l& . yw' cV y iw-?',-' r. Ur .,-" a- ,i , si , Nv-, 'if V ,'JRWf' ; -l. ?r A - T 1 M Vr-. FV '. '1 3 Math Vwi-"01 WW KLAMATH FALLS' iFFlCIAL NEWSPAPER hi wu KLAMATH, FALLS, OREOOM. .FRIDAY, MAY 7. 191 jk Kr. r .eav itta maia , jkKfr ' jj -2 i"-i ti f Lg f -.r ! Ki:" 61 f??-". KLAMATH fcOUKTY! III 1 IIHIJ , t il!iuirs.w''.iVi.irttigv ,, mmmmmmmm. - -j ;?sfe FOLLOWING WARNING, CUNARD LINER LUSITAN1A IS TORPEDOED HA.NV PltOMIXKHT AMERICANS WKIIi: IMKSKMIKHH ON Till! ' MTEHT VICTIM OF MIIMAIUNEH HrttciKi ImlliMle "" TIh-iw W lnia of Mfc, ! "M Vraerl l Halil lo Ik Hunk In Hlmllow Wtrr-The (Irruuin V.mlmimy al WaahlMKloM, Mori' the VcmwI rfcillrtl, Warned fronle Tlmt ll Might Not t'rM Nfelr. I nlliU I'um ." I. LIVKRI'OOI., Mny 7.-Tio Ctiimrd liner Liultnnln, carrying n heavy liiKvr list, principally Americans. it torpedoed and sunk off Old IIcuil of Klnolc. Ireland, tliU afternoon. .No fatalities are yet roportcd, and jmall boat hno rushed In the scene from Queciistawu. jf- Cunord oltkluls tutod (hut tho Lutllaula was torpedoed nt 2 o'clock1. It Mtik an hour and rt hnlf later. They alto hear thai tho vessel sank In shallow water, and can be mU in. ' a , The firm report or tho voar" dl trr ttiiK picked up by the Land End wlrclcM station, Mating that the rauel lUtlng badly, and naoded utliiH. There la a rumor Jn Lon een thnl nil liifcinnTraiirhlno cauaod -rJto yrctk. but Cunard offlcInU ay u I iMBtrlnu In roiponalblc. Cork nownpnera report 300 pa raiert landi'd ot Clonakllley. N'o "fHiyr-t, 3-tyv?v-'. -vjk. '.i,!. r. KBSgaWaPPviWWBBWHWHggggBB VBVvrHggBMMHgaiciMVt 'ttekMI-,irBVjKTJ&gaH I INgjgMgMML-.-'7'5A'' ''ftPHfepft' '5VtS I rtwWBBWIawuMp. , ytau ww-r.txijw "JUJp I THREATSSEMT TO ITALY BY MISER ARE STI mum Scent of Land Battles andGeneraltFightinf &r , m?2S'A' mS5p5w? MAY CHANGE TIME CHINA-JAPAitS &$ '. '!- . ' v2Kwi3$g x OoHCral Ian Baaallton OF LOCAL TRAINS: TROUBLE AM NAYK lll:LI eitt'HIl THAT KI.Nt.'t lOM AT O.Nf'K In McofuiKo Hcnt Through ton UikIoiv Up SluHx Tlwl IIiuikIiiiw An I'mc llcally Urfmifd, (,iiiti.ii( Ho Will Ttntiw Tlili Vnt Knulcrn Forccw ,Kiilnt KmnnueVnTniop llnly Still WurUkc. ' United I'reiut SerlM' UOSiK, Mny 1. i lviiher Wlthclra CUNAItl) I.INCK l.l'SITAMA Imlny lolcfrrnplicd I'rlntc von Buelow.l tho Ocinifn iimbassador, that tho! nrlthh troopx In tho ftint nro ot little nvall, nnd enn be held by a mall force; that tho rtUBt!ann within a, fortnlKht vi lit be driven from Gallclu, nnd that If Itnly ald the allies, she, ulll he opposed nnd crushed by on' o crw helming Teuton fanny. ( Despite iIiIh, warlike preparations i rontlniip throughout Holy. The iched-! it leu of forty pasiengef trains traver- Ing main linen have been suspended, to facilitate the movaWnt of troops! uiul munitions. A decreo haB alsot been Issued forthrsaapenslon of the telephone nnd telegraph service with-1 out notice. ! ( Itnly today nont a; sharp note to , Turkey regarding the report that Tur-1 Iklsh