The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 15, 1915, Image 1

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A z
. "i
lEuettma IteraUi
"yintli Venr So. 11,081
SA W Building Mved in kdUEffSSS,
Tin: iuphiw hunt to sam:m
Californian Asks Damages, Specific Performance!
lun U'miliil In Klamath Full
Wltuiny Charg'', .fHV Sil)lllU He
Would Willti' rMrnilllloii. lliTusr.
In lli'iuni Willi HIii'rllT 1'iile-.
i:llililllloii In Sim lit I'll I'loin the
(iiiirlimr '"'' Him.
llnrM Anr.liiii " "" ihk'hi.'iI In
H.ui I'nniiNoi " ii 'btiii: of !''.
nut. iiiiutilii in iikih i-niiitiiii H'tiiiii
Urn It'll' f"i I Hill. Tin' il.iy follow -lilK
lilt ntU'M. Allgllll wlii'il lluil lie
would waive I'Mriiillllou, mill Stu'iin
,ou left Hi)' following liio.ultiK foi
.mill rriilu'lfio 10 lillhl', AiikIIii lu'i'
for nlnl
Tml.i) ilill'M were leieheil 1 1 "III
t;nn I'liinrUrii that AiikIIii would not
ioiiii- lnik uiiIi"h extindlieil i:i
iVntl) Ihi It nithiK ni'Oii Hi"' iiihlu
of lil attorney there
llbtilit Attorney Joint Irwin lliln
miirnliiK made muillfiii lti for eiiu
illtlon to tlu stale ollU'lr.lit. Tim luces-
arv iiimcrH. ett. were sent to Salem WIHTI
,),ln' ' . . . Alleging Hint ! W Whit.
A HOOII IIH 111(1111 HIU Pt'lHl'"
hIriiiiI ill Hnlcm thoy will In. sent to teiiHlw piopeit owner he.e,
&$&M- " ' V? ".',t' VSfrt tH .$'v'ii', '"' ' !. IVM't'Vfi'1-' ( LHaH
"'' TP?!H HlHKHillHHiMiiH
JHHHa i lEBfH VtyI fkH,7n!
fulled I'ress Service I ' JW.'
IlKltl.l.V, May 15. Tim Amerlrui iiiM niw formally presented UtU
ltKnnllnK Urn nmtter, tlitt Volclm i-KunR nays:
"lllli rii-rmnu official)) nio in fntnr of sulmillllnK Hid LbsIUbU tlif-
llinlly Ix'tttron America and Gennan) to un nrbl I ration court," aad that
ItiiKii ton lli-nisrorir, tilt- American AnibnsKador, may bo Immediately la-.
si i in (ril to suggest arbitration.
I mieil 1'ifbH Serrlce
VASIII.f!TOX, U. C, May Iff. Xo early reply to tbe Wilson note
Is i'ii'i IimI I Mini (lerninny. Most o tbe ofllcluls arc hopeful that there will
b iicaci'.
Sicritiii) llijuii Miiil toilay Hint he uoulil not entertain the Bgge Hie I'lilleil States prohibit tlm exporalon of war munitions. He
ilms not believe tbeie nill lc any lonjj illploinatic illscuwilon over the Bote,
but I'.ulier looks for some definite reply.
It Is Kcnei-ally believed that Germuny may siiHicnd Indefinitely her
Mibuiniine ur nguinst commerce, and demand arbitration of the American
i illicit l'nfc .Service
IIOMC. M.iy 15. I'VaiiiiK a eh II ar, KIiik Kmmaiiiiel today ordered
II tinmh'.iMif ilpiutii' to reeiinvene next week. He today uske.l Presl-
ileiil .ifiuoiii of Hie eliamlter to form a lablnet anil In-its piemlcr. Maori
del lined this poviiion.
AIolis today rushed to the parliament house and demolished the fur
liluie. shattercil the wlndowH and surrounded the palace, rrylnR "Kill the
Geitnsms." t'aialry cbarfteil the mob to disperse It.
i.ihm;. ox mai.n stiii:i:t. ovr.ii wmrii At-riox is staktkh ix tiii: cikcuit touitT
x- by W'lb-on S. Wiley, nttoniej for le- sold 01 liunsferreu tliu pioperty hero
li,no, to another. After that, no bays, wmte
11.,. White biillillng hero Is a two- lefueed to complete his part of the
ouner lieio, Iiiih
Sfltrnmcnta, and then forwnrnou to fl1(,( ,() ,(,.t11 nKro(.ment for tin- gl)ry Htructllrc ui,ct, wah erected In agreement,
kimtiii i.o at .. rr......-w.. ,., ,1B11Kl. f , White hiillillni; on IU12. and la up to dale In every le
AiiKltn as arrcHted upon com- ,
plulnt of Kred Noel, wliono dMJKhter, Main hire.-i. iieiween rn.ii huu r,....
