"Ap f,f4y (..f. - X. ""iA.-ffwJ. SPBh TlJKtfDAY, JUNK , 101(1 THE EVENING HICK ALU, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WE ARE NOW PREPARED TodoAutomobilaRcpairing Flint class work.' Prices right. Oniollnp wli) any lime, day r nlglit, froHi our sidewalk pump. r'rr'nlr piped l Hip pump. No I'MmInk lnt Hit gnrmtn for itnM or iilr. . OIVK t'H A THIAL, AM YOU WIJJi COMK .MIAIN TELFORD' BROS. Corner Conger nnd Main A LITTLE SPORTING GOSSIP II) IIAIIV I AMIS (I'lilltnl press Hliiff t'oriespoudoiit) NliW VOUK. iiJnc 8. Tho dogged peristeum with which I'at Moraii's I'llllllUH lllllg III IMIIItl tho top ut till! National l.eagilu Im beginning to cause iiuii.Ii woiry In vurUiiiH other cnnipH In , I'realdeni 'I'unur'H circuit. When thu Qunkurlown crew not nvvay In u mini mihIi at tho opening Of thu season, iiiiiNt of tin "wise" ones laughed. "It's 'Jiml 11 H.ihIi," tliuy miltl "Thoy won't hiii) up Hum v loni;." Thu Hash, however, Iiuhii'I mIiowii iiuiiiy healthy signs of sputtutlng out. iinl l.-iiiKo thmiigh tu lodud no de cision affairs, WeUh hiiHii't linked IiIh tltlo over llic twenty i on ml cotimu to :i docl hIoii. Ho hits engaged In no vera 1 Limit h since Iiw und Ilofereo IJugvno Coril took Wllllo Ultchlo'a title In London hint Huirnnor, hut thoy have all liucu newspaper decision clashes. Welsh has been hold oven, and ovon shaded In n numher of those, and tho public In beginning to think thai the Welshman lHu't a real champion by any meant!. Itltchlo lammed thu tur out of tho III lion at MiuIIhoii Squiiio Garden Gives a Vivid Description of the Battlefield Seen From Nearby Hill in the poui4Aof.M),fKr;tM Mtoffe In dHcrl' AllV'. WiN ; berry f roW .ifcf. ' " ,Mn, tirMacd.')Mff)goaTOpB ta " fright hip, weight about ita!Bnjsm Ana mat uaiess uwgwitr w of ald animal, ; Qiitfj'&Mi lUNyjERSAL ananas tata Irood ChoDoer t t ,CuU Like a Pair ot Shears Misy so-called clioppcu cruih ad war th men or vegetables, wattiag the Juices ind destroying the flavor. Th UNIVERSAL the otigi nil Pood Chopper cut like a pair I (heart, with two ihirp, beveled edge. These edges ire to adjurtedthit they keep ihtrp automatically by acting one upon tht other. Th UNIVERSAL Food Chop per cleanly chop all kindtof mens raw or cooked and (mitt and vegetable coarse or fine udetirrd witinut uuhig r Uarinx. BKh UNIVERSAL Food Chop per I equipped with coarse, medium and fine cutteri. Extremely timple. Nothing to get out of order, Parte inter cbaagtable easily cleaned. Roberts & Hanks Tho Culm spiulcd by them oncu In'over the ten miiiid roulo a fow Mu for u hIiuii time, but Mnran's months ago Tho American made men battel "d ihelr wa back aKnln. Welsh look like a mero uovlco. Tho Culm, b tliu nil), on their llrst MlchU tiled bard for a knockout, llastein Invasion, cleuned ui eeij-' which would huvo brought him the whom hut at I'hlladolplilu. Tho ''tl. hut Welsh, badly scared, ro-iort-I'lillllcs turned tbum back neatly In; id continual clluclilng to save hira jiliuli offoiih to dislodge the league' "'If- H "clung" through tho (en lend) is. iouhiIh. Kvcry Now York critic nvvard- raiw ale now giving tho Quarko.-, "' tU '""ct t0 MiM' I town crow a hIokit hiHpittlou than Uhaillo White, tho liaid-hlttlns they Imvo hetotoforo HiIh hoiihoii. i:t-n hlniKo battler, him Blvcn WcIhIi hov sel tlm I'lilllles an. hoi leunrded w.il. 'inl haul tUHhlcx over tho hbort oiiHly art iicuiii.nl lontendeiM. K.