$04 &, :assir ,,-. , . r . .- ,,- . 'i.gaa6p;?.r8 & j v,Bl,, vmiw le. i,ari j a. .7 : ' '''' ' '' i.:-.:..i : '...,..' . .', ..--. ' ,' T',"m , iti -,si-sas3gss-sflasl fsJ. JIL.. - - KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY. MAY '10. 1915 . :&MWmm ""'mmamtmmmmmmmmmammmmamtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmtmmimmmmmmmmmmfmmm'immrm'm F mBr .nl flrnll'lBIIll'BHIsli All LI 14 li I KMTBIRT J1V? 21 Alll i I '1 jB -1- I ,.-"'.? li INDICT KAISER FOR l THE DESTROYING LUSITANIA UKATII MHT TODAY " 1,140 PLACED AT l)iu Hlinilwt HWcnlJ'-MI VlrlHm of Friday'" Disaster Aro Hurled tit gmvMiluun Oiwicry Dottle of Americana Arw larriarvil for HIiIn limit Hark to Till Country -LV IdontluXI Arc llelng Photographed. KENNET IS HIT BY A FLOOD (nllcil i'ri-Kit Hervlee KINBALB. May lO.'WIIful and wholesale murder'' was lh verdict returned Against Holier Wllholm, ttit Ciunin government and the officers and crow of the submarine sinking tlii Lusitania by the lniiient Jury unlit'. Where Lusitania Was Struck by TorpedoesandfSunk Last Friday I'nlU'if VtfHi Snil- OIIKKKHTOWN. May 10. All lliu Mirvivorn from tlio l.iiHltuulii nr In llnvi'd to hi) nccounted for now, nnil ilio Intent I'unnnl ItKiircx aro an fol low h, I .ml, 1,1 ll. Aiiierlranii (H'Md, ,1 1 5. i- IUhIIi-m KH'OfCIVtl.jl;!. Ilmlh-H likntlrtcsl, H7. 1'iiMongvr m-ucmwI, 71)7. Al daybreak, ol(llorrf ami iiisirlncs iIiir Krnven n u teniftery. There wore three funeral irocenloim fiom llm morpue, imimliig llirntiRh ilnex of peoplo NtundloK with bared headH. Kitty iinldentlllM hodlen wore hur led la.A.Wmlc eve. The fncca of ihee and all other vlctlru were plio toKraiilied for Identlflintlon purponeH. A total of 17 bodlew were hurled' inday. ihe bodle of tbo Amorfcau vlc iIiiih were ordered prepared for tihlp inent homo on the Drat steamer leav- lK. Another tralnloatl of cofllnM nr- ( rived today, i llundrcda, of Amerlcan aro arrlv-l luK to nenrch tho niorKtien for their I friend and relatives. ' Nearly all of the aurvivora are PO'riiviHAHIMTY ullcKa and mendloM, no tho homes or both sentry and peasantry have been thrown wide open to them. (Herald Nperlul Hervlic) ItKDIXNd, May H. Klght and a liulf luchc'K of rain fell at Kunmat In llm pum tweuty-fuur houm, and n a reault, Kennett U Hooded and the Southern I'aclllu In tied up by lunil ulliles ami winhoiiiH between Kennett and .Motion, The Mood Hweeplug down l.aWMon avinue In Kennett Hept eravel ulbng the railroad track and burled the wIu'mIh of a freight train two foot ' duet'. The Hood diovu lliu "Hiilth fiom the Hotel Koniiett, and the foundation of the IiuIIiIIiik wiik wea lion oil. A deen holo wi.h (Iiik by the water In front of' .Mauullo'H ilniK xloro, and rlpplnn' rieirmi the rullronil traek, the water Hooded the liasenieutK of the cnx't hide Imnlmto; Ihmihch. Thu 'iilvcrlK choked with debris, and the u-jlor. Imekeil up llulteri) nve n no, It U within two feet of tho kCmhiiI toiy windows of a frame lUU'lllm;, and the water Ih ilnee feel it(P n another bulldliiK. , Inline lu'.ir the depul wuh waHhod to tho river i.nd turned iiimIiIi; down. The Hiuelter Ih rloiod, and the tonti hi without a Water supply, iih the Unmet feeding ilu iliy main were all ! illirled out. lllldKcs on (be wiikoii ioai!i iiioi Ktilie between Keunell anil Dcllu. Tne railroad niiinel a mile from Kenuct't Ims caved' In, and there are thirteen vnnhoutH and lift eon I;iiii1h1IIch re ported bolwi'.en Cnrnm and Duimnnilr. The weaUier Ih clear and the sun Irt hIiIiiIiik hero today. i i I , ' . . .'ii -i -hi ' - - "' - ii .iitin. imrmm .hi -w-ft. t -v.!,. - . uMhmmm-m- w. in.m.umTU1M y Clauds 3 ,r;ir-. JL 7 i. ' i JwQ Ammi; VW'WtTQjajr ,-- v:ja p.fev. , MM ; mmmm. , m 1 - m m rv7ir,:v.Mr.inu-vrs .rninnpnu "c.