officers ate in command of the Thil.iilluta, nhhh uiiNtiiipMiMil "11 the IrMi iMt tcHhiy, ,- I rebels In Italian Tripoli, liiillt In UUnguu-. Hcotlaml, hi IWI7, h ) .1. Ilmwn .Co., nnd I a sister ulilp i Austrlnn troops are still being of tin. Maumnl. It UTorfi liiUu'uUi, lui m B.fot M5ttnj,iwLiinaedon the trontleivand pro-war ,1,1,11! t,f mm fort. Ttie l,u.ltaiiln'a rum limimgc It Mtlnintcd nt aj,ooo.lcwiHr1iuuui. uuuur. ....il la- ...at4ud flltalaila 7flfllWl ll mhJlllUdff. I - " ' Hll lllf lllliri wv9vm. mm .. .-..,. . . United Press itervlc , . NEW YOIIK, May 7.Tho l.'usl tanla sailed from bar Saturday, car r;lng 1,400 passenger., Tbare werei many prominent people aboard, In eluding: Charles Klein, Charles Froh maii, Klbort Hubbard and wife, Al fred Vnmlerbllt nnd otbors. CHAUTAU OUAITES SEEK MORE MEN BASEBALL MEET' AT MODOC PARK hi, X .IBiBiBiBBk. k. MnVVikttgggH " 1 If 1 I lu ll . J W y i M-v i YaL gggggV1 ggggggggggggp ' SKW THAIS ADDED OX THt: HAIS USE BBTWEEN' POSVLAND StH -ft-a.4A.Kltt L&JfjMi bf ssr . ji iTAir.ii 'saTsas sftt fnriflniMM uliillu ivyni tm fl v ? AND FRWOO MAr CACSE IXK o.KOXIOCg WlllW Al wriff Other DMMtf. W, It U' 0i ateod. Were Clwtei Bqfx Thereby AassarbNT Pwawi patwwTgiJgtt 0 UIPMM S -t'Wgg4sjssssssssj- Jfflf $, -Leaders ctaM to Hare Aw K,'..rit ff y5tf1tl Be Vmwiaete j --f rf'1 The following letter ha bjen, re ceived from Chas. 8. fee, passenger traffic manager ot the Southern Pa idflc, by Secretary Fleet of the Klaa- lath Chamber of Commerce. U will be (taken up with the directors at the i next meeting. , j Referring to recent correspondence' i with regard to Improvement In train service, etc., on the Klamath VMIe line: ' Effective May 16th, we are estab-, Ilsblng a new train each way dally I tot ween San Francisco and Portland ion about the following schedule: ' Leave Sab Francisco II p. m., ar rive Portland 8 a. a. Leave Portland 8:30 a. in., arrive San Francisco 5:30 'p. si. We hope to bring1 about a little im provement In Klamath Falls sen Ice. f t nnASA ! AM saI i.rS' HMt- ' lUWClUI IM(C iW 1 lilt 4U HUI-... , 'fi 1,1 r thinv i, -m i, MH.f..t, , ' I "Uil'resa Service .. . ... --( - v.- tMMrrai u.. rau.i, aj . P litolJSiiS Ti .v -- f General D'.iaiade ,.mW,...i ou .-. . . lCMI'AION IS UUXCIIi:i) T Sl Al I.AYLIW lleforo the vessel sailed, many of I1""" ""', the pnanongers received anonymous tclrgrains and letters announcing that the boat would bo nunk. Xlesldes these, there were also notices In the Mil lark papers Friday night and Saturday morning, signed "Ocrman EmbaiK," nnd warning people that tbey started for Ruropo at their own risk. CUIU: A STHOXflKR MKMIIKR' SHIP FOR Till: IXH-'AL ASSOCIA TION TO MAKE IT PERMANENT At Inst ulght's ineetiug of thowo in terested In the Klumnth Chautauqua BERLIN, May 7, It Is announced! that the German net la slowly but surely closing nbout the British' troops at Ypres. It la nlao asserted that the Germans nro now in complete