MONI1AV, MAY 17, imn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK TWO HerakTs Classified Advs. WMWMWMWKWMMVMWMWWWMWWWMW HELP WANTED WANTED Woman or girl to do fen eral homework; small family, good wages. Apply Mrs. C. S. Moore. 8tf The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Kdltor HELP WANTED Good neat woman cook for men. Write box 264. 10-6t WOMAN or fllrl wanted to do general housework; good wages, box 461. 1G-21 SITUATION WANTED Published dally except Suaday by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street Entered at the poatofflce at Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for transmission through the mall as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: One year 15.00 One month 60 KLAMATH FAIXS," OBKOON " MONDAY, MAY 17, I II 1.1 has proven lu tho conduct of his own those loss seriously hurl anil reused, business that ho Is competent. on grave cases. In the frightful fever, Mr. Evans Is at liberty to try out wliueli burns up typhus victims cold' any of his soap-bubble schemes to so-1 pucks have to tie uses. Aside from cure support or business that he de-j there being not enough doctors and sires, but we do object to his printing nursed to supply those to more tlmti libelous articles attacking other news- one In n thousand, there was not in papers here. all Servla even enough sheets for that , 'purpose. All white cloth In Servla . . . . 1 that could possibly 1 10 used for bind ing up the wounded was lein: ago dedicated to that purpose, While medical authorities say that typhus Is spread by the bites of an Infected louse, the American pli.vsl- .. Scattered Shots DO YOl.'K Chautauqua sc ticket buying early. War Boosts the Lead Production in U. S. WANTED Widowed nurse, desires position as housekeeper for widow er. Write 163, Herald office. ll-6t. WANTED Washing to do at home; prices reasonable. Also man wants work of any kind. 334 Fourth street. 14-2t fP AND STOP AT KLAMATH FA MA FOR SALE KOIl SALE Lady's saddle horse, cheap. F. E. Ankeny, 54 Main at. 4-tt A RARE BARGAIN Incocme prop erty; center of business district; incline $94 per month, can easily be made greater. Address box 535, city. THE r.ltMEKS' C.CAHIHAX W E KEMEMUER reading some where In the Bible a mention of the blind leading the blind, but we cannot recall any Instance where the blind has successfully been of assist ance to the well. It Is quite a common occurrence for the man who has made a failure THERE IS NO Institution that es capes criticism, hut the funniest kind 'contagions. of criticism Is that offered by coii-ltors ali num.s imu been especially corns who tried to conduct a similar. 1.1..1. Murine Februurv In the viilu- lty of Nlsh. 10 fj physicians were 'stricken with the epidemic. The Amer- (Herald Special Sen Ire) WASHINGTON, I) I', May IT Lead is one of the llrst metals that clans In Servla are unanimous lu dc-juotild naturally lie associated wit li an daring that lu reality It Is highly j .,.....,...,,,,., ......... lnlltnii lu time of war. i. ------ Hie deaths among doc business and failed miserably. leached III ll'lil This Inciease was ( due chiefly to gains lu Missouri, about IU.iiho ions; lu Idaho, 411, una; and In I'tah. IS.uOii ions. j The exports of lead smelted from foreign ores were IIO.IH I lotiil and' and vet the exports of lead from the from domestic lead ores r.S,722 Hum, 1 Pnlted States to Eu. o,.e sin. .e war a H'lul of M. tons, linger than , , in anv other year since I '.Ml, when, hegnn have no, Ineu-aMod In pr. r- ( ; h of ))m ,,,.,, , ,:,.-! tloti to the Incnwo In exports or nine . v .lnm, iK i,i RANCHERS! 11.IVIM1 vi:al, ii,mw, ,. ciiicKcvs nut stij; AI'I'I.V ,T Palace Market ALL Al ICES from ban erancisco lean IUM Cross units have suffered so-;,,,, S(m, ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, Iim, tlu, ,,,.,.,- V(. ,. ,,.,, r,m ,,(, Pulled! agree that If Klamath county Is to v,reI), 8o fllr l0 llouths ,olmll, ,,r. ((i uf mi1u(. ,.,.,, i,y ,., ,,,,. , ,, , t.m.rll,,y , make any real gain from the Panama, MncOruder of Washington. Ir. Jus.,,,,,, wnr ni.,nillly ,.,, , Octoher ..Hee o lead In (his country, owing to Pacific International exposl Ion a Ive K. ,0nelly. former quarlntlne o.llcer,,, ,.,,, ,,.,.,. In . N(. , , ,.,,,, ,,,,, ; rmrpsontiitive lniisl 1m miilntnlneil nt ... ,i .