Hkb t!r T TIIIIHDAV, MAY 2IJ, lllln THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FAOBTM1HW t in)o Id I"""'" )"" riiiiiiiui)-, Fort Klamath Has a Great Building Boom l(. ntirr I nix ttlirn iiikiiiu iiihiii-. ,,., Hco rhllcole. AMIWUD I'lMUlii 7- S' ' I""IIV C'll'llll ytini t'lllpetll MM till')' lilt mi III'' lloin- All wml. ifiiiiiim tenl IIkIIimiiIi'h fri'C, VACUUM CARPET CLEANING IjiiHI' I'liulll'' I'OWI'I (.",1 1 i'-I " . ingx, drapi-rlcH mill in, MilKll'iril fill Ulllll Hl'lllH'll h) i.ll. linn ami ruliiiii""i'il nil ullhuui ri'iimviil Hlli himI li'lli'iMtn. liluiiiiilli I'nlls W. D. MILLER Muuilfiiituicr uf 11(11, LOW Itlil.DIM.. MI SII.O BLOCKS WD I'l.lT.S ,l,l, kinds oi' ((iri!i:ri; Sidewalk, Floom unit Itcliilhlu,: WiiIIh ihioii.mi a si' Sixth and Walnut THE FAMOUS s. & w. Little Neck Clams Minced Clams (Pinked In Climi Jiili-e) (lot a ran, anil try this oho ('lain Chowder Milieu mil' lari "lliii of bacon ami fry In li on put, adil nuu pint of pota toes, ullrnl vory thin, ! largo uiilen riiiin'il line, mill water tiillliicnl In rover potatoes unit lill iinlll tender. Tlii'ii mill imitciiu of can anil four or llu' rolled era els or, tiunmin to Nude anil remove to back part of iinw Servo hot. VAN RIPE BROS. "OimlHy (Jrurrr" I'liwiu S.1 (iih mill Main The Reliable Second Hand Store Ttiido, liny, Sell Anything Harrison & Matt Our store In on Klamath Ave ami Sixth street WOOD WOOD 'I'Mk, SiiiKlo load $.2.(10 h'ik, double luail $1,00 "' Nlnl,., QlVM I also bundle Hody and l.hiib wood Heller buy your fuel now, while "in pi Ire Is no low . 'wiMi ordiiiH nl Kluinutli Do Nriiiieni stoni, Third mid Mnln. I'IIom; uh P. C CARLSON HOUSTON IIOTIUj J-'oiuo urn boo our Light House tel' ItooniH. Tho prices iiro llKllt l-onk I hem iiver on Alain, op. I'ONlto I'oHtolllru TchiiwiiiI KtnlN Light, clean alry. furnlalted nulls that will ""t you, p,ouo SMSJ.Otli&I'lno ' '"i'',..) ttIls ,.Hlril hy ,.,. Hil )imi KOItT KLAMATH, Maj 2.r, .'nri ll- ""' few rit iiiIhIiI iikh mid fui Klmnmlih Hiron new buildings moj "lllln- '"''"B "vod hy Mr. Mninyor, mining ciiiiipletiuii. T. T. Jackson hi wno W,IM ""' Hint man lo reach the i i vine lie cii'iiln now lii it 1m ninv con- H1'' "f Iho disaster, lei tiniiiiy ami nun titonv Mrs. Nettle " "'" whl(, building anil con Voi.e. ii,,. pihiiiiIhIiohh, moved the nrt Inn work H Increimlhg rapidly olllee on the :'.!n to H w inim-lotH. !1K ''ompmed to the numlier of ieople while In A. A SouIo'h new uillci- Al Klnmntli Agency the new saw building Is lowly for incupiiilcy. f mill Is lllhnlhg steadily. Thus the Beside them. buildings, which me ,,,lnllH '"'" Improving their homos mini ly finished. tiieiD mo tulmr Im-!1'"1 tw" '''''"'" "l" Agency linn been I'lovemcnlK under (oiihI ruction, Jus. ! w"""lt " ,""1' lioiilim Is building a Kiimmur pnieii Ml'- ('iinlnghnm. foreman under od .1 .1. Oie) of the Itiilnhow garage I" U'' ",m',(B- u worklriR a crow ofj ii liiNinlliiu; new HioniKe hiillilliii:i,w""ly "r tlllrly mp1 "l Klamath tli im mil, ,, ami viilranlliii! ,i,.,,..,fi ' AK''"'''- Ho ,l!ls wor't ahead there for llnce inonlliB. In roiittlrimllnir n new dam across Agency HprlriKH mid In iiiovIiik the power Iioiiro to the new slle. At proflcut the electric power limine U Mil) or fino yardw il.t.i II. , ,.,,l. r.... .... ... i,,,. .... .... ,. ., "' 'i.'.. in.,,, tti.rm uie r,,'- . ,,.ii,iit- .i,,( i,,v I lie IICW ! company of .SUemoie - CiihIi'I. unit HioniKe hlllldlui;l "" 'i,.'-, ,ih .ireari-i, no ill Hi" Hnlnhnw naraK".' In iiIkoi puiiliii; In a Htieel tank fin nimollne )'il oppnnln. Ihii piutollhe. Ill III,. Wood Itlver Valley Iheie' linve leci.ill) hern Iinlll tw,, new' new the other hy (I. K, lloyt. Mih. I, llesulK In htivliiB a Hiiminer Klichen hum on her farm two mlli". mirth or the Knit Oil the ri-Kerviilloii near the l'oit Indian l.nd (icorKe I- putting up a number of tent Iioiikch Her place i t venr iiIho. ilnm Ik helnK built. A Tew men are KiithorliiK In to be Klu work on the Orator Luke National I'ivrk. The next four montliH will he lumy one for the winter-dead town nf Kurt Klamath A number of camper.s are arriving "l.nlj Hid l!H."i will In, a heavv lour- WOOD! Illmk Wood, loud U.7.i lllrcil from hIiciN, hone dry fi:t (ill Double loml fl.Oll Dry Midi. Iil-inili . . is:t.,'.