' KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ... i.w...iit-J.'K KLAMA1 tl, tUUn ;, ;. i-i . i j5iJP iftrJ. ',-'3: 1 a-A OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER! :-- w?-v r"tsi' SCx ., ..; :8fflvJ .T.n.- -itrt wwiMMwae!.wjLttr -5K3 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915 Price. Hnalft I ,1. II W S T .Slnth Yoar No. ,TM ".i''r&t Sir Edgar Speyer, Who Could Not Give Up His British Title WILSON TO STAY BY HIS ANSWER; BRYAN TO SPEAK Tllti RIMOINDKII WW VV IKXt'i: HQVAUKhV .IwwhiMW In lUtlln Alt' Hi'MrlMl us Ih'lnu Very (tpiirrlH'iKlvi. l-i Time Ik n Hillt llelwcrn tJrrnmny nml Amerlee, end An Akinit ur INiMporl Hrymi Hope in Kl-lunii- People to l.lww in IVao I'iiIiciI I'n'rtH Service WASHINGTON, I). I,'., tm 10. Wiitlo William Jennings Bryan lll Mm- a statement tomorrow regarding )! fuitiru wllvUUw, una will me nmwcfl hi plan for educating iho .eo.l m Pnr Menu, tlm president v. ill rcrtt IiIm cahw on hi rejoinder li Iho Oruinn reply, believing It will Juillfy him In not wntwerliiK Bryan. It Ih understood thnt the president', tonii'iitlou I. thnt It wnim't ilio killing . l.H- am fl.m l.llttllnilltl Unit 01 ABicritnun wm . . , .. ,i. . f.,n.i ciuhmI the nolo of Mny 13, but rather biiiikor. iwib jiihi urine., ... i... Hie method used. The rejoln.l.r nlo .State, a tinrowi In spite f himself. ay iho (Irrmnn reply m mm n- lie can't gut rl.l of III. .title. Ho mny Today's not dispute iho licrn.au public In forget It. but the llrlllnh ...mentions, nnd hold, thai then- Ih rriim.-nl will not fflrKcl. Once M alternative from a positive state- you got n Hrl l.h ill lo ll Ml ' meul. cither abandoning or refusing until doitl.. Some of . l.em t UMm tn nhnuilon Iho dWlllw objected to they dewcm! to pontcrlty. Hip Imro- !, tho llnllrt HWI. ! U exported net I. of Ih.. great Herman bank nR. Hint tbo wiolnUcr will b. delivered family of Krankfort-on-tho-Muln. IIU ix.erm.ny lh. nnornoon -; - - " ' -' ,ll8 h0UMll lnl unon iho kaiser pomon ui;u ' , the luon of wnr or pence. D.p.o- ,., lln.tod Stntc U no. In the world. motlcoiperu do not uellovo thnt rein- .80 reat hn been ho feclInK In Si. n oVbrlkM off cnlmly. It U Kmtl.il reemtly again. Hermnn. gtlmt The recall of Italled and naturalized Oerman that roaon aTeT AL..dor l.ernrd-wh.ch and all kind, of chargcM wcro , le would be the initial ntep taken by ngnln.t them. T 1.1. h a copy of ho America to ronlnUln her po.ltlon- letter tho banker wrote o I romlor iould l taS unture of a call for Aon.hJu.t before o sn. ed on e action on tho part of ncrmnny. ncr Pl.lla.lclpl.ln for the United No reply la expect"1 for ,on daya.fltnteu: in the meantime, tho president I. con-' -There is nothing harder to bow .Iderlnic memoranda dealing with the man tho aouio of Injustice hlcu ilrltlth Interference with American nud. no vont la oxproa.lon. tor tno (rnil(, Inst nine months I'havo remained n i hellevcd that tho noxt secrota-, silent, treating wiin u.hu.... i rr of itato wilt CARTOONIST XlwHPMIQiwlwlwEHP IBwJj.WaWaV T iillBwjlBw'ywjlBwcJHMilliBwjff? a, v.w.m .awaw wK.wai"?