m H & "viM k - :s ,t6-r inyrje r a. iEuwtftuj Hratfi -rii','Cl KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR ' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1 SB .. Jj Mnlli Vent No. a,HO STONE AGAIN ON STATE FISH AND GAME BOARD THIS It HIH TlllltD APPOINTMENT W THIH POSITION A Sportsmen Hero Are 1'nltcil for Lotnl Man's Appointment, Gover nor Xnnnil 1 1 lot fur One Venr Trnn, Eliminating Further PlgM It)' Naming Men for !iik Terms iu the Contested Positions. (Ilcialil Special Service) , Pulled Plum, Svitliu SAI.KM, Mny 14 Governor Wllhy- HOME Miiy 14. Italy Ih Uneaten ionibi bus announced ilio following ' with a civil war unless war Ih de nuDulnliiiviitH on Ilia now state IIhIi l'l"f,'l apnhiHt Austria Tin- war ii nil game commission- I. N, Flolscliiinr, I'ortluml. Krnnk Warren, Portland. Pirns. F Stone. Kltimnth Kill In Marlon JncW, Pendleton. Tlie governor Ih thu chairman mid tilth member of tlio board, under tlio new Htnto law. Mr. Flulshner, who In ii Portland merchant, wiih uppolntcil fur tlui four cr term. The two-yenr term man In Warren, who represents the commer cial Hulling Interest of tlio late, and Iiih lincHitiicutn on liolh tro Upper anil Lower Columbln. The Pendle ton mini was appointed for tlio three jonr term, autl Htono of KlnniMli for flnii yonr. Thcro wore hot IIkIiIh waged for the positions to which Flclschnor and jkk were uppoin.ea. i ucro re four out for JnckV place, unci a doicn , or mom implrvd to thu mipolntment kIvhi KliilRclincr. Kor this reiiHon, Wlthyromho appointed thei! men to tlio Ioiik term poHltloiiH, ho there will be no contents on IIicho positions riKiiln for Hevernl yearn. Sloiiii, the Klamath mini, wiih uiiuiiluioiiKly vndorneil hy tlio Hportn men mid hiiHlncHH men. Ah thcro wnH uo light over him, ho wiih mimed for the Hlmrt term, tlio Rovernor foolliiK Unit thero will ho nnothar ondorne nicnt niul no contestnnt next year, ho ho enn ho appointed. lutlon on the ofllclnl records of the TIiIh Ih the third appointment tostute of .MlnnoHotu today. The re the ciiiiio commlHHlon received by Mr I cent leKlHhituie juit It there. The Htono kIiico the creation of the eiinio proteHt, which won "kindly, Kcntly, board four years iiro, nd local 'hut llrmly uinile," Ih iignlnnt the iiho uportmncn aro elated nt IiIh reap- of profmio, viilttur or Inmtltlim Iiiiik liolntment hy the Rovernor. At fill , uiiro In the IckIhIuIIvc chmnheiH tltncH, Stono Iiiih proven a hard work-i t for the promotion of tlio Kiimo In- The copper mines or CypriiH, In nn terHtH, nnd much of the bonelltH re- dent lime aiming tho rlchent In tho t'clvcd In thin region nro attributed world, mny ho reopened, hacked by to his endeavors. .L'nlled Slates capital. Business Men to Shut Stores and Make Road i Practically every hiiHlnoHH Iiouhh hi iiltlff. Kluniuth Kails crcmneiy, Hob ' Klamnlli KiiIIh will bo closod on'TtH & Wliltmore. .1. K. Mngulro Co., TIHHI..I.V .. Central OulllttltiB Co.. lkcUon fl. ft iv-i umuiniii iiuiiKj ii' Mo win nirry out Mi.vernor Withy. comb.Vs (lood IlondH Day proclnmn tliui by putting in n dny of volunlfror lulmr en tho rwU nnd hlghwnyfl of Jim toimty -i-iio dlfforont rondu lo b) Iniinoved nro now bolng llslnd. "nd the voluntoor civwh will bo f'L vlleil to got niii the mnxlniiim aniiiiim of work. Mayor NIchnhiH, County Judgo HnnkK, I-'rocl HoiiBton nnd Secretary -'t of the Klumiitli Oliambor of Conimorco, today Intorvlowod tho fol lowing, and they ngrcod to eloso iholr "Habllahmonis u day lind work on "' roadR! v" Qullllicli, Klamath Department Htrc, Ward ft Obenchaln, First State nnd SivlngH bank, Klamath Alwtract '- Allen Sloan, William Masten, van Rlpor Broa., Orogon Ilarneas Co., "Whom ft deU, T. O. McHatlan, W. ".Davenport, M. Motaohenbnchor, i-allfornla-Orefon Power company'a ITALIAN MOBS DEMAND FIGHT T CI VII, W.UI 1 HIIEA'I USUI UV Till: PEOPLE I'olloulim Hie ltt-Oi(iiutloii r Mi-mi- hers of the Citlilmi Win, Deslieil VAnr, I iKiiiMinils hi I ili' lli'siid) Germim l'i(iM'il) mill ('litinor Loudly Tliul tin- Kingdom TiikH Up .4 1 tim Aijiilnst A ii it rlu. ili'iiumiiinildiiH mi heroiulng