w1 : WHWAy, JUNK B, lg THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON M - , V2X ir "I ttT ! BUR EXTENSION BM BY COP TAJUOt'S EXTENSION INTO AD- joining noon is a matter von discussion at last NIGHT'S COUNCIL MEKTINQ Com a saloon license, entitling the bolder thereof to operate a whole sals and retail liquor store give the holder a right to operate two baraT Or, docs a bar, beginning In one room and extending tho length of an other by means ot a "horseshoe" connection constitute one bar or two ban? This little quandary was last night bequeathed to City Attorney Carna ban by the old council. It comes as the result of a protest from I. P. Taber. Taber's license gives him two en trances, 111 and 113 Fourth street, to his bar. Some months ago he tore out part of the partltllon between the two rooms and extended his bar Into Huston's iHTfpilsfll AMSeHOLtS W000m00W0m0000WW000W000w HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE ' STAR THEATER "THE WILLIAMSON SUBMARINE PICTURES" The World's Greatest Motion Picture la Serea Great Reels . Portraying the Wonders of the Deep Sea Added Attraction The Peerless Orchestra Jit Concert in and 33c Mill Iiii r liter) SatunlH) nuil Suoilu) m man TEMPLE THEATER "In the Park," Chas Chaplin Comedy "Such Things Really Happen." Lubln Two Reel Comedy "The Honor of the Camp." Sellg Drama tdailssfba Always lUr. UATIXEE DAILY AT 2:8U ALL LICENSED PICTURES MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill. Or )l t ririTKKM Tt'KIM 4 Ml SATI'KIIAVH I STAR I Tonight and Wednesday 'The Williamson Submarine Pictures" Only Pictures. The Record Smashing Sensation of the Age Unique IX Mr. -; Most Amazing Pictures Ever Shown fl w I; 7 the second room. The 111 aide has been used mainly for wholesaling, bottled goods, etc., but recently more bar fixtures were installed there, and' the place uiedvas the other bar. A few days ago Chief ot Police, Smith stopped such use ot the room. Last night' Attorney F. H. Mills, for Taber, entered e protest against any inovo by the touncll to sustain this action. Mayor Nicholas contended that by such an arrangement Taber was maintaining two bars, and said this was not allowed r the city charter wlt'iout an uddlttonal license to sell liquor at 111 end 113 Fourth street Councilman Owens moTcd to leave the matter to the city attorney. Moving Pictures "An Apartment House Case," epl- sode one of ' The Black Box," proved such a great picture last night that the management has decided to Btartlhas more power, an Improved -llght-this beri&l as the "Million Dollar ' lng and starting system, one msn top. Mvstorr" wa launched, with a free show. Realizing that all witnessing this picture wilt appreciate It, the' Orpheum management tonight will open the doors to all, and asks local1 theater goers to be the guests of "Klamath's Klassy Show Houbo." Three additional reels will shown. be The Star theater management will. present to the public today what is probably one of the greatest achieve- ments In motion pictures, namely, "Tho Williamson Submarine Pic tures." When jou have witnessed the pictures, taken at the bottom ot the sea, you have seen the only genu ine motion pictures that hare been taken in the bottom of the ocean. Words cannot describe tho many amazing sights that nro shown in the plctui&s. The one subject consists of seven reels, portraying every imagin able species of deep sea fish In their native haunts. Tho scenes in Xep t no's botanical gardens must bo been to be appreciated. In making these pictures the Williamson Brothers have constructed a large steel vessel with a large steel tube, which Is lowered to the bottom of the sea. The bulb, or camera man's booth, Is construct- ed of glass ot great thickness, Into which a powerful searchlight plays. Ail oi wnicn are cieany snown in the beginning of the picture. In an other scene some of the world's prom inent men are shown ln the bottom ot the tube. Tou cannot realize what a truly wonderful picture production it! is until you have witnessed It Mat-, Inees will be given on Wednesday and ) Thursday. The Peerless Orchestra will render j averaging $8 a day with her touring a fine concecrt program ln