fi :-', ; - i ,3 v T v &lj iauntfruj Herald 1 KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NKWSPAPKK "ivtolli V'i '. -Hn ITALIAN CABINET HAS POWER TO GO AGAINST AUSTRIA TIUMIIS Mil; STARTED FOR I III; lilOSTIEH llllllilll "GlU'll Iltik" lilllilitU'il timing IJtwtiink,'l s) Alitli In Vl.ilnliil llrr .Milium, mm. pin I li) linudliw SfiMii .Veils ol IIIII'n I'ii-miK"1 N Wllill) Tin ii ill In .VII I'm Ik "I III)' Kingdom, Uiillnl l'H'"H Hrlu HOME Mux -" I'uillauumi, li ii (,ii. or :ni5 iii fl imlny muli'ired lili'inir) powers on tin' uililm-i. It In bellcvcil Hull thin UH'IIIIK tluit WlH'll lllll Kl'lllTlll Htlllf Of MlO MM) lH Il'llll) AuiirlK will bo win mi iililmuium t bkimIo In Uiily'n iIi'IiiiiihIh or light Thin "HI probably ! sent liy to-inorrou- 'I'hi' 1 1 1 n h wiih M.ihIiiiiI to nil lull of tin- (omitry Ewrywlmii. iheii I enlliinlniin and cheers for put Hit- iiciit llnl "h "green book" wiih illHtilliut dl to tin- deputies. TIiIm charges Aus tria wlili tin' responsibility for win. luhorlliu; Unit AitHtt In ilolnlod Hi" Trli1i Alliance- lompiu'l when hIii IntmliM Hcrvla. I'opo lli'iii'illii today npprme.l tin1 ut of ii pray it i bo icrltiil on Mm ImIIIiIIi'IiIh liy thu llnlliiii fin con. Many .oiilpiiil that llilii liulli-uies Iii-Iihh i-um his Intliiiuio with I tnl - 'llio senate iiIko unanimously pnnK. fit llii' Slllllllilia bill. I'lllpowiTllIK Mm Koicriinivnt to sifoguiuil ilu statu l) lilllng Uk cabinet nullioiiiy in Ihhih' ilcirri'H IiuvIiik ll' vnliii' of luwws. iiml thi' pilnm minister llio right to Ullltlllll Ioiiiih. Troops nio massing along Mm Aus trian fiontler. Siivcrul loglinenln am nporti'il to Iiiimi left Mllim indiv) for i ln eastern border. "Holly MimIImhi Hii" WASHINGTON, l. V, Mu '-. tomorrow win ihi iu l)n" nhticnrllio Women's National Democrat lo I.oukuo Ih roproHonted Tlio orKiuilzatloii had Its liiroptlou at n 'Dolly Madison breakfast" two jciirs ago, and at their lucent inei't lug hi'ic tho women dociiloil tholr liiroluii'H birthday anniversary should lie olmi'iM'd 1'iiiii year Thu organua- llim Is now without a pi evident, Mm iillho foriunrly occuplod by Mis Woudrow WIIhou not having been filled out of losperl lo her liliimoiy Miss Justine JoIiiihoii, a Now York Klrl, leads the whole continent for ii'prtHOiitiitlvo beauty, having been adjudged tho winner of tho $r,00i prize (oiliest offoicd by a well known lllin Hi in. Freer Stops Permits for the Time Being DcHpliu repot Ih mound town to Hie effeel Mint whllo people nro pio hlbllml fimn Hailing on tho resurva Ihui, Imllan Agont Win. II. Kriw tim IciiUh Mmt MiIh point Is Btlll not dull nltoly BotMod. Anolher tribal council iiieetlnK Is lo bn hold noxt wook, when Mm niuMor will ngiiln ho dls- cussed iir... .. . .. . .-. 1 .Vlllll) Hill TIIDIll i;ilUHUII linn iKlit to mnko roguliiMons for con - duct on tho r Jrvatlon. H10.0 rcKU - reservation, Mieso rcgu - lutlouH nro or no effect until tho mnt ur Is approvod by lho Buporliitond ' Until further oxiimlniitlon of Urn mutter, howovor,, Mr, Freor bus "in mutter, howovor., Mr. I'reer huh " " ; ... lns ,)f o,.ded to 'issue no more permit. mrwl,o l'od . lh M u, .! of lUns to whlto people. According to Mr. Freer, Mm In - i..., .i .,,.i,i,, dlmiri do not seek to bo uureiwona '...n hi, nui nvvn. iu u .....uo"...". Iu tno mnttor. Tholr treaty with Mm whites, mndo in 1854, gives tho In dians tho exclusive right to Huh on tlio reservation, but they will not ob- H Can Sail in Two Hours," Says Admiral Fletcher of U. S. Fleet ' '" 11"- - ;;;; j UWft M , It J' 1 "C TSi (". -II ' ,4; vl MiIiiiiiii ini' Tim lliol in iIicmi w .1101 ii iXi-w oik liarliui) fan nut uiuli'i M) In two limit H. anil llii' nlilpH aio now m pmcil for anion. '" '"' Thono wero the words of Adinlial Ur in iw i m "'" - ,.,,. ,.,. lt).nu...dcr of M... Krcal il.M. .,,.. .an sl.o.t of coal, sheered of Am...!..... iLUtl.'shlpH now in in u Chaili-filon to ..'