V ii.. fVu s -r.3? . 6, 1 &i ft 1 wtotmna UteraUi KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1915 Price, Ftve Oeata rt Eh $Mh Yoai X. tf."T USB HOUSES 10 BE ASKED TO "6L0SE0NHAY20 ,(IOIltOD4 DAY PLANS MtlXV STARTED Mm dm; "' Sowml I'otwiiliieos Held .liv Mxlll, Mllll AllllllUellHIlls Win' Mini.- "I TliK Tl mi- u ulM'r Meeting Toiiwnow Muhi. When CiMiinillK'i' Will Hepoil mi Itie iiilmt'iil of Business Men, .MiiiiI.I'Ih of llic rollllly toillt. Ilin illy coumll mill Hif Chamber nr Com merce mi't Iiihi night with tln Kliuii tth lliirlnrHH Men' Association, unci Iilaiis fr tin1 obseivnuee of Good llnsiU liy. Mi)' 2(1. woio nullliii'd Another meeting will be hold tonior tow nlKlit ..isi night Muyiir Nicholas. County Jmlxc Hunks. Secretary Fleet f tho (iiiiinbcr of Commerce, mill Fml Houston were appointed u rotniulUeo in imierulu If "II of tin) business mill wilt agree in rloso tln'lr Moron Ihe 20th Much regarding the ox tent of tlio vvmk done depends upon Ibis question. Tlif business mult attending Inst night With nil III fnyor of cIohIiik. mill rarrylng nut the governor's proc lunation Severn! stretches of Mind needing "I twit Ion were 'Muled Iiihi night, nuil there Ib every reason to npoci much good work nreoinpllsheil by tlm volunteers. Tim water users nnd fanners r.ro alio becoming nctlvo In thin work. One stretch of road tlioy will work mi Is fiom Merrill to I'oo Valley, lliriiur.li Dodd'H Hollow MANY ATTENDED BOSS' FUNERAL ,ti.i. tin: v.w.i, i:vs .itot'.i no. xaxz.v wkiik iu:i'iti:.si:xTi:i wiicv i'ioxi:i:u i.ivkhvm.w WAS LAID TO lti:ST (Ileiiilil KK.-clul .Service) IIONANZA, May 13. Ono of tho lilKKi'Nt funeralH lu nonimza was held Is attempting to orsanl-o the domestic Tuesdny afternoon, when the remains servants of this country. Local School Music Lauded by Musicians In order to gel disinterested expert ft lew voices leading and the lest "Pinion on .what lias been nceom- -It following or keepliiR Hljent all .,, volii'H were heard, blending to make l'lllM'd in musical Instruction In the () ,,, , wlth excellent In- (Irnimiuir (Irndos of tho city school, pri,r,.lnton niS almost porfec. Mrs. Don j. Zumwnlt, Mrs. Hort C'cnuncintlon. Thomas and J. II. Mason woro Invitod Tho work vvau so well advanced by Miss Evolyn AppleRato, Instructor, this semester by Miss Appplogato In music, to vIbII onch of tho Rindes, 'rem the Third to tho Sovonth, in- elusive, and Judge merits of tlio work. tho respective Tho committee 'lovnted two days this vvook to thin hereafter as wonderfully as It has mission, giving attontlon to volco',ior Miss AppleRnto'H direction lu imillty, Interpretation, unnunclatloii, mif a term, our city schools will bo "nlty of volco. position and attontlon i,i.i to rank as high In music as tho ' the nolo Hlnifliiir and mirt sours. "nil Independence, tonality, notation gniduato from the Grammar grades huendent R. H. Dunbar nnd Elder S. ''' rythm in tho sight rending. should bo ready to read almost any;,), Hnrlan. will bo given at tho Pine MIbh Applegate has had charge ofong nt sight, and further, sing two 0rovo Chool house tomorrow night, iiiiu ......i. . ... . .... !. -n.uru wiMi in. trouble. 'n ndmtsslon will bo charged, ... ...,iiV nir only IIVO moilllis. iuh ui n..nn - - "mils show that sho Is deserving or, The ...olho.l pursued by Miss An- "u highest praise for her enerKetlo!llloBato will nct'ompllsh this, and lu "i urnesi application of n spienui.i mlod, ... ,. ,, . .,. , (tceiicRi inio-,,.,1 i.i i.i,cn i, ii,.. vn.i .. . . .. . ........ ' i wura, ano. U was Olio nonce-1 W that etch child sang. Instead ol, French Aviator y F ir' r - S- CJSu iyitSS222: I.U'iileniiiit Ito i I...... ,i tfr.i,..,,! .: rtnnii nf tin S1 III' Kllll V SWIIIM" ....