PACK POUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON .MONDAY, MAY 1S4, ll)ln Important Conference Is Opened in Capital Senator Burkett of Nebraska HlliH United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 24. In the hall of tho Americas of the beautiful Pau American Union build ing, one of the most Important gath erings exer held on this continent opened today. Delegates represent ing practically every nation In the Western Hemisphere met to discuss their financial relations and ways and means of assisting one another while the present European war lasts and after it has come to an end. More than half a hundred of the leading flnauclal men governmental nnd commercial from tho South and Central American countries are ready to take part in the discussions! which beginning today were expect ed to occupy the entire week, If not to continue into next. Tho United States Is host. Con gress In authorizing Secretary Mc Adoo to carry out his Idea, voted $50,000 expense money and a large part of this will be used In enter tainment of the foreign guests, part of tho program being a trip to cer tain Important financial centers. The guests include also a large number of representative bankers of the United States, but they will defray their own expenses for the most part. The list of foreign delegates fol fel fol eows: Argentina Samuel Hale Pearson, distinguished banker; Richard C. Aldao, former minister of finance for the province of Buenos Aires; V. V. Vlllamil and John Zimmerman, busi ness men. Uruguay Pedro Coslo, minister of finance; Dr. Gabriel Terra, former minister of industries. Peru Asaac Alteamoru, former vice-president; Kduardo Higginson, consuIaT-general at New York. Colombia Santiago Ferez Trian na, former minister to Great Britain; Roberto Anclzar, secretary Washing ton legation. Salvador Alfonso Qulnones, for mer president; Jose Suay, former minister of finance; Robert Agullar, prominent banker. Nicaragua Pedro Rafael Cuadra, former minister of finance; Freder ick Albert Straus, banker. Panama Aristldes Arjona, secre- Houston's Metropolitan Amusements HOUSTON'S u"'PERA HOUSE tary of finance and treasury; Ra mon P. Acovedo, manager National Bank of Panama; ltamon Arlns, Jr., vlce-pesldent Bank of Canal Zone. Costa Rica Mariano Guardia, mlnlstor of finance; John M. Keith, banker. Honduras Gen. Leopoldo Gor dova, minister of hacienda nnd pub lic credit; D. Fortln, lending mer chant; Dr. Alejandro S. LaTa, of the Bunk of Honduras at Tegucigalpa. Brazil Dr. Amaro Cavalcantl, former Supreme Court Judge. Bolivia lgnncto Calderon. min ister to the United States; Adolto Balallvian , consular-general at Now York. Dominlclan Republic Francisco J. Peynado, former minister to the United States; Dr. Enrique Jlmlnex, minister to the United States. Chile Luis Izquierdo, former min ister of foreign affairs, Luis Aldunato former governor Province of C111I; Gonzale Vergara, prominent attor ney. A thorough and comprehenisve dis cussion of existing financial condi tion of all the countries represented Is anticipated. Time will bo taken to deliberate on all the phrases of the financial and commercial needs and problems of the American re public. Suggestions probably will bo adopted for tho common advance ment and closer relationship of the republics. The head of the Argentina delega tlon Is a prominent figure of the meeting. Samuel Hale Pearson Is one or the best known bankers In the world. He is a grandson of Samuel B. Halo of Boston, who founded the National Bank of Argentina in 1883. The capital of the banks and busi ness corporations with which Mr. Huh- Is connected aggregates $700, ftOO.OOO, it Is said. Salvador's delegation not only In clude that country's vice-president, but a former president as well. One outcome of tho conference is expected to bo a better understand ing on the part of American finan ciers of tho methods and conditions of business in the Latin countries, particularly of the credit system in practice which differ materially from our own. lj Pu&ft ' xjih HUflin scon IS California Officials Say H nimun Lni i A. 1 1, j u; oL llldl LUYV 11U 1115 DCSl iokt kla.math team is ii:. ' ihatcd iy a i to score. 