"&. jjj. 3 m uniting Iteratfi V1 m KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S , v "J OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Mnlti Year No. U.07B -dl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915 Piict Wf T"S, ' -Tv Eh PEACE COMMITTEE HISSED BY CROWD IN ITALY TODAY nil. u'Ait ihimoxstratioxs coxtixuku Itu-slaus Admit ii lirntlimi ICvlinil I'm,,,, Giilidn, Willi Heavy Loshoh' li, llolli of lln Armies Gas IIimiiIhi -.......... t... .,,!. tin.i, i mill (Million ,lli .lU'im Mm Ii Ml IMilonee In I hr riKlilltiK Tin oiikIi. mil WfoliTii Field. I iuImI I'ii'ih Serlo IIOMK, May 13. War deiiioiislru linim throughout Imly Imvo become stronger Uhiii nvT KffoilM to pro pone po.ico Hl'l'lll doomed. A crowd of IIioiikiiiiiIk IIiIh morn lK met mill cheered tho kltiK- When ll pOIICO ClllllllllUWI pltMHOll tho throng hissed. King Emanuel U lit ionfeiom.o with tho cabinet olucors mid u num ber of fondgn diplomats. Prlnco von lloulow, tho German iiiiiliiiHmiilur, Ih HtlVllllltlK llllH HOHKiOU. The socialist parliament twin) do ilih'il to oppose thi' war, and use Its IiiHuoiici' to prevent mi outbroiut. I illicit Press Service petiioohad. May is it w ilaliiii'il tlmt thu IttiHtilriUH hiiiiU three Turkish ships In tho Black Sett yes-ti-rilny. That the RuhsIuiib arc gtadually n treating from (iallclu Ik ailmlttcil. Heavy losses ru reported on both. sides, but It Is claimed that the Ger- man losses aro appalling. Tho war office today states that tho (Iitiiihii troops taking t.lbau have ro iroateil before ItiiRHlnii reinforce ments. ' I'liHcd I'reni Sarvlrc I'AIIIH, May 12.- Todays olllelal 'iimituinliUH Hayi: . Tho (liirmmm retook I.ooh treneli j 'Hie 1'iench i'ontlnuo efforlH to pierce j the (Icrman linn between l.onz and AiriiH, mul to prevent iIiIh tho t !r mnni aro ruMhlnK rolnfnrcomentH. The Flench attack nlonc tho whole, lino from IthleniH to llelKluin In now ; In pioKroHK. Thoro are artillery ilii"ls hi'twecii thu VoHges mid Illilomx. The HolKlan troopH nro IioIiIIiik tin IHniiiuiIo lirldRu, mul (ho IIHIImIi am stralKlitenlllK out. the uIIIoh' lines, des;ilti (ho gas bouitiB iihoiI by ihe ii riuan artillery In KhinderH, HetlllllN to ClllliMlllli, Project KiiKlnccr H. W. Illnek of tlm Modoc Point Irrigation project, li'ft I his moinliiK for Chlloquln, after' a Hliorl Hojourn hero. Ho hcouIs tlio i reportH that llnhlnc la poor on tho reservation h! reams, mid sayH annlers never had better luelc than at prenent. Wellesley CoIIoko studelilB liavo completed n fund to purchase and einlp a mllliary mnbulnneo for nor- ( mco in rrunco. Riggs National Bank Injunction Case Is Up 1'iilted Press Kervlco WASHINGTON, May Vi. Tho suit "!' tho HIbkh National bnnk to enjoin tlio comptroller of tho curronry from wlthhoidhiK fG.000 Interest on Kv ernment bonds us penalty for nllenod violation of cortnln baukltiK regulti "'lis, and charging Comptroller Wil liams and Hecrelnry McAdoo with con spiracy to wreck tho bank, came up hi'foro JuiIko McCoy of tho district hiipremp court this morning The case, now ono month old, has taken on a national Importance In tho public mind, partly because of tho persons Involved and because it Is BRITISH SAY NO !E SHIPS LOST - Miit.i;i issues dexial or iikhm.v wireless stokv that several warships srK ni'T iiehuex I'lllllJll PlOM KoMll!) LONDON, Miiy I.. The iidmlrulty categorically denies thu claims made Ii)' wIicIcmh from lloilln (liul tho isiuihIi uiiihIiIik Supetb t.nil Wmrlor wore himl(, (he ci inner l.lou Imdly ... . . ilnimiKed, iiml uilicr vessels Injur"! It, buttle of Bergen. Tho admiralty deiiiuoH ihui no xiii h IIkIii Iiiih oi'ctiri'i'il. EVANS' PROPERTY IS ORDERED SOLD i.ors iv m:coi addition aim: TO III. SOLD AT SHdtllT'S SAI.i: TO I'AV tvi'i:wihti:ii 1 1 it. ms mi. i, An exoriitlon Ii lit lieeil Ihsiii'iI In tho Hiilt of tho Itcmlnclou Typewriter, (oliipauy acnliiBt Sum Kviiiik for the' Hale by the Hherln of a nuinhur of IoIh In Second Addition to uitlHfy the coiupnny Judi;meiit of $2S., with In-' (el eat and accruing eostn. i The property will he Mild by the, Mherlff June in In front of the court I Iiouro. IMPORTANT MEET ISONT T IM.rSTKATICD I.HCTl'HK, COX- ii:ui:.i: ox ;ooi hoads IIAV AXI OTHi:it MATTi:itS I'P to HfsixKss n:x Theie will ho seernl matters of Importance up before tho Klamath KiiIIh IliiBlnehH Men'B AHSoclatlon. when ItK mooting Ih hold this ovon Iiik in the council chamber at tho now city hall. And by way of dlvor Hlou, there will he a ledum on tho "Fly Kvll" elven by School Superin tendent Dunbar, and illiiHtratod by vIowh Ihmhod by Kldor S. I), Harlan. At this tlruo ropresentatlvos of tho Kliiiunth Chamber of Commerce, the county court and tho city council will meet with tlm business men to din cuss nlniiH for a thorough obsorvnnco of (iood Itoads Day. May 20th, It Is planned to Imvo all or thu business houses closod that day, and all Ihe available men at work on county and city roads Besides this, several other matteis of Importance nro to tonic up. belluveil II will open up important questions Involving governmental Jurisdiction over banks. I "niggest thing slncu Jackson's light with tho banks," Is ono way It Is oxpressed Tho inannor in which tho ndmlnls- trillion regards tho litigation Is shown by tho fact that Samuol Unlormyer and I. D. Hrandlos hnvo been chosen to assist tho attorney genernl's offlco I In defending tho treasury olllclals -. and possibly In carrying further tho I charges openly mndo against tho hank t uy uonipirouer iiituw , . President Wilson and his cabinet i are known to have considered tho jenso In cabinet meeting, MR ONIGH H. E. ANGLIN IS ARRESTED ON A BIGAMY CHARGE sii i:iti i'i - goes south to get I'HISOXEH ,,',",""'p SiiM.-liit-inli'iii of Construe- . ,,, ;,,. (,., House, Who Murilcd Local (ill I, Is , . , ,.., ,, ,. ... ( IiiiiwiI Willi In 1 1 II ii- In Idiom- III. I'liM Witt- Waives IMinill- linn IIIkIiIh. ' i I. I I'lesH Sim vl c .s.W ritA(TSC. Mil) l. .l Ihe ill) pi-Uon litis iihiIIiIiik Aliulln Itfll-ell to ilisi iiss Ills i'iioo, CMept III mi) tluil lie uniihl nut llubl evlinill tliin. He lnlliil tlmt lie cun cleni' IiIiiimIi' hi I In lil'iniy ituii'Ue, hut wild In- would mil iiuike a vtutcnrcnl led. i) In (hum- iiiiillihiu lie uoulil suy iliiltbl cciii t ivllert on his wile In lilain.iltt I i. IN. AiikIIii stoutly main tain Ih. II the OrcU'Hi uoniiiii is bis only wile. He s,i)f. he will be able In iioi- IliU iipnii the iirilvnl of Sheiiir l.nu iiein lilaiiiutli lomily to luol nm. ll..iiged with i...:uj' another wife at II it lime ho married Miss Nlnu Noi I a well known local youiiK lady on 'lliankt-Klving, Harry Anellu was Hirer tod e-,terday by the San Fran- clsio pollco. l.e .i.vud his extra dition rights and Sheriff I-ow left this moinliiK for thr- city to bring Anglln b.iclc for trial. Angllu was for two years or more superintendent of the Klamath coun ty court house construction work A Ki outer portion of that tlmu ho kept company with Miss Noel, and follow ing her graduation front tho Klamath County High School last summer the pair were wedded in the fall. Theto wero many little rumors about to the effect that Anglln was married before he same here, and that although he and his wife had separated they had not been divorced. Some believed that It was delay In gutting the divorce In California that prevented tin earlier marriage here. Angllu'h Job with the county ex pired January 1. A short tlmu apo It Is Mated by suveral, ho Intimated