-, .. v..... -..,i-. 11.. ill, .. . Argraves Hotel Furnished rooms with bath Union Imnseloutii fitie in ji.oo liy week, $2.r.O and up Second St., Iiei, Main , pmo representative must be maintained nt the Klamath Booth, to tell (he people a few things. WE ARE AM, wlso guys, to hear each of us tell It. nut we never hear of any bunko man starving to death. FOR SALE Or trade; 21-foot motor, to be free with advice as to how the boat for an used automobile, in-' other fellow should run his business. quire at Hales Market. 13-6t jll needless to say that very little 'attention is ever paid to these public FOR SALE Stock ranches of 400;llOrea by lnteIigent people, unless It acres to 24.000 acres In the famous i,,a,,ena tUat the person Is couduct- Sprague River Valley. Easy terms. lnK a newspal,er or has access to the Enquire of Chas. Pattee. Bly. Ore. co,llmn4 ot one. 13-6t . This is the case with our friend cno rcfctT Sam Evans. He has been in the FOR RENT newspaper business in Klamath Falls Fl'RNISHKD APARTMENTS at the for several years, and although he Oregon House. 10-tf ' 'lus succeeded in squandering seventy : thousand dollars or more, he does not MTcrTrT t AMT7nnc yet seem t0 rea,Uo that something IVHam.L,L.AlM,K,UU& j more than money is necessary to the WANT TO BUY Four pack burros -successful handling of a newspaper, or cheap horses; also four pack01' a,iv "tber business, saddles; must be cheap for cash. Ad-' Statistics tell us that only about 5 dress J. T. Rafferty, general delivery, l'er cent of tlle business men make a Klamath Falls, Ore. l.",-6t success, but the real man, with the' . : right stulf in him. does not lay down MONEY TO LOAN Short time loans ; llUd cry at the lirst backset or rebuff, on first mortgages, income proper-, it Is only the weakling and the unfit ty or real, estate. Address box 712, that blames someone else for his Klamath Falls. 16-3t 'failure. The Herald has had a feeling ot t sympathy for the Northwestern, as It would with any business concern that 1 has been unfortunate. It has made it a point to be fair and considerate in any mention of its former contempo 1 rary, and has stood ready to assist In any way it could. Apparently Sam Kvuns does not understand this atti tude on the part of a business rival, and does not appreciate the motive that Inspired it. He has consistently igone to the trouble of casting slurs '.land insinuations at the Herald I through the columns of his weekly THIS RAIN will settle tho dust nicely but Thursday's work will ac complish a great deal more for the success of Reed Roads Day. SWAT THE FLY by eliminating his breeding places, the garbage and rub bish piles. Servia's Lifeblood Is Being Sapped (Continued from Page 1) nt tho port of New York; Dr. Albert Coal; of Brooklyn, Dr. Kara of I'liliw go, and Mrs. Solum (luclier of Chi cago. Many other Americans have been fortunate enough to recover. Among them are Doctors S. 11. Hodge of Kuowllle and T. W. Neshll of I'plaud, Calif. They survived so weakened that the lied Cross director ordered them home, ltut tint need was so great they refused to leave, and ten dered their services to the Servian government, which gladly accepted them. Dr. Ryan of Scrautou has been down with the malady, but Is recov ering. He has been decorated with the Cross of tho White Eagle by Servla and the Cross of tho Legion of j Honor by Franco for his heroic work in Belgrade. Nearly every physician lu Servla to day has from 1,000 to 2.000 patients lu his hopsitnl camp. Ho has nn as sistant and one or two nurses. Although they try hard, It Is Im possible at this time to prevent the pa tients lu delirium from killing them- last fifteen years. These ami other 1 a).ui smelted In bond from foreign I facts are graphically presented In lhe,,ir,.rt s iheiefoie exported Instead of, advance statement of the production , domestic load Owing to the civil j of lend In the I'nlted Slates lu I HI I, Wiii- lu Mexico tho Imports of Mexican I Just Issued by the I'nlted States i!eo-or for ,,,,, st few yoirs have been 1 logical Survey. 'much smaller than heretofore, and The total production of refined le:id there was not enough foreign lead In I from both domestic and foreign ores the I'nlted States to supply the do. ( was .. 