' ir'trIiS n ; j i . SteraUl ?: KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0" I L 33TtCJ! Miitli Vmix,,, 11,707 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1915 Prto. FN Uwto he lEumrmi ' , - MAYOR NICHOLAS RESIGNS Police Walk DEADLOCK IS CAUSE OF FINAL BREAK riTV attorney gives .is r,u;si: con itiisiiJM.Ntj tin: i.VHrriT t n;.tv 01- thi: Mi..ii(v o.. M:cri:i; with that ornci:. MAY AMENDMENT M'GGEsT- i:d k it thi: riiAitTi:ii i:li:c--iion wn.i. ritoiuiii.v hi: lll.l.l W II HIS -IIHHTV IIAY. .fi.jor Nichols. Chief of Polio Jo Smith, I'ulroliiicii II. S. V'llsou, H U W'nll.. 1, M II. Oheiirhalu mill I'o'iiiitliiiikUT KM Owen tendered llielr r. . tuttlmiH ut the npeiilug of the con, II 111. (Mint Itikt night lu tin: city I1.1 1 rliliti wete tirtvpied b) tln council, in ii uuli o( the dvnllock ! tweeti llu- mayor 11 ml the rouurll niir the illwlitiiiio u( llie pollcu (uk-o of the rlt). At tlii' InNt mt-etliiK t'f II o iniiiicll, the tuii or I1111I Minted to 1 tii 1 tl.i- mot on made by i member of It r ituiiirll for Iln tlUcluirgi of tli'o p.'llrn fotc?. Afltru t'lliiiliiiir) i.lnli iniiit limt tilKln ln'fur.' i fin ri'iiiilur liiiitliuK of f 1 v iiici'IIiik nni tnkt'ii ni. ,Mnnr MU'lmlt. Htntoit ilmt tn toniicll 1II1I tint went to 'i K whit lit ut. mill tlul I itlil not caii- to lii tnntUi the IuiikIi hit; xioiU nf tli' town uny lon"i IU I.111I11I In lil ti'hlgtiitt mi, anil lifter It win nri'i'iri iiIi.ii plnrcd on tin libit iliOKo of II, II, WlUmi, Jim H11I1I1, H. I.. Wnll.tr mill IM Ow.n. OOCIirlllllll'K llllllll III I HIT, IIH lllll J. II. t'nriiitlititi'n. ell) :ittruuy," ultu t. atnl Unit hi' 1II1I not rnr to wiuk I r tlio unlnry. Knllovvlnu tlu liiii'iitiiiiii' of 1.10 M'hlKlllltlolK, O, II. .Mllltlll.'HH, insl itgnt of I lie iiiiiiull. look thurRi', nlnt tlio following iiiKiliiliiiciiln woio uiiuli't tliMrgc I.. Ilutiipliicy, thlof of imllci', in'rimitiuiit It liu will n e tvlH; Wm. Hull mill K'url Hhuru, tem po 1 11 ry pollcoinou until lonlgUl. It. 0. (IriM'Hbi'ck wan uppolutoil city lit toiiioy ponunttftitly. Tlio moot lug limt nlitlit iiiljonrnoil until ioiiIkIiI, wlii'ii provlMlon for n upoclul oluctlun of intiyor mitl orKiinUutlon of tlio rount'll will bo tuntlo. Hovcrul oilier oriHuniicoH will prob ably nmko their nppournnco 011 tlio luillot provliled for tlio Hpccliil ulec tlon, uniottK Ilium liolnu an ortllnaucu iiroponod by Conucllmun A. 1). Mlllor, lirovlillng tliit tlio city charter bu iiiut'iidcd to tho offon that wookly pa purn Ik iillovretl to nonil In bids for tlin city udvcrtUluK. '"An tho charter uow Htanila, It rradH thai IiIiIm xlinll bo submitted by tho dully import of the city," aald Millet', mid hIiico thero In but otto dally, 1 do not bollove that the eHy'a lltteretii nhotild bo loft to tho mercy of one papor. Wo uliould give tlio weekly papor an opportmllty to pldvo n bid." Immediately following the cuIIIiik to ordor of the meeting by Mayor Nicholas, ho aald: "I left you somewhat disorganised at the last meeting, and I would like 10 havo n llltlo tulle with you hofore tho regular mooting 'is taken up. It has liocn snld thai there Is n groat deal of extravagance In my office In regard to tho police and other things. I have been horo nearly three years uow, and If I have done anything worth while I Lave never received Out in Body!618 ". uny credit for It, by tho uvwupAporn or mi) In"!)' !'." Ho linn tinted Him the council lii(il.