'Xi, ., rl Pc "5-l 47 "V? . m i1,!3! r ir.r I KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Eh dummg iteratf. KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Mniii Wm So. a.a CEL EBRATION ASSURED NEEDED IS ; MONEY RAISED ;:lamatii falls, Oregon, fpjday, may 28, 1915 Mr. Fire Grate Prominent Men on the British Cabinet Shakeup iii wn.it in: -v thhei: inv.s ii,r. IIII.ITIOV .ti'nil'i' i''HKlilH, Moiiiii)! '. Auto mill (Hlirr Varieties or Itiiri's, tn -Imsim", I'ulillr Hawing, Itiii'hiill TuiiMiiiiiK'iil mill I'nt 1 (! Ai. iImw. .lie Among tin- Ctrnl rintiiml for OI'rviinn' Heir. Tin' llilrt'-ila) cclohlatloti Jul) '1, 3 nml I, id now uKHii i ml. kii) imin hern df tlio Point h of July roiiimllliti up luiliilnl li lit" KIiiiiiiiIIi IIiihIiii'Mh Men Aiinclntlou. wlio today Mulshed i Krr.ml search for tho necessary 1 11:111m for staging tlin nffiili Th plans lire Htlll ininit t li-il, luit there will lio (wo iIii)h of racing, base- i I1.1II, aeroplane exhibitions, spoil street diluting, parades, musle anil other attractions. Tim Koiutli Itself., romliiR mi Huililny, wilt lie celebrated ltli patriotic exorcises. Congress-' man N. J. Slnnott linn been Nrctiri'il to dclUer tlu principal oration on 1 thtt ilny ' SUMMER SCHOOL , BEGINS JUNE 7! tw-f ' - -aii!ISm H ITALIAN TROOPS WITH 0 MILES OF TRIESTE NOW To Be a King, if Poland Is a Nation (.it.wio is thi: latest OTV in: taken TO (Mnoi ol Hint Clij l.nl tin- lliili.iii Iti'olilruls In i:linilliiij a W'clioiiic lo the limiiling l-'oiecs lliilian Illinois Aiv Xom Itusy fnilornn lti'Hiils Ills KoilfH A i-o Closing III on Guilt, 1 IlltCll I'lChH SlTllCe HOME, May 28. It Ih announced tlml tin,' Italian forces hnvn occupied ('ratio, which Ih eighteen miles from Til 08 It'. Tim mayor of (iiatlo Iftl a proees hlon of the Italian residents of the flty, who ox ten tied 'a highly enthusi astic greeting to the Italian arm The garrlbon there Is small, and It surrendered after a short light. A big liattle Is expected at Tren- VflVflVfllBflVflVH SUBMARINES VERY ACTIVE IN WAR ZONE luted Press Service i - ., WMSIIIXOTOX, I). C, May SH. TIioukIi siibniariocH arc still actire,' iiiliriiiN admit Hint the L'nllctl Slatc inn do notlilnK until Germany states J her iiositiou inn reply to the Wilson note following the I.usltanla affair. j rules., t.'ermnny attacks the Unltetl States liefore the reply is received no at lion i an ho taken. i PersoiK iIom- to (he president suy lie Mill permit no more quibbllag. Xaml attaches nt Liverpool today oejjan un Invest Igatlon of the Xe. lii'.tskun niTiiir. .MciiiImi, of I he crew .ire being iinlzml by secret srrlce iiii-ii, and the c.se is lo bo dry-flocked to nlloiv an investigation of the e.- niit of die injury received. If it is proien that the damage was caused by a torpedo, the situation, I It is admitted, u he serious. I lilted I'reag Service HKKMX, May iiH. Ambassador IHi-ustorfT at Unslilngton lias cabled Hie German foreign olllce, urging an enrly reply to the I.uslUnut BMW .sage. He cables that since die Xebrnskan affair, tension Is increasing iiiiioik,' Americans. I'rluce Paul .haunt Itiedelski ( tilted Press Service l.OXDOX. .May 2H. The admiralty announced last night that the KiilKli l.iiiilthhlp Majestic was torpedoed and sunk off Gallipoll penuuuta, while acting in support of the landing forces operating against the Turks. If the Czar ot Kusslu and other rul-j -M"st nt " crew were rescued. I lino Hoon, upon the outcome of hlch lrs of Euroeau natlons keep tlieir nui iiif.'iiii u iciii iieai. i no aus irlan tronjis are. strongly entrenched TOP-iVfZ37e JOtW rSHER.. f30TTOM- yf.J SfirOO&. mission ok TintKi: vi:i:ks c.