KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Eh itutfnmg iteratfi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Xlnlli Venr No. H.MH and KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 24, 1915 Price, Fire Onto Italy DECLARATION MADE SUNDAY AND CROWDS RUSH TO ENLIST Austria Fighting Today ADRIATIC SCENE OF THE FIRST BATTLE OF WAR I AXOMX, AS KXl'IXTICl), FAILS TO .AI'I'UAK AT I'OI.ICi: COl'IlT TODAY 1 til ti-il 1'iess Service. SAN FRANCISCO, Mii 21 Harry R, Anglln, wanted in Klamuth FdIIh (in u blgani) charge, iincl out 611 bond to ap- . peat before Judge Openhelm- ! iikhmaw c.i.i.i:i vox 111:1 I.ON ! iiemi: ritoM itoMi:, ami I s.vvh ;o! itvi: to ITM.IAX MIVIHTUH Triiii li''l falls I'll) 11 Viilluie, vilid Only 1 1) lln Hope or til ililliuuil SMdls I'nmi Wnr Tiukf) Slid 10 lime Issued I'lis-piuK li llnlliiii Ministers. Illllul I'leiH .Senile IIOMI Mil)' 1M.--I.IIM IllKllI ltl nirUisll) declared war against Aiih trla, tin order becoming effective to by II iron Mncehln, tho Austrian amb.'iNHiiiliir was handed Ills prompoi u ami tin. Italian umlmiwiilor at Vlentwi uas recalled Tml.i) tlii' government IhhiiciI a tie 1 too forbidding civil and icIlgloiiH lutullt gatherings It a I id HUppieHNcd I In' '.irci-lrt pimt, i.tid begun the ten rnrslilp of all "mil and tolegiaph roQiiniitili at lniirt. It li announced that (ieneral t'a ilornn, ililef or HlafT of tlie llall.in , arm) Ih 011 route to tin; Austrian Irntitlrr to lake command of nethl tic Ceueral funds t'l.ueui Ik im-c mill In loaiiunud. 'I In- proclamation Issued b) King Kmanucl ciiIIk Upon llio citizens to rally to Hie defense of the nation, and in malm whatever sncrllWoit am n' icuwry foi the success of the tain I'f.lKII All night and all day loday, cinwds of joutlis fought In front of the re cruiting stations for a ihanco to en-1 list. It Is considered certain that Inu tilities mi the frontier will boKiu In II er short time, anil all are anxious to k in tlm front. It Ih rumored here that the Italian amli.'iHmulor at Constantinople ban been li.iuded IiIh piiHspntts, Iilr!" XlY lAlftflBslF I n . M BSBBBBBBBBBBbY. BflF 4 aF 'PPPPPPPff W WkW 1 V &' KdfcV. Jl K3X . . . . 1 1 nA. iv 11 icAiscre. i mimm i i VAILHELM LP i Hk V W.'i-Bt' r thl.s merniut: on a fugitive warrant lieailtiK, failed in ap pear. Ah a losult the bail was iletlared forfeited. New warrints weie insaeil for AdkIIii'h arrest, and everythiiiK possible Ih to bo done to bilng about his arrest and return to Klamath for trial. Angllu'H brother and hit) at loinejH dedare tliej do mil know the whereabouts of the defendant ANGLIN IS SUED FOR A 'DIVORCE i.ocvi, (iiiti. who vi:in)i:i) .i. i,i:ci:i itKiAMiHT iv o'i:.M m:it, ASKS FOK A.xri,Mi:.T AMI HICK MAIKKX VAMIC '.d. iKa;i fr." EMPErtort- FrtANZ Joseph Thioimh W. II A. ltenner, Nina 1 May Anglln lis'broucht action in the! circuit court for divorce from Harry AukIIii, who Is wanted here on a biR amy charge. She asks for an annul ment of the marriage, and the re sioi.itlon of her maiden name, Nina .May N'oel. .Mrs. Auglin states that April 25, she learned that Anglln was married at Oakland in 1004 to Colia Kearney, and had not dhoiccd lior. On that da, the plaintiff sas she iefu.sed to live longer Willi Anglln tl : : Wm fa 'VrlZt-?' '"jCjB e mmstmr&Mfm ' EKBEMtoitf$mimlMm 1 WW 1 sp.y 1 -"- I tilled 1'reas Serrlce KOMI:, .May at. An' ciitoiinler lietuet-ii the Italian licet under UK" Duke ir.Xbiul, 1 miimnniler of Italy's nmy, and nn Austrian fleet in the Adriatic