,i, -"rVi a' avtMSsSif S . k? C i l " i"V A . Suenfnn IteraUl KLAMATH PALLS' ?t r... i.it KLAMATH COHTlfCii OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSAlflill eh &r&V' ," Xlnth Year No. a,T(M NEW SAWMILL IS BEING BUILT BY KLAMATHMF6.C0. i ALSO F.HrXTING , PLA.VT AT IlltW Hubert A. Johnnon TnkON Out All In IrrrtiN of Orr ImUv I.iiiiiImt Com. puny. Start I In- Flection of ii Itov t'urtiiry Tlier', uinl Toiuoi inn ilu Hiking f Piling fur Hmwiilll at Hhlpplngtoii Will CoiniiM'iicc. Klnmiilli Falls Ih to huvii iiiinihur H.iwiiilll. TIiIh Ik ii hliu:lo baud mill In lu eroded ut Hhlpplugloii by the. Miilliulh MuiillfiiuurluK company, niiil piling Tor tho pluiit will bo driven tomorrow. 'I'lio new mill In lu hu oreeti (I under llio dlrodiou oi' I'. Hill Hunter or Uiu Hun milt Kuglnucrlng iitul Con Mt ruction company, who Ik now mi the Job. Mi-. Hunter Mail cIiuiko of llto t'fliitiluictiun of tliu now hinvmlll or II u l'nllci.u ll.iy Lumber (ompiiny, mill I oiihliliroil olio of tliu ablest engineers In his lino of work. Tlio plant Ik lu bo hIiikIo bund mill, with it 1'iipiidt) of tin uiriK out Cii.OOn root of lumber every tun hour. It If to bo equipped, also, with n horlnntiil kwiw, .mil mivmiI otliorj uuslit-mnlnr; duvlein, In oidor thai tl o iiiuxliiiiiin uinoiint of lumber in.iy In, mndn from a log. Reside tlio erection of the huwiiiIII, tlio Klamath Manufacturing company will iiIho place iiddltloinl machinery, I Including u now planer, cutoff nw etc., In the box factory. TIiIk will In irmiHO IIh dully rapacity nboiit 1!.. per cent. The work at Kltimuth Fulls Ik not till Hint llohort A. Johnson, tlio en terprising head or tlio Klamath Mini lifnrttirlllK company, Ih doing. Ho Iiiih taken ovor tho Interests of tho old Orr l.ako l.uiiihoreoiiipun, Incor porated tho On' l.alto llox company at n capitalization or 150,000, and now has tho Una lloor completed on n0ckor to his wlfo after sho had lu ll now box factory at llrny. Thin W ,istod tint nho would appeal to the to turn nut iibout liii.OOO feet of bo Rorriiirr ns a last resort, "I" repudi litinhor u day, nnd It will bo supplied l() )ou; -That won't lift Mlth box Ktudii miiterlal by the mills u iu ger to Have juc, although hn around llrny, kuown I'm Innocont. Them's no God t In Hi-Hen!" exclaliuod tlio prlHonor V ihlliij.' IUIU. ompl stlcilly. "If thero w.is I would Marriage IIcoiihoh were iHSiied Sat- not bo deserted llko this!" unlay to Frederick Grant llrown, k "I don't want nu to do a thing wnll know ii t'ppor Luko resldenl, and more. I'm ready to go, hut I hope Cecil M. Dodd, and to Hiram J. Mat- you'll llvo long enough. Mr. Mnnton. toon nnd Mrs. 8. II. Smith. Tho hit- to .oo tho day that those nits como tor couplo both reside at Knnn. ticros and tell tho truth. It will mean Federal Court Is Now Assured for Klamath Klamath Fulls Ih now lerlnlii of Medford and lu I'oitlniul thnt the having a term of tlio fedeuil rilMiItt torm would not bo hold In Kltunath court hold hero. TIiIh will begin Falls, owing to tho refusal of iho cltj Thursday morning, when Jim George, to give tho uho of the city hall, ttrtor a Klamath Indian, will go on trial promising It. These benimo so htiong for tho Hccond Unto ou cliargo of thrt Federal Pentity Marshal Pony kllllnB Poto llrown, nnother Klamath wr i 'cut fiimi IVnthmd to Investl ludtau. Tho llrst trial ftiw hold at gato. v Modfnrd last fall, and tho Jury ills- Tho dllllculty icnled Itself Into llgEOCd, Tho homicide Is allogeil to havo boon committed ticarl'luto Camp, on (ho Klnmnth reservation, Inst spring. Brown wna found denil with two bul lets In his hack, nnd later George was arrested, cbftTged'wlth tho crlmo. It was ullegod that tbo two in on, some what -undor tlie Influonco of