( !oiti'iiitcil in take hU puwers away fiont lilin, .iml (lint hu dlil not feel ' thin under the present charier lm (mill make tlm combine of Hut offices nxkfil (or li) dm council. "It turn been . nulrt Hint tux mliirj' wn too large," he milil, "I might work for 12." per liiiiiiiiii, inn iu to make n Ihlus It have talked with oiih ot tlif bank- ers. mill I fltiil Hint they are hohludju., Fourth of Jul) celebration are )oii. .Mr. .Mlll..r, In our stnieiiicuts ut tlio lum iiU'ntliiK. mill tu )oii nalil. I t'.lllllllt IlKllI tll( lllOIH'y Inll'H'l'lN of li' ill), tin I mil not ublf, and I (bint, tliut I inn MufTi'rltijc now for ' iliiutlilnit willed I 1II1I Inm )tinr I am too 0I1I," .Mayor Nlrholui. lun mail., a proifkt '' iwllloii llitil In. uoul.l IKu mi lllllilnltj mh.IhI .rrnri in t.i lie nmile to cw tllii.l he tiould civ up hU oiUce, pjv'iiii of-unr icairtK fr I'oo Vnlloy, for 11 Hpeclnl eleitlou from Ii'h on l.ni,i.. Vnllc, Merrill. Kurt Klani. milt.ry for tin. rliy, nnil when hh mnv ,ti. Iloii'iiun ami from fVery mII.it .nor hail been duly ..l.'tteil, lii'.Mittrr.. in tin- rotittl) Nodoily I. wottl.l tb.. 1, I urn llio !) out tojliatnil. iy id,, lommliteo. and till ''''"'' "tlin) lime to iln l o koI. up lliclr I "That U Hie wry thing wiinti'aniM ttnl rcKlmer tliem lifoti t lit." )ou in do," n.'iltl Couticlluiiiti Doty 'elebmllnn IicrIiik. A pitrn. of J7.1 ....... .. ... .... ! . . 1 tun tiie cit't'iinii, cotitblne tliel '" to in itivrn tlio wimitT Tlti- eon. oinre. Thin rlly Iiiih cm to eurtall'1' "t" will held I'rlilny nnil Satttr cxpeiiM. We Itnvo n dinner larite ,,n'. at'd tlm winner In to lie plekeii ouniiKh m run tlin city of Portland. I 'limltiuilnti. Wi- nro pa)li)K ti inan $100 n month A HO iurn In to Iip chen for Hi. for liulf MIk ilme, tind the other half lm; rolllnc. on l.tiUp Kwaunn. and let lie Kite to tho eleitrlo roinpnny." iei nrn belni; written to all pr.rti. of Home dWruuitliiii wn tln'11 had oert'1" county, loTiio mlllp nud lORRfuR Hie tiui)nr' salary, and Nleliolar"ml'K, i" K''t up Inlorom nnd cot a rtnti'il that ho had not received a dol lar of n"(iiml )onr'n naLiry "Not 11 iliiHlloii of nlury." unld Uoty. Tim iitemliem of the council were then rnlliil on for their opinion on llio ntnyor'n ptoponltlon, mid SheoU mild. "I hardly 1I1I11I; It necomwry for the inajtir to make mich n propo. Mltlon, I mil not In favor of It." .1a11 news "I 11 m not In favor nfnlilointlnn. and efforu nro beltiR any mich proposition." mado lo get a man that knows how to Hlriihle "Not In favor We watt j handle a regular old fashioned lo work wllh you." ."feed," Several htrwi been mentioned Nlehnlat "I rnnnot double up, by Hie committee, and a IiIk time h tbiiHii nlucim," 'iihuttred. Mill. ,! A..,-. ' ""iineonnniry., Iiik in do ilmt which you think heat I wan elected on 11 tiimlneft Platform and 10 i-imm-rve oxiK-ineH, I rnme to v.'orli on a business basis, not n pollt- Irnl one. You would not work with us, Klrst, out down on the police. I know thai we e.111 net alone with les men." Nicholas. " never said we neoded them." Miller "nut you kept them when HiIh city was nestled toward bank ruptcy. Tho council Is hero to work for tt conservative administration. Wo do not want you 10 pay for this election. " Nicholas "I am tired of being a IuiikIiIiik stnek." lie then laid Ills restitution on tho table, saying :"I can get along without this bunch of nion.'r Doty "I have found It good policy for anybody that when u man wants to go lot him go. He Is a bad man to hold onto. When you cannot get along with him, let lilm go, t move to accept the resignation." Kxprosslons from soveral council mon then to got together and. stop fighting brought applause from the audience. HI ruble--"I boliovo that Mayor Nicholas Is sincere, but Ill-advised. I