V :.& . yr , t. -u t ?,r.?X&fe3t l'M yV88S&9 E Herald :8S a wXv KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER aw ".- AASf',Vfl KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPtktl -i ,f. -'?i. ' asi. fr&ii&' r' .. ' . fiiLjfTzo&. - 'ili MmJi&W E.-Ct!EttJ3TC Nlmlh Yr No. a,UIHl WATER USERS TO . HAKE PAPER; BIG MEETING COMING oi,v one amendment is cut. nii:i Vili oil llirtl'lnr In Tiilne, im Their 'im No 0imihiII(iii llomd VM) S I it IhYylJwl -for 'Talking Co. 0H'iullvtt .niilili--, anil ,oilii lluli WlNtlf In Ho Niiimil I'IiuiI Aliriil fro lilt I'l-ojiil. With llio exception of t Met amend win provlilluK ii penalty m' 1 per i cni per month mi dollniniit iiMHoeht ikiii duo, till iliu amendment nut) wilted l6 tlio Kliitiiiith Wiili't Ukts. . ssiK'liitlun directors yesterday were ivfealed. The board of directors In iiiliiponud of Abel Ally, John Irwin, Kn'il Pope, Charles IliinliiiK mi1 Jawed Dixon, who uoro elected wltli uiii opposition. The hoiiril will or KiiliUo lute lodny. At yesterday' mictliiK the stock holders gnvo tlio director power to publish n weekly newspaper for tlio Klltpr IIHOM, ItlU COKt licit tO t'XClM'd 1100 ii moiitli. Tlio liOiird was iiIho rIm'H power lo cull ii meeting for the lIMaiHrtlOII Of '0-l)l(lllllVl! activities. Thin meeting will tin very import mil, nnd among tlio ro-opcrntlvo en terprises ore it Farmer' Niitlounl bank, warehouses, power plutit, tole phono system mid iiicrcntitlln store. Tlio wnicr users also iiintructt;d tu(, directors, liutlie mutter of asking the secretary of tlio Interior to appoint tlio association llio llscal Kent for the project, eliminating I lit" present llscal .iKMll employed by tlio service1. The, .ihsocIiiHoii also seeks to lako over tutor from tlio government tlio oper ation and iiinlnli'iuinro of tlio Klam ath project. '.sli V llwt'k Fi1m School. J. Ilnnlln Carter, hou of Mr. mid Mr O. I. Curler. Ih hero from Los Angeles, where he Is studying ilentls- try nt llio University of Southern Col- Ifornla. Carter Is u graduate of the Inrnl high ucliool, and was prominent In .uthletlcH and studont activities while, hero. llni AiiiMrnillcllls. Mrs. George J. Walton, who nasi sum. uus win o muu "!" Imcn ton lined to her bed for hcveral'to America's latest note. days. Is still iinnblo to bo out. In ad- Tho Importance of this la that It dltlon to nn attack of la grlppo, Mrs. will bo tho JJrst dcllnlto slop not ouly Walton Is gufforlng from appendicitis, toward perpetuating penco between and will undergo nn operation when("io United Stijtes and Germany , but sho has recovered from the grlppo. i toward tlio ending of tho European; Chautauqua Only Four fy ., With tho opening of the Cliautati MUti iiRHombly schedulod for Wednes day, Klamath Falls is becoming In terested tn tho six duyH of speaking, imistc'and other high class entortaln Mont to bo given. Advertising mut ter Is appearing In all the windows, and "Chautauqua Rooster" ponnnnts aro floating produly from tho mast head of every available automobile In town. The tent for tho ussenibly arrived a fow days ago. Today the tent man Ib on tho Job, and he Is carrying on work at tho Central school ground preparatory to raising tho "big top." This will bo hoisted Monday, nnd n iall u made (or volunteers to bo at tho Central school at 0 o'clock that morning to help In the w,ork, Those purchasing season tickets be fore the oponlng of Chautauqua will avo a dollar on each ticket Tickets ran be secured at nearly nny storo In town, and all of tho guarantors who mako tho session possible, also have tne tickets to