PAQB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Mondav, mav W iw I I Don't liny Roys' KiiIIm unlit you two our nw stock. K. K. K. Store. Herald's Classified Advs. IMMMMMWMMWVMMMMMMMMAMMMM SITUATION WANTED YOUNG man, stenographer and book keeper, wants position, or can take work home. Phone 135J. 27tt FOR RENT The Evening Herald W. O. HMITH Kdltor Published dally except Suiday by The Herald Publishing Company ot Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. Entered at the postofflce at Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class matter. FURNISHED APARTMENTS at tho Oregon House. 10-tt Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: One year IS. 00 One month 60 Boxmakers Win Good Game in the Tenth io WAR ormiTIKH I'ulllon, Kng. -Triplets born In tho 'fiiiiilly of a llrltlsh soldier hero liuvo i boon named "Kllclmor Jones, French ! Jones nuil Jolllcoo Jones," I London Over 12,000 Jews nro (lighting with tin- llrltlnh army, nuil nioro Imvo enlisted for IriiluliiK. FOR SALE : KLAMATH FALI.S, ORKGON MONDAV. MAY .11, IPIft FOR SALF Five-room house, fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire at Mansantta and Eldorado streets, Hot Springs, or address box 775, city. SSf&s-tf FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Improved 40-acre ranch for auto; quarter mite from station Mid big business; good view of lake; splendid location. Address box 1005, Klamath Falls. 31-6t AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS GKATKFrii K LIVE IX OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ARNTRACT8 IN8UBANCC If ember Oregoa Aesoclattei Tttls Men EARL WHITLOCK UNDERTAKER EMBALMER County Coroner Complete Funeral Furnlhlngs l'hone 416 Cth and Pine DR. CHARLES E. WELLS Osteopath Physician " Suite 18-10 White Building Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5 Phone 90 AS A prominent factor of tho great Northwest, Oregon is lending tho way into fields of indus trial development that is sufficient in these times of stress, wars nud rum ors of wars, to be a solace for over- . wrought nerves Drought about by the trying circumstances ot the past three weeks. In your quiet hour, be thankful, you live in America tlrst, and Oregon next. We have a great present nnd n tremendous future, with all our forces directed toward development and conservation. Another is the stand the citizens of 'the state hnve tnken in the affairs of government that have placed them on high piano and among the foremost I states of the Union. It is high time to appreciate more than we have been our fortunate circumstances. I Here in Oregon with our last legis lature a principal feature of the ses sion was retrenchment and economy. Appropriations wero $ 1,250,000 less Oscar Wllley's EwnutiR Uoxmnkcrs won n second victory over Tludalt's Kin ninth Falls aggregation yesterday In tho tenth Inning of n remarkably fast, clean game, one ot tho kind n fellow expects to soo played when ho digs up an admission to tv Coast League grandstuml. Tho Illicit score was 5 to 4, and the pa mo was any body's until Wllloy sacrificed In the tenth, scoring Winders. There were many pleasant features about yesterday's game, which should Insure better attendance hereafter. Not tho least of theso was nn utter absence of wrangling and rowdyism. . Owing to there being no lings on the foul lines. Umpire Jones, who was I new on Modoc 1'nrk diamond, called .Zumbrum, ss KWAUNA 1IOX COMPANY AH. 5 B Kelly. 2b . . Ilowden, 8b Winders, rf . . . u llorblg, ss .... 5 Thresher, c . . . 1 O. Arnold, of . . 4 Houston, If . . . I C. Arnold, lb..3 i Siemens, . . . . I , Wllloy, o 0 Hilton, if .... 