1 mirnv SHIM'S AS A HEAL ! SLA II ARTIST (Contluuml from page 1) Kimii'isio (ii locate moilllng Atlglltl h t nppout writ of habeas (in hum. ul,i,.i, ..... .. (sued by tlm linn .ImlKn t'' Anglln l-'ildiiy , Judge f tlm superior nmrt of Hu r,y In lly a score uf 10 to , tin Kliiiun '.muMi.r (ii (ho ftigltlu warrant, hut ., 'ho railed to tin ho. The "diemlug" ... i i, i.. ..i. County lllKll .School baseball leiilil 'imil. 4.illtlila.'s ItUlllO lit iclll.ll AllKlllfS lllOtlUT nun iiih in i.. n..ti.,.. liiili.. niiniitihellll .1 I' ...i nil lie) H J " " " i tho roil . . ...... i .I...M.. ...... 1 1. 1 ii i. S Mom I IIIIMI lis lie. iii.-.nj ' " slab wink. Noel 'n Ivlmunth h io ci'lviT, mid the 1i t buttery wmi .Me Koowr and 'umbntni. This wasi (ho high school's tidal .giuuo. The) hiivo played Iho gmueH, mid lost hut mm this season. Ono feature of (lie season w.ih (ho dovol- 'opiiieut of u good shibster In Hilton. I Ho has steadily tuiproeill mid has boon a vnluahlo ma a for tho loam , u . ,. " r inn Hilling in nun i mutism, mi 0 J SHIi tiny of May, mul on t. fnow. ll)K dll) I ho Hill. I IMlt , iW1 fin (ho ii-nmiii (hui n wiiriaiit churn. IIIK llllll with linllii; it fiii:lM, friJ Justice was IhhiimI Ii Mm, (,.. ,. nal. titiio - i j ---tti mi limit tho piluouer lu'foio tho JiiiIko ill ion n IioiiiI In I lio Htiin r "fi.ono jWHII'll IIH pill ll l) irilt.r ,, miIuii-i""" 'linrlim Hilirliliir nml tin n,K .linlgi'w"" "''' w- -""I' Uliil on lint 2 I ilny of Miiy, I'.iir. u .ipp,,r, ,lat llm utilil lliiuy I:. Aiu-hii ,.,H ini.,i III" hull nnd linn ilcil in ,.,,iK l(. i:nmu. , ii , il 'W lll'HI I ll'l'll II" '"' ' I ...... ... .,,,1, imiho iinmi) fiom Knit Klnnmth. I' I" ""(11, HH ,HUli ,.) Hktil u ftiutlii-J fMiliol litfi". Tin. hiiiii.. ,1 ,j t,n M.venth Inning tho score ns s ",,.,, lmil :l, t,y oul.l try l: Hurry IJ. AiikIIii wh niow,., , nnd then Hllitmoused p ii hit In hw ..,,,,,,,,,, ln,,j,,,Kl, ,,(!,,,, l(llll ,, Htlm . . t'lioto it by liarrU Kwliu. SENATOR UUKKETT Is one of the gienl "juuiig" men of (lie im tlou. He has been a member of tin ".tiitt IokNUiIiiu. ni elwliil (o (he house of representative! ni Vii.hliitnu four limes ami bus -served six yeari as I'lilted Stiitoi ".oimtnr He Ii:ih HIIkI mativ nolnlilt' Chantniniun" eiicnvciiienti uud I, now u-minled at the foreuioM li.-liirir iiiiieni: Aiiieilcmi oraloix. Ill- iviutui: Kvtiire ul (he Iim'iiI ('hiiilliiiniiitt ""I he one of llm Brent trout", uf the week KLAMATH SEES ! VOLCANO WORK .MANY UK'AI. I'l'OI'l.i: SAW (H. I'MX (K SMOKi: SATrilHAY AiTi:it.oo.v, am (yiiiKits m: port mehi: I.ATI: yi:sti:riay bcaJNewsHappenii Hi ii'i'lncK (IiIh tiinritliiK Tho following lettor (ill II) given Sh.'lllT Low h) OpiielllH'llll To Whom It May Concern This Is to coHlty Hint I, an police Judge of the city and county of Han Kiaiiclsio, allowed Hurry Anglln in mi iinoii bond In tho hiiiii of $1,000 'on tho H Hi da) of May, HM"'. mul that the tmld cimo wnn culled foi dial ion tho '.Mm day nf Mny. lUlfi, nnd (hat tho siild Hniiy K. Augllli failed to answer his naiiio. Tin. ciiho wiih then contlnuiil to th IMth day of Mny nl 10 o'clocU n m . at which tlnii. If tho Hiild Harry K. Atigllu dooM not uppeiir, I will, iilileiiH good mid KiilUcleni renmin In hIiowii. decline, tho blind foi felted. I doslni to nay that V. (' liw. Wo deiilio (o niiv Hint II..