--.. - - 11 fiicli aviation corpn vnr r.n known the one of I'miuu mont darliiR ami skih u .flB&L . w' .i yrstf'j'i KM&wem&mtim wm,iJEm.tmmz-m fill mldiOiH, nnd who since tlio war probably pleaso tho (Jermans so much has become even moiu fnmoiis by his as that of Hnrros, In addition to bis exploltH as u llKliler and hcoiii. Ih a work as a scout, tile famous French prUomirn In the bands of the Our- man has utilized bis maMory of aero iiiniiH Firm nous or the cupturo of nautlcii and the speed of his machluo the llyer uitiio fiom all olllelnl tier- to hunt down and destroy (lerman man niiiiouiieemeni, and coiillrmatluu 'scoutlni! aviators who ventuied over ...,,..u,...i ahIv f,n..rwnnl when W11K .'"'" " ill. Fri'iit'li war iilllen i.dmltiod thai Cm i oh had fallen Into the bauds or tl... enemy. While llyliiR over the Ceiimiu Hue" near Couiliai on a roiitlUR e.pedllloll HundiiJ I'VelllllK. Apill 1, lianiiH was forted to ullRht of the late William (loas. pioneer Ilv eryman, weru laid to test. All of tlio valleys tributary to llonaiia were lepieseuleil by fl lends of tlio de leiiHcd, who ciuno to pay their last respects, and there weio several from Miumitli Falls out to tlio obseiiules. Tlio service at the house was con dueled b I'i'V. Sidney W. Hall, pas or of tlio .Methodist church, of which Mr (loss was n member for forty-llvu years. Tlio pall-beiuets were OcorBO and Claude (Miastalu of Klamath Falls, Dr. Harris, Jako lllrkmnu, P. (1 Horn an .1 I.. Sparreiilorn Tho American Federation of Labor that even tho Third prunes are suib Ing two part songs. Theso llttlo folks wtn,.,i ilin Blubt reading tests almost m wp m ,10 ,,(.,. B,.m pupils. if iiroKicss In music, continues ulIwioIh of larger cities. Pupils who mldltlon the songs wii uu uhb ". distinct enunciation and excellent in w.uo., ". .... imin in the, children In tholr Instru ... TO..nin onoeinllv In time iueuni ...'., . values, sight reading and expression., Taken Prisoner 1 ?a x tj&t - .. . . "r,-, llllKl (i. (illllOH Iiuul iiiiioh ! nofli !uKoliiiuii8tcr. awuil Hcvun muufli""" w " ." at m. -m , lu .1 -....t ..,,--.. ll,n.. Mhobefoio tho'imnn oi ..ou.ir.u, iiihi o."...- ....... , twelve miles Inside the (lerman lines world over Imniedlntely mr.'do prisoner. The captuie of no other nvlator would the French lines. Only a lew uays ........ hro one f j vninitM iii linn line i" vns made publle. Ascending alone. ( lie pursued a Herman Taubo with two ollkeis In It, mounted above It, and! ,. killed both volvcr (lermaiis with his r: WITH ATROCITIES iiitmsii ivvf.sticatous issun m I IH'.POItT OX COXDITIOXS iilHV FOI'M) THME THROUGH OFT IlKUilUJI. Fulled Pi ess Servlco 'i;W YORK, May 13. Tho llrlt- eh lommlsslon Investigating Belgian auditions, havo Issued a boon in hlcli they charge tlio Germans with ((inducting a war generally against nnorent civilians; that men nud wo men havo been murdered In large CHARGE GERMANS 'lumbers; that women havo been vio-i demanding that the government olth lateil and children murdered; that ' e," Intern or deport these enemies. I is' siul pillage havo been practiced." Rioting against Germans continues. Vicount James Dryco headed the ii miiilssiou. FLY LECTURE AT GROVE, MT. LAKI ELDER HARLAX AND SUPERIX-j TF.XDEXT Dl'XRAR GO TO PIXE , GROVE TOMORROW EVEX1XG TO MAKE TALKS The llliibtratod lecture on tho "Fly Monaco" given by City School Super Tuesday evening Dunbar anu Hor-,n ,,, will give the lecture at Mt. Lnkl. ;". rv"rr,nU'r gomery City, Mo has In her posses- slon tho axe with which Abraham ,,. n,j ,.., Lincoln made rails BRITISH LOSE A BATTLESHIP AND K FOUR I0RE tiii: ntnxcii ciai.M icroitn:s l FliA.VIIKIlS dipt uii! of Hewrul ,)lnitcnlr 1'olntt ltrMiit(l In (,'iitiii.iIhii .K"lnst l.i'iiN Italy Itt'Jrit I.anst A Hy trin n of J ion I, Hi It ji J ii Decides to lutein Allen Kilemies its Itegult of Demand of Muss .MectiiiK. ' nili .! I'uss Se lie LONDON, May ia,--Tlio admiralty today nnnounce!) tliat, tho lirlilsh bat- ,llr-slilp Goliath, built In 1907. and ono of the most formidable vessels In tlio licet nttncklng the Dardanelles defenscj, was torpedoed nnd sunk yesterday by a Turkish land battery. The vessol carried a crow of 700. i It Is estimated that 500 of these per- Ihhed. I Tlio admiralty also announces that the Ilrltlsh submnrlno E-14 yesterday 'aurilr lu-ft Tiifllah Ktiar1n hnaia nnrl ono big Turkish transport In the Dar- danclls fighting. (.'lilted Press Service ROME, May 13. Austria's final peaco note proposal Is reported as rejected by the Italian cabinet, and war Is near Officials say that a moat Important announcement will bo made tomorrow or Saturday, Austria' has offered to cede a por tion of Trentlnlno and Isonzo and to Inrnni l prnnr hntiiA rllln fnr TrlAKfp. I'nlled Press Service CONSTANTINOPLE. May 13. 