U7' '35$ nHi i. t " u emtu) iteratf. ,' KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'official NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1915 Price, PIt mh "" A at. A ft a 1 " III SHLl AHUIHtK AMERICAN SHIP IS WAR VICTIM U. S. Ambassadors in Great Demand 4PJIIXIHTHATION IH MUCH Milt. PltlSKll ' While So Bellnlto Inforninlliiii Has llrrll llewhril, lli Pn'illciil He Ifef In Thai llm .Whritsknn Wn Uir VitliiH "t TuriHUlo Wm'I iMauiKrd. Hill In Uuiplng Into mi KnglMi HiiilNir Totlay. I'siltd I'lt'ni rtnrtko WAHIHMiTO.V. I. '. May 211. Artirly nil "' ''' illl'"''"he agree Ihtl llll' .N'l'lllllkknil WHS lOI'JMMllled. II llil tin mi, II l ,Mtiiil Hull tier tuanr uill make n dlMvmtnl, lull this u III iml wilNfy Hit' 1'nltiil Klulif,. ,t 11 it tilt if ihe Im'lilt'iii, Ambus udor lirmrd ill Berlin will piolmhly U- lu'lriii t'd I" ak Germany In r ldllo lii'i- reply li Wilson's I.iikIIiiIiIii rtr. lolled I'roim Hervlce LONDON May 26. It In iiuiiiiuni d ihni tin' American lluwnllnn Bleinulilp company' steamer No brwkan was torpedoed IahI night fortr-clght niltoit off riiHtiK't, Kng Und. Tlio vessel has a crow of forty Mvtn, under (.'uitalii (Iroon of Han Frtnclnco, imil It in proceeding with out aid toward Liverpool. The N'ebrnkan loft Liverpool uu Hondo) fur Niiw York. 'ft j. ' i ! .V. -(laaB MEMORIAL PLANS BEING OUTLINED BY committees; tiii: cemetery is now hki.vu' CLEANED I'P ri-iiif, kii win Noi iii. itiuiiii',i I'm II After Memoiiiil Day Older of Cm'M'Im-s Iiii hull's a ProH-sslon mill Ei-kIm-s al tho (Vinotoiy mill l!lIT ill flu- I'oil-IIIMHI, . 1,11111 If uu ill .Vimii ami I'roKiiim IjiIoi-. These Are Important Figures in the Italian Situation i Thulium Vi'Imiii I'm go S Ambassador to 1 tnl AuMrlmi Ambassador S A in liaHKiiilor to Austria t nfied Press Berrloe WASHINGTON, l. U. May 2fi The attack uu (In NcliniHkiui has ihockrd (lie administration. TIiIh imtcstH tin thought that Germany tits' lint jot ceased MiihiiutrinlnK. Tlio Austrian government asked Svrrctiir)' llrnii to have tin' Anior Ictlll nmbniwidnr tu Ilnly. Thou Ni'l Mm I .inc. taKu i:i i ' of lit. IntcroHti. In ItniiHi ill run of "ill-, mill nt tlio sailli' linn- tin' Itiillaii KciMTiunriit niaili! u ii'ijuiiit that Pri-ilfili'k (' IVnllolil. Aiiii'rlcan amliiiHuailor to Atibtrla, enrf for It In Vli'iina Tlioso ii'iini'sli., as iiuii'li n iitiyihliiK truiu-pii Iiik In l.'iirolif. Ii'il to tlio lii'lli'f that holli The affair In liiilliu i'Hicclnlly rom inintnl mi Imtmuho tlio Nnhrimkaii ,... ..,, ,1K 1....1 ,,.t,riuliM'il on war a llyliiK tho Ainorlcnn llaK at tlu ,;lr,Ilv ,iil not. at h'asi at tlio sa mi time, nml tioliiK honuiworil houiul It ,M1Pi r(.(1itcbt AnuTlran amhasn.iilors rould nut hn I10011 cnrryliiK contra- . . .. (, ltlly. Anii'rlcr.ii ani- lm)iniloiit are now nrthiK for tho Oer- I'latiH for 1 ho ohhPi viiiioi of Mi nun lal day .Monday are prooi'i'dliiR nlri'l Tlio proKiam comnilttco la I11111I al uoil;, and tho Woiih'H'b Itc I11 f ('orpH afnl hoiiio voIiiiiIpith are pnllltiK tho IIiiIkIiIiik touilics on the 11 nictor) cli'iin-np It 111 In.' ni'rcbHaty to htivu the iinuti'iy tiai'l imivuypd before It Ib Ii in ell, iih the tr.nt Ih later to he limniferietl to tho ilty or 10 a i-eine-! eerj iishoilatlon. llecaiiHi' of the. ni'i'il of the Hiirey It will he Impossl-. hie for the Relief t'orp to proceed with the fencliiK until after Memorial I 'a I Coiniiiander K. H. Itamshy of Spiacne I 