-r ", KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER m Mntli Vi'nr No. ,l wnmg, Mtmlb . KLAMATH COUNTY'S , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ITALIAN KIND BRITAIN'S NEW ! TAKES COMMAND CABINET MEETS! OE FIELD FORCES, .KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915 Price, First Ocata Crew of American Liner Gulflight iiiiirisii mhi: warship is Tin: DARDANELLES (rKHlN I'iom Galli'ln Hay Gcmum (h-nrnil IUn Cut CUT ltii Main ,i- (IT) of lU'll-TOt Hill ltllKllll Ex pelled In Follmv lvnl From I'rr ii .l HttlUiiN Tivenly-fotir f lh- Kriii THeme -Other Win- .Wmn. fulled I'lcis Kill Vice IIOMi:, Mil)' 27. King Kuiimtliuol KITCIICM It lti: Ys Ills POST AH WAR I.OItlt, ANDCIIUItCHII.L is changi.d io i iia.nccllorI or lan-steh I'lilh'il l'i.hH fj, iv ii , I LONDON, Mi.y 27 Tim new coll., Hon cabinet, which Iiiin been formally niiroviil In- King Genige, lu'hl lis llrHl meeting to.ln) All iih-iiiIdth weie present. The new lit mi lonl of ih- jiilinliillj will lit. J. Arthur lliilfour U'luMon Chun hill, hcail of the iiclinluillj. Ik given the portfolio ill chain elloi of lint Duchy of l.iiiii'iinlit llerhelt II AkiiiUIi idIiiIih llic I ii i I -1 h 1 1 1 1 gi ml Mil Edward l he) tli tnlnlKt i of for- KM255?JIK1 KsB SAY HAWAII HAS NEBRASKA!! CASE TO BE FORTIFIED Mlb'HT BE CALLED ( & k:jt .V.A ', - '.''. h ft 4k 'fi '& tiuh.y nuuinoil general command of;",1"" "rfKl,K l""M l.lv.l-i:. oikl. , , Iiliiuiifllor of tl ilii'iiin in i!.(- 0I1I i. iiniiim ul llui front. Ills III hi or- ,. . . ... 1 ' Cabinet, Mill III.' mllllslel ill llllllll- dir. tilegriiptied here, iiiiiiounccs hii,,,1H tlo mw kihiIiI lend thii United IlitlliiliH o vie-j The miiHiltiiiloii of the in ml. In. 'I tor) iimt Austria, iwnl ri'Ntori ihe folleuH: (iriiUiii'i'D of iNlrln Mini Trcntlno. J Prime iuIiiIhIci ami IIihI I. ml of tliu AihlvoH from Rerun, Switzerland, i,:i,l,". Mr As.iulth M) inc. Italian forcca aru twenty-four I Minister without piiitfoll.., i.or.l' utiles from Trieste, mtil Hint the light- j l-aiiHdtiwne. I11K lliero i fierce. 1 '"r(l ,lK'1 clitinrellni. Sli .Si.mley Aimlrlnii advices In llerne stiito thut '- Huekmaster. ' . T " ..? aVwa? isssra HMMtf 3MSSB :gyyr-..fii .'mvnmm p . . -.,.-, .- . -J. . . .mm' 'b fe'Vi&ziBBB.: " "'' " - - .--- 1- m--m ti mj imi m r ,,:? L- i lk. M finr' hji" Mm a 'v i m m t a i a T'lHH XHI 2h m. , SSnHriMiH. ' , . - uiIK-hKM?JHIK 1 &4L, . ;-h-&:h:s?M n&L. nBht tlflKOBiItfPv",t'7 WMm MHiKiBHIk&v - ; Ymrm . -. msis. m HHnHKeozAX x v. nWBEsti&mYm - ill lfmm klwmtem - $FS& rl mmmsm VI sit I 4 Kt P' b a. "'K.. 4 A W . lBk aUBira wi. a 3 J CMBnBKV i ' W fryBBI 2 1 " ft tr j i i r:.i-,7.- , r IMOHTY .MKMHKItH OF CO.VUKKSS KRTUIt.V FROSI TOUB OF THK ' ISLANDS, IJUT THRY FAIL TO a(;ri:i-: ox slgah duty A CAUSEFOR WAR OFFICIALS WILL INVESTIGATE CAREFULLY 1 United I'rebS Service SAN FHANCISCO, May 27 Eighty Report In Received From CkpUUa of mombers of the congressional nnrtv. 'who have been touring Hawaii, re turned late yesterday on the steamer' Sonoma. They we all agreed that Hawaii Is In need of stronger fortifi cations. The party could not agree upon the sugar tariff, however. ' All expressed astonishment at the' torpedoing of the Nebraskan llio Damaged American Vessel U. S. OfllcInU Hope the Cause Wm a Collision With a Mine American Women Arc Arrested in Berlin oa Charge of Insulting German Officer ?.7Y.