U A ? t PAOIC TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON WKHUAy.4H.NKn,.. &- I'iS L".! I' '.' il I-1 &W j? l- ,r .-- Deal key Beys' SaMa (MftF BFW Stack."-"Ii. K, K Stare. If jmm are tooklac for a boom la te ettf or country, w Chlkot, ttArt J takcaaural styles at K. X. K. Store. la Arrow HmktsChsaMMAdrs. FOR RENT KURNlHHF.i) APARTMRNT8 at the Oregon House. 10-tf FOR PERMANENT RENTER Hare a small, cosy home, newly palated and papered; modern convenience; close In; at reasonable rest. E. W. Gowen. 4 -tt BOARD and roomt, 238 Third street Hn. Stacey Hemenway. l-6t FOR RENT Few nice rooms, second floor, store building, next to post office. See Chllcote. 6-12t. SITUATION WANTED WANTED Boy to help In kitchen. Address Mrs. O. F. North. Worden Oregon. 5-3t FOR SALE FOR 8ALE Jersey cow, cheap. In quire at S. P. Co. section house. 7-Ct MISCELLANEOUS REWARD Will pay a liberal reward for Information as to the parties who damaged my advertising square! piano Friday night on the Hampton property. Sixth street. E. T. Shep herd, Piano Dealer. 7-2t PKOFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY tltSTKACTH INMCRA.t Mmhri Oreaoa Assoclalloa Tltla Usa l-IARL WHTTLOCK UNDERTAKER EMBALMER County Coroner Complete Vaaeral Faralahlag I'hoBe 416 6th aad Plae M. OBARLES L WELLS Osteopath Physician Suite 18-18 White Bsdldfasg Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5 Phoae 06 HMsfaf .UNI ratSesafckWg We Do the Work Just Right Tank work of all kinds I'AUK, PINGKL LORKXZ Cur Kill A Kumatli Phoae 216 W. D. MILLER Manufacturer of HOLLOW BUILDING. AXD SILO BLOCKS AND FLUES ALL KINDS OP CONCRETE Sidewalks, Floors and Retaining Walls ROOKING A SPECIALTY Sixth nd Walnut Phono 398 EXPERIENCE CoMldwTlrii Winn SBsmsBBaaaaamBHBBBBBBSaasassasaasssaasaaaaisaassa SsslsKting Your.Optician Mr. Winters has had Severn. teen years of experience, backed by special college training In optical work. You get Ills I'atlre personal atteatioa from the titan your eyes aro examlaed iiatfl be ad justs tlte tatobed glasses to your eyes. This persoaal attest Uoa by an experleaced optician is surely worth your coasldera Uao when selectiag yonr optt-daa. H. J. WINTERS ;'$: m Mai Street The Evening Herald W. U. HMITM Kdltor Puhlbbtd dally except Sunday by Th llrnl,l Publishing Company of Klamath rails, at 115 Fourth Street. Entered nt the postoBce at Klai ath Palls, Outoa, for transmission through the malls as second-class matter. Subscription t address In On.) year ... Ou'i month . AST NIGHT'S session. of the new council was a great success from nn entertainment standpoint, an opera boufte with some of the town's lead ing 'citltens furnishing tho thunder and the comedy for the audience. But as a business affair, it is not so suc cessful, tor in the two hours and a half the new council held forth, only about Ave motions were made, the rest of the time being taken up with what some call town patriotism and others designate as by-play. But this must be said for each and every participant: He was earnestly acting for the best interests of Klam ath Fulls as he sees them. Therefore the clash, for the mayor on one side and the council on the other were so determined in their course that neith er side would give away an inch, and n hopeless deadlock resulted. This is common at the first meeting of nearly every council, no matter where held, for the new men impetuously set forth to make in one night all the changes they have promised their con btiiucuts, or think should be made. A lew meetings more see the friction .diminishing, and in the end things are amicamy settled, ana all rolls on smoothly. ! Mayor Nicholas is proud of the fact 'that he is from Missouri. And it ! might be added that when it comes to jstubbornness, only the mule that Is from Nicholas' native state can equal 'him. But he believes he is right in uli? stand taken last night, and will