..ew her supply. N,.w V.11U l,aiboi.wbl...liewa.,bKi.d . ml Jnlii"l Mn- "Mi.Th oil the Chesa ..bout ll.i'li loiidlllon Ho piobibly peiikn Ciipes ,,,, . ,,,1 O.o l.illllant oM-lol. of "I'... blame rI...I to et oul of lh.. . ,..,.., Tho,,,,, Withers and the .aid ,, sailor of the , """-; ' ' Hiiliniiil...' IM To Join the nuial dls- nu nod ioiiul tho l-.-l. 1 1 1 dt. id ,. llmlMin IMier. the IM had tli.-d. If 1 -ould only ct a bath and !.'..' nil tho way f.o.n Kc West, a h.,1 lor about (went) -four-no. si,,.' made Hit' HIP under her own foity-elglil bonis. " ...... Tin. "Look at me. look al any of us! pow.T wu........ m. .,.,.... - - nic. n think she brnge a snuniariue .moid for loni; uisiaiuo in..e., .... K..,. A,.., .0., m With . i llu IM WPle tho K-2. tile lontipa ml( i in MiirDimniiKli Tho IM ni Slioii. Ilm- piopeit) has liici eased In .ilue $.1.0110,01)0 slnro the war on momiulios. aiconlllig to Di Thomas .1 lleadlco of llu- New Jorse) opi'il mi'iii Htntlou. Mario t onolli, the no.nlhl. spends ititic-li of her lime at the piano, of which idio Is an expert player. " , . whiles ilHhliiK thoio If !" i,.,., lo whites llHliliih act roiisonable. HU.IU,. al lho real owne.s of Mo land then', It Is nlloBod. and Micro . ;,"'",;.;,, ,ho ,wa and the ,.i.,..i .oiiinhilnt of icitcps boliig torn ,n.w miu is.'" ' . . .. i.. n.ii nn ...Ij.u.l ' ., ,,. lllnllH ' wl.ool, " 'op ) "' '?" oro lho , n.o mnUor. who ' befo.o ho I'i'iiiiq i intuitu " ' i HJ..I.IIMI llllfllll' I1I1I1 111 . n.o ""I" do - ... i .... tin iiiiiiirii in ii couni'ii in ......... - . tllKu charge oi uieso iiiuu :"::!';':,::: -. .sstfi : - - i... i,.,. Hull, ono of Mm couiiciliiien, for the oo.ter . u. po.twiien. no so....... ... - M()d. uoruwli fol,y.vo quarry 1 In 'J wi of closing. . t.'()peltiH. thlrty-ono blacksmiths, llf - ii i.-iK decided lueonllium mo imu masons and , ,i i tim nii'iin-- .mill next meeting. tlmo, no moro permits nro umub grunted, and advices from Washing ton uro awaited. .' . .. ... ...- KLAMATH FALLS, ' !' ll.tgliiMt. Hlu set the pace, wblili wjs tin luiolH an hour The i:-2 did hor , lii'si lo Ku'p It, but on huieial occu- hlous li.ul vwlM' tumble, and Mad to ... MM . .. .... I.. .1... iniiitlitl 'I lit. ., r ,.il,l.-miccv. That ..' - 1 til. . u.'l WC'U IM'CIl t'.vi mmw - - .hue ' ' '' " y h .... nun """ BOOKING" FOR (f HARVEST HANDS i'.vk.n .mihdi.i: wi:sT:u. states AltHAXCINfi TO HAVE l.AHOH EKS UO FROM ONE STATE TO nn: OTHER Culled Clean Senile DIOS MOINKS, Iowa, Mil) 20. A. L Click, state labor commissioner, lias announced that ho will co-oper-m.i with siueii other states in sup- plying hai-M'sl hands to funnels, us ' 1,h l" lUH jml,l0'meut bu,r1eaU i, in oiicinllon, July I. It was author- . .mny-Blxtli general us- , o k u t Knn and Mtiinesotn, and finish hrikntim t - Mio season in wiiiiimu ii u niooosed to li it is pioposed lo huo tho employ- --- '.nput bu.eaus of eight Middle West- In Mm United Stutes Micro nro , " - om(m lumuorme. 