connection , car. Unlike most of the other jitney with the picture. Orchestra concert) drivers, she has made her car a "pay starts at 7:30, picture at 8 p. m. I as-you-enter" car. THEATER" I Ever Taken at of the Sea All seBeselesB JHi OVERLAND PRICE IS REDUCED NOW CUT OF aSS IN SKLL1NG PRICK OF POPULAR CAR IS ANNOUNC KD WHITK PKUCAN GARAGE NOW AGENT Tlio biggest sensation In a-utoino-blle ctcrcles so far this year Is the cut of $325 In the prlco ot the 1916 ! Ox erland. I i Hie inrgesv tour cyuuuer uverrauu 'produced this ear will Bell for 7B0 'at the factory, or 1895 delivered In Klaumth Falls. Specifications show tl.nt tintni In nittnv nnrilriitnm. It is f, l.... WW... . ,.... -- - , otherwise practically tho same as Model 80. which last season sold for 5M75 factory. It Is lighter In weight headlight dimmer and divan uphol- stery The first carload ot these t!16 models are being unloaded today by the White Pelican garage, and will soon be on tho street. Will T. Lee, ; who had the agency for the Overlands last year, has retired from the Central 'garage, nnd will devote all his time to selling Overlands for the Whlto Pel ' lean garage. SUMMER HERE Dearest Public: They aro here, beautiful and new collars for the calves. Always put your La Valllere on the Ice at night, so It will be nice nnd cool for the next day. If you havo the time and inclina tion, I'd like to show you a few new things In seasonable jewelry. We have glasses for most anyone. You should have auto goggles If you ride, as the eyes that you came hero with aTO much better than the Porcelain ones. we can nx lnosl anyinmg in me Jewelry line, and most any watch that ever Aid un. No, we won't sew up BaPa torn ln tno reputation, Ho put hg am 6round ner walgt And on ner p, he preMed a kl8S. "I've drank from many a lovely cup, But never from a mug like this." Remember, I love you. Being true is lying to one's self. Don't do It McHattan. Miss Florence E. Oafftey, Phils- delphla's first woman jitney driver, is i B the Bottom The Greatest Marvel of All Time Enthralling m u 1 I I Hot Words Fly at Council Meeting (Continued from nags 1) municipal taxes here aro tho largest ot any town ot the alio on tho Const. Why burden the peoplo furthorT Lot us cut down somewhat, and put the saving Into streets and sidewalks. "It Is a shame for the city to spend money to eloct a mayor at big enough salary to permit him time to surround himself with a ring of politicians to porpetunto his term. 1 wnut to see tho charter amended ut lite next elec tion toxcut down this salary, nnd have tho pooplo put In olhco n real business man." Appeal from Uulliig, "Thoso consolidations could save tho city J'S.GOO a year." said Doty. Miller then made nn appeal from tho ruling of tho major on the Stru bio motion. Struble seconded thin. The mayor stood mute on tho appeal, and would make no decision either way, nil efforts to pin him down be ing unavailing. "Since tho mayor has put himself In mi rli a disgraceful position by not putting this motion anil appeal, It's up to us to nsk our president to put the appeal," said Miller. "If such power Is vested In him as our mayor clalnib, what could any council or legislature do but sit Idly by, nnd take I he medicine illhod out. Tho people of Klamath Palls will not stand for such a ile.il as this, or, at least, I hope not. Lot us, therefore, go on record, so that an arrests these present police may make Jeopardise their own liberty nnd funds. Let's put him on record so he bus to fay something." Miller then dictated the following statement for the minute book. "It now appearing that the mayor has Incapacitated himself tlirouqh hlr standing mute and not putting the motion presented to him by the coun cil ln proper form, and that when hr ilocided the motion out of order nnd an nppcal was taken from his deci sion, ho would not entertain suld ni jrl to he voted npon by tho council and I mako a motion that tho presi dent of the council put the motion." Nicholas himself muile n statement for the minute book, which was not .virtlblc at tho press table. "I am here, and my office Is not va cant." said Nicholas Miller then from the floor put his appeal In tho form of n question as to whether the mayor should bo sus tained In refusing to entertain Mil ler'? appeal. The unanimous vote was "no." o City Attorney. lu the squabble, someone suggested sending for the city attorney, und bomeone stated Carnahan was not yec qualified. Auothcr held that In such a uiso Kuteulu wan still city attorney, whereupon Itutcnlc said bo would re sign. Laughter and applauso follow ed. Itutcnlc offered to give his un olltcial opinion on this lino piece of parliamentary procedure. Miller got up to move for tho put ting of the motion by the president. 