12.122 short tons, compared maud. Lend wits consistently higher j with H'.2.4i!0 tons In l!U:t. The pro-, In London lu itl than In New York. diictlon of lellnod lead from domestic And this, together with tho scarcity ores was .112. 7!U tons, an Increase of of Mexican lead, caused the largo ex 100, iilti tons over tho record figures ports of domestic lead. has been entirely Inadequate, and the grim disease has kept steadily at work In Its toll of hundreds of lives dally. ! Even now, Servia's declaration that selves. the disease is under control Is based ' When tho epidemic was at Its more on the hope that the measures height, tho mortality rose to 10 per tiiken will prove effective rather than cent. It Is now declared to ho down on anj great check of the epidemic. Mo 10 per cent. Although confident Late Market Quotations LOCAL I'ltH i:s ton PRODUCE. I'OILTIIV. .MEATS AMI LIVE STOCK Cult II. .d AND SAX I It.WCISCO LIVESTOCK OUOTA-TIO.VS Blue Front Livery and Feed Stables Mundy & Hilyartl, Propi, Plione UA'JW. Klaiiiulli, m-nr Hth I'lOOIpt lllld Olllclclll M-I'lll'C, (ilMHl liori' mid liii ila 1 Ik Office of Dr. C. O. Prentice Veterinary Surgeon Learn to Run a Launch TELFORD & SON Will rent )'u a Iniimli, nnd tench you lo 11111 It Subscribe tor the Herald, 60 ceau' oioith PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Is ambers Oregoa Ataoctattea Titl. Ilea That there has been a slight diminu tion now for two weeks past cannot be denied. For the fight on disease, Servla must depend on foreign help. The fifteen southern provinces have been turned over to the mission of tho Rockefeller foundation, sent out in conjunction with the Red Cross. The central part of Servla, about Uakub and Kraguyevats, has been turned over to the English, who now hf.-vo a that, with the help now nt hand, the disease will be checked, tho Servian government n din Its that the condi tions afterward will be most pitiful. All clothing and personal effects must be burned. Tho replacing of these without outside help will he a matter of years for the poor peasants. I demand and outlook an A black flag In Servla marks -arh lenr. house where the disease has victims, j -pop hogs at JS.l.. uiadi ! POKTI.AXD I.E'ITEU j 'li.e receipts for last week were: I Cat He, 1MI7; calves, 21; hogs, ansR; I sheep. 42. ( Cattle receipts wore Very light. The ! market was strong and tho quality excellent. The week's market can lie well charncteii7eil in these short sen tences. The market has not at any time this season been lu better shape. Tho also exrel- another but each tlag usually means two or total of 300 nurses and doctors there. ' three. Twenty centuries ago from The northern part of Servla Is In the j tho heart of what is now Servla went hands of the Russians, although at "P a cry for help that has since rung Belgrade, where the disease Is espe-jdown the ages. It was the cry to daily strong aud fatal, the American I "come to Macedonia and help us." Red Cross units ate fighting the grim I The same cry Is ringing out today. fight. France has Just sent a mis- forced by a spiritual and material sion of 100 doctors and sanitary ex-'anguish far greater than that of the high market spot In the Culled Slates. Iluceipts am short and tin1 demand unexcelled. While spring lambs ale taking their usual cource lu point of prices, tho market is considered as good as any. (The strong prices at North Portland should appeal to Western shippers. ! Ilncon. per Ih IK it'iO C Ham. per Ih 17 it 20 c ' ' S.X FRANCISCO MARKET I Steers--No. I. weighing U00 to ) lion lbs., H-'H tf'.a; 1100 to 1300 lbs., 1 i'j li i. -? e : second quality, 4fVic. Cows and helfcrH --(loud, MfC4c: second qiullly, 6 14 ft & $i o. 1 Hulls and stags - flood, I'ffOe; fair. 3(t Ic. Calveit l.lght weight, USi'lilie;, medium, 8 OK 14c; heavy CO 7c. Sheep Wetliers, CHf"v; ewes, ' "I it 5 li 0; shorn sheep, -i O lu less. j Lambs Yearlings, 7 4r7?c, sack- ling, 7 OT -Tie. Hogs--Hard grain foil, weighing, tOO to 200 lbs.. 7i OSc; 200 to 300, ', 1 li fi 7 '4c; undesirable hogs, 6 li1 0 c. DULL, SPLITTING, SICK HEADACH E Dr. June' Headache Powder rt lleve at onoe 10 cenU