w t? w &-V IHS -V l w4 J ft & "Klamath falls' 4 JKK''V'1W' ' KLAMATH COl Official, newspaper .t 4 4tS'fi -SJJi-. 3-SV, y yiipT.V r. js tyj"iv i"-; fjt.i r'jLix.:S3rjeSTt2Xl&t gSEg BgsrtfpfcRaErsBisscf "-Si-x' aeTa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1915 . .c.i$v i--vi:?asriv - " f ;VB tMy iummn Hralri si!1' ;l Li f . . -SJ5 KLAMATH NEVER COOKED BETTER, - SAYS assessor; Tried to Make His Fiancee Shoot Him i li ...MVIIX IKK IXKJK8 mil A RAN- xi:h VICAII Altera Month' Till Tliroiiuli 1'nriii 11 liMiliU, "nirliil Hn' There In Motv AiH'iiK' L'imIw "ullvnllii, Hon AIM tit Ion Being (Uvii to MrmlaK. il Mow KiiMturngeiiMiit Tha Kver I Wore., 2 -If Klamath county' land pro duce n normal crop tbU year, the farmers will bo practically ou easy lred by ff.ll." Tbl Intemcirt In mndu by County AMfttnr J. I'. 1-oe, who In In town for i few days after u month' naxeaaltm' tour of tbo country. Ha. has been In u.rriu Mnlin. I'oo Vulloy. Burnt !faMMpas fPWt $csr i; raV 'isM'l Ksu PpPP JRtw'' "-gwrJB . S!i-Vv, . V r i l$iMk'$1 FIVE ACQUITTED BY GRAND JURY: 2 INOICTMEN IS n glish Nose Guard Used for Protection Against German Gases Tlio tlriumo tragedy liy which Valley, Dnlry nud other section, and Arthur Horn Cowl, gramltuui of tlio by mch a trip U oblo to, l;i protty Into Jinni'K A. Ilui.rn, mlllloiinlru Ncw Ji i. onimiv'a WMnecta. fVorU dupartmtml utoro owner, met There I much Wo land In cul? ' '! ' wldwprcaU In. Umion tbl. ycr; tlmn ovir boforo," , ' '' ;"",,BI!,m', V "! V ih. Captain coutlnnod. lnd thai ! ". IM hmlly Wbooler of w. ust yosr covered with ago- MrWwi'ort. Conn boot him by p.. I- broth ijai bcn broKon and aowed ioj"' ; ; i-" irtlo. "Nor l thl ibo only Ituprovomcnt tt be noted. There are better dairy ttttle In alniont every innchor'a born. There aru hotter barna aud outbuild- Up. Quito wfow farmora littvo erect-1 rk u revolver liummtlt hla cJiit. lie tukcil bur tic tako. tlio ribbon anil turn bur bend. Blio did so, and pulled without ruHUll. Uo nuked ber.toliull nRiilu, mid then there was n loud report. The ItivMtlgntorM have come to the con- limlon tlmU the pull of the ribbon jHU'tmr ik. jiaih: iatk this I .tr'TKIIXOO.V i i . lloli, AiimI, .loliiikon, Wind mill IUvku Aid AH I:oiiiiiiKmI liy ".Vol True" lililh licliiiui'il liy tlio InqulMtorial lll).)iitjiiiiii Were in Semloii t'nti! .Wlilufulx I-jiM Mlit, Kxiiiii- llllll," VltllC!H.'M. Till !.Tillllnili .'.llllitl' 1.1'nt.rl lilrv ' - "' M - ..,. B.m..u 4".. iilttr tin '0 iIitjH ilulllieratloni thin af leruot it 'at '', o'clock ro turned tlio following. ' 'lino ICIIn j Col Wiini'r, cliciiBi'il with uinoii. John !)