w m- ,t- . yrt. . r .... . ? h Lii'tJ -ft- '--5'i2t:i-iVj.ft.v niTjwitss- '. ;?tl --- rj --t.-J-. cr? SSSK '- J' ,v - ' " - ' 2i&',2&rYWlRttyfr Cafft &&M&&W .. w, lK I:-.." KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Math Vwir Sfo, JMITl TURK j Sly? lEutttto ,W?&;, ;,l :. , .. ' 'i-.,.j&. KLAMATH COU , ' . :.(. T H??tJfi; Cf" OFFICIAL NEWIPAPYK ; HI ssmm KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1915 -'. MMVyvvMWMMMMMAMA JMENOMENTSARE . KILLED BY BIG VOTES MONDAY OSLY OXi: MAX RK.KLKt.TKI TO COUNCIL . UNIVERSITY FORTS QTHRlWFn RV VH&IEf a mr a m. a mm ill iiiiiiiiiit m inn v.bijvjbim T f' VC . L - "-, V.-.vmnnnn ' ,r 2 . i -.-. ..,- ,-yyjj MEN MAY VISIT LAVA BEOS THIS YEAR IJII.L IIL'ltX TAKKH UP Till: MAT. TKU WITH Til KM Brewed vs. Distilled Liquor i rt I 1 I 1 S srniBKwlJ lim- - - trt i JSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawVHelBaaaal ii aaaaaa-'vs.tfe a?,, law S r kf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav-ega-sp BU'iBKIW 4 f-SL f gtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTi-jt--LiaTC ., (HHnHn'WK'jni -HEt saaaaaaafag&Baaaaaaaf mtW JFs ( i)1 Vi' v-b':-K?'' IBBB--?Bllw i?Hk------H m i x ?rtv, Sr jBk jjtf a tj j tHfSlflHltf nAHMSTj b? B BIT V OHlll'K, tft. Me TKENCK&S -- W.H Be lssde After the Wat Italy Again Gels Warlike 51 ! ffW3,"i(St! ' rSfLw-feMlM l.?iiyi.T kT.-ZT-iTT rtiLt i: Vltk the Kxcclon of Sccewl Ward, Ttii of fJioloii, Alrt-iid)- -Vniiimr.l, Kftrr U'urd la trie City Htl A. otker Un lo Hio OomhcII fr ! RatuliiK Vri-MhtH)i, Mmilinm. Hirublr, Mlllrr Mul Doly UJII IVMnpov the CottBCll. The voierx o( I ho city woru lliau did. thing yeatoriUy. for thoy. wltli ono exception, olctd nn . entirely! eit net of rouncllmrn, anil (mowed uadir the amendraenU rcgnrdlni tho Ankcny canal nnd city engineer' Mtorr. The Ankeny canal mtaaurriSrtTby Ml votefi. The rote oa tbla wai' t03 tor the iiini-ndraent and "9t against X; The rlty engineer salary uioaaure teat y a voto of CIC agalnit and 320 for It. i la tho Plmt ward K. J. Hheots wna !ctFd councilman by Just nine voteu. 0. D, Matthowa waa reelected In the attend over Seehorn by 17 votea, and Wrable ilnlihed 16 rotea ahead of Hamilton In the Third. Judge Miller tu Vlilt Crater l.nk. Miiy Aln He r.Uiitl tl mi iiw lo IiiiIikIc a toiic.of I lie (Sri'iit Vulritiilc llrulon Where Cnituln .link mill UN Men Held Troojia Off, defatted Ben B. Owetu la the Fourth by 14 vote, and la the Firth, M. It. Doty, who aftor aerrlag two year waa defeated lait aprtag by H. J. Leckwood, polled 79 totea yeaterday aaatnit Lockwood'a 47. The vote for councilman In each ward folio wn: Flrat Ward K. J. SlieilH 60 J. W. McCoy , 47 Hecoart Ward 0. D. Matthowa ......;....... . 14 W. R. 8eehorn .'.,, 119 Tlilnt Ward ' I.R.Btrublo ... .... .14 I. H. Hamilton ; ; . . . .-,; . . 