, ' ,j-V-."Kfir' -5a ir ..' 'jt vv..-na .?TBP&-a W .w .... ." 1 J KLAMATH CQUNWlgg M .irJ?!s& OFFICIAL NEWSPAItfe2' 1 r&&-a !.... ?$ d - . , ejj,, . m1 mmtm) . 9 ;; izr .r.r,n , iitt 'fJ ' ' vii.Hi Year No. 11.704 " " -mrr r--s r i ,- . , , ., , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1915 11 1Mb HV0. -fflS ai WILSON'S REJOINDER FIRM! REQUEST faion CAief 0 StaF, and Son HOLD CHAUTAUQUA 1 I'lilitd l'rM Kcrvlc. WASHINGTON, I). 0.. Jinn, tl. rtcmdrnt Wilson' lejoliiiler lo tl.c (It'imiiii ii'plj 1. Iiii ciirllt'i mile if giirdlng Mihmiiilne ll('llllliH, IMIIItll- liilli 1 1 1 1 ' I H K :o Ami'rlcuii liiifiiMiH mid iii)li It tri li lt n III ll.i frond liM of ioiikh, lint II ii'llcivtCK nil H wnnd. 9j fk T'ht,i WJ H nri- In n milder fji ; in iik id- f fWBmuwST c,ari'N (!'r ?v?grr in)- is misiii iorj"eii regaining lie Ltisltaulu tarrying guns ami uin ir milfoil, I'tit ho tikH why. If (Irr iwiny liiix uiiy convincing evidence tiRnrdli'K l',cr con lent Ion In the unt il r, u-rnnirnt officials illil not prop, c-rly perform their dutle In i-xtim-InliiK Itiu ship before torpedoing It, dinl riibnilt their tlmlliiKN for con tli'cinilon.' , Whatever themj conlcnUoiiH of (!i rmniiy may nnnn to Germany In llils (isc, Wilson holds that they mn Irrelevant to tho iiiittloii nt Issue, vlilrli concerns the method of atl&ek I11K 1 lie l.liHlliinln. In I lni note. Wll nn offcra to nrt ns mediator between fltrinnuy al England In nn effort to pi event present conditions In kii wiirfuro., H My he will gUdly con vex to the other tlio inigRrstlons that r;ich goreilinicnl may have to maku. Knrnotly &nd nolomnly, tlio prcsl dent renew hli roirecnttloni nn rontatnd,ln the original nolo of M ly IS, and he relteratoi that ho cannot admit that the declaration or a war roue by Clcrmany can legally net as 1. curtulllng of the rlghtit of America tlco, mid wu imk iiKMiirnnccN thin thU ll Ixi dour." Until ihu Ocrimin reply Ik ricci.d. no additional prohlunx i.ic to ! Cii ml lOHiliiUi.n liy Mil aillii lilnlm. llOII. TIlO l(, !c o III,, nil,, i.;;t(. 1 111: Inii'ifciriKc with Hiil,,iim .m 110' In.. II I Iiii m,ii,i i .MiiiiIhtm of tlir r:hlni.i njt. v(i. I'lriiU'd with tin- fivonilili. rvi'vptlon l''( ipjolmlcr nut with from the iru.K mid inibllc. I'llMih'ly. they ntuio they hello 11 tlio noli, will iirovo nrcpptalila to (iiriiinii) IIKHI.IN, Juno II. Slight i-rron In trniiNinlMHlon ln.vo dilaycl tho do llvory of' tho Anierlcnii roJolndiT to (formally. Itegurdlng hcvitiiI doubt fnl ptirancH, lifter do-codliiK. Amoriciiti AmharNiidor Ocrnrd cabled WiiHliltiK Ion Oils morning for vurlflcntlons. l-'orelpn Minister von Jjgow will got tho note thlK iifternomi or tomor row. II In reported hero Hint Colonel IMwnrd Mnndell IIoiikc, President Wlldon' Hpeclnl per.co envoy to Kiiro peiin nntloiiH, in hurrying home, and that he may huccpci) llryiin iib necro inry of Htato. MORNING TRAIN M E HANGED s PQBKLjiH I II; 1 ?':- . H MwB 9kkSWSkKk.' -'Ask? I - If: WH' J 1 RUSSIANS ROLL BUSY Til WHILE t . AT OPERA HOUSE BACK ADVANCES CONGRESSMEN TODAY AT LEAST NEAR LEM6ER6 VISIT THE PROJECT v iv f V C '.V.1 '-: 'Vj m i m 'IWEIA'H CHAfTAUQUA PKOORAM lections. l'rle tjiiprsno. Tonight Kvenlng Concert, "Koynl .Hun , l)l:in Orrhe'ltr:i. I'opulnr tic- Clmrlottt' llergh, I.?ctu're, "Tin- fiililt of the Itockl-," Arlhur Av Franike. I Saturday Motiilng- -Junior Chautauqua I'lay Hour Afternoon