j &ry rt 'Pd' x- - E. '!,. I , -v . !Vrt jr :.vskw ' ; i..-7"f. -. j-. 8 i't .7 V i i T"C J "rf I" " I'n.a! i lfJi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "Tl '"-VS." ?' r-r -. t- r - t fv' f fmi fe. "VV KLAMATH COUNTTf OFFICIAL NEWSP APBK J-l BSsstisSTsrnFSsrasE" . ? vfLi:ilU,AtetarA V -JV dfisaw v KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1915 - . ..i.. fij TTrrr funding of Lusitania Drowns 1347 ... t . . ah ' Mntli Yi'ar No, TH Sinking PeoDle D. S. ASKS GERMANY FOR EXPLANATION I Kllllllieilt llUtll fill l.llsillllllll Ii'iiIIhI I'uikh Scrvlie WASHINGTON', I). C'.f l(t M. riio pultllt n t iU iii) III. iii nt thU time, Ttiln In wot. n lime In ioiU dm lx.nl. Ai' nil Mi n hll" Till In HtMTrtarj of Male llrynuV lomnnnl iikiimIIiiu (lie (JlMOU'l. HiiMCtrr, the Mato ile'Mtrjiiivitt lin luked Amlmhuulni (.'cinnl mi I Sim llu lu make a full report on the nfftilr. IJryini, In liU milled Ihi.ii unions, inv-.l n ilmlre tlial llito rt'iiori lie lmml iim.ii Die Miitemeiu or ilie lotmiiniiiler f th submarine rmuliiK Urn iIImisIci. Tliln I Inkr-a mi vlrtMully iihkfuu tlif ('eruiiiu fmrlKii oiliit. ir li In ikHiimllili (or Itio wreck, llryiiii Mnitd linn lie liciinl ilmi w.ineone mi Imai-d I ln LiMltaalN MW it rliH-jM, Inn mi rurlli'T dctiilU, jinil lie doe iin iliialrv tu talk unilr the ettriiordlimt) ilii imistitnu-x. (Hill InIiIuiii Is lil-ittcrvliiic n Klnilmil mini. There mm- iiiiiioin uf nu eUrii Mlnti of ronRrtWHi but J hew ciwiiiot lie i oulli im-il, The llrltlftll iuibny ul nuiko li t Milium m nt Ihls lime. The (ionium embawiy iiuoiini-e, loilii) tluit i liml hern udtlsi-il iluil die I.UkJtitnia mum nmtrl Willi minion, nml hiis knotiu in he inkliiK mills mill iiiiiiuiinlllnn tn KnitUnil. HUNTER REPORTED AS LOST, IS BACK Wi:i:i SI'OltlHMA.V DISMOUNTED io "kii.i, IlKAIt imkjs had iih:i:d. iiohhk iiiiukk awav a.nd iunt!itM:i hemi: (lleiillll .Siulii Se, (Kc) W'Kr.U, Calif., May 8 James Maz. zlnl. w Im iiik out hunting hears', and in loixiried im loii, arrUcd homo entirilny afternoon. Illhl.'.'lll Of bullIK lOHt, .MllZlllI SUH lie Imtl a small hour treed, rind tied hlt hoi Hit while he went to help the itORH. 'Tlio horae hicamu filglitcnc-d, lit olio Iooho and returned homo. Maz 7lni 'uiillcofl tenty-llo miles heforc ho mot bomo of the searching parly. Tlio le.ir waK a hluck one, uelghlnK L'OO poumlH. '"AWwWMWWWVWWWVM Man Working to Keep Italy Quiet COURT ROOM TO ' , ii 1 1 cil 'ien 8rvlr- COI'KXIIAdK.V, My M. Tint lleillu iieuiii)'iH realiiiln the kink lint of the I.UHllanki illN-Uro In liiru lii'inlllnfM Hint IhU Is n irluiiiph for (ierimin)' nrw tuiviil olley, "KiiKlnttil rcrolvi'il wluil xlio ilen'uetl," snhl one piipei. BONANZA BALL TEAM TRIMMED M X?V jil Pr ' 'JksHflHr uV4VHSHHBk 'KTKVHnH H TfcL- m H Im v V I 'Bin ". B r 1 i WRVIWMK PH ATT i - BI -1 -Ml MI 1 .. . Bl Hi -a H a-BTV, T . & 'Sl'.VI Rf ni r.Nf n iipfwv ww .mHiiM ul uLLniiLu ui . ww'i rkrkwvivmt-i miinn HAKKUWIJNb lALt5 l m CM I.IXOI.Kt'M TO UK REFITTED AN'Dt VARMSHKD, SCREENS TO BE, I'UT ON WINDOWS AND VAK- NI8H APPLIED m mm i niteii l're Sarrlce i 1 ' The tetezt place to get the "clean) up" bee In the circuit court