MIh Nlnn Noel, wub mnrrled to
expenditures with a view to the tak-
AnRlIn hero In November, 19H
cam: is AnnK8Ti;i, kotwiixku
htreelH. for property In and
Modi'Hto, Calif.. W. C
tiled Milt for a Hperltle performance
Inc over of tlio White property here
For this lie demands 15,000 damages.
Mr. White and Mr. DeHano have
Tim nlnliitlff atiitpn that ho is will-. been corresponding for some little
Inc now to complete his part of the time regarding the matter, and re-
...... 1 -. . la- iri.i. ....... l n.1ir.OTttri
.. ..... ...i. iKirirnhi Ho Kfpi:s -to nave vniiecenny air. vimu who hi i,i.u.
Tlio compinini aneges uiiu hiiuu. -- - ., .. .. ,, ,.,
near .... . ..,. . .. -....,, ...(forced to do po. reBaruiiig me u--ui. ... u. .".v .v.
I. III! IM1IIIII1L' SIKIIL'U Hit utinwiui. " i . .. . .. u-. l.-.l
DotlMio has trade ,.,,r propertlo, providing U.ey " As a result of his In, pile, t beMef , - ;Z teZl
d v t.coin,,.aint states, was part of the contract. Mr. DeHane'thl- upon his return to town a few
... .... ..i - flflVK AGTO.
Culled 1'ri'i.H Herxlce
1'AItIS, .May 15. The French advanced 500 yard toward Soucbez
yesterday, after the bloodiest kind of tlghtinn among the. sugar mill to
that district, a violent bombardment being kept up by both armlea, white
the Infantry was in action.
The Germans retreated from Arras and. Bethnne, and -the Preach
threatened liens.
of I'ontrait and to recoer $r.,n00 .,,! ,.,j for exan)lnntton.
says he went ahead with plans for aavs a8.
..... ...... i. . l-t A nniinln rT iluiu ) fTrt IIOHHIIO flllllM
duniiRCb The suit was tiled In the Iteforo the expiration of the ton- obtaining tenants ior vacaiu roums u) .,..,.. . , ,
Hrclt court into )etcr.lay afto.noon , day limit, Dollane alleges, White, the White building, and made other In from Modesto to bring action.
wiw his Intention to skip Low was
powerless to act at tlio time, but as
soon as the train left, tlio niilhorltlei
wired to DorrlH. and Scnddon was ar
icHted then, and leluruoil liero last
JiiMtti'i- of the I'eai'u (loweii com
milted Iilm to Ibo Jail until tliu trlnl
Ik called In .Mine.
Cnlted"Pres8 Service r- - r - - -
itpnr.iv iAr in it is nnlclallr announced today that the
troops under General von Slackensteln have captured Jaroalaa, eighteen
miles from Przemysl.
No Trooper
Than Has
Has More Gameness
the French TohteriLSi
United Press Service
SAX DIEGO, May 15. Sallow arriving here nay that the' atoaawr
....... . ,.iuiini..j.nnit.iiii ii m munition in BraitlMvalto Bay, at
.mini' jirturu w v,. -..- - ii-.
t Soccoro Island, on tho Mexican coast, but were chased nway by tbe Brltttn
, cruiser Newcastle. It Is believed that the munitions were Intended ror
j transfer to the steamer Maverick, and to be taken by that boat to tbe
Gernmna In South Africa. .
SZSXSVSXS- - '-r.""l,,,,,; hiGrim Determination of German, and EnglWi Fighters Is No
E.rrn.'srrr:;;;' ,r:r;:r;r t stronger Than That of the Men Fightmg
ry-Mciiuuon, Ruhpoenned as it witness niadi. tho nip fi"'" the Pnll ' wa ' ,. RenubllC
by both Ride, Ib now In tho county I of Agar and mor the Siskiyou .noun- IOT lCpUW
Jnll, hold without bond until tlio time I tains without any trouble and covet-
f trial. .'.I the .on llvo galloi.s m fa
H.nildnii wim lit tho detiot jt-Kter- Knaollno. Tlio leiiom -, lly WILLIAM I'HIlili' wmjb "" - ,.hnB man
Hiiiiiilou was at tlio ucpoi )'' ," ,,,,......, i.,1.,.,r m the 1'nrk i ... ..' . 0.. r.,.,,n.rin sui( of nenco. tlghttng man.