liquor, loft a danco bolng hold at Pluto Camp, mid that shortly afterwards Brown's uody was found. Tho ovldcneo Is Inrgoly clrcumstantlnl. United States District Attorney (Mnrcnce Reamea is prosecutor, and the defense will bo conducted by Htone 6 Gale of" this city and Judge Uonoi tf, Webster of Portland. Fed eral Judge Wolverton will preside There have been rumora here, In Lieutenant Becker, Ready to Die, Bitterly Assails the Governor "vft? Migggggagggggal 'Ri?f' iSlHgggflggggHi MRS BECKER Former I'ollco Lieutenant Charles llecker, now In tho death hoitwo nt rthtK Hlni; iiwnltliiK execution for tlio unit dor of Uoiinnii ItOKunthnl, thrco jears iiko, created a scone In tho pris on iccoptlon mom tliu other day nftcr ''ho liwnod tho coutt or appeals or Now York Btiite, IiIb lunt hope, hud ro riiHed to grant lilm n now trial. Ho bitterly denounced Governor Chnrles S. Whitman, tho only person who can wto lilm irom tno oieiuic cuair uy pardon or commutation or sentonco. Ho grow so frantic that ho ovon thientcnrd to lepuiltato his own wlfo ttcni Iio to go to tho governor to ask for I'lomency. "If sou go to Whitman," declared tho matter or ruini.Hiiiiig tno nnn. Mayor Nicholas hold that whllo -tho council hud passed a resolution granting the uso of tho city hnll to' tho coutt, thero was no provision for fnrullnro made, nnd that under tlio' charter ho could no nothing inward r Its puruhnso until authorized by an onlliiiiiico. . ii .., ...ii-wi .nn. null was iniiea togein-1 Tho new cou or Friday night, tho mailer was dls ciibsnd, and tho new councllmon agiood to nass the necessary ordi nance, with tin emergency cliniso, whon Ihcv take oftlce tonight. Tho mayor In his turn ngreed to sign tho ordinance nt once, nnd word comes from Portland thnt evorythlng Is lovely, nnd that court will open here Trittriday, v : w- i --------- : m-B KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1915 i Charles BECKere,, th end of thnt Mr. Man ton Whltiiinn!" miggosted thnt there was n faint possibility that tho Su- promo Conrt JiL Uio Uiilted Stnteu iiiIkIU bo npiiotled to. , "Cut tjittt outl" snapped llecker. "1, tell you I'm through. I know 1 was done for before tho court of appeals tided. ThOBo Judges wouldn't roverso one of their own men." . BAILEY IS FREED BY THE JURYMEN MAN A'('l'Si:i OP TAKING I.NTOX K'.VNIS IHO.M T.VIHCi; l!ASI .Mi:.T IS VINDICATED WILli ItKMAI.V IlKItK h'led U.illey wn- Saint day evening nnltiltled or tho charge or burglariz ing tho basement of tho Taber bar. Tho circuit coutt Jury, after an hour's' deliberation, brought In a verdict of not guilty. W. II. A. Henner. Bailey's couuel, put up a strong light for his client, io show that whllo he might have boon In bad company aMho time, ho .. ... nni .. fnimi n,iiior hno Hni-i.ioii to lonialn In Klamath county, and will go to tlontil I'nrli work In Crater Lake Na- In a short time. MERRILL TIES A NEWSY SHEET KLAMATH COUNTY'S LATEST .NEWSPAPER IS A BRIGHT, WELL EDITED PAPER, WITH NO AXK TO RE GROUND morrow evening, when Colouel Will lam Hamilton Miller, community de Voluino 1, Numbor 1 of tho Merrill ,Velonment worker for the Western Times has mndo Its nppoarnnco, and l" receiving Klamath county's now- ,mniim.miii v.