room. At ' ' the duggestlon of Circuit Judge No land, the county court authorised, Sheriff Low ,to have the linoleum ' taken up, trimmed and repainted, j more benches Installed, the windows In the court room, clerk's office, jury room and judge's chambers screened, the Interior of the rooms repainted i and other Improvements made before I the opening of the June term of court. sheriff low is Having aoveral local j picked up iliu. far flU the an In 'flrmH looH over the Job. He will let! wrrices tomorrow. i-'mmM l IXNDOX, My 8-Ij.u- thte ereniu the " -'-'-''-' pan? rcpori that oaJy 70:1 at the pMstBicem a4 crew riliriirwiri 'f Xi ' -v uaia, sMak off tbe Irbb c t late yeerdr r r'l ii r iV ti j V' n iimna'ta' ' ' pedo, nere mved. It k UlitneU that M mn It,,sF ?&$&P Kvery .VMMle rl f .cnkUg the .- of'tl' w' iri-W, more sunhots Had kodle-, Imt ao report bare bee'rcernNi "itmmf hm, cues by the nd-draltjr. . '. $$$$i too boar 't Charle. KroWa, the America. tWJ- I. iB found thi evoiing. ,The majorltjr of the other r' rjT'm'inilmi'Wi beat Hubbard, Charles Klein and Albert Vaaderbilt, are bettered iraWaeC FHV- t lilted 1'ien bofTlce ' QUEKNSTOWN. Muv H Tim Inuv lulKlu.hx ,n.i..-'f 1-1. "i i" i - t-7. "- .t-- -?r rrw. -re--: "?? 4iuiiwr-r) iuiKiK-f wo - me aeoies oijine i,uMfaiua, vtcttaM 'a -:mhsmt,: Sffil tlatfrt ie-rw lhlaa aa 4WI -.-,---. .M.Wt-- -C8S3SSS35flKS The roniiM eoaUlnlng the bodies of the J80) vic4laa'tlMcMv mmm It i. propel 'tm&mVmmffi t-the contract to the Ion est bidder. lrlnce von Buelou Ouo of the hardest asks ever an-, nat In Europe baa been i nltiil I'u rnt Survno NEW YOUK, Uy H. Tim "Oenunn l.'mluiHN" U piihlUhliiK In KmIii)V iiim-i-n nnother adiertiaemitiil MitniliiK .Viiieriiuui not to iruiel In llrltlsh ualcm or on UrllUli vesaru), ihelext Uiraitleally Hie wime us Hie niheiilsnienl. nppeiulim lat Kt unlay before Uw lullaiilA wilhil. The rrvhxil ulntemriil of llie Ciiniuil iouluin iim lluie ere I,I1H imsMiigeni ami a crew of H.10 aboard tin I.ihIIiiiiIii uhen It uno strmk. A minor taliilii inileiu e thU iifieiinxiii huh Hint the Anierliaii Steam khlpi imnr'a llnor 'ew York, due nt l,lerKHl tomorrow, was lorpeibM'd alio. The rottiian)r'a oflliliiU itiilniv tiiU is lisoliitil iintnie, ami the) art not In I he Icaat worried. Xctioiih hytteiia oit the l.iittllnnla's fnle In he. Ileuil renonlble for the storr'a spread. A ulrelewt rerelvetl bile Imlay mi Urn New Yoi-k K wifel) piiMfedlnK to Liverpool. Thi Hot of Nurvlvora (it the l.usllanlii (.liikluc onlnln the names of Mr. Ilretherton and two rhlldren, i-ckMoksI from l.o Angelex. signed u diplomat that given by tho kaiser to Prince von lluclou. His was the work of getting Italy to keep the compact of the Triple alliance, and Join Austria and Germany in tho wur. ' i Tho demands of the Italian people i TEAM MEETS CLOVER LEAP for aetton have grown so , great that i REAL lilSKIIALL IN PLAYED WHEN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL b. A. K., n, K. u,, HONOR "MOTHER" The uinlinni lallaa haw tall haiHwIur .Jti.il. n r - a- im I i..i ..!. . . - -j i -- Z. .-jH-JLiL.