?iaw Swl ufninn Iterato Eh KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR SMU Yi-nr X". U.MHH KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER RALLY AT THE CITY HALL THIS EVENING tivti plank to in-: .i.mi: nut tiiiiisdav CumuiIM" Niiiii'I ' ' '''"' -I ll)uent Frilllli-. of Dm- Week Will Ki'l'iiil, itml All Aumiiui-iih-iii f 4. till' Oll-.fl VIIIH I' Ml III!' Mil) III II lining Minuter Will ll- Miuli- Ml n lu-il In AlM-nil (-.sliiii. tin. mini big me-ning lii-fiii i' Hi" flood Itn.iilH Day iiliHi-rviinn- Thurmlm , will In In-Ill ill iIh- ''ID' ! 11 HiIh i-mii ll, H I'll Ik lit ii mints iiiiitliii; nf all, lnii-u-nti'il hihI everybody Ih uri;i-il nlliliil who I'lili IhihhIIiI)' get iiwi Tin- ciiiiiinllli os untied earlier lo look .i(ii-r illtfi-rmii fi-iitiin-H of Hi io.nl uik ulll nuiliii tlii-lr reports tit i iohIkIiI'- meeting I i ii iIii-m- wii; Ik- i;hi il :ln- lliuil iiirmigcmeiifs Tin- olmerwilico uf flood Itiiuilx D.n In Klamath I'mIIh will bo niarkid In till' itlislUK 'if iHIHllK-Hrt llOllKI-M inn! Hit!' tin- Working Uf the limilh li liuiidri'ilH uf Miliinlci'iH, mill a big ilmiii- in tin- evening at tin- I'avillliui llnimcwhe-i arn asked to Im.ir III mliiil llir fact that tin Mlnre ulll all In-1 Iiihi-iI TliiirMilii), mill tlu-y must tin Itu-lr iiiili-iiiiK lonioirow, with thin fait In view. Tin- lty tin 1 1 nml Hit routl Iioiinc will uIkii l)i closed, In at rnriliiiiu- with fltivcinur Withy-rointx-'H pinrlmnntlnu. SAYS SUNSHINE SPOILSJHE HAY , a extension worker iiisi:s to contend that tiii:, old adage works not for "i in: iii:st ofality or :: NutultliHlaudlnK the old KiiyhiK of "Make hay while the sun shines," the "st nuallty of hay would result If the liay i mild be cured without the sun Milnc, iiccordliiK to Piofessor J. L'. iiren, exteiiHlon hoIIs mid crop spe rlnllMi at the Oregon Agrli-ultum! Col lce ' It Is easy to overdo the sunshine ROAD Writer-Soldier Is Hurt by Fall From Airship I'llUP OF Iftll FEET FROM MILI IAIIV AIRCRAFT HAS AUDIT .VINCER KAN FRANCISCO OlTH THAT THE RISK IS WOUTII MORE THAN THE i:iHT SHILLINGS A MAY WHICH ENGLAND PAYS THE AIRMEN 1 "lleil I'lens Service" "AN FRANCISCO, May IN.- I'hll llinlt-r, foinier Hun Frmiclsco howh '"'I'it in it ii ami Holtllur nf fortiiiio, '1kho stories wiltton for the United I'ri-RH or his exirlonces In the French iii-nclit-a whllo u moiubor tif the for "Inn legion attracted wldo iittonllon, ' stiffeilng from n sprnlnod nni-k, reKultlng from iv fall of Kit) et In un neroplano. In n lottor rorolvod from Ruder by friend hero the reportor-BOldlor said 0 md joined the Brltlih royal flying corps, but becauio of his fall did not Chief of Inquiry of the UarfuuSSSBnSS!!!S & :t:wm 4K&S& yy .l M 0$?- "-4, i.oito .Sli .liilni Cliarles llliiKliam, Lord MiThpy. will bo at the bead of tin- In- itilij Into the sIiiKIiik of tin' l.iiM- Inula by a (lurnmn luipulo olT die south co.'iHt of Ireland, when some -dx bliMiiiisS, and tile Ih-sI Kl'eell llaN pin duet K often ruined h too murli .sun Mbltie III the curing. The quality of the bay depends wry much upon the l.iiMliK, I lie best quality uudciKOlliK a i el uilu degree of fermentation. K lieilie light and Hiinihllie prevent this. and alo dehtioy the natural green color, ublch should b Kept in the em ed hay as hugely as possible flood iiilin mid guild qiialll me cliNcl.v as Miniated, liny, rspeclall gr.iln and etcli, allowed In lie In small bunches until toiiiptetely burned out, is Itnv in Millie. Il looks about like excelsior, i ml ' worth about as much for feed." Phil. V. Aeuder Know whelhor ho would bo good for tlm Borvlfo any moro or not. "That silll Kt my Kolt. nnd 1 do not figure tho risk la worth taking for eight shillings a day," said Rader In this letter. r. I111111V1 . . i2i) rvsv f ' .siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH w U,. K,mw51 risw"""JB i L ji.'