-j 'ii."a vc . s - m&irt$m&tmcy& 'Z"rz??wfm. w - - i r-tar a-. rv n.w .' trrrmm mm wvmmri m x. mhm i. ivi7tr.''.ti. : Li-mmm m mi mmm mi mmmm t t ijiBT IISt3Ii'& il . . ill IKi ' mmmW&C; ZfP001 . T? ii 111 i I HIWI'll AV 3. iiMiiiMrBwwBiiillriLy i T" ' '' " "l,,-,, " " ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yt. f AHACKS TOWNS 4W.'AiW,-?".i"' '. .. snnsm f .!"..4',T!t'Je?i-.l,.Wl5T ."!-'?. THIHfllHIT ' ' fi'JBv2im :&izw.mt&&i we rt4m22iSii' I , -- T7-r-T"-V"j'V"' I HAYH THAT OBBA BUtfAtM . ' c- 'A-.-V'frSf-rd JiS.'f ,4 MAMB Ml &l ti'?...,T- -- r.mTt' ' United I'res Service ' f , LONDON. May 10.A fleet of Oer- Mter WIN 'Be Tteltw Vpt-Wkfkm l II1HI1 A4IIIMlinH I1I1U HHrUIIMHMI rHIUHH 1 . , i. -i ''' England at 3 o'clock tola aaornlnt. They bombarded Southend and 7&m WfKt Cliff, thirty miles from London Kxtenivo property" damage la re- IKsrted. -r Mrs. Agues Whltnetl, who Jumped from a, window, wa killed. There:' 'are rumors of other fatalities,- but, i ., Cabiiift Tofaei i owbr.i - si ft '.f.5"yAiBeste-'ip. lhnm H lhBeU0ri,;:tl--m. .V V.'rVfcWKf.eWjftSfK'.' x-W . iii - at mm- m a. lt.-1 'thus far,' they are uncoaflnHed, j Thirty-eight bombs were dropped around the Queen Mary hospital. The j building was not -hit. 4Wr: rwsu.UL." "'"nl Ofimii Ewlmsr M V,&&am j.. fj j-jnr ifi , . rl'nlld. Pp-ii. .lUrnli .' ..v . :-' -?T":'-.T.imjes('' . AKMIKtfJUlgitgfffM ment;teday,eaMeA the Aaaeriai drprtwehte'prcsalaK;smifcft. UierioM of, JURerietiawiM The, mesaaseV le.mu rpllAdr nnnnBritlKn.nroMlMi 'aftV- ihe'OerinaBWirBa ba4!be lirfi .iW' itkliMtMa It Is, estlmsted thai 100 bombs were uruppeu ovr, ouuiueuu uuu . llsoi,ia tvveaty,nv0 over wignn-wa. ,ia, rKe1re.i)blslWUty:ieitisr.a The forU at the mouth of the hibj.bV- ietslwlth5Preii:itiii i,ni. nnnnJ fill.rlo fra'tn that "....-. i 2.1.r..,.i4w"iis.iilJ . ...H ..v..w ....w ..VH. ----; i iie,KvvrrjBiviH.nvrvt ihah aeroguns at tne attacking airmen. and drove, them off. ThA tiitrnha, alpAiwft AtisvAsvAtl .let- vlvi . " Tt fasi t iiiv'uhwhvi vs. wtvtnik cHBunuria nsws- stv ,sieiai h -,, -a-i l - 1 - . ,"..- JVj? 1TJ r l--'l',t-vh''''"-'f .1 not uennu?iy-Known. A ninrcnanipiw ar-tntoTsMT,ivr,5 ; .an-t j;cneyrireHeiKi7, iry.iojrani.fs Uennnsw Shell Danklrk snomanne. apreriovs'SMrviYif ,H n.ii.tv..j'. ;i,i..liU'u'L, 4, ifc.O, WiUrll. BUUVUUCM that the Germans this morning barded Dunkirk with, the slego guns. not known yet no.4. m-Kt i1' -sasT-jot,"vat-.;s tiom-s 7' ZZTg-l&&8&(&8i big 17-lneh ,v..rt:ji.r,'BifeSgSS& k 1 1 t ( WTJ -I f ja -J t , J"J .1-., The extent of damage ts :viiVT3S2Br ij nAOiunuiun,jU..A,.;;if )i.