Sea today was the real opening of hostilities. Tun ISiitlsh vessels co-operauM with the Italians, and three small A usl 1 inn iKiats ait' icportod sunk. The Italian licet, cruising northward in the Adriatic yesterday cn- ouiileieil the Austrlaas before war was del hired. Ijich fleet saluted the it her. W'oiil uiis ieceicd l the Italians that the Aastiiaii licet left Pola piepai'il to bombard the Italian toast as soon as war was declared. The Italians Inn lied noithunrd to intercept. l-'ollowint; the meeting AbruzzIYi licet followed the other for several boms, but dining the night the Anstilans slipped away. The Britishers joined in the heart h at da) break. Immediately after the Austrian began the bombardment of Ancona. 'the allies cnroiintered the enemy and the buttle started. Tlie Austrian lleet, vastly weaker, lied eastward, and there was a 1 nulling battle lasting several hours. 11 led Press Service KOMI-:, May 24. The bombardment of Ancona and several other towns on the Adriatic was made eaily today by a fleet of Austrian destroy (is and torpedo boats. The fleet attempted 10 destroy the railroad between Ancona and Villi Cosinl, hut the damage is reported as very slight. Some Austrian aeroplanes dropped bombs on the arsenal at Venice ami on the hangars at .Icsl. They weie driven off before the damage was wry great. Oflicials do not believe there will he a bind clash for' several days. The.Austrians have vtlthdraun several uUles-licbindtrenchCjajlLef- I (iiiiglcnrcntK, awaiting Italian attacks. They have dynamited many bridges, cutting off communication with Italy. Duke d'Abruzzi, Italian muni torn maiidei', whose fleet hns nlieady in dulged in hostilities. MERRILL HIGH KING VICTOR. EMMANUGC ihese lliice rulcis, who loimer now loin apait, Hal) being aligned a lug b) Austiia. y Tl. 1) iiuisiiliili'il the Tilple .Villain e, arc gaiusi Austiia, and tiermany is stand- N MEETING SCHOOL VICTOR L'nited I'ress Service LONDON, .May 24. Berlin's official statement claims that the allies hae been defeatiil in attempts to break through the German line between Xeue Cbappelle and Loretto sugar mills. Heavy loss is reported. 1'ioni Paris it is announced that a German detachment was slough icieil in an attempt to take the British positions between Vpres and Steen slrnnte. The Germans used gas bombs against this position ,aud the British, after feigning suffocation, poured a withering fire into the Germans at close range. The Russians, repulsed north of Prvemysl, have started a fresh Al tai k in the south. unn TfliiiPUT n,tu,MAi1 hcH001' ' HtLU lUlllbnl AH. DIClKATin.XG, "Wiht Gis'isl" Austria lliilteil I'ri'Hs Service Vin.N'XA, May 24. Today l"m I'ernr I'raiu-.loHef In iv proclamation, ilechired Italy'H declaration "The Kri'iuest act of purlhly the woild hns fM'r Known " Ho nald he wanted Italy to hn held ni as "a vulture, hovering ocr tlie wttlclleld and inHplred by Hheei (treed " "I Kiluio my battle-tried troopH," Nliid he. "rills tieiicbeious enemy to the tuulh Is no new enemy lo win " tieimauy llaiks All) l'nited I'li'MS Senile llllll,IX, Mil) 21 -it In auuouni en toda) Hun a 'Slale of war elsts In 1 ceil tleimau) anil ltul I'llncn von lluelow. tiui 111:111 nni baasador In Ilomo, has been ordeied boiuc, and fiom the Held K'iler Wll- lieliu loday telegiaplied faiewell to 1 lie Italian ambassador lime. Anll-llalliiu feeling is strong heie l.MTIAI, lti:ili:.lSAI. 11V ML'SI- fiAXS to hi: 111:1.11 at imvii.. LIOX AIjIi MUSICIAN'S ASKKI) TO