ho Hurl; huh thr.t the Intervention of troops Ii cnulluimlly nei'i'HS:iry. I MhIih inilny smashed the windows I of the chamber of deputies, Mini loud-1 ly hooted nt the pence ndvorntes In j Hint hoih They then nmrelieil to the' pnliKo mill loudly ileiniiiiileil thin King l.'iiimiintiel liiunedlntcly dci-lnro war. The ileninuHti'iitloiiH lire nppiirontly nn'fiilly orgnulzed Follow Imk tlio resignation of li Ih nililurt, the king consulted with n iiuiiilitr of Bliitenmcn, nnd offered the hend of the new cabinet to M. CI loll 1 1 1 . (lie lender of tlio peace imrty. It Ih reported Hint Glnllttl refused the nppoliitmcnt. Tlio king Iiiih not yel nrccpicd tlio resignation of the ciihlnol, hut If lie does, mid nppolnts n neulrnl cabinet, nolliIiiK hut n rev- ,,, Kan fllm. ,fnly llt0 wur, f , (.K )n(1(, , nc(.npl ,0 r,,,R11Il. ,. . lirillill.,pil ,i1M . unllmm will he llRhtliiK within two weckx. Aiitl-Cetuinu rlotliu; is provnlent. Mohri this ufternoon wrecked u mini hor of nhopH mid foimht u pistol Imt tlo with cu vulry men. In Mnllti, Intorvciit lonistH mid neti trnllHtH fought ii hnttlo In the HtreclH Several are loported killed there No SlieiuliiK Allowed 'Lulled I'ri'M, Servlio ST I'A t'l.. Minn.. .Mny H "l)o not i'iihh," Ih the purport of n reso- Hunsiit (iiocery, Slilvo nros., Hum Iliirdwmo Co,, Krnnk M. I'pp, Klam ath Dyo Works, f.oowo Ilros., Knrra or Implement and Supply Houso. P. H. S. Milling Co., Wood-CurtlH Co,, Virgin & Son, Kim Nntlonnl bnnk, K. K. K. Store, Stilts Drygoods Co.. K Hiigmmnn, Oolden llulo, Hobcrts ft Hunks, Klamath Kails Music. House, llrndley Horness Co., WllllH-Jnhn-Htono Kiirnllnro Co.. Dick's Shoo Store, II. .1. WlntPiH, 10. M. Chllcoto, Swansnn Shops, C. '& S. Kloctricnl ft Cycle Btoro. Klamnth Hardwnro Co., K. II. Olds ti Co., Kltzpntrlck & llenn. IIOBtwIek Shop, Klamath Fuel Co.. R 13. Stnllli ft Co., .Iiih. Maloiio. These nro nil of tho business houses (hnl hint hern visited boforo llmo of goliip lo pi-ess. WITH AUS All Interested In t hotbovcil saloons, inree mouoii piviuif movement nro Invited to attend n big meeting at the City Hall tonight. At this plana will bo made for the ob sorvnnco of tho day In tho best man ner possible, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY Some 0 United States' Diving Squadron (Smm, 'mmsmvMiMmmMmmi ' S fLjT 3te?fMK'1S21IHb E3a$&t '''& wffftt fKfK6EtKit&B'iJrKfv9iifBF'i v-s Ileiu are four of Uncle Sum's sub murines lit anchor in the North Hlver, New York, ready for the naval ex hibition, which will Inst nbout ten days. Perhaps the largest fleet of war vessels ever collected In American waters will make up this show of tho navy. LATE WAR NEWS fulled Press Service lHee and troop- uru unable to quell HOME, Mny 14. it is announced i the trouble. that rnlus have hindered thu French attack upon Ainu. , Pulled Prebs Service The allies have captured sovcrnl, WASHINGTON. D. C. May H lines of trenches near Snuchez. AjlJaron von Bernstorff, tho German brilliant bayonet ehnrgo resulted In jambnssador, visited Secretary Bryan this gain. (today. The cause of the visit is un- Several German blockhouses along1 known, the Aline havo been destroyed by I'.. I, .1.1 ll.va UAIl.ft.t ennnon. i LtVlilll'UUK, -May li. wore, nua ttiilled Ph-hh Service !'' received that the steamer Tran- IIKRMN, May 14 It Is announced sylvnnln is now In the war zone, that General von Mnckenstoln nnd his ' There are over 800 pnssengcrs, in big Germnn-AusHinn nrmy aro fight- eluding many Americans, aboard her. lug the Russians before Przemysl,; mid tho recapture of this position is milled Press Service expected In a few days. Pulled Press Service LONDON. Mny ll.