'Thirteen thousand wounded Turkish 'troops linvo arrived here for treat- ment. The city Is In a state of panic, and crowds are in parades, cursing , tho war. Allies' aeroplanes have flown over tho city, and It Is reported that tho sultivn Is ready to abdicate. I'nlleil Press Service PARIS, May 13. It Is anuounced that the French troops have scored a brilliant success from Arras to tho een. Tho German trenches In the woods east of Carcny have fallen Into the French hands. An Important hill for (an artillery position there has also I boon taken. 1 Tho main object of the French forco at this time Is Lena. An ad jvance has been made toward this i point. I'nltod Presi Service LONDON, May 13. Premier Ab qulth todny announced that all adult enemy males will bo Interned, follow ing a gigantic mass meeting on Tower Hill, where n resolution was adopted, BEND TO HAVE A BIG SAWMILL BHEVLIN-HIXOX INTERESTS TO BUILD BIG PLANT, STARTING WORK IN TWO WEEKS TO EM PLOY no WORKMEN UEND, May 13. Rend took half a day off to celebrate the announce ment that within two weeks the Shev-lln-Hlxon Manufacturing company will begin hero the erection of a sawmill, which will employ S00 men, and which will havo a capacity of 80,000,000 feet a year The. an nouncemout followed long negotia tions. T. L. Shovlln of Minneapolis, ,.. Vnln foothall Blnr and f or mei a lo fooiuau star, ana Fr an . ',;aX10,;2;;aat;rn88,'0Bn! pnuy. The company has extensive timber holdings In this section, Including Be.OOO chased, acres of pine, recently pur- Missionary Doctor Saves 3000 Syrians Ilr. Harry I. Packard Dispatches and letters from Uru- mlah, filxty-flvo miles southwest or Tabriz, In northwestern Persia', bay that American Presbyterian mission aries stationed there are In great dan- ger, as Turkish regular troops and, Kurds nre persecuting nnd massa-, ciing Syrian Christians. An act of heroism by Harry P. Packatd, doctor i of the mlslonary station at Urumlah of the board of foreign missions of the Presbyterian church, saved the lives of 3r000 Syrians at Geogtapa, where they hadmado a last stand be-j fore their persecutors. Their atnmu-. nltlon was gone after a three days fight, nnd a massacre was Imminent, when Dr. Packard, with an American flag In his hands, advanced between the two lines. The Turks and Kurds withdrew, and all of the Syrians es enpod except 200, who had been burn ed In church. CATTLE SHIPPED UP NORTH TODAY THItKK CARLOADS OF REEF STOCK ARE SENT TO PORT LAND STOCKYARDS BY LOCAL STOCK DEALERS ' Two carloads of cattle were shipped from Klamath Falls aud one from Midland today for Portland by How ard & Davis. These are the first Klamath Falls cattle to be sent to the Portland Union stockyards for some time, and the grading and prices they receive are being awaited with Inter est by the local shippers. Complaint has been made by some that the Portland market, while It olfers In some instances more attrac tive prices for stock, cut3 the profits fiom shipments thero by too strict a' grading. Out of a carload, some soy, there will bo very few animals re-j celvlng top prices, the others being 1 ratod as common or poorer. j If the prices and gradlngs at Port land are what the local men believe thoy should be, there Is reason to ex pect that some of the several carloads of stock that are sent out of this country overy week will be delivered to Portland, Instend of going to Cali fornia markets. Tho cattle Howard & Davis sent out todny were raised In the Fort Klamath country. They were pur chased from the Nicholson ranch. Is Believed Insane. Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low this af ternoon went to Langell Valley to ar rest Tlm Ocarmell, who Is alleged to bo Insane. Ho will bo examined to morrow. Nine of the foremost foreign em bassies and legations In Washington are presided over by women of American birth. Rubbing with turpentine will re store the color to Ivory knife handles that have turned yellow. WILSON'S NOTE TO GERMANY ASKS A DEFINITE ANSWER i tiheil l'if .snrvli WASHINGTON, l. C, May lis. The Mule department is putting Into lii.lier code President Wilson's message to Germany on the sinking of the 1'iye, CusliinK. I'nbiba, Giililight and the LusltnnUi.. It Is reported that a portion lias nlready been rallied to b'uiled Stutes Ambaswudor Gerard at IK'ilio. Secretary Dryan today mated thai tlio note would be In the hands of German officials tomorrow. The note, lie buys, will be published here to morrow. Wilson', work In connection with the message Is