11.9 1 C. H. Underwood ,. , . . . ... ,;A T' X.W.Tvrell ...': 14, Fourth Ward j, . D., Miller ', 99 B. Owen , 86 There Iti it iKilbllliy tlmL tliu Mo itoe IjiVh flotlrt nmy lie vIhIIciI tlili loiiniiicr by it iloleKiitlnn of InstnicturH niul nliKleniH from tin; linlvorlty of Oregon. Thef ieilo will visit Cra ter I.nL'i ililn mimnwr. mul tho im.l- t I . ter of rnmliiK on to iIih l.uvn IleiU wan aiiRReated to Warren Bmltli ofj tliu ilciinrtiiietii of Keotogy by William ' t llttrii. In reply Hum lm received the followlni; letter: "I wnn vory Kind to receive your tetter of April- 13th, with the xam- fptex from the lava bedH, for which I tlinnk you very mucii. i inn inier eatvd In wbnt you say about the lava bedH, r.nil Professor SwecUur and 1 bopu to be able to lirliiK the class down there after we Ret through the Crater Lake trip. Thin, of course, will depend on tho time at our UIh ponnl. I expect ntiyway to go out by way or Klamath Palls, nnd ahall cer tainly call on you when I reach that point. We nhall let you know an goon an wo know how many (hero will bo In tho party, ok to whothor wo can take on tho additional trip lo tho lavn bedH. I would vory much like tho clnss to see thoso formation! there, both from tho gooloelcnl and tho hUtorlcal standpoint." mmm nawa:-M:l Vr? 'fcPrffl-Wt i "''""i-asaasga United Praaa Senlee ROME, May 4 Tkere la buac excUeweat orar. the Auatria'a teal word has aaaa aaUrered aad ha prated Italy, fknae betiere thac.warla bow cerfala. i .r.-, - ,..- " "Tlia iMMMMtit tkat tha kfaic aad fhlTl -'--'-' , . ': -'?. . -' "' " J"--','vi veuiBg oiiM BMMm.w Mi iuwi Toiwueew tuaauiiuw. -h lal" .: , .-Als," One ramor aava that Raroa roa teetoar. the Oataaaa mmlmami .entcd fresh proaaaals treat Atri. tod.,. "' 'fM&f j CJKRMAXY IB SLATED .. - l tilled I'rvM !$erlce - &- mmm&i Vr.- ,- KTiftJrfir.i.lV thmt-hxi z.,wl. rwj.j vsem 1 -! tr'&t; lll.-ltI.IV lh I!uoaUli.t wnhrte nt h Hw - '- nf ii ! - -. . .". t rf-r . . - - j-v- : . ?: mpzi warn. Western Gallcla ladlcate that this almost eqaalled the eatsat il nliurg'n great saceees.; The wildest, eathaslasm retgas as a resaW; Vhin Mimr. mnnUri. rat KtAfrA ' '- " '-- "--"- killed, wormded aad captaid KasslamwUl tetal clese W i'aa.M 'aisav'I! i..uiti Bar wai uw u urn win ;?. months of Bghttag. They assert that ItusaJa mast seoaa lolga to lavade Haagary thrpagh tho Carpa'thlaas. tm lt;'tM"Hini i. ?" ' .:A-".T.V1' -t '". rGT'L her &&8I At.TlVK AT liABDANEXLES. Vol led I'resa Service ATHEX8, May 4 The bombardiueHt of te, esiertlay. The allies are atari ag a Tlgoroas Qneea Eliaaheth aad Warsptte are pariiclpatiag la the The battleships are rakhag the forts freat' the Gulf of Saras. The.ssaaller ahhja have peattiaud the vj - wtawE T-TTi ,iS"(iWW feifiiTfiiiiK;! t wTS3ilTlP. i Mieiimg the poaujoaa ireaa.aMre. , ; ifjHS tJ&WMmM f' xuere are rmir innuAB dmumbiimi - r -:.