n t&'m KLAMATH FALLS'" - Mi&SV . , unt0 vt AMAru'Yniirririh OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Kri s ai nansrMr u . v -.: . 'ji.fw.wsJr:;-' 4 MWMhMMT.:' vf iSSfe' garth YearNo. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915 r!i9Ptt 3fti TP nvmlh 1 M A i . . . , . . t AUSTRO-GERMAN WORK RESUMED I FORCES DEFEAT ! ON ELKS' HOME! '' KUuulKN HKMirui,covn,'u",,o,t w,i w,u',)oi MASONRY WOHK AltltlVi:S, . ,. .. ,..J i'UOM POIITLAND MATKItlAI.H HUWAIII' HKIM ' niirm rw .. ....,., EARLY PKACK Itaul r United l'rM, Just llatk From Europe, I Not Hope for Any TonnlMttoH of ilio Titanic HU-hkkIo Heforo ilw'Kad'of tttlA. Hay It l Endurance Test Kaiser Visits Belgian Territory. Unltl Press Bervlce DKRMN, May I, It U announced (hit th AiiBtro-Oorman forces havo trashed Uio Russian everywhere In (ho fighting In Western finikin. Heavy louse wore Inflicted upon Ibo Slavs In tho fighting Saturday tod Sunday, according to report. Sev enteen hundred prisoners wero taken. Tho defeat of tho TttiMlan army intends nil the way from tho Vistula nil Donnjer rlvera to tho Hungarian frontier. Regarding tho fighting on tho wont em front, tho war office announcos tbat Kiirtulnn haa been captured by tUrmanr. United I'reaa Service AMSTKltDAM, May; , 3. Kalaor Wllbelm and Prince Henry of Prus-i la Inspected the fortticatlona and' submarine ynrda at .Antwerp Satur day. '0 This was kopt aeoret, leat the nowM attract Belgian atsasalni. t'alted I'reaa Service NBW YOnK, May 3. Hoy How ard, prcildent of the United 1'rean Auoclotloni, who returned today af ter a throe montha' tour In England, Germany, Delglura, Franco, Ruaala and Italy, aaya that Europe rcallica tbat tho prcaent war haa developed Into something new In htatory, tho lege of a nation. Ho snys tho fltht haa roaolved It oelt Into nn enduranco conteat of In dotcrralnablo longth. Acroea tho Atr htntic, ho aaya, It la gonorally be lieved that peace bofore 191(1 la nn Irapojulhlllty. Kheniian la Tow. C. V. Sherman Br., the veteran ncwinier man of Dairy, la In town for n fow daya. Ho baa' been having another plcgo of rheumatic troublo and ban hecomo ao discouraged that be lias concluded to. join one of his daughters, who Uvea with her hus band and family at Loa Angoloa, ao tbat In caao of further attacks ho may havo her enro and comfort', Instead of being obliged to depond upon trangeis. Mr. Sheraun for the past twelvo yoara haa been a correapond ent for the Klamath ralla papers, and It Ih Rafe to any that hla w,ork In that lino will be greatly ratased In tho future. Thousands Starving Throughout Poland By CARL W. AOKKRMAN (United Preaa Staff Correspondent) nRRLlN, April ,0,--.VIa The HaguoJThouaaada l war yjctlraa n Poland are facing aUmtlon.; A. government aurvey today shows that, in many place, food supplies pliable will )eit for oalty two, or tnrco weeka; vXelief jrorji to being considered, by the iaaperial govarn ment, but the difftotUy f puroaaaing food suppiiea outaida ot Qerataay pre wnu on of the greateat probjeaa In lho puna of aldlig' the atarying wople in the war ridden iectiona on flermany'a eaiteri frMtleri " The American Red Croee gndjrepre ootativea of the KoekefelUr Founda tion are la ckarte ofrallaf , oaj'atlt !? wAwrorlac by "win means In r power to HUVk needy. After os Tlll-J WAV SOUTH ISxcuvutlnn lit tlm slto of tho $T0,- 000 homo to lio urcctcd by Klamath Falls l-o.l to No. 1217, 1). I'. U. Elks, nt Main and Third Hired, wns re sumed this morning by C. A, Arnold, utter n delay of several days, TIiIh was m iic.coutit of delay lu tho ho ctirhiK