(.c chnrccd with Htatutory cilino. .Not. Tiuo Ulib. .lout AtiKcl, chnrged with fumlali Iiik lUiiiiir to mluiirn. J. V, .lolintion, ohurged with bh fniiH with dimgeruus weapon. John Wind, clu.rgud with furnlHh lug iiior to minors, Theodore Uolr, charged with 'lar ceny I) ballet. Uot.rge Itecso, charged with lar ceny. Win iter U charged with sotting fire to in i riiTMeiiier cam buiuu vm j ogo. He la ut liberty under S3.000, IioiiiIk. Of the m'en exonerated by the Kiunil iiriirn, only one, George Uoeac, wa In the county jail. The others) t 't . ' ejmKBmMMmmtMmMM zwamtfmmsJmc&'Mzmmmiwm r 'liSnjLLHHLLLLLLLLLLLLLB I jflEilSiiiiHI KtiitfJifd is wmmisaetAJmmmT ' " - ' : -j rta fbjM''fan1hi " '-'"' ' OLD WARRANTS WAR TALK RIFE , .wrfi &&' z-'.'trj'..K imrmm, TO BE KILLED' AGAIN. IN . - CRISIS IS fefM4li iCNJlXTV COURT WILL ANNUL WARRANTK THAT HAVE BEV OCT FOU HEVKN VKARS AND , f HAVK NOT DEE.V PROTESTED 4 Ur-,1 'vT;. ji 7 ja.'sS'';! .UfL.i.vn'mitti nlltlrt Vl i ir"' Mf Wtt ' ;'Si -1J!na-rwn nvvnr , " ' ' . Jjyvj&r (. 1 ' TiiotttirifM ? .Twt.; 3 at --.".'-'-. Huvo you nny unprotested county nrneanta thnf vnii havn fiAon iflvltltf .. ,r ..- .r , rror noyen years? li you nave, you p mini present, uieuior yajuiuuiueiure Hcpiomoer, or ever aiierwaroa seep them, not' for their mpnqtary value, but as evidences that at least once Is VtUmatfUR Jfaam'i t at Omee '-! PPPW - . -l . t- itrwS-.wiKfe'l.'sijaSr-Cir." .. . . "..."... ... lSvSJ-.J?a?K .feSSKft n.i tvami"iaaMmutimf ' : i. i'&iSSJVi 1WSIHNI, .H7 hhrh .w a, "a . HE Sil -- .. J a r. i.-i -'. j 'jhi-tftA'h '.'.7ii Tour life, you really J some kind of lucrative. j The' county court that sixty days after July : nmta in the hand clerk, which were issued and not nro-' -f inmt& t rt ntf At aMWJk aaisi a1 i iciiou iui vavi ui Bvivai vjH. , -r- w;r , -''JvT ' '''.";- :r.,rrT7- twill bo cancelled, And PVm'top-y fJMp toed. There are between MOO and. ana twr, !,:- tSOO worth of warrants In tbl classi fication. rfM nAvravta -'- r-'--"TJ-r .j t.r.tM'5ffii:tf.vT - & work. ..;' ' &jv22ZjEmmBm& tod.y deeiM, . ' - ' ". - tSli -' Mt'au-irar.- ,M SrS5Vi2S8S?,' of 'tt., C0tttN.lltrj .vlrVlcS-eS'' s- TOKIO May S.-TlwrawaW'IeJfc:, M nno now nuusos, ana mo amumu- ,nllcli t.i .man llio re uU l common nmoni thi rancher '. . i, vw i " .. -,!".., , . voivcr, out mat me young mini iwiiuu ef'Kladttth couttty!. - wv ,,. i.u.i,!. nr. "BwldeH puttlnf acreage In crops, mhh wheeler was liyBtcrlcal uftor Uiclr .rfcognUunces. the formers seem to be giving hotter I 0 rn8,.,y( ma could not toll much attention to farming: methods. Thoul,01t u ,810 Mt gl0 na cailgtM the "horseback" farmer Is ' thln of the ioaQt of tll0 youllR mun, and It was put, and I can truthfully ay thati,,, tha, l0 rcnuvu lcr mnd of that 8 aSSSfiSSSSBEBT 1S??JiMXmMfi This nose guard Is now worn by To stay In the deadly cloud meant I ........ nt.rtv i.i,rir imnit or tinon ' tlio allies in lb trenches in the fight-, asphyxiation. 8ome made their - iieiu i, swv - ,,.. . , , . ( - - i a --J ins around tho Yer canal.; where tne . enpe. ine siueuoru uno wuv i ' - 1 . . o v . crop conditions never looked better lin nquc(,i would bo hold to provo lor Klamath county rarmers tnan'oll(,rWSUi Tho young man hnd been they do now, with every reason to ox-'1,ck for 80m0 ycrF,nnd hod recently pt big price foryerythlng raised.' oUirno(, from (r1( ,0 Uermuda, "Thor Is another thing that 1 wish wl,(r( )l0 WftH ,,,,,mrently beuontcd. to tUte," added the