complete. He speat tin. da)' iiulotnoblllng. One mutter that the note Insist-, upon is a reply, outlining definitely Germany's policy. Aniei lea's attitude, ns expressed In the note, is that Germany must net, not quibble or promise. It Is evident from the attitude of high ofllclaLs Uiat America's attitude states plainly that this country has reached u ciisls in lu affairs. In Wilson's message the tile is cust lu terms that cannot be posalWjr misinterpreted. It states that America considers tlio killing of a hundred or more American citizens on the I.usltuiiiu as n. innnstioiis crime against ririlljition. Following the Fnlabu, Gushing and Gulf light Incidents, the Ltultaala iitfuir is ebnrncterized as open hostility to America's position, that of a dear friend. It is a realization, the note Is reported to say, that the friend. ship has been violated without warrant. There will bo no extra session of congress called at once, despite the many rumors to that effect. President Wilson realizes that even though Germany's answer to the noto Is such as to cause a break between the two nations, there will still be plenty of time left In which to take steps to maintain the. national honor. EARLIEST KIDS GIVEN BONNETS SALE OF CHAUTAUQUA TICKETS L.-.1, i ii..a vn vniYrMn.''vm itt "'u,ln' -" '"" " OFFERED EARLY' BUYERS OF ADMISSIONS is the final session of the present i board, as new members are to be Twenty-five children In Klamath j named in a short time by Governor Falls are to receive Indian war bon-( withycombe. nets free of charge. These will be- the children for whom the first twen- a coating of a flashlight compost-ty-tlve children's season tickets to the ' tion on the face of a target will Ig Chautauqua assembly will be pur- nite on being struck and show where chased. Season tickets for children ' a bullet has entered, between 6 and 14 wilt be ?1. , Interest in the Chautauqua in- Springs and cllpB for the outside of creases as June 9, the opening day, 'shoes hold them stretched properly draws neirer. The efforts to make1 on a new rack without the use of tho membership list 100 have already I last-shaped trees. Memorial Day to Be Observed .Memorial Day will be observed In t fitting manner by Klamath Falls people tills year. A meeting of all interested will be held at the court house at 4 o'clock Saturday after neon, All who can possibly attend are uskeo to do so, as the tentative plans will be made at this time An especial Invitation has been ex- ,...i . , i ...I nn..nv nffl'to mako tho procession even more claU by the members of F. B. Sprague representative this year, Every tn Pest No. 46, Grand Army of the Re- wl order, booster body and oihet) public, an Spragu Chapter, w. o'-sanlzatlou will be asked to partlct- mnn's Itallaf Corns. Ute. Ad tho Stores Wilt D Closed a A( ,. rornnt month, of these Uatrl ... I otic organizations, committees were named to take up tho memorial ob servance. Tho city and county offl clr.is. school authorities, etc., are asket' to net In conjunction with these committees In the making of arrange ments for the observance. The plan to be followed will no doubt be similar to that used In other 'boosted the number to 93, and each , person signed up Is a loyal worker, , for the success of the six big days of 'entertainment. JElks to Dance Tonight, i This Is Ladles' night at the Elks Lodge, nnd a social session will be held. Dancing, cards and other amusements will be enjoyed. To Portland. State Fish and Game Commissioner Chas. F. Stone is In Portland attend ing a meeting of the commission. This in Klamath years. A procession lu the foreuoon will be followed by exercises la honor of the soldier and sailor dead, and the decoration of the graves of the loved ones at tho cemetery, A lunch eon lor the Grand Army boys and other warriors will be held, and in the afternoon there will be patriotic oxtrvUeit. It Is the hope of the Post and Corps - V" dr l 8t ri ,..A.. I.. I. !.... n... ! m.r Ht'.S' ceiient snaps tor me oBservanee f5f23 the Relief Corps and the boys'ot thV vgfv Post. With money raised y aUfVrfM: tens and by appropriation troi4tMlAfei city, the driveway, fences, ete'., sw.Kj U.l.n MAn.lM4 .J ,k. ku.C lahlkAiiL lug cleared from .Inside the uwuivryMh by the efforts of volunteer otr'V?'4v' . .-4 .JfuA ' ! I'fil&svJM ift A y Ws-awaa' LT',-1 . W - .T