w? Sp A ' 41 H"" 1 KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR Xlnty Viwr No. U.087 mush moors KILLED BEFORE THEY REACH WAR COLLISION AND EXPLOSION' KILLH MANY tttfpcslttl Truop Train Collide Willi Two I'anscitgrr Train, mimI the Ito ullnnt Fir Ck'iimK'n nl lruit l-'lf-irU'lillo Villager Am Fighting Flaw, Ammunition Explode, nml IHnili Mm U Enlarged. I'liltnl I'ixmI HiTVltv OAltLIHI.E, KiiRlaml, Mny 22.--A poclnl troop (rnln cullliIcO with two paot)Kor trains at (Jrutnu today, and from thin Mid subsequent cu-ntti the iIoaIIi llt IH probably roach nt least it hundred. Tim troop train collided wit li om eiprcHu, nml before thu signals could b set another express plowed Into lbs wreckage. A bollor cxplodud, and the mass caught (Ire. Clone to seventy soldiers wero rruilied ond cremated. Nearly nit many civilians woro killed, iv total of nevonty-olglit bodies bcliiK rescued tnls afternoon. Wlillo passengers and soldiers es caping Injury worked with villagers' to rescue otberi, the ammunition sup ply car on tho troop train caught fire, tind exploded. This tamed a number of deaths and Injuries, tho exact ox tent being unknown at thla time. From tho collision alone tboro tr more than three hundred poo-, pie taken to tho hospitals suffering from Injuries. EXTRA SESSION TALK IS HEARD 'OMlltKKH SHOULD TAKK HTKI'S TO TAKi: CAHi: OF TIIK "FllKK TAHIIT" DKI-'iriT, HAYS SKX ITOH I.KWI8 I'nltid Press Service WABIIINHTON, 1). 0. May Keiudor J, Hamilton IowU today urged an extra session of congreHH to begin October 1. Ho thinks this Is necessary to provide for half u bil lion dollar bond issiio to pay oft the treasury deficit nnd to establish n "lulling fund against futuro deficits, ii.i nion .ii. ,.. i.,,.... i.niu luaumi -..- .,.... pvi nn ki ..- M..o ,...w-.. for strengthening tno coast forts and building a highway ncross tho contl- nent. Many New Become This Is thu date on which tho ma jority of tho now Inws and nmond wontH passed by tho last legislature ko Into offoct. Thoro are approxi mately 2 tin of these. In addition to Hie Iuwh currying omorgoncy clnuscH, which wero oporatlvo on being signed ly l liu (lovernor. Most of tho latter proilded appropriations for stnto In-1 stltutlotiH. Several of tho most Important uii.iiu,.. . .- -l ....,n " ll, UI. kltnU UllVVfc M.... January 1st, among those, bolng tho prohibition law, tho permanent regis ration law and tho law limiting tho x levies. This latter law provldos l bau on eah year after 19in, tho "utborlty or all taxing bodloB shall b so limited as to prohibit tho lovy Ing of u greater amount of rovonuo llnn tho larger nmount levied In either of the last proceeding ycara when a levy was made, plus sis per cent, in cat the amount Is not m Vnlirt I fnr T R TeLulu IOr h Afar Loot Sessiui, Jin, Filds for Wsdanl I'nllcd Press Sen ice HYHACUSi: N. Y. May 22. After forty-two liouiH of deliberation, the Jury In the UariK-H-lloonexelt llhcl suit roturnid Into court thin morning with n erdlct unanimously In fnvor of the ilofenilnnt Colonel Hoosoelt. Thf court ouT-ruled the objections made by thu attoinejH for the plain- tirf, William llnrnes Jr , who main- tallied that the Juiy should hnvo been ilhrlmrgid seeral hours earlier an they disagreed. ltooneelt Ih oxerjoyeil at the ur- diet. After the Jury was discharged ho led tho twohe talesmen Into a Teacher "Unim. I). ;. MonlH, manual training in- Htrui'tni, left this morning for Okln homa to spend vacation. Miss Hnchel Maunemaii left for Vancouer, Miss Helen PnxHon for San I'ranclseo, Miss i'tii..l (irosK for tho exposition and Oakland, Miss Lena htoecliler lor a sojourn on u Klamath county ranch, Miui AiiL'imiu Parker leaves for .. (Irnnts Pass and Miss Alice l ool win go to llrooksldo ranch for a short Wslt. Statutes Laws Today considered sulllclent n special election may ho culled to dctermlno tho levy. Among tho measuios becoming ef fectho today arc those making sher iff h Instead of county treaauiea.lnx colleclors; amending the Workmen's (-iimmiiisiitlon Act, enlarging classltl- callous nnd making fcos inoro equt table; regulnllng eiiiploymeiit ngon- eles lo piotect emplojoH anil compeu- lug them to take out a license; com- ....in., n. 11-nuinnn of educational auu ' n - - pnnnnthroplc funds t ko report. to county courts; roorgn nUli K th o Fish and Uuino uoniiuiiiu nun .. Ing