-'zL 3r I winn,M uwk iuv Mmwwi I before! lie, struck. iW ao.waniing front the MnaM-MhJaaw4B' The followiaa is. told by D. A. Thonuu, -who owaa ', . naiea: mm "The" paaseagera were eajoylas luaehcom This shook' the vessel coasMeraMy. "Tliere wa a seeoad expioaloa, presaataMy t The teasel lauaedtotciy begaa follat ?Tllytoa.aagrsV iil rt.MkittlSttiS ? - . rzi- -jrLT M..t-1 : -, t,rr iii. ?- St 1 W U ... 4 i J A whea lMFriraTarasvm;- .. -"s'&!rt534iiWsjiiarjJB v- v'S&C3,!S-5S ?V. JTCS-a; frow:-attaBer sfts l- , , vX V " W- "T UBCtTS 4UQ UVRI U OMf! ----.-..-- -.--.-.- n ' i j il -.- r - ( 4 , fcC V ..tv T- uu-. -ffi MEMBERS OF THE TWO PATRIOT, i ""'? P"0' " cveryoae seeteed tee daz.io.reaKzewaat.lfbaiiaaar. r IC SOCIETIES WILL ATTEND IN CITY TEAM p . nis lasu is now ttioLoKeeping. Italy , t from Joining the aHIes. L CHRISTIAX CHimc',Jir fistSlLA MWIIIM tmrsilim tltrai uls-a t -Tala-tf" Tiaiaaalaiaial'aaial- .. r- , "l( A. .Sh fr JJk, ' vallaatly toraacJfy theat, aad'.audatela order. 'T jw T c . 'I doabt whether amy of the aort aide S . h- ... ft 3jp&. cwwssjsffiusacf' ii "T1 J jV1 ,,,KT,jg. -stt Wetooat-:were-UaaahBV?aa!- - As tho demands of the people for ....... . . , , the lost provinces Trentino and Istriai Piobulil the iloi.est baseball game . ,.., , .., j. , , . . . , . have grown, he has had hard work to. (JUT 1!11'U III IJUUUIlftU WUB nun FU" day .ifternoon by Klamath County f ' : ,n' r PRESBYTERIANS HAVE SERVICES PASTOR OF MERRILL CHURCH TO CONDUCT EVE.MNO MKirr IN (J AT THE LOCAL CHURCH I TOMORROW NIOHT (Ol.OltAIM) Ill'SINESS MEN RETURN PROM AUTO TOUR eighth Inning Ilonnnin tied tho score It ii t In Klamath's half of tho ninth Cecil Adams reached first on a sci null hit, was forced around to third and tamo homo with the win ning tally on a sacrifice hit. Carl Hilton, who pitched the entire game for the high school, retired the Uonanzn hos In the last halt of the ninth In one, two, thrco order. He fanned Morluo In this Inning, al though Morlnc had inado two of the three llonanza scores earlier In the nnnv be smiirra it tob -.- .. u.....wP ... . . . u j- - r - n fv .-B-'!JV?SJ''Jffi' i a iu- iii ihph 'w wr "' mmwm i. from the water. three hoars after the vesseTrtaailerad.? J.iBitA JSrH. Xr. ,1. AABSBHa H UKHHYIIIFri'inM. HHBH1 M MHK aMMBaMC'.. Mother's Da" will be observed. '- . ...' ... ...'..-.-.-. a ..-15.A'- 1. t j vb irv uHivvaBajvai nvu pa.'a ipwaiij i. mM ww aiwaad ajv anrvvaaaa Vnanwaa aTVpaaaaaWana h prevent ltalj from declaring war on .by the membera of F. B. Sprague' OB the aiMmB , , - t,i. sii Austria. While he has not yet failed, Post, Grand Army of the Republic' , to tha w-.. e-i HheV-n umJtAAZSXSi TT w f SIJ.1 .ri fsKi -- j.ri---i 7tnr wrta ,i, F'7r2WS&giSJX& 'ns.tsj. ii-!Jsy.Sii rtusaal High School from the Bonanza town , n0 u eefy day that t Ch team, b) a score of i to 3. In tho mnv. , .. n o i,an, n. n....K -..V ..-ni.-..! may enter tho war any moment. FINE CAST FOR SENIOR MA tlet Corps, by attendance at the Chris tlan church, where a special program i , will be rendered, with .appropriate sermon by the pastor. Elder Harlan, j it is tne custom ror tnese organisa tions to observe the day by attend ance at church and wearing of white j carnations. They will march In a body to the church. United Press Service LIVERPOOL, May 8. crlag bodies of Lasttania victim. Admiral Coke, ia charge of the all available boats to the scene. Mm.s& isjrasiraESSE . i W C -rtei.