that thu county court had decided to tear down tho partly built new court house, and rebuild it on the old i on rt house site, and ho was to do this work, receiving about $74,000 for his services. On tho strength of this, it Is alleged, Anglln tried to borrow $3,000, but so far as known, with no success. Tho county court denies any such understanding. Judge Hanks stated that when Anglln was given his De cember salary warrant, he was In formed that the court was through with him. A few days after tho foregoing owntB. Anglln left for California. Ho went ostensibly on a business trip, hut toon It bocamo noised about in certain channels that ho was gono for good, These stories, and others, began to roach tho ears of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nool, tho young bride's parents, and shortly aftor Auglln's depart nro Noel left to mnko some In vestigations. Tho rosult of his trip was the ar jest of Anglln by tho San Francisco pollco. An Information, charging bigamy, was sworn to by Mrs, Nool jestorday, and a warrant for arrest was telegraphed to Chlof of Police White at San Francisco by tho county authorities. Shorlff Low took the original warrant south with him this morning, Tho heartfolt sympathy of tho eu tho community Is extended to tho Noel family In their hour of trouble. Tho girl who became a brldo last Tluu.k.iglvlns Is highly theugh: of by all hor acquaintances, und Is popular In local socloty. For tho sake of all concerned, and especially the voting woman. It Is certainly hoped that Anglln will be able to straighten out this roost embarrassing predicament, Big Booster Banquet Community Builder to Address Meeting Next Month COI.OXKI. W. Something i. little out of the ordi nary in u "love fe.ist" is to be held here In June, trecordlng to plans Do ing outlined by tho Klamath Cham- , bor of Commerce. This will be a big ' banquet at the W'hito Pelican Hotel, when ways for the development of the I community along the best lines will bo talked, and a closer union among jtlie business men, the farmers and other residents of the county. As a special attraction at this ban quet, plans are being made to havo CcJIonel W II. Miller, community builder for tho Western Lumbermen's Association and noted far and wide 'as a lecturer and humorist, present to deliver the principal address. Colonel Miller has attained a great reputation as a consistent boostor for commun ity development, and for stimulating ; local pride and activity for tho bet- , terment of the "home town." He Is a 1 1 ; i ,, , "gau3gr rv 'i$$k,? B&?B0 Hk.. , 'J&ik Si&ali4'V'fer1'.5' ,'lfefl r MtS' jBB.f-?!l "4 i - . HHHlHHv HHBkv' v yS ' V-:V?' '- iiH THBIFr4-.-''V'i uv s ' ,? 5 '-MiHJL, '-fi ? - dHr 'lt'' -'PIIi dBr ' RailHH-l SIK'E '' PMfli 3Kr, " mf DkBI-l ---i-----P:------nflSHR(-H i---i----------Pii-------P!JliS----l WAS BILLICKE IVILLA REPORTS SAVED OR N0T?i HE IS WINNING COXTKADKTOUV TKLKGltA.MS Pl'ZLIC THOSE IXTERESTED IX MAX WHO WAS PASSEXGEIt OX THE LUS1TAXIA I'nlted Press Service LOS ANGELES, May 12. It Is re ported today that A, C. Bllllcke, a Los Angeles capitalist, was among tho unfortunate ones who went down when the Lusltnnia was destroyed by German torpedoes. , Shortly after the disaster, the fam ily of Ullllcko received a telegram t which was very laconic, but reassur ing. It waB: "Saved. Bllllcke." Now Vork lawyers are today In vestigating nnotljer telegram which in as follews: "Ullllcko's body found." Tho family of the capitalist are, greatly concerned, and feel that some mystery is connected with tho matter which does not appear on the surface, i.ovlnsky vs. Terr)' Kellur United Press Service , AKRON, May 12. Battling Levin sky is scheduled to moet Terry Ketlar, tho California