. K'?,- rUHHr; 'iW Zr" .&'!; i-e j4i i&.Wht ,-.- M&S M .f7S:5!'4'' " BVAW'vafc'fiif uv igfa?;;.' KLAMATH FALLS- KLAMATH OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER u,!?', .mtl . , r,. ...., i .?:. vSi hvkrrtit ' MctxetoAOWW ite ,tWA$ .':! v , f.--wJrfiiit..tT. V A Vfl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1915 3r. - 1 t; ;. -mM,,- n-' ysfi?i.viv 1 Olhp lEttitttttn wj ' I ' v b .BmBmamn mM-l Howard Says Allies Talk, Hoping to Crush Germany; , LatterNation FarFrom Being Defeated) Head of United Press Looks for a Long, Gruelling War, With Peace Only After Real Exhaustion tiBHiriMHrvU NBW VOUK, May tJ. All Europe ronlc that tint rot war hu lic rcloiwd something' now In history lh ien' "' " nallon and " 0"" td IlKlf lt endurance contest of iBdniTmlnnblw length. An end of the war In l'Jlf In generally regarded u too mmou for serious considers tlou. The United States will eventu ally have tlto greatest opportunity In the history t tlio world to uct as pcsceinsker unless that opportunity it killed by 111-ndvlsod, premature prate talk at IIiIh time. Tim above I tlto belief ot Hoy W. Howard, president of tlio United I'rcM, wlm returned to New York Jloudny. nficr u threw months' tour of the United J,ros bureaus nhd field .Ittlnnii In England., flormopy, ltu la, France, llclllum aild llly. Our Inc bin tour, Howard vlnltcd the front and tlio forcruott trencbe of both the (Icrmtiii and nil led untile, and wan liven exceptional opportunities for Brt hnnd obnervnllon of condition that exlnted nt the opening ofWtbo njirlnn canipnlin. S '. ' "ItelllKi'rcniii nnd doulruU Jn Ku ropo liavo mljunted hblr. Uvea na ilonxl, cnmrajrclal pdjwcUl--on the bMlxoi'nn lndennfte,wifri,fho''atd, . 'They hnvo ellmlhaicd every eon xiderntlon contliiiont upon early peace. With thin point of vlow, Ku rope especially France and tinglnnd In dumbfounded al 'America' fn nUteni peace talk, and." her reluctanco in accept the situation a it cxlntu, and to reailjunt builneM accordingly.-Kuropi- Iiuh accepted the wont a probability k war ot from two to live years nnd nt the Mtno time U prepared to be happily nurprUod hould tho trouble tormlnnto earlier. I Yaw Overt urea Diallked. "Tlio Impreiiiilou In gunornl In both Knulnnd and France .that a consider able force Ih meddling In this country In tho direction of early pence. Such a movement Ih regarded as lmportl nence. in purely ; military circles, It It rcitardeil an pro-Qenaan. To say that It Ih resented Is' putting It mild ly. I'tmeo in tho near future; on nny basis likely, to, bo acceptable to Oer mitny, Ih unthlnkablo In Prance and Finland. N'olthcr reels, that It has yet Htiggcstcd what It can do In a military wny undor a test. Doth nn tlonH admit that Oermany secured the Jump at tho 6utsot of tho war, and Htlll holds the advantage, "Franco's army today tt undoub tedly one of tho greatest llghtlug ma chines In tho Hold, and Is In splendid contrast to tho force mobilised by tbo French last August. Franco In iletn on eliminating tho memory ot her unsntliifactory showing nt tho out break of hostilities. , "Knuland foels thnt the ability ot At Last! Fly Coppers for the This Is a little warnlnsr to owners 01 vehicles