The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 08, 1915, Image 1

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"jJinil. Year No. ,701
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Lfnlled I'M ttnrtlie
WASHINGTON, I). ;., J mm M. li Is learned late IIiU artei-uoon ilmi
Vtllllniii IrnnlllK Hrynn Iiim ithIkihiI m MTiitar) or Male. Till i hn a
null or a disagreement belli ecu himself run) I'retldeiit Wilton occi Hie
il (if llio American lejolmler to On iiimii)'h tepl).
I'li-nltlcnt Wllnon announced (tin tiic ilanin or tlio iilKtiatlou.
Ilryati Insisted upon n modes atlou or Hie leiiim lined. He desired u
i !' rriillttlliK further parle), -ilioulil fiermuii) deillnc to iIiuiiki- lioi
MitiutarliM politic.
I'dllutiing it Mcosioii ol ilm I'uliini'i iihIii), I'icilit' lit WIIhoii iiiiiioiinieil
In iiiIIom tlMt tln cabinet ,uday rfvlxcd ihn lejolmler to tint fJci man reply
i ml llml It Mill Ih (IUMilliil "In the Immediate rut lire." lie il nled sei I.
in rHi'tlon III Hie cabinet, though lie Klntcd llint nil made suggc-wllon
mil llml nil Hern not agreed.
Kerrelnry III-) an tlil morning ltfi for the labinet meeting, determined
in light for I lie amendment of tint note. He Mated then Hint America U
it record mi favoring arbitration, anil tlmt It Mould be mockery to semi
i lint be cohldci'il an ulliawtuin.
Tale hostility surprised the president, Mtio told callers this monilim
t ml the rablaet km unanimous on the urHtlou of the tone the note nIkhiIiI
have. Bryan's delay for oter an hour when llio rct were afccmhlel In Hie
lablaet rooaa mut the llrat Intimation of (UlTeivnrea. Humor wild Im hail
iioUIImI tlie pifMlik'nt he uoulil not iiiiort Hie irjolndrr tut frumeil
luqulrlca regardlnK Bryan' failure to npncnr were ignored t the
uiretlng. At noon Bryan appeared, utrode Into the cabinet room, and the
Mtoa coBtimied for over aa hour.
.No member iouWl talk nrier tin- meelluu. It In umleintood tlmt
llrnn preaented a memorial JurtifyliiK hU lieu Unit I lie rejoinder uiin tin
liroperljr prepared.
The teaalon lm been noticeable all ilay at the White House, ilryan left
Hie itiblaet room Mlth HVretar) Ijine or (he Interior Department, anil wih
hla Rural at luncheon.
It la rumored that SenvUry WIImiii or the IjiIkii- IKiaiUniil, anil
Ihinlela of the Xay IVpnrtmimt urneil innkliiK 'ver reanmihli comer
ilon t'o avoid war.
la belialf of 1'renldeut VIIon. Secretary Tumulty Usued the follow
lug iH'fore Hie Hrynn realffuntlen:
"Tim prenldeat aiiked mo to nay tliai H o rejoluder Iwh Ih-cii put In ex-
client aliape at today Henmlon, and tlmt he liopca to neml it louiorrow."
Circuit Court Now
Working on "High"
Onieial Berlin Advice Tell of the SeU-
Iiik of Iinortont RaMian Railroad
lij the Teuton forceii Belgian
Steuiiicr Is Torpedjed, and in Addi
tion to Crew, Mother and Daughter
An uudlencu of about 2uu people ceptanct, but the motion was lost for ly etery member of the couacll aad
gathered at the city hall last night.. wnt ' wcond- , know nothing agalnat thja" aaM
.,,klll .,n. !. "I have reasons for moving, that Miller. "The eltlf ens of tb towa do
withvtlio expectation of seeing a one-J , , l , , ,
' ;tbo matter be laid over until next) maud a change, and we art it for
ring circus, with Mayor Nicholas and, . gald Doty ..,t , up t0 ug totlurni... i j
curtail expenses in some way. If the, "For God's sake, who do they,
.to UroivnoUi
the new counc'lmen as the perform
ei. Ti,ey ere not in tno least ais- mayor, wno nas me power, win not uatl(v l'ro a doubt about the dtlcaaB
aiipolnted, either, as there weie a 'consolidate this office with another, I (demanding such a change la the fore,
icouolo of hours or more of staling beItov" we BhouM caU a fecial elec-,BnJ J believe that It la a matUr thaU
5? I
. v
. 1
I mi II I'HhK .-.(! the i
nOMK, Juno 8. 'llio Vatican In-
U mis lo proposo a peace congress
'40,011, and to end the war It possible,
utcordtng to Glome d'ltalla.