fight on that line. The council Is .equally, stubborn. The members think they are right, and they will also stand by their guns. It's horse and horse when it comes to what some call determination and others stub bornness, but while there Is criticism due, let us at least give the city offi- Iclals credit for courage to stand by their convictions, i j If the mayor is to be criticized for blocking attempts to oust the police I force by refusing to entertain motions and appeals from the council, there .can also be a little criticism of the council for ousting the police and then adjourning without taking any action whatever toward providing this form of protection for the city. Again we say, it's horse and horse. .. Scattered Shots .. - IF THE MAYOR and the council keep It up as they did last nlgbt, the fans won't give a rap about prise I fighting being prohibited, but It will ! aWnlfilv tut fiAiiaaaovv malA sin w wv hvvvssm w utwnv SH enlargement to the new council room. WHO GIVES A cuss about the war In Europe as long as,we have such ex citing word battles at home? THE PEOPLE who rush Into debt the quickest are usually the slowest In crawling out again. THIS MAY BE A "poor season all over the land for real-estate men, but you don't hear any automobile sales man or garage owner kicking about no business, . YOUR LAST chance to get Chau tauqua tickets at a reduction will ex pire In a few hours. KLAMATH FALLS men can spend four bits a whole lot more foolishly than by attending the "community de velopment" talk at the White Pelican tonight by Colonel Miller, MAN IB cecrtalnly progressing. We bear of one once In a while whose wife Iota him keep a small part of bis pay check. Party leaving town will sell beau tiful upright piano for leas than one half of original cost. Fully guaran teed. Terms if desired. Address lerms by mall to any jmJftmfarmunz ,WJ&, Kf. V; " " ' X tho United States: T feT J'(&?K , Lion, xSacksantor KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MwjfL2 ? , -SoM7 VV'Vn ' i mn Ti,i- m. iasJjasnai w ay - ., -, ar emmm aa asm. " lirr. 1 TutauAV, JUAis s, iio Afr'T '"" V v !i J'tP . . '" v"'VhV.?"iu x - . m S&-. gfjjsrasssT, asssaw 'm" j? yp.wj ""'""-v- xr.vw ! V AND STOP AT T,Sa? ImUM'anAjT"4 NCiv J KLAMATH FAIXS . 0 L Ll'' V HORSK AND HOKSK "ltjMm&pifrfo w y ljrf BrT Where Italian-Austrian av y. . Jl&SPrLj, t sTOn vsnici MVsnasr ' aTA " 1 S rf ADRIATIC KB9ll I . V (in m a. wigflyy I The Italians have taken the offen sive, so far as tho news dispatches tell the story of the war betwee Italy and Austria. Italian parties have chaTged across the border near Switserland, and If the stories from Rome are to Chicago Judge's Views on Unhappy Marriages United Press Service .CHICAGO, June 8. Judge Sabath of the court of domestic relations, pacifier of thousands of angry mates and welder of many broken homos. h;is found why so many marriages are unhappy. Lai'k of understanding of each oth er, he save, is tho nrst big reason wby his court Is always crowded. The husband can't "understand" certain whims of the wife; she can't "under stand" cortaln of bis: quarrels, then he get? u chance to play the role of mediator. Next in importanco as a shatterer of homes is Interference of relatives on both sides. Then there are condi tions where there is no home they are living in a furnished room where Witham't Auto Service TRIPS TO THE COUNTRY ' A FAIR FARE ANYWHERE " Phono 231 Star Drug Co. O. K. TRANSFER COMPANY QUICK TRANSFER USE OUR PHQ.NE 87 Oltlco on Sixth, between Main and Klamath TUNA The Chicken of the Sea Makes a delicious salad, aad Is becoming more popular (or tela purpose than any other flab. It is also fine "Creamed Fish, a Tempting Dish", 15c and 25c VAN RIPER BROS. "Quality Phone 86 Grocers" 6 th aad Mala HOUSTON HOTEL J. A, Houston, Pros, Service good, light housekeeping rooms at prices that will please you, Opposite