. ..I. j- "3. . f u! '3KV C'?f . vtZt?..t JtfMi. i ! Hh lumittn v' KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Mill 1 1 Vor -No, 9,005 Herald r r.a:rrjj KLAMATH COUNTYtf$ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEfc ' i ii " $ SUPREME COURT GIVES DANIELS 37-10 VERDICT i w KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, 'TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1915 Price. Vtf (Mi 5; '? Ji J T' -joy i Si JiTin and Queen of ftay 1 Reviewing Their Troops p.tMot'H cahi: ik iii:vi:iikm IS WASHINGTON SlIlKl.r.l ,. Tribunal llrti'i-M rnlriiil Clnlill Court of Apx-nl h Out f ruling IN'murn'r I'lleil ! Irf use In lli' Kedeiill IHstilii L'oiih fni Oh'koii, mo I'um U Xoti llmk for llii Taking "f IZtiilmii, t .id.. I I'm tierthe WASHINGTON. I). C, Juiiu I Tlio Biiii'iiu Court today imidu n ml Ink In (In unit of A.D.K.uili'U iikiiIiihI 'IttU'll Kllllll.'llll (lllllll) llllllll.Htl'llll rr, loUTHlng (liif federal iliiult imirt of appeal While thole- Ih much HiuprlKi. Imal Ijf that (lie iliiUlun v UK mil In fnor ' of lii hiui"ii',ulein. attoi in h tut o r- 4 rttnl ill tli( nim IiiiIii) iiIiii.miikimI that till does nnt liH'im (lint the title I to tlio lands Involved nrc 1 1 nnf ti ! h to llniilt'ls, "When tho cusu n up In tin- fed ' rml dlatrlrt court for OrcKii, nil of the defendants filed demurrers," said i J, II t'nrunhnii, olio of tlio nttoriuH ho Iiiin been UkIiiIiik Daniel, mid I who appeared beforo tlio nupreiue' i court regarding It recently. "TIicmi demurrers wero all mm j talned, nml when Daniels appealed toj Hhc I'nltcd States clicult court of np I praU our demurrers were also sus-i j tallied there Daniels thru took the j caic to tlio Hiipromo court, nml this " decision tmlny merely overrules our - demurrer. ' "lltid tlio decision been inhcrse to Oinloln today, tlio cane would have t ended, lint It comes buck to tlio Ore Kon district court, where wo wilt fllo answers, and fight tlio case on renlj uhlence, otc." The cane Involves some sixteen poo lie, IncludliiK .IchhIo Wngnor (nee HobertBon). Mark Hownrd, VoBtnl1 .Wikofleld, John 0. hoonnrd nml Vnl entlno llvrnhnrd. Theno pooplo tool, up honieHteftda In what It known nn too ".17.10" country, nmir Swan Uke 1 mm I f iiii I -I & m WPwMmmm i uv I'? 7 if ifc kwf9 ' ' if' A 'Iff? E 4Cav. ZEPPELINS RAID ENGLAND AGAIN; FOUR ARE DEAD -f- SKVblt.U, l-lllttff hT.llTKI) IIV IIOMIIS Blames Captain and Crew of Lusitania r ?v Itotli Itilin iind lUil) ( lalni , c 5T Ik-NtiiiK the Teutons in the KitHicrn if Tliciiler, the Itnllans Kspec liilly CluinilnK to llnvp .lusi Siiircd Kiel .Motit .Volatile. Vli'loi j of tin, 'iv.' 'iit Wiir Out Aastriu. I 'lllllll 11 i-n Sol Vllf , LONDON, June ). Zeppelin tliU mornlnK raided Iondou, and flte peo--plo ttero killed nsn result. Ninety lncenillnr. bomliKA were dropped, startlnK three large fires llrltlHh all men droe olf llio in Miders It Ih rertorted Lieutenant llivrneh of tin. Itoyal corps fell from Ills lilplann and wpq killed ,f llittjll (.N Sl'l U4! I'KTItOOIlAO, Juno 1. It In an inoumed that tho Austro-German of- rcnslo at Przomyal has been defl nltoly halted, and that the enemy Is on llio defensive. This Is a inthei IntercilliiB phoUiKi.ipli of the klni; and nueen of Italy, who hao Jolmd ilu leiiuiluilcr of tlio lojsil fnmlllCH of Kuropo in tho 'ii whlih they luirf. 1ieen'tryliiK to Keep out of for nine months. RED GROSS ASKS LUBKE SEVERS AID FOR MEXICO WRIST ARTERY ('uvkiimiiis or ,iiii stati:8 iiK.roi-i.ovi.