- -jV- .g .i.aaaii.!X,4lii uimmmtimmi8L The respoase la feeMe. " ' a--ai 'aaaaaataaaaaWaw aa sstsaaaisda BBBBBaBBBBBatf lShBBU a V BBBBTWWajaaaf a BBB ft-1 ' - . .y-yy serar&vt sf' "rW- naiyraa. ,.. .v m- ,. k0J foils. j1J'IWS-w' nUSSIAV FLEET GETS BL'SV United lr)M Service PETROGRAD, May 4. Dispatches aay thaVthe the boatbardawBt of the atesaheras forts at oayhraak. plied with vigor; bat laeaTectaally. ' ? One fort Is reported fat m "t .-i e-!l-pS,'frC s'-' 5,,ri'a,rfMs imm -.- -mL.-iill.'i?Kf a M. Bgf . BaaaaaTjaBa-Bgflgi jmw ; -. k'. u PISl n v' Taft to Lecture on Presidency United I'reua Service MADI80N, Wis., May I. Former iirnalilnnt UMIllnin Howard Taft Will " j n uun - flu I n,w Ore. zink , , . lSileeluro at tho University of Wiscon Fifth Ward "R'Doty ., 79 . J. Lockwood , . 47' to Lofgron , . . 3 Tho voto on the charier amend wla in the different wards waa aa follows : First Ward ror canal contract Opposed .., 'or aalary Increase "looted , . , . , ., . , , 1 . , i . ,,S vl .'.,r. Reeoad Ward. . 'or Canal rnnlrnnf '2? ... jMUry Increase. PP SI 68 Kft , . . o . 108 ,'...,,,.187 canal contraHvTT ', .,... 71 ? , 286 Lumber sin hero tomorrow, Thursday ana Friday. Hi mibjoct will bo "Tho Presidency: Its Powers, Duties, Ito sponslbllltlcR and Limitations," nnd In i he three lectures ho will touch on every phaso of executive llfo. For salary Incroaso , 100 Opposed .221 Fourth Ward For canal contrnct Oppoied ,., ' For salary Incroaso Opposed .i .i Fifth Ward For canal contrnct ODDosed , Foi salary Increoao . . . . , JJ0 Opposod . "8 , 27 .107 . GO ,131 . 20 . 90 A WASHINGTON, I). C, May 3. The presentation by a Gorman brew ery of 3.(500' bottles of beer to tho wounded in the Austro-IIungarlnn hospital at Sarajevo, Hosula, has re asoned tho discussion of tho effects of alcoholic beverages on the fighting man of the firing line: Tho Gorman government's, attltudo Is shown by Its shipment of tho consignment of beer, .duty frco. In tho rush following the outbreak of hostilities, Russia attempted to dolvu tho question by abolishing the manufacture nnd salo of vodka; Franco forbade tho nbslntho traffic; Germany closed all railway bars; and Lord Kitchener announced that Tommy Adklns would not be permit ted 'to Indulgo In Intoxicating liquors. Hut Upon mature deliberation by the German physicians nnd scientists, the ban ngalnBt beer has been lifted completely. The German diet adopt ed u resolution relieving from taxes or duty articles Intended for troops or the Rod Cross societies, and ar rangements were made to refund to not beer? Beer Is not used by the brewers tho tax paid oy them on beer they donated to the soldiers. The Uuvarlan government announced tho taxes paid on malt used In the production of boer donated to the armleS In the field. The general staff of the Frst Ba varian Army Corps Is operating three breweries and' malt houses' In Us territory, the complete roster of em ployes, from brew-master down, be ing recruited from tho ranks. ' A Ger man army doctor at the front; In a letter to the Frankfurter Nacbrlch ten, urges the shipment of beer (p nil soldiers, "as red wine does not ngree with many