Prelude, Wltck!e'- Itoynl lliingnrlnn Orche.Ura. Inspirational Lecture. "The Matchless Book." Arthur A. .Franike. Krenlng--Grand Concert,Wttep iikle's Royal Hungarian Or chestra; Dramatic Readings. HOUR BATTI.K TCRXS CO.VCItt-SSJIAX K1XXOTT THE TIDF. MAY VISIT, TOQU In Three Different Fields, Muscuvli r Stop ilto KjoiIiinl Rusliit. ,r the .Xiilio-Cciiiian Force, and Aivunie the Offciilt Drirc Several Coni nutnd Rack -Other' lAto'-'War Xetrs. .j rm I'nlteil l'u Servifo PETROORAD, Juno (Herald Special Service) 11. The war. WASHINGTON, D. Clt June ll.-jrit 'offlco today announces that the Rus-!lne appropriation commiilee or, tie, 'slans h&Te scored overwhelmingly nos of representatives Will be Y 'apalnst the Austro-German forces un- ,tors in Klamath county during the 'der. General von Mackenzen. which, wh?,e daJ" ot June 20 on te;iyig - haVo been advancing against Lem- tour ot 'napectlon which the coaualt- Marietta La Dell'Chlld Im- i'berg. Advices say that the vonMack- lee tnt doles out the, cash rlathe. personator; Operatic Selec- enzen forces have teen heavily de- "0U8 plans to n,ake through all the- jflons. Charlotte nergh. with Seated after a twelve hour battle near'tunnnlsliea reciamauon project lathe' .Mi'iiilHi!, of llie.lIouCoumitteeM; Appr opriatlons M'lll Spend Oho Day Hen; IlariaK Which Tteo. They ", VlVf Will Slate a Flrl Trio Over, the r. . - - -- t- .' -a,Bl KlaniaUi Project, lttlA i'ro-'tfSI pouOA'ork Baaquet bt veg. . . - ; :&i '"'"Z-A a 'M -1 Str 'I' w (ft i. K-v J Hungarlons accompa- 'Mosciskar, and forced back four miles.. vesl- mo private cars wui arrive Ten thousand Teutons have been tak- '" Klamath Falla at 7:30 $i. M.j'aad en prisoners to the west and south of wl" ,eave l-0 P- ,.. tke; Royal aylng. , Chautauqua peopfo can give a good (progrtra, but tiiey dont seem to bo! aoie to run the weather. -The weath- j?n- cr-lias not been exactly Ideal for Chau-'r'rlsoners' 'ncludlng 88 officers. tauaua. and vesterdav th tont nr3 A third Austro-German force which bad taken the Stanlslau-Lemoerg Lemberg In the past three days. vany nas Deen the guests at a- ban- East of the Stryj River the Rug. ljat the White Pelican hotel given, slans have driven General von Ltn-b,:' -Water 0itocUon and ulngen's Austrlans back, upon tnel Klamath Chamber pf Commce Dniester at Zuravno. They took 6,500 , " ;.-.. i.w,i.a. luiuipuiei seai. oui 10 meLBri . IIKGIXXIXM TUKSD.W. IMSSKX (JKR TIIAIX WILL LKAVi: IIKRK AT 10 O'CLOCK, COXXKCTIXG WITH XKW OVKRLAXI) (1KXKRAL LVGI C.WMHtX.I A XII SOX that point. It Is. now on the left bank) A change has Just been announced In the train service out of Klamath Falls. Ileglnnlng Tuesday, tho morn- lug trnln. Instead of leaving at 8 o'clock, will leave at 10 o'clock. T,hls will reach Weed nt 1:30, and pnsccn- "Tho liven of iion-comlintantH con- KPr for northern points will catch lawfully bo Jeopardized by at-, the now northbound through trnln and Americans on the high seas. lint lacks upon a merchant offering uo icilstanco," ays tho note. "Precau tion should bo taken to ascertain whether the suspected vessel Is car rying belligerents or Is rnrrylng mu nitions of war. "Therefore," concjudes Wilson, "tho United States dedns It only reas onable to expect the Gcrmnn Imperial thero ut 2:08, after n thlrty-olght mlntito wait. This will cut down materially tho four hour wait people golnlg to Cal ifornia nre forced to experience nt Weed. To prevent confusion, It has been arrnnged that the Chlloquin trains leaving three times u week, shall Kavcrnmcut to adopt such measures' lenvo nt 10:10, instead of on tho hour n will put these principles In prnc-ns nt present. . nearly put out' of commission, but the I program will continue. Arrangements were made this mor- nihk'for the use of Hmiaton . ' the Dniester. Thi. i- ,i... lo.t ni.ni.r,h tnimn , im'in north ,ir. tho nn nf inixrB..