'Since' the mayor, by his action has put himself in a dishonest light " he started. "That dishonest light was not dur ing my term in the clerk's office," in terrupted Nicholas, "But I can show you so mo things ut the court house." "You never told tho grand Jury that," replied Miller.- Further parley on this Ilnu was stopped by Matthews moving to a point of order. Tho following statement was made by Nicholas for recerd: "I am present, am not incapacitat ed from acting, my office Is not vacant and I am not absent from the city. 1 object to the president ot the council taking my dutlos as mayor with refer ence to tho police force." More parleying ensued, and finally Matthews put Strubel's motion for tho dismissal of tho police force. This lllj JlEPTHE FUE8 COTfHJII Don't delay in protecting your home from flies. You will have to buy Screens sooner or later, and they are just as cheap now as they ever will be. Screen Doors, all standard sizes. AdjuiUbU SteeJ Frams, Window Screens. Phone us for prices. ' Big Basin Lumber Company SeKEP we were fortunate in making Ik 7 A Special Buy on 26 Ml W Men's Blue Serge Suits J I u TWELVE OF THESE SUITS WERE IttsMPfe carried tiuaiiliuoubly, us did Doty' motion Immediately afterward for an it'ijournmeiit, I lie inombcr of the policy font! are Mill on duty today. The) state that even If It can be proen that the Kiiincll had n right to dismiss thorn, thoy hold olllco until their successors ure qualified, ami that as et their successors havo not been named, To Contention. , Postmaster W. A. Uclzcll lett this morning for Portland to attend the convention of Oregon postmustors. 10c a button $1 a rip, Uutclieon Ti-ouimm-n, at K. K. K. More. "An Apiirtment I loom ,'iimi" Kplsode 1 ot "Tho Black Uox" (luarnntoed the Greatest Herlul Kver .Known "PlnyliiK With Flro" Two lleol Drama "Unity Money" I.KO Comedy AbM.S5.bN FREE Mtfl sf lssTVis I Town Topics Here on it VIU. Minx Opal llure of AhIiIuiiiI Ik hero on a visit to her i'uuhIii, IIi liriuo llonglnnd. To ,M flood Hoon. C It. Miller or (ho Miller I'liutu (ompnny leaves this week for Me Cloitd, Ciillf., whore ho will lie en gaged In photographic work for a mouth! Not Watchmaker. M. V. OhrlstopheiHoii of .St. I'aul, Minn., has accepted u portion as watchmaker with Thnd McHattan. Mr. ClirlntnulicrHOii Is an expert In this Hue, nnd has had yea is of' expert- euro. Thad mi)H If Chris can t fix It JiiHt put it little Mower on It and bury It. VaiiHo it can't bo did. WA.NTi:i Hltiiatloti uu cook by mid-dle-nged lady on ranch or vamp. AddresH 124 Herald office. H-St HITUAT10N WANTKI) Mail and wlfo want employment on ranch ; havo no ehlldien. Wrltn 112 Herald .ofllco. 8-Gt i v TOIIAY'N OIli:Hr HltlltV I tilled Pro Hervlie UKNVKIt. folo. June . Thero's null) no daiiKor oi the v United Htiiten and Japan soloi to war. John H.ikii 1. r. JPi living nt i:i- HumlioMt street, I i nver, a tiling in bis d.illr p- Per, oiild, afUT ii)lng lil re Hpecl to the "bull Iok" " h'u- repe: ' "U. K. President Woodrow Wilson 'U my Ideal getiilemsn. I'm very glad I'. K got hkMh tlio goml leader of the Lincoln e typo In recent critical aue. I'm earnestly over dculrod I'. H, and Jnpr.ii will uiulewUnd oaih other. And I'm ixlally uliiieil to Investigate of America and Introduie the heM ipiullty to Jnpun. Moping for nur proi- perlty, yours tritl) " V liiiglaiid'M miiHt popular summn: resort, llrlghton, will ho H)llced b women this summer. The Hist dUH of women are now on duty and lri numbers of recruits are being In strurtod ho that they ","oVe u"' balance of the men. 1:1 sv. Reek 711 hmmmmI III I PHONE 107 :tS.,F tiY? ssS W