the governor tho head; consolidat ing tho olllco of the State Highway KiiiMnoer with that of tho State Eng- Ineor; making tho punishment for homlcldo llfo Imprisonment; repealing most of tho continuing npproprla (Ions, oxcept for educational Instltu- ( Continued on page S) hunting KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, SATURDAY, nearby loom, nnd expressed his thanks to them for their decision. "1 can assure jou, gentlemen, that thioiiKuout my entire life both prl- vato Mid public, I will net in my af- full 8 In such n manner that not one of )nu will lmo rciibon to regret this eidlct )on have Just rendered." Later llooseelt and the Jury posed for tho plctiuo men. A total of forty-one ballotrt was tnkon before the verdict was reached, Attornev Ivans, representing the Damns Inteiests In the case, stnted today that he would appeal from the decision rendered. BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM READY s:uvt.,; will ih: hki.i) at HOUSTON'S OPKHA HOL'SK TO MOKUOW FOKEXOOX KVEItY. HODY IXVITKD Tim bacculiiureato sorvlces for the graduating class of tho Klamath County high school will bo hold to morrow forenoon nt the opera bouse. Tho serlco will begin at 11 o'clock, and tho program arranged follews: Doxology Congregation. Invocation Hov. S. D. Hnrlan. Song "Father of Love, Our Guide and Krieiid,"Haydcn Choir. Scripture Heading nnd Prayer llev. A. V. Simmons. Song, "Pralso Yo tho Fathor," (lounod Choir. Sermon "Creative Power" Hov. I". C, lUchards. SonK "Hut the Lord Is Mindful of Ills Own." Mondolssohn Choir, lioncdlctlon. , ... i.t nittnncr nnttltn nchools -. wlthout "suffer- logg of the,r pogUlOM but, lUK tllQ onco inothors, they must stay at homo for two years nnd devote these years entirely to tho child's Interost. Fanners In the Yorkshire district of England aro new employing female labor In pulling and topping turnips and also forking sheaves to, the thresher. ;Bon(ismen sav AHGLIN IS 10 APPEAR MOH0AV HKAItl.VM IH CONT1XUUU UXTI1, THAT DAY Aritlcen Itecched Fiom Snn I'roncbtco I'ollco Department Head by l'roie- t iiitlnK Altorno) li-ulu Statu That lliuther of Man Wanted Hero Hum I'roiuised to Have l)cf'iulnnt i.n IIiiimI for (ho HenrliiK. Thure Is still a possibility of Harry i: Anglln being brought back here Tor trial on n bigamy charge. His lioiulxmcn hau promised to have him In San Francisco for a hearing on the charge of being a fugitive from JiihIIc", a proceeding independent from the one scheduled to have been held In Sacramento, when Anglln lulled to appear. ' The following telegram regarding tho matter was received this after noon by Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin from Chief of Police White of San FranclBCe: "H..1j. Anglln was remanded on tho hearing for a writ of habeas cor hib. Ho was admitted to bonds of $1,000, pending a hearing in the fugitive warrant case, and failed to appear nnd answer yesterday. The case was continued until next Mon day. His brother and his other bonds man have promised to produce him then." LJREAT APPLAUSE i:XTKUTAIXMEXT LAST XIGHT CLASSED AS THE I1EST OF ITS KIXD IX KLAMATH FALLS FOK SEYEIUL YEARS 1 "The best quartet ever heard here," Is the way tho majority of tne people , attending last night's entertainment' by tho Hotnrlan quartet characterized ' tho concert. It was certainly a mu-, Ical treat, and many who attended last night will attend again this even-1 Ing. Each member qualified as a soloist, and was forced to respond to en-! chores, and na a quartet their rendl-j tlons were grand. Time after time, the musical four wore called back, and they responded with numbsrs mining the gamut from "Heidelberg" and "My Rosary" to "TIpperary." Many would have been content to listen to the quartet all evening, but tho variations on the program were warmly received. Resides n beauti ful tenor solo by Mr. Wetzel and bass selections by Mr. Bowman, dialect numbers by Dr. Grover convulsed the audience, and his banjo selections, In cluding one of his own composition, kept him busy playing enchores. In his "Planologuos' Mr. Drown com pletely cnptlvated the audience. The ouchores woro so persistent that it looked as though he was billed for tho rest of the evening. He has a sparkling humor nnd wonderful mu slcnl tnlcnt, and his reading with, piano solo Interpolation Impressed! everybody