-w oiiife. Jimmy Duffy, the rangy think that they hao tho Btamiila that awkwaid tlKhtliiK hut hard to beat ,wlll l.o iciiulud when the r.uo Kets JomiKstci frimi l-ockport, N, V., la hot In inld-Hitnimer. Charles Kbbutts, anothi r who Ih conceded a great iaiii r or thu DodKoiH, who are tlireal- i-hniiu' lo be..t the KngllHlinian ovor ciiIiik tho leadera thin sear. wiiBiiuot- "'' iw'iilj t-uton loutc Mllburn oil as h-dIiik that Now Vork and IIoh-i 5Mi. Imtutor of the "loop-tho-lou were the only toanw IiIh club had '""I'" puiiib. .bi balls from Indian- to heal out foi tho poimmit Itoger apolls. ilattcnc.l Welsh In a Canndlan llii'tnir.liiin, idiot of the Cubs, picked rl " muplo of jenra ago. Ilie l-n-tbo Mine two as thu oiich he feared. Kllhliman co up a claim of foul, aud Ncllhci of Ihe-a- pilots took each oth- (,t ""-v wlUl u u"t ,llor? wero 'er or tho Phillies Into consideration. ""'" wl' MW lllJ ,,('1"- ttll sald tlle 'Ah yet iielthor tho Clnnls nor thoi Hooskr was robbed of m Just victory. i)rnot lnmi not koIiik Theio aie a great many othora who i Tho great biaud of hurling tliut hU h'servc a ciack at Wclsira title. It ,club has been blessed with Is tlio hlB. '" !' t" the Kngllshmair to tut loose .Bint fat lor In Moian's success. Cto- f"1"1 "", ,,, und game and get out ..r ninii.lnnil Ali.imili.r. .iinintlmrii ' "ml defend hllilfielf ncr tho long (kndwn as Alexander tho ideal, has oourse and to a rofeuc's decision. been exhibiting tho best brand of i " 'twirling seen In either league this sea- Dnnji) Morgan's loose agatu. Tho 'miii. AlwayB a great pitcher, ho has "dumb" manager wuo spcndB the lotilrnie himself HiIh Kelson. I lo has most of his time punishing a type hail few off (lasii, and ho has chalked writer now breiks forth with the lup many lctorlea. Ooll thai his star lightweight,' Jack i Alcinmlei- hasn't been tho only wln-!TJrltton, can't got lights because ho Is jiiliig pitcher, however. Meyer has bcu traveling along at a clip only Lllghtl) elower. Chalmers, turned Standing on Point of Vantage in Flanders. Writer and Party See Fighting in Progress at Ypres and Other Points in a Sixty Mile Front . neraons havlnc nn Interest 'ahnll. before the Uaa otiikti tumtt'ffJ 'below, claim poatatUcjaaMllitV i mai and par all coats au4 ckri('forit 'th keeping and adtttlriaVtamf together with all .:& il fei 71 1 w il hi imAtoAttivM' d city lor auck.oa)'' . (llnMco of said 1 i . -- . Kv-.; said, animal will be' U .'tBMW .Ak nlirllnti fnr nanh nl Jhn rlfjM M'TS1: a u viuuk uu uv ivib um? v wwj 115. KDOWBNtv- 8-2t PouBimwatr. A ? rtn.9 My WILLIAM 0. HHKPHV.HD (United I'resi Staff Correspondent) (Copyilght, 1U1C, by the United I'ress; cop) right lit Great Britain) 1 IIKAUQUARTEU8 OF THE HUIT ISH AUMV,' NORTIU:riX frakci:, April 28. (IJy mall to Nw York) Lunch In tho little Belgian village which this morning had had Its. llrst tasto of tho German shell lire, wasn't appreciated by me. uru a . ' .""SyJ SanuHMui v ' .,, 4371 - - J UTrT.. (Ktjulty No. 74) .,., kl ' 'In li. lr.nlt Cnurt nf th-attM!ot' T Oregon, for KUmailk,Cwatrr-.w hinoko here and there; the thunder, shell break near tho Cloth Hall state Lund Board of tho Stato of Ott'M of guns. The eyes and ears took them'tower. Wherever wo looked in tho gon, Plaintiff, n Pi In. but It was all so vast that my half circle or Flanders tnat spread va. , vrj Imlnd icmalned unmoved; It couldn't before us, shells were breaking. We James J. Cunningham and LukerK. t respond to such a tremendous atim-' picked out fires. We counted six great Walker, Defendants. y ulus. Men were dying In that land-' clusters of smoke along a range oi,to James J. uunningnara, bbojh w., v scape. 1 knew-. Others were fighting I fourteen miles. These were not Defendants above named: , t" .