-3,1C-Ki MXfy&e Xaval patrols arestiU, arrhhig sar iMiaysjsej.fe ' ." . -.- n. . . ikir j.-'iri:' ?:. j?fu yuuwioi mhiuwiihos, nn.auillWisK ... aa . . . J w. v it-.r .fcibVsJl A5I .t? cuHuajiaucri nnvf mi bcb nutnuBWDra io irnirn rnr; minftaiiiait t. .; - . 'ijfjft X "V- r - - T .1 SSr f. -.1 Tlioio will be evening sorvlcea nt the Presbyterian church tomorrow I lllllH liens, nervico niiuii in one, iu, mri-o uiudi. iio( COLORADO 8PRIN08, May S. After a three weeks expedition In automobiles. twtntj-IUo represonta- tlvo butilness nion, headod by Chief Kami. Manltou, a full blooded Indian from , It wbb a good game from every th Sun Juan Valley, returned today, nnglo and was wltncwei! by sovcral 11m lomtHtH motoied directly east Isltois from Klamath Falls and by oor the Plko'H Peak Ocean to Ocean i moil of Bonanra'a population. Little i.inhwnv ni fnr n Indlananolls. and Johimlo Houston, second baseman for rotuined over the National Old Tmlln road and tho Lincoln highway, 1110 tpur was lUBiiu nuvi.i-Mi.ii, ,, ,, . ,i, , mi nv lwo-1 ami the roadB traveled were in ex- , , ..... ,. ithe REHEARSALS PROVE HIGHLY : SATISFACTORY. AND STUDENTS WILL PRESENT A CREDITABLE' SHOW MAY 18TH ,' , t JUBILEE SONG SERVICE FIRST With the students liaplly cast fort iolesln which they, are especially, col lent condition. Spcital elfoits lune Klamath High, did excellent work n Dm tin f 11'ltll t-U rt riAfll BflPrlflPOfl. (.us Page, third sacker; poled tho fnt. and leheawb cradually. Iha arMDVAiin Triaanttmna tiA imai1Ia. .j , T mw awntoui uvawiRMai uo l-iouiv- "I'MIW" l" ivw I Hon ts that fie Senior class play, to nigui, Hqy. LowU U, Antlerfton, ,iiui' 4",im,"w" ' KA , tll Much credit la Uuo the Dopitnxa pwtor of the Merrill Vreshytorlaw DtJ0" mn,e uy """ lUH n """' t0am for tho excellent exhibition ltM";7"r rinifMi tuin i i i s .M i . InEOM to Imnrovo the r sectloiiHiof the, lva,,i , . ,. . ..t Mio night of May iBtli. will oe .M.'." " hW "l,d w,,,C0",,n,L toad, and the party was welcomed' PU ... and especially Is cred duo bcSt vor glvcn by the hlgh schoo,. " '"""mil . . , tn f no tour-ieat-ciover iowii phkiiui, j Since the local pulpit, was vacated ronlly in ovory namict. (Nicholas, who whiffed out sove'ra by llov. Btubblorlold. tho church Is The tout was under the auspices . Kinmn.i. iintsmen and who fielded' FESTIVAL WILL OPEN TO. MORROW NIGHT WITH SINGING PROGRAM APPROPRIATE TO MOTHER'S DAY OBSERVANCE tlllltpfl Prpsa Rai-vIta r.. ....... .. v . - - .2.MV ,?? T 'J- LONDON. Mav 8. .Tho Laabaola disaater haa bruavht mhct 4.& ical cruris la England. The go vera meat will be swampedvrltli aeraaaaw Inqalriea whea FarUameat recoavenoi.Moaday. XffifVtS V . r K T--t 'H Jrfi.T-rjo's-iT KS-ARAtSif4 Lord Beresford says he lateads to demaad aapUnal Ion 'tilwm & ure of the Korenamemt to wema war hlp to eecoffni y9mnWIl(m pool, rouowiag tne tareata ataae hi ew xorKa wtrKmlWfirf'sA A firm denial to made of the report i New Yorka TWfelSfefM? report that the.IaiawaaJa MWihtd mm- m ?J&is&bam !3wfflK .jj,' . . . ir v v , ' xem.t-MS. n -r aeilaainltfJaaMwM vaJ !. iia.