-. Oil iiuwBimi'vi hid ..,.,, , iiuuiiiiii raim iauiiv pioiikui u,,n- ,tor George Brndnnck and C. B. Hodg-,ina message on the question of con kin, his associate oldtor, on the newsy 88tent town building, both from appouranco of tho now wookly, within nnd without. Tho paper Is well patronized by ad- All interested are Invited to attend, voitlsois; It corrloa tho news of tho Tickets are 50 cents, and ban be se Mqnill country, nnd Is very much'i cured f rora" the Chamber of Commerce alive, with tho Interests of Klamath lor at the Pelican. The expenses of county, and especially the Merrill Mr. Miller's addrew are borne by the country very much at heart. I Big Basin Lumber company. . U. S. REJOINDER IS NOT GABLED TO BERLIN YET I RUMORS OF KNDI.VG AKK hi:aiu -J OF WAIt .C.Viiernl Ik'licf K Thai (lie .Vote Will lk Hent Toinorrou In tlio .Mean llmo the t'lilleil stiitex Is lmetl- t o KatiliK From I lie Cjcrmmi Koi'OIkii Ofllco, tho Hlnklnit of tlie American Milliner Xebraknn. -J. t'tiittii 1'ivss riervtcu xWASIHNUTON, L). U June 7. It Ih announced today that tho Amer ican rejoinder .tp Germany's reply Iiiih not yet been cabled lo. Berlin. It will probably be sent tomorrow. There arc, us u result, many Indefi nite, rumors la circulation to tho ef fect that there Is a pnwlblllty of end ing tho war. Borne of llieso uie cred--Ited to the International nn-nkers' Al liance. ' President Wilson and Secretary llrytin conterrod ror an hour today ou the German situation. The stnto department tojiay an nounced that pursuant to instruc tions. United States Ambassador Ger ard at Uerlln asked the German for- ' elgn office for an official statement re garding the sinking of the American ! steamer Nebrasknn, which was home ward hound, in ballast, when It struck n mine or w as struck by a torpedo. r .Ho was told that tho office hivd not 'ieceed any offJeJnL Information reM gardlng such an attack, but that n 'full Investigation would be made. ALIENS LEAVING MEXICAN CAPITAL itKi'oirrs or iiiiazil'.s mimsti:h AND U. S. OFFICIAIi ARK AT VAUIANCK REGARDING THE .VOIDER DEPARTING i uiu. I I'kks Servktt WASHINGTON, D. Q., Jtinu 7. Tho Brazilian minister at Mexico City lodiy reported that-90 Americans, 44 English, 127 Spaniards and 57 other foreigners left Mexico City this morn ing for tho coast. Consul General Sllllmiui at Vera Cruz reported that 600 people left. Tho discrepancy, has jiot been ex plained. The Brazilian minister ni ranged with the Zapatistas to run n special train to Pizaytica, where there begins 2S-mllo break in tho railroad. It the the ' belleod nutos will transport passongors to the other end of k,i.iiw.ma1iiiii..11 a wans meui. T TWO SCORE TICKETS ARE SOLD FOR SPECIAL COMMUNITY' DE VEI.OPMENT LECTURE ALL ARE INVITED Early today forty tickets had been hold for tho "get-together" banquet 'nt tho White Pelican hotel at 7:30 to- Retail Lumbermen's Association, and noted humorist and lecturer, will give ... . n. - .. .ii.. -i MILLER BANQUET TOMORROW NIGH Winner of 500-Mile Automobile Race - . i Italph Do Paliiin Kalph De Palma won the fifth an nual 500 mile automobile race at In dianapolis Decoration Day, breaking nil records for the distance. He took tho lead Just before the 200 mile mark was passed, and held it practic ally all the rest of tho dluaacu. IiIi time for the 500 miles w.-ib 6:33:55- an aTcrago speed of S9.84 miles an hour. Reno Thomas, who won last year, averaged 82,47 miles an hour. FINE QUARTET OPENS PR06RAM FIRST ENTERTAINMENT OF OUR CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY HILL BE A CONCERT BV CELEBRAT ED MUSICAL ORGANIZATION Tho Klamath Chautauqua assembly will open Wednesday afternoon with a concert by -the Adelphlat quartet. This quartet has been together for a number of yeaTS, nnd has been giving good satisfaction wherever they have appealed. This Is their first trip to the Coast, and they are making good with the Western audiences ns they have with those In the East. Colonel Miller will furnish the en tertainment In the evening. The Col bnel isa editor of tho Northwest Lum berman, and has a message on com munity development for every citi zen of Klamath Falls. His lecture is so full of wit that it Is of interest to everyone whether they are particu larly Interested