$ lll.o devils; human life, down on that' houses, but villages, burning. Far In tho name of the state oiorogo,-' grtat plain, was bfelng quoted at zero.jaway we could see an Intense con- You aro hereby summoned toapptW,&M liiea mum sfz? im Three of General , ... f Down flagratlon; black smoko suddenly and answer the complaint' French's ''"Biiru on ti,osc checkered farms, along (burst through the yellow. A great above entitled suit, withta rixjweelug men sat (nt th ta- Uloso canais th0 groves, on the 'distillery, to which the farmers from 'after the first pubiicatrMToftktoiuavX' uio across me uj, ',,. , ,..- i,mi ...ti, mlht 'mllf-a n round had broueht their era In'mons in the Kveninc HeraiO BiWB-Xi "My quarter8jand ,;, , for many j ears waa burning. Wer T- "? ""1 ttCrt! UlUWIl W UllH . ,.mL L.-.t. i. At a L. An.I vnil Will IflUfl.nOttCS IBU IK'TOV tJI Tills In tlie war netweeu ureal - tne uihck. siiiuko means mui mc this morning. ' said .... . " ... ... .... .. ,j.j ., .tj'.ul one. pose l' a comb A worried young woman, dressed In. black, camo up to -us. "I can't give you much." she has gone and the mole hr. gone, and tho woman who w 'dies, tho dishes litis gone, too." "When aro you going? of the flying msn And you will take notice tkit'lf . . .... .. if.. Ilt . HhrA wtnA rifeLSittfAt trav tl1asalglyj' l" iinnn M,i nAHm.v Hint nrvvM oia a pnhn fnnlcA PlnlAtlPd.'' ifld the ian w fij " TV r-T-.ws I don't P-.uf.0(; tn wrIte aboul cnd pcopIo uscdi doctor. The great distillery Are and I within the said time, the pWaUaVfoftM. ve even got (o h, , f,,,,, M th, Durnlng vmages were also only want thereof, will aPP'to, &!$' '' lL'ft- . . tt.,i , ,h ion,t..n .!, .lot on the huu nflnorama. Into entitled court fop the relief aMMM; "aid. "Madame mFM looked over the landscape with dots on the huge panorama, into eum ''"'"" . " TtT T, tl glasses. Ho had gotten a little .our foreground Dew a British aero-n its compwint niea in suet r1li b, followed by the wjjlte puffs,i"-w- , . - ft..1 (his words. 1 It was not until wo begun to pick I le his bit of the vastness of the scene Into plane of German shrapnel smoke, arranged as regularly In the sky as If they were Chinese lanterns strung on a Watch Our Announcements ON THIS I'AOK RKUULAH Harrison & Matt Our store Is on Klamath A and Sixth atreet ton good. That sounds lather odd, but Mor gan is handing out the real dope for unit-. Over ten rounds Rrltton Is prattically unbeMnble. He bus trim nn.il everything tet up btiforo him hero with monotonous regularity. I.Morgan says ho tried to get Leach to ugn: uritton. "For why Hliould I light him when 1 LmioW I'll got beat," answered Mr. I rzcli, according to Morgan. back b the UliuiU after the training season, has been going great guns. At Dcnt.irec, tho cartoonlst-lllnger, shows hlgim of repoatlng his good work with tho Giants two yeurs ago. Tho 1'lillllch' Inllold Is well bal uucetl, LundoiiiH at llrst and Hobby llyrne, ox-I'lrato, at third, are playing bang-up bnll and steadying tho two younger pincers on tho Inllold. Bert. Nluhoff at second has been playing1 niie.l I'kss Servue bull a long time, but has had little! CHK'AGO, Juno 8. The Interna major league oxperlence. This year'tlonal Gymnnstlc Union held an ln hu Is rated high. Bancroft at short Is door track and held meet for Juniors playing sensational ball. and Intermediates this afternoon at Dodo Paskeit. Heals Uecker and , tlif Chicago Hebrew Institute. Oubbv Cravath form tho rcgulnr outer i gmiluii. All aro slugging tho out various points and keep our eyes fixed on them that thn sense of the s,0PInS w,re' vastness of It all reached me. "I-" "I wonder what Julius Caesnr or .. i . ti ' Thn n n I n a ii Id t ntrn tin !