sell. -SET. U. S.Rejoinder Is Ready Cerman My, Expected smKlwL i'MtM.Cri j-'Ll?z &&t. rfOffK "ff HOHKItT I i.l J nX(! i'oiiiim'IIoi' if Slum l)eMii1iiuiu Who lreMirel latest L'iiHcmI Stale-. Xol lo (ierniany lo Make (jiillililhii; IiiimhIIIi l nilfd I'luxh Seiiio WA8IIINGTO.V, I). ()., Juno CoiiiihcIIoi' Itolieit l.ntiHlue of tho siivIo depart ment. lias (ompli'Leiltwoeii the Amcrlcau rejoinder to tliojcoaRt, caUhlng slight 'damage and Xinorlca'rt rojolnder to Germany Iiiih been approved by and Is now being coded. This will , bo forwiuilod probably tonight. u u,in, Amerlen lomiilns Jinn for ,c,r uHglnul demands as to submnrln- R n,i w rights of Ameiiran people. n, H,,,s n tho high seas. Tito most diplomatic paper issaou Mnco tho outbreak of tho war should I roa-cli tlio United States about June. Assembly Days Away A meeting of the guarantors will bo held tvt tho Christian church Mon day evening, when n Held worker will i... nrniii iii nld In the local work.' A total of r.00 season tlckots must bo sold to innko tlio assembly solf sus- tlanlng. Wednesday's program Is as follews: Morninir Organization of Junior Chntttnuqun. Afternoon Address of Welcome, Judge II. D. Galo. Hesponse, "Getting Acnunliilod," Superin tendent. Oponlng concert, Adel phlnn Muilo Qunrtet, Admission 25 cents. Evening Popular concert, Adolphlon Malo Quartet. Community lec ture, "Tho Neighboring City," Colonel William Hamilton Miller, junior Uhnutnuqun sessions begin nt 9 o'clock, tho afternoon nt 2:30, and tho lecture half an hour later. Tho ovonlng concert will bogln each night nt 7:30, and the evening lecture at 8:1$. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, June 20, Is Important iw.ir. This Is tho opinion expressed in diplomatic circles. The amount of tlm to olnpse G. rinaii reply and tlio ucrmnn Mtswer,fOW cnsnaltlos. Paris, It Is reported. the president,,10 "1U rojoinuer is nue io uie uh1(s tuat .Meyer (iorliaru, who goes to nor- Un as special emissary from Ambns- sailor IlcrnstorlT in connection witn the note, will not rench Merlin until 1tio lf. When this reply arrivos. it Hl murk the point whero diplomacy bo- ,,,, tn ,nk. hoId and foreo beBin9 t0 Ifltg() Ono lUonmt 9 quoted ns saying I thnt the tone or Germany's answer is n n,omcntou8 factor in tho situation, Ho stnlcs that Germany feels that she hag vlrtunlly won the war, moaning that by stopping her antagonists, sho foe)B gho hng dom0nstrntcd that It Is mposai))ie to cru8j, her. EWAUNA TEAM TO PlAY THE FORT IIOXMAKEIIH WILL RUN UP TO WOOD RIVER VALLEY CITY IX THE MORXIXO, RETURXIXG IX THE EVENING . j Tho Ewauna Hox Factory baseball ..,, ,r,..i Fori Klnmnth tomorrow rii' Its first gamo of ball away from in,,,, 'I'lmv. will tnkn on the Koit iiniu, .v " "'" --" 'team" in thenfternoon Tim Uwniinn has still more now men In Us lineup, nnd Is out to got' ''K Ue t"e Chautauqua U In tho county championship this year, session" tho work of the summer Many of the fans will auto up wlth8C0! D0 anged that teach Wllloy's aggregation. ors ""' nttend tno Chautauqua at- . ' tractions. Going to Expo, Losllo Rogers, cashlor of tho First National bank, leavoa with his wife nnd rnmlly In the morning for Cal ifornia to nttend the expositions and enjoy a. brief rosplto from financial enros. In Prom Lorelh Road Supervisor H. G, flhldler of Lorella U a county seat visitor. SUGAR lilLL IS WIAOE SHAMBLES IN HARD fIGHT .MKX UAT1KK H.IXII I THKKi: TC IIAXI) KayoiietN, Klulit and Knlifx Al'i; Uwl 4 I III Out), of tlwT Hottcit KIkIiIn of I thp War Miirtliiiiix"4 lliinilt Scv-1 V i Till Times llurinif Xullil. Hut Hie II Ze French Hold pplinu Agnln1 ?K Raid ICnRlnnil-jOlher War .ets. . 