- I.....I, .., Klmiiiith county dlil nil m i.u ,nPr In lirliig the said lltu r r imiii, I'lliU o Khimnth I'nlU fur innl on III" Hlllil I'lmrgo. hut mis I. In, I,,, ,j tho nforesnld writ of linlioim .nrpin, I'lid when Mr AiikIIii i, n'liiwi.J cn upon lmil Wo nro Hoiiiiiwluit iimler tin. m. pn'HSlon Hint tho Hiiiii Km ry I.' Aiir. tin Iiiim either Iom IiIh iiiIii.I ur, an xt hiothcr sii)n, hi In tin 1. 1. It, mi nf ii,,,, nut wo win Ho nil in mr pn.r to loi-nto him mul l.rliii: tiim in irlul sheriff of Klnmntli county. Oregon.' did till In his power to bring back Amelia llarr. tin "('imm.I Ol.l u..,,.. IIIH till Ill Ills 'iei ' .'i...r. .-'. tin H.ild Harry H Anglln to Oregon of tho lllernry world ulmUnow for tr SR yonrH nf ngo mid Im., ilfiiM.ii dill Thoiupson k Siniiford. Anglln's ul-f . ' "Tiling In r Ut -nfnth loiu.)s' nlsn giivo Low IliU letter. " without sollcltiitlou. In and about Tbrni Sutiirdn)'K loleiit eruption of M( Lnsioti, when a mixture of mud, ..... tviinni it Mar Concern iaslies mid lava four limes the nliiiue . .... i . -,,, tlfy that o, tho mi- of the hot mud How of the d.iy be- (IthIsii"I . reprMiiled Hurry K. Aug fore poured into lint Creek Ynlloy, )u UM nitomeys lit lefereiiro to his was Known to lonil people ii) uio ,.xirmi, ,. (roin the slnto or lull- .New Man in Rank. Lelnnd Haines, who has been a student at the University of Oregon, has forsaken tho college for a finan cial career. Today he began work in the First National bank. Daughter U Horn. A daughter was born t III, morning to Mrs. William Herbert Ayies. Mr. Ay res was formerly a linotype oper ator here, but is now in Los Augetes. Mrs. Ayres Is visiting her mother I hero. Moving Pictures Attending Coiuinoniitteiit. Dave Lennox of tho Shasta Is in Hobeburg attending the commence-! raent exercises at Roseburg high, school. His daughter graduates this year. i Down lioni tho Suuuip. Mr. mid Mrs. Ceno Chllders wore In the city the last of tho week from their cattle ranch near tho big marsh. Ceno snys town isn't so far away now since the new car works so well. STAR THEATER 'The Serpent Sign," First Episode of the New "Ex ploits of Elaine," in Two Parts. "IfeartH and Diamond)," Vitagraph Comedy, Featuring the Late John Bunny, In Two Parts. "Rory O'More," Kalem Drama TUESDAY RIG COMEDY BILL "Mr. Dingle's Melodruiuu," Vitagraph Comedy in Three Parts EU," Vitagraph Comedy "The Open Drawbridge," "Hazards of Helen" Series Added Attraction PEERLESS ORCHESTRA In Concert Program Matinees Every Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 TEMPLE THEATER ".Mr. Ciii-lson of Ariiouu" Two Keel Lubln Drama "Tho Luuy of Hhulotte" Vitagraph Comedy "Tlio Miner's Legacy" Rlograph Drama AdmlMilou A1mh)h l(k MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 ALL LICENSED PICTURES MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Mtrrtll, Or. MOTION PICTURES TUKHOAV AND SATURDAYS "The Serpent Sign," the first epi sode of the "New Exploits of Elaine," will be presented at the Star theater today. A new character will be In troduced in today's episode. Edwin Arden, a well known favorite of the legitimate stage, will take the place of the Clutching Hand. In the future It will be a battle of wits be tween Kennedy and Woo Fang, the ipart that will be taken by Edwin I Arden. ! There is another rattling good ) feature on today's bill, In which the I late John Bunny is the star. "Hearts and Diamonds" is tho title of the I piece, which is a superior comedy of