.4- "fc ' - -rrt: . 'V3& ' . fS . fe V-C'W'-.V! ittttfnttuj Herald itfE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NKWSPAI'KK il KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, Mtilh Vwtr X. a.HH" KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1915 Price. Fre Onto m RUMOR SAYS THE NEW COUNCIL IS PLANNING CUIS INOlTUIAL MEETING is III MONDAY MGIIT Famous Galician Stronghold Again Changes Nationality; Teuton Forces Oust Russians si'mIoii TIihI Eli'iilng VViih llelili.il ,i iniHitl Door, mill Vii rr ilii'i lniM' nf IIioImk sunn- Muinis H-llhil If l'mllih lii Atnlil All) ('In-Ill'. AllHUlK rnilllill I'iiIIii' 'one Hulil l It' Sliislnil. I'ioiii llm number (if Milium nllo.it tllCI. itllJK. It HI'OIIIK IITtlllll llllll Mlllt- tiny night' meeting "f the roundly lien the new immcll will ! sworn' in, will ha u warm hiMHlmi, mill llmi icrul HurpprlHes tmi) In Mining lit I, m meeting or t tin' mri'ilum lm- iiuiiliiicly follow Iiik It ! m ssssssssssssssssssV HHHSEIIRflE0l3vVfns wTshBsssssBssffStsssLssssssflMs'HWBH HI n ssssssssssssssssssV BSSSSfflBYTtasssssssssBSVT WuHJmiBICISLHtlla AflsliraN.. 3lBSSBffa77BSsV?-raCBSBL.HsssM iu i IHLHowHHEsi! ?- i MTiMllWfBMBBBTMri 1M1 i riBPrMiiiiB "jjmhijb ' sssssssssMsswiswff' Ji!jiFTHBBiWP8BBMMBFTTMLr'". vtvtkBB JsSmbssssssssssssssssssI i ssssssssssssssssssssmbsTvbbstIv 1 II 1 PrtfTiNnTffpytfTKKMMBMfli t fv ri v&Hbsssssssssssbssssss1 BBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaSSSSSSSrttHII"-''lJk-iJ.,l''' i'W I I i a, iiil, ifc.ii ilJP IW ip . J JBB ii J L dJSSSSSSSail 'W i I i rill'. AMga.. qf7" "' . ijij BWWWBBPWWSiiliii '''' yT1? ' ' ZJMW,v'S'S;!isgTfc'nssssB -i4.mmmMMMI i. .ml I i. ... m- foici' Is retreating toward l.ckburg. began a grand drhing attack, using wore captured by these troops. Iirill IV luiii' .T 'I h fortress of Gorman cavalry Is harrabslng tlio icar all nvallablo forces to make tbo de- The great 42-centlmeter guns were Mrinrul raillcnl cut- ..re to In- made: ,.,. , a hIiiUcbIc ikiIiiI In Onll- oliimni. Most of tlio Russians aban- font of the Russian to overwhelming brought Into play by auk rns 111 I 1... ,1... MJ CUl, WIlMIl "IIH lU.IMHI'U H) III" nun m n.c elt'n nolle nml Htreel depart , ,. tK hinted. Tho new roim.laiiH n ...uplo of months ago. follow- i i... lug n long siege, has been icc.iptiiied cllmcii tiro not talking mui-li. 1ml " " "K ' " '.. ... ....... il.olr frli'inlH an lining a llttln koh ilPliliiK for tlii'in. IOI..I1UIH .MOSI OI lllf) li.I'jM.U.1'3 UUtlll- leal III 111U IVU&n.ilun v (n-l ,1 livimiuh i'lun(,ni ,,,w .. wj ilonoil the fortrosi )ostcnlay boforo that It would serve as a lesson to and the shells from the gigantic Sko- il.f grind nftsnnlt was made some of tho smaller Halkan countries das soon reduced tho outer forts. Aiound StravJ 12.17." prisoners rontemiilatliig entrance In the w-.it Ton and Eleven were the objects of b (:,.nil mm. .Marknuon'H AmhIio- w.-h. taken. .,.... .- -. . (lermauauny. The city was acctplcil The Mil of ITmiihI gleh on -Mao- Urltlsh correspouuents preu.ci a . .----.-- '" " ' ' iplng for tUfin. i.l :, 3f this morning, accoiillnij t'.Hl.eiueii control of tho strategically Slav retreat to lmuerg. ah aioug '" ".- . .- Momlny ovoulng all live of tho new . I1iii.u.iiu.il telegraphed hwe Important railroad connecting I'rzem- the sixty mile front tho retreating Md (Captured guns ...... ........ , i ,.i ,..! inm.im, iniiuiina firo linltip linrrnssed bv nr- commission. rouncllmcn held ,. ......ling behind a iron, Ai.H.r.ai. um..,,.,.!, ,B man Uhlans. . IMrograd dispatches today eUte locked door In tho committee room at ( S,n(, , , ,.r SllUl.