1 II. o 1 o 1 u l l it l 0 II PO. 1 l 3 1 12 0 0 I) Glasgow The entire engineering ; department stulT, professors Included, ":of Glasgow University, have offered service for wnr work, mid will make sliulls. 0 i Kxmoiith, Devon, Kng. This town 3 holds the recruiting record for Kng- Ojliuid, 1,100 of the male population of ON, ooo having donned the klmkl, l! ,() l.iidtloosdowno, Kng. Tho war of- q llco has congratulated F. (). Goodwin ., !f this place, who has nine sous serv ing In the army and navy. Totals 3S .'. Sacrlllco hits. KLAMATH FALLS All. It. II. Dale, lb... Motsy, c. . . Ambrose, rf Totals Ilowden's drive over right Hold fence a foul, when It appeared to bo n good clean hit, and he also surprised the crowd by calling Page's single Into Hnydon, cf left In the third inning a foul. How- Maurer. 3b ever, the players took theso decisions ! Pnge, 2b . without n row, and the crowd also j Noel, If . . felt that his umps was doing Ills best, j Hickox, , There were errors yesterday, but , unruy, p not many; just enough to remind us that the players wero In the game for tho love of tho sport, not for sal aries. Tho majority ot tho errors can be ascribed to the condition of the diamond, which is still In such shape that It's hard to tell where a grounder will bounce to next. And again. Gentle Reader, If these boys wero In I tho errorless clnss, they would be I drawing down princely salaries In the tblg leagues, not playing Sunday ball in Klamath Falls for the fun ot it. Siemens struck out eleven men and allowed four lilts. Hickox, though hit for four singles, pitched a good ' game until relieved In the fifth by' 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 II 0 0 I 0 1 II 1 0 I) I 0 0 30 PO. 3 .40 SCORE 1Y INNINGS K. Falls lilts .. Jinx Co . Hits .. ..00000400 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 0 0 1 ' 19 04 04 15 05 I Amsterdam Reports from llerlln i say the German government Iiiih es- tntillslied a school for hlltid soldiers, ! whore they will learn tho art of inns-j HllglUk'. j LONDON- llorson breeding eX-: ports say the war will menu a scarcity , of horses for years to come. Auto , men nr Jiihlhint. ' To the People of Klamath County and Tourist Spink's Camp on Spring Creek In now onon to Urn public for IInIiIiik and winning fr ,. IIHn, on Spring Creek ami Williamson River. " Tim remit agitation regarding lUliliig In the Indian r,,mln ovi'liixloii uf ulilltHi lino not nffoi't mi' flul.i.. ...... .. . ' '" the - me right i iii III "jo lug Creek. I own nno-lutlf mile ni-ek fiimlnue ill.... .Iivain, which extend on hold lil of on ImiIIi nidi of ti Nmilll nn i riiiini nil' im minim in iiinie III nIHll( ll'i'L l (ho UncM tiiillt Hulling I" Ih foniiil In Klnuinlli RATES, 2.tH PER HAY. Automobile mn'U nil IiiiIiim iiM'IiIIhii. Hoiiis MihI N,r for hire. ,un enju Some iH'iilltlflll styles SIiIhm nt K. K. K. Stuns In Arrow than the preceding legislature, and J Hardeubrook, and "HnTdy" started PlMbing and rmsmitlimg We Do the Work Just Right Tank work of all kinds PADE, PIXGEL & LOREXZ Cor Otli & Klamath Phone 216 that alone is an added enjoyment to the quiet hour after the day is done. J as appropriations come out of the people's pockets in the form of taxes. "I So laws aimed at utility or trans portation companies were counte nanced, radical labor laws were not! enacted, no statutes were placed on tho books to harass any established matters by hitting Rowden, Winders, and Herbige, the first three men up. i With the bases filled, he fnnncd Thresher, and started a doublo play SUMMARY Two base hits O. Arnold, Siemens, llayden. Sacrifice hits Wllloy, C. Arnold. Struck out lly Siemens II, by Har deubrook 2. First on