(house. The Droxram this afternonn "We are everywhere either of General Cadorna. chief of staff of tlons which, the Italians have jio far a given at the opera house, and to-jotteB,ve 6T JnIJMntl.nta,l' .,....,. i, .. m,..i .inra ullpno..fnii .n;t; c,in.i ho Jtlghf-nresnm-wlli- tui iHtPn tKSrSlon Puofis, says the offietal state- the-declaration of war, "and Bhows-Austrlans. It Is the first photograph a,s0- him mid his son leaving the offlco of of'hlm to arrive in the United 8tates Where the balance of the programs tho war minister on their way to take , since Italy entered the war. w,,t he heW depends upon the weath- .er- If Is more than likely that most of them will be held in the opera house, but notice will be given later. Wltepskle's Royal Hungarian'; Or chestra made Its first appearance in lviamatn Falls this afternoon, and from comments heard. It is evident that local music lovers are sure of a rare treat. The nroeram thla nftor. $f. " ' noon proved Professor Wltepskle to TAKi: A 8HEI-5T ,MU" ul "req uoiiuy. ine program inciuaea classical and popu- in a of the committeestaies that the shortly after arrival wllrleave by la Z.fl' ? ys? 36 ,v-S railroad h been thrown hack from cM K,raf ? Mfiustaj, r. . .-1 return hv thA tnnnAl ol Aa fcaail ffllFi ---- j - -. .mw Maaa-;, quarters bufldlng. Then on theitalt0 Ue Lakvl1r; v taVOttil: italnlnngJ J. r.SiCSSSiiiocJSSSI FOURTH PLANS MUCH INTEREST WELL STARTED IN ELKS' STUNT AIIVKRTIKIXO MATTER IS I1KIXG MKMUKRS W1LI SCATTKHKO IJHOADCAST, AXUf, HKAIQUARTERSTO BE OPEX-, HI) BY MANAGEMENT WITH. THEM TO THE UEXDEZ-(Iar selections, all of which- were ren- voci BUT XOBODY KXOWS iTnlTTT -, ,2r v--. - Mrs. Marlon Ballou Flak increased THE REASOX her' popularity this afternoon through her closing program, given -under the bfladlng, "Americans in the Making." Indians to Have a Commercial Sawmill Plans for Klamath Falls' big cele- There is still more, peculation as Mrs. Flsk has a very pleasing person- bratlou. July 2. 3 and 4, have started to what the Elks'wuHpu" off this a" which lends iUelfreadl to-her with a whoop and a bang, and au'evcnlngat their ,fibtone laying. "Jte. Only-the highest pfaiae ha early forecast Is that the three day The last consignment la doe to the carnival will surpass anything yet at-,roport that each Elk has been ordered0" " . t tempted here In the'eelebratlon line, to bring a sheet with htm $o the-Elks"' I8B na5,0ii One splendid step taken by;UnrBusK hall this evenly., ness Men's Association Is tue appoint- "Hcatled by tho ment of J been heaftf-of her chalk talk hut uergh ... ,.. t.f.iimlitlnr! . . . ... n.i.nM ii..iifiiii(r .,. HIIIIIRICH, ceiling mm uwi'i "u....B ofco...nn loff vm. Wr.ro tho MnwNtnim tavlnr . . .... ,i, it;lli:iiu v,, . vuw.-w .w.v j-- v .. ..... .... . ., muicnuis win uo uiiiu iui Tho government' latest effort forislders, either by mill ruu or grudes tho progressive Klamath Indian Is i... .....ul ... .. ........ - ouu,, o, .Bwm... iur ., uanH the ol)epJnB flf , pknt wlilch will enter tho commercial luni- cxccted ,0 proVo n big impetu in borfleld, provide profit from the tlm-1 tl0 Heltllng of the rich country I'cr owned by tho Indian, and also mound Klnmnth Marsh. furnUti Indian with work during tho Tho timber to be cut Is n choice ''ntcr month. tract that was offered for salo once, J. M. Bedford, forest upcrvlsor of, but held up by tho Indian sorvlce. Mr. tho renoqmtlon, stated today that the Bedford will oporato the plant to mr.chirierifor'tho plant la now arrlv- havo a profit over tho logging, mill Inif. it'U to bo located on the tall- lug and shipping costs IMt will equal -wj ... .. iiii. i ia tt . .-.... iikiaab tii a ltiiilnnt '" ft mue inn Biae 01 tim nnu ine iimi'b" -...- " Mnnil,ll(, imiiiilnir whero tho location Is In tho center of a tract of would have received from prlvnt,' the ; M Don. ld j4'"';, no.fido.OOO feet of flno Western yol- purchasers of tho tlmbor, and tins low l'lno that can bo advantageously' experiment will bo cnrefully watched ""d icouomlcally logged to tho mill, by tho Indian sorvlce, as It establishes Hie plant will be erected In time to'n precedont. "t thu neceuary lumbor for roollng. Anothor feature regarding tho af- .-. ... ..'.. ... . .i... i. i..l..rr will Im ilnno nun way, etc., this year, openinig.iiur is mm m "b - L' .... -t.. VMInna lAllirilPlH Will will appear ItJ&'U'-' . ProaTa,1" evening rr tne r "Hoaded bv tho Klamath Fal Is Mi -,.. . - j , .7. - .iiixs nRrrn nnc nnan naarn inia nm. J. Keller as manager of tary bfma the Elks will leave the . 4fc. ... ;'? ;" ""ti. the celebration., Keller la especially ha at J0:45 tonight, and march in Tnhot h .sJd J tht, ZZiZ ZZ capable, and hla efforts have always rcesslon on Kamatl, avenue to Sixth 'aXvaWIUy proven successful. d 'to Main from Sixth marching Tqlg ,8 MIss Bergh8 tnJrd year on Work of billing the town being down Main to where the. 150,000 h Ch tnuailft nlfttform. Hni, hnr the outer points aro bolng home is In process of construction. ,.,...? h" ,nprMRM, Mffh vnar Will DP at.. nnRI(M . rloh r1anr vnlA nt av. ml I i A. 9 .t..1. ,. -. v. ..VH, v..H . u w vm. - teruay on a inp to out aiernii, waim. uem ul xi o .. ccnt ,ange we atIapted t0 the ge. Bly, Ronanza and Lakcvlew, and re- The ritualistic work of the order lections she ' will use here. Not a turning. Chlloquin, Fort, Klamath and wm be held, and Uhlted.-Statea. Dls-1.,,,,)! parl of MiM Bergh's success In George Blehn and the ,rct Attorney Clarence Reames will Cha-utauqua work is due to her de- mnke an appropriate talk.' bo thu Agency Klamath Trnusfer company sont cars Into tho Roguo River Valley today, and these will also help In the pub licity work, billing Grants Pass, Med ford, Talent and Ashland. A headquarters Is to be opened soon by the celebration manager In Rodeo hendqunrters was located last year. From horo arrangements will ho started for the different fentures of tho carnival. Races of nil sorts aro to bo held on Mnln street, and thero will also bo tournaments, log rolling; a tug of fookeil Food, Sale. llghtful personality. A lecture which should prove of gieat Interest to Oregon people will be delivered this evening by Mr. Arthur A. Franike. Though one ot the youngest orators on the Chautau- ment. "Today we captured Raezew- ko and other village.