-Hundreds of aliens, mainly Germans, today vol- untarlly surrendered for iniermeui.,i ri. i.in nf mmi will nrobablv bo used for a enmp. f T,.lt ...1 lt,wR Service DURBAN. Natal. May 14. A mob. f innnr, i,nv wrecked or burned , ,.,v - ..... Tho German shops and buildings -. SOUTH AFRICA ALSO HAS WAR I GERMAN SOUTHWEST AFRICA, XOW IX RHIT1SH HANDS AXTI.' GERMAN SBXTIMRNT HERE CAUSES RIOTING j Pulled Piess Servho CAPETOWN. May 1 1 -.General Both yesterday roportoa that tho, British forces had finally t ... fjn.illiiinal & t I'll conquorod Africa-. Wind- i u. h nB nnrinnn wireless stn- .nr-iiiiiii niiiuiinLPi t i ton, was iniicu j-. '.. i town Is under martial law today. f lilted Piess Service JOHANNESBURG, May 14. Anil- uorman mous noro uuyo "".n " t -. t.s aaiaaA a1 nl rtW . hurnml ten warehouses, throe hotels,' threators aud many shopB and the. Herman club, the latter building fly- inn tho German flag at the time, . The damage Is about i,50Q,oou. Tho pollco are powerless. . . '.. . jixv wmzmmM?-wwmymiz&aKnKK&. S, Arfs -. f " si. - " '&-,frt7sVMyS'VW''f ww"y,yOTr JWW"Tm wmmmmrnmmmm:m-:?mmMmmmmmmmmmm: will left lo Hjtlit K2, IW. Ill, 11.1. ' '""" ' """ "" ' , , , hk hauuii.. .uuy n. . ueimu... inuuo uomrjeu u uuicu uuwwi m . I V ..!. r tlf A.t Anal rm n AAnM ln(T I o "" --uuu,, " to another trawler Just In port today. fulled I'l ess Service nue iUinw I1LYTII. May 14. me steamer jCollarnlo accidentally rammed and sunk n submarine In the North Sea Saturday. Tho vessel was outward bound, and smashed Into a submorg-. .-- - 'fact, after a terrillc shock of Impact. HI oDject. un soon apruuu uh mo su- Intendent,' THAW TO GET A JURY TRIAL APPELLATE JUSTICE DECIDES IN FAVOR OF MATTEAWAN'ft FA MOUS FUGITIVE GREAT VIC TORY FOR PRISOXER : United Press Service NEW YORK. May 14. Attorneys for Harry E. Thaw, slayer of Stan ford Wlilto and fugitive from tho Matteawan asylum for criminal in- briio, won a Brent vlctory for their when Justice Laugblln , ,- ; . ,. ,..,, ,nt Thaw's sanity be a question to be de- ,-lilnri In court before a lurv. The state asked 'an Injunction to prevent the trial of tho sanity Issue ,,.,. ,,- The highest temperature ever known In n human being was record ed In the case of an Italian recently. He was a Victim of lung disease, and his temperature was 188, 14. 1915 BAD ON RESERVATION lUIIiAL COUNCIL KltOWNS UPON BOXES, DICK AXD POKER. WHITE FISHING UEIXQ TALK ED OVER TODAY (Herald hpeelnl Service) YAINAX, May 14 No decision has yet been reached by the Klamath Tribal Council regarding allowing people to fish on the reservation Ftrenms. The matter Is being dis cussed this afternoon. The council took k decided ttand this morning against gambling by ,jasMng tUo follewing: . ..0amDlnB ,n tho torm of nny 'game or games of chance, including u Jndian games of chance with cuvds, dice, bones, sticks or any other implement or device, for money, ctedit or anything of value Is hereby prohibited within tho limits of the .. . .. resorvnt!on . Oregon, unon penally oi uue or uiiuisuuuieui or hntl ,n U)0 dscrPtIon of the super. The gambling has been of the worst the Indian service officials have had to contend with, and this action by the council, It Is believed, will greatly help in the elimination of these games. CAN NOW FISH IN SPENCER CREEK s IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLC TIOX FROM: SPORTSMEN'S AS SOCIATION, FISH AXD GAME COMMISSION ACTS A telegram was received today from State Fish aud Game CommU- sioner Chas. F. Stono. announcing mat tne commission nas openea ? Crefk la fl8nlng from M" l to January 1 This is In accordance with a reso- lutlon sent the commission by the Klamath Sportsmen's Association. By May 1. tho spawning and egg taking Ft-nson Is finished, nnd the closing of the stream the rest of the year meant the shutting up of one of the county's beit rainbow trout itrstas. GAMBLING WILSON'S NOTE IS ; DELIVERED TODAY IN GERMAN EMPIRE i President's Message Requests a Clear Understanding About Several Things and Says U. S. Will Act Should It Be Necessary ! bailed Pi ess Service f WASHINGTON, D. C, May 14. Whether tho I'nlted State atuOl loa. er ronlinue liri- friendly relations with Geimuny, It In believed, la a matter I that Is up to Kaiser Wilhelin, following the delivery of tionshlp is largely up to his decision. In his note, which was delivered to the German Government this morning by James W. Gerard, American embassador at BerUn, President Wilson declares that Germany and the' United States should come to a clear tlon" which