(j oimi(iii:l with his i ri:ivi: ti:i.i:hams askixo as- SIST.I.NCi: I.N Till: WOItK OK AI.I.KVIATI.NtJ fOMHTIO.NS win:, in: hacks hlood vks si:i,. AMI IS .NOW AT Tin: lll.ACKltl Mt HOSPITAL WASIHNOTON, 1). C. Junu I. , Wllllnm Luhko Is at the lllackburn iti.iwiiu if liuncer nml BUffeiliiB mo, hospital today, lecovorltiK from the . poured Into Anieilmn Kod Cioss hold loss of blood as the icsult of an at- rItIii IlinncrN PopuUr. HiiaiierK fioni all ppaits of Melco 'tempt to end his llfo l.ito jestcrdny The ttockly Hpeclnl dinners helm;' SupploniontiiiK Its appeal to tho J afternoon LubKe tut to deep wrved by the White Pelican llotol for Amorliau people foi aid, tho Red gashes in his left urlst with a safety Klamath KnlU pponlo nro provliiK't'ioss mm a leleRrani to tho Kuwuuor.inzor blade, and had been blooding Popular, and each Wednesday oton- of eoiy state, renew Iiik leauosuior nuoiu a uiiiuiui ui .... aw... ....... Init many of the business nnd prof en- for mono or food. James Leonard discovered him and lonnl nutn of Ih city nro BottliiK Into A i at load of corn and a cat load of summonod aid. tho linblt of tnklnir tholr families to bc:ns alie.uly 1110 on thu a to Luhko was taken to lllackbuin Inner at this popular hostelry. A Moment), and this will fiho that1 hospital by Dr. Hamilton, and tho lu- ""Ht delightful tlmo Ih hail nt theso Hanlng elt thioo or four days' food 'jury attended to. Ho told Hamilton "tlio dinner partloH. which mo fol- supply. that ho nnd his lfo quarreled, and lned by VhUh among tho xueHtH In -- thm ho sought to end his llfo. tho big spncloiiH lobby. Oregon has sixteen women duiiUm. ( This Is not tho tlrst tlmo that - Luhko has considered suicide. Ho has f .- n -- I ieeatedllv threatened to ond his l: II 11 111 11 If L oay mil wui oe ai I nlied I'm ss Son lee Hi:itLIN, Junel. It Is announced Hint tho Bavarian troops have cap tured three of tho Przcni)sl forts I'liiied J'j.-wien-tcM' , M IIOMK, Juno 1. In tho bloodiest fight of the campaign, tho Italian Tyrolean troops stormed and captur ed Montezugno, six miles south of RoNoito, tho objective of the Italian advance. This is called tho most notable victory yet scored over Aus tria. Italy is enthusiastic as a result. TEXT OF U. S. REPLY IS NOT GIVEN PUBLIC & V i ft Vi ffc. Ily CAUL ACKERMAN (hiun CoiTCsimiident. Pnlted Press) " J?35, JsKSs, ' Pi iSs; . h ... .v. : isc ,i. ,! . . .. .. ri.,e.b.Mij .....,.,... .,.u, ,. foreign Minister von Knaoiv mvo the foltowtaKiirM iiitertletv to the United Press: f Wmt "AinerUu inn linnlly expect us to give up anjr means at oar iMiiiiraal $? j for lightinK our cncmlew. It ia our principle to defend OBi-tttoe ta "I mil suie that Anwrirnnu till I l, mnumnhl,, .m..i. . k-ii. . ki"U'J our countries cannot dNrii the Lusllanla matter until both are a '&$ Mime Imsls of facts. ft SfeSsJ WM "Gcruuiny Ih lighting for freedom. It Is far from our JatcatlOaW fM .......... .,.. ..L,,,,,,, ,,K,lls r to uriuuip aiuocraia oi me osraaa. TBeyi run rrea, and every nation must have rights on the seas." jC j: T1 . I lllll it I'IL .Serf II WASIII(TO, D. C, June 1. President Wilson today suggested la uithholdlnK of lonrment regarding the German reply. He coatemda that It iiuiy he ilnngeious io make too wide conjectures regarding the test of his icply, bemuse these rumors, cabled abroad, cause much trouble for the gownimcnt. This morning, Wthton sajs, tlio mutter uos