(. Tho Bavarian regiments pla)ed a Hint there was a shortage of ammu- ilu- new city Imll. Callers were told viysSA jlmo3Mmi) prlnonera. I.ONIJON, June ::. The nuw of brllllMit part In the Przcmysl cap- nltlon at Przemysl. that thlM wn ii private hmbIoii, and f()() Uw ull nmnmu,,,, f war the fall of Irzeni)sl was momentarily Hire, according to all reports, and This is the third time that Brze- ihnt tl was held for the purpose of W.r(1 uipllci, th Przemysl, expected hcio thoy were tho main backbone of the mysl has been besieged since the war . ....... -.1,.,,- i., ,.,i. mm i, ,.f ii... TiiiRHinn l.nto Pitcril.i the iVu9tro-0ermans Teutonic army. Four of tho forts started. kciiiim; Hi'Vi'rai v.i.ii i.in-"in"no " i uu uhhu .!, . ..- -.-- . Mince, ho tbero would be lesi clush imoiig the uiuncllmcn when the new iioiird goea Into olllco Monday. It Is uniU'Mtooil that at this iiivot ,UK the members agreed that the po llco force !ioulil bo cut down to two men. a ilny policeman, who would .lino bo potindmiiHtor, and u night po liceman. Another cut which Is said ki Imvo been dlHcimsed Ik the morgliiK of the olllcoH of olty engineer and treet commissioner, anil tho .etiiln ng of City Knglneor McLean to 1111 (ho now position at u better fakir) i bun ho Is now pnld. licorgo T. McUonald, who oper ,iten u Hinnll storo next to tho bath hoiiHe, Ih said to be tho man favored for Chief of I'ollio Smith's place Knur of tho embro coiincllmeii are said i favor him MEXICAN MUDDLE GETS NO CLEARER I oiled I'rens SerTlce WASHINGTON. D. C, June 3. The xtafo ilemrtmiiit today eil that urrnngeiuonts arc being made with the Brazilian minister In Ste ico City to bring out 150 American and other foreigners who are facing starvation. The administration is prepared for anything in Mexico. The cabinet tomorrow will consider uhat will be a "reasonable time" lor Hie factions o get together in. It Is belieTert that a fortnight will be llm time fcet. t Tlierc Is a possibUlj-, though, that President Wilson's hand any be forced before that time. This is owing to the disquieting report of Asser ilium being killed in Mexico. Dispatches from Laredo nidicate tliat the CarranzisU hare decided to piepnre for host ill ties instead of harmony. Thi faction baa Just Uken in mi exirn 400,000 rounds of ammunition for the Northern Mexico anaeaml, ami more is reported on tho way there. A man with whom the president lias discussed at length the Mexican !lt nation says tiiat the assumption that tho American army and nay ny be used to bring pence in Mexico is misleading. He says this may come, but he believes it highly improbable, from Wilson's attitude. it is bclieTed that Vasquea Tagle, who was minister of Justice daring the Madero administration, will beconsldered to lead the goremMent temporarily. He will resign in favor of the "iron wan" the factions choose. i ulled Press Service j XOGALES, Arizona, Juno 3. Horiemen returning from the Mexican border today report that Sirs. I. E. Bowers who with her husband baa been licsicgcd by Mexican bandits at their ranch house at Noria, Sonotn, has escaped after several days' fighting. The fate of her husband is unknown. AAANY GOING UIOIMS Wll.l. STAUT riiA.Miii:it ok coMMi:iin: to- MOHI'.OW JIOIIXINd POUT- i,axi joiutr.iis o.v juxKirr khaki-clad battery of territorial nrtll- leiy fired the royal saluttntrStrJainesr Park, and nalutcs were fired at noon it Windsor At most of the leading naal and military stations nowhere w:.s the training of troops Intended for the front interfered with. Tho usual birthday reviews were ... a.. .1r.A,l.fi- Til. trlntr FAnnllTA! 