-.ZT.ZSIiKSS4'JiiS 'A r- lhi.. Miiineu of Hi. Amcilnui t uuei (.ullllght were wivod by Uritlsh tugs and patrol boats after the wK.. wan lorpiMlo iff Sicily Islands May 1. Three of tho crew wore lost as a result of the attack The t-Htimon, f tin, survivors win ih-effect thai the Rerman submarine gavo no warning whatever, hut shot the torpedo into vessel Hying iho Ameilcan Hag In plain view. This has been the cause of the representa Hons maile in the (ienuaii governiiient in tho nolo of President Wilson. i tilted Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. Consul General Skinner at London' cabled the following teday: "Captain Green of the Nebrnskan sent mo this report by wireless: " 'Nebraskan passed Fastnet Rock Tuesday afternoon. At '8:24, forty- JOV REIGNS AT THE DIG HOSTEL- elB''1 mlks West of Pastnet. a Violent pnocK was it, followed instantly by PELICAN BABY IS BORN TODAY an Important battle the Trent Inn border. Is Imminent titilti'it 1'rcas Srvlrt lli:ULIN, May 27.--The olllclnl an Dounceiuent mty: "Our attacks iinrtlieimt of l'ireiuHl arn im'KrcHtilliK." There are unconllrincd nimors thai ron Mackcnten tint rciiched the I'rezc-nOHl-lK'tiiburK railway, A tcrrlllr liattle U reported, and In hourly In cronsltiK In vlolonce, as tho AtiBiro (Icriiinn forces nwrop down to cut off tin. ItiHNlan main ailerj of i el rem .'uili-il I'tma Service LONDON, Muy 27. - The a.lnilrali I.ihI ulKlit nniioilliceil I lie IIiIiIhIi bat ilcshlp Triumph wiih torpedoed by a mihmiirliut In the. DivrdaiicllH. The majority of (lie crew and oIIIutn were rescued, (ieriuau advices say the chI hiiiiI. in urn en iiiliiutes. Zoiic11iih droppod a score of IiiiiiiIih hi Kouthend, killing two women. The object of tho raid Is believed a" rerun nniterltiK trip preparatory to an ai lurk on London, llrlllsli aviators ilrovii off tho raiders. DlspalcheH from Athens state thai Ojavlil I'uhIiii, ex-nilnlHter of fliuilicc for Turkey, Ih on Ills way to llorlln to liifonn Germany that Turkey will be iinahlo io longer participate In the war, nud will sue for separate peace, This Is unconfirmed. t Lord president of the council, I. ml. jCrewe. . I Lord prly seller, I. on! I'liion of! 'KedlcMon. Clianccllor'of tho exchequer, Itegl iiinlil .McKentia. ' Heetetary of stale for home affalrri, i Sir John A. Siuiou, Hecrotaty of slate for foreign nr i fairs. Sir Ed ward Grey. ! Secretary for the colonies, Andiew j tloiuir Law. Secretary for India. .1. Atistcn I Chainherlaln Socrear of state for war, Lord ' Kitchener. i Minister of munitions. David l.lowl (ieorge. Klrst luid of llin admlialty, I Ar thur I la! four I'resldenl of the board of trnile. Waller Itnnclmati. I'lesldenl of Hie local gn eminent boafril, Walter Hume Long. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lam as ter. Winston Spencer Churchill Chief secrenr for Ireland, Augti ilmi lllrrell. Secretary for Scotland, Thomas Mc Klntion Wood. President of the board of agrlcul tine, Lord Selhorne. Klrst coinnilssloner of works, !.ewls Ifarcotirt. President of the board of educa tion. Aitliur Henderson. Attorney general, Sir Hrward Cni-son. COMMENCEMENT F RIDA Nli f "StSsST m T0 i:V, AND STORK'S VISIT IS RE GARDED AS A DECIDEDLY SPLENDID OMEN I nited Press Service SAN FUANCISCO. May 27. -There, are aa many Norwegians in tho United Slates as In Norway 2,GO0,O00 all told, and their representatives were EIICISES TO HE IMJLD AT HIGH gathering hero todayrfor a Norwegian leiuiuaiion ai me runamu-i'acinc ex--posltiun .Memorial Auditorium to-( morrow night. At the celebration Willi be delegates from the Norwegian Singers of the Puelflc Coast, the Synod of tho Norwegian Evangelical Luth-I eran church of America, the Federa SENIOR CLASS (ilt.lDUATING EX- SCHOOL AI'DITOItll'M TIIMOII ROW EVENING TIME TONIGHT FIRST OF RIG CLASS WILL HE TAKEN IN THIS EVENING. FLAG DAY EXERCISES TO RE HELD THE 14TH A class of twenty-one will rccelw1 diplomas lomoriow night, when tin