-f-m,? v'..m rs r wmmiMmmK Loudon WEBm$MMM t B-'3BK:ti.'vv- nKgiaBijET,:- MHSHB-vSv;.: WaWaSjM'vwn lw)B?fciSsi .WKSMlI- 9LV1LBh1 i " ISA FEATURE OF BILL Fl l CHAUTAUQUA 4 v CIIAUTAUWA I'HCKJItAM r " Concert Government Action vs. London Times IMalgtit Uvonlue "Olo'.Ho'mf! Adolphlun Quartet. OliulkTnlk "Kwccr 'Km a tern I've Known" Marlon Ilnllou Fink. MoruliiK Fridiiy Junior C'linutaiiiiu 1'layiHour Afternoon Prelude. Vltepgkle'n lloyal Hungarian Orchestra. Cartoon Lecture, "American. In tho Making." .Marlon Dal- lou FlHk, i Admission 35c. v livening Conceh, "Hoyal Hun garian Orcheilra. Popular ae lectlons. Charlotte Hergli, hrlc sonrano.S Lecture, "Tho && Spirit of the Rockies,' A. Franzkc. k Admission r.Oc. I Arthur 1 1VRiMaKI . S-S'l i.WaWaWiH T 5M 55fcWf?5.WaWaWa v 'fvm'fm m IIKiHB i i I i i iii ,n, ; imim ,3 II II IBHUM Lord NorthclUTe lir. D..ll.i:.CCncDII PnilDT: war DUiieuiibrtuinnL uuubis IN SESSION 10 TRY JIM GEORGE United Pre.. Service PARIS. June 10. It In ofttdally admitted today that the French army Ih seriously lacking In ammunition supplies. Alt men capable of taking up the manufacture were ordered homo from the trenches. JI'-I'WK tai 'S 1 United Press Service BERLIN, June 10. It is announc ed that the Russian forces, greatly strengthened- this week, have forced the Germans to withdraw toward Bet Igola from Courland and other points along tho Baltic, United Press Service BERNE. June 11. It Is stated to day that the Italian, artillery la shell ing Trieste from a long distance', and that the infantry bare taken Roverto. Tho Italians are also reported aa shelling Beseballa. ULAMA1M INDIAN ON TRIAt PORX; , ' LIFE , i -S 1 i ' In Accused of ShooU.g Pete. Brottn, N'eai PiutjB Camp; Law .Many Indians Are Down From the HcMrrMlon. Both" anWltBe.se. and Hear the M n ai ".' I Ve-r,: ti.r i 'T.Z J- "li f TeeUaaou-CtreiuB. - Si suintial Evidence Eatersiato da.-: '"U , 1 -'5 to ''K I, . i n j. ..( Klamath mnnfv'a Ant aaaaiMT. of .1 'Ci .. . .. , a1j&UJ.1. a.k. i . - -?. --r-r-jz.-,! rr; Oregon was opened thU'komuig'-at .. n....-v. the council room in the new city ball. - T- Alio jivim - - . United Press Service collier Erna was submarined yester- when the trlal.of Jim Georie.cnargad .-..... . -n(h Villtnir Pte iBroWBl another .. m .. . n a awaw r rnv .Hnns.. n . ..(. - -- u. ," "- a . . . : r . w .. i . Klamath Indian, started., Marwica. s ' -- l-Mgnr Sxyer Sir Kdgar Speyer, great .1' be either Secretary charges of disloyalty nd the charges I.n.ly Seyer r.ctlvu participation in the New York i.rniwii Imbi veur. and discontinued 1.1k active connection with tho Frank- foi t-on-tho-Mnln branch In 1887, whou he assumed control of the Lon don frm. l.nim on Counsellor Lansing. Tho German nolo on tho sinking of tbo achoonor Fryo by the aormnn cruiser F-ltel Frledorlch has been re ceived, aermnny Insist that the ca should go to the prlie court, and Insists that .ho ha. a right to dostroy ships carrying contrnbnnd, In extreme cases. By KARL ACKEBMAN (United Pros. Staff Correspondent) (CopyrlghU9ir.,by United rPeas) BERLIN, Juno 10. (By courier to Denmark, via Tho Hague and Lon don) American, hero aro approhen Hive, anticipating a break between tlermany and America'. For day. It has been rumored that all should he rendy to leave on a day', notice. An, American dentUt any. a consu (Continued on page 4) of treachery mndo against mo by the prcBH and private Individuals. But 1 can lemaln silent no longer, Tor moso diftTges and Insinuating suggestions hnvu been repeated by men in punnc ulilec, who Imvo not scrupled to use their 1'onltlnns to