c iiWV7, ?$mwi mmM v. fc3B8 Its, itumttg Iterato KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER n.i "-Xj ,1 "" &?! &?-'& KLAMATMicouirnnr- fc UMtlAL nCWSKAri.Kifi . t -'ynsvjwr'i - i. T3M&' (Lth f v v . .V, ,?U5SWa ,: W Mnlli Vcir No. a,77 HOOD ROADS DAY T BE OBSERVED IN 6REAT STYLE tirv, COUNTY and roosters UNITE1 ( luiiiilii'r of Comincitf, Count)' ('unit, I'll) Council, Wnlrr Um-i-n Ahm.iIii. " j linn ii ml IIiioIiicmm Mi'it'x AiuIm. Illlll Will C-0Hllttt III OIlolTVIIIIK- .if Gnixt ItfNtilw Oil)' by I'uIIIiik In (iiiml l.lrkw on Our Hlgliuii). 'I In. proclamation Issued by (lover nor W'lthyrombo setting Mny 20 inddii mi "good roads day" U to bo loyally tun lud out la Kluniuth coun t). Volunteer, will glvo a day's la Inn to Hit' bolter highways cause, mill dm rcHiili will liu it wonderful Im- iirovcmoiil In road conditions. The Cluunlii'r or Commcriii illiott um tciolt tho iitnttur up lunt nlKliI, mill till wro lu'iirtlly in fuvor of tho plini. A lomifiltteu from tlio coininvrcu body iluii liiicrUitwod tho city council, nml found Hint body vugor to imnliit In ov i ry uii . Tho result will hn a Koncrnl liolldiiy lii'iti on tho 20th, n It Ii mi-ry uMillnlilc innn out working on tho rtmtU. ; I bolltiVtt It Ih n milendld Idea for; Hi.. IiiimIiimh mon, tho Chnmlivr ofi ((iiiiiiu-ici', tW county court, thu clt) aiid the water usom lo gel togulhcr mi i Ii Ih movement," nuld Mayor Nidi ohis liHt nlclit. "Such a movement Ik iiImi mipportlug the governor, and I bclldifujvo aro not no fur In- tho Hoods thai wo fall to carry out to the litter any proclamation he may Issue. Let us nil meet together Mid system ntlzi the work, and got In mime, real i o-opcrailvu effort." Tim mailer was iiIho taken up with the t utility court this morning by J. i: Hwiiimcn, It, K. flmlth nnd U. Pey ton, the Chamber of Commerce com mittee. Tho court was found to bo i'iithuliiMtlc. Tho olllclnla of tho Klnmatlt Witter Unorn Assocltitlnu tlitiH far Interviewed have all lauded the plnii, and t lookH as though thin wilt be tho biggest get-together niovo In tho lounty's history. A meeting of tho Klamath Dusl iiims Men'H Association will bo hold Wednesday night. At that time, tho other organisations nnd committees will bo present, nnd tho work to ho .lone will ho arranged In a systematic manner. In thla way, thero will bo ... .um.nuorsuvnuini. nnu iiioro w, bo iraiiHportntlon, tools, etc., rnr- iiwiiimi nil who wish to work. The business houses, It Is believed, will bo closed that day. Those own - lug nulOR will bo ImprcKsod to html tlin vol nn teem to tho .nlaecs to he worked. -. (lull Meeting Postponed! Ihu Tatting Club will not meet to morinw, as previously arranged, lu- i end, tho next meeting will bo hold iwij weeks later, when Mrs. Henry 1. r.ciiBon will bo hostess. Chang es Are Local Train Service . , inn ooo sheen and lambs wore killed A movement to have tho Klamath , run this delay Is more noticeable, and , . de8troyea t'alls-Weed train run as far south sst l especially uncomfot table for wo- m '' etaownero, but did no "imaiii Hpnngs, aud to have rtm-iincu " ....v.., .. ...