- . - . BOOSTERS WIL L DISCUSS EXPO. I oiled PresaSerrlea LONDON, May 10. Discussing the nltlclHnthflt the admiralty should have furnished an escort for thu (!' si:mhn; hi:i- i:si:ntativi: to kiiA.uath cofxty ikmhii wii.k i1k toi'io AT THU MKCTIXti Whether or not Klamath county I.Ubltnnla. Winston Churchill, head of' Hiiouia maintain a representative at Hits department, stated that tho ad miralty warned the Lusitania of tho presence of Herman submarines off Ireland, and directed tho vessel by, wireless. tho Klamath booth in tho Oregon building at the exposition la a topic .to he discussed at It Ills evening's tho coyrso of meeting of the directors or tho Klara Ilo stated that nth Chamber of Commerce. All In- tho resource of the admiralty do not permit tho furnishing of escorts for commercial shfos.' , . terested are Invited to nttond. Secretary Fleet will mako his re port at this time, on his trip to tho exposition. Jlle was sent to San Fran cisco by tho directors to decide tho bent mot hod to put Klamath! county's resource more forcibly before tho (llnlsyer Incapacitated. County Agriculturist Olaisyer has illunirHAft til lffl.l alinn far a tarse rubber, and Is walking with difficulty l)00U,e because of aSorn oh the sole of his Thoro will bo other linpprtnnt mat foot. ' " Mors dlsciiBsed at tonight's meeting. Rogue River Man Is Impressed by Klamath Frank .Hogue. a former business illogue. "Wo have been brought up m ' li .' ii.. sI.as I.a Ilncriia Rlvnr VAl Minn nf tfl.,v nM., liaa ha'nn In i" UO0 - " -r " ' "' oiMHinvii vaiii tut I.UV ymm mw "y looking oyer the prospocU for enter-' ry -nt jmv0 r0jchod us from ttmo to i ... , ley Is tho only country In the world, land the glowing, reports of this coun r".trv that ha'vo rojehod us from tlmo to lug business here. Conditions hero tlmo have boon put down simply as look so much MUM favorable to Mr. rather extravagant boosting of your Uosuo than other aectlona vlilted by PW 4i, , . ,., . , .. . 'i corimuijr u " " --.- blm, that heh'aa decided to locate. In Klamath falis', and will leave later In tho week to move his family here. Ho has not yetVasnou'nced what line ho will lyit.ig "W4 People" tiie?Roiue Ulver Valley have 'naver "realised what a Brest couatry you hare over on this side of the'mouulBi,'V aatd Mr. w r ik . kt-f v J'' to. como ovor and see tho country for mvHiRif. aiid l am coiivlneed that Klamath Falls and Klamath county have a great future before them. Vour vat .agricultural lands aro as surance ot n permanent growth and prosperity, ond your timber resources nnrt tourist, attractions will Insure quick development." X Indicates tho, Rpot on the South Clouakllty, Harbor and the Cove of passed. Perhaps the passengers on Irish cotist where Great Britain's Cork, and just off from Klnsalo har-'J the ill-fated' Lusitania were rejoicing fustent comhicrclal vossel. tho Canard bor. to think that' they had safely" crossed liner Lusitania was attacked and Old Head of Kinsale has always , the, ocean, only to discover, in the sunk by a German submarine Friday been a landmark looked, for eagerly! midst ot their Joy that almost at the afternoon, cquslng fearful loss of llfe'und hailed with joy, as it was the T end of their journey the staunch ship among tho passengers. . (first land sighted in tho New York-! carrying them was made the' object Tho catastropho occurred ten miles' Liverpool run that was an assurance jot m attack far more deadly than off Old Head of Kinsale, between J that the perils of tho Atlantic were) the fury of a mid-ocean tempest. TWO INSTRUCTORS CHOSEN SATURDAY M.WTAL TltAlXIXG DIUBOTOKAT LAKICVinW HIGH AM MKD I'OUD .DOMIC8TIO SCIKXCK IX STItl'CTOIt HKHK XKXT TRltM l.orn of tho district. A meeting was held this afternoon, at which L, F. jM'JIIets was elected treasurer. 