ij KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR h Miilh Vcar Xo. a,H Suiting Mtmlb KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1915 Price, five MEXICANS DO NOT TAKE KINDLY TO WILSON'S NOTf Italy's "Big Five" in Conduct of War lllll liHIl I'ltlM'Altl." To pke'pi.i: ritoTi.c I iii'imiJi (IiiitImiii ill I .a riili. I SlK'iiKllx'iH'il TimIii) 1 1) I lit' Aitill linn of More Tiihi, mill ll K lie ported Tlmt rnriniiii .kiiIii I'm IMiMti lo Take .Mrxlio riij W'll. Mtn'H t IN'lltl'11-ll lit III!' ClIIIKll' MilluiutltA, i nimi i'ic. Hiixidi WASHINGTON, I). I1., .linn. I lu anticipation of iioiiIiIk a a rcmiM of America's abandonment of lnr u.itchftll waiting Mexican policy III It it li authorities In Mi'xli'o City aie io it.y adopting extiiionllnaij me.iHuies in Ki'l English people from ilnir In tin' ennui. Train, iuiIoh ami hoi mih sim all being iikciI. Tlio Brazilian minister theie Ik at rniiKiiiK for iriktnx In i'iinvi Amci iriillN to snfi-l) Aiitl-fiiiclKticr rlntH arn feared. It Is ri'poi'lril tllilt Carrittla llllenil.4 lo retake Mexico City iiiul crush his rivals. CoiihiiI General Jnlm It, Slllliiiiin unlay notified Secretary llryuii tliui ho hail delivered President Wilson's nolo to Cr.rranzn anil to Provisional President Carcarcla of the rnustltu llonnllstnH. Ho (Mil not make any comment re garding Uh reception. It Ih not known whether tlio iiotii htm lii'i'ii delivered to Villa. V .AaaaVRBI. L-": LssbsL. SLAVS FIGHTING 8ACUUT CAN'T ' STOP TEUTONS Acting Head of Italian1 Government MA.NV Oil. .Much Credit I'l'finvhl Ih Kl'Ulllll'lllM li, Wi:u.s fvHinti; arm- i in CGhell lilt t m:ii .sit Tiiklnu of Itiiliirian Giiiit.iI ton Murki'ii- rn, mill School, in Iti-ilin Closed for Holiday German Triinspoif .Vi-nr ConMantinopIc Is Trierioeil by llio lirlUftli T f II III! I'li'w M'lMhi IHCRLIN, .llimj 4---Thu Austin-Gel-mnn forces arc; advancing against l.cniborg, to whlfli city the Russians driven out of Przemysl yesterday are (treating. The Slah are being rolled back along a I HO mile front. In Federal pieces the Mus-coWle-" have made desperate efforts to reform' the fleeing forces for a final stand against the. Teutons. While some of BBBBBBBBBBBS"rx7y".'-s:?9BBBBB! REJOINDER IS BEING CAREFULLY DRAWN I tilled 1'iess Service WASIll.Vr.TOX. I). 0., June 4. The gravity of the German situation U iiiilhiiieil siroiiKly totlay by the fact l hat Itobert lansiiiK. cotuwellor of the statu department, and such, the government's greatest IntrnnHn 1 l;nv eviR-it, miin summoned to attend today'H meeting of the cnbiaei. I'ltfddent Wibon ntiliex Counsellor Landing to males the Amerlcaa ,jilnders to the (iernian reply correct in every detail. This, it In felt, In necessary If there is to bo no more slips or excuse for further delay in the handling ol points directly affecting our national honor. it is generally expected tliat tiie American rejoinder will declare that irii'letaut issues ulH be entirely disrrganleil until America is given eoeae ilellnile assiiranre lhat her rights un !'; International laws win be fally iecognl7ed and rcsiected. Members of the cabinet agree that this stead must he maintained without weakening. .Mcjer (Jerharil, one of the Genn.ui ited Cross commissioners, will act as iersonnl representative for Ambahsador Dernstorff at Berlin in rtwrr lion ilh the handling of the kaiser's reply to the Wilson note-. He sailed Inr lletiin yesterday on the steamer Uailctl States. flerhaiil will be expected to tell Kaiser Wilhclm the exact feeling his note lias created in the United States. Other members of the German Ited Cross commission arc Dr. Dernburg and Count Slersdorpff. I hike of Genoa The Uuke of Genoa, uncle of the . . m ... . l.r.n nnniMntOil nv them attacks havo heen extremely 'king 01 uaij. uu . ,.i-.- -courageous, none have succeeded, nor' hint act l ,lIs stead du,rlUg , haxe the Russian counter attacks'war. The king Issued a proclamation halted the advance at any point. on assuming command of the army I The following telegram was bent," navy In action. It read as fol- ... I.M.... I n.,l.. iit Ar n..nMi .!,... 