- ""in attached to the local train, was' plnco to rest unloss they rout a room, Hlartod at last nlghfa meeting of tho Klamath Chamber of Commerce. Tho matter Is to be taken up with I'ussencer Tmffln M.n..r rii.arles H Fee of tb r.iir,.,i nnmnnnv. bv i " 1;,'"..r.v: "7 J- Keerotary Fred Fleet of the commerce ,,0'ly. it Is believed that this request I wj bo granted by tho railroad, , "no of the main objections to the' present train service is the wait of ,m., k":'"'::V, :r, " 1" :":.: huuih ai rrevn, wnvu iihmou-i " -- . . Krs are going to California points, tra service botweon Shasta springs Since the Pullman, Wa taken oK thlund )yed. FURTHER DELAY OF TRAINS DUE TO HEAVY RAINS li:MI'UtMt UOItK is washed ni r iv m jut lti'Miii I'niin South Mil) Sunn Viii About im I'm Wink ni All Willi III n Veilenlny Motnlng Tin 1,1 lll Tliilin. Kep l'i Ciiiim'iIiiiis, I tilt Limited Tiulim .tic llelng Sen I (till by Way nr iii'iio mill OjxiIi-ii. liifm million ifich.'il b .S.uiilicru It.lllll' Aki tit Illlll") tlllM nftciuoou mIiiic th.it tlin rnliiH liim nUht cm tied nut nil of I tin Huniioriiry tri'sllcH mid wirl.H liullt )(.ntcriliiy throtiKli ltn fliioili'il iIImiIci ni'.ir Kiniitttt. Ah u ii'iinll, ilio wiulc tmlny noon wiih no fillthcr nloiij; tliiiu It uns ) cHterilay iiiornliiK'. DIvImIoii liciiiliiiiiricr tit Dnnmmilr niiiioniiicii that If tho wentliPt pei mllH ihnuit;h ncrU.j bciwi'cu Port land nml San I'imiicIhco will bti n-' Riinn'il ThurHdaj afternoon. In thu lot .iitllin.'. ii t nil n Ik riinuliiK from Athltilid to n h far houth :ih pohbIIiI.', and return. In thM way, north t on nil piiKK.'iiKorx tan initlte (Onuec tli'iin at Weed for uoitheru and nome mmtlKrii points, 'tin llmlied traliix. It l stated, are l in limited tnilim. it l utatcti, nn .bnnK K.iit l i OkiIimi nml llouo from I'oitltitid r.iul Sau Francisco. "llto Khimatli Falls train eiimo lit at : o'dock thin morning, Deputy County Clerk Virgil Del.ap, ii I,,. Im I. Am. ..,..knjltllr thn nVliflul. .Mi ,1.. r. ,,,-n. .....,...,.. ...u v,,- iiuiir.i, me iiieniuers huiico inai nicy tlruii ir stnlled on Ills homewnnl wny,1M,i consider offer of tracts of well at 'lehama. lie wmb unable to cash located lands, two blocks In extent, 1, ihock there because ho could find t 0f about thut sire. Nothing will nobody lo Identify him. and was com- ),e dono toward securing a new site point! to wlro relatives here for nnd solllug the old site, howovcr, un- inono sent tlu ytn.cin Union GIVES HIS SON JAILJENTENCE TWO Mi:. FROM FORT KI.AMATII ARE IX THE COU.NTV RASTII.E AS RI'.SIU.T OI' A FRACAS A FEW IIAVH AtJO ,,,,. UUm of Hlull unl, ballet y. , M, u , Arclllo wlinor ot ,rorl Kllimlltll nl0 acnlnB 2".-day' M)n,lu, tl0 county Jnll. , ( xiiey wuto committed by WIiuci'h fU(lor o. a. Winter, wlio H Justice, nt . i... ,.,,,.,. rnr wnmi iilver Precinct. Ill HIV) ,,...... ,.w .-. Tim men aro In trouble upon com plaint of Archlu V. Tlndoll. The trouble occuired near tho Fort a few il.iyn ago. Tho minimum Kilo of wages for . fimile skirt inakois in droat Uiitulii , hns Jieen lUetl r.t 3Vj contB per hour. , , :rr Asked in for tho dny at ono of tho hotels. I' """ WU8 a ,0 f ,,i8- m Springs, tho delay would not be sol notlcoablo tit that famous health re - -J, mnu ..too be grently ap- sort. It would ulso bo grently ap pieclnted by south-bound passengois. ho on tho main lino trains only get to stop a fow minutes at this seonlo summer resort '" IM"I" .. Another feature in favor of the ....... ,,, ,t, train service is the g- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1915 May Sell School Site School Board Favors Larger Grounds, Building v -, -f . . i . 