Captain. "That It that the recent cold snap did not nurmio grain crop. i .,. iinmi, ,,iv sent to his homestead F- 4. kW. Aii.A'MH haIahsajI Tho Brand Jury has 4icen working MBr" "" ' - hard ta get the cases attended to. poisonous gases to drive them front Last nlKht tbo Jury was in session un-1 their trenches. The nose guard waa luvemea lor use earitur wuou iuo til midnight, examining witnesses. HwlaoM Men lu .Meet. 1'IUn on lliuk Inland ' Klro 1. linmlllon 1 l.ikovlaw luud oftlco llllng on Duck Island, tin Islo lu Upper The Klnmntb Falls Uuslncss Men'HiKlamnth l.ako that has been tlioj AMoclatlon will meet this evening in ' cause of kovon years of scrapping be-, reguUr session. Thl meeting, nnd Uween linmlllon and J. F. Kimball. all future mooting, will be. held In- the now city hall. Dualneaa of Im- Of tho total world production of tfortmicu win como up for discussion commercial cotton In 1913, the Unit- at thU time, ted States contributed 00,9 per cent. ; I Next to corn, cotton Is the most vol-. It Is proposed that a war modal of uablo crop grown hero, nnd It Is the uniform design, and Rearing tbo aim- largest single Item of export. Pl Inscription, "I ws there," should ' i be distributed among all the allied, A school for training of servantH troop. i has been opened in Kenosha, Wis. I BALDWIN HERE FORTY YEARS I'UOMIXKXT LOCAL 'MEBCHAXT IS OLDKST COXT1XUOU8 RKSf. DKXT,' AND HIS FIRM IS CITY'S OLDEST nUSIXESS HOUSE Qormans shot bombs containing pois onous' gases. Now it 'will be used against the chlorine, which has be come a German weapon of war. yhen a heavy yellow cloud of acrid fumes went drifting couth from the Gorman trenches at evening on I Thursday, April 23, and rolled over tho French lines near Langemarck, the defenders were taken by surprise. at their nost perished without s wound. : When' the cloud'"b3d''blowH past and the German infantry could advance, they found tranche, vacant or held only by dead men. Pressing on, they took whole botterie ofr- tlllery which stood silent and harm less. Following up thelr-advautage, the German troops rushed the second and third lines of their enemies, and at one point, without much difficulty, actually crossed the canal which forms the base of the great Ypres salient. "RIPPER" RUNS . .... AMUCK IN . Y . . 1f.a3 1 " i.f . - h ; iiM"f y' r i.jra"i 'mr v . . withheld, but It UiiblV4a;.tfcJ ; . d.MuionVa.alo.g.w.rUtrdKp1 : The goTenweitlMltfi,: ultlmtteXbin.rtinwlJbWl' China eoaseat . to .the dWuUitf fifflfe J.P.B wltltw&lr There U nweb 4taJtafcMtit refuial.. ,and, "tbl rMebtafaitail at. i - z? iL'zwxmm'iSl - K.AKlasaa. 1 luriuiivfftkr. t, t . aawy ; . '.,Dikrf'hereaith'kttHi4e'ot'Cl;it:r mu t;ssiiiUHBi nviuiuiu ,iir :: &-.-. j..- W;.. - vivi's i&SvVa 'r - i raKiH -.iiiBiiiiB wmwf,immiv.,im9mm'i.wm'?tiw'r' TRVRNKwr niBXRirrr Awn xfraUU-i'f iiiiitiiS?A . ,.. ..j MURDERER SAYS HCLL KILL WHENEVER HE WANTS TO l A rt.Mll&f J iki iMsiiis atti-t I . iiief.ViAn-Aio:wii mmmmmA . .. v Vrf!si?WJot&as5l; ' it i: . .-.!.' '-.issvf.ty.'.viMrr, WILL nDvLtfliL' -sr.s .