" . -V i - I m xtvnitm Hraili KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAI'KR KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER' eh I Nlnlli Vcitl No. li.OHl EVERYBODY FOR ROAD ALL T OUT WORK 0M0RR0W DELAY OF REPLY BY GERMANY IS CAUSING WORRY WORKERS TO .MOIIILI,1 O'CLOCK 7 spccm sui:it is Wll0 ikh'i: or Kill"', Pill I Klllllllllll, IVIIlllll llll) mill tn III ItiMiiU Will lli Wot Led nil ll)' l.iH'ill .Men, U'lm Will slml sinus, I in ii I.-, mill oiiin-H ,111 itii). Illy Miniif ill I'iiIIIIi.ii Will lli (In. Wlllllllp I'l'lllllM'. Hill'V.,1 linn linll.i,, i ,, m, j, lti-..iuisllil. .,r IM.i). Hill OllliLiu' Think llii K.iKn sliniilil lu.r n Him in Miilinu UN P..,l ,, i. I-mii- I'm l', ii, Mini In Wll-Mi'' ' l.flicr. KIiiiiiiiIIi Palls will i u "ili'hurU'il tllliii:"" wiimiiiivv, ho fur an mi'ii in.' IOIH I'ltll'll, IIH I lll Illlsllll'KI lltlllNI"., uilirt Iioiimi", I'll' , lire lo lin linncil. Mid -very til ti It wliu in ll pos.lhly t;i-t ii iv ii y Ik going " to nhow his ap. provtil of sooil ioiiiIh liy giving ii .lu)' work Willi pick, xhovtil, or otlt- l'l llllpllttlll'lll. TIlU Htlirt Mill lie nindi' from the court Iioiiho nt 7 u'l'lnrif :iik! four tnn'tt entries to ihe ill) "III hi win kid Tin' loii'tiii'ii of I'luh gang. III tli" unlet tlic hkhIh mimed, tire I Vie) Evans It (' iihort. JuilKi' llalilwln mill J W. Kli'iuciiK JuitKi' Hanks li gener.il hiipi'i luti'iiil till At last iiIkIu'h iiik'Hiik nt tlio i It) hall It was decided Unit t It mi'ii wlio are lo work on the roads will la al tin' Mint I limine tit nMoek, .illltcil in olil (loUies, mill carrying a noon il.ty lunch mill a plrk, shovel, now. tnr or Kimli'u rnkc. IIihIiIch lliln, mi'ii In other part k'hT tin' i'oiiiiI) will he tit work, ho I lie, lay will bring aliont highly valuable lOilllltH In Kllllll'ttll Cu. It of tin' men working on tin inr.vls will leceh'o n MHlVciilr rlliliott amiounrlui; tlm ftu'l that at Ii'iihi one ilny In lil.) 1 If ho "worked." These will ailtnlt the poor vvorklngmen to tlm Orphi'tiK ihi'titi'r'K special pro gram. Another foal urn will lie a lilt: dame :t tlie Pavllllnii. Then' will he no ail iiiIhhIoh charged, but a (ollccllou will he taken up, and IIiIh will ho given to tlie Klamath Kails Military llatul, to nmlxt the organization In Rett I tic started. At thin meotlug the road supervisors will intikn their reports. Tito barbershops of tho city will reopen at nt 5 o'clock anil teiiialii oK'lt two hours anil a half, to give all the workorH n chance to gel "slick 'il iti" anil liatlieil before the dance lllllHlo HtftTtS. Tito coiiiinlttei) secured a niiinlier of Illumines of antoinohllcH. These machines tiro to ho nt thn court house' lllil1 al 7 o'clock In thn mornlnc. to trans- ,nus' I'ort die mon to thn work. Any unto owner who wiih not Interviewed hy tlio committee, mill who desires to ns nIkI, hIioiiIiI iiIho roport at that tlmo. Autos nro already listed hy J. P. V. fi. Word en. I ll'l.'l I'M ,, SfMlu- ' WAHIIIN'i; I f V. It C .Mt.) fi (ii'iliiiuiy'H ilehy In ntmserltii: tin Altli'llciill mill' Is musing temweill anxlely In olllclal (It ilex Tlio lialiait di'M'liipiiii'iilM, ll Ik ii'iiliixl, aie loilay paranioniit In tier many, lint It Iiiih hi-i'it linpeil thin nit oilli lil imlliiitliin of ihe kaiHcr'a po sition on the iincfctloiiH Hlllllllltteil would he furll'eni.iliii' i.i,i i,npi n ih. le'tii. Alllh..rgiiitiii Cet.ml iiilili'il Si eie. I 'my liryait from lierllu tli.ti ihete I no puhHllililij ur mi atiNWer from (Jur-' nit in IIiIh wei'k The Iitillan ciIsIh i thi ti ii-ini Klven j litii'iiinriiii ill has htfii ioct'ltd' of tlio Hiihm.irliiliiK of the llrltlHh i Me.imei liiiimnires eslenla' It! i nii i I .in i iipUaMiii: hin pi 1st', ,ia nlll-1 I'lnlrt hopeil (hat Hiilmiai Ine wml'mi wim Inilellnltel) postpiini'il, mi far a , iili.irkN on i niiiini'K lul M'ssvU wiih. lomerileil. .Mlltiui) anil ii.'nal iilllceiM liullcve' K'lllcer U'llliellll will It fuse to ejitltel) ' ilianiloti hutiiiiiultii' ,utilili" I. like .Mohoiik (oiiieHiu e .MU1IONK. . V., Mil) IS. Tin. Con .Inliii HitbM'lt .Mnoie of ('(iliim lilt l'lll.THlt. iiihIiIciI ooi till' I Weill) "III Ht Like Moltotk uiufcri'tKe on Inteimitinmil aililtititlou, which opetieil heie lotla) A Itufii part of the (otifel clue's time will ho iluoteil in tin illscus'.liiti of International ar liltialioti, hut cousiileratloii of tlio In-, liienis of neiittalH or of the world at lame In tlm iiiesent Kittopoan war,, anil Ith elTccl-. will not lie ctillu'ly c eluded. However, tlioro will bu no! illhctiKslou of the causes and conduct ' ol tlio war in ihe form of direct crltl- clmn of Hpvcillc policies or acts of any liclllKcrcnt or Kroiip of helllgeicnta. The confidence will chtho .May 21.1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 19, 1915 Pric VJr Types of Italian Cavalry Ready for Austria, Should War Break Out av .WiW v . v ITALY TO BE IN MORE FIGHTING SHAPE FOR WAR : THRO FLANDERS; IN SHORT TIME SHELL PRZMEYSL TIWOI'S AUK XOW IIEIXG MODn..1 K.ilSKIt IS AT FRONT WITH HIS izi:i TROOPS inciiil Miillineni Ig That Tonior- .Vnnciinceincut of a Reconstruction of iim'i Contention of Parliament Will (irnnt (he Cabinet All Itlie I'nwei- .Viiossar) lo Uegin Hostll files f.'iriiiuny Snys She Will Back .lu-.ii la Willi All Resources. the British Ministry I Made by Asmiltli Too Wordy Speech by (erninnl7ed American Resolta ! Ills At rest by the German Antborl ties Other War ewi. L'ulled I're.-is Service ROME, May 19. War with Aus tria is regarded as certain. Mobiliza tion of trnons in now nnriAr ti'nv niiH will he completed in twenty,.four'"erman "e'achment bu been re- , hours. 't.'ulted Hi ess Service i PARIS, May 19. After a bloody two day battle in Flanders, a strong A convention of parliament has been called for tomorrow, and at that time the members will be nked to !.iiil the Italian cabinet plenary imweiH. Tl.o government's policy will by outlined at this tlmo by Pre .niei iialunilra. Tlio declaration of war is not ex 1 ected for f-everal dayi after the con vening of parliament. Tho mllitarj' dopaitment has taken pulsed, according to official announce ment. Suffering severe losei n route, a patt of thn detachment approached Slie Trench trenches, which It shower ed with bombs and nand grenades. -Machine guns mowed down the sur vivors, tnd the supporting companies retreated. 1 nited Press Service PLTROORAD, May 19. It U offi- charge of all railroads. Bridces all ..Ions the frontier are being heavily ' ciaUy announced that the Austro Kut.rdcd. German aitlllcry is bombarding the Tho German and Austrian embas- outer forta of Przemytl with Increas sies deny the report that the Austrian ilns 0l?Iee- Aviators are also busy ambassador has demanded his pass- " ! sides, and the Russian airmen ,,ort. 'report the Austrlans using their big Students at all the universities are 4 2-centiraetie Skoda guns. leaving to enlist. Tho war spirit Is I The German Infantry are reported , rampant throughout the kingdom. 'as attempting to surround the fort- While none of the members of thejreis and cut Its defenders from their i cabinet will make any announcement, I main army. the Salandra newspapers say that the. bentiment of the members of parlla-j United Pi ess Service ITIfilir Id llmnt ntinnlmniinli, n nnn ...w. . .....,al uU. .u mui RKRI.IN. f.nv 1 t It lo t,tnll.rf that Kaiser Wilhelm was with his of war. Kini: of Italy ttJxX-ttX2.l.X&i?XfiZ&& Ollicer TiiiinliiK His Mount ShooiiuK pitictlce lioni (.taniling jKsltJon liiiupIiiK stone fence and moat If Ital) declare!, war on Austria, the famous cavalry In which the whole nation has taken as much pride as in Its Meet, will bo dependod on to march Into Austria. Tho Italian cavalry has been trained to perform uianoeuvers something lllto tho Cossacks among tho Russians, nnd among military men of Europo It has a repu tation of tlio very best In (leintany vvotueu ate being eat plo)ed everywhere) In nirnl schools until now ueio conducted nl excltiHlvely hy men, German i women doctors and