propelled by gasoline. Petrol, distillate or similar fuel to bo little more careful about trying to mash all existing speed records. Especially Is It Intended for those cltaretto . smoking, sweater - coated motorcyclists, whom, It Is alleged! aro fylng (o do better than n mho n minute on the streets because Otto Walkern Bent ,a Harley-Davldson "MO miie, .jj BOUr ?or 80', mea Ri Venice recently. Complaint has been n)ade to the authoritlM by Mills Addition ptople at motorists, asseclally tboM using ,,, two wfcttijaty, havs tht Resent Peace it dcmocri.cy to exist ami In rinu in 1111 emergency without compulsory j mlllttiry hcrvkc, uuil without main- . tfilnliiir 11 iriMttmulniiit nrrifririufniiiil nrmyf u 0l trJi rf) H ui lno montliH perfecting u citizen iirtny which nliu believes will prove Krontrr limn niiy professional tinny, but hIic knows (IiIm unity mum prove her clalnih for It. Kvcu itdviintngeouR teriim now would not tumpt her to a peat 0 with tlio strength of tliU citizen nriny unproved, (,'erinuiiy Fur From Ik-nfn. "SiittemriiiH (hat (Jermnny Ih tiring ol .wiir. or tlml there Ih 11 peace fac tion growing In the Fatherland, can bo put down a k Idle Koxftlp. "In 110 country In Kuropu It the win- hplilt more ncr.rly unlvorKiil or thu twi'lllco di'tiiiiiidcd being mndu more iinrnnipliiluliigly limn In Cor iiiiiny, Nothing but national exImtiH tl,ou or n government policy of peace nt nny renxonnblo price now, for the hitko or 11 fiexli Htnrl, and wnr ngalUHt Kuglund alone, will Ml lie thin reeling. 'I'o Iki Kiiiliiiiiiieo Toit. "I'ersonnlly, uftor threu months ob Heivatlon or tlio situation close at hnnd, I do not believe oven victory for' the nlller) would ho at tho price or Cieriminy being crushed. There is every rensou 10 believe thut even bo fnre u pnrtlnl victory Is Kccurcd, tho tinposslbllljy of u ucccnsfiil general UHHiiult will have been learned at a Htnggcrlng price nnd tho end what ever It tuny bo will como only nftor the process 6r attrition lies worn ono side to n slnto of exhaustion. "From the standpoint of the ullles, thotone great unknown factor today Ih the extent of Uormuny's nminunl tlon supply. How long sho will hold what she has already taken and what will be the ttrongth of hor offensive Ih mensurcd by her ability to contlnuo supplying her artillery wjtli nmniunl lion In abundance. Itollt HliUti rerfet IK'feiisi'H. "Millions of men working for months nloug the wostern line hnvo evolved dofciiHeH on both Hides, tho strength or which nro almost Incon ceivable. Ilehlnd the hundreds or the lighting lino now occupied by each army, consisting of the front trench, tho secondary and tho reserve trench the whole connected by communi cating' trenches Ho a sorles of even moto lines of defonso, each consist ing of the samo three major lines In terlaced by communicating trenches, nnd each with Its mllcH of barbed wire entanglements In plnco. 