- United Presa Service ? NEW YORK, May 5. The dty to terrorised by a "Ripper," who had murdered, two cbUdrea',tejbllwys.- i X$-ti$M&& In East Side, tenements within the . w pat five, week.- r" ' - ir . Mothers are keeping their childreai . ? indoor, and the .detective depart-f meat 'Is, exerting itself to apprehend i the fiend. .CHVRCHE8 lWlLL5NAUrfeLY Mrs. A. Cobn, the mother .of Leo nora' Cohn, who waa slain March J9th, recently. recelveoVa letter, In which' the "writer declared that he wa ,the murderer of her child. The writer ( ridiculed the efforts of the police, and ,. mB&iH'rl. rnffllutn mwm --- t . MMIIBrKA -fll' L mtviMniffWWnWWttvi- uuirmmsn Money Voted for Band Then Is Reconsidered "- for boveral ralnutes'last night the Klamath Falls Eaud,now In eourae of organlxutlou, basked In the wealth r a real Income of $75 per month. Bt nly for a few minutes. t In behalf of the mUHlclans, B. Rv Willis appeared before o council Md asked for an appropriation of t'li a month, to be used toward pay '0f tho salary of a capable leader for 1m organisation. In return, It wa stated by Willi, tbo .bantl, will ren to weekly concert during Juno, j to boo the ordlnanco Introduced "oiy. August and Soptomber, tho months during which the f76 month was to be paid by the 'city, After some discission, Councilman "mllton moved that ihe approprin oa bo made for t,he four month. Thl carried with Matthews, Hamll Jn and Lockwood .yotlng ye and notrH and Owen no. The vote did, notWthrthe.dUpu Jlon, how-ei?, .'AUr til WaiUakea; re was talk, about the Mvlbllty of having the appropriation made "rough the passage of an orainance to Wl elfeet, ' muR tbl,-Uek wood moved for u reconsideration. This was votod, und tho appropriation Is just where ,lt was before It was votod uponx There Ih much disappointment among tho biindmcn nt the failure to tocuro the appropriation last night, lis this doloys somewhat tho securing of a director, Howover, the musicians are of tho opinion that tho councll roon nre In favor of a sotios of weok lv concorta by n good band, and hope I nm wllllnu- to glvo $10 u month through the bank for tho mainten ance of the band, but I hesitate about spending thoclty's money In this way," snld Councilman Hogors, "espe cially after the defeat of tho charter amendment for Increased pay for the city englneor. I think tha band wks for too mucli money, nnd bollovohnt $25 a month would be nearer right." The discussion preceding the re consideration wa brought about' by Mayor Nicholas, who cited tho char ter provision that inoney Jh excess, of 1 100 cannot be appropriated without ,. brdlaaaotv" It is Just two score years ago that George T. Ualdwln, with a small stock , of goods, catno over the hills from. Ashland and cast his eye upon his now location, Llnkvlllo. He hnd been J working as a clerk iu an Ashland Btore, and as there was considerable stock shipped to this section, ho concluded he'd movo over hero and I grab this trade. Daldwin'a first, thought after see-1 Ing tho little hamlet 'along .the