Tho ciowd hist night was not ns.I larco as It inluht hnvo boon, but it ROTARIANS WIN Undo up In appreciation what It lack-tt ed In numbers. Too Boon, It seemed, tho llnnle was rendered, and tho nudl enco dispersed, with every, ono an ardent booster for u big attendance tonight. The Rotarian ontertalnment Is cer- talnly inoro than worth while, and to pass It up Is to miss something of exceptional merit. Tho koenuoss of-birds In hunting out food vas once attributed to their sense ofsmell, but It has bsen shown tbaf It Is due to their remarkable sight. IteraUi MAY 22, 1915 Governor to Visit Klamath in June Goiornor James Wlthycombe, upon the solicitation of citizens of Klam ath and Crook counties, has agreed to make a tour through Eastern Oregon tho latter part of June. He will spend two days In Klamath county, visiting tho agricultural section, and will also see Crater Lake while here. Covernor Wlthycombe Is a firm be Ilover In the vast resources of the' state of Oregon, and has devoted the greater part of bis life to encourag ing tho Improvement and develop ment of the agricultural sections. Having a vast knowledge gained by practlcnl experience, his advice Is eagerly sought by the farmers of the state. The people of Eastern Oregon hope to enlist the governor's aid In their efforts to open up this great un developed area. According to present plans the gov ernor will be at Bend on June 25th, and will spend the day Inspecting the Tumula project. A reception and banquet wjll be given him In the evening. The following day he la to be met at Crescent by several auto mobiles from Klamath Falls, and brought to this city. The next day, he Is to be taken over the Klamath project, and arrangements may be, made for htm to speak at Merrill. That evening he will be given an in-; formal banquet and reception. The, next morning he will be taken to Cra ter Lake, where he will be met by a party from Medfoid. SECOND GAME EWAUXA TEA.M, WITH XEW SUITS AND XEW THIRD SACKED, GO IXG UP AGAIXST A STRONG AG GREGATIOX Much Interest Is being taken in tho game tomorrow afternoon, the second between tho Ewauna Box company team and Tindall's volunteers, the latter contingent to be whipped Into a town team. A three game series has been arranged between tho two rivals. , Manager Willey of ths Boxmakers receh ed the new uniforms by express i today for his players. Tonight's train ' will bring him Billy Bowdon, an "In floldlng hurzy" who will guard the third sack. , Siemens nnd Willey will be the. Ewnimn lnttory. Hlckox and either Motschenbacher or Noel will open for Klamath Falls. "Kill" Lewis vs. Freddie Welsh i idled Press Serrios MONTREAL, May 22. Ted "Kid" - ois, tho English lightweight meets 'Freddie Wolsh In a ten round bout t" Canadian A. C. tonight. . In on lluslness. H. G. Shldler, road supervisor In Lnngell Valley and -vicinity, Is In to-j dny from Lorella. "Business boforo sentiment" might bo descVibed as Lord Kitchener's motto. Ono .day, It is related, dur ing tluu South African war, ho re ceived a telegram saying: "Regret to report ftvo men accidentally klllled through the explosion of dynamite." And K, of K, promptly wlredtack: "Do you want any more dynamite?" Vl"''BH K v yiiBfBBfBBfl PjPjPJ "&aff4TBBfBfa bbW ;JbbHbbHIbbH BBVi 'J9bbbbbbbbbb1vjbb1 bbbL2'MbbbbbbbbbbbbkH BBBB' BSIbBBBBBBBiBBbI bbbbbbbbV bbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbT RBPbbbI bbbbbbbbbbV JflB bbHBbbbbVbIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP . TOMORROW ITALY AND AUSTRIA READY FOR STRIFE I ulted I'resi Serrlca HOME, Mar 22- Mobilization order publlahed. KV YOHK, May 22. Tho above message from Alice Robe, ata i oi-iTMpomlciit, reached the United Press here at 3:58 tills alteraooa. This la Italy's first aggressive step, as the publication of the order are evpeited to be immediately followed by n declaration of war. I luted l'iea Servlm ItO.ME, May 22. Tho Mcssagcru of this afternoon says the couacll of ministers this morning drafted tlio declaration of war. This la aco tinned, luily's declaration of war will go to Vienna today, according to a minor that is generally credited by diplomat. King Emanuel tlib) afternoon attached hit seal to tho bill giving the uiliincl pleiuuy powers. He nlso prepared an address inviting Uie people to iierform their duty and lo make snciillco for the