possession of Hill No. 60, and have repulsed all efforts ot the British to recapture It This Is the scene of the land bat tles for possession of the Galipolt Peninsula between the Turks on one side and the allies on the other, back ed up by 100 warships. The allies some time ago landed troop on the Aslatfe side ot the Dardanelles under command of General D'Amade. The - Turks now claim .he has been driven off. At least their reports positively . . wh, ..tent JUBt Wlmt Kianml Fa" eb?X " " '0" OA th rtu.u...b . .. -"-"," """ children gain oy tne courses in Aslntlo side. But General Hamilton in t no WHO TUKN OUT ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON WILL HAVE A VOTE IN THE SELEC TIO.V OF A NEW MANAGER WORK OF SCHOOL CHILDREN SHOWN t city has been called for Sun-. , tra,nlng M,d aomwXle science ,nnrtart ".h. nthor hv on th nn- dnv nftcrnoon. It will bo held nt' , ,. .,,, ,, -rt rian,ia . ... , .t - . AHsoclation, It was decided thut the MoUoc p.rt, nnd at tlmt time the I, ' 8Cnoolg Wodne4day. when n n,GabaTepe some Z mil racmborbhlP should be Increased to work f Holectlng a team for the ' tUero wl)l be an exhibition ot student north of the point ot the peninsula. 100. A campaign for this number HMOn wli, bo started In cnrnosl. k bv hoth of ,heg. d,D.rtmenU. S. .i .,.. in hn- n'mM .- . .. ... I " ! M ,W H MW i.'mieU 1'iekstiervlt.e WA81IINQTON. D. 0 May 7. President Wilson refuses to comment I hns thcreforo been started. , lom t)0 baseball material prca-!Tbe exhibition will open at'l o'clock iot the troops back, but their atory haB With tho memoorsnip in " nu, a team win no picacu wureu ""'innd continue until late in me. even-, boen discredited. It is believed that On Ihf, l.llHllmiln .Inlrlnv flwljtlniv Bryan, upon receipt ot the nows, rushed to establish communication with American consuls near the nceno. It Is generally believed that Ger many repudiate any responsi bility toward the United States for the LuHltnnlu sinking. liability of each member Is materially r,.lM3 bnts with tho Ewnuna Box com lessoned. With tho larger memuer- panyV team n week from Sunday, ship It Ih also possible to work up A(, ,,ayer8 nro aged to turn out lorgor Interest, and the stronger the u( (b,y (,rae At ,he park the players organisation Is, tho hotter are Its nI1) ft,j naVQ n vole jn tno 8eoctlon chunrca for pennauencce, growing ()f mft11ngor for the team. In this better each season, ttl .. mnM wi10 Is favorable to the Ing. General Hamilton has many men and This Is to show people what the j8 nghting his way north. It Is his children have accomplished In' this purpose to attack tho forts.' which practical addition to the school course tj, battleships have been unable to nnd nil nre Invited to attend. No aid- batter down, from the rear. He De mission is charged. , llovea he can overpower the garri- Mtss Clara Elmer la In charge otjstmg nnd thUs ciear the way to Con- It was decided last night that a payers