balls Off Hickox 1. off Hardeubrook 2. I Hit by pitcher Hy Siemens 2 , (Mnurernnd Dale); by Hnrdenbrook I (Winders twice. Ilowden nnd ller-i bige). Doublo plays Hcrhlgo to Arnold; llardenbrnok to Motschcnbacher to i Chautauqua Tickets ARE OX HALE AT The lloiilx.neliv, Hnll Hotel, White IVIInui Hotel, Golden Itulo Store. ( Wells I'ii r go Eptvn (Mice. Flrwt Stall nnd Savings Rank, J. V. .Ma guiro .Si Co. Slow, lllg Ikiilu Lumber Co. Olllre, Suvngo Itroit'. Oftlos Our iniitnut ullh tho EllUon Whilo f haiituiiiiii SjhIciii require us lo iiilviinre the prlco of Adult Sanson Tickets In sa.OO at XOOX, .ll'VE lllli. W. S. SUIUOII, Secretary lilniimlli t'luiotnuiiiM Ass'n GET THE HABIT of Mivlng and you won't stop sav ing. The iioeumiilallous com pounded will be forever u bright ray of hope for the future. Let us iuIvIho you to stiirt saving right now. We will accept any amount nnd will credit you with lutnrent setuLniiuunlly. FIRST STATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON 4uV - M Great Hrllnln must girdle the globe to find her people, and must traverse the seven seas to locate her possls-slomt. which caught Ilowden at the plate and Arnold at first. In tiie first, after Dowden had slammed one over right field fence, which was called a foul, he was issued i Dale; Zumbrum to Page to Date. ; Umpire Jones. .Subscribe, for I cents n month. the Hernld, fifty SHAVING SOAPS AND CREAMS Ami nil other nrtlih-s llml nm m-islisl hj- the mail who sluie lihiiMr, Wo tnrry vxtni hlmles for nil iiiukis, of Snfi'ly ltiic.i-s. Uiwerwoods Pkarnurv W'v., KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Tnff"' V 7 WHERE PAMTKULAR PCOPLC llv LHuqTrvl UV TMEtl ORUG3 hdtfrfol WMtRE PARTICULAR PCOPLC BUY THEIR DRUGS Klamath Transfer Co. 010 .Main Street ANY KIND OF Team or Truck Work Pone on short notice. Prices right Phone 298-J Scattered Shots W. D. MILLER Manufacturer HOLLOW 11UILDIXG, AXD SILO BLOCKS AXIl FLUBS ALL KINDS OF COXCRKTK Sidewalks, Floors and Retaining Walls KOOFIXG A SPKCIALTV Sixth and Walnut Phone 203 'industry, and no further regulatory la base on balls and stole second, went powers were established, and that's j to third when Zumbrum overthrew something else to be thankful for. j first trying to get Winder's, and The people defeated twenty-flvo out (scored on Herbig's single. Rowdcn of twenty-nine measures submitted to brought In his second run In the third referendum, and by this same vote J inning, when ho singled, went to sec 'served notice that they were weary of 'ond on Page's error, took third when political nostrums and interference! Hickox delayed in throwing Winders with Industrial and commercial prog-; out at first, and he scored when Mot- ress. Hubbard Enterprise. schenbacher throw to second to catch Winders. Two runs were annexed by the Ilox makers in tho fourth. Thresher was . j retired by a grounder to Hickox, Otto ' I Arnold smashed out a double, went to WRITING NOTES in school gener- :thlrd on Houston's single, and scored ally leads to trouble and the Jingo- on a sacrifice hit by Claire Arnold. ists are certain that Wilson's ex- "' tnls timo Houston was perched on changes will do likewise. third, and the little outfielder proved somewhat lighter, nnd prices sagged j himself a lumberman by doing someiat Ho start. Good light killers sold ! COMETH NOW the rumor that the' tall'''B on Slemen's grounder, which I at $7.30 to $7.?i8; cows, $C.3r. to .cabinet is to snlit over Hm Unrt nt iDale Juggled a second too long. UG.G0, . Late Market Quotations LOCAL PRICKS FOR PRODUCK. POULTRY, MEATS AND LIVE STOCKPORTLAND AXD SAX FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK QUOTA. TIOX8 Don't