'I he Klamath Drainage district pro poses to roclaim about 27,000 acres ot n.nrsli laud around' Lower Klamath Lnko within Klamath county's boun-j daries. The testa conducted there j have convinced the land owners that! ,, tbo project Is sure to be a success. -i Wl -hlAM GOS8, 1'IOXEER UVERV flesldes Mr. Wlllets. the other offi cers of the association are:! President, XI. Motschenbacher; vice president, C, R. De Lap; secretary, A. A. Me haffey ' -' Two moro . instructors for tho Klamath County High School next term unvo been selected by the coun ty lilgh school board. Theso are man ual training nail domestic science teachers. j 5llss Mabel Alears will be the home j HClencu Instructor next term. She Is at present In a similar, position at the Medford high school, and comes high ly recommonded. Tho manual training work will be lu charge of D. H. James, who ls,a gnulunto of the Chestor (Pa.) Insti luto Mr. Mean Is now with, the Lakovlow high school. ALUMNI LOWER KLAMATH PROJECT ALIVE INCORPORATION UNDKR HTATF, DHAIXAGi: LAW EFFECTED WHEN QOITNTV COURT AP PROVES BV-liAWH, ETC, K. G. n. S. MEETING FRIDAY A ----- -l PLANK WlLIi lk MADE FOR AX ..VITAL BANQUET, AND FOR RET. TE SUPPORT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETiC TEAMS r''S.S The Klamath praluage District bei came an s Incorporation under the state drainage act late Saturday af ternoon, when, toe 'county court ap proved the by-laws, and other govern Ing regulations adopted by theorgsn- Matters of much Importance will be discussed, eitj a' meeting of the Alumni Association of the local high j school Friday- ijslght.. At this time j plans will benTade for, the' annual iiiiiiiquoi ot me association. , Another matter jo receive atten tion at Friday night's meeting la the supporting ny tne.aiumni or tne.ntgn school atliletic'aeUvlttes. President A, C. Yaden beileee that the rooting of the "old sjrade,': ft properly or ganised, wlinba.igreat encourage ment to.the atH4et., aiid that a little attention from; the .alumni wlllioause tho high school athletes o make bet- ,v' "" ,W3', . ',V. iifiK '1 -, . - - r'lt?..?-. siay icaie ja,'r 1 W. D." Roberta, ; a rother-ln-law of Alex Nosler.K tah'ere from Medford with his wife and .soar -"they may '"de cide BONANZA MAN CALLED BEYOND STABLE OWNER. VASSES AWAV TODAY FUXKRAL TOMORROW SERVICES (Herald Spwlal Service) BONANZA, May 10, William l!oss, for twelve years or more a prominent resident of Bona ka, pass ed inyay ,at l o'clock, thla afternoon, following a stroke of-paralysis suffer ed In March, which haa since incapaci tated "Dad," as Mr. Gosa was affec tionately called by hosts of people. Mr.. Goss, after coming to Bonanza, ranched for a year or two; and since then haa conducted, a livery -.stable. ,,v uiv,ateu v; uutei iur.AwltO, n9 was known by nearly everybody in the county, and was always' to be de pended upon, to help flaa-clally and n other ways any movement for the benefit f the; community'. Mr. Goss was. 63 yean ot age. He is survived, by. six; children two sons and- four, daughters,. With the ex ception of a son Hying In Washing ton, a daughter living at Medford, and another fn Nevada, the children all live here, No arrangements, have been, made for the funeral as yef except that the Interment 