ATTEX1) ' liAVlUtS AMK AT MODOC I'AHK D1AMOXD SAT- i'kuav. scoki:, ti t - ITnited Press Service BKltl.IX, May 24. ltiicbiucst dispatches icpoit the Itussian warsldp Miuteleimoii sunk in the Black Sea with a loss of 1,400 lives. Tho rec oiils do not show such a boat, hut the vessel Is believed here to be the I'liiK'Uam. .'lilted I'less SeiVlio Dclajs the tiame. WASHINflTOX. Mny 2 1. Itnb's eutiame Into lite war will delay the . ... i........i, tt ill., siilimnrlne action r irou-rs- between (lermuny and ,th Palis Military band will bo held tlie I'nlled Slates. An enily teply to The llrst lelieaisal for tho Klam- California Officials Say That Low Did His Best l lie A hum leu 11 now unto Is not expected this oNcnlng at tho Pavlllton. The leheamil starts at .s o'clock, and all 1 less and chalked By a seoie of 14 to 12, the Meirlll i.ii. niiAAi tn'im rlnfontpd the Klam- uibu v... ,,,1101110 of Mrs. Geo. Hum. ath Kails gi annual- school team in u' .. . .. ti. .. 'I'l.le game at Jtottoc para oiumuu). is the second gamo the teams have plajed and tho Metrlllltes won both times. Merrill held the schoul kids scoie- up eight runs by I'jtlilan Club. ho supposed it was his father's. Upon Tho Pythian Club will meet to- tho arrival of Moore and the new car monow afternoon at 2:30 at the yesterday tho )oung man was sur prised to learn that tne car wag a gift to him from his dad. Gets Xew Hup. When John M. Moore of the First National bank went to Redding and Eureka Springs, Ark., has a woman butcher who prepares calves and pigs drove .1 new 1015 Hupmoblle here, 'for market. half of Klieiirf C. C. Low returned Hntttr 'I'ly night from San Francisco and Haciamento, mui although ho Ih tho I'titt for much good-natured "Mil 'ling" U'gardlng not bringing Harry Anglln back, ho Ih niudo to fool that Klniunth Falls renllzeu ho was powor 'Jh in stop any legal movomentH In California tending to turn tho prls ""or Iooho. When how lonclied 81m FranclHco, afler Anglln hud wired ho would 'alvi. extradition, hu wub Infoimed "tut Auglin wiih getting mil 11 list turns 'nriniH writ, ami would not rnltirn '"Tii without extradition. Tho hiuuo '. Anglln's brother talked with '"w, anil snld tho prisoner would '"turn to Klamath FiiIIb without making ft nght, providing Sheriff '0v would tnko him from Jail and llow him a few davg (n Snn pran. cco to straighten up offMri, during which time ho twin not lo bo Ite.ited as n primmer, Afler thinking this over, Sheriff Low decided llio tinmen would ho too gieat for escape, m It" leliihei:, and Hvnl word ho would stint homo Mon day night In return, ho wh Inform ed thai IihIkmh foipiiH proteedlngs hud been Htnrted. Tneadtiy, this writ wiih presented and denied, and tho Hiimti day. Sheilff Mw went to Sucrn mt'iilo In aiiHwer In a telegram Hint ing the extradition mporn with tliere Low wiih informed that Anglln waH to appear llio following forenoon. Tlie healing wiih then nt for 2 o'clock in the aflornoon, and then until Thursday afternoon. At that tlmo a Sacramento attorney appealed for Anglln, and stated thnt tho prls onor was out on ball. Immodlatoly I-ow went to Snn BLY RESIDENT IS BADLY HURT OUT TO MERRILL FOR EIRST TIME W. W. KIM.ICV IS STKl'CK BY I'AI.I.IXG TIlKi: AX1 I.KG AXI AKM AKi: l'ltACTUIli:i HU IS TAKUN TO LAKUVIKW V. V Fluley, u well known Illy pioneer, Is In tho hospital at hake view. Buffeting from a fractured leg, a fiactuied aim. a dislocated ahoul .),,, mui siiinu minor injuries, as a ii,iiUlnlfi,,u mix mibml In nltenil. unit