.'-'lk ..f--XSilin 1' A M K V V-. Ik '- -' . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1915 Into Sinking Liner Lusitanid ii:itsr,Y -on Aim-i h.iiib lust their lives. Lord .Mein-s mis selected for tho place by the .idinlrali. berause of his expert- enco In conducting tlio Inquiry Into tlm Titanic disaster E E M fAIILOADS fH' ANIMALS FIT FOR WAR SERVICE ARE SENT TO DENVER THIS MORNING. PRU'i: WAS FROM SIOO I'P Si (iiilniiils of Klamath county lioiM-.i, nr about 12i" bead, were shipped riom this city this morning in Denver. C'oloiatlo, They were i unsigned to the Denver lloise & Mali itimpniiy, the Middle West's higgt si commission house, nud will be sold tluougli It U tho warring na tions, laimers or anybody else 111 tho market I'oi good horses. These horses were purchased tiom Klamaih county farmers nml stock men b Tlllson & Tieascr. They have been here sineral wcoks secur ing the animals, and they have paid from $100 to $ltii) per head for tle sliahli) steeds, .Making tlio averago prlto $ 1J r. , this means that $l!i,ti2."i was put In the pockets of Klamath eoiiutj horse owners by these two mt ii While llieui .ue a lew white- mid eight gia horse In the bunch shipped out today, tho horses are all ol tho bloi'ky build that Is desirable for heavj war duty, especially for in tlllory service. Tliey weigh from IKU) to J noo pounds and were tested ftu- wind, etc., heloie being nccopted. These horses were lissom hied as fust ns purchased, at tho Klamath stable. Tho sight of so much splen did horsnllesh attracted much atten tion from people passing tlm otnhlo corrnlH. The decline of gold In Australia has .declined steadily slnco 1893, the out put lOBt year being 150,160 ounces less than tho year before, MR RE SUP FROM Box Shook Rate Holds in Calif. Aiconllng to u ti.-lcKram reculvod Kidiiy by tlio Southern I'nclllc, the California Railroad commission today iloiili-il the- application for a- HiiBpen hion of tlio rciliictlnn In box Hhook lutes from Northern California ioIntH to Sacrainoiito. Tilt- rate, therefore, ln-romci i-ffertlvp May ST.tli ns pub llxlied. It Is believed Unit tlio mutter of u t.nspeiiHlon of the rale hptuc-i-n Klam ath county points and Sacramenlo will not bo taken up before tlio lnter Htatii Commeico CotiiniUsloii, or ilu.t If It IniH already been bioucht before I luil body tlm ciiuiinlBsloii will take iicllon similar to that of the Califor nia ( omnilsslou. IS HELD AS INSANE 1,11.1. HITS HAS QUXIt IIAI.I.IICI .NATIONS, AND ISKMKVKS UK IIAS 100 YEAR PENAL SEN-' Ti:n: to serve here Mill Otts, who has been cutting wiod at the JamlRou camp on the I-Vrt Klamnth road, several miles out, ,is biought here last night for an examination as to his sanity. Lloyd l.o deputy sheriff, brought in Otts, mid ho Is held In tho county Jail auailinK u hearing. Vesterday Otts crawled Into the boiiso at the Logan ranch on his hands and knees. Ho told a wild story about being pursued by Sheriff Low and Patrolman Sam -Walker, uho sought to make him servo n 100 year sentence, nnd Logan sent word to the sheriff's otllco of tho man's pit able condition. ARMADA IS OFE EOR WAR GAMES PRESIDENT VIEWS DEPARTING FLEET FROM MAYFLOWER. II1G CJL'.NS BOOM SALUTES, AND DECKS ARE STRIPPED t'ulted Pi ess Service NEW YORK, May IS. President Wilson review the war fleet as the essels steamed to tho annual war game at sea. The departure was spec tacular. It was a perfect day, and the May flower, with the president on board, lay near the stntue of Liberty. AU points of vantage were crowded to vlow tho ships, as the dreadnoughts, stripped for action, with tho crews lining tho rails, passed the reviewing point. All vessels II red the presidential su- lute as they steamed toward tho sea. President Wilson stood nt tho rail of tlio May flower, bnreheivded most of tho time, and watched the Impressive parado. Ho returned to