-' -!, nml mttsMofM of wr. , v The gOTernuMMt 1 wUtiax aaxtoutly i.iert.' l. .. ina aatMosiBniBiaBr. nw aaaaa aaaaiBaa a niai a- anaurnw , ai r- u Miwafc' ) a. u a - aa J w a aaa a flit tlin nrmv. .. -j J5E,?l-s5 i I , -p. tA"'" ?-V ' Dtocover New'sreakftat Fod - .VMSimi. ". .'V NJ- J -iwi ?:.. The infaat'BOH oCoWyfchoolSl k j - -a i T-aii'aJL.' .T L." rAi- 1 nUUenniPnaflni1 - lalM ? awaMBBraanaBl aaaaaarr fooa mivhA horn M Ullea operated uiKn at B tlttHiii ' Captain Warren's Wwds" Is the play to be given. This has been without u pastor. A call has been of tho Colorado Springs Chamber of Iwtied to r. Shields or Medford, who' Commerce, and may be made an an vau formerly pastor here, n.nl spring event hereafter. Klamath Is Now Pork Producing District his position admirably. Bonanza will play the high school here next Frl- ilay or S.turday. ! New Auto Truck j Tho new auto trufk 'which K, T, ! Shepherd wll use in transporting pianos and talking machines ia on tho streets today. It Is tbo.G. M. 0. make, handled by Geo, lilehn, and i averaged 13 '4 miles por gallon of gasoline on (he trip up from San I Francisco. This Is good, considering tho the roadH. dramatized by Miss Bessie Applegate, head of ho high school English de partment, and the cast of characters follews: i Captain Wnrien (retired sea. cap tain j .... v ...;..., i . uuss rage Stephen Warren .,.;!,..,.: Paul Noel! I nlteil Pfess Service FORT COLLINS,', Colo., May S. A. new: breakfast plans announced The following song service will be Italists materialize. 'Emmir to thai . --J ix-vi reudered at the Methodist church to-'name of a new kind of hardy graln.1 '71?6. wl tfrWfci morrow evening in connection 'with much like wheat, and the,: tho May Festival, The program Is ducts company' has been arranged with a view to Mother's make a breakfait food Day. Is being raised In large Hymn "America" i this district. Instrumental Solo . Mrs. F. H. Cofer - - -' . v - w. a , :':' ; IL. j j. fpss9GBtmyj' tits it.-, i-drid Hymn . . , "There Is a Happy Land" Prayer Caroline Warren.,,, ;,,.,, . . , Ella Dews; Vocal Solo Lawrence Mehaffey j Mrs. Corcoran Duna,,(who recog- Scripture Leaaon ' nlzes her duties 'as' a member ' Offertory or tne most escraaiva circles) Hymn 'Mine Eyes Have seen tne t Louise Benson, Glory" A complete revolution has been "roHKht about In the jiork market In Klamath county In tho past thrco yem-B. At that time, ibis section Im ported great quastiUes of lard, hams tmd bacen: today, Klamath county Is becoming a factoV In supplying tho '" needs of other sectlbns. Cmiuuer Hits Town Kenresentli.g the Tobaivo com- tho estate) ' ''?:V -u; Anothut man jvho Is hendlug out, KMiinlileinliln nork la Fred Stukel off Merrill. His sh(pmenta to tho Sac-Jpany of California-, J. C. Cranmor to i amen to markets average about a f boro from San Francisco to see local ear load a week, awl there aro many retailers -who handlo Tuxedo, Bull other car loads sent from tho yards Dui ham. Piper Heldslock, etc. When . xii.ii...i mwi ifinnmih Fails. . Cranmer was here last winter no was rewards fthe Warfea'a butler) itAnides tho livo lions, tho Khnmthl taken III and spent nearly two weeks ,..,,...... .i. , Allan McCombi'btte J1"88 Bervlfe Malcolm Dunn (her son,', the re sult of her teachlags)t. . ... .. Hymu , .. 