has been created as a result of the sinking of the nnd Falnba by German submarines, causing loss of American Uvea, the tor pedoing of the American tanker Gulf light, flying the American nag, by a Gorman submarine, and the dropping of-bombs on the American if r Mini Cushing, by n Teuton aeroplane. A criticism of the methods of submarine warfare, as waged by Ger many is contained lit the note. Theso methods are branded as violations of both international law and the tows of humanity. "The rights of Americans to traiel on the merchant ships of belliger ent countries with confidence and safety, and the right of American vessels to sail the seas are Indisputable," says the note. "They are all Jnntlflrd in confidence that this government will sustain them In the exercise of their rights." Wilson In his note characterizes the warning published by the Ger- "' man Enibass regarding sailing for European countries as "a moat nrnris intc irregularity' v Ho declares that a warning that an unlawful and Inhumane act ,1a to bu committed cannot be accepted as an excuse or palliation for the grave offense after it is committed, causing loss of hundreds of non-combatant's lives. The president's note asks -a disavowal by Germany of the acta com plained of, reparation for damage done, nnd the taking of immediate atop to prevent any recurrence of these marine disasters affecting American lives or shipping. "Imperial Germany wUl not expect the United States to omit any word, or act, necessary for the performance of its sacred duty, that of. maintaining the rights of the United States and Its citizens, and the" safe guarding of their free exercise and enjoyment of these," says the note in Its concluding paragraph. Ofllctals are anxiously awaiting the Berlin reply, in the meantime, silence is being maintained. y? The cabinet today reviewed the situation, and seemed r-lrnscd at the mviMiuii accoracu me noio ny tne American people. This to interpreted ns meaning that whatever tho outcome of the situation may be, the admin 1st ration has solid public backing-. Xo war preparations liave been meius, nut the big tieet mobilized at ram ra iin us cum ouuKers crammed. The president wlU review nignr. Diplomats are very optimistic. They believe that should GerMtay ac knowledge she lin made mistakes, a wave of strong sentiment will sweep over America. There is n growing belief that the American note. A l)uh mm nt Anannn ..- i. ...,.: . .:' i'. '' r man frontier. tu-entv.fleA mlhwi fim Some believe that Germany will I he IssltP, .. . . . Such action will not be accepted, as the note dewaaaa anaasie" -''A answer, " "" More tnai 3.000,0oo,00Q tons of jcoa' rem9,n t0 De takn jflelds ln Wn,M' according to geolo- gists. A new knife Invented for the use of electricians Ii equipped with a Price. Mr President Wilson's note to Germany. Stripped of IU diplomatic verbiage, thli note Is both a demand and r. threat. President Wilson is considering the severance or diplomatic relations, should Gtrmany take a dctaM attitude. This in despite the belief in some offclal clit-lcs that such u sevcrauro nould be considered a prelude to actual hostiUtlcs. Officials realize that the Gennaa mllRartet lead ers are pretty certain to demand a coatemptoaa re fusal of Wilson's request for an abandonment of amb murine warfare, iiLMfar as American Uvea and roa erty are destroyed by this practice. They alee realise that in this matter Kaiser Wllhelm ha the laetwerd about the wording of the reply, and the fatnre reta understanding of the "grave ordered by the nrmy and navy New Vork for review la fuHy iitieo, and Its powder the fleet tomorrow, leavfoc Netherlands may, eatfawa ct&kfrM?' i wva , ihbs ssaih' a IAmam - -.ni make a conciliator mo1. u, .l J';-'f. --- m . '!' 'T""T -T. .'? 1 STm: BBSM:?' ., ; 'j.rj.-"j'Kli. gauge indicator sUo of wire. that nv-i ia iV -v Mme, De Thtis. Mn prti-m ef all Europe, wboforatsld titf -war. nowpredlcts that ;taa. war ;'.' ena tn-Jtyaw - .' c:z ' ;"! iT ,7& j- . J. is. '. i.r .frl H i rj t .! . .: s vSPi m "8 . V3 ril YV fv :Je-l V" M As l "15! f i-'L ',i. ,;!