Postoflce. J-rr . . ... ,..,.. - r V . ffvr -i-rxr-ntsa be believed. Austrian garrisons have lied before them. On the other hand the Italians mobilized north of Venice and In the neighborhood of Treviso and Udtno marchod Into Trieste and tho Italian provinces tho wife has no chance to prepare meals or look, after her husband In home surroundings. The remedy for all this, says Judge I Sahath, is complete understanding of j each other beforo marriage. j "They should not get married on) such short acquaintance," bo said, In UU SAIU, IU They should discussing the matter, know each other a long while, so that they know each other's ways. "Then when they do get to know each other, It is their duty to leave the homo of their parents and stATt for themselves, even if it is only in one room. The moment there Is re sponsibility on both their shoulders. It seems to me, they get along hotter. The wife' looks forward with pleas ure to keeping- tho homo attractive for him; and ho looks forward wlthi,ncu tho b,0a U8e t,,e k,n PorM pleasure to coming to a neat home. "Wbemthey live with parents there ' Is bound to bo jealousy, and often in I such trifling things. Maybe the fath er thinks tho son Is getting better food, or vlco versa, and trouble is sure to follow, small at first, but growing in size "Until It has wrecked one home, and possibly two. "I am not opposed to a man drink ing a glass of beer," continued tho judge, "and I do think a working man ought to have it If be believes It will give him strength, but bo should tako It without overindulgence. The moment It gets tho best of him there Is trouble. "They aro not bad at heart just ill-advised. Most of thorn come in t here out of a little meanness or mis- understanding between (themselves, i or ill advlco from others, an outside influenco. ! "If they woro let alone they would 'get along all right. Just a little en couragement and u 'llttlo good ad vice, that's ail." ' Walk-Overs make 'easy K. K. K. Store. life's pathway What Is tho difference between peo ple In business and professions send ing their money to Oriental laundries and farmers sending to mall order houses ? One minute for answer. Send your laundry to the Klamath Falls Steam Laundry. Sl-tf j Fried Chicken for Sunday jl to l6 pounds, COc, delivered .Saturduy. Leave orders at Roberta & Whitmoro or West End Orocery. H. S. FOX. Today's news la The Herald. .Mr, Automobile Owmer: HAVE THE LITTLE AM) YOU'LL SAVK RIO DOLLARS J. k. lloule HOWIE "Sec Hie Vulcanizing Man" Fight Is On A M S uloi.K tli Adriatic now In pom'Mslon of AiiNtrlu. Tho Italians have made tip their inliidn to tuko tho war Into Aimti'lu. ruther than permit thu (lor miitii nnd AiiRtrlnns'to Invmlo their northern provinces. .tilo Clothing and Gloves. Von "auto" c I ho line at K. K. K. Store. ; RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY SKIN PIMPLES ARE IMPURITIES MEEK-1 I NO AN OUTLET THROUUII THE SKIN PORES 1 ' 1 Piuiules. Boron und bolls usually ro ' j "" from toxins, poisons and Itnpur-1 iiios which nrc goneratea in me Dow els und then absorbed Into tho blood! through tho very ducts which should! absorb only nourishment to sustain the body. . ' It is tho function of the kidneys to illtcr Impurities from tho blood and cist them out In tho form ofj urine, but in many Instances the bowels create more toxins and impur-yj Itlus than the kidneys can eliminate, 1 us the next best moans of getting rid of thoso Impurities which often break out all over tho skin In tho form of pimples. Tho surest way to clear the skin of thoso eruptions, says a noted author ity, is to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts and tako a tablespoonful In a"glaas of hoi water each morning boforo break fast for ono week. This will prevent the formation of toxins In tho bow els. It also stimulates the kidneys to normal activity, thus coaxing them to illter the blood of Impurities and clearing tho skin of pimples. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthln. Here you hnvo a pleasant, ef fervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood und Is excollent for the kidneys as well. (I'nld Advertisement) Blue Front Livery and Feed Stables Mundy & Hilyard, Propi. Phone itS2W. Klamath, aear 8th Prompt and efficient service, Good horses and ilrst rlass, rigs Office of Dr. C. O. Prentice Veterlasry Surgeon TROUBLES FIXED ON YOUR REPAIR BILL GARAGE O. S. Arnold 64 Main Qome mighty smart Straw aad laa niun lists at K, K, K, Mere, Leading lint tern. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Ti lift How To Oacn Clegfed Nos trlU ami Rnd Head-Coles. If your uostrlls aro clogged and your henii Is stulTod and you can't bicutlio frly because of a cold or catarrh, Just get u small bottle of Ely's Crcaut Hnlm ut any drug store. Apply n llttlo of this fragrant, antl doiiIIc ornm Into your uostrlls and 'lot It pcuutrntp through evory air pas nK ' your hond, hooIIiIiik and heal- iik t ho Inniiiucd. swoiiPti mucous 'iiu'iuliiniio iiml you get Instant rellof. Alii Iiow kooiI It fooU! Your nos-tt-lln ii ic open, our hond la rlcar, no nunc liinvklnii, inurflltiR, blowing; no lunio Iii'ikIhcIh), drynoxs or struggling for liriMitli. i:iy' Urcaiii Halm Is Just u'lini milTiirorA from luad colds and en I (inli mod. It's ii ilollglit. ( I Mill AilvcrllHi'iufiil I W.PFVUER&CO'S PURE PREPARED PAINT A TALE OF PAINT Seme Points groM, Others beautify, (hint do Mh Wm. C. Hum Hardware Co.! t 'eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVM BW This announcement Leaders in the service carries with it the of Transfer, Baggage, message of Prompt- Hauling. Moving and ness Storage ASK US OVER THE PHONE , TO SERVE YOU WESTERN TRANSFER CO. Plume IN?. KlfUi sad Mala I in 1 1 mi 11 m 1 - 11 - M-aaiMMBaMaMMaaaaiaaaMsaaBBBsaaaaBBa To the People of Klamath County and Twwt Spink's Camp on Spring Creek Ih now open to Hie public for lUlilug unit rumpinc fur ihc I II 1.1. on SpriiiK -'mk nail WUlluniMin River. Tho nt cut agitation regarding lulling In llu IiiiUjiii lounlry lo let inclusion of whiten does aot asTm my right and ihc right I am in Spring Creek, I own one-half inllo crock frontage slosg tail tii'iiiii, Milled -triHU oa both sides of the sirmiii. To nil I I'ticmt Hie Invllatloa Co ioiiw to Spring 'niW ami rajej (liu IIih'nI trout fishing lo hn found In Klamath. IIATKS. NiMH) PKIt DAY. Automobile iiH4i m train at (IiIIihiiIii. IUmt mid ldle boreM for hhv. HARD EARNED MONEY llui It's easily saved If you make up your mind. Tim troublo with mo! pi'oplo In .they want lo wait until they've accumulated u lump huiii bi-foro making the Initial de posit. That's u mistake. Don't wait, Our bank takes any amount you have on hand. FIRST STATE and KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON OUR STOCK OF COMBS Is the best ever displayed la Klamath FaUs. Wo luue them to " grades from the Hoc klad to those superb dressing combs nt f" queen priced at 91 to 91.10, nndaHiNNKKfo PhaiMY KLAMATH PALLS OREGON Wm W Wrlfftt lsAirriCUtAlt.IHt.OPLK ,.syi i-i UY THtlf? QltUO BESESEJ WOOD! IHmk Wnwl, Iimmi suuiilo load , , , V-liJHi Dry HUb, KMnrl, " "u Dry Hlab, .fo,,t , HHly and Utuh Wood ' t'al and Fuel ou KLAMATH FUEL CO 515 Main Street Klamalh Transfer (V fll Main Ntreet AW KIM of Team or Truck Work nine iin short mrtlrr. Irir rigt,. Phone 298-J FRESH LIME In nny () ii nn tit ., Kiln .hmt iiurnni ' . WII.I.HON When you buy a FORD Vim ran fivl win. In Inula 1101 it cvory day. Il U avvi'r mu of itmualwloi. for Mrrlm wililna the srrlvsl m wmiio wh front tlir fnrtorr m Uk i:t. Thiw pari, nn kqu la tiwk,, l''inl larm-li'ft. GEORGE BIEHN, AMl I'llO.VE 'JM.M tUh) Clii ;( ymir afMr Mm? are all an Al ("sasiW lnvi'ly Ingerx, 1 limp. Mill Addition SAVINGSiBANK r - Wri '1 ?s Herald. 7-lt " SIWWVWVW km