0Hvr Applegate Hymn Jim Pearson (a youaljaoveltot) t r f Clifford Sevlts TUo morning service will consist of Graves and Sylvester (tarwyers for ,a .eim0n unon the subject. "One's Vocal' Quartet f . 'Rescue tho Perishing") . . . , "Horns of the Soul" Benediction Burner PwlTSSTcS HH org antoed to ' "V w !-mm"mm,JW'm3iV'Zr out of it. It A greit deal of the oak.s4 thitO. quantities injl'actnc coast eonwaTfroav immmW, H -pan.ot ji&mmx&mmM&j PolabMs tKW ' U ?liV lS?AV-iIKf ,-, bbbbbH -VaVaaUtl b STi MM fMaal A BBBV-4aBBBBaB aaV aaV .-aaataa-B ataae laBBi .' nere rroiu umraaB I. . ' w . w, , jv.fr.iwt7, --n I . . id , ' i . , x-st:-. Hjilmnn Ol.ttnvllllB Srilalliln Hill I Ahhln nnknr (tho Caatsla'a oniialnl : : r " . t ..............'' wary Mcuomo I ..1... .... . .It.l l.t.t l,A ma ..r.... P..llu ..k .. .. .AS . . . ' 'hll Stilts of thA miv Mrkt sfiin. Meat comimnV is shipping consider- n ," 08i". "' '" """ """ ' iMrs. Hepton tianay or ooara- ; t ioil n ear m.,i hi. . n..M....ir ..i.in hmn. lincoii. houldors and lard irecupeiatod, . Ins house) ... Anna Mar Johnson lie ihls week, and ha has, made several to other places, and has nrospocto of r-a The Boarders- r ' " nej other shlum'nni. nf t. n niimr voii sroatoi' exportation business i On i iileco footing the Portuguese tMr. 0. Dlckena ..,,,. Harold Qlllette en Places. kHls brother. Harry Stilts, ban within a few weeks. Several of the uimy consists of 8S.000.qjen. When Mrs. C. Dickens , .VYerda.Ooead "hipped tMtw .flfiw '.".a -wiv bis- kiBs-liiR camns of Northern Call- fully mobilised the army. should have Urn, Van wlnckle.Rufglee, ..?.,. ' and. far loads of hege'to 0an Francisco In fornl mo being supplied with pork 106,000 llrst line troop and'146,000 , . . , . ,i- StbetltiiBhleAeld iiuel the put faW'auMiik. "" i nrndueta bv the local Dlant, of the second to put tkto Ue Held. n Mr, Htgglae ,,..., , Harry Frather 'Ue. Mother," m'asliY There will be appropriate -r Iaspectlag New Haven Railroad school, children under BOSTON, Mass., May 8. The'rah- Servloe Coatmtosioa.to today-jeur- r Jng oye? the NenJYofkNew Hty;. ana nanioru raineaa sysieauee- tweea Old Colony, Prerldeaee; Beetoa tneHlgalMHl dlVHHOM, la IU M laeteetle of; the md's toad!' V T KtoMath project who11 are entered in tbe.iagrkultitral contests conducted the ITater Users, Assoeiatlon1. are Ibftlag taratobed wlthtae bNtlpoaslble sees, mat an may, -ayeaa ai start, To (provide uniformaoutoas, the assoctotioh hsi Justreeelved frelaV Carlkmdale; -Colo.', a,f,J pejMwafhl Haatet Burbaak" poUAees. lwhiehJ1wll be airw tlw eeetaats. f: Theaeed pcoeaaretoijhadtai tirtbutsd by CUBty, School taperUs nm rmnv, toe nwn wn bejfuraished'eahttd they .will he'rMalred t lect twrtity TpoiHid m 56lgh'the.balu. ttauallty'of tea. pouade; the gw pew of Urkefa Vlftt BSSm! Thiepjrtoaa 11 ep- WW ii la thaatata ana?' w l ''S&L AmmjkmsMm v -i -' -. -