Washington this afternoon COUNCIL VOTES MONEY FOR BAND The council last night passed the ordinance appropriating $75 a month during Jjino, July, August nnd Sep tember for tho maintenance nf the Klamath Falls Military band, Il is now up to Mayor Nicholas for ap proval. In return Tor tho money appioprl-' a led by tho city, tho band Is to render j ono concert a week during tho sum-, mer season, those concerts to ho hold In tho court house square, central' school grounds, or some other public place. Russia has 187 electric stations, serving 16,000,000 persons. WOQOCHOPPER Athletic Official Killed in War f'aptiilii RoPM-ler " .... iiiBuuui moriaiiiy in tne great war among men connected with ama- tcdr athletics has cause American followers of the sport to doubt tho possiblllt of holding International Olympic competitions for years to come. I lie latest athletic official toi. I lay down his life for his country is i . (Captain Rieseler, who was promi nently connected with the Imperial ! German Olympic committee, and said f to ho the first man to propose the folding of the Hi 16 Olympic games at j Berlin. Captain Roeseler was killed j nt the head of his company in a des- perato charge when the kaiser's men t were driving the Russians headlong j through the Manzurlan Lakes region. I Tlio casualties among the athletes and , officials of the nations at war have been appalling. Jean Bouln, the great French distance runner, was the first athlete of prominence to meet his fate. He was disembowelled by a German shell on the western battle front, find his dying scream was "Vive la France!" Carl Diem, head of the imperial German Olympian commission, went down with a piece of shrapnel in his leg early In the fighting, and Hanus Draun, the great est middle distance runner ever de veloped In Germany, had both of his legs blown off by a shell from a French "75." R. Rau, the kaiser's sprinter, who has defeated both Har ry Glssing and "Tex" Ramsdell of tho I'nlted States, was another early vis um of the murderous French guns. England has suffered, too. The bones of many of her best polo players ore lying under the Flanders soil, nnd .among her wounded is Arnold N. S. Jackson of Oxford, the Olympic run ner who defeated tho Amerlcau rollers In tho memorable 1,500 metre race at the Stockholm Olympiad In 1912. AT TRANSATLANTIC LINER REACHES LONDON SAFELY, AFTER ZIG ZAGGING FOR SO.ME TIME TO ESCAPE Pl'RSl'lT I ulted 1'iess Service LONDON, May IS. Tho Trmisyl anla arrived safely with her passen gers, although It was said that a sub mr.rlnd llred a torpedo nt tho vessel cm Sunday, missing her about thirty .Minis. Waller Uurston, returning from Arlzoun, claimed that ho baw the porl scopo of n submarlno, and saw the torpedo pass about thirty yards astern or tho vessel, Ho notified Captain (Hack, and tho hugo liner zlg-zagged for hours, In an effort to disconcert the efforts of tho submarine, and Anally escaped. Illusion's story was corroborated by Kenneth Douglas, an actor. No more eavesdropping on tele phone lines It a now Invention works out as planned. A novel receiver shuts out the would-be listener. SHOOTS TORPEDO TRANSYLVANIA PRZEMYSL STILL RUSSIAN PRIZE; j TEUTONS HALTED1 K'lTf II i:Klt CALLS FOR BIGGER ARMY KngllMi War Lord Say He Will Fight Fire Willi Fire, anil Intimates that , Uernmn Methods Will lie L'.sed, i Agalnn German Von Ituelow Is' I Head) to liOave Italy, Convinced i That Pence Is lleyond Hoping for. ' I Mulled 1'ress .Service ' PETROGRAD, May 18. The Aus- tro-German advance upon Przemysl nas again ncen naiteu, according to dispatches received today. In these the enemy's losses in en 'g3gements along a line of twenty miles north of the fortress are de- scribed as "exceptional." ...i .i.. .i, It is an- has been , forced hack seven miles at Bukowina.' and that the Russians tho Pruth River. have crossed ..n..i n.n.s.mu -' '..