giadunting exorcises are held at the 'I011 sli;-' of the same church, t ' sessJotl The Elks Lodge will initiate a class 'of hx new members at the regular Ciiltul I'ruhH Service I'AltIS, May 27. Eighteen Fiench avlntnrs last night bombed l.udvvlgs- (Contlnued on pnge 4) Teiiclier Helimis. j Miss Artie Nichols, who taught at 'Salutntory Newpoii I his j ear, came In last night piano solo inn her way home to l.angell alloy to spend vacation with relatives. Kl.imath County High Scliool audltoi ium. .Members of the class ale. Oliver Applegnte, Louise llensoti, enla Coad, Ella Dews, John Dlxnn, lli.iold (illlette, Clauilc Hill, Annie Johnston, Jounio .lolitistoii. Hex La Pinrio, .Maty McComb, Allen McConib, Paul Noel, Coleman O'Laughliu, C.uss Page, Har.ry Ptatlier, ClilTord Sevlts, lone Steluman, Kthel Stubbletleld, Freda Stelgcr. Dr. George ltebuc of tho rulverslty of Oregon will deliver tho principal aildtess. The program arranged fol fel fol eows: Piano solo "Sec ouil .Minuet," Op. o Henri W. T. Hulfork "To .Spring" Grieg Waive Drew Clifford Sovlts oung Peoples' Association of tho Synod, tho Sons of Norway, Daughters of Norway, and many similar organ isations. The Luther College Concert Hand of Docorali. Iowa, just returned this evening. There are about twenty candidates, and they are to lie Initiated in classes. A special committee, consisting of E. U. Hull, Dr. Cathey and C. J. Fer- from a tour of Euiono. assisted bv .,,"'. ""' as cnarge oi provmiug . - i suitable enteriaiument for the occca- slon this evening, promise a real good time for both the members in attend ance and tho candidates. The Elks Lodge expects to be busy all summer conferring degrees on new members, and with special ser vices. Monday evening, June 14th, tho au niinl Flag Day exeicises of the order will bo held at the opera house. The ceremonies incident to the laying of coi'.NTV AGRICULTURIST CON-! 'ho cornerstone of the new Temple . will also bo held early in the month. DUCTS EXAMIXATIOXS HERE Something novel for the occasion is AND AT MICRRILL TODAY HE I Promised. chorus of 1,300 Norwegian singers, will slug at the Exposition. BABCOCK TEST ; EXAMS ON HERE' Liszt GOES TO THE FORT FRIDAY John G. Schallock Is Dead at Eugene "Llobcstraum" Nova Faught Address p I "Ed ucal Ion and the Higher Life i Values" Dr. George Ilebec l'ollllt Agriculturist Glalsyer today 1 Piano solo 'e.amlned three applicants for licenses "Solne'es do Vlenuo" (After Schu- " opcrnto Habcock tosts for concerns ' i. ,... Liszt ""J1" iiiiii- OH IHU UllllClini. UUBIB. Hortenso lloguo Valedictory Verda Cozad Awarding of Diplomas, .1 n. Griffith 'olin (1, Schallock, for more than ster, took the eonlraet to cany the '""(.v y -s resident of Klmiuilli '" Klninntli-Kliunutli Knlls mall. .., , . , , .... He operated this stage line for many '-my, died today t Eugene. Word ' nnd wig knnwi ,0 , , , i' this efieet was received at noon. timm. Mclialiock Iiiih been suffering from ,'0r n,,. illB( iweuly-llvo ears 'linpsy and other nllmentK for several .sehallocl. lias boon Jailer, deputy 'tmiiilis. A few days ago his diiugh- HberliT or constable here, making an ROCKY POINT IS OPEN TO PUBLIC lolm Johnson took the examination at the Klamath Falls creamery, and laio today two men wore examined at tho Merrill creamery. Tomorrow Glalsyer goes to Fort Klamath, where ho will conduct an examination at tho Wood River Val ley creamery. , GETS NEWS FROM HAT CREEK FARM LETTER RECEIVED BY LOCAL WOMAN FROM MOTHER WHOSE HOME IS ADJACENT TO MT. LASSEN, TELLS SAD TALE a terrific explosion, bunting the hatches, throwing the hatch beam, the deck derrick and some twisted i ni'Li'.juiii o.iib. iron into