1'ItOM KI.A.M.VTlt HOY WHO IS MIDSHIP- the usual congratulations from the XI'.WSPAPER MAX APPOINTED Bi world S rulers, muufcu uaiuiau; lucit was no word from Germany, Austria CANAL or Turkey 10 GARRETT TO BE LA PINE MEET AT 'FRISCO FAIR REPRESENTATIVE- CHOSEN FOR S. F. t nlted Press Servica WASHINGTON, D. C, June 8-Secretary LhuUcy M. Garrison of Uw uar department today denied stories that any moTement of treepe Ma lars or militia because of the German and Mexican situations, were order- ... .i.mI.M Ho InxlUn that 1ST SBAieiUUt ot'tTOOMI nOtd lli, tr ci.u w;mj.-.. -. - hs-iiCTiWthejrontlneofirMaferfrom postjo pont " " .MAX AT NAVAL ACADIJ.MY WILL MAKi: Till!' THHOUGH ON Till: WISCONSIN Kl.imi.lli Palls will be leptesented W Sturllng (iarrett, bon of Mr. and at tho big meeting at I-n Pine Satur- Mis J. II, Garrett of this city, uud a day bv sevetal auto loads of people. m ond ) ear cadet at the United States u ' ... .,i..i.A of tho Chamber NumiI Academy as Annapolis, will ... i ....ii.... l. ,.i..,. ... i.i c. I'linii, tu tho Pannma-Pacllle exposl- .Mayor Aiciioias lino i . . ,,r t oiiuiu'rce are imhh-h wm. "- - U-nvItt woro not In atton.lanco at the (ni, ,l1ari,tlos hao been secured, and Hon In July ltli the I eel the navy Monday session. NMcholas has views , nll,oNlH wHlllnB , join In the trip will send through the Panama canal, of his own about how tho police ilc' llbkll(1 ,0 bo at the Chamber of Acco.dlng to a copy of tho It lnorr.ry imrtment nun other city affairs should Coinraorco before 0 o'clock tomorrow w-m to his pa.c.its t.arrett will make be conducted, mid he has attained n mor,nK. the trip on the I, b. S. iscousln. reputation during his three )iiiih of tmii( (rp ft nllI11,lir of puimluent The licet will leave Annapolis Sun olllc.. for speaking right out In meet- al)ml moll ,, nR1cUuuilBtM In the 'n . '' ttol "l uantanamo. lug his frank opinion about matters. .,. Iin,.,v tn be at l.a Pine Sat- Colon. Panama. Mag.lalcna Uay. San " ' wt t ..... l.. 1 C".... I3.nt lust how lie anil the now council- . Theio are alho a good many I'lego, i.os .Mige.es ..uu a.. :. WARNER TELLS HIS TALE, TOO CHAMUEK OF COMMERCE DI HECTOHS TO HAVE CHARGE OF THE KLAMATH BOOTH WILSON "BONES" JIM THORPE IS . UP f OR ANSWER DOING FINE NOW i LEGAL OPINION REGARDING I FOKMEB WORLD'S CHAMPION men's Ideas will meet Ik a matter tl ninny aro Interested In mt Mrs. IHhol C. Mackenzie wiih do- " "" " -. ... h, Rim Kriui- M.S. IMttlird T. StoU'sblir) . w Ifo of cIsco on tho ground Hint she had (lie Phlhul-'lplila hanker, has a ht lix. lost her Atnerlrnn citizenship by of pearls which cosl mor ti linl n marohiK Gordon Mackenzie, a sub- million dollars and Is probably tlio Ject of Oront Ilrltaln. residing In CM- most u.luahlo collection ever gotten lforn(li together and worn by one person Vandals Damage Auto by Shooting It Through Aftei examining twenty-two wit nesses, tlio state closed at 9:30 this morning In tho trial of Cody E. War- Dlego, ..os Ango.es anu nan era - qX q gett, fire to tno im.,,1 lobbe.s in tho crowd, and else, leaching the litter city juimu .,.,.,... ..fo ,. wlnter. Ten man) nuvtteis of Importance to Cen- ilB Jl"' 22d If possible, Jlei.sous mno s0 fur beeu examined ,n.l Oregon will bo up for discussion onneii win got ...... ..K -...