- licit ("APAItl.i: SPI'CIAI.I.sTs srri:i:is thi: axxuai. i.vmi titi: in ki.a.matii Tlie Klamath county kiiuiiiioi ncliiMil, which (ake (ho place of the nnminl tencherH' Institute, will begin tension) June Tth, and will continue In M'hhIoiih for three wveks. There will lie special Instructor In chargt' of the work for (ho teachers, nml them will be work In primary school administration with actual demon nil nt Ions of mnthods, duvlces, etc., ml vanceil griulo work, and extensive re view work, leading up to the state culmination to bo held Inter next month. The hcIioiiI work will bo hold at the Klamath County High School. Ar rtiiiKi'muuis have been miulo to have 'he Btiuly hours so chosen that the, learners wishing lo nttend tho Cliiiu Inuqtiu meeting enn do so without neglecting their summer school work. ItepoitH of the iriMs resiiltlng In tho complete lehulltllliK of the 111 (I lull uiblnt't have It that Winston Church Ill, Ilrsl loitl of tlio itilmlr.ilty. ho-o j naval policy has been erlllcleil quiet ly for a long lime, was compelled to ifhlgu, following tlio loulKiintlou of Lord rislier, Ilrsl sea liuil of (lie ad miralty. Cliurclilll U chancellor of thi- Ihti'li) of l.aucastei on the new cabinet In Addition A. Ilonai Law and Sir Arthur llalfour, leader and second In ,lcndcishlp of the unionists, were ask- led to cuter the cabinet, that a coali tlon ministry for the conduct of the 'war tu,i be foimed The former Is beeretnry for tho colonies and the 1 Inttei hiiieeeded Churchill as admlr- jnlty head. Lord FUlier, who, It Is said, has 10 peatedly disagreed with Churchill, forced the cilsls by offering his leslg natlou. Then other disagreements be c.imn known. It was eeu reported that Lord Kitchener would go to the Held In charge of tho tioops, giving place to l.ltijd (leoi'go as war minister Sweetheart's lllai) Sacs Him I'lllleit I'lesa Sort lie ST. PAt'L, Minn . May '.!!. -Nor-iiiaii l.te Is it free mail today because he has a aweellienit who kept a Jlary Lee was chin get! with passing a woithless check. The state cited a time at which Lee was In company with two men down town. Ills llnncee, Mies Ksther Carlson, xuing anil pretty, appealed with her gltllsh tllar to show that Lee was with her at tlm lime The alibi worked and Leu w.r.i freed. TWO INSTALLING PUMPING PLANTS It. A. CM MITT Wll.l. IltltlUATK i.aoo .vciti:s OX KKXO UOAI) with m:v outi'Tt iiowauii itotais also tiin'h oititt Villa Asks That Men 6e Given New Trials I nited Press Smlo TUCSON, Ariz., Mtty 28. Alleging ''"t live Mexicans condemned to tlio fr murder wore unjustly tried and convicted. (Icncrnl Villa, him Inteccod "1 In tltolr holmlf, and socks to put "U (ho execution, which Is scheduled 1(1 Inko plneo this ufternooii t tho Penitentiary at PJorence. Tllls Is a matter In which Oovernor "eorge , Hunt la ttnublo to net at hU tlmo. Ho una been In fuvor of "MUhing tho donth penally, hut tho vntcrH ut tho taut election vol oil 8ulns( tho govornor'H vlowa, and (ho leglslnturo further restricted his pnr lonlng powers, Aillon for a writ oMiiiuuuh corpus started today boforo Fodornl Judge Sawtell. At noon, ho denied Wh application, so union tha pardon -board Inlet fetes, llio men will illo bo forn night, in behalf of the Mexican govcrn jniont, Secretary llrynn sont to tho 'pardon hoard a request that tlio men's Jsentences be comiuiited from death to 'life Imprisonment. The pardon board J Is now In secret session on this mat- Uer. Tho prison guards this morning Ulrow lots lo sen who should bprlng ,tlin trap lo semi thu men to death, 'tho ni'loHis prepared thu men for death, tlio prisoners nindo their wills, and Warden Wins has annouiireil that hu will stnrt tlio oxocutlona as soon as the j..,idon bminl gives the order to that effect. Mote Klamath count) acreage U to be (nought under irrigation this sea miii b tho use of pumping plants. It. A. Kinmltt and Howard Hoggs uro two who a u now Installing such out tlts. Kmmitt'b pumping plant will Irri gate 1,-00 acres of lino land on the Komi load, Tho plpo Is being laid lor this, and tlio motor and pump aro on tho way from the south. Ummltt will iibo electric power, furnished by tho Kerns plant at Keno. Howard Hoggs, who until recoutly worked for tho Ualdwln Hardware conipany, will put sixty acres of choice Langell Valloy land umlor wa ter this season. Ho will raUu water f i oin a small Inko to tho higher love!, mid will uso a gasoline engine 10 op etatti tho pump. ,'nlletl IM ess Servlio FhOHKNCK, Al'U., May 28.