will be chosen to guide the tho home science work and her girhr stantlnople, Mo for Vlalt. Isnoclal season ticket will be used for alnles of the team. Mr, and Mrs. George J, Walton nnd tho children over 14 years of uge. ,lie ngsocatlon focineM last year duhters and Mrs, Philip J. Slnnott This will bo II. GO for the season. ,(lg the guts, bats, etc, necessary for left llil. h..i.. -. ...hi. -.1 I ...l ,. ..Inlt'a tlrkntii Will sell nt.i. ,!i...i r tm find In nrtrtl- ---- .... ...w,,,,ug, iuc H TIVIV 7IMI IW11IUII yv. lives In Montague and Yreka. ' i$2,G0. adult's tickets wll sell at' Pheasant Is Shot; Six Men Are Under Arrest tho enulnment of a team, and In add! lion bus secured another lease on iho Modoc Park diamond. The people last year demonstrated by their at tnndnnro that they will support a i in have samples of needlework, patching, cooking, etc, -In the manual training department, In-? structor D. C. Morris' boys ot the! sixth, seventh and eighth grades will j show woodwork that Is, of as ex tremely practical order iandiet n de-, greo of workmanship that .might 'be teal fast basoball team, and tho pre-1 oxiiected from much olier workmen. Umlnary predictions nre that the oaso- .ball played here this season will be on a par with seml-professlonai gomes. at Bome Italian mill, hand, at, Ship. Hilton recently shot a female Ohl w pheasant Jit wa,on) of six "Poets, and all.of theae were.placed ""Ar nrresf last night by 'Deputy me Warden HMry'fcHout, and n ""estlgation will ke nude to deter "'no which It the guilty one. Tho Chinese pheasant la a bird wt spommwi ur9 ft4eayprlBg -to 'ntroduco m KlamVebuntyr'The M local sport ksj Wt . Mo buying paW that more b might libtMhVe, and. la It - A. " buying food, etc birds, So fur us Glnlej'er Moving Office. County Agriculturist 11 rtt AU i. .nAiln Itlo fiftf inni trtn uiu.yc. "'" "-"" ;.:..". 'several Places of IntereetAtThe bpats for the llbe. mod u""1"..r '"' H f" ,h 'will leave the landing In the morning UUIIUII.R, w..w . . .,- . In 1A ifttfMAMl Ext'tii-eiou Sunday. . ' Providing the weather: prralts nnd It looks as though, It will CM- , kins & Hamilton will Inaugurate the i excursion season Sunday, :wlth a pe unin.wi clal trip to points of Interest on the upper iiKe, siops oeing mane BASEBALL GAME HERE TOMORROW HIGH SCHOOL AGORJQATION 1 WILL. PLAY THE FOOT KLAM m. ATH TEAM GOOD GAME IS EX- PECTED BV THE FANS ' ( ' Jj?jtv 'iiili.il 1'1-t-nB HrvlrMT J . i ' .1;.. TOKtO.ata, it PsaiawMrv China and Japam ww aea'ured tiitfgjrj when Japan witkw'tlwifU;rnitiy containing desaajUetlMrtwefevieeC; noxious to uaiaa. ? it that all others demand 'haTev granted. The populace I m m Sll Is- nndereteBdvaAV- CL- l ti-Otf. ate our branch train. out of Klamath ' so as to arrive at Weed at 1:10 p,. aa.. and to leave Weed nt 4:40 p. m wJlI-provlde;a connection with beth fi. jmmm JVfi7 J&S2iJ$r&' bPFL :j&422BL !-j. -AVSF ' .. & jV Ckiaa,tUr K!6 fttWv? -"""!K.S5.l - "..-.