a package. PORTLAXIl EARL WHITLOCK UNDERTAKER EMBALMER County Coroner Complete Funeral Furnishings Phone 416 6th and Pine DR. CHARLES E. WELLS Osteopath Physician Suite 18-10 White Building Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5 Phone 90 LIVESTOCK MARKET Cntllo Steers I'llme light . . . . f 7.0f.O 7. HO perts, who will endeavor to work spiritual need that called out Its first midico tow, .lift over the sanitation of the whol conn, utterances. Sorvla admittedly Is! (The following llguics aie those Medium 7. U0O7.I0 paper, apparently in the hope that he try Owing to the pitiful condition looking to the I'nlted States for much I paid for the commodities euiiincr- U'ows --Choice rt.2r.OU.G0 In which the little country was, oven f tbo help that will bo necessary to .iter, by local inertiiant-s mill iirnr-, Hood r,.7rO0.2r before the war started, this foreign save licr population from the distress jkcis.) .Medium fi.OOO Iheln Is declared hv lh memlmrs nf ' In which they now exist. VcuelablcH I Heifers Choice 0,000 OG I - . Hie various missions themselves to bo wholly Inadequate. It Is much more, Subscribe for the Herald, 60 caati howwer, than Servla has ever had at moatb any time in the past. She Is pinning - - nopes ot ner continued existence In It ( You take a Dr. .Unit' HciJrb l'owdor and in Jiutt n few moment your head clritri nnd nil uiHirhU anl illilrcM vnmilin. ll'a Die iuicknl ttnd aureat relief fur liruUrhc, whtthtr dull, throbbing, upllttlng or nmr racking. Bend nutnronc to tho drug torn and get dlian arkiifff now. Quit Buffering It'a no nmllro. tlk urn you Ki-t Br. .UiinV llradtcht Powder then there will be 110 iIIjm pnlntiiii'iit. Plumbing and finsniithing We Do the Work Just Right Tank work of all kinds PAUE. PINGEL & LORENZ Cor Oth ft Klamath Phone 216 Klamath Transfer Co. (if 0 Main Street Call us for moving coats, pianos, household furniture, or any kind of local team or truck work. Phone 298-J It's Up to You TO VALh AM) SUB Winters ABOUT THOSE QLA88K8 (iiadiiute Optician feiveliy in landless I'l-ofimlon. IIKMKMUKft Till: XUMIIKIt MMmJaMtrM might injure the standing of this pa per in the minds of a few uninformed people. We quote the following from the last issue of the Nerthwestern: "1 understand that no other news paper in Klamath county has ever ventured to suggest that the farmers should organize to help themselves, because newspaper proprietors were afraid of the vultures that wanted ithe sleepers to slumber while their j life blood was being sucked away." I The above convinces us that Mr IK vans made a mistake when he en tered the newspaper business. Ho .should have devoted his talents to I writing dime novels and detective stories. I We wonder what vultures have held Mr. Kvans in their grasp during the three or more years he has been publishing newspaper in Klamath Falls. He certainly was not intimi dated by the business men, us for more than a year they have consid ered bis paper as an advertising medi um, a Joke. They very naturally re- lusea to spenu money with a paper that could not give the desired pub licity for which they were paying. Having made a failure of his own j business, Mr. Kvans Is now competent to advise the farmers of the county J how to spend their money and con duct their business. Iuiiu wuum ininK mat tne rarmers of the county were occupying relative . positions With the Indiana nn niir raa. ti vatlons, and needed a guardian to see that they do not become the vic tims of gold brick men. It is our ex perience that when you see a man who displays too much interest In your financial affairs. It is a pretty good plan to keep your hands In your pockets. This disinterested friend ship Is not a safe thing to bank on. The farmers ofKlamath county are the most Independent class of our citizenship. As an average they are more shrewd and better financiers than many of the so-called business men. We do not. believe that they have made any application for a guar dian, and when tbey need advice they will probably consult someone who with almost pitiful confidence. Wien tho preaont war broke out there v.a In all Servla with n popu-' lation of r,,000,000, only 900 doctors. , The majority of these had to go at' once to the