Throw That Old Tire Away WK (JAN FIX IT J. k. Howie HOWIE GARAGE Awid "Sec (lie Viilcaniziii", Man" 64 Main (Herald Special Service) I Stock hogs, per lb t CWc PORTLAND, May 31. Tho re- j Steers, per lb G Gtfc celpts for the week were ns follews: 'Cows, per lb f iP Cc Cattle, 1.G73 head; calves, 9 head; (Veal, per lb UV4 7 c hogs, 2,i'S2 head; sheep, 3,699. While the cnttlo run for the week ' was not heavy, tho demand seemed 'qi...,,,,. over tho kind of Dille J6gled a second too long, to Germany. It is ! A" ' K'amath Falls' runs answer to be sent needless to brand this as nonsense, I for with the people solid behind the 'president at this time, Jt Is ridiculous to think of his eight especially select-1 ed advisers deserting. were After a week of small dcrllres, 8c in the sixth. Zumbrum started ' wnt the best that could bo realized things by a singlo to deep center, Dale ' for choice light hogs. Many porkers was hit by Siemens, and stole second lf Inferior quality went nt si slightly c c c lo AND TODAY again painfully re minds us that tho Hoys In Illue have all turned Gray, and that it is but a' matter of a few years before that rounder, "grand old generation of patriots wm Ambrose to reach first. when Zumbrum purloined third, nnd the two came galloping over the plate when -Motschcnbacher slammed a sin gle to the right field fence. Motschen- bacher was retired at second when Herbige, retrieving Ambrose's threw to Kelly, allowine Kieth's stop have answered tho final reveille. yWWWAAWiSAAVSIs EXPERIENCE Coruider ThU When Selecting Your Optician Mr. Winters has had seven teen years of experience, bucked by HM'ciul college training in optical work. You get his entire ei-sonul utteution f i oin the time your eyes are examined until he ad justs the finished glasses to your eyes. This personal atten tion by an experienced optician k surely worth your consldera tino when selecting your optician. 'at the initial sack was brief, ns Uay- 'den slammed a two-sacker to tho KLAMATH MUST have a represon- rlKnt fleld tence. and scored Ambrose. After Aiaurer went out on strikes, Kick ' aKC nlt a grounder that went .through Herbig's hnnds and feet, and Hayden brought In Klamath's last tally before the ball could be put Into itatlvc at the exposition. Such a rep- resentativo must have a salary. In, brother, kick in. I THERE HAVE been Jokes Innum erable about the woman forever star-!play "Sain. Ing at the mirror, but at least she's' In the nlnt1'. Thresher, who had 'looking at something that will make,p,ayt'd without a chest protoctor, was things plain to her. ' wt "ear the heart by a swift ball, and was knocked unconscious. He rallied i.l I'm i,.kk. iiiu lu.ti,..- a. ,, sufficiently to finish tho Innine. and Royal Tailored Look K. K. K. Stoti less figure. Prices declined to $7.75 and the market closed at this quota tion. A fair run of 3,700 sheep came for ward during last week. Yearlings sold at $7 and ewes nt $'5. CO; $8.25 was tho high spot for lambs this week. ifor Royal Tailored Clothes. H, J. WINTERS 35 Main Street was roundly cheered for his gamc iiiess. Willey caught the final Inulng. 