-a vjs.. ! ji r.i m a nawi urw r. JiatMaJg "" "' " V-Zkm . eavvw ww wa "mw rrn.rv sH" fc Thh." Vected will aTert aay tertew aCt: ' ' -ar.ll L. ul AA I mmmWmim. ll ""! While the fall teat lewiMAiMyii.'Vygg us si. ir-nriia" m rnnnniiiinii -rar n nnrn . - ----.v-,.-; ifitAi fiiji , Portland and-San FrancUco Xr&Z&2g2S& lri fjrhllA It, Mlta ftlrLCklv rlh " " mm m T- ' hw i)waM wwvu - . . ."l-' . T)J w. --T ?C .,,. ' ii rsffirgsiM tufi gnstBgsjsBmw..Y'BisBBV trains to and from PortUad. it meaiu! . . - Tsrr.. ? -.333- zrf. -I . I Uhl Vai aH - J k ulT- ..-"' , israssssi ,,"!f,i a 4tirAfkriAii IgviVA Af Qa fekAti mm " ' ;--. :l i.B.s,w-ww . -w.a v S0VMB f -', --. m. --. ivl' W co passenger ta. both tnamh7JTttTSZZS 2&&, fcirtV-!" ,..,.. tw...ii .jdeemed;lt saKidal tor' Chaat which, I regret, cannot be avolded-At , --,. ,..t siT- - " &&'r&&S, .h .d:,iJ i , i, i. J. , Poee Japan' with fore of sm.; V-EraVS tho same time. I feel It 1 some lm- , - V Yx, &JJ-$8m provement over the present Jtuatto. ,A vt, fi-i?Kv&$Ml and will be glad to have your A Til ED' &&ihkW& iLBEG0PRJ6IMpM liJOSSSSS DEADLY INSECTS !' j ILLUSTRATED TALK WILL4 BE f GrVEN. AT OOCKTT SCHOOLS. AND AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. ALL ARE INVITED '!&&i.'t& - K?fe? , The toHowh-fMeiawirDrlieal gnun-wmW'iJE4ffIla-W1j irsStnsj" '' " -""f"! Lt - JtOs 'AVioU.wVt'S1 jtian church Sanity trf "TTTf5F SSSKFS? fAMriAf yTflaJS 'Scripture,' Pa- U.(SUit "Our Most Deadly Insect" will be" the title of an Illustrated lecture to; be given Sunday night at the Chris-L tlan church by City School Superin tendent R. H. Dunbar, and to which J all are Invited. This give some per- tlnent facts about the little pest, amd la well worth hearing. Ttiik tiMtrtaWA. I ha art V An rt 4hk local schools also by Mr. Dunbar and Elder, Harlan- It will also be at outside "districts. . n..a.l rm.mZ' 'UtBttttttMAmi'X, Prays"' v, "f&$ ABaeancesaent'-' f 5 .-' feS'l Song durlngOeriBg;7t 8.,i9fK.f . &", 'Uu.,WMku'h-KUu"3 . -!" 3.K&. .-.-j. 4- -. .-. r . .. , "aF-&s.eSffrr voss -f?iTl whius t. 'i km, jr y ,T;twl iRelt.tleBr?H4rlf)l tfr m 'Jtdk' I fJ wAl fand Mlaa M UUea Iteegmn Msggagigfe, glvealof three ilMtfeMHteaaefiaeWmia"i:f 'A; " j, Jt r"S sf.A!'! Here's Where1 Gains . a Mm . ' sa r. ' ' " Sn4mr5J.'!ff5 aa r a - . ,r .-... '";;...?,' Arelountedm By WILLIAM (United Press Staff (Copyright 1915, by the United Drua arA OfmI Rrltalai WITH THE FRENCH ARMY' AT THE FRONT, April 1. (ByaaaM to New York) One of the tUW that has .oaaaad .. i" . 