'Whereas tho prosont fighting lino was chosen rather nt random Just where the foes clashed nnd the men dug themselves In each lino In tho rear has been constructed, carefully along natural strategic lines selected (Continued on page S) Local Force mistaken Idea that Sixth street, bo yond tho railroad truck, wub paved at considerable cost by tho property owners for a speedway. This, they say, Is not the caso, as they spont their money to get a highway, and thoysironuously object to being com pcllod to perpetually bo dodging ma chlhca, thrown wldo open,, and run nluK on tho high, Thore Is complaint made about speeding In other parts of town, and especially down Ninth stropt. To ii.l. al..Mn ttflll hn a fnUT lilnltl iihi. n'oiicemen nupolnted, whoso . i, win ha to catch these offend- f a t - i era and bale them into ponce court ES RATED POOR BY A STATE INSPECTOR .ti.i, .ni: iii:m)v HCOUKS SIXTV IX 1 llesldo Hit. Ijtrge Dairies, On, Tun-Cow Dairies Inspected and Fall Fur IK'lotr 1 he Average in Sanitary Condition Sliuightfr lfou,es Are' Itrdaied I'mir. and Many Changes, Are Ordertil to lie Made. i Onirics supplying Klamath Falls J. people with mill, and cream aro byj no i.ioiui-j up to Htandard, according to u II. Zcliner. deputy htnto food' unit dnlry commissioner, who made 1111 Investigation or conditions here at the Miiggetftlon or Dr. L. I.. Truax, tho city health officer. Tlio following Is Zolmcr's report to Dr. Truax: Herewith llnd scores of the four dairies that I scored while in Klnm- 11th Falls tnat week: CniiHtructloii C, D. Cleudenning, iM: Kzell Hlock farm 13; J.'X. Stiles 10.1 ; II. 1,. Hoggs, 10.',. Methods 0. U, Clendennliig, H.3; Fiu-ll Block farm, 2C.7; J. X. Stiles. 2R; If. U. Hoggs, 21. 5. Total-i C, 11. Cleudenning, OH.'i; j Ezell Stock farm, 38.7; J. X. Stiles, 3S.I; II. I,. Hoggs, 32. Clieiulral Text of Milk. lluttcrfat C. n. Clcndounlng. 3.3 per rent;'.!. N. Stiles, 3,n per cent; 11. D. Hoggs. 3.8 per cent. SolIdH not Fnt C. II. Clcndennlng, j 8.92 per cent; J. X. Stiles, 9.09 per cent; II. U Doggs, 9.28 por cent. Total solids 0. II. Clendennliig, 12.22 per cent; J, X. Stiles, 12.C9 per cent; II, L. Hoggs, 13;08 per cent. The score card used is based on' 100 points for a porfect dairy, forty of which are allowed on porfect con struction and sixty on perfect meth ods ns shown by the cleanliness at tiie time of Inspection. More points nre allowed on methods than on con struction for the reason that more depends upon tho methods employed Hum upon construction. This Is car-, rled still further by the fact that the scorlng"on construction Is based upon hucIi construction ns Is conducive to cleanliness. In other words, 'equip. ment that Is easily cleaned Is scored higher than equipment thnt Is dlm - cult to clean. In n gonoral way, thererore, the (Continued on page 4) imiSTs TO BE UTILIZED .mi u wii i wtv riFTS niXTitACT i CHAS. UILLSOX GETS COXTRACTI Mill FUItXISHIXG LIME FOIl I KI.KS ItUlLIHXG. AX11 WIMj F.Ml'I.OY HKVKHAI, MEN Another Industry that will give employment to n number of men tho greater portion of the summer Is to bo started this week, C. D. Wlllson. has Just been given KLAMATH DAIRI the contract for supplying about 250 . hnrrels of llmo for ubb In the con-j structlon of tho ElkH new building, CLKVElfSTOUY DRAMATIZED BY nnd Ih already selecting a crew and LOCAL INSTRUCTOR WILL BE making arrangements for opening VEHICLE FOR HIBTROMC EF- his llmo kiln northeast of the city. FORT OF STUDEXT8 Ho will oinploy