-3 p. m. Tho pardon hoard roprlovod the tlvo Mexicans soutoneod to death fori a period not oxcoodlng nine weeks. , lluyn I'lno HoNteln. A. I), Addison of Mt Lttkl his Just purchased a lino reglsteied HoUtoln hull, "Johannn Colnntha Hutter Hoy," from Albert Johnson of Scnppooso. Ills grandslto sold lor i"i0,0uu, nnd for six genet nt Ions back tho cows on both sides of his family have aver aged bettor than thirty pounds of htttterfat a woek. iPiomUes, Poland may become an or- I Simultaneously, the steamer Prince. Irene nan demolished, as a re- I SIlll lt 1L IllfkCf tniklfKlnno ntnlnalnn nV UL.hm.a All nV .. OIWI a.u.1. ganlzed nation after the European ... .i.. .... .... . ..,, war. if o Prince Pn.,1 Zhr not. hnl her perished, nnd the boat wns entirely obliterated, only fragmeBts massing troops for an attack at this!,.. , , ...11, i10n, Piim. rn. ti, nf uiecknce and nieces of human hoillca lielne found flnatlnir ahnnt. ..,-i -w...w ,. -. v .. v.. - - - . a 1UIU, there, and the Italians aro steudlly General Cadorna, Italian chief ot staff, reports his army has occupied Cannons and Cervlgnann, and Is now appioaching Corltz. Tho Italian aviators are every where active. At Milan lost night mobs stomied throne. The prince has been culled the "Polish Pretender," but as the per manent president of the Polish Na tional League is regarded by the Poles as the most likely candidate, for the restored Poland. The prince Is a nat- tho Metropole, a German hotel, bo.I,lnUlcd BrlUsb sul,Jm and re3ide3 cause of a minor that from its roof'"' Kn'"'- " ls ia Possession of Teutons wero making signals to Aus trian aviators. LAUNDRY 'S ROOF CATCHES ON FIRE the distinguished ordor of the Italian Cross of the first class, which is only presented to sovereigns or heads of states There are tersistent rumors that n German spy exploded the bomb which sunk the Irene. Undismayed by the torpedoing and sinking or the battleships Majestic ami Triumph, tho Allied forces are again bombarding the Dardanelles forts. A simultaneous attack was started on land and on sea, aad the French troops are advancing toward Krithnia, rapidly storming aad t the Tmkisli trenches. t nllLti i'ttss Service 1,1 V Kit POOL, May 28. A German submarine damaged the Glasgow steamer Argykhlre. Wireless distress signals sent a number of vessels to her assistance. The Argylshlre was a twin screen steamer BOO feet loag. OPERA HOUSE TO BE WELL FILLED1 l nited Pi ebs Service I'K.NZAXCi;, May 28. The British steamer Caedby, bound for Car tlllV with n cargo of pit wood, wns submarined off Cornwall. The crew aad passengers landed safely. CACSK ASCItIIli:i 11V SOMK TO WIKIXG, AM) 11V OTIIEHS IX), MICH IXTKRKST SHOWX IX THE L'tutcd Piess Service STOCKHOLM, May 28. The Danish stc-uncr Tly stiuck a mine aad sunk in the Aland sea yesterday. SI'AIIKS 1TIOM THE CHIMXEY. llAMAtii: SLIGHT SICXIOU CLASS EXERCISES TO HE HELD THIS EVEXIXG AT HOUSTON'S OPEKA HOUSE UNION SUNDAY rife caused either by defect Ue I w.ring or by sparks escaping from , ' tho unscreened chimney, broke out Tllelt- wil1 ue il crowded house an on the toot of the building occupied Houston's, opera house this evening, by tho Superior laundry this after- 'wlien tho graduation exercises are noon. It was extinguished aftor a "'ol1-- The class of twenty-one pupils . few minutes' work by the firemen, inilshlng their four years of high SCHOOL FORMED (Herald Secial Service) without the necessity of removing any scllo1 work at tl,Is tlme llav- raanj',MEHRILL. May 28. A union Sunday school was organized recently at the Henley school house with an enroll of the olYocts from tho buildlnc. menus turougiioui ino county wno Thero was some delay In getting wl" nttend. a can to tho lire from tho city hnll,. In Dr. George Kebee, head of the as several automobiles, etc., passed i department of education at tho Unl wllhotit