The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 17, 1915, Image 1

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    ' vr ,' VI
umng Herald
Ninth Vwir N. .
Pries, Vtn Oh
ioi it i tains wii.i. hi: worki;i
I'-hIi Piece nr Woik Will lti ('mi (ni
mi I'imIi'i- IIii Mlrrctlon of n l'i
iiiiiii M('ii Who Will WuiK mi i hi'
llimiN lt)'iiirsli'il l'i Mri't in Ihi'
('mill Ih'ilKi' Tlillfoilii) iiiiiiiiIiiu
Willi I'll k oi'HIiuti'l mill l.iimli.
Ml'lllhl'IH "f till' IIIIIIIIK''IIH'lll (UNI-
wltu-e fur till' Good Komi Duv ol
m'Imimi . Imvi decided thnl four
u etches of mini hIiimiIiI lin Impiovcil
llmrHiliiy. 't'lii'Bi', together with l tit
fiiiciuaii In charge of Hi" work of tin.
toluiiteerH mi each, iim follows-
I'urt Ivliiiiiutli, 1'i'rry .M Ktiuin.
Men III I. inn Short ; Kcno. George T
It.iltl w in . I'l'llciiii liny, J. W Siemens
Tin' Mini wliii lire going In donate
i iIii'h work mi tlii I'iiiiiIh iiii' asked
III llll'Cl lit till! (DUI I llllllSO in 7
h'cIik-I. Thursday tuoi iiIiik. with
lmcl, pick, grubbing hoe r some
ithrr implement, mid ii lunch. From
ilii'ic tlu) will In truiispoitcd to tlic
(inn Kticti tiort nf rnnil to Ik lniiriivi'il
In tin evening thero will In. it big
linn mill rally nt the Pavllllini. At
(hat thiin the fiircmmi will lie called
upon to tell of tln work accomplished
ti 'iiri road.
Mi'iiihtus of Ewaiiun Camp, Wood
men of tlio World, went to Keno to
la in iitN'iid (ho funeral services of
''lair A. Stlffler, it luciuliur of tho
local ordur, who illi'd nt Wordcn Sat
inlay evening. The fllliunil wiih at
- :iu nils afternoon, ami tho lvuialus
rio Interred In Keno cemetery.
Deceased wiih nlioiit 10 yours of
me. and Ih survived liy It I h wife and
u children, lie formerly leslded
'iciu, mill wbm oiii)loyod In tho saw
mill on the West Side whon It wiih
'licialeil hy the Inncs-Clarko coin
nany. (The i4iivIiik story In (lie His
Wimil, United I'ivkn Muff t'lirrcspontlt
how IIiIh least know n of the allied na
NIHI1, Horvlu, April 20. (Hy four
'r to Salonika and mall to Now York,
" avoid tho English censor at Malta
"d tho French coimor at Mnr
wlllt'H For linen mouths nil Scrvliv
has boeu one great
chnrncl hotisn of
(lend and dying.
Doatlis to (Into
Intvo reached a
grand total of 75,
000. Although the
epidemic of typhus t
Ih now iiecmraii w
bo under control,
it In freely admit
tod that RKi'lm hur-
i . . AA I... I
vobi 111 iuu,uun un
man beings will
Imvn linen leaned
iinroi'o can hu ontiroly stumpod out,
TIiIh Is tho most optimistic view of
lio sltuntlon,
Escaping from the two lialkun wars
,v H
II II, UN Will) Mini' n:l.l, i;( .
VMSK I'HIMS.I.NT IS FINED Kino. iim:s ion iiTiii:ii
.luiillro ni tlio Peace Ii Hid
liili'rtl to decline wnr. Ilo In hitter
llglllllHt Wolator of tin kuiiiu laws,
mid tliioiili'iiH heavy lines roi nil who
Mil' t'OIIVll'teil
I.IIKO lllllegollo. Mil Itllllllll, Wild
lll III I ''Hie, I ft Week ago by Deputy
Game WiiriluM lli'iu) Htmit for kill,
lug a female Chinese pheasant, was
hi ought lipfoic (Imvoii Saturday iiMiii
llig Hi. plead guilty mill wiih lined
J PHI llllll COHlK
Af tut spending Haliiidii) iiIkIii In
J. il ihi. itiiini. puiii id,, iim, Sunday
lilt: KLAMATH I'ALL.s ;.M.MAIt
s iKiiii, ti:.m i.icii.s in game
at .m i : 1 1 1 c 1 1 . i scern: close,
ir i.Ait(ii:
The li.lxeli.ill lelllll leptcsclillng tile
Klamath Falls grammar school Jour
liejeil to .Mel I III Satin day and played
the Mi'irlll High School team Tho
result wan it 1:1-11 vletoi) foi tin
Men lllll.-M.