'out 0. A. It. Iiiih IsHiK'd an; Older for ull 'til veterans, both Blue and Cray, to he at tho court house at ! o'clock Monday morntiiK. j The iroccblon will form In front' lot the court house at U:30, the Klam-I 'rth Falls Military hand taking posl itlim behind the grand marshal and j HtnfT. and the formation will he as follews: j KI11 Section " Marshal W. F. Arant ' Ciand Marflhall and Staff, mounted Firemen 1 County and City Olllcials Kltimnth Chamber of Commerce Women's Chic l.cnRim XP P&M sfALANDGC C mum&Th. Przemysl Near Fall; Italians Advancing I'nlted 1'rets Service ItO.MK, Ixiy 2U. It In officially niinonni ed that the Italian expedition nry ford's have occupied I ho defllcH comionmlinK the Hretitn RItct Talley In AiiMihin Tyrol, and Hint they rnptured Vnllefcrno Pm, a atrateglo point on the Ciirnla frontier, at the point of tho bayonet, Tho cominiinicatlo adds: "On tho Friull frontier, our offensive eonllnues. The enemy Is ercry uheie retiring. "The Italian font's approachinu Trieste Have ruptured a number of older Isonzo Valley villages. "The army moving northward met no opposition through Veroaa. "Tho first serious land clash between the Italian and Austrian armies uns the bayonet attack at Valleferno. The Alpine troop there asaailed the Austrian trenches, and the defiles were swept Willi a raking Are by the Italian machine guns. "The Austrian losses aie 'comparatively heavy. General Cailorna re .oits u number of prisoners taken." FBoressoB. 4gtar"0 party in The attemiit of the Italian royal .Marcora, president of rhe lower ;et rid of Premier Sahvndra house of the Italian parliament, had I lioon I'lmsitn In form n tlAW e.iblnet. order to avert war with Austria ,,.... iiieru was a riui nuuui imc, I aim it is presumeu wuu uermany; Salandra was recalled through the and Italy was a boomerang. demonstrations of the people In all Within forty-eight hours after parts of the country, and at once the Premier Salandra had resigned and 'situation as to war became graver. band, President Wlliion and Secretary' uiatiH in i:nland. France and flusnla ('i)Dtlniid ou lie 41 ankenhaIl again in ose 'KKIl,i:ss IX) AIH), TIIK HANKS Alii: I.KAKINO AH IHl'AI,. MAK IMi SO.MI: HUM-: STHKKTS AIAIIIST IMPASHAHI.i: The Aukeny canal Is again Ullcd ith water. The w'ntor was turned 'n yCHteiday, and It Is oxpectcd to he full Its enilio length by tonight. " A usual, the hanks of tho canal Jie In bad condition, and much scop i'ns fills t'ost Kl Tav 'lilted I'ress Service HOl'STON. Tex.. May 2ii IleliiR a cat In Houmou Isn't neaily n much as It used to he. Finance- commis sioner I'liHtoiini tooli the most fun nut of It when he announced It would cost $1 ta hereafter "They'ru uil unble," bo said, "to catch rats and 'mice " Ho made 110 mention of spinsters' Joy In their companionship. Men hunts Moot Timluhl. 'r Tho Klamath Merchants' Associa tion meets this evening Instead of Inst ulRht. as stated In yesterday's Herald Slot knieii In Action. A suit to recover $20(1 from O. T. Anderson has been llled for .1. P. Col ohiin by Kuykoiulnll & Ferguson. Second Sectiou .Maisbal W. T. l-eo Woodmen of tho World Women of Woodcraft Knights of Pythias Itathbono Sisters Order of Elks Order of Moose Sisters of Rebekah Independent Order of Red Men Sisters of Pocahontns STAMP TAX LAW TO BE TESTED ,Sl'i:imY & Hl'TClllNSON ARE II K ' STHAIXKl) KUOM HKDEEMIXU I THE TIIAUING STAMPS IN MON I kv COUPONS L'NDEIt BAN DENVER