stopping to pick up the hose or8lty of Oregon, the high school cart faculty hao secured a speaker who is known for depth of thought and splendid Ideals, with a forceful and Impresslvo manner of delivering these. Dr. Hebec will be the princi pal speaker at tonight's oxerclses. at least fifty as soon as the weather settles. Officers elected were: T. E. Grif fith, superintendent; Mrs. Burt E. Hawkins, assistant superintendent: Miss Julia McReynolds, treasurer and secretary; Miss Ruby Newton, organ ist. Brother A. F. Simmons will preach next Sabbath at 3 p. m. Everybody Invited. Please come. Sunday school begins at 2 p, m. SPENCER CREEK NOT YET OPEN ment of thirty-two. We hope to have Oregon has 30.878 women workers .New York Ijiw Institute Election t oiled Press Service ! NEW YORK. May 28. The New 'York Law Institute today holds its IIESTIHCTIOXS AGAINST KISHIXG annual election of officers. The IX SPEXCEH CHEEK WILL XOTt"-lu't. nominated some time ago, that I Is likely to bo successful Is: III: VACATED UNTIL TEXTII OK president. United States Circuit Builders Active in and Near This City Work ou the 160,000 Elks' Temple at Main and Third streets has now reached the stage where forms for the basement foundation have been Court Judge B. Henry Lacombs; vlcebllllt anu concrete Is being poured piesiuonis, ueurgu it, mgrunam, ai- NEXT MONTH I tis tliAm A nnnnrafA mlvaf emri a , ton H. Parker, Thomas H. Hubbard,, Egerton L. Wlnthrop Jr., Alfred E.icrow of men nro kept busy at this Many people of tho county ate un- ,.,.,,... mpmher of tho executive' work. der tho Impression (hot tho restrle- commUtee cla88 of 1918i Low1b Ca8S u , H Qa M a force of car. tlons against llshlng in Spencer Creek , ,,,.,, nni, nn,10P. i ..,,low powi6r. ..... , iU. imvn i.onn removed ami timt it is' peiuers are at worn re-snuiKiing u lmo been rcmoeu, anu that it is mpmi.pl.s of tho nllu uc committee. '. . ......... n.u '... Inu'tHl In llsh III thnt almnin ' . .. ., 'OIO COUTl llOUSe UUIIUIUK. wobiuwo i now lawful to iish in mat Btream. Dan ol S. Remscn, John H. Parsons' ,,. ,. n ....., f rollrt room .. been 1 At a recent meotlng of tho State . . , Hammond I ' h chcul' couft ro h8 , ! Fish nnd (lame commission a resol,.-,""" 11"1 Henr a,nmo", "repainted, new benches have been In stalled, and tne wnoie piace maue Littler & Schrelner, who have tha contract for the erection of Keno's new school house, are now at work. Tho building Is to bo a two room, bungalow type structure. P. L. Lit tler, one of the contractors, was In yesterday for lumber and other sup plies, and ho states the building will bo completed before the term begins In September, Harry Telford Is this week build ing a garage at his home on Ninth street. L. B. Applegate Is doing a great deal ot Improvement work at hi Hon was passed opening this creek isiaueu, ana mo wuuw 1Ito u. .rnnch in tue swan Law country, m and tho portion of Klamath River T,, Ureat Central Railway com- much more Inviting for the June term lla8 DCCn hauling much lumber out which was elosed last fall, to llshlng ', l,a"' ' England Is making expert-, of court, which opens Tuesday. tnere. nn . nni niter Junn lo. 191E. Parties ntents In the employment of women ns I John Fountain, the court house Bonanza's new hotel bulldiaa; Is i &s Jtil J.? I llll Willi H.ti BI...V " .V.V. ,.. . -- planning to go to Spencer Creek flsh-rallwa' P06". to set free men of .janitor, has added his shate by glv .iir1"! England has a.- woman recruiting officer. lug will have to postpone their trip military age. .uutll June 10th, or otherwise they 'will be subject to arrest for viola tion of the game laws. 1 Philadelphia has over 13,000 pro. fesslonal women. Ing every room in the building a brightening by scrubbing the wood work, etc., until the old building looks almost like new. being rapidly constructed. 0. T.73?, Darley Is the o.wner ot this, aad .tM, y structure will have aceoMMiitattaM;f for a motion picture show lioW ?'"' for a lodge room for the 044 1 1 H 't.i "'