'i amuaemeoti waer "i? .LJyA. i2V l -7 -JV. j .w V -Wi.J a'i.J I JATfthT-vu JllOi J " ,corrBowity, t, jjvmiesssss 'It Ulte'oky"?lTlBlttoTll i-' i. ia-l''-a----wii-AJ5 JtiwirAjjsAYnlMB ny'fU. gtJWe..,f1lhgrf,Vrg)Si grtjg j thews ... ,h .,, Chamber of Commerce. In .his new po..u., . --"- ,OCBtion. Mr. Glalsyer will have room i4a Iranninar no eve Oll . .. A . for lils equlpmont, etc., that he has and return late In the afternoon. Warner to Plead Tuee-itkT. Cody Warner, Juaicteg.on charge ...j knniorn nra bsnnina nn eye Oil nuu ,, - -"-- - ,for ng equipment, ore., inui hub i. vru., ,ii;w ivu the birds, to prevent their B,BUutf'lft1g0mbied for the aervlce of Klamath of setting re to the 1ptrtelner Tho shootlug Jusl reported Is i , farroer8. afe. was arraigned ln.elrcult court first noted hIuco tho Introduction , r this afternoon. His attorneys, Onelll wa'a taken up In real earnest here. .,... VUuli. a Manning, asked untll,Te4ay mor- tsogainst ne w -r "-,. .,,. of the m.ii I " e entering n,pie.? ant in tni par m n . ...v ..... -.- , ----- - , law Is also trlct regardlug tho kill- High school passea tnrougn mummi. lug of female birds. . , Fall., In automobile, thl. mprnlng, The six men arrested nre all eui-ien route to Barclay Springs, where ployed In Shlpplngton Plant. They they will hold a picnic. Theyare gavVbond for their appearance before cbfiueroud by the high school fao Justice of the Pegc Qowon. 'uily. Klamath County High School vs. Fort Klamath Is the baseball offering at-Modoc Park tomorrow afternoon The game will begin at 3 o'clock. The teams met two weeke age, when the Wood Riyer Valley took a 10-to-8 'victory. The ; are determined to take wet e t Tomorrow aftergoon.;,!. $gt & r w .....M A klA m lh.1 Ua w.nrtv lAdav. Mr.. ?&& vfJtMAI. fhjl I Algomu Lumber commiiy, WabghTchooVM" "hKtjNH;m',Mr brought to Blackburn hospital lat: ticket to the game.-, rTh beys ,gast night, Buffering from g bad'gart In the thigh, accidentally, Inllcted'wlth girls an MlUag tUhee i h4 ' the sehool. and If x?h?M ym aJee my: )SBaBBB V 1 BBVasBBVasBBsmsT L Vy- i.1 f r 4ibbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIK msnBM s-4VSEv. it waa-net stood has' beeaHhe Pleasure expressed te the ohsclai com- ganui or 'territory numbered Inyard ahd'5feet. "Ton smile 'When' you rea.V In" thls.'.the greatest of all wars. v; ramwi, ! iwntv.'flvaiiilles of - tieachss'.'. tsie British 'thlrtrHo, ftenehSjw nunarea aH.vrprr"re ,lw-i tlosrtae'.Buselaa' e thAMisd;'oje hi4Mfa twtyiive mlWs-iktU the'aVUna two httnAr Uty, thf steak oti.lMaaslCA'fgiwigSai .- . . . . ' .. -leu- "-" . 'eaiiii it was gtsossiign sWgeorisg w-. 9lUl3tmv C-Aniens, wlMaerottrtsmthwnv tWHP' .if JW!r? JaS' errai exampesor- riemis;;arasM) jag tejitire In the?wWtoJgtieiW yi ru, lux Hfn"W'"""jA,'! I atinn; nauva, jrv " ( ( PfjJjV ll swing to tk text aacxwtteM mlle-v..; - sldasby the 0rg,v";-Jrlgih'a, . hoidenes-MortaeUyMMB. ! i; suburb u on Uhotst.9ih m halfof it Is In the h4utda ad ttw man, the Freoeh h44 UM i M,.iVmff,"W, " W ' p'iBaJasfB "r""nF $ sanHaasBBsmj- sjs tw:.deeoa. TWMtl the ;'Pi:aSMte'itay mtmtimg-'mmma 4m.. ' YglgklgstBsMsBrM matrft4sM rlgfgMll M J isisi A -i 1 K. .1 IBmmsBm mt agnsmnsmausl gsmmBssmV' jxssvf "vlf V w 1 BiJBmjBaSBmjBaamjBBBm sgmm -emsBmrnsBsrasBmBMI mh... .ky'-vljf : .u wi ssvfaf-nPB' Km. VniVrrt- i - - vil7,.il't p ! wjrras vamr srsmmF sssjbil ft. f Jl