dlscumcd at cabinet meet ing. Ife said the cabinet discussed nil phases of the note. Wilson told cullers today that be hopes to be able to forward the omplcte answer to Germany by Thursday or Friday. It la understood that in this he hopes to secure German co-operation for the safeguarding of the Amei leans and otlicr non-combatants In tho uar zone. I'lom every section of tho nation the president tins received wire in uine; hiin to linlntnln Ills original position, and that positive evidence that tin- Luslt.inln nas unarmed be presented to Germany. . ! ti. 'OIUIIKSTIIA CO.NCKHT AT THK STAH TONIGHT La Pine on Saturday The Peerless Orchestia of seven will be heard In coucert nt tho Star theater tonight. The ptogram Is the best that tho oiganlzation has Intro- ' dttced up to date. In nddltlon to the . .... I following program, several of tho Hip people of Port Klamath, Ores-1 I'M li of tho Grout Northern .s) atom, ofy alMt ,)0,,lllnr numberfl will bo w and Northorn Klunmth aro In- ' l, ll0,ul of tl10 m,ty' wh,ch ',8 heard for tho tlrst tlmo. ""a to a big colobrntlou nt U- Pine " Satuiday, Juno fith, when good roods, ngrlcultttro. Immigration nml nllroail construction nro to bo tho oplca of dlseuaslon. On that dato "itno.wlll cntortaln n big party of wiroad Rgrlculturlata and Immlgra- 'ou agents, which Is making u tour " wipoctlon through Kastern Ore Kou, , ' I .roported that Jamea J. lllll, 'M of tho inn unos, la to be ono of Z Tly r ulUlulBh.oil vlsltom, . m'H cannot bo vorlllod by tho if Li U U Drobb t number Klnmath Palls people will Join tho .uuon from Port Klamath and at B the celebration, Tofouor Thomas Shaw, agrlcul- lulling all of Iho Iowiib as fur south us Lu Pine for tho imrposo of examin ing and demonstrating tho soils nnd the cattlo and dUorsllled farming In li icsts lor tho bonollt of sottloiB, Aceompanylng Professor Shaw will ho Professor II, T. Ptonch, hend of tho Oregon Agricultural college ex tension courso; A. L Lovott, agrlcul luriat for Crook ceunty: Prod W. Qia- uiiiii, western Industrial and Immlgrn-' tlon agont of tho Qreat Northern: u. Ovorturo "Hungailan Lusplol" . . Kelei-Uola Vnlso "Passion Plowor" do Zullettn llxcorpts fiom "Marltnnn" . .Wallace Piom "Scenes Plcturosquo" .... "Tho Angolus" Massanet Novolotto "Among tho Lllllos" Proy Selections from tho opera "Sari". . i riaiman March 15,000 Mllo Motorc)clo lVlp I'nilfil I'ress Service SLAVTON, Minn., June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Whitney plan to start todny on the longest motorcycle trip ever contemplated. The Journey will cover approximately 15,000 miles. San Pranclsco will be their point of destination on the tlrst lap of tho tilp and from thoie, after visiting the Fair, they will head for Oregon nnd then tnko a diagonal courso clear ncio&s tho continent to Florida. They will rldo to New York City, from the South, and then back to tholr home town. I .os Angeles Municipal Campaign Culled Press Service LOS ANGELES, Juno 1. The is sues of ono of tho most exciting mu nicipal campaigns In the recent his toiy of Los Angeles wero being de elded today at tho polls. For Ma) or, Chief of Pollco Charles E. Sebastian nnd Frederick J. Whit fen, a councilman, survived tho pri mal los in May and were the candi dates. Sebastian was nominated at tho height of his trial on a chargo of contributing to tho dependency of a minor girl. Kansas City Mo Bend Issue United Press Service KANSAS CITV, Mo., June 1.