of term ootln, i'tc, nccilrd In 1 ho mnaunry work. I). IC. Steel, who Man tho contract for the innsnury work, en mo In last iiIrIiI from l'ortland with his family, to remain until his part of tho job Ih completed. Ho sink's that tho ma turluls noodod for tho masonry work will hoon he hero, and tho building will ho r.uahed through to completion by September lGth, tho time, hiipcI flod by l.cDonx- & l.oUoux', tho. con tractorn, TROUT SHIPPED FROM KLAMATH MII'MOX AM) A HAM' AltK HKNT ! TO IIO.NNKV1MJ3 IIATCIIKHV KOIt FUKTHKIt DKVKI.OI'.MKXT. wiMi in snxT hack One million four hundred thuuaand ; rainbow trout from tho egg tuklnB ratntlon and hatchery on Spencer Creek, were shipped to tho State Con trnl Hntchury nt Uonnevlllo Inst week. Theau trout wero oil lu tho "oyo" ataKo, and they wero taken from Spencer Creok to tho station hero by O. V. Ilonertson. Those trout fry ato uhlpped to llonnovlllo bccuuao tho Spencer Creek hntchery can only hatch and devolop 001000 trout. After thoy aro devel oped to tho lliiKcrlliig BtaBO they will bo ahlppcd hnck horo for llhoratlon In Klnmutli county stronmB. .Many Alii IKH'tor In IIHliim United I'ross Sorvtco N'KW YOKK. May 3. Ur. Frank lin II. Martin of Chicago, chairman of tho committee of American phy sicians for tho aid of tho nelglnn pro fession, reported today that tho com mlttto has raised a fund of IC.321.GQ to buy drtiRB, Instruments and medi cines for tho needy members of tholr profession In Uolgluin, as well as to nld tho families of physicians who nro In need. Dr. Martin reports thus far thnt 2,340 boxes of materials hnvo been supplied, all of which, with the except Ion of 7 IP boxes, havo been Bhlppcd by tho commltteo for relief In Ilolglum. soveriil mouths of constant offort, tho Roumanian government Is now per mitting tho purchnso of corn, beans nnd bnrloy in that country. Sweden refused to permit the oxportnuon oi ufLon, nnd foodstuffs, though IUC) worq to he used for philanthropic purposofl. Carleton Qlbson head of tho Amer ican rellof work, today Issued an ap peal through tho United Presa for Americana' to aid In. the work ot re lelvlng the lntonse.autTorlng In Pol and. Ho urged all who could to send Immodlatly by parcol post packages of beans, corn, flour, ryo or other foodstuffs. Such contrlbutlona to aid in h rfiilelf of starving thousands In "'" .... '... fl'oland.ahould be addreaaed to "Carle- ton Qlbson, dlatrlbutlon general, in ternational commlHlon for the retlof of Poland, Berlin." GOVERNOR NAMES ROADS DAY! PROCLAMATION VMAM VVOS I'I'OPLI av thk htatk TO I TAKi: KTKI'S TOWAKI) THK IM I'ltfH'KMKXT OK HinilU'AVS . ( Hi raid .Special Service) BAI.KM, May 3. Tho following pioclnuiatlou was Issued today by (lovernor Wlthycombe: U'horons, Oood roadu aro ono of the prime foundations upon which our proHpcrlty Is bulldod; and, Whereas, I am firmly convinced Unit road improvement is tho wisest Investment Oregon can make; and, Whoieas, Uottor roads aro deslr- ablo not only because they aro bene ficial from n commercial standpoint, but ii Mo hecniuo they promoto social community development and Increase our clvlo pride, and, further, as they aro the moat valuable kind of encour agement mid advertising In tho eyes of the striuii;or who travels through tho state; and, Whorcaa, it Is highly ileMrublo to encouruKO Interest In good roads and to foster In every way posslblo a stntowUo enthusiasm for tho better ment of oui' highways; Thcrcforo, I do hereby proclaim Thursday, May 2u, 1015 as Oregon Good Koads Day, and call upon nil forword looking citizens of this state