1oVS! I 11, iiiib I'uum lit ui uiiiuim luuoi iliy von Mackenzen: i "We Victor Emmanuel, on tho re- "The conduct of our hrau Uavar-1 port of the president of the cabinet, XIIL'TKAIi SHU'S MUFFEIt I uli-.l rieSB Service " Xoi-Hich, Scotland, June 4. A German submarine yesterday sank the PaiiKli steamer Salvador in the North Sea. The crew landed here today alter drifting for twelve hours in o.kii boats. The captain said that the subniaiiue came alongside yesterday, and gave the crew live minutes to leave the vessel, and despite the protest that the vessel Hew the flag of a neutral nation, the submarine commander stated that he was sorry, but war is war, and the crew bad better take to tho boats. After the crew left the Salvador was torpedoed, and the crew Mas (owed a short distance by the diver. Tho Norwegian steamer Cubano was torpedoed ott the T-nnnnn to PREMIER SALANDRA. faihi-r'H ai my. Ono brother, carlo, was once minister of war and a great nihocale of the free church. Another i brother !.- a illusion general in tlio army today Conto Cadoma was born OENtlltAA. CA,MEVA..'e?AMKINO n... ii itimi of the world Is today an aimy In 1S70 at tlio conlbcatlon - fiausscd on Ihe men. the 'Hlg Klve" ' l"' """ u '''Vircl,1 I lilted I'less Serlie , L, , . of the temporal power of the church. I.AIIKD0. Juno I. In Mow of of Hub I'mmler Antonio Salandra, . vKteM chM Qf blnff ()f tl)0 Ual. President Wilson's nolo to tliu Mux- Geueial Conto I.ulgl Cardona, chlut of , wab lllou a lieutenant In his . . . ...I 1 ....!.. ..I' ...... lean factloiiB, It Is considered signui- stall or mo army, i-nuto iauh ' Hint that the Carraiua garrison M Saiiy, Duko of the Abruzzl, admlial N'ouvo Laredo has been slrciiKtlu'iiod of tho Imttlo lleet; Itaron Sidney Son- lii 1,500 men. nlno, mlnlsier of foreign affairs, and General I'roconlc Alixnnilrii arrived General Cnnovn, commander of tlio today with 800 men. Ho succeeds army. It would ho hard to llnil live September 4, IS.'iO, at l'allanza, l.nke Henornl lllcut as commander of the nioro Interesting personalities '""'.Mnggloie. in Northern Italy. His Knrrlson. those, In whom Italy has placed her lm)lim. tt,,s tho Countess Clementina , fi,u in the war against Austria. Soppl, a noted beauty of her day. At When In Their Sense of Humor'.' To thu Duke of tho Abruzzl, well ls t, young Conto was a lieutenant, ' nltoil Press SerTJoe known to the American public uo-liml lalor deeanio colonel of the fa- CINCINNATI, O., June i. Senso cause of his romance with Miss Kntli- mi)m Tenth Regiment of Uorsagllerl of humor Is signally lacking In street 'erlno Klklns, Italy looks to rctrluvo rautry General I.ulgl Cadorna is car conductors. tlio naval disaster on tho Adriatic , 11B n groat disciplinarian. He When Mounted Policemen nml Ten coast at l.lssa In ISM!. Then Aubtrla.l lins wrlticn many books on military llriinsel throw a conductor's lunch at with Inferior numbers and III onulii-8UujPeth. He wrote particularly of his head and gave him u milk hath,. pod squadron, struck Italy a crushing t, irnuco-rrusslnn war of 1870. tho poor conductor couldn't see the' blow, which has left Its mark upon signor Antonio, Salandra, premlor joke. Italian miwil prestlgo up to the pros- or imij, ih not an aristocrat by birth. Olionntoln and Ten Urunsel face ent day. 'llo was trniucd for tho law, and has tilal on chnrges of conduct unhecom- General I.ulgl Cadorna, head of the hpot thirty years ns an actlvo particl Ing an officer nml n gentlemmi. Safety Italian land forces, comes of a family ,mt u parliamentary aftnlrs. Ho Director Holmes' senso of humor was'of soldiers. Ills father, Genernl Conto waB n,0 leadur of his party In the absent also. ' ItuiTnolo Cadorna, ontorcd Home with i eliamhor of deputies for many years, . - and once served as minister of II n mice. llo was called to tho premiership in Mai ch, 1911, on tho resignation of tho (ilolltll cabinet. Salaudru Is a great orator and a great leader. Aftor his nscenilonce to tho premiership he was confronted with many trying In- jtornnl problems Ho manoeuvcrod so 'clcu'ity as to suppress the rising of I tho socialists, and at the same time I cain their support, llo settled the , . big rollioad strike llii on Sidney Sonnlno, tho foreign The following from u former locol you can see all kinds of warships fi0C1 ,..,. tt.,b 0co premier, and Sal- going ami coiiiiuk hi inu iii.iiuiui. miuriv was one or uis mosi arueiu uij- "This is certainly somo exporience, ,K)rter8 sonnlno Is a Jew by race, a tho greatest Bight a man can see Protestant by faith and a native of Dr. Morrow Writes of Horrors of War Physician, Is from tho