heavyweight, for ten rounds horo" tonight. Levlnsky Is ful ly recovered from his Injured hand, which kept him quiet for a couple of weeks recently, II. MIL! V.i Ity builder of I! u most desirable type, one of the !ilud who st&Tts his development vork from jyithln by wot king to s?3 that the schools, etc., aro what they should be before oth ers are asked to make the town tholr home. Colonel Miller's Interesting and valuable views and suggestions on community betterment havo been scattered far and wide throughout the East by his appearance on Chau tauqua: platforms. He comes here to deliver lectures for the Chautauqua Assembly In June. But at the ban quet he will deliver a more personal talk ouo with a still different mes sage for all In attendance. The attendance of Colonel Miller at the banquet hero is largely due to the Big ' Basin Lumber company, which Is a member of tho Western Association, and which will pay the necessary association fees, etc., for Miller's presence here. TELEGRAPHS WASHIXGTOX AU THORITIES THAT HE WILL SOOX CRUSH OHREGOX'S ARMY .NEAR IRAl'UATA United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Muy 12. General Villa has telegraphed the au thorities hero that he has destroyed the left wing of General Obregon's army, and driven his men back to Irnpuata. Villa also reported that he expected a doclslvo engagement at Irapuata shortly, where Obregon Is entrenched. Gibbous-Houck Fight I'nlted Ptess 'Service NEW VORK, May 12. Mike Gib bons is signed up to meet Leo Houck on May 26 at tho St. Nicholas rink. This will be Gibbon's first appearance in this vicinity in about half a year. Southern Baptist Convention liOl'STON. May 12. More than ,',(100 delegates to the Southern Bap tist convention wore expected today to be here before the sessions close on the 17th. The convention opened today with fully 3,500 delegates from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Mis souri, Arkansas, and othergouthern states. 5,- Ji. RIOTS AGAINST ALIENS! REAL MENACE: t FORCE IIE1XU U8EI IX MAXY liACEH i 1'olko HeiiiK Unable to Cop With tlio Ouilirenkfl Aguinst Germans, i Cabinet Taken Up tlie Qnestloa in i .McetiiiK Today Seventeen More' Itodlev of l.usitaniu Victims Kecov- eied Today. I'nlted Pies Servliu ' , LONDON, May 12. The antl-Oer-, man riots that have broken out since the sinking of tho Lusltnnia have. reached such n frenzied state that the .police cannot control the mobs. A I special meeting of the cabinet to con- i sider tho alien enemy problem, was nllpd todny, and at this It way de- i cided that all enemy aliens, whether) naturalized or not, should be Interned ' for safety. i Hundreds of stores and houses of ' aliens have been broken Into and de-' , mollshed and looted. Many aliens' ha-vo been beaten by the mobs. I In several places women are in the mobs, and they have fought the po-' lice, tearing ofT their uniforms. ' 1 Scores of women, men and chil-' i dren have been arrested, and the hos pitals are full of people with broken heads from the clashes. Near Smith- I fiShUiJfi JePXl4 tliat, a number of 'AUM,. ..... ......t..- .1 1 The mob leaders work their follow ers Into a frenzy by singing "Rule Britannia-." Near Liverpool the riot ing Is especially rabid. Jutted Press Service QUEENSTOWN, May 12. The steamer Flying Fish brought seven teen .more Lusltnnia victims' bodies to port today. One was Identified as Percy Secomb of Boston. Heports of the recovery of Alfred' Vanderbilt's body are not confirmed. Statements to that effect are believed untrue. BONANZA NINE TO PLAY BALL HERE A return game between thu Klam ath County High School baseball team and the Bonanza team will be played at Modoc Park Friday after noon. The game will be called at 3 o'clock. The