'will take place, tomorrow n -. -- e ,y , - INO AN FISHING IS 1 ;.. "-. ' .. rp r mm m U I ILL UII VL I I LLU LXc President .Wllspn wlll"preaWy;i ,. .. -at. s -': 1 1, -v i.vwnmi.w7?wrmiL' ., I'nktt-ot-'-sT-f- Iii;- ) fuU-return are; rscTedvfra-l 3 ;," r"d'i,'!i0z. . itV??r SwSK,lE:.'3!S3SSaf-' z&gE&msgs York5draytktftlIHsM- TRIBAL COUXaL MEETING POST, 1 PONED UNTIL THIS- WEEK. "" .' " - i - f ANGLERS ARE BEING GIVEN coNDmovAii PERiwm -. V Jttta- pfeitetk;'' ask fortl-deas-RIesi sad fe iBi,iner WMH.pm sh .Owing to a postponement of the date of the Tribal Council meeting from last .week until Wednesday of this week, the question of allowing or prohibiting fishing by the whites on the Klamath, Indian reservation still unsettled. 'Much Interest' Is be ing taken in the" matter, , In the meantime, anglers who are fishing in the streams on the reserva tion, are calling at they Klamath hgency to secure permits. The;ps mlts issued allow the bearer to Aslk ail; season; subject" to Ihe decision-of tHe Tribal Council la, the matter. latter HrUHeW WW k. kA iii-o r.,aV.. V-J' . DIM IB i? S ttUR TX wlthOjrmajiyj--toIair uerajfis;tHnesMW'a)vW ing.'-TM:uersaa-eas-rM wwzwm m i m' iT,-s "rwvs. .-.gs4sii5n -WW n.j - ... iri..t.v,. - yXilitj Georgradaktefa.i SIPI ... . -, ,,,r. -, .,...-T4ri I Miss Catherine iHfrwooeVetVn delphla ls::oi;iaM -a;te::i skillful of all ts;rJebta exru:tlwworM'aeeef toewa..: 1 ,, 'eHrv1 V-ijVVHi" ' "f3f. .-V't-v, ? T;gUM.MaaWii.;C,3 WM.4IM, . --,...-.' .'!.,' .,,,.,, ,.., J , ;., y, .mil, aiiiing (feutauqiKl. Treat for ritdkd ,ssillftl:,: 8. "N. Foster, representing the i note, there'la. . i'...i::jiT.iri. Ellison-White Chautauqua system,; is' in town today ,to assist the mltteea in arranging ;f or the to be given!, III. Klath JLli vim L .!' dm --s-w wwrmmmmi .' talamentMeettiree a4i ' -."'. ,i iVt7'iCJls.i','1' 8th to; 14th 'H Mt S-Tj fP' "Si W-SiS2 , program SKCBSfSSK 4VjaTJt. wit '-K.VTr"vni?iS rcs . --sr'Wii-- --t'-'iy-j' een!'MUitteanbebTaamti0--rM He,, Fill meet. Jhtr.Uirten :;:j(tt;oabev;btgfc'K committeemen at.4oewe-ua ejter-t y 'irosacwe &ssjncs GUVOB wa UMiei .viim an mm t waa-mt- iauqua. bM;bee!)BwsatullV,VB)eW;ea:dew, Foster. baa a'n ral ym-s exOerl-'an eauoaHoav'.v -K:vti .' - --- ' J , - - I W . -- " r, . .--, . 1 . - 1 r V. .-tu. I, i jfo'T iA Twork and' the CImiu-i "r'hS ektktiwk'wIH e l?Mste J W. e: T. U. Meet. 3 t ..-t 4 .t ' ..t Tho Women's Christian Temper Hiion l'nlnn will '''vtif.fi IsaO'atlWhomeJiriJS .., ?s More " 4-Vit -A V-?'a"j(' "aii " ' enee, in iyceuaifjwork aid the Chau taus4aikVig;aiadfthe'nia-ag nf 'llU'-kli1 V'' U-V -'.' A li'A-i,, ,;i .nl.Sw .:?-Ti '. -J -T - T ' T v.'ErT,i',T?-,r-'"'Y CI tauaua tJlnell&:: ,--' ,k r'.i!' ' i 5 v-" -i" at Uaeoln.'Neb "! sr- VW,s.?yiWJjjW.OC;ajW.v grimhkh5we;ar-.helptagtsfjo-lga.''. A.-.l-wl.i.w?U11''"k v !.' sad grow; very a-tswataasieT ' eeoH N .vsryattUoai.ryemttettm-tsItm mmM :., , a .v r MMAsWggc3ggHU 1 . ia kt . fc wmm "j and l-st year tagri,hat;week,Trta ti Chaai LMgfsW' l r lyz. 14? f.i:a?. j,r ' a'.'.l'.j a esse 'mi nw aiMr a 'sftsf bi U Xm WmWmMiM - - ,E------gc-sl tM AifipWigi iul Mtfli( tef ittitr urief. wu tMeor l,eeed(tum nt; nums4 uitH UMiaWetowrirtsW fl(i(sLgmil , t '- J'i !;. "" i "ivii . v, VL," -Li - ?. k i - I , HH "f ' ' - """'"' -.--.-. " V -lggK-- - -." .-'. .-.,- , .-----.--.----------------,