dentists are also' in gieat demand owing to tlie war. Magulro, mitral Kara go (2), Marlon Until;, i:. II Hull, Kreil lIoiiHton, K. M. Chll 'ti), Charles I. Roberts, J. S. Kent. A. V.. Whitman, C'Iiiih, V. KergtiHon, Hon Powell, Klamath Dovolopment 'umpany, W. Paul Johnson, Dr. Rum I"). J. A, Gordon, Geo. T. Ihildvvln, Sid Kviins, Prank Vannlce, J. i:. ' Swanson, C. It. Miller, Geo. J. Wal- Od Vnnnlco, lion, W. P. Johnson, alias. P. Stone, 11. liolniid GlaUyer, Chits. V. Mooro, R. i:. Smith. Dig llaxlti Lumber com pany, Pord garage, Leslie Rogers, John Siemens, I.. P. Wlllets, llnriioy Chamhers, Dr. II. It. Hamilton, K. II. Lawrence, (I. II. Cozad and George I'liastaiu TURK CIGARETTE TABOO IN LONDON KING GKORGi:, PRIXCi: OP WAI.P.S AM) 0TIII:R t'SKRS OP THAT BRAXB IIAVi: SW1TCHKD TO PIPKS OR OTUKR BLKXDS declated hostilities, and In many shops they tiro not now offered for sale. The British smoking public is tot i lowing the king and prince. There is no sv mpathy for Turkish tobacco. i ANOTHER FIRM TO SEEK WAR HORSES Pulled Piess ServUv 11KRLLN, Mny 19. Today's "Mor-l gen Post" says that Germany will support Austria with all the resources at her command if Italy declares war against Franz Josef's kingdom. In Berlin it is expected that Italy will declare war within a few hours, following tho convention of parlia ment tomorrow, to concede the cabi- nct power to take any action deemed . advisable. There was a rumor out last night to the effect that Austria may further concede points to Italy. This was dls- 1 credited generally here. troops In Western Gallcla Sunday "tii-u iiitrj uuasou iue sua mvtu The police today arrested Maurice Sanborn, u Germanized American, who was ejected from the American embassy. In a bitter speech In a leading cafe ho bitterly insulted Pres ident Wilson and Secretary Bryan, making his talk in both German and in English. ALUMNI TO MEET T AT 7:30 BACCALAUREATE SERVICE SUNDAY United Press Service LONDON, May 19. Asqulth today announced In the bouse of commons that a "reconstruction otthe ministry? on a broader political basis Is under consideration." This is regarded a an official confirmation of the report that a coalition will replace the pres- jont ministry. It is announced that mo enanges win not airect Foreign Secretary Grey, Asqulth, or England's war policy. ONIGH alex davis notified by wirki that outside buyers will hi: here in a few days to BUY KLAMATH STOCK Snow Is Still Flying in the Crater Lake Reserve 'Pulled Piess Service LONDON, May 1 lily mail to New York) Since Turkey's entrance into ' tho war, Turkish cigarettes nro taboo iin England. King George, who raroly smokes cigars, used to smoke Turkish cigar ettes with ii rollsh. Now, It is lenrned, ! lie has taken to Egyptian blends. Tho Prince of Wales, whoso shoit, GATHERING WILL BE HELD AT HUTENIC KENT'S LAW SUITE, TO DISCUSS BANQUET AND SUP PORT OF STUDENT ATHLETICS An lmpoitant meeting ot the Alum ni Association of Klamath County High School will bo hold" tonight at gold tipped Turkish cigarettes wote tho law olllces of Rutonlc & Kent. It Yet another raid tho horseflesh of Klamath county, to provide animals for use by tho war ring nations. Alex Davis, a well known local stockman, has received a wire from Grant Mays, a stockman at Tho Dalles, asking him to meet and introduce a buyer who will be here In a fow days. "Mays and I aro old friends," said i Davis. "His wire carried no details,) The baccalaureate exercises of the Senior class of the Kialmath County High School will be held at 11 o'clock I Sunday morning at Houston's opera house. The service Is free to all. I Rev. E. C. Richards will deliver the supplied for ubo at the Spencer Creek I t b made onisermon n,s 8UDJect De'DK "Creative hatchery. Ho was accompanied by rower. iiev, rmriun ana uev aiui-inis nepnew, joe itionoBj tixeuon, mons will also participate In the pro-1 who will operate the auto In trans gram, porting fish from the hatchery. Through Oregon via Ford. C. F. Stono has returned from