1 . I I'nlli'il I'ns Si'ivlt .. I'AKIS, Juno C An offlclal "eye- jwltnoBs" nccaunt-lof tho fighting for Itho poKsessIon of the siigar mill nt 'Souchcz In Flanders says that the 1 cellars at tho plant wore choked with German dead when tho French finally Kalned poRBosslonXv nlormlng tho po jsltlon after a week of fierce fighting. ; French troopslourlod 3.00Q Ger ! mans. Tho French loss wn close to ' 1,000 men. Tho French In their last attack used their bayonets. After a three hour fight they captured the outbuild ings. A little later they took the mill Germans withdrawing. This withdrawal was only tempo rary, however, and tho Germans later rmvdo a strong counter attack, driving nut tho French, j'he French, after a , short respite,- regained tho mill. At dark the Germans made a still more ferocious assault, which devel oped Into a hand-to-hand encounter. In tho mooiillghiliousaiids of.jnen fought with bayonetsknives, clubbed guns nnd even bare fists. Sheer weight of numbers forced tho with drawal of tho French, but at day break tho French, reinforced, took tho mill, which 'they still hold. i',,ji,., .reMS se,vice . LONDON, Juno I. Zeppelins last bo-tnlcht raided tho East and mith.u.t a expecting nn aerial attack. i)H,.,i f,PA Service HOME, June 5. Tho battle for the possession or Moverto has been com- menced. The Italian troops approach 'ed tho fortress from the south. Cannon captured from the. Aus ,i ,- .. ,- .- General Caderno today reports that n flcrco fight ror the possession of the jrdR0 inues. commanding Monterno con- SUMMER SCHOOL STARTS MONDAY KLAMATH COUNTY'S FIRST TEACHERS TRAINING COURSE WILL HE HELD AT THE HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING The first' Klamath county' summer school will open Monday morning at tho high school building. The hold ing or this summer school' marks tho passing or tho annual Institute and e substitution therefore of a dofl- nlt teachers' course, consisting of .wont in metnoos ana moan or teacn- ' ,.., i'vn.....i3 ... nnwnnm, n wi rm ,.,..,. '"8 ed work linvo been secured ns In structors lu tho school. Classes wilt be organized In sub jects required In the next teachers' examination to be held June 30' and July 1, 2 and 3. A large number of teachers havo signified their Intention of attending this summer school., iSliaw Is Better. Attorney William H, Shaw, who has been seriously HI, was able to be out in an auto this afternoon. JUNE 5, 1915 Suffragette Introduces New Fashions . I iUstt Hiliua Johnson Miss Hllnia Johnson, a pretty suf-, rragctto, found a new way of adver tising 'the cause" on Fifth avenue,' New York, the other day. How well she succeeded may be realized from the fact that she had to be rescued from a crowd by policemen. She ap peared in the fashionable crowd with m m o new veil bearing on the lowerjuats' h . gin the words "Votes for Women." ep ' A crowd collected for it is very easy to gather a crowd in New York and followed her until she -was fear- cm f fh r,,u. Ti,An i, nniio' Interfered nnd got her out of the,iN0"nern Taw crush. AIO SOCIETY RAISES SPUOS MT. LAKI ORGANIZATION USES LAND NEAR CHURCH TO HELP ,1 SWELL TREASURY OTHER , NEWS OF THAT DISTRICT ( Hfiuld Special Service) MT. LAKI, June 5. The Ladles Aid met at the church Wednesday to , rnt potatoes, which the men Dlanted r , .... . In the ground west and north of the church. .The ladles hope to realize a neat sum next fall from the pota toes. A picnic dinner was served and enjoyed by nil. Miss Mary