TO HOLD BIG LAND SHOW ALL THE WKSTEHN STATES WILL HE HEPHESENTEH AT SOIL PUOUUCTS IMPOSITION TO HE HELD THEHE IN OCTOBEK I PORTLAND, May 2G. Under con ditions of n temporary Injunction Is sued by Judge Bean of the federal district couit, green trading stamps Culled Pi ebb i Service DENVER, Colo. May, 26. The war Is not interfering with arrangements for the International Soil Products will be redeemed In merchandise as exposition and the International Dry usual. Farming congress to be held in this A law- was enacted by tho 1913 city from September 27 to October 9 legislature designed to put the green inclusive. From present plans It ap- I'eachors of County and t ...Iujng stumps and other forms of'pears that the local exposition will (trade counons out of business. The iu with the fairs in California, at law. which went Into effect Saturday, least in agricultural Interest. 'provides that any merchant giving t Tnw unita states will have the 'stamps or coupons with purchases . , t0mpi ehensive display of its Thl 11I Section Marshal R. H. Dunbar Olllcials and City Sehoolb School Hand Hoys' Brigade With Flags Hoy Scouts, by M. D. Coats lilrls' Brigade With Flowers I'nattached Patrons of Schools I. r Patient I (I. K . Taken Nuilh. Ilaiiinglnii, an asylum al iKe pater Is pouring Into some of the tendent. leK this morning '- Salem. ldo st refill, making them about 1m- hi.vlng In his custody William Otts, lecently comliiltieu to uie my ! Mutable, Governor Will to Klamath Come June 26 I to be redeemed In merchandise must ( Hgricultural work that It has ever pay a special tax of 3 per cent of their made ut anv exposition. Several of 'gross receipts. the neutral nations have Indicated To meet this law, Sperry & Hutch- tnei. intention of being represented 1 Inson company, the green Btarap peo- und tll0 fnrm,,e congress officials pie, notified the establishments uslnglnnvo st,,lt representatives to the bel ' their stamps that horeaftor stamps ngerents to obtnln exhibits, .would bo redeemed in cash Instead of 1 The greflt Al,a,torum bulldlne ! merchandise. Merchants using the m.iUo famoug by wllllam Jen. j stamps objected, some of them con- nngg ryan.t ,.cr08S of gold.. orftUott .tending that the new law Is unconstl- nud h& first nomnat,lin for the presl- tutlonul. ' ' dency, will be the headquarters of This morning tne v ooaara-iarKo t(p rnm,nB conBres8 nnd 80ll pro. treet to Eleventh, nnd to tho cemo-. company ana ouiers usi iB uie imp t,uc,s uxl,osUlon. A half dozen tem- lery via Kloventh, where tho ritualls- llled a suit to restrain uie Br-",,,orn.v structures will be erected on lie work of the Grand Army and Re- btnmp company irom iU. "lbtreotB and property In the Immediate lief Corns will be held und the graves 'contract with them by redeeming the v,clnU). of tno Auditorlum. Every -- - . .... I ... . 11 nait II1BIOIIII 111 !- departed heroes and menus sunups "" -- - - western stato. will be represented at Tho band will play cnanuise. juuBc " -...