eight or nine men , the groater portion of tho summer, i Rehonrals for tho Senior class play, and longer If there Is snlo for the 'Captain Warren's Wards.,"have pro nroduct J grossed so nicely that the(.play has This contract was made In accord ance with a promise by the contractor who agreed to use tho local manufac tured material, and employ local men wherever possible, A recently patented metry-go- l round revolves and travels laterally as It floats on a amall body of. water, 1 controlled by an overhead cable. J BriisA Heroine Decorated tor Bravery Under Fire BBjBBsBBBBj JK&yajajiL aBjjaa. LbLbbbbbbbbbIssHBSpBBV bV ' lftfBjMlBBBaKi''?;:1dPsSBBBBA b BBBBBJvjiSBBBBv a BBBBBBHHttnE-V.- MHfeBlBlBH9BBBB & BBBHBBBHBKSSTxBBBBaftBBBBB H SbbbbvBaBbbbbbbbbvbbbbBjBs 1 BBBBKI3aBBBBBv!!tilHaBHBBi I BBBBBBflBWBVSSBlgBBnslwrSBBBBBBBL BJ' IbBmBm':3Bb;1IbmbbWBBBd JSBBjSjaBBSiuHSBBHBSflPBflBB ?BnflBlK''fiUi9lBBBBBV KSBWBWaSgJtJ'M tTOSgJBlliSBmlBBBBBT oBBSfB''fBBBBIBBBj TWBRi'' :??$m4?f 't?BRSJBSBBBV Xi "i W .c&r r ;iwin., 8Cg&, MISS MtJRIBI, SO5' ' AU BBgaJa iiVrlnglBwlth the inme of M,M Mur,e, Thonpgol,( Brlt-jfire ,gh nurg0 wllll tho Beigan soldiers, wh0 hag jugt becn decoratod by King .. ... . . f LeoDold. She ARANT'S FIGHT OP CAPITAL SKCItKTAltY LAXK MUST SHOW CAL'SK FOB LOCAL MAX'S RE MOVAh FItOM SOPEBIXTEXD KXCV OF CltATER LAKE PAHK WASHINGTON. D. .0., May a. i secretary or tho Interloir Lane must 'gnow fause before tho supreme court 0f the District of Columbia by May 11 wny a mandamus should hot be Is sued compelling uim ,to reinstate W. F. Arant ns superintendent Crater Lake National Park. of Arant was removed June 30. 1913,. nrtcr having rerusod to resign at the request of Secretary Lane, On that '.date, Arant asserts, a United States marshal and posbo ejected him and his family from tho superintendent's house and took possession of the building Arant con,enda he wa a c,v" 8er" . crap,oye and could Da rem0Ved only ror cause, lie is represeniea uy I J. H. Carnahan of Klamath Falls ' t nnd by Washington counsel. SENIOR PLAY TO GIVEN MAY 18 been set for Tuesday. -May 18. It will be given In Houston's opera house that night. ' V ' This nlay is a dramatisation of (Joseph Lincoln's book of the same name, it was arranges as a piay oy Miss Bessie Applegate,'' Instructor in EBgUtb at the HI tan!, who Is also directing the performance. There are fifteen lntne cast, 'A. THOMPSON' j wenu forth-lnto tbe-trenches under. of German guns, and carrledout wounded Belgian soldiers. Bullets did not frighten her. This photograph shows her In her field costmue. CHAUTAUQUA TO BE SUCCESSFUL KLAMATH BUSINESS MEN EN- DORSE THE ASSEMBLY, AXD i PRO.mSK SUPPORT MEETING ; OF ASSOCIATION TOXIGHT ' At last night's meeting) of ne Klamath Falls" Business Men's, Asso-j elation, the organization went- on record as heartily endorsing the Chautauqua Assembly to be held here In June. It Is recognized as an edu-J cntlonal and entertaining feature well worth support Tonight the Klamath Chautauqua J Association will meet at tne nome oi Elder S. D. Harlan', High and Tenth streets, to perfect many details In the arrangements for the assembly. Com mittees will report at this time, and other special