river was that iioa use iu . ( couldn't all his money wa Invested In merchandise. ' It wos forty years ago that-he estab lished his hardware Btore, and It Is still In the ring, though doing busl-j-nosu ou a much larger scalo than ever dreamed of lu the old day. Also, It Owing to the trouble in the distribution of electric power, Nate Otterbein and his linotype were handicap ped in getting into type the usual quota of news .today. j grader will take geography. These j. testa will be conducted In .the grade rooms by examiners. appointed by Mr. ' Fountain. SCHOOL TERM TO END MAY 21 ST ; Squirrels. Cauae Waahostt. I Ground squirrels burrowing In the embankment along the main Irriga I tlon canal caused the water .to wash 'out. tho banks in two place near the Thomas ranch Monday, and flood. considerable area. - , " - J Home From Hospital. Mrs. Josephine Cacka, who recent- ly underwent an operation at Black ,burn 'hospital, wa taken to her. home at Mails today,, greatly, im proved in, health. But hoiMXAL STATE EXAMINATIONS TO, BE TAKEN TOMORROW AND la From ChUoqala. ... .S.W- I. . In i K. v. xviepuer, wuu ount FRIDAY BY GRAMMAR .SCHOOL the mercantile buslne la ChlloqulB, .T - ,1 In the county seat on a buslne STUDENTS 'trip. .t In on! Baalmeaa. -T1 came In today win. Mav 21 as the date for' the . in., u ainnahin might be notod that It la the oldest' plrat0n ot tn'B preient' term of i,rom wilson' flat tor.a day' trading, school, tho pupils are beginning to I t count up tho days until .freedom jA,,,r society Meet. come again. In the achopls, prepar- Tho AHar Boilety, ot BtMtaA keari ntion are being made for1 the final ' uurch WU meot "tomorrow afternoon business establishment in the county, and that Baldwin is tho oldest contin uous resident of Klamath Falls. Howover, Baldwin haB not con fined his attention solely to the sell ing of goods. He was quick to real ise that tho cattlo country ho moved Into would grow Into a city, and ho has done much work toward bringing this about. Ho served with credit as county Judge, and during hi admin istration tho Klamath County High School woe erected. Ho also wa active In the early day commercial club work, and hi effort when yUlt ing Portland and San Francisco have called much aitentlon to Klamath, test, etc., incident to me wo.ing. j ftt the home of Mrt Jt, r, Magulre on Thoro are sixty-tour Mignin graae , jiolrose street. students who will tako the stato tests tomorrow and Friday., P. L. .Fouu' tain ot tho school board will conduct tho examination, and it will be heldl2:30 j.rjday aternoon ,t ;the home One of the most expensive woods in tho United State I boxwood. It ha been quoted at '4 cent a cublcjnch, and about 11.300 by the thousand board feet. at the assembly room oTthe Central outlaws. A physiology is finished In the Sixth grade and geography in the Seventh, It ha been decided that the RlghtU grade tests in these studies tbe given the pupil in tMse two grade. If they pass, uecwiuim they are given oxemptloas,' and will no( have to review and iake these