika m l a a. '.. '.", Vrm mv""m '" """" "" .would be wllllna- to cooerate with this trip to give the settlers andi, "."-'':"" T.vr". :i" uouiity Agncui.urai,Mieyeri farwera of the county every opi; ? -T - ,T mfl ZV' l?Z r , 'fyeiterday for Creeeentrwhere h)Wllt wKTtr to talk with the mImbllcw''B'r " nW ,'atYend to county bu.lasss until gui- or tneeawnmee, w . j. fCentlanefl on page 41 - T, FISH FOR KLAMATHCOUNTY KI'KXC'KIt CltKKK HATtHEItV HAS , TfltXKD OUT MOKE FISH THIS YKAR THAN A IX, THE REST OF THK STATED DISTRIBUTE SOOX .More fish have been propogated at tho Spencer Creek hatchery this year than at all tho rest of the hatcheries in the state, according to C. F. Stone, a member ot the stato fish and game commissions Tho work of distribut ing theso young fish in the streams and lakeu of the county Is to begin Immediately, according to Mr. Stone. There are 600,000 tlsh now ready for distribution. A majority ot the dan are Rain bow trout, but there are about 60,000 Sockeyo salmon, an Alaska fish, that lire to bo placed In the Upper Klam ath Lake. Between 10,000 and 12, 000 will be placed la upper Crystal Croek, about halt tof these being Placed In a small lake near the Bishop place, where they will be kept so that thoir progress In this country may be watched. It U feared that It they are all placed in the lako they will go down tho river to the ocean, and may not return. It Is probable that, the Spencer Creek hatchery will be enlarged to tako care of next year's Ash output, according to Stone. A meeting ot tho state Ash and game commission Is 0 be bold in Salem June 2 3rd, shortly before Governor Withycombe and sovora) members of the commission are.to visit Klamath Falls. Mr. Stone will attend the meeting at Salem, and wjtl then come here with, the gov ernor and the other members. A trip of inspection, will be made by three members of the commission and the governor while, here.. Frank .Warren. Mr. rielschenler. C. F. Stone and Governor Withycombe gr'e expected to make tho trip. U Is probable that plans for tho enlargement of" the hatchery, which la now crowded with the number of -gsh. will ,be under consideration at that time. . , It; Is Pleased te put le,oe ten In (Continued m ae 4) explosive bombs wercynsVMlg;S Mowing up. houses 4ad-uUMn' the: -. , . . J 1.. -.r-7"'-Tj levping wcupanta in tJseWA,sssev'H uwing to tne success or. taw Is feared that Invaslosa'wHl l;,,snade more frequently and by a larger wekA of the Zeppelins. -iff. -trrrvr-Mmap-&.. mmn fllTlTn l'nlted Press Service fl.lnTl. LOS ANGELES. June 16. 8tUsfUlllU Chrlstofferson, the well known Pa clflc Coast aviator, famous for his! flights over and about Portland, an nounced today that he will fly from San Francisco to San Diego down the coast, in an attempt to make the trip in eight hours. A few years ago Chrlstofferson. , startled the people of Portland by, his many flights over the city. OceL ot his best stunts was to fly up and down the Willamette River, gilding under and over the bridges that con nect the East and West sides of the city. While a careful flyer, he Is known for bis daring. CLOSES DOCKET fjf vT', li'iSS-KS irttKggl . " M tin, v .: ml tij-j.- '3 X Jft,f "- 5: " 3 l- Fv. ALL CA8EH OX DOCKET FOR THK,i ?' f I 4 ib Tj.- I . I'RKSEXT BEH810X CldBaVKaWk iTti:i,-m.fVA va inw iMBmisi.VJ , .-- ' -SVT.'I.Wr, ?, r.'.i ED OCT OF COURT i.- . Th Ian! i-ua oil h dockat tor thar present term, of, the circuit court waa"T .j .j.j .... i, E,.Vi iJ."..'iSa Tom Walters Is Married Uerllng against low. Court was i.sjaafcg .ImChhj .... .u .... Jt..iA.&a..rA- Announcements have been received j"M-l'w-"- "-" lut- "' '""'-jSwi In this city ot the marriage of Tom-wNolaad. .&W$, Wntte'rs, a well known local man. to, This places the court docket in, Uefe Miss Evelyn Mason ot Dloomfleld. i best shaixs that Ii has been la-years. ,$? Neb. The ceremony took place on The jury venire has been selected.for June 9th, at the home of the bride, t the next term, beginning JuegtHj The couple will be at home in Klam- There are but thre cosesto icesiw"atVt"- nth Falls after July 18th. Mr. Wat- this time,, so far as Is known at-'grea-Jt ill ters has property In Klamath county, ent, which will clear the court for the'-. and wilt bring his bride here. 'July term. j ,& r '$& & Case Probably to the Jury This hmm .& i JW .-sSdK 'pt&$iM & .mm n . it waa expectea tnat tne Jim iieorno couia nave neon mo oaiy maar George murder case would be In the to have doue the deed.' il&jl n... . .. ... 1.1 !..)...-.'. ...', t no ueiense is uiaking ns hh uu.m.- tlm nnlnf that, inn rnmimilil rim i f I not so established the wh(eaWua;cWI lue, oiner laaians.ai. tne urn ,w;siw crime: so that thectrcumstaniiai.ew- .-1 1 , -fcl. Jr- -V -J ' .j'i, y t . X, . 5"Tj1 j - ,&'. rianiw. whloh IbmitaU'iuWi tA'laUjil defentUnt. but.whlchywyfelsdwsvt-feJ bauds ot the Jury before tho adjourn incut of the court tonight. Assistant United States Attorney Jos. Beck innn made the, opening statement tor the government this morning In their argument, the evidence, having been' completed yesterday afternoon, which consisted, of a short review or the t not prove that he committed Uwsi,-r government's testimony Following his statement. Judge Gale' began the argument for- the de fense; which he continued until the noon hour. He was expected to fin ish early this afttrnoon, allowing Judge Webster and Clarence I.. Reames, United States attorney, to Hnlsh up the government's argument, the case going to the Jury tonight, In his opening statement, leshmsn claimed that the presectttlosihsid'faat ened the guilt on the delendaast Jaf af counting fer the prss is mm der. v . Indiana 'a,tu'h tbif 'tt&'sirir)Mr wafa '!.. WhQ 15. L- iii,ii i'ii- , Tv""H v2&mvft'...'H a;'-.K sirJr'y'.' rtiF If the case goes to the ;teet or esrly today,; the court, la 4ueeesV to be adjourned and: to-leave Friday.. Theaeourt lerltWw ,tnry. paring off.a'n'dkwharalnirts'lsBgsr. crowd of;jndtonwltsssjsVt-fsf fc been here for Uuiatw-BH .tejtdlB'.the;trill;:i'ir iJ? W. friUizs $MMi WT H Wl-P-I . aeesjaitbeJ eV&Msieat BMinav r. : "bfentmiy , w 1 "' 'Vj?lv r? Ti ,. 5l --' lu WMX.