2 loon unn. - . , .. i...iAH iir. i.iv.ronr iouks iioreintii, uwium u-- 1,347 bank women banners uuu cashiers. OREGON. THURSDAY, MEMORIAL HAY PLANS ti in: made tonight Don't foiKct tln iiifftliiK to In' hi'lil at tlic lomt lionno at 7 ::o HiIh ciciiIiik, iilii'ii plans i illl lie iiiailc foi i lie obsorv 1 unci- or .Mfiniiiliil Daj TIiIm Is 14 a matter Mint should Interest i'M'O oltl7cii of Klamalli IV.IIh, 4 anil a IiIr altcnilaiKc Is ilcslnd. -PRZEMYSL WILL ' SOON FALL INTO TEUTON CON IROL i i!'Ti ki: oi ihi; roitT ' iaimim:nv ,IiuIIiii ur Ilir Vrn'i iii'.s of .iuMiie i ;! iiiiiii I'orK'H Is .MikIi' by Itnsslnn i Win ( )llli v TuikMi lllilili'ii Itnt- liTii-s Slii-ll .lllliV Vni-oilim In Ihi' DiiiilniiclU's null I'oiiu 'llii'in lo .Mukc a Willnlrnwnl. . iiiIimI I'lena Mjrilte LONDON, .May 20. The full of l'lvemjHl befoio the Austio-Oerman ami) ui.dci Uuncral von MuckenstclQ is hclicM'd icrinln. The great CJull 1 1. in foi 1104s captured by the Russians after a slego of several months. Is ulioiii surrounded b) tho Teutons. It Is ecituln Mint the fort will hao to bo Eiiriendeied or The defenders will run tho risk or being surrounded and annihilated. This opplnion is given by all critics, following the admission by 1'etrograd of the Oermr.n ndvantnge. lilted Ciess Servliu t'ONSTANTINOIM.E, May 2U ll Is aiinoumed that hidden Turkish bat tel ies lnsldo the Dardanelles Monday liomb.uded the IirlMsh fleet, and foiced it to withdraw. An attack was made by tho French ships Tues day, but wlih no success. i ulled l'lens Sen Ice LONDON", May 2U.--I,r.)iuler As iltiitli today began tho formation of a t nalltlnn cabinet. Its personnel will piobahty be announced after parlia ment icconpiies in June. STUNT COMMITTEE MADE PERMANENT MASS MEETING .NAMES HEADS OF VAIHOl'S OHGAXIZATIOXS TO TAKE CHARGE OF PUBLIC AF FAIRS Lead on your Good Roads duys, your Glean-Up days, your Flro Pre vention dins, and the rest of them. Klamath Falls is propared to handle them nil as tltcy come. A nermiuient committee was named at Tuesday night's meeting at the city hall to tnko care of events, such us today's, that aro arising from time to time. This committee Is empower ed to begin any action they think necessary. . County Judge Marlon Hanks, Mayor T. F. Nicholas. President E. D. John son of tho Klamath Chambor of Com merce and President J. F. Magulio of I Mm Klamath Business Men's Associa tion aro four of the committee The other is to bo chosen by these men. Mrs. Keith Donaldson, once known as the "Million Dollar Uilde." Is thinking seriously of going on tho stugo lo securo money with w hlch to continuo her light for hor daughter, who Is now I ,mothor - In - law who Is now In Mm possession of her .... . . .............. - - -r - - Ti.m.tnin riininiiif nH n urn 1 1 .a one to which women today are de voting much attention. MAY 20, 1915 Facts of German Outrages in Belgium -0K-?&ZKwmiiciZ3z.y3i0R Hryie The commission on investigation of outrages of Merman troopfe on the Belgians, of which Viscount llryce, roimerlj Hiltlsh ambassador to the Culled States has made its report, and summarized Its findings as follews: 1 That there were in many parts of Hold um deliberate and systemati cally organized massacres of tho civil j population, accompanied by many Iso lated murders and other outrages. 2 That In the conduct of the war geneially innocent Chilians, both men and women were murdered In large numbers, women violated and chil- dien murileied. 3 lootlug, house burning and tho wanton destruction of prop el ty were ordered and countenanced b tho ollkers of tho German nrtny. that deliberate provision had been made for systematic incendiarism at the very outbreak of the war, and that the burnings and destruction were fiocjuent where no military necessity could bo alleged, being In deed part of a system of general ter- orlzitioii. 