McComb Is visiting heri uncle, "Mr. John McComb. Mrs. Whlttaker of Portland is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. John Koontz. The Merporlal Day services were held Monday afternoon at the ceme tery. Selections were by Mrs. Lewis Grace Reaevs and Gerald West, music by the ML Lakl school children and several quartettes. Mr. Avery made an address. Flowers were distribut ed over the graves. Misses Selraa and Nova McReynolds j gave a party for the young people on ! Friday evening. Mr, Contes was a Mt. Lakl caller) Thursday. Tho Mt. Lakl Improvement Associ ation met last Saturday evening. County School Superintendent Peter son spolce on the local high school, question and a pleasing program fol lowed, Mr. Hill gave a talk on po tatoes. School Erection. Tho annual school election for School District No, l will be held June 21st, at the. Central school. At that time a director will be chosen to fill the vacancy which will ba caused by the expiration of Marlon Hanks' term. NEW BANO LEADER IS HERE FOR JOB! A. ;. KCHLOSS COMEM IX FROM I.OS .VXOK1.E8 HIGHLY RECOM-; .MKXDICD IXITIAIi PRACTICE I TOMORROW' '"""'""' uxi,ij now hi a salaried leader. This isjJ,",,"rei0 uw ,?ne'V: A. C. Schloss, who arrived last night-. from Los Angeles, to take up the dl-1 region of the local' organization.- The first rehearsal will be held by Mr. Schloss at 2:30 tomorrow at the. I'avilion, and all musicians, are asked; to attend.. A series, of concerts Is to. be given weekly In the court house j square, and the new director wishes to know -what Instruments are need- i-u, tiijiv ue may sena lor ouisiae mil-. sicians 10 come nere ior tne summer, MOON AND STARS SAY KAISER OUT AT LEAST, SOOTHSAYER WITH THE HINDUS IN FLANDERS SAYS THEY WILL TELL HIM BILL AND FRANCIS-J LICKED t j Culled Press Service LONDON. May 26 (by mall to New York). Nothing bnt dark, sin ister gobs of gloom are In store for rue uoroscope oi tne iienenzouern and Hapsburg monarchs cornea to "" '7 " ficaruy, a hub Tillage behind the British lines in Kaya Andra, a Brahman occult, an aged, white- j bearded i person, drew it from the ' stars and moon and told it to. all the i Indian troops. He traveled to! Europe with the Indiana when they came to fight .the Germans. The first half or the year 1916 will see the final blow rail on the head of 'the Teutons, Kaya Andra gathered from tho heavens. He says: ' "The German emperor was born uinder Aquarius. This signifies soli tude, desertion, exile and sickness. The year 1915 will bring him terrible j reverses, notably In June, July and .December. But his definite downfall wl, onljr occ(ir durlnf. flr$t ha,f of 1916, and it will entail the exile, 'of the kaiser and hla family."' Kaya Andra says the stars tell him 'this about Franz Jeseph: "The Lion, the Bull and the Scor- iDlon. unltinir their baleful Influences. ., ... . ..v. have condemned him to a Joyless end, and bis throne and empire will be annihilated after a s&ngunlary revolution in this year of Grace, 1915." Kaya is stilt at Plcardy, telling the fates of the Indian "Tommies." He, has studied the heavens since his youth and ought to know. Community Here Tuesday Nigbt A get-together session of more und every laugh Is followed by a UNMitf-t hm Arrllnnrv Imnnftnnm will K& halitlDlalll tfUth. S& t"IH MM V MVWIIVV wsea MW mvm- nt the White Pelican hotel Tuesday evening, when Colonel William, Ham ilton. Miller; community development booster for the Wostern Retail Lum bermen's Association,' will, address Klamath Falls people, on community building and town development mat ters. Colonel Miller will speak at tho two opening days of Chautauqua, and is one of the star attractions oXered this year by. tho Elllaoa-WolU Sys-i tem. He has Irresistible humor,, hut an abundance of good ceamo tswati til f ii - ...?,$, rite nf pmm$&m . V IROUMANM Mill i ' '! j&wrn w rjffjSkl1 NOT ENTER WAR SAYS GERMANY! e IH CONSIDERED GREAT .GERMAN VICTOHl a . ' r l V.J, - f M l. . . ,.,. v.. . . .