-! f9 t In isl'td one unaerstanu wnai itjaiuicuu uuw imic uwunm moans If I look at Ypres. alone," I, battle," said the doctor, quietly. ni, .r i,nu f.,n i ,.n. r 'calculated to.myself. , AVlth our glasses we could make t.iiMt go, too," sho said. Ypres, a few. miles away from us, out. two miles away, a green farm, 'hn brought us coffee, rolls aud vas at first .the most fascinating! bordered by a wood. At the edge of or.,nses. point. In the sunshine tho tall rum the wood ran the German trenches. Ah. 'those Bosches " sho hlbses.f ho Cloth Hall Jower gleamed al-lappearing from our coign of vantage Ti,.. wr ti.ron ma. nnia timt most white. When I had been in It like a strip of sand. Another strip of ,n.i not pxnrcjts hv n hundredth de-ta week before It had been only a itrcc. her feelings. time-stained wreck. We could see Sho was too busy to stop and talk, wnlte puffs burst into view around it. At least fifty officors were seated at Thcy were shrapnel shells; they were the great long table and other small- Playing u tatoo on the city. Two ..i.i .i.,.. .ii.. . .n,i -church snires stood un in the sun- ... , ..... - , , .. ahlnn- tl,n slirnnnnl plnnHa nlnvoH I British KUUS Which answered th Ger eat. Alia tins ujiu wiuhouio luteu, - - - - - ---. r:rm...n imtinir neiinn ciri. who hnd about them also. Below these three man trench fire was at times almost .i..l. , i, ih .-.,, nvni.n.1 nmnn'neaRH of masonry floated a sea of . deafening. In the midst of all this n.il.. KVJ I..U JUM, 4M u.wMMu .Mw..c, - - I sand ran through the middle of the farm; they were English trenches. More than once when we tore our gaze from other spots and watched these trenches we saw the burst of ehrapnel over them. The roar of the Forjudgment against the said frgzW fenda-ni, James J. unnuisuum, nfi- the sum or HOO.OO, wltk4itSiati thereon, at the rato ot, 6. per 'seat PtS annum from the 18th day of CeloW, 1012, and for the sunrof glOO.Wjt. attorney's fees herein, and tor tUrS. costs and disbursements herein And also' for a decree" foreclosing r the mortgage described Inl'the'-coBi-' ? plaint filed herein; to-wlt: Mortgage made by 'the defendant, James J. ;unningnara, -woicn sv? .v..ir . to j.'uj -ihi i'ah' nf si,V IMI w " - -V-j .:l fTI l G. D. GRIZZLE Monuments Made h)' un Kipert KUniMth KIU Cravath'fl home dnllv feature. i una aro ball.! s""8 "mt MU" ln s,' aml l"'oc "' almost a ' '- . NLW YOUK, Juno S. It Freddie Welsh wants to contlnuo to draw down money as it bo olllco attraction he'll have to engage In a real light Honn. Tho public Is getting very tired of seeing the champion wftltr. "TIZ" FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEET Argraves Hotel Furnished rooms with bath Rote transclents 00c to Sl.Ou: by week, $2. CO aud up. Second NL, bet. Main nnd I'iue OLD.TIME COLD CURE j I DRINK HOT TEA! j! If YMWutttGo Anywhere Any Time Phontt, 94 American Hotel Ford Livery Company WOOD wood! G,t Kiiiall package f Itninhui" I Hrcnt 'lia. or im the Giriimn toll-. call U."llnmliurger Hunt 'Hnv.'nMui ' plinriimi'V. Tki a tniilvepouniiii '" " Ua, put n i up f l"lll"K Ur iim it. pour through n tle i""' drink a teacup full at ) tlm- dur ng tl.. div i'r la -I.' Mlihig. H.J the m -t eflVtlui w.v to hicnk a mil ami cii.' irril., us It opcu th iwres of tlifl Mii. . ?ollMln.f conowtlon. AUo Imwih tlml r ---7. .,. xi,i i nil u iwiui mo ) ou sulfur frnm , for Tender, 1'uffetWup, Unin Ing, Calloused Feet and Toms "Sure! 1 u.e 'TIZ every time, for any foot trouble." bowel, tlius brcftkiiiB up a i 'r... II III.. riKYt ttlUO VOU ,.! or tho grip. H la inexpensive ttinl eiitlii'ly vegetable, nnd liarniltii. therefore sf f Block, Hlaglo load "M-80 Block, doublo load i Dry Blabs' ..., W.W 1 also handle Body and Limb wood Hotter buy your fuel how, while tho price In so low . Leave orders at Klamath De partment Store, Third and Main. phono we jfCCARLSON RUB RHEUMAT SM FROM STIFF,1.NG JO NIS Bub Soreness from jolnU and musclei