committees will be ap pointed. The sale ot season tickets Is pro. greasing nicely. PHONE LINES TO BE LENGTHENED CREW OF MEN WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK TO STRING ADDI TIONAL THREE MILES OF CA HLB FOR LOCAL EXCHANGE About 15,000 will be expended on the extension of its lines In Klamath Fails by the Pacific' Telephone, and Telegraph company this summer, A crew of a dozen men will be- hers from Portland next week rto- start' work. . According to -Manager Robsrtsonj three miles ot additional eaMs are to be strung in- the, city, and antwslo of lines are to be mUe Usry direct tlon, which win betiereoyer tunsi terlage, ttoylartan.Wett mee and Mills AdMttM; r-' v-fr " EACTCDM riTCC MAV r.H.iir.nn r Di: crrmn. Tiiiill I II a t ! a 'I II al - -i.i - MEDIATION ' I VAVttKa l4-.fefr & : Hill 60Rusiian, beaten, annihilation-Italy acts Other late war hews. I. tilled 1'ress SrrlC TOKIO. Mny DlSereocea betvirca the cabtoet aasl hlufcsmen regarduag Japcn'w iittKade As a result, an ultimatum was dispatched tb.Fekla today, ajriac til Buaday to answer the demand made by Jaaak. ' ' inlted J'resa BerTlea WASMIXGTOX, D. C, ."lay 8m lag tue lapan-t.-nuw utaaooa. uncials Bryan ban inferred that the govenuaeat Ium received- ward ultimataa. Kepoiis that America la atteoiptlag are no signs that this nation tateads to rials will accept nn offer to act as mediators, and poialMy' sat' in the Orient. It is learned that Japan expecta expects' ibe republic to qnlbUe as long between Northern and Soatbem China I'nlled Press Sarvlca PARIS, May . Today'a official gained conslderabljr on the eastern aide I hough,,) hat the British reinforced, and and are holding them succeasfnttr. ' Tne uermaas made a violent attack upon tne rrencxt vicinity or,Ste. Enstraate. They were KUBted the offensiTe In ABlywooda. The Germans are betng reinforced HKRUX, May . Vienna and Beriln oMcials aree.tlsM(the,Ai German defeat of tho Rnasiaas In Western Galicte hi th-nest.' uiuw ucwwmu rami u vr. auaiviv t.ti7 lunr srvm mhivw. Pass, tbe MnskoTitea are fn fall retreat. Vienna reports asserts that at least, a hird"lf,,the) lias been trapped in the Carnathlons nare, Dcen caprareo, ana tne cusnawies are eaoimuus.- . - u -.., Vienna is certain that the Russian offensive In' the 'CarnttifcHMial completely collapsed. llniloil ProR Set-vlrv. niliUb, .Ul) V.-AiW M.IM& UM unicnu M .payuwvBrv, m -mmwjamf;fwmm JJ.3- loughs. It Is announced that Italy regarding a Servian outlet to the Adriatic. This of Italy to wrest Albania from Teuton control. United Press Service ." -. cu.hTAMi.UfLJi, May p. u.ia omciauy-announce ssh Mm&WG;&iSstiii l,ll. -.. u.Ju .11 k. n11lnnU ua.li.iU ulll lln in illlia lif !! 7 ,-SWI m.i.1. .thM.,h..niMi fAMiM l""l niretviuro .mv nauu. v shore of Turkey is, entirely cleared of Pnfted Press Service that the aeroplane which attempted to. Ing Satarday had three crosses painted, on the underside.. OnIr4a).,.OeJHiml:j mans mark their alrcrafs in this manner. " ' fVji (MORE LATE. WAR Telephone Business onows rine Increase "Our increase In business -In the last three months has been greater than that of any three months since I have been In Klamath Falls," said Manager