Inflamo ovor-straln-a.i r,.iine- of tho ncoplo. I am not n n-.nn who can bo driven or druramod by threats nnd nbuso Into an attitude J of Justification, but I consider it due m inr honor as a loyal British subject and to my personal dignity as iv mnn to u-tlre from nil public positions, i therefore ask you to accopt my resig nation na privy councillor and request that my baronetcy bo rovoKcu. At o.n death of his father, uustnvus Spycr, Mr. Spoyor was a member of ,h n.reo creat Snoyor firms. Spoyor Bros., I)iidon: Speyer & Co.. New York, nnd L. Speycr-Elllsson. Frank-r.it.cm.tho-Maln. Ho resigned his CLOPTON, ROURKE. OUT OF TROUBLES IXIIICTMKXTH AGAINST BONANZA COUPLE AND CRESCENT 11K8I- iKT ARE DISMISSED UPON IRWIN'S MOTION Plans Being Made (or Four District Fairs Upou motion of District Attorney Irwin, Circuit Judgo George Noland has dismissed tho Indictments against m a Rourke. charged with larceny of imbllc money, nnd Hugh and Ber- ti.n nionton. indicted on nn arson charge They were Indicted about n rear ago. Rourke was charged with convert ing to his own uso nbout 2,500 ot the Crescent school district's money. u. nmintalna thnt ho loaned this money to responsible parties for the school district, and thnt ho wns legni Iv nllvlHPll to dO SO. Tho Clopton. were chatged with (.ettlng Are to tho Bonanra poBtomce ,.. venr bco. thereby causing a fire thnt willed out n considerable portion .,f ti.n hiiRlncss district. Mrs. uiapiuu was postmistress nt the time. Although It I. some month, yot un til county fair e.on, tho Klnmath county fair board I. already at work, their early efforts being to make tho district (air. so aucceeaful that Klam nth county will aot only make a how ing at home that will make us all proud that we llv b. but will nUo he able to aead convincing display, to take prltea at the .Ute fair In Salem and at the Panama-Pacific In- terna(loB&4 ajrnnaltlna. An enthuslaaUd meeting of Merrill people wa held thl. week, at which Fred PeteraoB, rtreeeUng the fair noara, end County Agncuitunn and J. H. HobbH were uameu hb .... AVn..tiv eommlttoo to take up nr- .n.m-na for the buccosb of tho M11vii. Merrill fnlr. They nnvo u. i nnmlng other committeos. Tho plnn now outlined Is to hold district fairs at Merrill, Bonanza and Fort Klnmath In Beptemuer, iu . m bo, dotermlnol Inter, nut ono ... each dny for threo dnys. Following this, tho prlo-winning eniui ennh district fnlr will be brought to Klnmath Fall, for display here, and from this display tnero win oe ib 4...a ni.nlva. one to bO lent to tllO tUte fnlr, tho other to the Klamath Kuan.Milp Lines mid Rnllron.lH WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 10. AHhoHgh tho Intorstato Commorco Commission order, requiring several c-o.nrn railroads to glVO up luoir A.,eiiin connections on the aront. i.ta does not go into oneci uniu rwnmhnr 1. the Commission la bolng kept busy explnlnlng tho renson for tho ordor. which wns mnoe uuum terms of tho Pnnama Canal Act, Roland OJalmw were present. At coui thl. Urn J. O, Iwm, Mr.. Abel Afflr county booth at the S.n Francisco Home After VUlt. J. Frank Adams returned last ove nlng to hi. stock ranch below Merrill, after a .hort business visit In the county Mat. ChatitauQ.ua goers . were thrown litn n nnnl" In thA lllflRt of tllA DrO- gram this nfternooi when the fierce winds ripped