1 , fyi-U f W.JU J. 1 ' J :' WJ . -3t. '--'- T MnriTTfc"IJ !7TS'.llPiGri &tfWmmmm) OtfUVif -T.7. HPtauimM"VM ? v.. '&iiBHE &.. -i .I'll cKNTHAii sciiooii nuii.nixc; Tho priM'iit Cuiilral school bulld lug i.u M .In riticet, hotween N'lnth and Tenth luoU, nuij be sold, and n lnrui'i xi hcul bu erected on a big Iter Iran of srnunil, Tho boaul of dlrecloih of tho dlntilct. aro consider ing this change, and hao p.iHed a resolution id that elfei I. 'I ho (iietlon of s.ifetj for the chll- dreu attending the Centinl tu.hool isbulldlng cannot conveniently accom-t one big matter -ili ,t hd to this ileci-jmoduto any more pupils. t hlon Anothci li the la k of suitable Second It Is not practicable to en- nimj riuinda ll.t . ud yet another condition of the H n l0ngcBtpiI f,cil0 i m,.klni: It noccssaiv to main- tnn ,,t raiiHl'dtrnblo expenso scliools'sultnblo iilaygrounds. I ,,t si Ipplnglon nml Mills Addition, j Third Tho sltuufW of tho school 1 At last nlgi,t r -Sin-; of tho on the malrtre.'l, near the busl- . . .,. . .- .1 , I til tho matter Is put to a voto of the taxpayers. Tho present Central school site, it Is contended by the board, Is more (stilted to business purposes than it Is .seem to mako the present the nlost to hthool purposes. This Is another' opportune tlmo to buy the required reason for tho deslro to change. land for u new school site. Tho following resolution regnidlngj Fifth The securing of new ground the matter was adopted recently by now will give more time for tho care the school beard: ' fnl consideration of plans for bulld- llo It resolved by the boaid of dl- lngs, grounds, equipment, etc. CURRY CO. MAN LIKES KLAMATH1 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, ON HIS WAY RACK TO MISSOURI .MAY DECIDE TO LOCATE IN THIS COUNTY INSTEAD Wliuu W. 11. Meredith teslgned as piobecuting attorney of Curry county tended by every parent and patron of and as manager of tho Hume and tho tho schools will bo hold tomorrow at Mirtnn interests thoio. and loft Wed- tornooii and evening at tho Centrnl ..... wltu ,Is flimlly, his inten-' ,. ,.lu ln ,nv i,nck to Missouri.' , i,w,i .. .- - -- -, llo had spent llvo years In Curry county, which has not a mile of tall- loads In Its boundailcs, and felt that t he could do better in tno anuuio West. On tho way east, Mr. Meredith and family visited In tho Rogue River vniiev Timio ho heard ninny har rowing tales of tho terrors of tho years at tho local school, have dem-K-imnti..nuntrv. nnn of these Btorlesonstinte-d that practical training In i.inLr m tim Pffoct that moie than . , Klamath. At Ashland, ' , u ,, Juat m)t of' ! llll()Sy ,, UecWwI t0 run over here, " . " ' Tho result is mat aiere.inu is .w, nusly consldeilug locating hero In- .. . .. .. stend of Missouri. 'uTtno co?d:. y ho ; lcoUence oi tlio schools. piessed nannli t li n nvrnllAlirA i.... ,i..i o.. i nvnln( iicuiiivi ,,w -.,...- - ---- ex-juim mo ui.i.m.p... V '. Today Mr. Henann is oeing hdr the Fort Klamath country by B, U Rlllott. " x f. --' 41$. ?, :?m - ' f-Z-w; 'w ', ' KSi nctorK of School District No. 1, Kliuiinth county, Oregon, That im mediate slops bo taken toward secur ing a slto for a new Central school unlldliiK or buildings, ample in size to, growth. . ' j Tho foregoing resolution Is b.isul. upon tho following consideratiens: j First The present Central school largo said building,; and there Is not J (sufficient room for the orectlon of I ot In r buildings, nor Is there snace for '.. A.. , n A I .,. At.,-.ln n ess center of the city Is objection able with tegard to thu stfety and! pleasure ot tho pupils, and undesir able from a financial standpoint. On tho other hand. It renders the prop erty of Increasing value