-" United Press Service f WASHINGTON, ;D:."C.. June. 11 ualt taa'd- the proposed &tti1&: pumping unit, giving the party a view-; ! aermut" f ho valtov nt r. v.."i -. t"WkL JiT I rlttM Ar .k. 0M.I "..- " ,t!S M,vi v .uv acuniu uutk, ,. v i, Vrl : A brief run through the Horsefly Srfl ' irrigation district will take until: rlbc Ijl The 'pen .collector -at Norf blk today I Z ' """ .11 "'. r'!"5S2M admits, that one officer and other ,ow Md Bev,n.g po,n, auJHri members or the crewof the interned rm at 12:3p fo jnncbf ,;1tfl German converted enllser Prin E itrtj , :15 -,. rorWhlto m fewf Friederich have disaDneared. vlolat-1-. .-. . .-. -.. -. , - ing the interment regulations. United Press Service , LONDON. June' 11. Amsterdam dispatches say a Zeppelin sank two small British Ashing boats off Hoi land. The crews were rescued. ot 'the- Lower Klamath mantiea: r- turning through the Van Brimmer" ! uisinci; cross' uoii- itiver vajt, lae y Adams flume; up the foothill road 4o" .4 view recent construction work. ., ;J largiug the Griffith canal. TV4 At 3 o'clock a fifteen mlnute-le?c win an uiaue m. ioni, mver omb.'' Arji BERLIN. June 11. The Batavia iKlamath Fall, .will be reached tfm8 liner Zuienn. was toraedcmd and sunk -.A - "?.- ..-i.v.ifcnr'ji .i:.iii nr n n , r ar w'l today. Its passenger and five of Its, crew. were, rescued by fishermen - --2&ijL-,:ijm on ib return, inoyt-i .,, J$.&f! i .wjy.'i TSt.fil rr2ij m i -."!. "''AV AW m :ifsf Qlrinii i nticffDBAiiir KmwMMm"- -WFm ywtWiiii Wm B W; vSr . ti.v m-' Is Started in Trial ' j ' '-$! & the. murder. at the Undlan's accustomed ; '& V J.i, iMMmi, Tho twelfth Juror lu the. murder. at theUndlan s accustomed aaBbllars$. trial ot Jim George. Klamath Indian 'grounds near the Piute cemetery, and r. before the United States district court what. is known as PJute .Camp'three-V hofnro 1nHffaWr.lvA.lnn In .oBalnn I. nr fnnr mllaa frnffl Rufiv 'AndBhiilltt- the city hall, was .chosen this mom- ten miles from Yamax: A Urge crowd 3ji. ing, following which the opening of Indians had gattere4 at the tceVj'S btntementB of the counsel for the hall andYat the around. Dlaylakltltelr X',11 f;overnment and the defense were 'favorite game of "bonW'V ;Aaat' made. Edson Watson, Indian agent o'clock In the. morning of Wiinfkjt of the Klamath reservation at the aa, wasningtons Dirtnaaytrwat).fi time of the death of Peter Brown, en Sunday In, .9M.f hatwp; Cftatga Jg and J. M. Bedford, forest supervisor anu urown, ten tae aance nail ana,- . .... "... 4J . t-- . -. . '' .r."?".i ana government surveyor, were piaceu siuriea uume on aurBeuscK. " ," Minnesota's Hettlere Ind United Press Service . HKMinJI. Minn., June 11. In 1017 thero will not be' a single acre, Qua platform, Mr. Franzke ha made , .. riH..An, i.hj .-.n.kiA nn onvIahlA ronutntlnn for hlmRAlf ... .. ,-.... -. ...... h I. a dm inrieai thinker ., wn I reservation. later byjDr. Johnson from. tke;AfMey III W1U ecilll'l, Blum uuu umicta .. - - .---.. , . i..i h , .,, rovonloH ln hnll.l. tnr .' ..ajilalTlaTK9 a flnlsned orator, He win also' ""6 " tv..w ..-. ...w ....... ... rrrj,-- - or the aance nan, the roaaa ana trans smitn wesson revolver. viw'Bov-: In, the vicinity of the murder, the eminent, 8tatea.;taauueore naa .n tlin a.an ,n' altnw Ika, IKn a..n TllO hllllota' fftllTIrt l .TWtf.WI lilifcJir&jH Wll fcM7 D.aUM iV SUV. Mfc U SUr' - .- .-, m,,..