-. Iit) shih, l.foot Hody mid l.linli Wooil ('out nml Kiicl Oil KLAMATH FUEL CO. 5' 5 Main Sired A LITTLE SPORTING GOSSIP By Hal Sheridan A few of the desirable and advantageous features of this wall board are: APPEARANCE Exactly reproduced hardwood. COST Very reason able. EASE OF APPLICATION Can be applied quickly by anyone. Try It in Remodeling One or Two Rooms mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm If you have a living room or dining room to do over or an attic you'd like to make livable, office space to be remodeled or are building an addition to your house, use it. Its clean construction, beautiful appearance when finished will astonish you. Come in and let us figure with you on your requirements. We still have some of that paint that we are selling at a dollar a gallon. Big Basin Lumber Company Corner Main and Spring Streets Klamath Falls, Oregon Phone 107 Fai J I'nltod I'roHH Service NCW YOKK. May 2.. One bout will (dear up the middle wel;hl box ing muddle, In the iiiIiuIk of New York fan. -The battle needed to CKlahlhdi a i ' ronlznl champion of that class will hrlni; incether Mike (iIIiIioiik, the Ht. I'aul llatdi, and Yiiiiuk Ahearn, he who was formerly niihhcil the dmirlnK must rr. There um-,1 to be considerable talk nlinii" iliiimy CLibhy, IMdle Mclioor l.t Mid tnme other iuIiikIIuk In the seliM-t circle at the top of the heap, but that Ih all paul. flabby recently enme (o New York to hIiow IiIk wares. Since he did. he Isn't even conceded mi outside chance of KnibbltiK off .m championship honors. As he bud decisively healen Medoorty on h, wiul in I'lihlomt the latter battler Ih also 'Unlimited from tho chances. Clabby'K tdiowlui;. left a distinctly FRESH LIME In any Quantities. Mlu .lust Burned C. I. WII.I.SOX bad odor in the nostrils of New York II Kill. fans. Tho Hammond, Indiana, boxer llrKt tangled up with Al Mc Coy, the "Joke" champion, lie may bae had a shade, hut there was so little llclitlui; done In the whole bout that very few writers cared lo kIvo a verdict. "No ilKbt" was the unani mous opinion. The Westerner and his imimiKor bowled lout; mid loud. .McCoy, thoy said, wouldn't light, and necessarily ( lahhj could not. It took two to make a light, they said. So Clubby as given another chance. He was si ut against liard-hltling Chip, from Newcastle, Pennsylvania The exhibition they put up was sick ening. After seven and a half louui'ls of It Iteferee Hilly llncho ' Mopped In and declared It no eon test. Jjoth men weio dlsiiinlllled for si illlng " That ended Clabby's cn leer In New York Mild no one will ever seriously consider him for cham pionship purposes. Harry 1'ollok Is llgurlng strongly on bringing (ilblions and Ahearn to gether this summer at his Brighton Beach A. ('. This would bo oven the ten round, no dorlslon route and TOIIAV'S ODIIKS'l STOKY I'nlted l'rjss Service .TOriUJANVILI.K, Tex., May 2.'. The Pled Piper of Itamelln, (iiililo Strove of Campbellton won LEGAL NOTICES XOTICK To tho Stockholders of the Klain.tth Water I'sers Association You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders i thoroughbred heifer as a jof thu Klamath Water Users Assocla- of this association shall be raised by incurred by him In the performance. lien shall be made by foreclosure of of such duties. the Hen upon their shares of stock That Section one (1) of Article and the lands represented thereby. four (4) of the By-laws of the Klam- Done and dated at Klamath Falls, nth Water Users Association be ' Oregon, this 23rd day of April, 1915. amended to read as follews: ' KLAMATH WATER USERS Section 1. Revenues necessary for1 (Seal) ASSOCIATION tho accomplishment of the purposes By Albert E. Elder, Secretary. Date of first publication, April 27, Demonstrator A. S. Whltten, Struve killed 17,071 rats, load ing a Held of ".Ob would-be clu.mplon rat killers. (leorge ! 2 of tho By-Laws of said association, be held in tho Houston opera i house, Klamath Falls. Oregon, Frl- day, the 4tu nay ot .lune, a. u., by ,1 prlzo for being the champion itlon, pursuant to Section 1 of Article, an assessment made against the 11H3. rat killer. In a contest, Inaug united by United States Farm I will i 27-4-11-18-25-1 PUT STOMACH IN FINE CONDITION SAYS l.NDIGKSTIO.V KIIOM AX KXCKSS CI1I.OKK' ACID OLD.TIME OOLD CURE- j DRINK HOT TEA! -.