bollove with Mr. Doty. Second the motion." Tlin vote soon followed, and there was no dissenting volco on tho accep tance of the resolution. The other resignations, were laid on the table by tho mayor, who took his hat and left the chamber. The appointment by Nicholas of John Uerllng as special pollco during tfie federal court session was ques tioned by Councilman Miller, but no action -taken. Following a discussion of tho new flro bell, It was decided ,tq make an- (Continued oa page 4) WMWWWVMWWMWWWMWWWWWMMMMWWMWW saeA1! M.Mrni.i: i.v ciiaiigk is Miurr. i.n'ij ini.uv i.v i'i:itri:Ti.V(j Vltlt. MJKMK.NTK Mil I'CHKKM TO III) ilVi:S FOR CONTENTS j Tlii' I'oiilinUtuv of liunliifnh men wt.o li,.t t,..M, nli. 1 1.. ri,.r. r inrul iik i'iry ili.y 11 ml pfrfottlni; their iil.itm for the blu ciili'l,r.'iliou 'I'll- iiiiiuiilllii' (ottiilslH of .1. K. ,Mn Kiilr. . Kroil iloukiou, J, J. Keller. It. I tlainiiiouil nnil J t Kent, urn! tin-)- tni'iJl every iln) lotui...n r. nnil 0 o'i nrl, nl llie tn'iuliiiiirii'iH on Miln (Ik litiucli to turn nut. Another purn' of ITS Iuih In'en ile clileil to be put up fur the lnillinf rare1, which tiro to ho HtiiKeil on .Main elnvt. The Warm Spilnr. Indians tiro to lie here In nil their recnlla and war paltii. and mmhp IiIb fen tuns are lielnp plmitii'it for (heir part nf llio t'clelirtitloii. The hie barbecue I nihil under con- ConKreSHinan Sltmotl of thU dlh. trlri Is to be hero on Sttndny, nnd will Klve the Fourth of July address, The J committees and prlio lUtn tire belni; made out now by the committee In rbarite. and will be announced soon ANOTHER JORY VENIRE DRAWN THIItTV.TWO ARK DRAWN NKW VKX1RK TO CLEAN IX tlll C'ASb'D I'KXIUNG 11KKORK CIH CHIT COUBT In order that Uio docket ut tho circuit court may be tieaued up as milch' as posslblo nt tho present ses sion of tho circuit court, k now Jury xenlre has boon drawn and practical ly al of tho members Imvo been noti fied. The court docket Is lu the best shape now that It has boon for somc.ii time, as there nro only about six more rases to como up for trial, nc- cording to tho docket. Following la . the now venire: , II. W. Tower. Kene: Martin KK Spencer, Keno; L. M. Streeter,, Fort Klamath; C, U. Wlllson, city; Geo. T. Ilnldwlu, city; A. A. Bollman, nity; Pan llyah, Fart Klamath; 8. 0. Eastwood, Merrill; J, K. Swanson, city; W. P. Johnson, city; Richard lireltenstoln, city; W. A. Drown, city; Henry Gordon, Fort Klamath; J. A, Gordon, city; C. I. Stowart, city; J. 8, Mills, city; II. N. Whltellne. city; Fred Collman, Swan; Fred Stahltaan, Italians Must Cross Austrian Alps IM mi i !tgggHr9'2gK!K& ''v'Tcr7iigglgKggH ;ggggggBRaiil.5Iri. , ;ir3&l5ggggl gggHgMw" vjyKgggga gggKtHggl ggggfllH ' gggHRrPPSHHgggg ggE22dgJHK5sS?,l'3rt:'rVi " "?s&7asE3i VJBKggBtfeyBKS,Sfe iKSgi EflgHtllBBgH gggggMgggggggggggHtc!gBgJgKiJfcaCiggggggiggVSggi gggflKEOlgFISHggH ilgHgMjHgTCigVlHKgHlggH ggBBg&gSrSBflBigigH sgB3ggggagflggaW gggggggggH gHgllsssSsFvQgfllr p This Is the elmtticter of the country two movements against Austria. One tho Italians, now marching north, takes them over tlio lowlands, north must cros. to reach Austrian terri-,of Venice, in the direetlou of the tory, Tlio llguro In the center shows 1 prolnco of Trieste. The other re 0110 of the Alpluo chasseurs of tho j quires thorn to push north over moun Italian army. TIii'm men are equip- tnlnotis'country. In some of the pass ped aud trained for warfare on the.es, mora titan 11,000 feet high, there mountain passes. Is snow tho year round. But It wilt So far as can be learned from dls-jnot grontly interfere with lighting In