Tun of llif ii'Kiilar Klamath phi) -ith
were nut, and thin weakenoi the
lnlllni: imBroKHtloii Thej expect to
wienk ieeiii;e Satuidiiy uevt, though,
when .Met rill tomes InMf for n lelurn
MotM'lieiiliaeliei and Ken rnrnivd
the Imttery for Klamalh Voiiiik
played al hIioiI
II II' IMX.AV l'.Sil
a WAV i.v i .os i;i:i.r
t'liltul I'H'Mt Heixtie
I.OS AN(3I''I.KS. Mil) IT Walaie
Urn), known ;ih "Hap IIoriiii," the
iiinuiiKci' of l" Venlte biwuhall dull
el the I'acllle Coast I.oaKile, died this
IimimiIiik Dealh was illle to pneii
iiioula 4'iiiiin Olll, IteheUiilis.
Membeis of Prosperlt) Hebukah
l.ndKe will meel in I O O K hall at
s o'clock this ovcnlng for practice
Cholera, Typhus and Other Dread
Diseases Sapping Servians Liieblood
I "Fui Vllliss" ilcscilptloii of londllloiis In e 01. snaked .Seiia. Henry
nt, hum hi-nl lo XUli and other Servian cities lo give Americans an Idea of
lions lias hiiiloivil Hnoiigh the woililwnr.)
(t'nlted PreRs StalT Correspondent)
'iipyrlght, l!li", by tho t'nlted rress.;
with only slight epidemics of cholera,
this heroic llttlo stnto has been caught
In luir third war with nn epidemic of
typhus which lias decimated tho ranks
of her population more than hao tho
guns of tho Germans and Austrlnns
Of tho 75,000 victims to dato, 25,
000 hid among tho Austrian pilson-411-B
of war. Tho epidemic was brought
hy them, Servians assort It broko
out curly In Jtunmry. IHk IU'1-
mniip mid ned Cross oinclnlH say mm
ni that tituii typhus was an epidemic
In Austria.
Illninn for keopluK tho rest of tho,
world from knowing tho terrible con
,inin..p (tint lnivn existed In Sorvla for,
three months rests with tho French
and English censorship, rather than
with tho Servians. Franco and Eng
land did not want AitBtrlu to know to
whnt slrnlts their little nlly had been'
reduced. Tlio Urst renl story of tho
.MDI.'IIMi 'in in. ;i.) i 'I'lIK
oriiT heisi:
lli'ini-seiiiiiihis f (;. A. It. mill W. It.
('. HUcii-m-iI 4lhvi'tiini llelnlli
s.iliuila), mill Appnliiteil Seieinl
4'otiiiiiltteeM, (llllllllls, Clr. All
fillills Ale 1'iueil to Alteilll Mer.
IliK lo He Held ThU Week.
I'laim foi the nhseiM.ncu of Moiuo
ihil l;ii) will ho arimiKcd at a mas-,
meetiiiK of iltlzeus, etc., to hu held
Thuisday ovciiliii; al the couit liouse.
The iih'I'IIiik will IickIii at T:ao, and
all luteiei-ted ale uiKed to ateud and
help in iIiIh woik
A liiectlllg win, held at the ouit
Iioiibo Saturday i.fteinnoti, at which
Mm M I, HaiBent wa choson as
t hall man and O. A Steams as sec
letai) The follow Iiik commit tei--.
were named for Decoration Day:
l'i oki am -Captain (). C. AppleKate,
J. II. .Mason, (5. A. W'lrtz.
.School paillclpatlou--ll. II. Diiuhar
Klowers Mrs. Catherine Robertson.