Portland Jour Jeur nal: Impressions of ivIrshlps.'flylnK Ger man shells, thousands of wounded and tho atrocities of war aro describ ed by Dr. Karl V. Morrow, Hon of Dr. J. W. Morrow of Portland, who Is with the American Hod Cross In Bel gium, in a letter received by Dr. Mor iow yesterday. Tho letter, dated I'olkstono, May 14, llllri, says: "We arrived hero In Folkstono yos lorday, 12 noon, find It.waa Just pour ing down rain, but today it Is beauti ful. This city has 20,000 people, It Is very old, and has very narrow Ht reels, some not over six foot wide, with shops thick on each side, It Is Mrlctly under tho war otllco, troops mid Houtlnols everywhere, and It tnkoH you forever to got around, All tho workmon are gone, bo you can hardly set anything. Airships aro thick sail ing over ua and acron to France, and thousands of auto transports and am-1 i.ypt, Horn on tho hanks of tho bulnncos and soldiers coming from the (Touches and going back. They keep tho men in trenches four days aud rest them at Nile of an Kugllsh mother, ho receiv ed tbo greater part of his education In flrimt llrltnln. Huron Sountno's pater- tho bases four iullosilini grandfather migrated from tho hack for two days, Just a chanco to Kll(,(to 0f Leghorn, Italy, to Kgypt. change clothes mid batlio. They aro l0,0 he, built up an enormous for- Ian troons materially aided us Inland after hearing mo acruce oi uie, lands early tills morning. Announcement is also made that tne scoring our splendid vlctody. The) council of ministers, have appointed, steamer Lapplander was torpedoed and 'sank. The crew and fonr wi won a name for themselves In this I our most beloved uncle, Tomasso, of passengers landed at Peterhead yesterday. engagement." .Savoy, Duke or Genoa, our ueuieaam The ting Vionna 000 tons of oil burning. I ministers he will transact all matters The schools hero are closed today! of ordinary administration and every In celebration of the Przemysl victory. I other matter having the character of . urgency. 1'nlt.il 1'iess Some.; He win sgn an royal decrees, l'etrograd, June 4. The ofUcialiwhIcU wU1 ue countersigned in the hlatement says that three Austrian ,,a,.i ,, regiments wcro slaughtered and . 4,000 raSrsriSS--- -'"-T ccnrnii nniiBT . UlDj;n rnrrri ia estimates that there are SO,-: "On the advice of the responsible j (.lILllnL vUUll I FlflnlfLn I ItLL'U ' HERE JUNE 10 BY JURY TODAY TRIAL OF KLA31ATH INDIAN OX I LACK OF MAIN WITNESS APPAR- i prisoners captured In fighting northwest of Przemysl yesterday I nil-il I'less Service BERLIN', June 4. It Is announced, olllcially that the eGrmau troops )csterday stormed and captured the village of Hooge, east of Yprea yes terday. This was taken only after a , fierce baitlo with tho English troops.) FIRST MASS HOUR IS MADE EARLIER MURDER CHARGE SLATED FOR KLAMATH FALLS MATTER UP TO COUNCIL. ENTLY A HARD BLOW TO THE STATE TRIAL OF BAILEV IS COMMENCED TODAY United 1'i-jKb Sen lee LONDON, June 4 It Is announced today that a British submarine yes terday sank a German transport In Padornia Hay, sixty miles southwest of Constantinople. Tho submarine successfully passed under tho Turk ish mines In the Dardanelles. FIRST SERVICE AT SACRED HEART CHURCH WILL BE HELD AT SIX O'CLOCK FOR BENEFIT OF PICNICKERS While the federal district court has . After thirty minutes' deliberation, decided to bold the trial of Jim J the Jury in the Cody Warner trial George, a Klamath Indian, here at the brought in a verdict acquitting hint of city hall, beginning June 10, there I the charge of setting fire to the are several little matters to be at-' Petersteiner cafe. The state's case tended to before that time. One of these Is the furnishing of the city hall for the occasion, and this will be I taken up by the council Monday 'night, an emergency clause being I hooked to the authorizing ordinance.) was not as strong as many expected, and this is largely due to the fact that Isadore Maustilshall, the youth who. said he saw Warner start the Are failed to appear. Onelll & Manning tor the defense. United Press Service ROME, Juno 4. Unconfirmed re ports tell of n revolt of Austrian troops nt Triesto garrison. It Is re ported that the loyal troops fired Into the crowd, and many were killed and wounded In tho fighting. Beginning Sunday morning First Mass at Sacred Heart church will be held at G o'clock Instead of 