to devote their energies on that day towards personal Improvement of tho roads In tholr locality, and to co-op- crate, ono with tho other, In working. out road betterment plans. And I further suggest that on that day, so fan as practicable, the gospel of good roads bo spread In all our educa tional Institutions, nnd that the school children themselves be en couraged to assume their shnto of highway Improvement; and that espe cially the women of Oregon organize nnd take a part In tho work of the riood Itoads Day, lis their Interest and assistance will be vital In making It n uotnblo succoss. lu witness whereof, I, James Wlthy combo, Governor of tho Stnto of Ore gon, hnvo hereunto sot my hand and seal, this third day of May, 191G. JAMES WITHYCOMBE, (Seal) Governor, By tho Governer: lien W. Olcott, Socrotaryof State. TWO HURT IN EMPLOYE OE J. W. SWEENEY INJURES HACK SUNDAY. AND .MARTIN PERXOLL BREAKS HIS LEG AT 11ARX TODAY Two meii are injured as the result of two mlshhps with teams, ono of thorn seriously. This is Martin' Per noll, who fractured a log today at tho Midway Btablcs, when tho team hitched to a loaded hayrack on which Pernoll was working,. started, and be foro they could bo Btopped, broke tho nmn'fl leg by crushing It against a lipavy board across tho barn, and the back of tho ruck. Drs. Truax ana Hunt attended tho injured man. II. Needhnm, u toamstor for J. W. Sweonoy, hurt his back painfully yes terday when tho wagon which he was riding, upset. Drs. Johnson and Cnthoy found .the injury not n seri ous one. Port land Regulates Jitney United Pross Sorvtco PORTLAND, May 3. A city ordi nance regulating Jitneys, of which there' aro nearly 400 In Portland, went Into effect today. Its provisions aro that drivers must secure licenses; drivers must pass rigid examination, nnd tholr machines must be officially Inspected monthly. Machines must not deviate from routes designed Ip licensos. Drivers' must not be lets than is years old. Fare of not more than B cents per passenger shall be charged. GOO WAGON MISHAPS J. BULL HAS WAR AT HOME AS ILL AS ON CONTINENT MQl'Olt CHAIWiEH CAUHK AX UPHEAVAL i HccniiKO OrtlclaU IaM All lirltiah i Workmen a "Drunkards," Men J . Whoso Work in Repairing Veaeela, Ivtc. In Imperutlve ut Tlila Time, Threaten t Ijy Down Their -TooU anil Go Out on a Htrtke. y. . (ft ' United I'mss Service LONDON, May 3. England Is di vided ngulnst Itself as the result of tho prohibition agitation that has Bwopt tho nation. - This comes about as tho result of high British officials' branding all British artisans and laborers aa "drunkards." Admiral Jelllcoe, com mander ot tho BritIsh,lDeet Is credit ed with tho following statement: "Drink Is delaying the repair work on the destroyers and patrol boats. Tho crews of tho army transports are deserting bodllr to ge,t drunk." As a result ot this, there Is much nnger among tho working classes. In their indignation, many are, demand ing reprisals. There lis much talk of. a general strike by all ot the work; men whose work at home Is essentjal to success abroad and on the sea. A German aeroplane flew over Do ver today. It was driven away by an aerogun. The Norwegian steamers Lalla and Baldwin were punk rwterday LOCAL FAVORITE IN RECITAL SOON MISS PEARL UIEIIN, PIANIBTE, ASSISTED BY OTHER YOUNG - .MUSICIANS, TO APPEAR AT THE OPERA HOUSE Local musical circles .aro much in terested In tho recital to be given at Houston's opera house Wednesday night, when Mrs. Ora Pltzpatrlck presents Miss Tearl Bebn, planlste. This young lady has attained consid erable note here as a musician, and she will bo assisted by other local musicians, the program follewing: Tarn O'Shanter '. Warren Aragonnlso Massenet Cnvalloria Rustlcana . r. . . Mascagul Carmen (two pianos) ....... BIset Verda Cozad, Elizabeth Houston, Walvo Jacobs. Marjorle Dolzell ltlgoletto . . , '.'