4 That the rules and usages of war were frequently broken, partlcu larl) by the using of civilians, includ ing women and chlldicn, as a shield tor advancing forces exposed to fire, to a less degroe by killing the wound- ed and prlsouers In the frequent abuse of the Red Cross and the white (lag BOXMAKERS GET READY FOR PLAY NEW UNIFORMS ARE ORDERED FOR HAM. TEAM, AND RAT TLING THIRD SACKER IS DUE HERE SATURDAY NIGHT Following their defeat of the Klam ath Falls team In an ll-lnnlng game Sunday, and u 4 to 2 victory over the high school team In n four-lnnlng giimo last nlglit, the members of tho Ewauna Box company's baseball team have decided to strengthen, practice, and go out for nil the big games. On Sunday they will play a second game u gainst Tlndall's rocrults. Manager O ,E. Wllley of tho Ewau nn nccrpirntton yesterday telegraphed In a special order for uniforms. These suits aro expected here in time for Sunday's gamo. A valuablo addltllon to the toam will be Jtmmlo Bowden, former thlrd sacker for Weed. Ho will be hero from Slsson Saturday night, atid will guard tho difficult corner for the box- malcers all season. Bowden Is a whirlwind In tho infield, and he Is also a consistent sticker. 'ri, uxiiPiliilA nf crimes to be ar ranged, It is believed, will Include' contests with Fort Klamath, Bonanza, Woed. Yrckn oud other nines. In last night's four Inning game, otto Arnold burled for the box factory gang, and Hilton delivered tho slants and dips for the high school. J IIIIBM fe - ItOOSI'VKIr.HAIt.WiS CASE GOES TO THE JUIIV FOB VERDICT I lilted I'rcss Snrvlcp. SYFIACUBE, N. Y May 20 The .SPttlcmont of tbo $.10,000 libel Kult brought against ex- I'reililfnt Tlicodorp Rnoscvolt by William Ilarnos Jr.. repub lican leader of New York, Is now In the handa of the Jury. Following arguments by tho opposing couniol and Instruc tions by tbe Justice ,tlie case went to tbo Jurymen at 3:45 HUNDREDS WORK ROADS OF COUNTY WITH PICKS, ETC. llll'SIXESS SCSPEXDEH TODAY A IX OF Under Haldiiin. Siemens, Evan, and Short, Much In the Way of Minor Repair Work Is Accomplished on the Four Main Aiterle Dance Will He Held Tonight at the Pnvll llon as a Wind-Up Feature. Scveial hundred men. clad in work ing clothes, and oairylng picks, shov els or other tools, assembled at the a Ut UlG court house this morning, and were transported by nutos to differen - places, to spend tfc, day at nual. labor All the business houses are ClSOd. Tlilc ic Kl'ininth Riltu' pndorsHment of the Good Roads Da- proclamation issued by Governor WIthycombe. The result is not only a hearty support of the governor and good roads move ments, but It has also brought about 'some real Improvement on the roads. PuLnfl T.lftcrr U.)llW.3 la t ll A flOSS I -"""" " "-- ".'-.. "" .supervisor, ana tne worit is Deing car ried on in four piaiei, unaer lour supervisors. Judge Baldwin is in charge of the work between Keno and, the state line. It. C. Shoit has charge of the 'mnn unrlilnff nn tlio Merrill road. t)ie work on tjle pelican Bay road Is under the direction of Captain Slem ens', and Percy Evans is bossing the volunteers Improving the Fort Klam ath road. Besides Mils, men In other paits of tho county are also at work. Impioving roads near their homes. "oniEht there will be a big rally by tho workers at the Pavlllion. At this, reports will be made by the dlf- fcienl foremen on the work nccora- ..i;l.r. n..1 M.m. ...Ill I.a o ttr rinnpo llllS.Ll'U, i...U I..C.U "111 MOM. wt ,.. : There will be no admission charged, but n collection will bo taken up for HULL, May y20. it is announced the Klamath Falls Military Band. The that the trawler Chrysolite was sub hand and tho Peerless Orchestra will marined and sunk off Klnnard head furnish music, and all are Invited. yesterday. Tho crew was saved. Fish to Be Our in Thu Klaiuuth Sportsmen's Associa