At this. Pope Benedlctus Intends
, to preside
niliil I'lHi herilir 4
Ml I. AX, June S. King Emmanuel
today narrow ly -escaped death "from
au Austrian shell which burst near
htm. He was undisturbed.
glowing oratory , frenzied
Hon and amend the charter to do so.
sarcasm, glowing urmorj, 'w. m.i ral .. The heat art.
fist waving and other forensic pyro- mingtratlon we have ever had was
technics, with little accomplished t whPn the offices of street superintend
snvo the passing out of personalities ent and poundmaster were combined."
and tlio Introduction 'nto tlio council D0ty's motion carried.
room of tund clapping by an audi
Culled I rns Service " -- ,
HBRLIN, June 8. General vou
LInlngcn's right wing has defeated
the Russians and selxed the Stan-Islau-Lemburg
railroad at Bukac-zowcae.
United t'rtss Service
LONDON, June 8. The Belgian
steamer Menahter waa submarined
'and sunk in the North Sea last night.
'In addition to the crew of fourteen,
tiio captain's wife and daughter were
Secretary W. J. Hrynn
Blspoalng of throo casta and goitlng
HtarUd on another In two days Ih the
record established by the circuit yes
inrday and today. This Indicate that
Judge Noland, Court Reporter Hnr
sont, the jurymen and the Interested
attorneys can also make hay when
tliu sun shines.
Trial of the suit of Arch to V. Tin
dell against William H. Johnson for
money alleged due, was up yosterdny.
'this resulted In n verdict In behalf of
tliu plaintiff for M.49G.7G.
Immediately after thla enso tlio crbu
'f 0. A, Arnold v. 0. W. Whlto and
f tlni- coutributorH to tlio Second street
lioulovard fund was tailed, Thla nc
Hon waa to collect money Arnold al
leged was duo for hauling dirt for
l ho Second street fill. Htoue & Qalo
and Kuykondall ft Ferguson apponred
lu response to Governor Withy
como'g proclsmaUon setting the last
dty Pf the Rete Fettlrtl t Portland
for the dofondunlH. The jury 10
turned u uidlct lu favor of the de
fendants. This mmiilng trial of tlio suit of
All on K. I'lder s. J. W. 'l . l-..
Arnold was called, n Jury us solect-
od, and llio testimony for tlio plain
tiff wiw taken. Uurlng iecwB n.
this point the casu was amicably sot-1
Hod, and dismissed.
Tlio trial of John Couolly'a ncuudul)
suit ugiituHl Hugoiio Bpeiuor l up in
couit todu. t'ouolly alleges thatj
Spencer told people Conotly sot out!
poison for Sponrrr'u t utile, and for
this t'ouolly domnnila iiu.uuw imm-
j. il. Oiirnnhim and W. II. A, llon
uer lopiesont Conolly. The counsel
for tho dofonso Is composed of John
Irwin and Fred II. Mills.
asldu u slate holiday, H10 '8i
couit house and postolllco heio will
bo closed Friday.
Other business houses may also
!,,.. nit nr nnrt of the day. So far
Only 0110 moio day until tho big
f'liiuitnunu.i Assembly begins, and
tlio pooplo o'f Klanuitli Falls begin to
enjoy the plensuies In store for tiietn.
Tlmrn HP0111S to llftVO beOll SOniO
iiifcimiiflratnndlng tofl to the' rules
lgovninlng the uso of tho season tick
et. A season ticket is iransierauio
v-ithln tho family. That is, anyono
In tho family may uso tho ticket. If
one Mlshes to go lu the afternoon
and the other lu the evening, both
uso tho same ticket, but only
ruuno of Ills ideas on pulling together..
He will speak to the business men
on iho advantages or working together.
Tlio musical part of the Chautau-
Ciiia is one of the most prominent fea
tures. There will be several fine con
ceits. The Adelphlanquartet will be
the first organization to please you.
Then there will bo the Hungarian
01 chest ra and tho Buckner Jubilee
singers. Besides these organizations
you will hear Miss Charlotta Bergh,
Ihn wonderful Ijrlc soprano. Miss
1-orKh has had soveral years of ex
perience singing on Chautauqua plat
forms, and has made good in every
Senator Burkett will be one of the
most pleasing men on the entire pro
giam. Senator Burkett is not a West
erner, but he has lived In the Middle
West, and Is acquainted with condi
tions all over the country. He will
hue 11 message that will be of Inter
est to everyone.
Mr. Frantzke, with his lecture on
"Tho Matchless Book," has been
llcanliig large audiences all along the
clicult, and, of course, will have a
large and appreciative audience in
Miss Alexander, who will have
dinrgo of the children's part of the
wink, will Intel est all of the little
folks The children all over the
country who have attended the ses
sions of tho Junior Chautauqua are
oniliUFlattlc over the good times they
have had.