of the men and as water Is prohibited on account of the German soldier oa an intoxicant." In Franco, the proprietors of cafes who agree not to sell spirituous it quors have been exempted from li cense dues, but beer and wine are classed, as hygienic drinks and come under tho exempt clause. The min ister of war, as compensation for the destruction of tho absinthe traf fic, Issued orders tor the increasing of tho dally flne ration of the solid lers from one-third to one-half ot a liter. In tho House ot Commons in Lon don, the under secretary of state waa bombarded with questions concern ing the- alleged shipment of hun dreds of thousands ot gallons ot rum WAR COMES HIGH I'nlted Press Service LOXDOX, May 4. Lloyd George today of the war to the ead of the fiscal year at 807,009,000 coH Is about 2,100,000 poaads. .... The British steamer Miaterae was stacked today aad ' $& I fr.yg)ifegwi &f . iday- aaaeaa :ta:esat4te -e--;.;;: fprf5S3Sl '-SA,. . "is'S'I '-?:' "CJ-. -?S .-?.-. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 4. The belief. Is grOHrteg the' 18 liaht waa not torpedoed, bafdaasagad by a.attae. The .sMlsM)sejaMM2il T -j-t,i3;'!-jw.i k.. u-t .ii-. iim n-ufUt- ana cs-aasaa'aaaiaB aaaavi'V.KSSi!-; . - "- -- ------.----"--"vaA.-'jCggA -..riinan-, uuc no wunvmewt -a-a.--..-.r-? .' " l a yAfcwfflyEa wiy j.(r,.iriW23 LWaSfcvas danger ot typhoid fever." . . ito tho English soldiers in France. Prince von Hatreldt Tracbenberg, ' The under secretary of state re- AUTO AND CAR CRASH; FIVE DIE WIFE OF WASHINGTON'S COM. MISSlONER OF SAN DIEGO EX POSITION KILL; TWO CHTL DREN ALSO rrsgaKi mmn -2t.,is4.1sJ iTG' BF,rj&iS& .aier -Ififal.'Eawaaaatt.g . 'Wash., 'wife' bf;tae Waali-rL&' Santa Ana,ca?rt;'Patc;listtit- Kauway eeaipany ai-iaawa,iami miles southof her. -aSTff? The dead. of, Ovlie, --. - -J..B A,4T'. -.., -.rv.s-1 .&.! Ington coaamissloasr at the Wmm$g-)M$ exposition, aad her ihroAtUniiKff1, Mrs. J. H. Atkinson, also'ot Waaa-'p? ington; -Mrs: Lather .Browaef v-PorM Lynn Hick, the other eewt'l: the car, waa;serloslyfiaruf4Sjt -j. i" '"(' vcssjf counsellor of tho German embassy In Wnshlngton, in commenting in the exemption from malt and beer, taxes clauso, says: "Why charge 'the browor this tax, when ho .taxes are collected on anything else' sent to tho soldiers? Red Cross "and hos pital supplies are duty tree. Why piled that considerable quantities otK'ulted Press 8ervlce .rum had been sent to the troops but that the men could take It or leave It as they wished. The army phy sicians considered it necessary that soldiers exposed to, the cold In the trenches should have some stimulant available. Company Is Incorporated Today REVIEW BOARD 6ETS BEARINGS 1 will know exactly what each feature i dealt 'with really amounts' to. . Today tho board members went to iKe'no to look over the features In that district. This afternoon they, will go through the MerrlU-tcountry, I Laagell Valley Alclc of