for business purposes, for which It could be sold in due time, lo the great advantage ot the school. Fourth Uuslness conditions would PRACTICAL WORK WILL BE SHOWN WORK OF THE GRADE SCHOOL PUPILS IX DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND MANUAL TRAINING TO HE ' SHOWN TOMORROW An exposition that should bo at- school. This will be the second an- nuiii nxnosltlon of the manual traln- -- lug and domestic sclenco departments, and opening at 1 in tho afternoon, it will continue until Inte In the even- jng. Miss -Clara Elmer Is head ot the domestic sclouco department, and D. (1. Morris has charge ot the manual training work. Both, In their two tho grade schools Is a valuable In vostmont for the school district. As a result of their 'work, the boys and girls are advanced In carpentry. woou-worKing, cooning, sowing uuu oU uge(l1 arU lnroany cn8e8 be- yond their parents; The boy's know- louffe of tools, etc,;-In odd carpeutry jobs around homo saves money that would otherwise benald a wdrkman. .. ,-. i.MmlmAmai . "'" "'" -- --- newlnir aro able, not only to keen their clothing in vk .! tU. but also to m.Wthe.r dresfes, . i- Moorish marriage laws permit a .man to have as many wre as he can i support. at -1 1 . WKk&x. Ti 9.5X " PERMITS SHOW NEW ACTIVITY; UNION OIK COMI'AXV TO KltKCTj TAXJtS, hTC, AXII COFKIt UROH. , WIMj STAIIT UP ROCK CltCSH IXi I'liANT ! Tho council last night granted O. , 10. Peyton, local agent for the Union! Oil company, pel mission to erect a, corrugated Iron pump house, n ware-' house ot the K.ime material, pnd ) three Mod storjjre ranks on lot 27, block 18, ot Rallmad addition. The' tanks are to be placed on bi Ick or , concrete piers, and the buildings will bo for the storage of fuel and lubrl-, rating oils, etc. Cofer flros. weie: given n permit to erect nnd operate a lock, truhher In U.iena Vista addition, together w.thtno tne VaMm u ',.,",: "'-"" ""-"paciflc International exposition. This K llfc . . .ii. . ..'.Ks-i ing The plant will be started In a ,g , C(Jnn0 fomer, a Klamathluch " T!!? SSir! .. ort time, and will furnish crushed reg)den who , acU I. opened or further ilpUmMt ll .. Ti In dn In w. n AAA am.m IiIahI , 18 CHAMItlt OF CLMEltCB IAST XIRHT I'AhKKD HRSOLUTIOX TO THAT EFr:;CT TO HAVE 100 CHAKTKft .MEMT5ERS Tho matter ol tbe Klamath alls Chautaituufa; was presented to the Chamber of Commerce at their reg ular meeting Inst evening. Judge H. D. Gale, Rev. S. D. Harlan and S. N. Foster, Elllson-Wblte representative. being present for that purpose.. After Mr. Foster had spoken concerning some of the attractions which will , appenr here, the following resolution J was unanimously adepted: "Rosolved, That the Chamber of Commerce endorse the Klamath Falls Chautauqua." j At the meeting ot the directors of tho Chautauqua Association yester day afternoon, Mr. Foster went over j the plans of the work with the com mittees and directors. Plans were outlined for the publicity work, ar-t ranging for the grounds and the ticket sales. .. "One of the best things ot which I CHAUTAUQUA AGAIN ENDORSED know anywhere." said Foster to the'Rlo ndmiMion tickets are. for the sup - directors, "is vour incorporation ana rt.ivnnl.nllnn In o 1a Oral matinAI 111 u,ii.uii,u ... .aBM. ...