,.. 1- ..r. o-inniincnmpnl re- 1IWJ'
;. hTth w so ,,i sarao t,ckot for nny
gaidlug this. i)w) HtaRlou or ontortft1nment.
Thoso of tho people who attend the
nnmrniinlty banquet at tlie White
Aw' for Visit.
Mis Waive Jacobs loaves In tho
morning for Ashland, to visit Mrs. H.
H. Eoderi,
Pelican toulght will get the prlv-
Marriod. Today.
in tho piesenco of a few friends,
Charles Balln and MIbs Anasttwla
llloha were married at a nuptial mass
at Sacred Heart cbureb this morning
by the pastor, Rev, Wm. McMillan,
8. J, Both are well known In Klam
ath Falls, the groomv being connected
w Ith the Sunset Grocery and the bride
linn lived here a'few years, They left
this morning for a short honeymoon
in the country, traveling In the
(lego of hearing Colonel Miller tell groom's auto,
Incidentally, 1001 constructions
were put on Sections 141 and 142 of
the charter, hairs were split 'over un
precedented parliamentary procedure
and city charters were thumbed and
waved until they were worn out,
Tho occasion for the clash last
night was the difference of opinion)
between the mayor and the new coun
cil regarding the police force, both
as To personnel and number of mem
bers. The council sought-to oust all
of the members, the mayor objected,
and the council, after appealing from
the mayor's ruling, put the motion
through their chairman, and voted to
dismiss Chief Smith, Patrolmen Wal
ker. Wilson and Obenchaln and
Poundmaster Owens. Then an ad
journment was taken.
Xen Council Sworn In..
After winding up the affairs of
their administration, J. H. Hamilton,
Den S. On ens and H. J. Lockwood
of the old council left their chairs
to make way for the new men. Leslie
Hogers, the old member from the
II 1 st ward, was not present as he Is
In San Francisco visiting the Exposi
tion. Tho mayor thanked them for
the support they bad given him and
for their efficient work on commit
tees, and then Police Judge Leavltt
administered the oath of office to R. J.
Sheets, of the fiist ward; O. D,
Matthews, of the second; I. R.
Struble, of the third; A. D. Miller, of
the fourth, and M. R. Doty, of the
fifth. O. D. Matthews was elected
ptesldcnt of the council.
Tho ordinance for the leasing of
the city hall to the federal district
court for thirty days was passed with
an emergency 'measure, and a resolu
tion was then adopted setting the
salary of the city attorney at 600 a
year, that of the engineer at $1000
a year, -and that of the health officer
at $300 a year. When the matter
of setting the street superintendent's
salary came up, there was some dis
cussion, resulting in the matter be
ing deferred a week, upon motion of
"Isn't It possible to save the city
the expense of a street superintend
ent by combining this office with
another, and curtail the city's ex
penses?" asked Miller. "If this work
can be done by some other officer, a
material saving will result,"
Reject Police Chief.
Then enmo the appointment of of
flclals by the mayor. The first one
was Joseph Smith for chief of police.
I Miller moved the rejection of the
appointment Struble seconded It,
and the council voted for the rejec
tion. Cnrnalun City Attorney.
For city attorney, Mayor Nicholas
named J. H, Carnaban. Doty's mo
tion to confirm this was unanimously
sustained, as was the confirmation
of Bon J, Zumwalt's appointment as
city engineer.
Fred Stahlman was named a street
commissioner. Sheets moved his ac-
desired by this council. Who am J to
reiect? So tar, I've only heard one
man mentioned for your new force",
and .hat Is Ed Wakefield." declared
the executive.
, loty then hopped up with a strong "
! Firework Start. denial of this, and the mayor, flared
Struble started the war by moving n return. Miller came to the S'jp
Mia ihn nroannt nnllr fnrnA hn ffta- fiort nf Dntv In ripfivln tht tfe nwn.
chareed. Miller seconded this. ell had decided unon any man- but , '
"Before ou take charge or my Sheets maintained that Doty was
- "im
111. a. . V.A & alniA tlMHnil Tt tVtaak wakf f .a. J "ti d KaS '"lA&al
nit; iu uaio jwu oiuac; uuucu, 11 uicu JpiaBu (u uift
who you would suspend," said the nceitlon of giving Wakefield, as Are
mayor. chief police power to enter building
oiruDie uauieu cue euure lurv, iu- nun uiavuaavu r i l I
eluding tho poundmaster. on misconstrued our maanfnir all .1
'Qentlemen," began Nicholas, "you tneather." said Dotr. exni& .
have deferred-oaef mr appolntments.Kaidlng-aeaUoaofWaJtsei4i!Wa'JB
tonight. I'll make no more now. You ji. satHnt the only thing to do was 1 1,
are trying to crowd me, and I know' It,. to call a special election, aa It la plain- "
but I believe I have authority under
the charter to name the police force.