nation. Italy and Austria are clearing for action. Itolli nations hate ntinjox poised on tho border. Clvillan.s arc leaving the frontier towns, nnd bridges at strategic poIutM arc being destroyed. Private advices are to the effect tluit Itoninnla is secretely mobilizing. i mled I'ih.ss Se'ltlte IIEHLLV, May 22. From General ion Mackcustein'it headquarter, the kiiUer'is declared to have abandoned hope of Italy remaining neutral. It is icporled that the kaiser and crown prince are preparing to retare all tlielr Italian honorary decorations and uniforms. Today's official statement virtually confirms the report that toe Aus-iro-fiei-nian army has temporarily ceased its attack upon Przexnysl. No reiiMtn is gltcn. Thl statement also charges the aWc with using mines giving ont "poisonous gases" in the fighting southwest of Lille and Argonne. I nltrd Pre.-s Service VIEXXA, May 22. Austria today the Italian Green Book. She refuses to lueaking of the Triple Alliance. t'tilleil l'ie-s Seivtui PARIS, May 22. France Is awaiting Italy's opening gun. The bulle tin boards are watched closely by thousands, and Salandra Is the Idol of thu hour. -.j BONANZA TEAM TRIMMEO HERE; KLAMATH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL i PLAYERS SLIP A 3 TO 4 SCORE, IX YESTERDAY PLAY AT THE FORT TODAY The Bonanza team lost to the Klam ath County High School team yester day afternoon In a game of ball that was exciting and close, If not extra brilliant. Aside from a streak of wlld neas, Hilton's pitching was good, and hard to hit. Noel showed up well be hind the bat, and the Bonanza battery was Nichols and Burk. This afternoon the high school Is playing its final game of the Benson at Fort Klamath. The teams have each won a game, and each is anxious to take the deciding one of the series. Reclamation Is Being The lollowlng Is the order Issued by Secretary Lauo of the Interior De partment for the reorganization of tho icclamntlon service: Effective Juno 1, 1915, and until further orders, tho following offices and organization shall oe maintained for tho administration of the United States reclamation service: Offices 1 Washington, D. C, office An olllco will be maintained In Washing ton as tho headquarters of an organ ization to be known ns the reclama tion service, and to be composed of tho director and chief engineer, as chairman, the chief counsel and the comptroller. These officers shall de termine matters of general policy and recommend appropriate action there on to the Secretary of tho Interior; but no action of the members indi vidually or collectively shall become effective unless the same ts In pur suance of authority previously given by the Secretary of the Interior, a OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price. Fire Otato formally replied to the charges la accept the responsibility for the MORE GOOD ROAD WORK. REPORTED FOLIC SCRAPER CREW'S AT PEL- WAy CITY TRAX8FOrms BAD MUD HOLES INTO A REAL HIGHWAY ' One good Job of road work that was 'overlooked by the report in yester ' aay's Herald was at Pelican City. Five teams, one each furnished free of charge by the Klamath Fuel ! company, Western Transfer company. P. C. Carlson. City of Klamath Fails and Pelican Bay Lumber company. with John Collman as foreman, grad led about 200 yards of road In fine 'shape near tho Pelican Bay sawmill, and transformed a bad mud hole Into a first class highway. Service Reorganized 2 Denver, Colo., office An execu tive office shall bo established at Den ver .In charge of tho chief of construc tion, nnd all matters relating to the management and execution of the work In tho field shall pass through said office. It Is my desire that Inso far as practicable all detached offices excepting that of tho supervisor of Ir rigation shnll bo Incorporated with tho Denver olllco; also that depart ments for purchasing, disbursing and the administrative examination of ac counts shall be established In this of fice, and It is hereby directed that the concentration shall be' accomplished as rapidly as the conditions of the ser vice will permit. 3 Project offices Local ossees will he maintained on each project, to' charge of a project manager er KLAMATH COUNTY'S ncer, who shall control all of tk.- ' ployes engaged In the constructs rp,! , aft ' rtS (Continue o ptgt t) JUJ' tfl wl vr7j '-' & w IWt