-... InRtirpa thn nermnnnncv and stability . . . . of the local work, lou are to be con - gratulated on taking this step, Judge Gnle has done a fine thing In direct- lug your efforts along this course. And the fact that you are holding your chartor open unttl you have 100 members Is to be commended." i There were fifty men and women' v.ho signed the contract for the com ing of tho Chautauqua this season. SInco then thirty-three more persons have Joined tho Chautauqua Assocla-' Hon, making a total ot eighty-three charter members. The- officers Bayi that they will have the other seven-. to.i mnnihon iniiav nil than tlio' . ...v.... w ,, charter will be closed. Mr. Foster spoko at the Riverside grade school and the high school as- sembly this morning, telling of tho .i !!,... ... .Mni.l.nM ,k. AnA uiinic-iiujin nuu viiniuiiie uio bwbuii ticket feature. Land Oiillnnnce Is Up. At last nlsrhfs ineetlne of the coun - cll,.nn ordinance appropriating 300 f.. th mnintflmmon nf n, Klamath rails Military band, was Introduced 8t ot the efforts ot Qlatayer.for 8, Fox. Klamath ;FaltarMeaJi: ..j . t. a ji Tki. bettering farmlnsr conditions here Murin Klamath .Bfuri3ikM-r's mil. iiiisBcu m nouuuu (oau.uii ,to rnvMM hof tho mnn ahn tm nid m th ri nf I7K iv month. belnntn - June 1st. " , Calkins Is Better. Yl H. Calkins, who went ttf Wemoealitles of similar altitude, ? JohsT Matwy.T;JCliaJhifii; j recently-and underwent, an operation, io.raturo. soil comDOiltlon.'ato.f wareraA., XrVuka..a. Jteportod as KeUlngjilontnkely.BecBred by aialayeranweV.1.fai:'4 lie is expected noma May loth. " ' The Turkish empire to composed of many mlxediritcee.-lV includes Creeks, Slays. Albanians,' "'Amratani Jaw and Ctrotlana..A- ''Jr- ;, -' - f4 KLAMATH HAS A REPRESENTATIVE ate; COXXOK IS HKHVING WITHOUT PAY Kornier Klatmth County Man Now MvinK la Oakland la Issued Pass and Credential by Chamber of Commerce Will Keep. Booth in Proper 'Hliapo and Answer Ques-J tlons of the Toarists. For the present at least, Klamath Pnnntv hnct a llvo rpnriflAntflMVA in' -. rosentatlve sianuiio.ni. The Chamber of Commerce dlrec-tt .tors last night voted to Issue an ex-' position pass to.Hr. Connor, and also POSITION - ... .. kin in Liuun in urn ic m j , i.t. .i lactttA him wKnt mnnav mav hlc"'- viww " " vmn -,wr- u", ' needed in providing flowers for the ..... Kiamatn Doom, re-arranging tne, threshed grain exhibit, etc. ! Uelng close to the exposition, Mr. Connor lias carefully watched the Or- egon building, and he was one of the nrsc xo wruo aere oi io u ui n ((VS ge flre 0 he zppeHa ngr trepresenUtlve. He agreed to put up, il61,b'ego Djr dropplarlKb.:Vr..' part of the money tor such a man's' H .,,, ,K. -,...' jif-i-. fc ".j" . first to write here of the need of a pari oi uie muiiey nir sucu a u.u salary, ana recently oe voiunteerea to servo without pay until a- man is se- lected, or other arrangements made regarding this highly InrtMtmat. npi3sUJ!JX&& ter. MAY FESTIVAL BEGINS TODAY SUPPER THIS EVENING OPENS A WEEK OF LITERARY AND anj.jEtrcing C,rrent8 SICAL ENTERTAIXIEXTS AT THE M. E. CHURCH The May Festival of Grace M. Expressed with the couatrr at that tissetr church begins with a supper at the' ,cnurch tonignt. course tickets are 60 cents. Sln - ..- ,i.,u. ok Ana. nt,iiHrAn nmiiii,..n. i.- ..- .r.ii ,--fc i'iii.'ri."i .. a ... a . iz, 20 cents; ior literary ana. musical I ,.... n.,n. ic .,.. hiiiAn - V.m.UI.9. UUUHBi hVUH, WMW. VU iunder xs ceat9. Small children ......... L ..'... , .. -t..J.'.. .. ..-. . ...r-- ....p. )ar admitted tree when with adults. County Agriculturist Starts Demonstrations An a result of exuerimental and ;.:-- ; demonstrating crating work outlined audited here. As there , are :.manyvefl; by County Agriculturist HplotB, H will be posalbYa plut ii Glaisyer, and carried on Inextenslye area with spleMUsJaiUveV. 