I want to say further that I've
heard you Intend to fire the present
police force, and make it so hard for
me that you'll make me quit or be
forced out of office. Prefer some
charges against this police force. If
you have any. Don't step In and take
the city hall and the mayor's func
tions the first night you are in office.
You ate trying to step in and
usurp my authority as mayor, im
mayor, nnd was elected fairly, and
you are the first bunch to step in and
try to take am ay these functions.
You represent the people, but do
it fairly. If you don't like the pres
ent way of doing things, call a special
election, elect your chief of police,
put him under bonds, and take the re
sponsibility off my shoulders. If you
want this police force discharged and
want to run In new men, don't hold
me responsible tor your doings."
I believe it my duty to defend my
self from this charge," sald Doty.
"You say you 'heard' certain things.
Did you ever hear that I "
"Yes, you said so right in my own
house, and I also heard that Miner
said jou would all make me ridicu
No!" thundered Doty. "That's
not so."
"It Is, and you know it," shouted
the mayor.
Then both talked fast and pounded
tho table, until Miller intervened,
stating that he didn't see why he was
"I heard on the street only today
that you said you folks would run
things to suit yourselves," replied the
"I consider it a reflection on the
people of this city when you say there
can be no better police force," said
Miller. -"The mayor, In saying that,
Is casting slurs on this community.
The charter provides that' these men
are appointed at the first meeting of
the council for one year or until suc
ceeded. If that's .the case, the office
lapses tonight, so why not make ap
We've No Choice" Miller.
"And who do you want on the
force?" asked Nicholas.
"God knows, Mayor. I told you
that I'd not suggest anybody; re
plied the Fourth Warder. "We want
new timber."
"These men are friends of mint.
Are they bad, or can charges be made
OKulust them?" was the eouater,
"These men are all friends it near
ly apparent thai you will not help p3
In any way unless wetback dowB, A
storu of applause followed, this.
"I made a pre-election statement
that I favored on entire new police
force, end a smaller one, and that's
where T stand," said Struble. "Every
eoun'llman who madcxa'slmllar state
ment was also elected. We want a'
n v police force. The people demand
u change; the charter gives aa certain
powers, au'd we Intend to go aa far as
tho charter lets us."
Motion is Ruled Out. ' i
Others spoke along this line, and"
then the mayor declared Struble's
motion for the discharge of the pellee.
put of order. ,. . ,
"If the mayor won't .put thla moi'
Hon," said Miller, .after a perlof
haranguing by all handed "it's up to
the president of the council."
"How can he?" Nicholas came
back, and ho read from the charter
the section regarding the'' president
presiding over the meeting. . "I'm not
absent, but am here in the flesh; eae
clause la 'Inability to act,' but J'm do- J
Ini, m, Hac. Bnftlh.M Im,.w l IImb Im C
Mf U4J HH. MWU m V . MVV M
a vacancy," and you haven't thrown
me out yet." ,.
Why don't you put the motlea?';
Miller inquired. i
"That's my business' was'thera
Then spake Miller thusly: "Per-
. i. . . . . , ii. ." . - k, i.a
haps you think K wise to takejtaw lMl
Why do you sltvback aad:;tei;ae t
'go to n it I've nothing to a isjt u.
right, in the-'face of tlie:vcl theHi
taxpayers who voted for men favor- J&.
Ing a reduction In city expenses? It (
Is a great burden as long' as you are - fs
in Office and act like this. We've asked- "gj
you, ana cno people, oj eieeuaajse. :
have asked you. The women, too,'biv&
their votes, asked to have'the' -.'
ent nolice force nut out. . It' iSvrlaht-r.'c
r -.- . .-- . ..-.:. - .fM3
for you to take the duii Byiae;aeras;-jt
in " - ,-, -1J3
I1..J rA aAlll sal iWa iaial Sfe -f
the horns" Interpolated Nle1see.-i!
111 m Kkamw. anVAnM' aIaamamI mLm .T.1
wo wniiv lien yuiin, nnw,v.aiHW(7
nenaea the DMDla all aakua'.'to: Wa' .
only want'aew tlmharf Kj
"If this Is your, aoeMSl,;' mils.; J
Mayor, sund by It maac W
KUIl UH UHltWIU, ' fHfMppfl.-
we'll out the city to the'eweaee
speelal 'tMoirftm'sWlvr ,
ready the towato aveHMft, Hp
mm I i inm H '''" '. ' 4
- CostlBiie Teg-lpsfi.'-H '
v J .
f wCSW