fering in two parts. The picture is I a baseball story in which Bunny is said to be a scream. In a baseball uniform. "Rory O'More," a one part Kalem drama, completes today's pro gram. The Star announces a big comedy bill for Tuesday and Wednesday. The feature of tho program is the three part Vitagraph comedy, "Mr. I Blngles' Melodrama." One of the 'Hazards of Helen" series and i another reel of comedy will be pre sented In addition to "Mr. Blngles' Melodrama." The Peerless orchestra has ar ranged an excellent concert program for Tuesday night. To lend variety to the regular pro gram the Orpheus tonight presents ; "Murder Will Out," a la-ughable one act farce with u local cast. In uddl- lion, "Checkers," adapted from Hen ry Blossom's great play, will be shown. This offering is in five parts, und cannot fall to please. I'ndergooH Operation. Dr. Hamilton, assisted by Dr. Hunt, ! yesterday performed an operation for ! ectopic gestation on Mrs. L. P. Mont-( eoinerv nt Blackburn hospital. Al though the operation was .i most critical one, the patient Is reported today as doing nicely. Ashland Likes Hie McU. Hnrry Telford returned yesterday from Ashland, where he wns success ful in selling six Metz automobiles. The cars will be delivered In June hlglK of the dense Blitoko cloud .is (eliding from tho mountain. Many In town mid around Midland wl( uesseil (his Into In the nfteinoon. Fled II Mills, Joo HowiiiiI, Alex Da. Is and Dad Tabor, who returned yesterday from a trip to l.nkevlow, Alttiras and Siisanvllle, say they plainly saw tho eruption. They also report much white sand or ashes srnlteied along the loud. forulii to tho iituto of Oregon on tin charge of hlgmny. tho facts helm: m follows That on or iihniil I In I .Mil day or May, I'Jir., r; warrmil was procured from tin. authorities in Klmnalh Calls, charging tin said Harry H. Anglln with tho irliuo of bigamy, nnd. as It was ropiosentcd to us Hint said Harry H. Anglln was sued for u dlvorio by his llrst wife some five Other people report seeing hiiioUo lyears ago In tin city of Oakland. und II in last night. Herald want nils get results. To the People of Klamath County and Tourist Spink's Camp on Spring Creek N now open to the public for fishing mid iniupliig for the M-nwm 11)1.", on Spring Crock and Williamson River. The recent agitation regarding fUliing In the Indian country " exclusion of whites doc not affect my right, mid the right to lixli in Spring Creek. I own ono-luill mile creek frontage along tills stream, which extends on both sides or thu stream. To nil I extend the Invitation to come to Spring Creek mid enjoy the finest trout fishing to Im. found in Klnnmtli. RATES, ij.2.00 PER HAY. Automobile metN all trains nt ('lilloiiiln. Itonls mid Middle liorws for hire. SCREEN EXPERT HERE FOR WORK SAVDRY WILL INSPECT l-'IMII SCREENS ALL OYER THE COLW. (county of Almucdii. state of Cnllfor- i nit, and a copy of said complaint wns 'served upon him .and I hereafter ho i moved to Klnnmtli Kail, statu nf 'Oregon, and married his present wife i under tho Impression that u decree ol Idlvoico had been granted In favor of his llrst wife In the county of Ala meda, state of California. After hearing the facts, mid hulug employed by Mr Angltn'H brother, wo Immediately proceeded to got it Itmikiiiph) Si.iin. (No 3 nasi In the District Court ( iu I iilte.l Htntes, for tin Dintiii i nf Oregon in tho Matter of the 1. 