..... Verdi Poet and Peasant . . . . . . , . . Suppe Strodella F. von Flotow Orchestra MRS. CARMAN IS AGAIN ON TRIAL WIFE OK PHYSICIAN ACCUSED OF MURDEIt, GOES. ON TRIAL FOR SECOND TIME IN LONG ISLAND VILLAGE MINEOLA, L. I., Jday 8. The eec ond trial ot Mrs. Florence Carmans on the charge ot murdering Mrs. Loulse.Bailey began in; this town to day. Mrs.. Carman Is the wife of Dr. Ed win Carman, and' It Is'ajleged that through Jealousy she shot Mrs. Bailey. through a window In the office of the doctor while Mra, Bailey was making n nrofesslonal visit. - The first trial resulted' la a dtfi agreement, eleven of tho lory being tor efcriytal. WILL ADVERTISE STATE IN FILMS TWO HRIOIi PHOTOPLAY SKETCH W ILL SHOW CltATEK LAKE, MT. HOOD AND MANY OTHER ORE GON' WOXDER8 (Herald Special Service) l'OHTLAND, May 3. Oregon's marvelous scenic wonders, with the ninth annual Rose Festival,. June 9, 10 and 11, as a fitting climax, will be the basis for the photoplay, "The Land of Promise," to be produced In Portland by the Northwest Weekly, an Oregon motion picture company. Tho purpose of the photoplay will be to include the scenic attraction In various portions of the state about a story of the early history ot Oregon. N. OIness, who will produce the pic ture, will havo the co-operation of the Kosnrlans and the festival association. Tho scenario was written by Pearl Bailley, a Portland girl, and was con sidered tho beat out of more than thirty plays submitted to the Judges. A company of photoplay actors wilt be taken on a tour of the state. p.ud pictures will be 3ta&ed at tM Pa cific Ocean teaches, along the Qre.-jn coast line; on the Columbia highway,' ccar Mt. Hood, along the Columbia River, at Crater Lake National Park, in tho caves nt Josephine county tear Grants I'm along the Des chutes River in Central Oregon 'and lu fertile vallcra. There wilt be more than IX) 0 scenes and the photoplay will be produced In two reels and placed on motion picture circuit cov ering theaters all over the civtllied globe. BI6 REVIVAL IS TO 8E HELD HERE MIXUES AXD STAFF WILL HOLD SERIES OF MEETINGS IN A TABERNACLE OR A TENT TO BE ERECTED FOR PURPOSE Tho First Christian church of this city has extended a call to the MIngea Evangelistic company of Des Moines, Iown, to conduct a series ot religious meetings here during the month of August. While the Christian church has extended the call to the evangel Ists, they extend a hearty invitation to nil Christian people (and, In tact, all who. are Interested In the salva tion ot souls) to Join In this campaign for Christ. The services will not be held In a church building, but in all probability a tabernacle or tent will bo used. Evangelist Mlnges carries with him hU wife and flvo other workers where the deld-Justlfles ao many peo ple. The company ore now in, a re vival at Lexington, Ky., and meeting with grand success. Tho leader of this company la among the world's best evangelists, As the date of the meeting draws near more Informa tion will be furnished.. Government to Allot Land Hutted PreBS Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 3. Several thousand acres In the Stand ing Rock Indian reservation In North and South Dakota, will be allotted with applications filed beginning to day as a basis. The