- up here for a lslt while tho licet Is at tho exposition. At a meeting of tho directors of tho Klamath Chamber of Commerce last night Philip J. Sinnott, news edi Itor of the Herald, was appointed as Klamath county representative at the oxposttion, to take charge of the DEFENDANT ON STAND IX OWN Klamath booth In the Oregon build- IIEHALF DENIES ALLEGATIONS i,1Bi give out Information regarding tw-i.-tusa tho county, etc. A course of illustrated lectures on Klamath county will also be given at tho Sunset theater, at the fair grounds OF MISSING STATE REGARDING FIRE ENGLAND KING t;i:oit(;i: is CKVITRV NATES IIRIGIIT UNIFORMS b) the defense. S.neral witnesses wero put on the st md to testify as to tho chnracter of Isndoro Mnustilsliall, the state's main Informant. They testified It was bad. John Stewart testified that he was the first at the flro, and he said the tiro was in the kitchen behind the stove, and .Mrs. Warner, formerly Mrs, Petersteiner was also questioned and cross questioned. Warner was placed on tho stand Iu i his own behalf late this afternoon. ,11'ST AT THE IIALFiho donied tho allegations made .,.,. ,.,. ... .... agnlust him by Maustilshall, who said MARK-WAR M.IMI- (n Wan)e. get th(J flre Md also VLIi POMP, AND XO.th.-it Warner threatenoa to kiu mm If he over told youth seemed prejudiced against him for soveral days beforo the fire 'S HAS A BIRTHDAY PROGRAM READY FOR TOMORROW niif WILL HE HELD IN THE .MORNING AND BUSINESS MEET ING OF THE ASSOCIATION IX THE AFTERNOON GERMANY'S CONTENTIONS IX I REGARD TO LUSITAX1A TO BE READY SOON ATHLETE. NOW IX THE INTER XATIOXAL CIRCUIT, SHOWS GREAT FLASHES OF CLASS I United Press Service I'uited Press service WASHINGTON. D. C. June 3. JERSEY CITY, N. J., June a. M d,,-,. wnr..i ivin annn have leeal Thorpe, member of tho Giants squad opinions regarding German's conten- for three years, and one of the blwest tions in the Lusltanla matter, and netocxnoim uiympic aiuieies, u win then decide whether or not these' with the local team of the Interna- opinions will become a part of his re-tional League. joiner. since ms aaveni juiu iuo reo Tho cabinet will consider the re- just below tne Dig circuit morpo um Joiner tomorrow, and the opinion is that they will declare Germany s con tention that the Lusltanhv carried shown Hashes of brilliant playing ability but one flash does not make a ball player, as John McGraw found lei.iiu.i iiiui. io o ---- i- - -.--. arms and Canadian reservists as Ir-'out after three seasons of coaching .... ir ll.lo le rinna It will Strlll Ot TIlOrDO. luiuiuiu. iu. - w the Gorman note of IU most vital con- But the Giants have an lronbound tentlona contract on Thorpe's services for aa- Tk n'fflrinvttR niirnnrtlne to show other year, and should the Interna- h.t .i. i n.iinnin cnrriAii nrms andrtional League experience develop. mniitnt,c will ho considered. how-,Thorpe he will undoubtedly wear if ninnr'o nntftrm Mfrnlfl T1AX VA&f. tl tL W AXD ARE SEEX One of tho moHliluMaully and wiin-.and casings that we..' pm.ciure.l h . ....ii..,.. ,. pnniimrallvolV now ....... .. ....u.i..n..H .. M..n.vtnil llllli:in .,u 'ii nun iji iiiiiuminiii viui ii" mid Phj. rieivlio The following program will bo ren- reatenea to i u. mm Houston.s opera houge pre. Warner said that tho . ,lllalraB nffnra nf the an- iet..u& inu wmo... - -- mini stockholders meeting of the r soveral days beforo the fire. Kmth Water Users Associatien: ivi,m il, flro lrnlfo mil Wnrnor l""""1" .i,i i,n uK in the Petersteiner aDart- 10-00 a. m. -" Seed Improvement," Tiniest Nation on Earth Gets Warlike LONDON, Juno 3. Willi hib couu- mcnls, where all tho restaurant em t i ji jii isa County Agriculturist H. Roland illelH woro romparaiivoi) ..u ..w., . . .. .l "' ,...:. .., ,.., ,,, p.tniavr. , ifinnuith (iv engaged iu tno wor.ua ki"".i pioyes iivou, uuu w.ia timj.ut. ...v . Arnnt was on ina " '" " ... .. ,.,.,. i.. ...,..!.,.. nii,r .., ,i. n ,i,i nt i.io rfnrio in ,,i .n . "Prnioct Maintenance. nero occur ro.1 a coupio or uuys k -- . miaimii that wnr, wiik mfrBu ' luu' l" )iiiiui.i'h. .. " ." -. -.