In his particular sub ject or not. t One of tbo most Important features of tbo whole assembly Is the Junior Chautauqua, and should be taken ad vantage of by every chfld of grammar srhool age. Miss Hazel Alexander, who has charge of this work, has had threo years' experience In children's; work and nil of tho children will learn to love her beforp the session Is over. Get a season ticket for yoursolf and for your children and they will not miss a 'single session. Tho ticket sale Is progressing nice ly. There will be a meeting of the local committee tonight nV the Christian Church when the reports w.111 he looked over nud plans made to give tho ticket sale a whirlwind finish so that 'everyone will be ready to take. In all of the advantages of the big assembly. The tent Is up nud sttmted at the Central school grounds, and every provision has been or will bo mndo for tho convenience of the patrons. A big week Is In store for Klamath Falls. Meeting Postponed. The meeting of tho Pythian Club, scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, has been postponed for two weeks, nnd will be held June 82. Medical men aay that persona who attain their thirtieth year without suffering from any serloua disease are likely all things being equal to live ttlj. they are at least 78 yean of age. " SERBIANS UNITE WITH ITALIANS IN NEW ATTACK gi:hm.xv attkmpth to ' FliANK SfiAVK OUT - LVntrol Albanian Tonmt Are Now Held by Horbhiiw, and Otliom .Arc' Taken by Italian Battalion Ger man Troop Hhlps ICndeavor to I-anil nt Itlgn, Unt Arc Prevented From Itolns. ko by Forts. fulled I'less Service ROME, June 7 Tho Serbian troops have successfully invaded Central Al- banla, according to the latest official reports, xney occupy Bevcral towns in the vicinity of the Lower Dibra. !.-.. i.n .u.,t . i-uui itaiiuu uubi.aiiuu uave aivo invaded the late domain of Prince William of Weld. This Is understood to be a co-operative movement against Austria. , Counsellor Hinderberg of the Ger-1 man embassy, who departed with Prince von Buelow, the German am-f bassador at the time war was de - clared, has returned unexpectedly. The occasion for his return is a? mystery. It has created somewhat of n sensation in diplomatic circles. - - , , PETROORAD. June 7 An attempt' -, . . -. w - - teglc point on the Gulf of Riga, on the Baltic Sea. and to thus outflank the Russian forces In East Prussia and ' Poland has bevn defeated. - Escorted by the German Baltic i squadron, several transports full .of ;trawIer j was br'torpel troops were sent from Kiel. At'lB&twitiy and foup mefiTii?rof ' ifce'J tempts were made to land these, ernw Wni.- a nh.i--,w?iiUvgfA troops at Courland but the Russian essels In the Gulf of Riga, tho Riga forts and the Russian" submarine successful defense, which resulted In the loss of three troop ships. Ou account of Chautauqua this week, the Ladies' Aid Society of thei Christian church will meet tomorrow afternoon, Instead of .Thursday. The meeting will be at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. PerryKanatzer on Eighth and Jefferson streets. r British Trade Federation is Tlio planning a women's war as a ore- - ventathe against lowering of the 'em- wages of the men through the ploying of unorganized labor. A verj large percentage of tne liaiiuui) vi iuv luctiVid die nuuiHl and It Is estimated that 75 per cent of the money taken In at the box, of-, flces Is paid by women. Queen of Opium Ring: Testifies t iiittil 1'iehs Senile HAiN 'UAJNUiauu, June i Mrs. w. G. Pattersou, tho alleged "Queen of the Opium Ring." in her testimony before the board of InvesUgation of ("... " ulw,,w,T-7f"S!ri- the charges that the member. of'o vlolaUous of the law, -M . ji'. fhn RtniA hnnrd of nhnnnnnv harti