subject In a later test. , Friday tbe Sixth' grader .will .take a g'lijrseaiQgy tftt. ftbi Bvft GulW Meeting Grace Episcopal Guild will meet ut ot Mrs. Gerry B. Cosad, said: "I will kill children whenever I want to." IfS.K.l rCAly-MWPV'VP'&-l HAVE. AP P)yH R1ATK MHMWIIS, mMMl AT SUNDAY MORNINO Hsncf (.f XANY,stibwHb ommmmwmftt .4 Xjkfe , -'.JfA'?.?A'i4KaS?S5l By .the; wearing tMtiapiUM;SBggSI The police protes to rbeileve?that 1 Klasaath 'Frf'ilelu5ffS !.Mother'a Day Sunday. AlrwaJkaj ftaraS tare orders pimi6&Mhf:W0M r t; c-ft i?JWlJfS it is the work of some maniac. Silver Tea 8uMlay. Another .of tbe series of silver teas being given, by the, Woman' Relief Corns to raise money tor tbe cemetery improvement work, will be held Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. 8. Edward Martin.' corner Sixth and High street. Mrs.- Henry Newabaa. Mrs, Delia Arnold, Mr: E. B. Rasas by and Mr., Martin are the hostesses, and all women .are. invited. -v Young Mercy daughter Boggs, following funeral service are to be held tomor row afternoon at the ChrUtlon church, beginning at I;l6, mmn TZ-AL. ' -- .-.-.l".-?-t.M.i.JjrJHi.lT , ""-""..v-.-?-"ms7 i an- ' n.-. therajwlliyalsolirtyriMlari'u' - I ikmsf-i-l wBra "fsyixmvmM u left leg y4di,almM,;wbm'p;l; ; .horw iimmw? threwIm oa Sixth 4ifiw;KliMBf: u ath ..nu.:Hi,Uf:t'thk,?SalSK-.'.!.!. - '. r -f T.-rr, -st. ;z-7-zr,'ZT -r'-jrt-T.-zv sny t r '- .,. ,i , -oirt.bie.. . ihorfpM,L :Mmmmmmm - Bogg. the ;U.year-oM i 4 -J2SS2L22Wffi&m Wi rt Mr., .and Mr. H. hJ ,B Btikdmi&Wm$ , died latalght'bt peritonitis. vMefitiUrasU;7! a- recent- operation. The fummer,.3BinW;eti;tarimTeli toatlonal forestavww aa( sijSfej;: Is Declared Stambnf I I 'W IN III I I I ' Front. 'Odessa.- --in M. H, Wampler of Odessa i in ,for, n short business sojourn,. i -- .. i Although the United States reines more nickel than any other eoaatry, pracueaiiy ,ui.i irw,.,tj--a awi from Oatarlo sad Nw CaWiiala, ',; Three women 'ara 'WaJeiwd: ' h& f."ITv-'f'MJ"0',Jll5 $ (ilorald Special Service) QREGON AGRICULTURB COL LEQB. Corvallli. May' e.'tatlag that "the oaly thing-wkieti this great aud-msslficMUy Quipped lastltu tloa lacked to meet the requirements of astandard oollege wa tha foaaslai.' t.toa, ot; a tull four yaars'ot seoa4 ary wock' tor tr,'' tis peesilst of, the United Ststes Wraaajof edu- oaUek says .that tha'Orisea Arl-1 cuKurai uoiMge aoi,eetrat a Ht4M-d.lehMu:ialr was t la r year oo4ry oaur taavaegree .courssi -?.lA . . .' gow iatb:to"Nnwsihar:-')tfX! The report furthar iotM:tw''lat taM:th; ell Has 'ioMMi W ' ,--" -..k v iris, $M&i&t&girj . - -1 ".- - i.wKrijsKi;. .. -,. - aa or-seconaary wot a, wwiwispiir .. s- raising of thearqtUri sat toKfgjar ; .- s2i?aa '4 Ti. """S-? 5l.-.:-5-ii.W?Wt ouar rssf "thlalMtitu ot both the; SkttJUk Ctty i emw iwrw esjpw wlewvpBiAm i mMz&w$&; rf ' i., wWsWBssieJWWPJfJr'w , of ur yer nwatsry MMfallrsastaitf : W'lW wrmmami hlav- !! . !- 1 - ..hi ip ' PPfwivP -m .- t't 'Iw- kpp 'MPm , . v :-! 'jrkWU'" aWjC A -. mtltmmmmtmmm:i.z. w ' u ' .H. ''-StiJi BLswD