-- w,;.!. posed crime was committed on the In the autopsy examination a few dy,.Vi luro today. There aro now overan "a m lllon acres of this land available, 'P" tomorrow afternoon. At n recent dollnquont tax safe there Saturday evening will be given the wns n uemnna mr at. least iu,i)uu.'"i. i','"' i " "..u4. ...y.. ncrcs, although tnoro were only aiu The orchestra and Miss Bergh will be rlii)ms available. Drainage and,leard ' n. Impressive program , of boosting, by tho Btate department of .classical and popular selections, and I. Yt'lfK M m... & ..!. it ' tk Iia rttrllnna -. . ieu.aT crew ,.e ,.... . , ...- ;"--, ,-,. ,,, u.nr. ,,linolnff 0n the streets and many . V, ?.r! .J?.U .n' "C i ?J .Trew. ::i Sw 111 be re- other ...versions, n-k. w... be , ,mm,KrntIou aro be,,eved t. be ti. . IMUNI win - -.,.. lvcl, ul luiuuui ,u un v.... ...... ..-.. . -.,... j o. J n Ik. ITnnrth .. . .,. I,nn.... 4...j . . . . .. .... ...., . I ..nrinr llw uniUfi C0I1III- V TKIUy UUU Dllluiua, . I'llllDCB lur IHU "WW "u.auu r, uuisuouiu coiiamoiia .-. .....- -- ""---,.., ,.'., ,. hBrv.l In a nntrlotic man- liour day, ucnt. her This will give tno inuuiiis i' 1'heeawmlU will uie a roUry saw .ploymenl during tho winter, a tin. UoMdes thero will be a ahlngle mill J when they nre generally Idlo. It will "lid planing mil) In connection. alio tend to encourage them In nils- A feature about this mill Is that It, Ing a heavier type orboim It w l to enter the commercial Held. The expected that from 1,000.000 to 5. outimt, baaldea that ue4 by the In-1 000,000 feet of timber will be logged dlsni, u to be told under bids to out-1 by tho Indian thl winter. 'roin Creek. R. C. Spink Is In town' from Spring schodulod la nnntlnil An ndded'feature of the three day Creek attending to bwlneas matters, celebration hero will be war dances,, - -n rr -- etc.. by the warm npring muinns, una u iu u ,... Dt-,.uo vUU loeatlon nf Imuortant, wltnesaBa iiiilln rnvnlynr irltti'Mm nt the' rahlmr " tho homes of various members or tho grounds, and-thatit.wM.'lat,faad inoe-wno win oe imporiani wimegsoi, ni ui, uuiuo.yiwaiuvuaimwrapfi. u lUUJiaicu UJT DvMIWU Will UO UCU ."!", w o , J yvwwuj. wri-rTHIH..;arT In the trlaj. It haa been placed "on others were "JUtyp.p lmajtaa the wall in full view of the court. siatea mat meir xmmmmm George is being tried the second show, that Oebie and Brewi4iii time tor tnis crime, a jury at uea- ok on ine irsn irom gtvo a program ot readings and Im personations. A a. child imperson ator, Miss LaDell has no superior In this country. Typical wheat farm In Australlla ant made by John J. Beckman, dep- by another IadlaVtarltwoiot I. . i.ii.. i'i a i Ih JIhh ' h kaill tiAia Z? aal stllai aai tf aaalOBt .9 extend from. 600 aro usually worked fnrd liavlnir failed n .aarna and the Lake road.- On Which'! . z, --. - - - .-, .,:. ;..'!JO-.v."t,,-. i opening statement for; the govern- found about 2 o'lockLtaariiooa tbe'siaiB ivw . . i.t- .i........n imi anH oiivi hn la n Art In. t hat thprn ihn fnrmop nnrl hla who aro notea ior meir i"""i ''?"" ""'" .."'YTrrz''Z.. "-""" Z7.SZ ..y.'.iZ ,1Z. l--,o. , .i. i.iu. oii- will be at least tyu ot mem owe ioring macninery oeiag uea in every ! .., ... ..-...., ..,,-. iinndwork costume, etc. John Le nn an influential Klamath Indian, tho celebration. i " - possible direction. ing a night of drinking and gambling ',7 " V $' i&yWl TV -!?, S5 r.Ty:v ..v .,-. ware