Portland, where ho attended the meeting of tho state fish and game commission. He made the return trip through Eastern Oregon in a Ford' machine, which the commission has well known to follow army olllcers atJvvlll begin nt 7:30, and nt this time so I do not know what typo of horses, According to Park Miinnger II. E. Momyer, who Is hero from Crater I'Uko National Patk, tltcro Is still "inch tmovv lu tho park, and tlioro has I'eeti much tnowy weather of Inte. I'nlfBH thorn Is u sudden chungo, Mr. Momyor bollovoH it will ho hoiiip tlmo ' July boforo dm luko can ho reached ' nutolHls. the fool ol the ill on ll t it t It leading to tho lit" "Ah tar as Anna Creek fulls tho ground Is practically bare. Tho roads for n mile Inside ihe pink lino by both tho Medford and Klnmntli entrances nro now open to auto travel tho beginning of tho war, now finds, plans will bo nuido for tho annual consolation lu a favorlto briar pipe, ln;buniuel nnd reception to tlio gradun , which ho smokes u blond of Egyp-1 ting class. draft or mount, will ho sought by this buyer. Neither do I know for what country he Is buying." Camp Fore Girls Are to Be Organized Here Unit nnd Virginia tobacco. Ho does not prot'or tho Turkish. Ho still smokes cigarettes occasionally, how ever. They oro especially made, and urn ii ucnnt two lnchos long. This is 'i ....a .1... ....ItmjA an nftmi ftnfla Mm.. imillUBU HI" I'llMVU v. W.IM ........ - and uirii two u'iilx of irooil warm ,,... ..... - ........ i.i i. vveat'trr It will ho possible, I bellevo. 'self In situtitioua in which biuuiuui, is ,..o .iw.mni..,tnin" I mil correct that half tho cigarettes un.n.. m... Mnmvnr lotitrnB to thoilio smokos tiro baroly lighted "In the piiHi leu diiyH Ihero has .park he will ho accompanied by Mrs.) thrown nvviiy. "en a foil of nhoul soven Inches," Momyor, who will spend tho sumniPi Bald Momyor. "Tho snow Ib obout nt hcadqmirterH. Momyor oxpocts to three or threo nnd a halt feet deep nt! drive clear to headquarters with a Headquarters, and live feet deep at 'team. London tobacco dealers are author ity for tho statement that "'urklsh to bacco has practically disappeared from the British market since Turkey Anothor matter to be brought to , tho attention of tho old grads by, ... President Cnrlyle Yaden Is tho organ- w,,at "nr Mean8 Izntlon of the association for the en- fulled Press Service couragomont of high school athletics. MINOT, N, D May 19. John and This will 1 dono through organiiiod i Edward Bnkor, who llvo In East Prus roollng ttt contests and attendance of 'sin, will rccelvo a letter from their theso games In a body, as well (is by l brother hero, telling them their moth- vvhat coaching assistance the alumulcr, less than thirty miles from them, can glvo. Is dead. Tho letter will travel 12,000 . miles to get to them, less than thirty Twonty-nlne Episcopal parishes in mllos away. The reason is that a tho city of Now York have member-. German lino Is between them and ships exceeding 1,000. their maternal home. ... & ir & . -i X i ?' 4 Klamath Falls la to have a new or-. tral school at 3 o'clock tomorrow if- ...-.. .... n m sit-.- -ltnrnnnn whon nrffflnlv.ftAi. I. .''.Jli 1B ganlzatlon, the Campflre Qlrls ot tornoon, when organat UitQM jenecien. f 7X$ Hrnwn wnmnn IntarmMtmA In ktmiutfl 12 years of age. and It ls18n,enad cnrapa,Bn are a,M,a,Mjw i... .. . ... .... -- , ..iflw anenu tomorrow, ine gins tNrWXi vlded Into rnmnflrA vrn.iiu. .!! -"- of these Kroune has a rrownun laadar 'f This mnvnmnnt has anrnmal mil JnmmX! A m.l.i Thta fa om i.Dnt.allin frti. I "' ICW girls over carried along on lines similar to those used by tho Boy Scouts. Instruction In nature study, self reliance, et;c, Is the object of the movement. Mrs. Ron Carl Thomas is behind the organization here. She has Issued a call for all girls In the city schools over 18 yean of age, to be at the Cen- the United States. Wherever It I T-V ganlted the Campflre. Oirle Ctalk Ip heartily endorse by firmM-l teachere. - 'y-.- W i r -K " v -v.fe i fi v