-t .--.--" (id. u siitull I'licUgc of Hiiiiilmr;! llreiiH I en, or us the (.riniin f!!H cull it."lliiiiil,urg.T Brunt 'lhiv."ut any plmrnuiij. 'I like u tuliU'spiin(iil of the tin, put' u cup "f beilnig w iter u mn it, pour through u idcie ami drink u teacup full at any time during tin ilnv or l.rf.ire retiring. 11 i the n.,iit itri'i'live wn to break n cnld nml i grip, us il opens tho pores of Hie skin, rehevinj; ciuigintlini. Also Wem thu Niui'li. thus lirenklng up u cold. Trv il tlio next tune you nulTor fnuii it cell nr the grip. It in inexpeiiaii" i,i wgotiiblc, tlnrcfure h.ifo mid Imriulcss, (onsldernblo doulil exists thnt sucli Undigested food mi uiiiiir won in niiiig inn u ciear-cui. stomnC, decays, or rather, ferments :smu bo vested winner, (.ibhoim Is willing to tako ...., slllllu ... food left in tho onen air. I.n.enin, "--"," al the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. You are notified that such meeting is held for the purpose of electing a hoard of directors for tho ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may regularly be brought be 'fore such meeting. ' The following amendments to the ' By-Laws of said association will he submitted to tho stockholders In said annual meeting for your acceptance or rejection, to-wlt: That Section ono (1) of Article ilueo (S) ot the By-Laws of the Klamath Water Users Association be HYDHO- lamcnded to read as follews: Section 1. That the exercise of the j corporate powers of this association delayed in the ,.! tho management of Its affairs rather, ferments ! shares of stock of the association order of the Board of Directors. No assessment shall become delin-j n.uent within less than thirty (30) j days after tho time of levying the same. j All delinquent assessments due the! It !: S U I. T !s OK in a board of three Ahearn on over ten or jonre stopped Ahearn In a few you is back and of being able to do it again. Ahearn has ailmllteiliy improved, nowover. wi,eh Since the llrst meeting mid (libboiiBj twenty. Ho s.,ys ;l ll0tua authority. He also tells four rounds us tmt digestion is caused by hyper Is confident im.,ty moaning, there Is an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach prevents complete, digestion ud starts food fermentation. Thus Summons (Equity No. 674) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County State Land Board of the State of Ore gon, Plaintiff, Klamath Water Users Associations vs. shall bear a penalty of one (1) per' James J, Cunningham and Luke E. centum per month until paid. Walker, Defendants. That the following amendment be I To James J. Cunningham, one of the added to Article three (3) of the By-1 Defendants above named: Laws of the Klamath Water Users As-, In the name of the state of Oregon, sociation to be designated as Section I You are hereby summoned to appear twolve (12) thereef: j and answer the complaint tiled in the Section 12. That where the owner. above entitled suit, within six weeks or, owners of land subscribed to this after the first publication of this sum- association shall cause or suffer totmous in tne evening Herald news- permit others to cause any injury or . paper. would meet nn entirely new man. - ,..,..,..,..------, .-; STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD (iw I every tiling eaten sours In the stom ach much like g.irbago sours In n can, terming item uuius uuu gases licit Inllato Hie stomach like a toy balloon. That wo feel a h'eavy. lumpy misery in tho chest, wo belch j That Section live (S) of Article I three (U) of said Uy-Luws be amend led to read as follews: ' Section a. Regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held Ion the llrst Saturday of each month. ISpeiial meetings ot the board of di rectors may bo called by the presi dent, or by any two members of the board. Such call shall be In writing and slgnod by either tho president or any two directors, and shall state the damage to any canal, ditch or drain ditch used in connection with the operation of