1 n pit nf (.eoigu A Hell. I'o (ho Creditors of (imrge A Hell Bankrupt, Kliuiuul. I'mnm III. tilct of Oiegon Notice Is lieiehy gm-ii tint im tlu. J'Jllil dll) of Mny, I'll ,. lit urge A Hell was adjudged a lmnkriiit, nml tlijit (ho hist lileellm; of hi ir ml It or will ho held nt my nllhe in Hie Firm N'allouil Hnnli building ni Khmntli I'lills, Otogon. on tin. i'tii ilny nf June, ut ' p. in. At (his (lino creilitors inn i.tuml. examine tlio bankrupt, pre.,,, (heir claims, appoint a titiHtie ileciile uoii (he miIi of stock of tin li.tiikriipt, nml Irmisail Htirli other ImihIihh an m.i) pioperl)' I'Ollle before the met ( III K. .1. C Itl TI..S'I I'efeno III llmil.riiiM fin Klani ).th County It I'ortitgiil will liiipoii .Ifi7 htishnlK of wheat this year i TV, AND INSTALL NEW ONES WHERE NEEDED Sam L. Sundry, llsfi screen expert or the state fish and game commis sion, Is here to look over tlm IIhIi I screens on the various wnterwii)s In Klamath county, ami to make or recommend changes wherever they are needed. Sundry will design u number of! special screens If they are needed He. ! will also superintend their lustiilla-'tlon. 1 AiHertiscd List "Murder Will Out," One act farce comedy with local talent. "Cleckern,M From Henry Blossom's Book, In Five parts. Adwiiwlon 10c SEVERAL THINGS There are several things to be considered in select ing your bank. 1st Strength financial strength. 2nd The care with which the bank is managed. 3rd The courtesy and spirit of accomodation dis played by the officers and employes. 4th The banking experience of its officers. 5th The ability of the bank to properly and promptly handle all your business. To those wishing desirable banking relations, we offer our services as an old established, permanent, conservative and accomodating bank, promising courteous treatment and careful attention to all business entrusted to our care. The First National Bank r of Klamath Falls I Thu following unclaimed mall matter advertised on the 22l ilny of May, liUfi, will he sunt to the dead , letter olllco ut Washington, D ('., on tin Mil day of .lime, lOlfi, Allen Anderson, Awogtoyo Majatz, ! Allnnere, Jim, 1 Churchill, Mrs. L. Dn Vail, Melvlra, Hansen, Myrtle, 1 Hailstone, Peter, Kuudson Lumber Co., Mardls, M. M Spelndlor, Ooorge, Kuzu, Antone, (package) , Hchuler, (leorge, I Hmith, Jasper, i Turpln, W. Il ' Thurston, Mm., i Thnrson, L. M., Walker, J, C, A charge or one cent will he iiiade on all lettoiB delivered from Oils list. 'In calling for loiters plouao nay "ad vertised." W. A. DELS5HLL, P.M. 1 IE- ' XkVrNk I The municipal mitliorltles in (lias gow, Hrotlnnd, tiro now training women to bo machinists owing (n the Hhorttvgo In these mechanics dun to tho wnr. Mrs. Helen Oould flhoppard has ii n Income of over a million a year. "Breakfast's Ready I HOT IT IN A Jll'l .My .MONARCH" No won-) no fiotllng ii" ( Oien fmly for linking in llflecii uilmites nflor tin I. Ilglitcd. Ileal Is llto hiiiim In 1'iri) oinei- of the iuoii. Tlio Minimi Ii Duplex llmfl mid Hot lllust rirehox iissiui Hdi even lenipeintliie. Illsiiills mid In end not liiirni-d In one phueimd iiiiiIomIoiio in miolhei-us In an ' illiimy rmigo or conk stow. Il"k' lug limit. "Just io a Him" wl"' lllllo oirnil ill HHIo tiisl wlHi the iiKsnrmiio thill II W "' e out" Just as you "Mi H. '''' IKinlnl.lo i-migo Is ii mil phaim' it coniforl ii I'lldo. Such inimo Is tho MONARCH We nn l io go on record as ivjALLEABLE RANGE hourly endorsers of Hie Monarcli, Wo feel Hint wo urn Just Hied In is-ionmieiidiuK II, us those who list) II express iIiciiincIwh iin being greatly ph-nseil nml perfeilly sul. InIIiiI. Wo "ant to show )ou tlio Mon inch, Wo wmil to fnnilllnil.o you with all lis i'oiiwiiIiiicin nnd Im pioiouieiilN, Aside fiom being u spleiiilldly built rmigo, It Im eiUlp pod with uiniiy nhcIiiI featlil-es which eiiilem- it o Hie economical mid cllli'lciu lioiisowlfe. BHV j CALL AND HUE IT Roberts & Hanks