patches, tho Italians are now making thu summer. city; Albert Burgdorf. Dairy; C. A. Hill, city; Chas. B. Otey, Dorrls; J. H. Knmau, Merrill; C. A. Mitchell, city; J. A. Maddox. Merrill; Chas. Steemau, Merrill; Jacob WhIUatch,. Merrill: John Moler, city; J. G. Swan, Merrill; L. P. nurk, llonnnxa; Ross; Flnley, Bly. "0" STARS TO ni 111 fill I uri-ir'Klnmath Falls teams tho strongest In Ul AV II A I I Hrlf r!,he clty' Motschenbacner will catch I L fl I UnLL 1 1 L n L I f or he local", and as he has worked behind the bat with both Tuerck and IX)UU UNIVERSITY HAHERALL STARS WIRED TO COME HERE TO PLAY Tins SUMMER ARE EXPECTED SOON WlreB were soul to "Dick" Nelson, star first baseman on tho University of Oregon baseball team; Lyle Big- bee, pltchor and outfielder; Jamleton. I all-around man, and "Bill" Tuerck.'from Eugene to Florence. -1 tho Varsity's best pitcher this sprlng.l to play ball vlth Klamath Falls this summer. Tlieso men tire all btnrs, mid are at-' tending the university nt tho present time, with the exception of Jamleson, Who graduated In 1910, nnd has been tt teacher nnd Instructor of football and baseball In Jefferson High School In Portland. Nelson Is at his home ,nt LaFayette, while the other are In Eugene. . This galaxy of stars will make tho Btgbee, they will have a battery that will be hard to beat. Nelson and Big bee are both heavy hlttors, aa well aa Jnmleson, so that Klamath Falls will have a formidable bunch of stickers when Weed Journeys to this city July 4th. Answers were expected this after noon, and they are soon to be on their way here, , The. Pacific Telephone company will expend 116,000 on a two-wire line HIS OFFICE - -- ------ - - .. -.- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PI AN S BOOST MEETIN6 i IIIO I'l.A.NN FOHNh.vT VKAH .IRK VOUML'UITKU- roinimiii SHttkri From I'ortUad Hif I'tYuiitt-tt t (ilw Seretsl (,'oimI SjicrrlK-s He fori- llie l4Mml Itixi.tei IkHly klaimitli I 'alls Mil- liary Hand Will Awli.t In the I'm- W-illntr Willi Opon Air Concert The- highest booster meeting ever I-. Ill in Klamath Falls Is scheduled for next Friday night In the opera I omi wl'ett, under Uim nusplcex of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce, a number of -prominent speakers, such as Judge Webster and Clarence I'eimes and others will address the public. At a meeting held last night by the Chamber a number of plans v.ero formulated for the coming year. It U plnnned to make the Klamath Chamber one of the best in Southern Oregon. A report will be given at tl'nt time of the work that has been done by the Chamber for the. past je.ir. which has been prepared by Ftf)d Flett. secretary. A number of local speakers will be on the program anil the general work for the future year will bo outlined. ' Several surprises in extension work ato being withheld by tho committee in chrgs aud- it .lsnr,gdlctedthat .1 great deal Is to be accomplUheT"ln tbe future by the Clinmber of Com merce. Kvery Chamber In tho state lias bo."n strengthening up In the past year, and the board of directors of the local Chamber feel that Klamath must take some steps forward to keep up with the rt of the Oregon cities. 