tlin sitll 1 1111 1 UK. Ill tuetr bring their Instruments. the sixth, hnweer. the locals scoied Robe, I A. Mitchell will have "K unb and chased In two more In charge of the .ehearsals until the tho son enth, evening up the score band secu.es Its new director. Pour mote runs we.e eighth by Klamath, but tho Merrlll- Ites landed on Peitorstelnor's delivery in tho ninth, after ho had hold them M-oieless for four Innings, ami tallied up six runs. Motschenbaeher pitched tho llrst four Innings for the grammar kids. Ken caught the whole game. War Prisoners Sigh tor an End to Fight By CAKli W. ACKKKMAX ll'ntted Press Staff Correspondent) THOUGH ICIGHT VICAHS A KICSI IMCXT OF TIIU COUXTHY, BOX AUT SAW MUltRIIili VAI.I.F.Y l-'lltST OX SATUUDAY Although for eight years ho has resided in Klamath Falls, and hns Attorney Shaw Is 111. William H. Shaw, world of spott. When I was there to day they had uot heard of Johnson's defeat, and those who beard it could not wait to pass the good news around. "Do you think the war Is going to- ' DONUER1TZ PRISON CAMP, Ger a well known I many. May 3, (By mail to New local young attornoy, is confined to York) Germany has S.000 English,' his bed by an attack of kidney trou-' Russluu, French and Belgian soldiers ond tu,s fal,? ThufB what wo hear," ble, which, whllo not critical, is sen-, imprisoned nero now. Aim tne to The BpenKer waa Meyor John Vogo, ous. Shaw has been ailing tot the quest ions 1 was asked by tho 1 21, a strong, brlght-oyed English ma past few months, and hud about com- with whom I talked as I roamed overrn'e one 0f tno thousand captured pleted arrangements to try a cuiiutse tnis groat camp grounu louay were;i,iear Antwerp early In tho war. of location. I.. W. C. T. U. wnen win tne war enuf ana -wnsi Hn ..,,, ,ln voilmteerad tuat after 1 Jack Johnson whipped at Havana?" ho hnd wrlttou h8 aunt) Mra 8, H. The ond of the war, wiucn means ,Lcvy of nostoU) tnat he wag COmtng Tho W. C. T. U. will meet In regu-J freedom for them, and events in thotero for ft Y,glt Voso was one of In ibe ... ...... 1 .iii n result of being struck by a railing been in uumness ucie VnKWUu, .... ... ...... , .. .1... ili niinilnu nminrl iii'nnrl- ,r,e last WW, tils con.i.uon is ...... , . ,.,'',,, hl- ,. HeBa0u tomorrow afternoon at thelfleld of sports are the only two things, tho mos, trUBted nr,sonors H,od "uwn"iw,,1,',,ii ,.,, al ' vst ,0 tll0 Mprrm valley Sat-lhomo of Mrs. Rose Harpold. Seventh 'that Interest theo prisoners now. Cftmp ftn accompanled UB when MorrUhmnho' ZZZ? 1Z tn Illy In thrco hours, wuon no rusn- .muuwj w., . - . " " ... - .. . i. -.. lt...fr la InlAfAatarl cd to tho he.UI.lo or nw BtncKen ":";--, . n mvr ai.7E. nlled due.rw. of tho war. They want It to ho fatlior. (Continued on pI ) ArkHiiBas now has a wonen'a mini mum wage law. vvonlen la Sued. ' are no longer interested In the prog- ,. 1 .n.lliua In anv llilll fl linn. 11 IB 1111."" " w ." -- , , , , . . .i, !. u m ,., hnmn art wns greatly Impressed by tho, on account, nas oeen sianeu s"'- -" - "-' " "- I trip ami as a result, ho Is a bigger W. 8. Worden by the Wlllis-hn-l In their lighter raoodB they want I .1'?: '..." -. Zl": m..fh. .stone comnany. .to know what Is happening In the . UUUB.if llin w,v, --.- . I stone company, wo visited a room where English and Russian artists were at work. Nearly all tho officers I met were bound to America, by many ties. My guide from the Qerman general5' (Continued on pete I) 1 teffi. V". Mi ' "TrV . 5t.SS" A ,M- foci