with a small trial bottle of old St. Jacob uu Stop ".losing" UliniinatUm. nV.iuIn eiilv: not one into In 11 "Y them with the coffee pot, with bread,, w" smoue. i uegan 10 unoersiana. cheeso and fruits,. and to top It all.'Ti!t great town square in beautiful camo Into tho dining room at last,01'' YPrei was UId" this, cloud of ...in, n. hn hnwi n annn whinh Hhn.smoke; the houses that line the had been cooking whllo doing all winning oia streets were nying anout other tasks. in bits; any minute we might see one It's late, but It's goodr' she said.!r the spires wiped from view like a- And so soup was tho desert, madel"111 eoing out or tne old tower by a girl who has stuck to her stove 'smashed from its place in the world's llko a soldier sticks to his gun. sm treasury of beautiful architec- , , , , , , turo. Fow things could be left alive n . ,. ,,.... . ,, In Y'pres; ln the sunshine that whole Our auto, after an hour s run, stop-, ' ped at tho foot of a hill. The firing ,c '' ood' ot deth,fndd1!: had sounded nearer and nearer a.'ruc Heb: Us stones, patiently built vve went along. ,,n ,euses: "". I s urches. "We'll run up this hill and see howl"" thf f "e"t,on8tof t" 8 ?rt" it looks." said the doctor. "We can's18 lad bulU "P through the slow seo tho whole British lino from here."reuturles' were b,e,,g Jorn down bf Ten minutes later wo were on tho top.. rore our eyes. And Ypres was only "There's Ostend." said tho doctor, ono on tho landscape, Mud tho Kngllsh channel. Y'ou can Another spot was Poperunghe, six t,ee the white lino of, the surf. Here's miles from Ypres. Shells flew near Ypres. nnd hero's Armentleres." .' A huge olack cloud camo up There before us stretched sixty from tho earth, In its suburbs. This mil nf battle line, and on fifteen . meant that a German 17-lnch shell miles of It tho fiercest and greatest .had burst there. The residents of that town had nown .aiier exper iencing all the terrors and heart straining that came to the people ot tho little town wo had visited In the LEGAL NOTICES battle In tho history ot warfare was being fought between the British and tlormans. it was tho first day of tho new summer war. Tho deep roar of a hundred storms throbbed In tho air. ', morning. v irlml in tnko In the view and ltst "Thero goes a . , i ..... Vni-" nlrt thfl financier. We saw Z. T wrnpossler cleud: of Ithe black flash ot , German K-lnch the third day ot June. 1915, Impound 'Jack Johnson' into tulmult was system and order, for war is the most systematic and scien tifically arranged affair that human beings conduct. Kiom all this great front stretched, cenriers rode, news hurried, back to one point, to one table, where a short, sturdy, whlte-niustached man sat and played his part ot the giant game ot chei Iters on this vast board bf Flan ders, with all the weight on his shoul ders nnd with the fortune and lives nnd welfare of millions in his hands, and n page waiting in the history of the world on which would be writ ten how well he had done today's work I thought ot him as I came down tho bill; with my mind still stunned by the immensity of what I had seen. September, A. D., ,1911, upoa tkaol-W l ?.. Mai MwnnAVv ttttuatat,.. Itl ' Klamath county, state of Ongou,rlp-jtMl "it-. ' ?zM Upon the west half Ot tha'south- v west quarter, andtEsotttheaat-J. quarter of the sontawast f awriaftW of section tour ('4);'aHd the'BOrtk . -. a. ; -, i.f: east quarter otancnonnwesi. wmgg ter ot section nine (9), in towmahlp thirty-eight (3) south.- raii thirteen (13) E. W. U. ' 'Wt Thai It, a .nnrf nlvi HnlrA that AttVV parties to this suit may 'become! a ' purchaser of said rear property, anasii that tho'Iberltt 'shall place thaBarl t... ... ,.o-v.0..