'Tlio Klanitub Falls military band U to bo out, and will give an open air concert preceding the meeting. A big t'me Is assured, and every man Ik town that wants to bo in on 'the fun for next year should be there Friday night," said Secretary Fleet today. COYOTES BRING GOOD MONEY sim:k rouxtv was raised uvj LEGISLATURE HUNTERS AM); FARMERS GIUNG IX MANY. HIDES TO COUNTY CLERK' Since the raising of the bounty on coyote hides to $3 by the state legis lature at Its last session, the hunter and farmers ot the county are bring ing In many hides, according to C. R. De Lap, county clerk. Monday was red letter day at the county clerk's office, $3fi In nil being paid out for hide. Ilobcat hides bring $2 each, and all brought In Monday were coyotes but one. It Is thought that a large num ber of coyotes will be killed off this summer, as the bounty Is ample to pay for considerable trouble In get ting them. The following persons brought in sklus Menday: John Cotman, Mer rill, three coyotea; 8. K. McKenile, Klamath Falls, five coyotea and one bobcat; Winter Knight, one .coyote; J, H. Harris, one coyote; J. M, Cor bell, Chlloquln, one coyote. -pi-1 g(-J-J-J-Ju REPORTED THAT 6REAT BRITAIN WILL MODIFY I.OXHOX OKKICIAUH ItKTICKXT O.V T1IK REPORT 0nnl Ksperu (o Confer Wltti the luibwr Before Reply to American Hrjolnder U Made by That t'osa- try Cenuiiny Told That Asseriea Would Xot Repeat the Offers Made I'ndrr Any CTrruniManres. t nlted 1'iejs Service ACKKHMAN. BERLIN. Juno 15. It is believed that America's witling ncss to mediate between England and Hermany is based on formal Intima tions from England that they are will Ing to mediate. It Is understood that England has informed the United States that they are willing to mod ify the blockade and permit the car rying or foodstuffs Into Germany If that country will modify on their tubmarino warfare. Gerard expects to confer with Kais er Wlihelm before Germany makes her rep!j- to the United States re joinder, which Is not expected to be finished for a fortnight nt least. It is understood that Genvrd learned this at a luncheon gltcn at the em bassy where von Jagow was a guest. "I have been reliably informed tbit the I'nlted States Informallyl told Germany before Germany replied ' to the first note that America would not Tepoat. hor offer to jnedlate on th's point," I'nltetl Fress Service WASHINGTON, D. 0.. June 15. According to latest reports the United States Is doing her utmost to encour age peace, but necessarily is limited by the attitude of tho belligerents. The president contradicted to all call ers today the reports that the United States U only neutral, and Is not try ing to bring peace, The possibility of the British re plying to the American note has re placed the German situation aa the center of interest. It Is romorcd that the British hav flatly denied the American conten tions, and are attempting to prove that this country Is not suffering. United Press Service LONDON. June IS. OBclaldOB here U very reticent coacemlag the report that England Is willing to mod ify the war situation. Receive f 100 Damages J. P. Satterle, plaintiff. In the case ot Satterle against Homer Roberts, was awarded $4Q,0 damages In the circuit court yesterday. The suit was brought by Satterle for damage to farm property rented and not properly farmed. Other dwsagea were sued for on specific charge, but only the 1400 for general damages was allowed. Iave After ViaM Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brlgham and daughter Katherino left thU atern Ing at 10 o'clock, after visiting here several days at the residence ot afr.i and Mrs. R. H. Dunbar. Mr. Brlg ham is a brother of Mrs. Duabar. They have been living In San Trail Cisco, and expect to reside in CugaM, iormeny living in rorwana. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hughes have returned, to Klamath Fall t lv, f; ter their marriage at Trek iftttweM.- r.zEXJ Mr. Hugh m iU,4tmMM?&Mf,tii and Mr. W. H. Nf th, WMUmS: Fifth itrMt, A ' ,! 3&8&- '2 i'l 'A t-r ML( W'X&C .M sf i.. r Sifl.r' i