- .. . . a IuI..a AM4nM ml 4li Anon tho formation porary resirainuiB mum i will later bo argueu to aetermine Fourth Section Women's Relief Corps lloil Cross and W. C. T. Veterans of All Wars Spanish War Veterans Sons of Veterans Spruguo Camp 0. A. II. Ramsby's Drum Corps Standard Bearers The procession will go down Main 1 nited Press Service BKHLIN, May 20. It is officially announced lluit General von Mack oilmen's Austro-Gennnn forces luivc surccedetl In crossing the Sua River at I Lilly 1110. This point is six miles noith of Przsinysl, and the movement's success is considered n master stroke by the General who seeks to wrest from the Russians the fortress they captured from the AuntrtaM some months ago. The ton n of Swell,, lias also been captured. With two large armies across the San, ronMuekenzen threatens to surround a large detachment of j.ussians north of Jaroslau. The recapture of Przemysl at an early date is almost certain. lioilin Is wild with enthusiasm. 1 '11 1 ted Press Service AMSTERDAM, May 20. The Austrinns shot down an Italian aero plane near Goritz and two officers were killed, according to Berlin advices. I'nilcd Pi ess Servitu ATHENS, May 20. The captain or the Greek steamer Adriatic In ought a detailed story of the Austro-Italian naval engagement off Llssa in the Adriatic Sen Monday.. He says one Italian warship was damaged nnd forced to quit, and Hint the Austrian vessels tied to Polo. of the will bo decorated. as It chooses during and on tho march; play 11 dlrgo on ar rival at the cemetery; play an nppro- thls exposition. (Herald HKuia Service) 8AI.IJM, May 2fi. Tlio stato desert whether tho Injunction shall be made ('unity Is Alleged. .i,r .inline tho return, and permanent. This nction. 11 is neio, Alleging that her husband had fro on arrival at tho court house play a will test the constitutionality of the quently beaten her, and that yester- niece Which Will ho tlio Signal for tlio m. nay no iiiimmcicu i.e. uu .v " rnneluslon of the parade, except that "esldes the green trading stamps, uer on the floor by her hair, .Maggie , ... , ,1. ...1 p..ni. nrMllltnry section and all dealers using any form ot trade cou- 8mlth ha8 brought divorce suit i.esentntlw. Wesley O. 8ml h of tho the Fo urlh or Mil '"'' ""n "a nro lirrocted. This Includes, It Is usalnst c.rant Smith, whom she mar- Klamnth-l.ako-croou utstiu . .,'"' ""-""- ,..., ,,,, , .... said. coupons glveu with tobacco, rled nt-Yreka.ln 1899. Fred H. VESSELS COLLIDE IN A DENSE FOG ; ship, as hold No. n Is flooded and the gwrter is gaining. At last reports the Ryndam was twenty-four miles off Ambrose chan nel. She carried seventy-eight pas sengers when she left this port yes- terday for Rotterdam. KKE1GHTEK HAMS PASSENGER STEAMER, AND PASSENGERS AND CREW ARK TAKEN OFF BY AMERICAN BATTLESHIP Unlfed Press Service WASHINGTON. D, C, May 26. The wireless station at Arlington re ports that the South Carolina Is en route for New York with 250 of the passengers and crow of the Ryndam. t Better Cereals Planned United Press Service BERKELEY, May 26 Betterment of cereal foods was sought after to day 'by the Interstate conference on investigations of cereals. In session at the University of California. Ex pel ts from all over the country gave United Press Service NEW YORK. May 26. The Hol land liner Ryndam was rammed by the freighter Cuneo In a dense for off Nantucket Shoals this morning. The wireless reports of the disaster say that the passengers and most of their opinions. the crew of the Ryndam "have been transferred to either the Cuneo or the Willson Is Sued. American battleship South Carolina. su to recover 1132.37, alleged Captain von Denheubel states by due for meats furnished, has been wireless that the collision occurred filed in the circuit court by Crlsler & about 3:30 this morning, and added Stilts vs. C. D. Willson, who operates that the Ryndam