1 The winning run was scored by IWindors, who was hit for the second He went to second when Har- walked Herbig. Hilton poked out a long one, but Hayden caught it, and Winders, after stealing second, camo In homo on Wllley's sac- MONTANA WHEAT LANDS III Dawson, Custer, Rosebud. Prairie !t,me and Fallon counties for sale on thellenbrook ten year payment plan, one-tenth down, balance in 10 annual payments at 6 per cent. Rest grain lands In the state Price $C to $15 per acre, de-!r'nco' Tho throw from Zumbrum to pendent upon tillable area per sec-1"10 l'lat0 and tho runner arrived tlon. See or write E. D. Milburn, 424 Hennossy bldg., Dutte, Mont. 14-4tw See Chllcote for desirable property and good farm lands. Main. j there nt about tho same timo, nnd this decision of Jones' calling Wln dprs safe was a vory closo onp. city 63ff IITMMMAmAAmMVIilMMMWA Just four states have a law giving an eight-hour day to women wage- earners, and they are all equal suf frage states. Auto Clothing unil Glove. You "niito" m tho lino at K. K. K. Htoro. Marguerite Tracy and Mary Boyd, authors of the most recent volume on "Twilight sleep," aro now lecturing on that subject in this country. (The following flgurea are those paid for Hie commodities enumer ate!', by local merchants and mar kiu.) Vegetables Potatoes, per cwt. Good whites, $1.75 cash; other grades from $1.25 down. Onions, per cwt., $2. Green onions, 35c per dozen bunches. Radishes, per dozen bunches, 35c. Lettuce, per dozen bunches, 35c. Rhubarb, best quality, per lb 3c. Spinach, per lb., C4c Grains. Etc Oats, per cwt $1.60 Wheat, per cwt $1,85$X,90 Darley, per cwt .' . $1.50 Duller and Egga Hutter Ranch, 20c cash, 22V4c In, trado. Eggs Per dozen, 20c cosh; 22 c trade. Poultry liens, per dozen $6.6007,00 Fryers, per dozen 6,00 0,00 Roosters, old, per lb 8c, Dressed MeaU Pork, per lb 9 Veal, per lb 10 Lambs, per lb 12 Mutton, per lb , , .11 Livestock Hogs, per lb 0 Mutton, per lb G 7 c Cured Meats er, per lb 12 Bacon, per lb 18 20 Ham, per tb 17 0 20 SAN FRANCISCO MARKET Steers No. 1, weighing 900 lino Hm t; ix, rrii: x. it no i i:inol lbs., GU fa G16c; second quality, 5 Tl Gc. Cows and heifers Good, 5-i ijjf Cc; second quality, 606 V4c. Hulls and stags Good, 4 0Gu; fair, 3 0 4c. Calves Light weight, 90 9 Vic; medium, 8H)4c; heavy, 0 0 7c. Sheep Wethers, CV4 07c; ewes, 600 Vic; shorn sheop, lc less. Lnmbs Sucklings. 80 8 Vic. Hogs Hard grain red, weighing 100 to 250 Ibrt, 7 0 8c; 250 to 325 Ibrt., 7 Vi 0 7 Vie; undesirable hogs, rti Go, When you buy a FORD You mu feel wife in having mm of It every day. It Ih never mil of i-oinuilvdoa for ueckN walling the arrival of Miine mrt from the factory In the 1'OKt. ThfNo wiri nn- kept in stock at Ford itcnrirs. GEORGE B1EHN, Agent 0 9 Vie 012 c 018 a 012 c 0 OV&c PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Steers -Prime light . .. .$7.40 0 7.50 Oood 7.0007.26 Medium G.CO 0 7,00 Cows Cholco G.35 G.G0 Good 0,0000.35 Medium 6.60 0 0.00 Heifers Choice 0,6007.00 Good 0.00 06,25 Dulls Choice 5,2505,50 Stags Cholco G. 0006, 60 Good 5,5000.00 Calves Prime 8.0009.00 Hogs I'rlnio light, 175-226 lbs. 7.6007.76 Choice medium, 140-176, 7,2607.50 Pigs, 90-140 lbs 0,7507.00 Rough, 175 bs. up fi.25 00.75 Sheep SVothers Rest $7.60 0 7,75 Old 7.0007.60 Ewes Host 0.2500,50 Hood 0,00 00,26 Common 5.0006,60 Lambs Prlmo 8,0008,25 flood 7.50,07.75 Common , 7.0007.60 Shearlings, f'l less in all lines. G. D. GRIZZLE EXPERT Tombstone Cutter and Designer Work in ii do right The Motor Boat EMPRESS Daily Service Passengers Baggage Freight Upper Lake PoinU litis leaves Western Tranifer nfilco every morning at 7 16. F. A. Moore, Manager Blue Front Livery and Feed Stables Mundy & Hilyard, Props. Phono '-'.V-'W. Klamnth, near Hlh Prompt and efficient service, Good horses nnd llrst class rigs Office of Dr. C. O. Prentice Veterinary Nurgcon PHONE SOUJ llaliy ChU Get yours Ix'fore they aro nil gone. Also CnnnrJeN, lovely singers, cheap. Mills Addition W.PFVLLER&C0S PURE PREPARED PAINT A TALE OF PAINT Some Paints protect, Others beautify,' Ours do both Wm. C. Hurn Hardware Co. General Transferring PHONE UH, 7 Wo will altond lo It HlM O. K. TBAN8FKR COM,N Offlco on SUtli, lolweu ' and KUmatn v f Ws,