- LONDON. Mav IS Lord Kftrhi-n- .. ...-j , ,-.,,. . cr has caueu lor ouu.uuo more re - crults. He has also announced in the house of lords that "Since Ger many is persistently using gas bombs, the allies must protect their troops the employment of similar meth - b ods I'mteil I'ihss Serke ROME, May IS. It is reported thr.t Prince von Beulow, the German ambassador, is ready to leave, con vinced that Italy Is ready to strike. It Is no longer doubted but what wai wilt ultimately be called, and a rumor says the new cabinet Is draft ing an ultimatum to Austria, limiting the reply to hours. I'ulted Press Service PARIS, May IS. It Is announced that the allied artillery has slaugh tered 2,000 Germans In the west bank of the Yser, besides demolishing sev eral bridges. KtiMlu has moro Jews than any other country and Warsaw has more Jeus tlnn any other Russian citv. More than five billions for luxuries wns the record of expenditures In tho United Ftates last year. The I'nlted States produces more copper ttinn all the rest of the world together Morgan & Co. Director to Summer in Klamath THOMAS V. LAMONT, ONE OF, AMERICA'S FOREMOST Fl.NAN- i CIERS, RESERVES IIARRIMAN LODGE AND POINT COMFORT FOR HIS PARTY OF FRIENDS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY. ARRANGEMENTS NOW REING .MADE The late E. 11. Harrlman, builder of railways, Is not the only financial giant to turn toward Klamath as u place to secure a rest from the cease- ( less tolls In tho money marts of New York. Thomas V. Lamont, ono of tho directors of J. P. Morgau & Co., and himself nationally known as a powerful business man. has followed the example of the late Harrlman, and will summer nt Pelican Bay. Tho Klamath Development compa-l uy has just reserved Harrlman Lodge. ou Upper Klamath Lake, for the month of July for tho exclusive use of Lamont. his famllv and his friends. For the same length of time Mr. La-1 fttett VlV9 OTHER NEUTRALS MAY ASK KAISER TO STOP DIVERS UEMEVKI) THIS IS THE LATEST CAMPAIGN Notice From Amsterdam Says That Germany Will Answer the Amerl ' can Note by Thursday, Respectful ly Declining to Discontinue Subma rine Activities Wilson Believe in Concerted Protests by Neutrals. I'nlted Press Service AMSTERDAM, May 18. It Is un- lofflclally Rnnounced that Germany will answer the American note Thurs day, refusing, In polite terms, to dis continue submarining, and expressing a hope that America will understand that Germany must combat the ene- my w,,h aU the WeaPn3 at " Cm' , mand. .United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, May 18. 'America ntnns to use nressure from ( - . - oilier neuirai nations in an auempi to force Germany to accept America's position regarding the submarining. It Is learned that copies of the Amer- tlcan note have been PlMed. at " posai oi me neuirai naiions wnose citizens perished on the Lusltanla, and' they are reported to have en dorsed the Issues. America refuses to believe that Germany wants to break with the nentral countries. It Is understood that the -Austrian and German am bassadors hare urged the Kaiser to conciliate America. Sick Are Improving. There Is an exodus of patients from the Ulnckburn hospital, owing to their recovery. Mrs. E. A. Schule meter, who recently underwent k surgical operation, has been taken to (her home, and Louis Robin, the Swan Lake fanner, who recently fractured a leg by a fall from a- horse, has also returned Uome, Anotner patlent ,eave the hoapal much better tnan wneQ ne wem tnere , A,bert stm (rose, who underwent a most serious operation. In the Samoan Islands Is a breed of cnttle the bulls of which seldom weigh more than 200 pounds and the cows 150 pounds. TIlOM. W. liHBtOBt 'mont uaH uon tne ug ft Polnt Pnmfnrt..( thn ha-n.ifui .J ' boBa of ftj ' . M ,z is.-- (CoBtlauN ob V ) StJ W 41 . .51 f I rM' mi , w - VVff"' M .