applications win bo received at Timber Lake, S. D and Bismarck, N. D. Allottments will bo made May 19th. Women Journalists Meet United Press Service WACO, Tex., May, 3. Problems of interest to the Journalistic craft, as seen through women's eyes, were dis cussed today In the opening of a tart day session of the Texas Woatea's Press Association here. . f-J " W .. Autos From i done Chllders returned' yesterdsy afternoon. fpmAshlaBdwliither he want last week te wjag ' ajs auto, which has baa&.ta Ashauad for l -i-iLit -isii'V "ira.swi-' ., . (several anwi. -w - ; -v MAiiiiivi aaijfcaaiaet nfllllllfl HlflUlH DUMiMA mmn IS BADLY HURT! CLOTHING CATCHING FIRE FROM KITCHEN STOVE MRS. BRE8H EARS RECEIVES SEVERE BORN. IS BETTER (Herald Special Service) BONANZA, May 3. Mrs. Tom Breshears, who was badly burned la her kitchen Friday, la much better today. It waa thought, for a time that her wounds might' prove fatal; but advices today are thatahe la on the mend. Mra. Breshears was bend ing over the kitchea stove when her dress caught Are. She screamed for help, and Mr. Breiheara, who -was splitting wood la the back of the bouse, rushed In and pat out the blaze, though not until hla wife had been considerably injured. Glenn E. Gibson and Anna Sterail of Horsefly, were married Friday at the parsonage here by Rev. Hall. MEW NURSES FOR t LOCAL HOSPITAL TWO ARRIVE, FROM THE NORTH TO TAKE UP WORK, AND AN OTHER IS EXPECTED .WITHIN A VERY FEW DAYS . .Within a few days there will be a regular staff of three nurses at Black burn hospital. JU1 are to be gradu ate nurses, and they come here high ly recommended. Miss R. C. Rogers, who U a grad uate surgical nurse from BeUeYue hospital, where she also took post graduate -work, is the new head nurse, and will be in the surgery. She was tor six years superintendent or the Walla Walla general hospital, and comes here 'after four years service at the Hoqulam hospital. Miss' Roiters was accompanied here by Miss E.-C. Schierenburg, who is a graduate ot Washington University hospital at St. Louts. The third new member of Superintendent A. J. Lyle's staff will arrive in a few days from Hoqulam, Wash. She Is Miss Catherine Mclntyre, also a graduate nurse, Negroes Protest Against Flha . United. Press Service NEW YORK, May 3; D. W. Grif fith and H. E. Atkins, managers otj- the film play,. "Tho .Blth of atNatlon, appeared In court today for a hearing to decide whether or not the por trayal ot the film-may continue. The national association for the advance ment of the colored people, has In voked the law In an effort to bar' the sensational dramatisation of "The Clansman." "-' . AppcaiUx, Removed. ; .. . ....-... i.s..ii u.i.i , J-.-i.iwi.-i'iSi:-"' Julius aprogue ot.unuog.uin wa)ean uumbctw, , ,.,is""sips;y git yesterday operated upon at Black- burn hospital tor "appendicitis brDrs-lfor Hamilton and White, Two More High The county high, school board haa Just secured; two mere Isutructbrsior next year's staff at the Klamath Coun ty High School. Tkeir accepianees of poalUons offered them have Jast been reeeived. " ' -' ff , Mtos; .Lucille Marshall, wko has Beea,head of the Bagllsh dHrtt of'tha Medford High Ssaool, trill b'ave'that posltloa karo W U, graduete of'-a UilTerrttjraf 'o,a. gon.1 aad?hasds: tkrtt, m eatra Btuilyaratnka.'UalvarMiyofOaJs. iwam., ,. . . ffvUZZSi- The other saw "iMtnseesf'-M-: ti L'B- mfMwrr, te, VldaughtrotCaB4ata.O.-0.:giaese,aTeTasaBBSBa daughter otCajHiala.O.xCv '&wt:rtmm ''hiili km t.'mri I IIIIIIIII l I'IsTL'I.V.; , v-'H-. y,v- &.& ' "!