the largo tent in several nlaces. and by sheer force lifted the side canvas until, those in the tent retired that It would tumble to the ground. Prompt work by several men In the large audience adjusting tho supporting polea nround the outer edge of the tent soon made things 'safe. Elder Harlan at once, offered tho use of tbe'Chrtitlon ehnrch tor the entertainment, and to there, all adjourned until the program was completed. Unless the high wind continues, tho program this evening will be held in tho big tent. Should bad weather prevent, the Christian church will be used. Interest In the Chautauqua is grow ing with each entertainment. The splendid lecturo by Colonel William Hamilton Miller Inst evening on "Our Neighboring City" pleated highly. but this afternoon he drew even greater applause when he gave his widely known lecture entitled "Farm ing and Being Formed." Colonel Miller is as much a humorist as a lec turer, nnd no one could henT him without being in better spirit, as a result. The Adelnhian quartette pleasant ly entertained Inst evening and this afternoon gave the prelude to Colonel Miller's talk. Among the little folks no one In town is more popular this week than Miss Hazel Alexander, who haa charge of the Junior Chautauqua each morn ing. .The kiddies nro hearing good 8torlea galore and learning to quick ly "mnke mnny little articles and to play numerous games they never heard of before. If you would like to hear the old home songs' you enjoyed Iwenty years nra. como to Chautauqua tonight. The Adolphlnn quartette ll dowa for a program of these precious old songs thnt nromise to stir the memory ot every man and woman in attendance until they wish for tho good om day. fnrlon Ballou Fi.k, co&Bldered ono of the beet chalk talk mrtlaU In the land, Is to be seen and heard tni. evening for the first time. "Kweer Knracters 1'vo Known" Is the title of tonight's entertainment by Mrs. fisk nnd tomorrow afternoon .be will en leitain with "Americans In Making.'' .Not only does Mrs. Flsk draw with twenty different colors or crayon out rIio tells mnny benutlful atones conjunction with tho drawing.. Tomorrow hfternoon WUepaklo's Royal Hungnrlnn orchestra will make Its first appearance. In thl. small orchestra are found all ot the funda mentals ot a large orchestra, and un der the ablo direction ot Mandel Wltopsklo ha. developed into one or the most creditable organisations on tlio Chautauqua platform. So far on the BllUon-Whlte y.tem ..... -MhMtra. with Mies Berth, ha. met wjth Inatant favorand Klamath FnHs music lover, are .ure oi a r treat. The orcneatra'. prelude to morrow attaraoea will ticUde botk popular aid eieaatoa) aire. Ti,n nritiHh covernment has begun action against tho London Times, of which Lord Northcllffe. beiievea oy mnv nowsoaoer men to be the great est publisher in the world, is tho own er. Tho charge is maae in rouu- inn with a statement printed some iimn nifo about the French army. It Is held that the statement gave ir..nnHnn to the enemy. However, tho prosecution is considered a result of tho fight Lord Nortnciine s uC-- papers have rande on Lord Kitcnener, war minister. Repeatedly the limes and Dally Mail havo charged tnai tne n.m.h ormv In KrftnCO WftS UOl BUP- piled with aufflclent amnMttanAadL that Dailies ana mm nrt cause of this. The charges, with those