-.. w. --yr.-r-. . purciiHseu, ana tnat im aetsmiasauj. and each of- them, and 'all persoas claiming, or to claim, by, through or under them be forever barred, and foreclosed Pay less, dress better. Get that Royal Tailored Look K. K. K. Store for Royal Tailored Clothes. Insurance that pays. See ChUcore. Notice of Poundmaster's Sale Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned, poundmaster of the city ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, did on rtniilrw internal treatment. Kith " ini wnetratimr "St. Jarohi Oil' right i me the lnvf, pinetrating 'th0 "tender snot," and by the iw y,.u say Jack Itautaso,--wt touw w. wlilan' Joints, muscles u-.d l - 1 of oMtlme, lione.l 'ft; J" .-... ,,.. .In)., f ore. and hi ''." ifvui ..." -r.--. .,:.. mi'll bo fill" if"" lnln? iinln , You cnu ho nappy-footed Just like ... Uso "TIZ" and nover suffer with tender, raw, burlng, blistered, swolP on. tired, smelly feet. "TIK" ana only "TIZ" takes the pain and sore,- uesa out or corns, eallouses aim oun ions. As noon as jou put jour feet In n TIS5' bath, you Jt feel tho happi ness boaklng In. How good your poor old feel foel. 'riy 'waut t0 daueo for Joy. "TIZ" Is grand. "TIZ" instantly draws out all the poisonous oxudatlous which puff up your feet. and cause sore, inflamed, acning. sweaty, smelly foel. Got a Ufi cent box ot "TIZ" at any ding storo or department store. Get I Instant foot relief. I.augn at toot sufferers who complain. Because Ivnur feet aro never, never going to bother or make you limp any more. (Advertisement) A CARLOAD OF THE NEW 1916 Overlap Thirty-five horsepower cars has been received. The price at Klamath Falls is of .all right. and Uenut law and In equity and all title, ,eaUtes$S equity ot redemption!, to"aad uj ?. - - . - . .t-,,-,.. . V said real property ana every PW .. thereof, excepting .UheA right' of.- & demption allowed by the statutosistA ,t ivf ' fiW tup otaie ya xav.sj,wa r srz This summons Is' published ipursa- ant to an order of the abova entitle.; court, made on the 17th day,ot atfiKy' 1915, and the first publlcatloahef u. .9 u.auv .M ... ....- .....wn7. the 18th day of May. A. D. 19X6.-St ! D. V. KUYKENDALL, Attorney tat,fMmS: .tft.i.'8ti.jll9 ;1,'t lropoa; J ' 4 Notico is "hereby given that the.unr derslgned. County Court otiKlaasath County", Oregon will recelva bIaa"fiBrf the erection of .a steel bridge" aeraetys1 Lost'ltlver up to, and ip,cludlai jSjf,' 21pt,iai&, at b p. m. osajsexj i. ... ... Sksvii1 at a siiAV u 'rhnivma uriii inni iins' niaarv namBaaaaaiaai " ot the bridge from Bonanxa. OreeoiK the construction of abutmeata and making ot fills tor the approacl and tearing down old bridge".;.-. The bids will be. In the follow! ferm: " " U Hauling bridge from Boaanv za to site ...... .'.'. . .iylr-qr?fer. Klaciug approximatelyjjiij, ,. 4 1 yards concrete.or maaoary t per yard - '-" $895 No car of this size and value was ever offered before, in Klamath rails at cms price. m White Pelican Garage :,f a .'r!5f- Placing approximately 8,680', iJRJ yards yard m h- emDiDKBiwi,' tm . ... ,, . .... ..,' ... j V-.j i..ii'tJ' learing aown om .nWa$f, Erection or.,oriage . . ,-. istr?!" The al)oe to be douefaMardlaei th plans andBpecllcAtk'f4Jj with tho county tyrhtM All Bids mut,pe,aecH.ipaaie wx a certified cheek for,5'perreeei-J,t amount of vfl; J 1110 ,uunij'.i.wtPi --... . .1... .-..1. .J .It'tta r CISUl tu JWJvK ,mrnn."t ., informalities - tn tta MK,: BjU; Wi cm any -Mtd or'.pm MMMV WJ lectlv.lyVwhkh-it aias awat able to Klanath OHtyr? Dated at .Kfmm,m&li ? A.1 ka j ii J ?-."" ?ii;.-ATti," .itekrrAi.' b. jk foim WcHArrfvm '.yiasvsM-i, v 7 ns ttfli3. tiuu swji Don't nutfcrl KUU I ".- iSit.-A,J5 ... ifa w;yvv n