'started Roland co-operation by Klamath" county, nrmnva thla aantlnn will tiAft va ,.. ...- -.,.... ... -w WM not ouiy nave aenuice naowteage oil the possibilities ot several crojis, In - eluding some new to Kiamatn, out "wlu nave available for use high arade aeed, adapted wand acclimated , to our peculiar needs. Then the re - ? 'will become more apparent. L The best varieties' of seed for r DskOtaAS and Other tributed among .farmers who' velnni i -m . - . . t . " . teered to co-operate lnitb'Mi1 mentJwork, Tkiese were plaiiied.un- derQlaisrer'e supervlslon.an )e and i.i..v.m -. i.i.:-.;!wi.i peas, clover,-corn, oats, barley, rape, j rill, i icjaX ffkf i, kfmn . rnwi, Buuma gr, nuu ; rort4KWMMnl;M;-aHlkt)r tBafM .,r ,.,wf ..- ,.r. ,..,,,.,, mijqrikWw-jaaa p check on'thee, cropsTo tltirW.'ilMiMI M '-rf'Omm ITALY IS 111 I ' ' (Jrt ;' mm sffiwss.1 mA RELIEVED OF THE ''wsil STRAIN OF FIGHT t XKW . ' H vOl 1 -S1 AUMTRIAX NOTK trtiOOTHS r . a THIXG8 !-" iH 'ft hi r S ; t5- "7" rx 05S1 if I l-'renrh Avktora Atteek., .? Vl T -.V.- Shed British Deajr"tte Otrwiaiij BeporU ot Farther. DesnMrtto wtii t . fc vtf$. Iarge Veaseb- More bodiea t if lituritaala VlvtlBM Are Picked5 U' ! bjr Searchers Today. , )7i M - .'! ,31 Tutted Press Service ffaf daup !. 11 ThailitatvlBi'ii ":T"'Z! .:"' .riJSIIA rrJUlV LU 1LU1V inuniL UIUBbUBsB aaHVr i the failure of the : & ir-'ii . .i-a r. gorenuBeat to i & tatement rWBiraaf "th JDtKj " & fhere Is every evldeacethat tha; r.n inn.lAn 9 4 It A, Mat At 4 jt-feWSt . tflilr-h annoafArl ti fniaisiliAtilAP t(ff r , k . . . . ' m. i eirly entrance into tba war. has 1 - . . , ,. . 'ut cnslderably relieved. . , r Uned HrM. v &j VAHi Mfl v , , In . -h-.'-.SIA Eizirtv BnTranpa in in w wbf amtm BHrnkmrnmiB lovo tne Gemlll ,tof f Tl.,- rt,rtffhl then. r'daatrarail.v "-ST ., ngbtlai eonttat-ortg; of; . wjere ,, ruiuii L.M(,V Droe t LtU tkat'.ta?: from three sides, aa are t a heavy borabardmesft.KC I ' Tun (lpmiAti in rnnl arit bombs today on the'barraeka at 8te'5l (.Dents, northerly suburb of Part. kH? Five soldiers were ,woun4j,jV'JI&M I I 11 1 I ill! rABB MAFWinA -- CJFEENSTOWN. Mayjn Tne la tee t figures regarding the Lusltaala Icssch are: Dead, 1,150; saved, 767, li SUteon additional bodies were found, today being carried out to sea by, the ; May Locate Here f ,g Iist Year Mr. and M,r8. d.fJoliB;- eon sieut several weelta'flsalng.Iny- 1 Klamath ntraami. Ther wra an lm. ( . ... ., . '-Urfl that they decided to; locate' We?Jf;" t possible, ana; Mr. .Johasoneaaie i;v: UasLnlght fromUtohtd Ios1mttu r for the fcind'-of propekVniela! , . . .a . . i. 3iki liuer-mouniain, region, out Biaiena, inn3k .tb"....llk'.i..' . I.U KW IUV UW fcU.A IUHH VaHllHS 1 it ae locaiee nere. jars, joswmhswiii.: i be here In a few daysf -VJ Wft H. t.- .-..? fJVw 'j t-a" &? Jft'WWS . 4 k'4ft fA termlne the croDB that ar bast adan-f? Ji, J t- . : --: --"i: -r grown. seed Hm t ot the bet.anlte va-ragi - iv'rttli. me nrsi worn to oe kmin, waa y,;; r with winter wheats The toUowlng.: i farmers piantea Turkeyvtteajseed? furnished by aialsyer 'p s. i. short, Klaraatlj;Falla.l'acre;jU ,E. l Honklas. MWtMdaTatrie:: !e. Corum?WerrtlUiI,'isei-aL:eiiv flefdhls' MerflHrt mm? fli'K HU. Iter- " Uere: AMI aJraftattaJwl PliaJ.riiii'iilTTaMaJ Afii f Vf fisa. m WL tl "" m PV ' I u. VJ .? . OtMv 7& Mwim& TV - ' t'j-iiJ'UM. "tTW M'