made by Lord Fisher against Winston Churchill, led to the reorganization of tho British cabinet. Kitchener held his place. -But it was considered by many that the Times' chnrgas were admitted by the government wnen n innk from Kitchener the control of the supply of munitions of war made by Lloyd-George minister or muni tlons. CHURCHES ATTEND CI .' Klamath Indian, starleil t " Federal Judge C. E. Wolverton to,' presiding. Other federal oSelale In attendance are G. H. Marsh, courtK T clerk; John Montague, U. 8. atar- ", shall; Frank Berry; deputy .mwftfiaj;;; " . --.ifc-j aaa . wimam Mcawam,.cniei auaiwr,, mim, r QliynAV PDn0Vftgy-FJcmlDg' offlc-al reporter Ctereece aiaiBiisaa . niiiiiiHm i.. iieamesr u. a. auinci miiormmy :rrr - j UUIIUIII I HWM John 'J. Beckman., deputy 'dlitrlci-at-', . jg3 . lorney; Charles P. Pray ot "the.Btor r'--r, reau ot InvesUgatlon., and SpeWat -'.$ ALL PROTEST-VAT CHURCHES .,,! of iha tndliraawlee.. . 1 wn.i. PANfTKt, EVENING" 8ERV- a Docullar feature ot the: trial" 1.7 .,.. lim.mtR that while, thopeop'le of Oregoa hive, ires Vi WTT.I,. ATTKNU CkAIT- . .. . -v-i-'t - ... - .." i t "S . , .x,.- .. anoiuned.tte oeatn penauy, ueorge-; p a vtotta aprriok should be be convicted ot,ftrjit OegrW. YtM murder. lll'be.hangea.at.MeNeWerS " --- rrr": . : ..jjs -i'm There will be no evening service.- un me, moroina o .'F't"'jV3J at the Baptist, Metnoaist, tnruuaa . . - .---rrL,; r.-.., ..-. .ht,x, nnnitaT a holes in the back, was found' in the 'i :'&"; ana rfsujieiiau mi.- -,, ( . . , o -. t yM all of these congregation, will attena roan near iriuie amp. ?. ."sl the Sunday sessions ot Chautauqua. George two neen orinaing, jMxwfwm-si wwvr Phmitnunua Is held. the;ing at a aance, u is aaio. so. vmmj & Sabbath program Is In keeping with nre reported to, have left. the. liall , to--j geiner, aimr a ijunrroi. auuu wM -js-na SLANDER CASE IS WON BY DEFENSE JURY, AFTER SEVERAL HOURS OF DELIBERATION, RETURN A VERDICT FAVORING EUGENK 8PENCER TODAY The Buckner Jubilee company will! render a sacred concert Sunday after noon, and Miss MarletULaDell, read er, will give sacred readings. "The New Woman and the Young Man" will be the sermon-leViture topic of Senator Burkett at the evening se slo. a vnrdict for the defendant was re turned this afternoon by the Jury In the Conolly-Spencer slander suit, ai i.r hreo hours of deliberation. This assesses the costs against the plain tiff, John Conolly. in tho suit Conolly alleged that Eu- geno Spencer had told different pnr-. ilea that Conolly una set oui iwuuu parsnips lo kill Spencer's cnttle. Thla Conolly alleges was a slander, and he demanded 110,000 damages. The trial ot the case occupied two days. Fred H. Mills ana joun were Spencer's attorneys, ana . Carnahnn nnd W. H. a. itenner j poared for the plaintiff. the day, and sacred concern ana er- bciuw. . h--. - -'.,-; & mons or addresses on religious mat-icumsianuai esse u w wv.;e- ters aro held. ' Tnw secona iri . uvr - on the same cnarge. j.ne inw-ni-- Medford last fall resulted In a dis agreement Stone & Gale and Judge Wb.ter, of Portland are attorneys for Oeorge.v Twelve talesmen were passed at tneT morning sesslon.i but; thla afternbok, will sua a thlnnlns out. undoubtedlxf Those In the box when court convene! in 13 aiiernooa were n,.u.,wir R. w. Tower, W. J: McCuiir, Leeu,,. Vanderpoot, D. J. Maauell, Franks a m A a A. Courtade, Z. J. Harrw, at. . a"l &&' worth, E. V. Smith, Charles ,- ex . ' rJ' a, A TI.h .rlJ halter, ueorge . Dparunar v j,-w B)'' . . & ijT-J It Is expected that the Jury win.Mgg selected and the argument, maee w this afternoon's session, allowing wj, ..M.AMAAiAnf nf tasflmnnv. toaior-V v tUWUlBUVVUIVI). W w....w. - . r; i ;i" row. i&f&g. Here for Visit. Mrs. Arthur B. Llvermore came In last evening from Redding for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Carter. Cooked Food Sale. The ladles of Sared Heart church will hold a cooked food sale at the McDonald building. Sixth and Main street., Saturday. cl -?l A i a May Cork Up Goods Sales Against New Freight Rates DUBUQUE, Iowa, June 10. Alarm ed at tho new freight rates fixed ,in tho Panama cnnnl wns opened, in which they sny discriminate In favor of const points, member, or we upjwr : gag BottlAI in City now that Klamath Fall, is full ol;tlary sentence, seme: people w ',sfe .... . . . . 'WBfef. A.lfttlAr t'.' Indians attending federal court, an running me cno . , '-''P'm money. m v twvsvffis. The government regards tne;tm& effort Is to be made tonight to bring about a' condition that will prevent Indians having a penchant for J. Bar leycorn In hie many varletle. from Ratiatina said desire. Thl. I. to be thorough co-operation between tne United States officials and the saloon men of Klamath Falls Klamath Falls saloon men benr an "'COBStPva.lroT:.:' .:.-. I enviable record for strict compliance "IS?1" I' .M-ion herTto- with the laws, and the oc.la are uiuuvu imw "r- . day to preparo a program ot resist- ance. which will be turiner www- out at the regular meeting ai wu.ucy October 13th, and then laid before tho next congress, t.,oi nnn commercial associa tions, governors ot Mls.ls.lppl Val ley states, mayor, or cine. uu --d. mnn generally make up the asso ciation which, think, the Middle West has been injured by the rate, maae oy th ro.d. to compete with all waiter. traBo via the canal from coast to oeast. confident that the Indian, willnot be furnished with, liquor by then men, it is the traiulent class, that cause the trouble, and to .top these peojrte from .lipping .flnak. to, tne inaians, n a. District Attorney Reamea wm ask the saloon men tonight to prom ise not to aellany bottled good, while court is In session. "Tho government will mae every effort to prohibit the seie,ot liquor to Indians."- .aid he. ''Wue it u un derstood by mearty evarr4jr that thli crime Is pnalshaWe by pHam I , .. ..A-. . ntmtmUtt now ui pirc" - - rrrr f isz Importance. On-one hand, the ,e- vg.- ernment ha. much at, lUHW-wflffl m.a tn u that the aoilltr sU'notXV escape, punishment; onithi other hWd: there Is a man on trial for ,mie.tj therefore, It I. highly ewentieiwja.. concerned that liquor be ,WW' Indian., upon- whoie tietlmony ;,;, i of importance In the 'oaafaipwfcgJ "IK nrrlfir to acCOBIDllsk tMS.K MS-; 1 slbie,.,I iiavecAlledie.mekiiwMJ iin..n -itrs.of "the towni.ertWa : ,.' 7rT7?-rrjz . - . t , v r fat'Ac evening, ; '.iJTrr'-r-pTOS.;- W tompt.ao.wt;aspl3frllf them ihat during ttatlawJjW saj court Is In seMum.nerfijjewjpwk sell bottled gooe..e..eww;fi ot the;jiM"ii)!i bars,.th.ag:iioec,stj danger.teron'iiBwi toodetowkHwh trattewMiUetadsi .'H 11.1 . ,. : p- '',jtriwvj-ir!t.i ' jawffl .';