8:30. This Is to glvo picnickers, excursion ists and others leaving for a day's outing an opportunity to atteud ser vices before they leave. No change has yet boon made in tho hour of holding Second Mass, 10:::0. Father McMillan, S. J., last year tried tho early Sunday service, and found that It was greatly appreciated. George is charged with killing Pete uut on many witnesses whose testi- Brown, another Klamath, at Piute j alony did not give the state's Inform Camp. He was tried In Medford lastinnt a very g00d character record, fall, and the Jury disagreed. Stone & prosecuting Attorney Irwin and W. Gale and Judge Webster are George's ijj Duncan were the state's attorneys, attorneys. immediately after the trial ended j Bailiff M. G. Wllklns called In the Many Going to Merrill. Jurymen, and this afternoon tales-' PICKED UP FOR HORSE STEALINGifORD CAPITAL IS nil covered with bugs tho mlnulo the) tno nH u banker enter tho tronches, and they all say Tho army will ho under the direct that It la worso lighting tlio bugs thuii;(.0mmand of Genoral Canovn, who led the Italian forces lu tho conquost or Tripoli. Oonoral Canova Is tho only living "goncralo deU'eserclto," a title which Is granted only In time of act ual war Ho won tho honor by his tho (lormans. Thoy glvo each man clean underclothes aud a bath, and whllo ho Is doing this thoy havo Im menso fumlgators In which thoy pluce all outer clothing. "I met two doctors from tho French Tripoli campaign, baso hospital four mllos back of Dun- kirk with an ambulance going to I.on-, Tho mnniifacturu of Ink has boeu.eurrod a week ago. When Morales MEXICAN IS ARRESTED ON FED KHAL WARANT CHARGED WITH TAKING A HORSE AND OUTFIT I ROM RESERVATION Charged with stealing a horse, u saddlo and bridle, a saddle bl&nkot, and pair of chaps from Leslie Bryant, on tho Klamath reservation, Ramon, Morales was arrested this morning by Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low. The arrest was made on a federal warrant Issuod by United States Commissioner Cluis, J. Ferguson. Tho theft is alleged to havo oc- INCREASED MOTOR OAR COMPANY WILL DI VIDE A $48,000,000 DIVIDEND AMONG THE STOCKHOLDERS, INCLUDING EMPLOYES ilou for tholr six days off out of bI established nt Salem. weeks. Ah Dunkirk Is vory near uk, Panno, and both had Just como from I ub). ,cadcrs tavol. tne state print- was arrested he was walking down tho railroad track toward Dorris. He lis said to have sold the horse and out- (Continued on page 2) Uug common grade school text books.lflt here for 20. I'lillvd 1'les.s Service DETROIT. Mich., June . The Ford Motor Car company today in creased Its capital stock from $2,000. 000 to $100,000,000. Announcement was also made to day of the authorizing of a stock div idend of $'48,000,000. Of this amount Henry Ford, head of the company, re ceives $27,840,000. men are being selected tfl try Fred : A Bailey, who Is accused of stealing; liquor from the basement of the , hi' IIia PoArloca rirthofltrfl TtiA InPAl TnliAi hot TV Tl A DoniiAii la Rail., 1 J ... . .w...? -. ... .- , .. . .... ... ... ... ..uuu. ,...-.. mufilrnl nrpnnlzfltlnn hAs scorad aAv'a cmifiBAl 1 ........ ... .a... .... . , - -.. big hit in the Alfalfa City, and the. Several auto loads of Klamath Falls people will go to Merrill tonight to attend the dance to be given there successes. I of a theater in Stamford, Conn. Water Users Here ' J M T; in Yearly Session i 3 & A well attended meeting of the stock holders of the Klamath Water Users Association Is being held at Houston's opera house today, and many matters of Importance to the project and the farmers are up for discussion. Thfp forenoon's program was t a Ic on up with the following thirty min ute talks: "Seed Selection," County Agriculturist Glalsyer; "Project Main tonance," Project Manager J. Q. Cimpp; "Freedom of the Press," S. M, Evans. At this time President Mi 3 'Jt -Jt.V.i tea . & Abel Ady was to have talked on "Co,j Operation," but lack of time preveo- ed it. " m The afternoon session has been UJ on up with the business affairs f tfef! association. At 3:46 the water i balloted on the varloua amend submitted, the time before that I taken up with discussion of the mwMkJ and disadvantages of these measu.Nsv the discussions at tlme.waxlag wiiU Following the voting on thai menu, the farmers' will kaMt electing directors for the' I &,. .' m