'Goodb5e. good luck and early He has succeeded In p complex
.. '. ... . .... . .. rpnrcantzlner his life. He has gotten
... vKinrr " tiinir frienas cnnea to uie " . . .
TUB FUONT. Apr.. 30.-(ny ma,.!, a3 tney mttM my. Some'-t or his dome U
to New Vo,k,-After passing along t with an Implied
the f.ont from Belgium to Alsace doubt. o 11 do our best. f0k ho tells them' to be patient, ho
and talking with officials high and ( Then too. tho shadow of 1870 hung oomfo,.tg them and 8CoWs tnera for
low one Is Impressed with tho pre- Heavily. .writing letters that are blue.
.. ,i.t ii,., uir has onlv' Uelng extraoutluary Intelligent, the i The offlcers nro the same as the
Vilnius IIIUIV VIIM. v..w ... v . , ,. . Al. I.. I
r rencn soiuier reiueuiuoiou uim iu
"How long will tho war
day. and when Deputy Sheriff l.loyd eHlabllslied i.ciiiiniwmrs ,u ' '- (i'uw I'rehH Staff corresponaenw
Low asked him If ho was leaving, and I gnrago and oxpoe o w .
If lie Intended to ho back hero for tho sttnter horo the summe..
trial, his nnswom Indicated thnt It, -Ashland Tidings.
Big Dance to Wind up
the Good Roads Day
cashier of the First National bank.
His medical advisers have con
vinced Orb that the duties of his po
sition with the financial institution,
together with the confinement, are
too much for him, so he wlll sever
his connections, and retire to his'
ranch for a while, at least.
1 asked an olllcer of very high rnnk.
"A long tlmo," ho answered way
of showing that ho had studied tho
question and tlio reply. "A long
co.obrato noon, "oorgo Watt of the Klainatli tU0 lin,eS8 omo unexpected event
Meat company, nns hkicuu i
this out by furnishing nil tlio
Klamath county will
flood Roads Day Thursday with a
ul wtrt it ..m.I - I.An . Iilir vrillintnitl .. t. .....liwl
ww. uiiu uiii'Bi u 'D -- ,i0UH" tuat may u" "" . ,, nA UttaW
i i..i linn, vnlun! " HUU1 uiiaxiiuL-iuu. ,. ttviiiuv niiiuinia iiw - i
,.,,',' bring It to nu end.
"What sort of an event?
r An.ln .li.m avnlllncrtv fillH
"vuu, ow. ...... . UlUII. UIIO llliuo lliotu o.u...uB. ....-
m 1 1S70 they vero badly led and quickly confltient. Fraternizing with the men
last? 'i.niit Thov felt that, man for man. . .,i,n.u nr nthpr nftioera in the
they could beat the Germans, but worl(1 ,i0 -vvltli theirs. Yet tho men
there was tho wonderful German I nevcr take advantage of this fact,
fighting machlno and the doubt as to'.. n 0fncer speaks a word of dls-
tho French leadors. i approval to one of his men, this word
llut this spirit of doubt long since seems to huit worse than a blow.
h dlaanneared. Ono finds It now I And tlio next day it a dangerous
force of mon working on tho high
ways, n dinner ut noon, nnd
dnnco In tho evening, tho latter Just
tn ultnw Itin n o..u vfiitr will not
i. ... .. . ... . .1... , iri;eil out further.
-.. us on, as wo navo nouo , """"-' o lml , business men.
"Idle rich" class hanging aroum '..,.,,,' '.r'Zu.g their stores and
ai n largely attended meeting m-m - - - ... . trans-
an .,ht at the c.ty ha... details ,..aces ' b- ' "J J ;,
were iIIscuhbiuI. mui .ludRo Hunks,
Mayor NIcholnB, O. K. I'oyton, C. n.
t'rUlor and Will T. I.eo wore mimed
lo work out tho planH along lines
Hiiggosted. Thoy will mnko their re
port at another mass mooting to bo
"". TU08ar ' . . .... J ; . ,V i... beginning of the Klnm-
a.any of tho women aro ueromnig ""'"" ". muio will bo retv
interested In ihe project. There 1-1 ,i ti:.
AIIOUl (nini.j u..,.," - i
larll) offored the use of tholr nm-WUlt H0,t of an event to expoct It
nn....u will bo secured ftS, ,,, , i. nnnvnnL'ted. Tho Idea
l'llll.t'. wi.iv.r, -- jnuiiiu i"i - -
noon as plans for tho observance are th(U W(l. cnm(J 0, s ovor
night, so to speaK. It was unoxpect
od so far as tho Allies were concern
ed. Well, tho war might end over
night, Just ns It began."