me air, ana completely ntl- iug the lower hold and forward with When is a White Pelican not a- water. The crew took to the boats, i White Pelican? but an hour later returned aboard, "When it's a Stork," is the answer and we started for Liverpool, you hear at Klamath's famous hos- " 'The vessel's name was painted on telry, and today there Is not a proud- both sides in letters six feet tall. Jcr or happier colony than tho White .. .Wo 8aw nothing. and were not (Pelican colony, from the humblest warned.'" menial to tho star guests." , ,.,!.,. TK . . ... . .. .... , A naval attache has been sent to ex- The occasion for this Is the birth of ,, .. K. . , ... ... , ... ... amine the Nebraskan. a fine baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. (White Pelican) Vetter of Macdoel. The administration regards Green's This is the first birth in the hotel, and tateme1t as to no warning as Big It is regarded as the llnest kind of an niflcanl ot tne uncertainty nmen which promises to make the affair an Ever binte the Stork was seen cast- 1,,solubl mystery, ing eyes toward. the Pelican there has Officials admit that If the Nebras been an air of suppressed excitement aa was submarined, it was an act at the hotel in which even the elevator of war and that If, with America's boys and waiters shared. All have latest note before her, Germany could,, taken nearly as much interest in the'Iinve sen' out the torpedo, It could be occasion as a relative is supposed to. interpreted only as a belligerent as- and seldom, If ever, has a youngster's sault on American honor. ai rival bpen the occasion for so much However, there Is no evidence that lejoiclug. the vessel was submarined, except the It has not been only the Pelican tltlgh lUtft. and officiate hope It lcsldents who hare been so intensely will be proved that a mine caused the interested. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. John-' mishap. son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mortensonj Advices from London say the Ne and Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Johnson have braskan is due at Liverpool tonight. beeu as excited as the rest of them, The admiralty still Insists the vessel nnd there have been a number of in- was torpedoed by a German subma- ' qulries received from promlnnt San ruo. Franciscoans rgarding the matter. , ' Mr. Vetter is manager of the Butt ; i Valley Laud company, and before thati''""eU '',,;8S Servlc was an officer in Uncle Sam's military , BERLIN, May 27. Charged with forces, while the proud mother is well. insulting German officers, Mrs. Har connected with prominent California riett Boyce and her daughter of Sau families). Francisco have been (Sentenced to As soon as Dr. E. D. Johnson, who.''ree weeks' imprisonment at Lindau. by the way, is a Pelican resident,, Ambassador Gerard saw the foreign passed out the word "It's a boy," the-offlc ,n thclr behalf, and pending a fun commenced. The telegraph wires J decision, they aro at liberty under fairly burned all morning with mes-.DOnd- sages sent out, and Bert Hall is sol The women say they had no lnteu tickled that he is recklessly handing Jtiou of Insulting the officers, and say out cigars, as proud as though he was if they did, it was entirely due to their the daddy, nnd not the hotel man-1 unfamlllarlty with the German Ian- Mrs. AI Crystal received a letter yesterday from her mother, Mrs, Cades, who lives on Hat Creek, in tho change would prove Child Uihor Convention Meets United Press Service SAN FUANCISCO, May' 27. Now laws to abolish child lnbor will bo formulated anil discussed tomorrow, Shasta county, where the heaviest when tho National Child Labor Com- damage has been done by the oruptlon MOKE nilltco's four day convention opens at of Jit. Lassen. tho Civic Auditorium here, Hundreds Mrs. Eades writes that the (low of of delegates, representing every part mud from Mt, I.asseu has ruined most of tho United States, were hero today1 of tho houses nlong Hat Creek, driven iciiily for iho opening sosslnn. Actual Hooky Poliil, Hio famous louni uu conditions in tho shops of child labor . . . r . . ........ ,.. t I. .. ,i,iiilniilii lmliielilrin itilll l.n ilmiinn. u Klamath county, besides tno upper i.niu', is mm i'uii uu .uu iiiu..u,...h i........ ..... uv uu.....- II.. Io iiirvlvnil bv (lllll summer. JITS. AI, U Alison, propri- huuiuii uj iiiumb ni.iuiu, men uuu nger. guage. Boy Throws Wire; Town Is Thrown Into Gloom ho went to Eugene, bill 111 health pre vented bis uccoplnw'o, Schallock was a hrotlier-ln-law of Mrs. Fred .Melhase, and ho has other FAMOUS Wll.LSO.N MSIHN(. CA.MI ON SHORT CREEK II.U COTTAGES, TEXTS, ETC.. A AIL- AHLE FOR ITS GUESTS lr. Mrs, Junior Daggett, took Sclial- ,.icliui otlleer Ho was elected Io lock to Kr ,omo i Piigene. In the ..,... muui her term as constable nlmv "lo thru '"'iiiillclal, In tliu demise or Kchallock, Klam n"i county loses ouo or her best ""own plonoorH. With his brother, relatives l(nni. ?..!... i.. ... I .. , h;to z r. . :ZiZS. s.,; uorn.,, a ,! i ur i-i-i. i. ,.. ''1i1-""-' s .:rirr3:'!i"'rrrrJ,.o,,,. ...... V-rsr'tari!r- thev .. . !..' "... '. .. iin..nia oimpliiK gnmnila are avallnblo for tho Wtaf on by tloZemrrZH, .7 "."r.. Pl-- o arrive. tour.sls who arc expected thereat his G, to Agency The Bcliullook- decided to stick, ho, e .omonow night 'rom Miwi.e year, to on joy ne noaung anu .,, t0 Klamath, though, and John, after Funeral nriungenui.ti. will v m ome ranching and work as a teara-lr.uunred la tnmorn-w's Herald. tho residents from their homes, and destroyed their cattle and stock. She stated that alio expected to be forced to leave her home the following day If tho tlow continued. I in u-iileh tbn tinner Lnko section ex- colls. Lower House or Prussia Diet Meet United Press Service BERLIN, Germany, May 27. Tho lower house of the Prussian diet Is Frank Anthony has accepted iv po- schoduled to meet today. This was sltlon as carpenter at tho Klamath the date selected when they adjourn Agency. He left for there today, Jed March 9. For exactly twenty-nine" minutes Kim evening a part ot Klamath Falls was in total darkness. t it took that time to discover what the trouble was by employes of the California-Oregon Power company. Had the trouble been at tho plant It probably, would Imvo been remedied much sooner. Tho lighting system was put out ot commission through the activities of Grant Douham, a boy living at Ship plngton, who threw a piece of wire across the string ot wires which car ries the Juice to the Upper Lake dis tricts. Ho had to try three times be fore he succeeded in getting the wire to stay, and thus break the circuit. At soon as It was determined where the trouble was the Shlpplugtou switch was cut off, and men sent there to remove the wire, Whether young Uonhara was delib erately attempting to damage the company's lines Is not known, but ovl- Iflonllv tin did not ronltcn ttiA vrul 'In. convenience and damage he was doing to the whole city. The picture shows were Just starting, and hundreds of people who had planned .to sm the J,aM Jfi'J '&l movies passed up this form of enter tainment for the evening. 3"a -TO Tim aawlrtA In Ilia hllAta 4miA m. jK &?. laurants was tied up, and one"y-if . slcian reports that the cutting of, of W' ,in ukru came near reiuniasj srto-,;i!-r: 1 i-i . -iT