two teams clashed at Bonanza Friday last, und the fans in attend ance witnessed nine rattling good innings of baseball as a result. Tho flnnl score was 4 to 3, In favor of the students, but reports from the Clover' Leaf City region indicate that Bo nanza is coming down Friday loaded for victory. BRITISH Stage to Ply Between Bend and Fort Klamath An automobile stage line of much importance In Central Oregou Is to be established between Bend und Fort Klamath. George Hoyt of the Wood River garage will operate the transportation company. Two machines are to be used, so the stages will leave Bend and Fort Klnmath at tho same time, passing near Crescent. , The trips will be made on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and the Initial trip will be made Tuesday next. The routing of the stage line Is ILSON'SflOURSE IN PRESENT FUSS' ALMOST DECIDED .NOTE TO GERMANY IX PREPABA- TIOX I c Itelleied from Itemarlu Dropped bjr Oniclnls Tliat Thin Asks Kaleer'a' Country to Outline More DcflBJtly" II Policy Hogm-dlng Slilpptag, d Asks Tlmt There lie no More At- tucks on Shipping. I 'liteil Press Service WASHIXGTOX. .1), C, May 12. The German note nan completed tula afternoon. It In reported that the delivery of it Is being delayed to give American a rluince to quit Geraaay, mid rumor nay llryan cabled Ambaa sudor Gerard a Miggestion that Araer it nns go (o Switzerland for refage. It is also wlUftpered about that a xwslble severance of diplomatic rela tions with Germany wait dlactMoed at yf st ei day's meeting of the cabinet. It it learned today that the govern ment Intends to muzzle tome of. the radical German newspapers that ex coriate the government by denying them tho use of the malls. tJuited 1'tess Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12. roiiowing a conierence witn rreu- i dent WilsonrSecretary Tumulty mad the following announcement today; "The course of the president baa,, been decided upon. It will be an nounced just as soon as It Is possible to publish the note now In course of preparation." It Is believed that President Wil son plans to ask Germany to define her policy toward American shipping in tho war zone. It is also believed ho will request assurance that' there will be no mora recurrence of the Cushing und Gultlight affairs, and will refer to the sinking of the Lusl tnnia, Frye and Falaba. It Is understood that the note will be firm. It will be sent to Berlin to-, night or tomorrow. Nobody believes that the adminis tration will adopt a warlike attitude. The state department Is busied with J this affair. Wilson and Bryan are personally handling developments., Optimists believe that Germany's reply will be foreshadowed with con ciliation. Others predict an evasive answer to Wilson's note, or a fiat re fusal to comply with the suggestions. National Charities Convention ' oiled Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, May 18. This city cast a greedy eye toward Balti more today, where the delegates to the national conference of charities and corrections nre gathering. A del- I egatlon of local men have gone there to bid for the conference (or next il year. The local Chamber of Com-'l merce was prime mover In the at tempt. ' 1 1 such that stops will be made at Harp;; Ln Pine, Crescent, iWotkpttwi' ' Ranch and other places. 0 Me-.? will tin OAnt In nhllnnnln tntilAW unCr ...... o.- .u r Ti-v.'i- Zti-x- on to Bend, or to catch the train frovte ' Chlloquln to this. city. , ' m&$$ iiesiues carrying passengers, . -Jo jc' stace line will alaa-tranaaart-i innri bnvflraiFft. ft rrnnira it hiiiwr also been made for private kMH Mb livery for farmers, llyinffotejigtifr; I stasia route ont dltaa"f'a4t. one... - $$&$$$ J M - m if -v?.W'- - &xmw TV