was making thirteen Rocky Point resort. Rollo C. Groes- mlles hourly toward safety, convoyed beck is attorney for the plaintiffs. by the Atlantic battleship squadron. He added "I fear I must abandon the Oregon has six women undertakers. Good Roads Day Saved Klamath County $9000 Tlii) (Irrvoinur will spend Sunday ""id hoard lalo yesterday authorized (1 tlt, Khimath country renowing at "10 Inspection of tho Ttimalo project', umlnliinceshlps mid gotllng llrsl ' Crook county by tho board and 'hand Information regarding (mure "therofflclaU, This will ho hold Juno mu-ds. The following day ho m 25th. Jenvo for Medford, going l visit , " Ho day following tho nmoe.'cJior Uko on tho '0,"' 'on. Governor Wlthycombo loaves Although a rMlUont of Oiou ... foi 'or Klamath Palls, making the trip;.. early half w.tury. ihe no " auto, and while In the Klamath has yet to see Klamath county a great "ountry be Is to be the guest of Rep ( natural wonder. i .1. ... ,l.n l.,,f1n-., scrlbe'l rites will be performed In 'soaps and various brands of gro- ,,. the plaintiff's attorney honor of tho nation's defenders who corlcs. havo dlod at sea Tho usual picnic dinner for tho vet eruns will ho served in tho park by Society Lender Rle NEW YORK. May 26. Mrs. Aid Society .Meets. Btuy-i Tho Aid Society of By OSCAR PEYTON Tho old adage, "a stitch In time saves nine," may bo very appropriate lj applied to the voluntary work put on Klamath county highways on May 20th. A fair estimate of tho pick and shovel force employed on that day Is 130 men. ' Figure these men at the common labor wage of $2.50 per day, and it represents In cold cash $375. Thirty automobiles wero used to transport this army of workers over the roads, otherwise nothing like the amount of mileage would have been covered. Figure these cars at the I conservative price of $20 each, and j they" represent a cash value of 1600, the Christian I Five teams and drivers were work- tile is will uo serveu m iu .. m, pgn f(jr yenrg the Ieader of churcb meet8 tomorrow at 2;30 ated, which, ngureu at u per uay. rep- Hollof Corps. 12 to 2:30 bolng tho Newport society, died the home of Mrs. W. B. Beehora on resent 85. These three Hems added time for the repast and reunion me for tne repast aim , t IlBhl at hor country home. Glen- The committee has P'tohthej"' wgg ue t0 parB,yUo (Continued on page I) stroke. Klamath avenue, Butmess of im- together snow a value 01 moor actu portance will be attended to, and a ally expended In one day of exactly full attendance U desired, $, 191,000. 1 The greater part of this labor, in fact nearly all of It, was expended on repair work, filling up chuck, holes, picking out sharp 'rocks, removing- large boulders' 'filling up deep ditches nnd .lowering high centers; all of which are a constant menace to 'au tomobiles as well as team travel' and If not repaired at once will become worse every day. But that is hot all; they will collect their toll from' the automoblllst in thoahape of new tires, wheels, springs and axels, and possible' accidents that would coat human lives. - "f , Therefore, wo feel Justified 1b mul tiplying our actual cash outlay by nine, for If the old adage, applied In olden times to shoes .and clothing; ta applied to public highways, by ike meager outlay of one day'a pork. $-m nsve snvea' ourselves aao ,gfti.C?55 !"? ft .MScft!'' the snug sum of 19,490, ttSsIrl t. "&l . 1J.I Jk "fjji W i Wi?Z V.-fet,'Aiifi, I 2 aft