Olliier of the Day W. A. Delzell.
Ilesideh these. H II. lt.'imsby wax
iinnied to secure an oiator for the ob
serwnne, and to confer with the f ra
id mil societies, etc, icKardlnu their
pnitlclpallou in ihe observance and
nii:vni:.s iti: cives rcititi
iti.i: wiirn:wAsiii(i hv thi:
ri:ii:it.i.s sTi:ifii:it allows
in t ei: HIT
Tlu 1'VderaU. u new Klumath Falls j
team, started Its season ill giMltd '
si) In yohterdiiy by defeating Itoss
Sutton's Daily Cowbo)S 13 to 0
Shrimp Stolger, box artist for the
Feds, allowed hut one hit.
The Fed lineup at Dairy yesterday
was Slelgor, pitcher; Nicholson,
catcliei , l'eterstelner, tlrnt base;
.Montgomery, second base; Holler,
thltd base, Vaudalls, shortstop;
Shoit. .Mcl.otighllu and Motschen
bacher, outlleld.
facts was brought to England by Sir
Thomas l.lpton, who mado a personal
Inspection of conditions. Rough
shedding over tho llrltlsh press cen
sorship, ho openly declared that, un
less the most vigorous and extensive
help was at onco given, tho little lial
kun state that had twlco defeated
tho Austrlnns In tho causo of tho
allies, stood to loso at le.iht half Its
Sir Thomas Upton's account of the
local conditions failed utterly, how
over, to give adequate Idea of tho tor
rlble situation. Although It must bo
admitted that while Franco and hng
land, through their censorship, pro
vented tho rest of tho world from
knowing and extending tho help that
might lmvo saved R0.00O lives, they
lmvo oxtended n very great help to
their small ally. So far, however, It
(Continued ou page 2)
Jurors in Barnes-Roosevelt Suit
'b m.-. 'mm - -mm Wll
m? .y I 9 m M mni 2m
Tii mu 1 W. 1'ieire, (ai)eiilei-. ienibllcaii; Leoiiniil K. IIiiuR'rfoi'4l,
IHilnter, iiiiiKiesshe; liankllu S. KIioiiiIi'k, furiiivr, ieiul)lican.
Minim rrni Waller. I. uell, liianufactiiiei-, juoKiesUo; IivIiik J. .Mills,
oodwoikei', republican; Henry Hoii, cloik, republican.
Tliiiil iim Peter IK'ncke, coal (loaler, deinoci-.U; Kdwiird Hums, inutoi-
iiian, lepulillcaii; GeoiKe K. Iloschert, inaniilai liner, progroslv'.
Ilotlom urn John. W. Ilrnuii, fawiici', lepiibllcan; Hay Tanner, fiirmer,
democrat; Wiiri-en V. Sotnei-s, jji'ocei', republican.
These aro tho Syracuse men who
must say whether or not Theodore
RoiHevelt llbolled William names Jr.,
in the statement he made last fall
dining the campaign for governor In
New York slate. Then tho former
Mined IWsSeivleo (EXTRA) Late Ihls afternoon,
LISBON, May 17. President Aril- stone tiah', George's attorneys, re-
iign has lett for a suburb of Lisbon, wlvwl u u.h.),,im f0lll JuUg0 Web
under the escort of a troop of cavalry.
It Is officially announced that he has ster ai Portland staling that the re-
agreed to sign a proclamation order- trial of George has boon set for hear
ing tho formation of n new cabinet.
General Pimento Castro, the de-
posed premier, is missing, and the
leaders of the rovoiution say mat no
has lied tho country.
Sinco the beginning of the stieet
ilchtlng In Lisbon over a hundred
e been killed and many more have
llllll.' ' V It ...,.... ...... ........ -
boon woundod.
From Oporto Santnrem and else-
.. , , ,,(, nf lipnw ensnnl.
I . ...
ties, Conditions are nearly normni to-
Tho new cabinet which was foi mud
.... i....,i ii, hnttioahiii Vasco da
Hl IM'tl I - " '
Gama assumed control, with Juao as
.i,n . nromler.