- Knnsns City Is today voting on a f 4,- GGO.OOO bond Issuo covering 19 lm- piovoment Items, among thera700,- 000 for approaches for tho new Un ion station; 4n0,000 for the Im ptovement of existing parks; 9900,- 000 for sewers; 9300,000 for a Twenty-Third street traffic way; and 1200,000 for a Twelfth street via duct traffic level; 300,000 for gar bage disposal; and $460,000 for bridges and viaducts. Dr. Carl E. Foss Dr. Call E. Foss of Harlem, Mont.,j ono of the survivors of the Lusitania, , wno was on nts way to enlist wun me British Red Cross, and returned to the United States on the liner New York, condemned the officers and crew of tho torpedoed vessel. He said he saw a sumbarlnc about 1:30 on May "th, an hour before the ship was I struck. It was on the port side, and! was not the submarine which struck' the vessel. The LuBttanla was going slowly, not more than seventeen or eighteen knot an hour," said ho. Speaking of the actions of the crew after the explosion of the torpedo, he said: "On deck 1 found a number of members of the crew taking life pre servers out of a box and putting them on. They paid no attention to tho passengers, and seemed to bo looking out entirely for themselves. I man aged to get a lifebelt out of the box and put It on. Then I waited to see what would happen. Tho stewards on tho Lusitania seemed new. They didn't seem to know how to handle a boat, and all they thought of was saving themselves. I was very much disappointed In them." FORECLOSURE SUIT FILED HERE TODAY M. I.. HUETKMK BRINGS ACTION AGAINST JJABMEBS IMPLE MENT AND SUPPLY HOUSE TO RECOVER OVER glO.OOO. STAR PITCHER ' WEDDED TODAY . JESSE 4. SIEMENS AND MHft f HAZEI -MANNING WWDED ATV RICHARD'S HOME, TODAY GO TO HARRIMAX LODGE .Sl "?: 3.1 Mi v3l : -si m Suit to secure a judgment for $9,499.53 alleged duo on a note, $307.50 Interest thereon and $1,000 attorney fees has been started against the Farmers Implement and Supply House by M. I. BONANZA LADY PASSES AWAY AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS OF 8UF- FERING, MRS. ELIZABETH YAHR DIES THIS MORNING FUNERAL NOT ARRANGED The second son of Captain J. W. Siemens and wife to be married with in a week Is Jesse J. Siemens, who at 6 o'clock this morning, was wedded to Miss Hazel Bell Manning, daughter Reutenlk, J. W. Siem- of G. R. Manning of this city. The ens, Leslie Rogers and S. T. Summers ceremony was solemnized by Rev. E. as trustees of Savidge Bros. Lumber JC. Richards, pastor of the Grace M. ' company are made party defendants E. church, at the Richards home. Only -by reason of that concern having a Immediate relatives and friends at lien on tho property involved for tended. building materials furnished. J immediately after the ceremony Tho suit seeks a foreclosure of a .the couple left for Harrlmaa Lodge, mortgage given on lots 3 and 4, In where Mr. Siemens is to take charge block 38, which Is the location of theof that resort. Both are well known p defendant's store. here, the bride having attended, tke1! J. C. Ruteulc and Joseph S. Kent Klamath County High school, and aie attorneys for plaintiff. tne groom, besides working In thV '. postofflce here several years, has aUo A resolution has been adorned bv,atta,ned considerable local fame aa a "Vi 'I tho regents of tho Monmouth normal I n,tcner for Klamath Falls baseball school that tho new $50,000 train- toama- ing school be built and equipped with ' Oregon material and manufacturers,. and that trimmings be of stone. One out of every three women over ' Oregon ten J'031"8 of age ' Philadelphia; ta a wage earner. n . m J?