Robertson, of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, today. "Tho business ot a public service corporation la always a. good Indication of tbe general business condition ot a community, and from ray experience, ,1 .believe that this summer win be a prosperous and busy- one for the people of Klamath Fall."s. Mr. Robertson states that' his com pany has experienced' a "steady gain since they took over thotelepkeae business In Klamath Fills. buttkt the Increase this spring' has, been greater than, at any previous; 'tlms. This, gain in business has naturally Wade nscesssry'niore 'exteutoaii a Improvsmintsr tad the expenditure of more money by the company for this work, , Better rvke and conaeeUoM are!toelM::lt-tnf ;oneftaaf 11.1.1 iiini?r.iiSi al III II I ' 'L ;'iii - - . ''iBBabt mjf"mt. Hfl BS jgft,'tgfliiH KIIII It 11 1i i ir'JSfta g v . . ...i ..rsr-t ' . U7.1. xT - '1 "FM VaUVOIflaVl 9X:m- O, - - -' &,.'-" i.-tA. jo. i'isi tAf ir ... , . n . -J .. iftTr iirtkvjt-f) H&A3M5S08& toward ChbM'bave;. f Ji piti ' i?t .Vl. The ndmlaJrtraUo. t. ckwely matggg. " -. - 'rJ - T!' are reuceav.aMlWttfii .. - (,' 2.f.S to mediate ar , ZSm&Jifri "WSIM :stimm:m mmnv'?iSr' iaterfere, bat. It; W'kmisrmJ China to resist Japan's deaiaadagMlfV as posalble, and. thmjttyX'l'fMS'- is also a uossftgRy., - " ' ' "!-( H 1 , j 'siJS't - --m SUteaeat admlta that tbe OarnMBa ?$(: il-SS. or HIH No. 99. B 4, regained a part of the lest. - n-x s.,t,,; frfe5S-El , Jh, ; ,lnsMMfl repnlaed, "-ysr all, through Flanders.. . ,. and the. 9tJii&mm ,& .im&J?$m 'AB ,i -. '."-'j. .K'.Vtl and faces annthflafion.; v. s.sj fJmB9M99i - -if-ry . . Tj ..-r "1-3- HM- W . Y-- 'tf. &&mm tor ' . ' ' J:, lf &jf.t'9. and Servia have reached an indicates the'hstentisn aMMBSjsBnt 'h ... . .. . ... r-:t ..ftt'i?- ".r. . . .-.-. ,. .. --. j. .- .t--5 .m anil iiiMiiiii wnm "- the -enemy.- T" i t "i vm Ji.AJUyJM' SfJ'.i'J w " 3ss:i - r $ .. '. i'ftlfi bomb the American steanMrlCnshfr .,fu- M3WS U- fAUbi ) -feBS f- flis',; TK &-.&m rWmM. tmmm !. -TI. .W.. ?m.L.'Zpf--&VX, to. be given Springs, Shipplngton, L gfldaasn. anamni Mills Addition Not'ealrtt: taa'lmsi ttoLwUggUM . ; .. r r-iVAisisr. ) u mUnTt meaal i&WJiKZkS n'fim.' vl' 'i'lV:-'iiiTiiT,MiiJlS KlamaWalit,b,thtoie venience w now avauaniato uw taxmJitvtii, era ot; the aTMW.'BortlMaiamM' ath.- eounlx.-liT'uVinli: . .n..M...i,i. r ,aL liiii-Viil-tft'.v 4 VUUMWViny'P efmanymtwmmmnmnj Within,, inc coni sixty dayBthe'vaUerJnnJpg. itructed by'.t he farmers' ansny K-fe,' the government prai;)wM!WW.," nwrilifln. 'Conneetloa Svlll-aaskaaW'. .'' ' yith' tefocai iyltii$f&J&p' cjnc Teiepnone .raajramnmnsHinm pany. tws ,;, a. se nnrtMn nddltlAB totihari .7 . . .7-.. '7 jBt'-JKKIT T V; or theUBIteamgUseamenmmasaa vce,,whlch connect every neHwa of ' swuchtcr; bureomnW g m- stalled In.tne teel oi I matlc servlee.; todi .O.HWKSr; 'M twr.'f jbm 'Ast'essmH ImlLiLmmmMV,- ' najmrnmnW' -, j 5 , vrfM7j9ltS-A' : VL3gnN jyMsl'i.. k isKHff if-tKKr- '&m V n?7 s !v sSti -. J- HiitJ 'iSAIi M -t?.hi ,l asiv-' S&ttS s2l v.. e sz? 'rz& 52 3vj ""AS &$858l ? 3fl-!.iMil 'lh mum uta WffBS m a; se- a:- mJ,H-ZI. eZ?Z AVS-'&J541 -.-j1 MffBsri msstii M)Asr.i sfi.?i5fl im m mi m (V4