tion has received iv letter from Mas ter Fish Warden R. E. Clanton Mat Iiik that the stato will furnish tho as sociation with 300,000 trout fry, to bo planted in Lake of the Woods, Dia mond Lake and Four Mile Lake. These will be furnished from the Spencer Creok Hatchery. in bis letter Clanton states that Mm construction of a new state hatch ery tit Bend will keep tbo lakes and sreams of Southern Crook and North ern Klamath counties supplied with trout. This action of furnUblug trout for I the three Klamath county lakes Is taKen atier me u. u ,.,,..- Hon by the Klamath Sportsmen's As iiikhii mini liid uaDaiua u . .. ,i i. ...,.- soctation, requeuing suuu nvi.uu. The association has also taken up the matter of having the roads to Price. Ple Oeata tGERMANY TAKES SSUE WITH U. S. IN HER ANSWER UI'I'liY IS EXI'ECTEII HERE XE.VT i WEEK I'lidei'Sloon That the Principle That American Citizens Shall He Safe Uiiaidel L'ndrr All Conditions Is Xot AccepUd by Oermnny Sub. marlnlnn I'ollcy Will He Oe. fended by Kulscr. It h Underitood. ulled 1'iess Service BERLIN, May 0. Germany's re ply to the American note will prob ably bo completed Monday. Barring unforseen delay In transmission, It should bo delivered In Washington early next week. It is officially learned that Ger many "has replied In a friendly, polite- manner, and gives no reason for ap- prehension regarding future relation! between these nations. Culled Cress Service WASHINGTON. D. C. May 20. According to semi-official advices, it is understood that at series or con is understood that tit a series of con bassador Gerarc In Berlin and the German foreign office, Germany's po sition in regard to the American re quests is about settled upon. In Dart, this is that Germany not officially accepted the general . ... .... a ..! atiall ? ' , A .,,,.,,, hv the ; r condmon8. c0 ta. ternatlo, Germany wlu reJect t. ,i k.. d.xiMmI IVIIonn IUV BUfiKCBUUU "J o.wm. .. ..VVH thnt America can demand the com plete abandonment of submarine ac tivities. The foreign office is reported as holding that the legal rights of the United States In this matter extend only to the protection of vessels of American register, and cannot be con strued to cover tho protection and safety of Americans aboard belliger ent's merchantmen. It is understood that Ambassador Gerard has cabled Secretary Bryan that the German reply will be spe cific. It will discuss thenote by par agraphs, It is reported. This icply, It is understood Gerard has notified Bryan, will defend Ger many's subniarlno warfare as a Just reprisal against an enemy. It will be armed that Mils Is merely fighting fire with lire. Secretary Bryan denies the stories that America has admitted that Wil son's demand for an abandonment of submarining is not justified under tho International law. Planted Small Lakes these lakes Improved, Resolutions were adopted asking County Judge Hunks to take action toward Improv ing those roads so as to expedite the distribution of fish to these lakes. A similar toquest was sent to M. t. Erlckson. supervisor of Crater Lake MnHnnnl Pnrnat naklnar thnt h for. M , V est service also take steps toward highway betterment, """l .vumw rwm -, p-,j association requests the reclaawttioa service to put fish screens at tbe head- flrntoa tT trio I .OflT HH'AP niVOrfllOB ''.''." 1 II s U nnd game commlulon hai pro ' Uea to liberate several luougana oiue- hnrlr onimnn In ITnnfir Loir KIVMT. MM- i, ---'---- wr - t --.-.- r .- &? - ' the screens are desired to prevtmW,. ,l,n Oak f..nm uninlnl in b nnliL" .... - -. - through Klamath River w dying In the Irrlgatlo dltoaee "tJV Wtv - -.jS3I m .i r'Z ? VA?