- vsyi r s a 1 '-!!?! V "h Miss Mary L. Redd, daughter of I New York has more single women Judge Redd of Atlanta, Ga has In-'paying an Income tax than anywhere vented a flag holder. jelse. 'On tlio Filing Lino" Comstock 10, Atney, western industrial and im- ...i ,i.. ...rr.,,1 nt lw, Northern Pa- IIIIKMIMUII .ifei'i.v ... ..w .....-..- -- . clllo; 1). C. Pioomnn, publicity agent of tho North Hank; J. T. Hardy, trnv- Hew on Business. ellng frolght nnd paBsongor agont of A, A. Mitchell, a well known trav n.n nrniron Trunk, and W. C. Wilkes, , ellng snlosman, Is In from San Jose, assistant general frolght and passen- inaklng his usual call on the coffee gor agent. 'trade, Mrs. Mary Hohnefeld has been a police matron in Atlanta for thirteen years, und in all that time she has lived at police headquarters. (Herald Speclnl Service) BONANZA, June 1. Mrs. Elisa beth Yahr, wife of John Yahr, died this morning. Death was due to Brlght's disease, with which Mrs. Yahr has been critically 111 for sev eial weeks. Mrs. Yahr was horn In Wisconsin, und was 54 years ot age last Novem ber, With her husband and family she came to Bonanza five years ago, and has since been an esteemed resi dent. Besides her husband, Mrs. Yahr Is survived by two children, Warren J. Yahr and Martha A, Yahr. Both are grownups. The funeral arrangements have not been mado as yot, as a brother Is on his wuy from Minnesota. Pending his arrival no positive arrangements will bo made (or Interment. Arson Trial to Be a Hard Fought Case "Vfl X. fi Over 2,000 Canadian women have applied for positions as war nuraes. The Eugene factory promotion committee la considering manufac turing boilers there. Trial ot Cody Warner, on charge of setting tire to the Peterstelner cafe last March was started in the circuit court today, and from the opening statements of the rival attorneys, the case w ill bo most bitterly fought, and a hard problem for the jury to de cide. Prosecuting Attorney Irwin is as sisted by W. M. Duncan, and ONelll & Manning appear for the defense, All forenoon, and a part of the afternoon wero taken up in selecting tho Jury, tho following being chesen: E. L. Hopkins, O. O. Lewis, L. II, Bath, D. L. Gordon, H. S. Oden, R. A. Altord, Emll Egert, Henry Woods. W. C. Townsend, W. E. Townsend, V. E. Foliom, Rosa Sutton, W. D. Qlnibach. The opening statement for the de fense, made by H. af. Manning, indi cates that the defense will lay special stress on proving that Warner ia In-" volved In the case because of asiaoe-, lty on the part of Isadora Mautll-V shall, the state's principal wltnsesv It was stated that Maustllshall .. bad mnria thruMi nvalnit WiniriBl v .-... --... ...., nlan oialAff ha sflaM 4I.A JIma m ...Mw HMvv MB uv v parties he believed It was caused fcV' defective wiring, and that wkea'tkil -, Ore broke out he thought the'eonnty Wf : jail was burning. rt-sFS Mr. Duncan, in onenlar fov'itk'ak- tffjLf" state, outlined the case amlut WsVr.Jl" V. t.rl . t i . ? ? S'-fi V its'- i C '.T.T.fi. I? tSXttt Sitp?3 t Wsvr. J-'-laf nor, whom Maustllshali chargea s'"' ed the Are, and threatened to'"geA'AT5 "" Maustllshali If ke spoke et.it.wBwafi: 4 can also cited tne fact tktttrjw M'f jjj um me ore, a.rs,.retemsiatsi,iwa i Visa ! nlJ Wauu lZbm "f ' H additional insurance on tne IUiif.'' M A S! V 3 a it el 1