-.''' nlio TcrrltoHiil DcamaO at IMte-- I iTinclfMllly I SM to .Be Om of . .1-" . ftt the Chief Cause for Sfm-Vmttl&f ,- t-y palion Germaa Papers 9ajr- Vlc. .. ' -- . lory i' ureater xbsh mM7M .' ' ,-.yf! tm im ('lilted 1'ress Service ' v ' BERLIN, June .5;- ..k. tui The allies feV v (utterly failed in their effort to I due Houmanla to Join ia tao.-irar against Oermany and Austria. aeaoM- tIS 'i . H-U1-.i ..v...: -t ' t-.vi 1U6 ,1V AVI1UUIO iirtviiu? IHflVW. . This is said to be owing to an ia- ll blllty to arrange terras between :Rq-s-,:J mania and Russia. Th czar andnH vauiuoi ruilUHm Uf CW W HTTW ! f " fine territory ine'Koumanisns aaKior their participation. This brought about a dedlok which England, Franco and. eyesi ItaHir ' tried in Tain to break. The. Russian ,- i, government remained obdurate, aid J no amount or persuasion 'has vboeii ' i effsctlva in movtnv from It oiptirliir i. stand. (faf ii? r This is considered a great' eoae' for isi I Germany, Tndov'c "Ijitnl Innlnr" JmlirmM l'!'-! .cjTAr.. ;--t, that the defeat of the attempt' to'tV kj1 ..T:.". duce Roumanla to enter, tho iwar to. a." greater Austro-aer man victory thA pflniurA nt Ptsaviv! thla WAjttr -. ' '-?' C .. ,......,,. ?,,. mJH -' iar' - Culled Press Service - si."43 ATHENS, Juno.S. King CsHJMS-f le Buffered another urtotu.eanaiasii''V" tine Buffered another serlotaeeJOoisse today. Altera hurried, coBSultatioa,: i"v,''jli?r Professor Esselbnrg, the Gerasan seeh-! clailst In charge of the nounced that a second .csmh4 . f;jl openttekv would bo necessary. YoaWni. - . ,i" " .... " ur. ucorgo i. rignc announces me. birth of a Beventpound daughter to Mrs. H. O. Matthews at.ShlpplBgton, Thursday and a ten-pound son to Mrs. R. C. Short on the Merrill road laat!v night. ;l Cooked Fowl Sale. ." J J The latdes of Sacred Heart chare vjffi'33 will hold a cooked food sale at tkA McDonald bulldlng.8txth;ad Mapto '.mm streeisVJuhe 12th' sW' J-3. Home From Rosefeirs." - f "CSfl Shasta, has returned from Roseburg.f f; where he attended the araduathia ex- 'ii nt n, tn.i,. ui.i, bwi " ..... . ..w ..uu.a , wi and visited friends. Huf dautliW; who graduated this yearcamevpter with her father. " y yiw- s-rfm Miss Marlon B. nrl.il. - 1 t uiio, umawrii ''(7-''.i of mathematics at tbeUaifferaliy1 'tf-Sj Kansas, has 'been anoolnted dmsfto ,r!?M' women at the Michigan' 'aHaAfrtX-? cultural college. , .tri-. Banquet t ' ""'' if" jt - - - - , ,0-j 'l ' ' 'Htin nAMaelnn t 'UIIIamIb 'skSBAAtjki 'K.S i inlk nt tht Pellet will hA ikiuul-' ii, . 4i. rn.. .m'v ',vikir-k-.V s .'..::::; -i? 4s yZirZzr?:-7ZM! being, arranged for,by.vtlMs,I Chamber of Commerce ait Business Men's AsetaUM,1tovksal) all are InvHod. The e!UMia;Ul'taa only 50'ce..pllf, '; j it is usejq iae mic aavsi bsus0er . Company . that ;tha' p. immm ', tor the baaquet aro M U?mm Colonel'MUler ss a smW;tb)sMs1 tmAMw;$wm&L !HW!P7WWW 1" mS2 MMt W 'TFT rJn il ii mr --- - L '., Iw. fS!ft3'f'JfWt-. B seh ?S,AK7S.Tj; ' i s " ?" ?.m. V. tws '.mn f" I''Xj: . Si .1K !S M im te i-,Ssd a? iffi s L5fiJ fc5S f'ifil r&M ,-p I m hm 1$ ? a' 1 zm. -&& a vis ..rs A1 ' I aws?:!! ' ' a& ,-ydl ww m .i .-aasj i-i ,-spi CJM p.. M ; .l .T'JEll i