army, leaving the civilian I population practically without med-! leal help. Ot this heroic little hand of doctors, one-third huve already fallen victims to the epidemic which they were fighting. With those who remain, and with the other doctors that have been sent by various foreign governments .together with 140 more which the Servian government se cured by offering a salary of JlflO u month to any physician who would come, there are now in all Servla very few moro than 1,000 doctors. This Is about one physician to every 5,000 of population. Terrible as this lask of doctors Is, It Is as nothing In comparison with the lack or hospitals and medical sup plies. So scarce were the latter fol lowing Servia's last great battle that the haiiditges had to ho taken from ACHING ' FOR SORE, TIRED FEE! Vegetable Potatoes, per cwt.-Oood whites. "' 6.0000,00 J 11.75 cash; other grades from l.SG ,,,,,,H c:,,,,lc" B.2GfB.76; lI()W1 j .Stags- Choice C.OOC.CI) Onions, per cut., 12. (!o" 6.GO0O.OO (Irani onions, ar.e per dozen jC'alvoii Prime fi.00O8.50 hunches. 1 Hg Ilndlshes, per dozen bunches, ar.c. ' ,rl""' "Khl, 17G.22G lbs. $8.00 4)8. IT. j Lettuce, nor dozen bunches. 3 lie. Choice medium, H0-I7G. 7.7&H.00,' 1 llhubarh, host quall'iy, per lb., 3c. , "''ght, "'' ln lb" Omlns. Kir j l,OUKh' 17!i "m "" "' Oats, per cwt $l.r,0 1 Sheep I Wheat, per cwt 2.00 ! vv,!tl""'K ""'"I , llarley, per cwt $1.50 Hotter and Kggs Mutter Itaiieh, 20(; cash, 22 'jc in trade. Kggs Pur dozen, 20c cash; 22 14 c .no' .10 fi" .7f.j .60 Good-bye eore feet, burning feet, swol :en feet, sweatv feet, smelling feet, tlrod feet. Good-bye corn, rulloum-it, bunions and ruw snots. No j mure siioc tigui- new, no more limp- big with pain or trade, drawing up your! ii,, face In agony. ; ' "" "TIZ" In magical, liens, por dozen 15.50 07.00 acts right off. Pryers. tier dozen 5. 00710. 00 lloosters, old, per lb., Kc. Dressed .Meats 7.76(JJH.OO Old 7.60I)7.75 llwes- llest J.70 if 7.75 Chole. r,.26 4l' fi.60 Common 1.00 4 4.60 Sheep Mixed G.GO07.GO Lambs Piimo K,264j8.60 Choice 8,25 O 8.60 Medium 7.00 417.75 Shearlings, (I less lu all Hues. Phono 'J70..I S. V. Ml M HIV I dean your mi pels as llicy lay 011 tho lloor. All worli guaran teed ICstliuales free VACUUM CARPET - CLEANING ' lingo lias Kliglne I'imor c 11 pets. 1 ugs, diaperles mid up" I nl,f i-ied hiilillille cleaned by sue lion Hint Miiiipn id all ultima! It IIIKWll Hilt mill .IcllciMin. Klniimlh l'H ' TIZ" draws out all the poisonous . exudutiona which 1 Use "TIZ" and for-!.. , ' ... get your foot 1 """ ""' '" " misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet 1 Lambs, per lb 12 feel. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now at Mutton, per lb 11 any druggist or department store. Don t iiITit. Wnvn rrnftil f,f. olmA foftf. ffwifc that never swell, never hurt, never get steers, per Ih , , , i tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed .Cows, por Ih 6 Livestock I'loiii The Kpeitaloi- (,' X, Y, j "The Mutual Life has been iucreus IP ! !lnK uH dividends from year to year, Wl- Clal,.i ii.iu cminiinv is now Hie lending 1 ' " dividend paying company." Arthur L. .1. Smith, PrcKidont. 15-21' l- M. Priest, Agent. 13 4i12 or money refunded. A BOOK OF INTEREST To all especially young married folk, is tho Savings Hank Hook, (lead it over often. Kvory time ou read it you'll find something new added to It which is ot moro Interest. Let us start you with one of our books. We will be glad to do it. V J7r-SAVINCS BANK' M FIRST STATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS. OKEGON Stock hogs, per Ih fi Hogs, per h Veal, per Ih fVtQ Mutton, per lb C V6 4J Cured Meats Shoulder, per lb CV4c (JljC. C c 7 c 7 c 12 c Piano Tuning Reduced Until .1 iino 1st, only, I will tune pianos lu Klumuth Fulls for $3, In stead of ?fi, nnd satisfaction guaran tee n. Don't Delay. It. MADHEN, Leave ordors ut Klumuth Falls Music House The Motor Boat EMPRESS Daily Service Passenger Baggage Freight Upper Lake Point llus leaves Western Transfer olllco every morning at 7:IG. F. A. Moore, Manager TO BE SATISFIED IS TO DEAL AT THE Wm. C. Hum Hardware Company Telephone 183 SEE US 5th and Main TRY US M O N II (IHANITK M K U. D. N (1IUKZLK T H MAUDUB Klamath PalU