--- ----- . .... ,,.. i,.,l'H wl10'1 h0 lm,,.', '...., i.i r.iitii birthday under clrcum- carrying out a sowing machino and Project Manager J. G. Camp. ...... . w .-.. '-' caused htm to ";"" " "ices ,thout precedent In Hrltlsh olp.ng move the piano from the U:00 . m...Preedom of the Press." , Home roiscream wim gi... ... -- )mo on to town. .... '"" -"' , , f(. centuries. Ills eld- burnllB building, and also of making' s&mwX M. Evans m nil of tho tiros on Herbori AraniH(A,t nun ms uiui. - .... - ioU, Mn soveral membors ineffectual attempts to carry the cashi . ... . . . .. t I........ Ai.mit wont out In the laiu'i a ., ,i . . ... iiiiiomouuo, snot nnu uroKo oim iu,riiui ,..-.-- 0f his family nro witu ins so.u.era miogisior our. .... . . ...... .... . -it ..... .....ni.ltw, in Inn' In tlio injuria mi, , .... . ., I ..... .... tif.. -.. xin.,D .no iront inmps, snot ins noin on nn- ' ,i,nipii tho lie d and on son, aim inn i". "- Alter u.o ...u h..ii " - ... . . . i-ar. shot through tho ffcdor and shot and ll.oy found It wantonly damaged e lie n in noar,n,.hnU told all tho employes of the; Tho a ternoon session will begin at Into the engine through tho hood. At least llftcen shots had boon ill e.l J ,. f,.ont Uool, restaurant that when he first saw the 2 o'clock with i the , vote on the do- . . . .... .i .iu wheels, etc. No ''"" i , ., . .. .. !. t.n nrenao of tho directorate, mis win Tho car has been brotght to town into m u '"""":.",,', woull, Accordingly the royal birthday was lire no '" --' - " 1 :;"fn ,. . by the - e for ropulrs. Home doubtvwhother It'cluo una oi - --- nnnllllo obMrVcd very quietly, nnd was shorn will ever bo ronalrod aMlclont to suggest tno person . .- . mnitarv Domo and display, A 11 ;30 a. m. "Co-Operatlou," Presi dent Abel Ady. make It of any use. Tbo Iftier tubes for tho cowardly trick 0 110 lUOUglll H mo """if ( " . , - , , , Tho court room Is well filled with' be followed by the general business . .S hn naannlailnn A spectators during tho trial. t .i i" .i.. Lulled Press SerTlce LUGANO, Switzerland, Juue 3. News agency dispatches today state that San Marino republic has declared war on Austria. No word has been I t.ont out regarding troop movements. San Marino is the smallest repub lic In the world. It comprises an area- of thirty-eight square miles, and Is enclosed by Italian territory among tho terminating spurs of the Apen nines, near tho Adriatic coast. Tne government Is peculiar, and is emi nently democratic. The legislature is elected from the ranks of tne no- 2U ?D ...- -.! Dies, cmieus unu iwroii". mri ecutlve Is always of a dual, Baurt,i,i . ... .. . At-.i f. and is elected every six uuhu. ,-, The town, standing on a imubmw; ous crae 3.200 feet high. WM 6 nrnnnd an old hermitage dating troii 441, and is surrounded by a gr4t I ... tri j wall with torts. j' .- !;- But one roaa enters me wwi,,iw rmn I., un nilOtntlflTIA llBartl BI KJbbbbI U IB U t we Hi ! v i-1 foot of the hill. Silk la the prlMsftf manufacture. Agriculture U the uurault. The city count! aot I InhnhltantB and the dOBttlatlM Ot. ". . . ' . ... ZuVi. ararn m iduui ii.Bk u. -"- - --" . . tiii... !""r-J j te . 1,'J "8 'J.X- j&'j&