the Klamath Project by any manner or means whatsoever, so that the How ot water is obstructed, or the necessary and accustomed head cannot bo maintained, such land owner or owners shall Immediately, upon written notice given by the And you will take notice that It you fail to appear and answer or plead within the said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the. above entitled court for the relief demanded in its complaint filed in said suit, to-wlt: For Judgment against the said de fendant, James J. Cunningham; for ditch rider or other person having! tho sum of $400.00, with Interest tlnio of such proposed meeting and I owners i STIFF. ACHING JOINTS Kus Applied In Nostrils j "! . wo orucinte sour ioou or navo V..1 !.......,! nt fliiAA i i..,..iit.iiin H t it 1 mil'. ii'nl t'.lifn tali nt .hoi, ..v....-v.u...., M ....... , , i. -. ,l)iu imtii.o of ,mslness t0 b0 tnmsact. ' ,..,.. .....,,.......,.., .'.'nausea. I , ., 'ed thereat. You led lino In n fow moments. Do tells us lo lay aside all digestive, s,u.i, wl.1Uen call shall be Hied with Your cold In bead or catarrh will bo aids and Instead, get from any plmrui-j , ,0 -mary, who shalt thereupon gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages oi your ne.iu clear and you can breathe freely. control ot. the operation of such canal, ditch or drain ditch, repair or cause to he repaired such Injury or damage in a manner satisfactory to the per son or persons whose duty it Is to de liver water through or in any manner use such canal", ditch or drain ditch In connection with said project. Should any such laud owner or fall or rofuso to repair or cause to ho made such repair ot such injury or damage as above provided, then In that event tho honrd of direct ors may make or cause to be made ucy lour ounces of Jail Salts tind take nune,atoly and at least five days bo-such repair as Is necessary, and assess u tatiU'spoonnil in a g.ass oi, waier foru U0 tlmo lM?(, foI. sucll meetng, before bleakfast and drink whtlo It Is',,. ,..,.,,, ,fl tM, i.rasldent mid effervescing and furthermore, to qon- ,, momhn. , tll() boa,.a a c0,)y 0f Rub Soreness from joints anil muscles with r. iinmll trial bottlo of old St, Jacobs Oil Step "dosing" lllicmiiutlsiii. It's pniii unlv: not linn cino in fifty require inlcriml trciitiiicnl. Hub soeth, in,-, hciirtnitiiii.' "St. .Incolw Oil" right .-,' J ... . ... ...., 1... H... Hi,,.. II, rt "lelHl.T h Mil. .Ol'l 'J I'" Im k sucli call. If tho secretary fall or re- inoi'o dullness, headache: no i.,.i.ini. sniinilni?. mucous dlscliarg- tlnuo this lor a week, Whllo relief e.s or dryness; no struggling for follows tho llrst dose, il is import-fuso , )1)all COpios thereof, as above breath at night. !t to noutrallzo tho acidity, remove illrovlll(,u tllen either the president, If Tell your druggist you want a small itho gas-maklns mass, start tho liver, )l0 Issuo tl)0 raii( or any ono of the holtlo of Ely's Cream llnlm. Apply 'stimulate tho kidneys nml thus Pvo-jnuimum Who issued tho call, may a llltlo of this fragrant, antiseptic I moto a free How of pure digestive ,,. .ul mall cones of th0 call with cream in your nostrils, lot it pone-j juices. !iu0 elToct as If done by the secretary. unto through every air passage oi jhh .ms, . ., meet ngs ot tne uoard oi -,-..,, --.- . .... i' ltiibhinin-oiil coiiim tne tno u,a,; sooth and heal tho swollen., mailo from tno nciu oi grapes nnu ' 1Ue(.t0ltl two directors shall constl- rliiiiumti.i I'uiii. "' '""'" ',.,', '.. Inlhuned mucous membrane, and re-lunion Julco, comuineu wun iitnia and lu(0 a ,,,., for u,0 transaction of .1 l.lll I IIIIHlI I lll'UIIIILI llll I 'II' ........ -- lij ultimo' - ; ,, , , dl.iippiiliit'iniidiliicsM't burn tie sklu. ' '1 on Villi MIV t,t..j oithi. ..neliesH aim sunn ui'lilii'.' jiiinlH, nmsides iiml liiii"". ' wifttii'ii, luuihaKo. baekiic'ic, "'""' I t.,,1 in, I (,'el a 2"i "'"'Hi ' " ' "l -, , c, ..f il,l lime, honcfl -M. from anv ilrnit st'Uf. '"".' ' you'll b" '"'" '""" l'!l""J Mtnriies.i. u..nt hiiht i tUin nwu II ilef comes Instantly. .sodium puospi.aie. mm uiuiuiess in tt ih lust what every cold and ca-isalls Is used by thousands of peoplo tarrh sufferer need. Don't stay llieel.. iii a li llel'i Bub i ",!.,.., mlunrnhle. .SllltS. (Paid Advertisement) ' King (leorgo's cousins, first tind .second, number close to 300. business. All ineetlntis of the board of direct- for stomach trouble with oxcellent re-1 ... lm ,.,., nt the oHlce of tIle (Paid Advertisement) To Please You Pleases Us IIUSIXKSS, AXII WH'lih ... ...iul' itu HV fJll'IXd US YOIMI ,,M;AS..; YOU HV 8KBV10K AX.) HIO..T .MIIOES. WESTERN TRANSFER CO Phono 1H7. Piano Tuning Reduced Until Juno 1st, only, I will tuue pianos lu Klamath Falls for S3, In stead of ft, uuil satlHtuctlbn guaran toon. Don't. Delay. It. MAD8EX, Leave orders at Klaiuath Falls Music House Stntlsllcs show that, although their families nro small, college women have a higher average of children who reach the ago ot 20 than do more Ig norant mothers with far larger families. asoclatiou. That Section eleven (11) of Article three (3) of sold By-Laws bo amend ed to read ns follews: Section 11. Each member of the board of directors shall rocolvo as compensation seven (7) dollars per day for each day In attendance at the meetings ot the board of directors, ami tho actual exponse Incurred in attendance nt such meetings. Earn member of the board of di rectors shall receive as compensa tion five (5) dollars per day for each day's performance of duties devolv ing upon him by order of the board of directors and the actual expense tho costs thereof to the land or lands f of such owner or owners. Such assessment shall be made by the hoard of directors at any regular meeting ot said board by resolution duly made and entered on tho min utes of said board declaring the neces sity of such assessment, the amount thereof, the description ot the land against which such assessment Is to be levied, and their Intention to assess such amount against tho particular lands described, and tho date of final action thereen: and thereafter at any regular meeting of said board and upon tho date fixed In the foregoing resolution, twenty (20) days notice of such proposed action having been first given to such land owner or owuors, as tho case may be, by mail ing u copy ot the aforesaid resolution by registered mall to his or their last postotllco address, the board of direct ors may levy such assessment against tho land of such land owner or the lands of such laud owners. That the assessment levied as above provided shall bo and is here by declared a lien against and upon the land or lands ot such land owner or owners and upon and against the shares of stock held by them In tbli association, an tho payment of such thereon, at the rate of C per cent per annum from tho 18th day of October, 1012, and for the sum of $100.00 as attorney's fees herein, and for Its costs and disbursements herein. And also for a decree foreclosing tho mortgage described in the com plaint filed herein, to-wlt: Mortgage made by the defendant, James J. Cunningham, which said mortgage is dated the 18th day of September, A. D 1911, upon the fol lowing real property, situated In Klamath county, state of Oregon, to wlt: Upon tho west half of the south west quarter, and the southeast quarter ot tho southwest quarter of1 section four (4), 'and the north east quartor ot the northwest quar ter of section nine (9), In township thirty-eight (38) south, range thirteen (13) E. W, M, That tho .court also decree that any parties to this suit may become a purchaser ot said real property, and that tho sheriff shall place the pur chaser In possession of the property purchased, and that the 'defendants and each of them, and. all persons claiming, or to claim, by, through or under them be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate and lien at law and In equity and all equity of redemption In, to and upon said real property and eyery part thereof, excepting the right of re demption allowed by the statutes ot the Btato of Oregon. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order, of tho above entitled court, made on the 17th day of May, lOin, and the first publication tarr of Is made.ln the Evening Hrald n tno J sin uay oi May, a, u, ii, -. D, V. KUYKENDAlX.f Attttrw for'Platirttt. 18-2E-I.S-16-IM9 "-. .: $ '.41 ,i'3l Va l-" Mm