This Is the stnto of mind of tho
French army. The officers expect w
long nr d the men seo no hope
of at. early peace. And both officers
mid mon appear not tho least cast
down over It. A great change has
pnmo over tho Fronch army. When
the war began many doubts were ex
ported to one or two points whcio
work Is badly Howled. TI.U will lo
bo di'Uded by Tuesday nlgl.t.
Tho dnnco will bo hold Thursday
night ul Hie l'avllllon. 'rnor of
Klamath and Fourth. This will not
only mark the end of Good Roads
Impossible to discover a doubting
Thomas. Tho men have every con
fidence in tlio nblllty of tholr offlcers
to lead them. Geuoral Joffro is a sort
of god or at least a superman to
them. They have confidence In
Uioniselves which Is equally import
ant. Their fear of the Irreslstable
Gorman lighting machine was dissi
pated at tho Marne and on tho rond
to Calais. They point out that the
Oerraans novo had their day and have
So the French soldier in the
trenches feols that he, himself, la as
good a soldier as anybody, Ho foels
that ho Is ably led; he knows that
the German army has failed In its
general plans, proving It Is not the,
task Is to bo performed, this Is tho
man who first volunteers.
This Is the temper of them as they
face this bloody spring campaign.
To the mind of a newspaperman
with no special knowledge of military
affairs thoy aro in much better shape
than at tho beginning of tbe war
and to a man are grimly determined
to bring homo a victory to the missus.
You can bet your last dollar on it.
there Is going to be some tall fighting
over the flowery Holds of northern
France this spring,
Klamath Falls Is to get her first
taste of Sunday baseball tomorrow, J ixsTALLATIOX
when the town team lines up wu
the Kwauna Box Factory Clouters at
Slodoc l'ark in the afternoon.
Uoth teams have some pretty good
timber to try out. and all will be
elvon n chance to show up, or off, as
you please. Tho boys will be watched i .,r"ll.
.... ... ..,, ...,. ,, .in ho Th closing numbers of tbe j May
cioseiy, uuu an wkoiw oyuio n... , - ,.
strengthened before the next regular Festival will be given at the Metho-
ul.. .ki...h ,Amr.a.inu.. Itl thA MnFll
..... , ling the sermon will be upon the sub-
No admission will be charged, bo nf 'n rmran . rm ..of ,.
wo will all have a chance to look overw-.
the season's prospects. Manager Tin
dall has not announced his lineup, but
The evening service is tbe Installa
tion of the newly elected offlcers, who
serve for a year. These are: Charles
""" "" " r ... "" .:; I serve for a year. These are: untunes
the Kwauna team will line up as, r pre8,dent; Mrs. Grace
follews: ' . ... .j i. r, o..
King, nrst vice presiaem; ova --
Pitcher, Siemens; catcher, Kelly; first
base, Clair Arnold; second baBe, Win
ters; third base, Otto Arnold; snort
stop, Herbrldge; outfielders, Willis,
Thrasher and Hilton. Hum and Wil
bur Arnold will also play a few lnn-i
A wlno made from the Juice of
bananas Is being made by two French
citizens of Cochin China.
III Will UUKW" HIUMJ wwww - - .. )
nressod over France's ability to cope all powerful and unbestable organl
W oV now of. lun heon or the'dored by the SFu1Zm out xat.on he at first feared It was. So lines,
men being prepawd by the ladlesjtlon will bo taken up to help the or JllJ uer wWtwtlI ,ed an contente(li tn0 Prenchmles.
nud writ to tbe road workers at.eanUatlon got started.
In 1840 there were no telegraph
In 1912 there were 1,400,000
A. It. Campbell, who returned from
Portland several days ago, where he
had been tor medical treatment, his
resigned his position as assistant
mra. second vice president; Vera
Wood, third vice president; tulu
Wnttenburg, fourth vice president,
Howard Orera, secretary-treasurer.
The program follews:
it.-.. "Onwnrrt Christian Soldiers"
t,...., .M... .
Hvmn."True Hearted.Whole HetrtedV
Prayer - ',
Vocal solo., , f, ,
! Scripture Reading ' A
Vocal Solo r f
. Address ,,;.,- j. . -j
Vocal Solo jf "t
Aiidregaen bv retlrlnKvoC IceMaad re-?
: " i.;... v:,
sponses ty tnose ipsuuiea xt-v
Consecration Service t .. Tho'Paeer,-
nAvoin-rv ' v-
.. Buetlen. $3&
;fa. " Wv'i
Th. minUi fP'lai'tk
. . .'j-r-art?IT-!
worio is ioc a i. uisi n ij&-?gfi
' T-:
1 Wfi'ti P