tacorpoiaUotf were filed by thwiilte PijliU cpaw J" wh J, of utwl?.t Fttak D, " nd j. F.QoeiuV'.. the iaeor-' tors. ' " '"' The eonM espU4H-4 at 110,- 000. This Undivided Into 100 shares worth 1 100 per ehare, Tito new concern has taken over the Long Lake Lumber company mill at Bhlpplngton, and the mill of the Baraii Lumber company at Meva, taortll ofOhlloquln. U will operate both of these plants, DIFFEHENT PARTS OF TUK PROi JEW ARE BEING VISITED TO GIVE THE MEMBERS AN IDEA OF SCOPE OF WORK. and Clear Lake and will be visited tomorrow. v.- Charlie White Is to Face Murphy w .1 MEAT MARKET IS SOLO A6AIN i A, M. VINEYARD BUYS OUT IN ! TERE8T OF HENRY BAGBY IN .PEOPLE'S MARKETIS NOW. A" ' L08 ANGELES, May 4, Five per sons were killed and one seriously Injured, late this; afternoon in a co.lU slon between an automobile and a -s-r,..? sa-m-ssS r-- "jkJm&mi m ' beaai,siltf'MS!'rfai ..--". .'M'v t nriV.'-i uiiiur'sirr55! Carlson Saesj P. C. Carlson todays agalast K. C, Bhlpjey to. rev f SS38S0. ItMlul du ,;-TUrll-.';i.':Vii. rock taken from CrUc'aouarrT by atflc fjJI Rhlnlnv !.- .u-a- '-. 'll-: '! ..., .. ,..-.-.. --; ---';.kkr'4Si ona. a ii viaariab taai arss-saiaiaiaaiaias ' rnn rr r rr ' w. -ajaf ap, m9 gj afWBt ,!- J-V-"4it7 Carlson, are aaaied aa,tpjUCaad-BS ante. ' , ,,kvrAmfe! se Pnnting ftesentsif mm Jf-.h Heard in Court Today ' t li Now that all tho mombers of the board of review are hore to take up tho work of reviewing the history, of the Klamath project, a few days are being devoted to tho inspection of the project, that the committeeman L'nltcd Press, Service "" .- HOSTON, May 4, Charlie White, tho clever Chicago lightweight, and Eddie Murphy, the Boston ,vBghWrt meet in a twelve- round boutat a ahow to be staged by the MVu At?A SOLE OWNER This morning the People's, Market vaa sold to' A," M.' yineyard,'byHery Uagby Vineyard took charie; today. For several mMtfcVlaeyaraJwas connected, wlthjthe.PsopU's Market, Is popular with, taa ataat aaati and "is well vsrsea in hla' trade," United i'res Service BYRACUBB.cN. Y.. May 4. The prospeejlTe appearance of Wni'.Baraea Jr.Vs a Witness tor the dafeare "la k& 860,0.00 libel suit aaiast CeJoaW Roosevelt waa postpwM today, waaajYori- court.resumed after a aaearaataat Frldayv jlastaad,,' iHmni' betweea Barnes and ex-8eaatr plait Ja8t, TA J. yF M' ,- ia oae ot laaa HtMaa, aaraea eoat plalaed taaf PlaUf waa Braraatlag i.vunwxrAt y. k-t . -. ." 'w in! rwi.T.Hfc v r. .. . ,rH 'vj r : i iklM,fiBi'--aasttW-aj&aj prlatlag llae. aad dspiHIf af af a - m. '.. ' . ,-.- II...U M iSMfO- J! . .. V'm.'l legKiaute patroaaga,--.- 'J.fofm Pl4 tn - kU'u-tatJUtt a mi. -.. i '"Jtvv'v - f r 'Zc-ZZZIzL 'til 71 -w -.i rmv id- uritiia . other apsartiaaajsaipji.c- t. 2a?'. fATha '.'i.-.i.iiiiirJ;-'! ?.- t-'-Tf it. (-. rtKsilitaaBad fltrwig-Aii fytatla?ejaj mmm '. i h .s y tMMmmm rKi&& L- m& vav . n v uti, 4iArtV . &k-Vtt'.fti"" ...ti.v.-sahjaa SKiS-TvufR"-1."-. -.'-' 'Tli iTalaal