Sues on .Vote
Tin-niiirh .1. H . Caruuhau. E. II
. I..... ,i,mii ..w in tim eir.'tried in the county where the crime,
cult courl against Tony Vlctorln tojwas committed, piovldlng there aro
ecovor 2C0 and Intorost nlleged due
on a note.
The United States produced 20 of
tho C6 eporh making Inventions, Kng-
land 17, Franco 10, Germany 5, Italy
2, Brazil, Austria and Sweden 1 each.
president charged that Charles F.
Mm ph, tho democratic boss, and Mr.
ILuuoi, the republican boss, of their
respective slate machines, worked
harmoniously whenever they were in
IiiK In Kliitmitli Falls. .The probnblr
dato for tlio case Is June 10. Federal
((ljw, Wolverton today made the nil-
I'liere Is a possibility that n term
of the federal district court may bo
held In Klamath Knits, saiuraay ai-
tcrnuon at Portland Judge L. R. Web-
ster. in behalf of Jim George, nn In-
it i... ,..l..l .... nliiKrun t( kill-
lug pete Hrown, another inaian, on
tho Klamath reservation, asked Judge
Wolverton that the trial be held here
Instead oi at Aieuioiu.
Wobster based his lequest upon a
statute enacted in 1878, which pro
vldos that any person charged with a
crlmo punishable by denth shall be in Hi,, rniintv whern the crime,
proper uccommodatlous.
At a recent meeting of tho city
council, a resolution was passed, ten-
derlng the use of the council chamber
anu mo cuy nun lur icuoioi .,.
purposes, so the accommodation need
ed is already secured.
Rome Hears
of Troop
I'tiit'id Press Service
UO.MK, .May 17 There are uncon
firmed rumors that an Austrian uatal-
lion crossed the frontier, and that the
Ilfllau patrol repulsed them In a bay-
onet charge. There Is tense excite-
iacnt all through the kingdom.
-. i,.. ...,..,.., i f I.- to- ci..
1 lit llUKltllt IJi I I UtlJ IV! t;uiuiiui IM
n-( a cabinet member resulted In wrid
cheering all night by 100,000 or more Rcar Adra,ral lTsher' mmandant of
people. Neutralists Insist that the re- tUe B'klJ" " "" and oiber
l-jntlon of Salandra is not a sign of "val officers
Immediate war ' At 8:3" tho D,K water carnival in
There are wild tumors of troop
movt ments toward Austria.
('tilted Press Service
HERUX, May 17. Germany will
itmw n iltMtlnctlnn hptwpAti fhn rtnlf.
light and Lusltanla incidents In re-
It Is
plying to the American nete:
'fitntp'd nuthnrttntlvplv Mint evprv rpn-
'aration will 1,p offered for the former
An ntr nf nnlimttim la nntprl pvprv-1
where. No resentment was caused by
the Wilson note.
It is hardly probable that Germany '
will abandon the submarine warfare. ,
Instead, she will try to convince
America that the German cause is'
i right.
I'nltpd Press Service
LONDON, May 17. Eight English
aeroplanes attacked a German Zep
pelin above the English channel as it,
, with another, was enroute back to
Germany after dropping bombs on)
Ramsgate and vicinity. Three of the
aeroplanes closed In on the dirigible,
. while .two more dropped bombs from
above it.
United Press Service
According to Ambassador Gerard's re
port, German officials received the
Wilson note with the utmost courtesy,
and they promised to give the matter
careful consideration, and answer
without delay.
United Press Service
NEW YORK, May 17. President
Wllsou. accompanied by Secretary of
tho Navy Daniels, his private secre
tar, Joseph Tumulty, and other Wash
ington oflicials, left the president's
yacht Mayflower at S:30 this morning
to review a land parade. The May
flower arrived at New York yester
day. This Is the first event In the
big naval celebration scheduled for
tho next two days.
On the reviewing stand, before the
Public Library on Fifth avenue, the
president was metjjy Mayor Mitchell
and other city officials. After review
ing tho officers and Jacklcs of tho At-
lanttc fleet, the presidential patty re-
turned to the Mayflower. At 3:30
this afternoon the Mayflower made a
Preferential Favors
Made in Oregon Goods
(Herald Special Service)
PORTLAND, May 17. In an effort
to stimulate the use of Oregon manu-
'factured goods and Oregou labor, the
( chamber of Commerce of Portland
1 I Al ,
nas commenceu u vaiupuiBu luruugu
its bureau of industries and raanufac -
tares to take ndvnutage ot the Blng-
ltntti hill wliloli ftonnnina Affapttvn Ae n
..................... ...., .. -
.jaw tins monin, ana wiucn was passeu
nt the last legislative session.