been paid protection money, said she,8Ue1d wl" 'nClUd6 i' 0fU?f-??i 1 did not know any of those Involved by ' """ ". .' ... ZF?JZttl I Ihn olmreosr dfinlnri tht !, hml Br,llio WavltB collected by aWM'' trafficked In opium, but admitted that id mail of the j sho had been called "Queen Opium Ring." The investigation is the result of charge brought by Frederick A Suth- erland In it letter to Governor John - - PUII ttUU UWWO WIO mmVUMW. war nnarffno tnai ninTiuTinn nnnav has been collected by Inspector Wm. White, brother of Chief of Police White, and Samuel Scott and Harry Cnrnmok, two other Inspectors. He cbargesUhat all have accepted bribe from traffickers In the drug tor pro tection. He further cbargea that four mem - ' MPjiS Bgfc, MUCH ACTIVITY V J-.V i 'W?' rvas?j.i J&-AW ' IN THE AIR AND --.. - i UNDER THE SEAS 'LTiGLAXD IS AGAIN t ZRPP8 RAIDED, BY WE I Uritlsh Alraea Retaliate by Bomb on a Gersiaa DirlgMcf ?, Htroylnjc It HuMtaa fliihwaHBaa;fe rruir unaMi tmuii, hm.wp.ki man Divers W.rt VmU- XT. r irf.jZ2 to Davy Joses' Lacker Tedav. I yZhi r .ts-' i ii'ien itv1 ."erviir LONDON, June 7. Today's oi clal announcement .-. ,"' -TV, un wifc ,Drn- .,v ,& lgn airmen '.vIis.ijm; yesterday, dreppecetes "i k-HU .. rp.Uh...ik u,l; Z- wfr i.. .... """ Ghent and Rruirn dAnirntu l x'V1 uuiuua uu a. acviwuiu nui vciwcv ' - , tCx Tho bombs were dropped, from a ' height of 100 feet. The Zeppelin's I gasbag was exploded, md the crafty 5; fell to earth. y Another Zeppelin last Bleat ratted tho east coast of England, drefpktg , incendiary bombs. As areenlt' Ive? f. lwere killed, forty. Injured? and two', fires were started. -"J nnofflclal dispatch from Pett&& ,grad itates tiULt iuaUwn sabmartaes K a, ,.,, j...-.. . ", .vii'S , Saturday destroyed and " j - v T - -r rvf ZJ'" I-"! , ..- - ? $7?- ,UH I uerman transports ana aaower, '. uawffii- named vessel off the, Gulf ToaRlgaVfA " " uoi mmu whmw "' an attempt to land troope" at ?OoriVi land. Tho Russians lout. an titlllU-Vt ship in the fight. ' Jfi " ft -MJ, The iih baTSllgUlwaa4! m,i-H K-i..f; . .' ' nltf.m tne trawier star of-th-0 Ww,j f- rllitP1 ivess senfee n.n. .. . - .Jr. .Wl unnuw, june i. it is announceo ' v. that a German submarine sank' the' '"",- Russian second class cruiser Amur lu the Baltic Friday. w I nlted 1'iess Seilce AMSTERDAM. June amins of the Zeppelin 7.-,The - re-i; ftmarnvA1 British airmen yesterday In falling -rCl crashed through the roof of the orph-v M6W 4W1H HWrABIVKUr K.1I tw0 . The Zeppellm'i crew otiS twenty-eight men was all. killed. SFJ, . '..' t ji-8-f 5J tlulted Press Service s v . Paris T.,i. 1 ilri.-rnn.i. -f . erw5;r Iqvak P.eali.nln .ah InaiuinnJ iAf &1 ,mjw ..BUvaM.M IJM W. fV1BUVi, sunk- otr tne 'entrance of the Aegean!"-' -j iteil uu U10 H1IUI U ilUSO O. .VWOOfaVV' cers and sixty-four wen were rMcueaVtj and the rest are believed to be-prts- oners in Turkey. VftSfe . in Probe' , &&tfA Yii bers of the state board of,vheriMcy,; Edward. J. Molony, Ueorglir'Siiilier-H : . . ' " . ' -V&i -..-' ..buw, u u-m- m-w,-z, r,nea V vjgorona mwiH(., Bnd " P? " -A'.f 5U4 --.--- v ,".,'. fitr. CoU8,abto a '! .Hajifortt-y day's hearing ,Uijajif, juuuk noe. a nantor vpHHHaj paid Inspector F? 'l&t of ., PrattftlaAA lilt na nnatilasl ''' r riuii:iiL'u .. Ktmr HHBnaprap. Francisco tect(W( Hetatlie; tkff; V Stf nM QR mnnlklto.a-alaWlJiekai I" T"" wt " j pm v9mm- wili - ... i a u'ij: Cblneie bad told.'Mav Rent liaJd '- ---'-' - -?"-" WT-l-? WMj told him that ther wouW-trtaea,! money on' a tame -tmlmm H The moaey ala.lftspMM simitar 'baa keam wpmen M1 i i Hr-'f'S ii;''; n-ri :m ffiT? m i&l ,,-. WJ!m 0: Ai$il 'i w KI .s f $? '(r5t"l A 4fss ?A I 5V'I S?3I rl toys- Tfe Wfl r ml 4'- vm .TSS 1 iM'-'K'-- ,:, m A'TS S8l" t. JKfr w.