-. ikuudlc uruu r.sSSmffjSfa ifVJS j inrrR QWINU &&. ranai bVbI a Wt I -y.ii,B ?:natm$s?. OF U. S. '&-. mm m inunnan,mn' U UllilM -iri.'.Si!'-I nuniiiwiiwwx.. mm , ,,T7i'?3 . M.MMKIMMnm.mmMW, JHf' wi &&" i j.. ,-.& . .' - . .'.. v?( -:.f5'l Though Aaarica-Fl Wrr;i.ws- wr, v: i" ,'.1 miacHoaaiy Waa BIowbv.Vb Oat SeWf i : ' 4 Pateted;"e $fmtfwm B&SisBBBBBBapJi' if' mmtvtiuf' by a Sal - ,'4 inginl Alia Maara Tmm. Atimrkmi AmolUm Ymmm.tiPi-mjl ",JV, . j:,-ii?uzjrjt v !1V J(, fc3e onlieiCPrees Sar'v.te WASHINGTON. i ;; -. .feTfa . ' ' ' vJiSSS .IteOllfafe'iSISfc One of the gravest sitiu'tteaaJfer.tBaiMjcl WM unun oiaioa auscertaa i the war, has beabrugAt:aoui;ar: thA tnrnfldoiu frf.-fh"nliv1.BMiil:S'M unker;fflhofc,gVfail ortB sea wtaroay. , -ajfaf tf&inxft&tm mm Mi . l j .i --. . . - :. " ' 5'T':i3 M ,.- ii ....-.wa..-.., i-'-..:i:.-i auo Bvaifl Hgnw iimit9I fi-auitr irom ibv uuiN,auHtrissii:; at Plymouth, Ulllag of , taa aalr,:ti; and stating that the eeptala: dledio;' heart 'failure. ad tmttj.w;,iii crew' wera''drowa.'Tliaaw;twkli ty-four were savedaad.theyvaassl. jg3? though badly battad.sUliaiat'3, Patrol boata art trrwmm- KtiikaMl Sclliy. ' ' 'The sut..d.parta adsslts" ts:;;-rV the. situaUon, is Tery,ertoms.Tae :;-- German.emaassy, usuallrafr0 :?-?; fend any actio oa'taaiart of -;Jar53 -' .'..-jr..-'-J. w.v-yi K-ag? upon the OulfliiittaitoatASI ' 'biji i;i.iiVtAftBa2r.feSf! vwuM . tmwmvmbvmwz.mmmmm''r Stataa trainr fhSriitar -iiaasraSI""'"' by, Oenaai ttrlg . cuss these twoalrs. . It ta'ssavetast that he wma)b:p-rsoal'saargv'aa the incident is Ue'Wt;UuitIuwM curred siaca ttat.war sUrtaatiySx . -r.- '-;''- . l-.--' n ?" J"-"-Jffi.3VE I secretary or state Bryaa. anaeaac-:j31 demand a report frwn'Oetiasay; on. -rf, the tdrp1otaf"AiiMfailiUsliiSl It Is hi.llvA ht.it. riZimmmaitil-i&J.i .. , .-,...,,-, .-fmmj?i-m.fj. iry io excuse me uuiiiisniaHacB.'OBYv the ground that this was to prevent., W me ou irom reaening mo aiuea. xaiS'.ii will be as hard'ta condOM aaUl 41 attack on the Cushlng. "Both 'vassals ?1 U- .i. 1 i " m i.ii-i'l as to nationality :patnted':o"7,ot Sides. ..' .' 5.'ir V v&BlSI .The stata dftB&rtauat has iaatrat?l ed A'nbundor neraril" to:lfoir'lfcKjg I Germangovernment ipt 'the- ."CssiJiiji r- . i.."7 7-rl TT-.-.-T-i'v J attack, and demaad mbrejdeUtlo, ' - ' - v-' 5- V . j. ! i Hotel U n Hod Press" Service HOUSTON; Tex.. May : m-Zv't: ; .,,.w,.a a&ih&3imm WwmiL . Z.Tvv'uZ - :av:3 hual MnvenUon of Ue Anwrieai Ho-:p tel Protectivp AssocUtio;ot'tt"llJil& ed Statand "Canada wlU'-BVltdM here;and in Qaivesfon and Dallas, De'- ginning today and niiMMiUvftkm Dennttionoi thewora "aotei";wuj oa v.l nnn of thn main tnnlea nadar ' ,--" .' 2.Tl.-i-'.?.1Vi, ., . , ,vT,Tta. ion. iv,. syw!--' ."; 'iffravV -"" .-.- "- t . ' ,',k '. Ji?ixj&fc.l J. J. .. -. , -...lir. y.,' TiLts viey, waq oaaessJa.,raai-i. garage at .Fort'JKlassaWiaftttjjiwg MM'MiM .here,, , ,,,., &ife .vajjfe SSSBBBBBaHBBP. . J f. Named mSLWm MOlll ' - - i s-,.: iwr . :i j. .' - S,JW t j$tf? t!2$&m&( '' - W..teWmf338Stl SBBV - C 7" BSB) . BBS BSB1 s 'A . BBS BBL aiopi r mm 's; ' , , 3'St-'3iK and is.a gradut'otjKlaBs4sltsBij.' ; HlShV School.' ': WHlMmlM'mimmltW I : ' . . -vi r -t-.i- " ' t - . . " AppWfate.,wbwwMva;aaTajaa 1"! ! . . ". '-''' h r i V'-r -.--." j .-T1 MIUII u,MrMH ;.i".iss""'.. x staflnUhlsgheyetaU. issTveralty. . i has taught with saasaas mm?-.: :? rf 'iiiMk'ta,itui m ! aiwrti '- i IKfftW M1 .. p. Y.vi imym ..p..;', ..vSes- these. ;eBar MMeJK u the staff aliaaay,ilad aal f.V.tH.?J 'tSSM ; B- " ""ai' rVJlT l ill' Glr f'iSrHV! mm rtfrAt w.irm mmm IflSj? W- & s.