The Bingham bill gives a preferen-
tlal of 5 per cent In favor of goods
manufactured In Oregon, or In favor
of Oregon labor, In tho consideration
of competitive bidding before county
courts, boards of county commlsslon-
mu school boards, city councils, or
'other public officers authorized to
purchase supplies or contract for
"In plainer English, u purchasing
officer is .authorized to accept as the
lowest bid for labor'or supplies that
is offered by representatives of Ore
gon products, If the bid ot the latter
tour of the Meet at anchor In tho
Hudson Ulver.
Tonight at 7:30 the president will
illim nn hnnrri tlin hnltlpshln Wvnm-
,,,,, w(h Secretnry DanIel8 an(1 othor
cabinet members, Mr. Tumulty, As-
slstant Secretary Koosevelt, Admiral
Fletcher, commanding tho fleet, the
commanders of the four divisions.
seventeen captains of battleships.
connection with the fleet featlvlttaa
will be held in Xorth River. The
Mayflower Is anchored at Sevonty
sccond street, and the water carnival
"fleet," made up of hundreds of
floats r.nd pleasure craft, will assem-
b,p at "e Hun,1ed and Tenty-flfth
streot an(J Dass down the river beside
me neet until it reacnes tne may-' W,,ere '.' W,U !u ?p
the river, passing again beside the
battleships. The searchlight display
'dl,r,nB ,th,c carnlvaI P to b
. wonderful.
lomorrow tne presiuent win review
tlle entire fleet as it passes out to sea.
Then the Mayflower will return to
United Press Service
! OXFORD, England, April 28.-
mall to New York) Placid, historic
Oxford, site of Oxford University, is
today a scene of khaki.
Where once morning coats and top
hats prevailed, along with flannels
and smart dress, students ot this his
toric Institution- ot learning are clad
In the olive of the-mllitary, and the
town and college themselves are the
scenes of martial surroundings.
Convalescent soldiers wounded at
the front are quartered about the
town and in the university buildings.
Smooth lawns and grassy plots sur
rounding the ancient institution ol
learning are worn bare in spots from
drilling feet. Class room disserta
tions on deep subjects of learning are
few and far between, and the very at
mosphere of Oxford reflects the pres
ent crisis. In many of the dormo
torles that in peace times housed the
youth of British aristocracy, wounded
men are today resting on cots sur
rounded by nurses and hospital equip
ment. At a recent presentation ot degrees
the Oxford under-graduates wore the
cap and gown over their khaki, ttnd
soon afterward hastened to the drill
grounds, where they are preparing
for the country's service If they are
An Austrian scientist has Invented
a- method of sterilizing against In-
sect, germ and fungus life the ground
Into which ports are to be set.
lis not more than 5 per cent higher
than the lowest bidder from any oth-
or state," said George D. Leo, secre-
tary of the bureau. "It Is Intended
to counter-balance the difference In
I ,, , J ii . ImtmnAn
wit cosi o iiruuuuuuu uo ummu
i local and foreign concerns. It sorae-
what adds to the handicap of the for-
ntprn mnnilfnptlirAl rpnfAKAntftd htf
-... ..... --.---
freight rates, and It should prove an
encouragement to the establishment
of factories for the manufacture of
those Items needed. In the building ot
roads and bridges and materials con
sumed by municipal purchase.
"Senator Bingham Introduced the
bill after consultation with represen-
.,,. .i ...... ...i.IaI.1. tef
iiiiivea ui iiio ur8iisniiunj hiiibi, -ji
have been struggling to enlarge the 5
market for those factories already.
here, and tp pavo the way for oiimff
yet to be secured. '; "J
"In the opinion ot David M. Hue:
and other pioneer manufacturers, tk
Bingham measure will prove of ITM;s
vol,, ' .- 'J.ih-..
. s- Y5ft'