"X.-C?',' u'' if -:vVjL -i' . .v t, 3fcie'. Vtiif . -Vi ; -SS WiTAWRi-ifen". ; -jSl "SMWBMMtfi- -44iigife .'T . JVi'ttwriWi . KLAMATH FALL4V BaaSMMM ,.' iy ''Vjvgy'' -,f OFFICIAL NEWiPAPER ,','A irygyAy Rg ,;.- flBBs ISBBWBBBBB? -- . jj., V '.- Afjf BJ.'i "asQaTI 'aBB SM ''BvAw If gaY rrrrI mmmmm sBBBBtfaxflL H H bbbbbTbbbbbt H LrrbV i&ueittitg iitral0 11IJ .' I'i'pjSt.irtw No M . . ' PK STILL KING SHELLED Y THE GERHnUlS M ,. f i?! .. "-. 'A 9 " I.- .v E9f" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1915 Bernstorf Again Heard Of MORE horses QmiouTinoi : rmmm8& t.,,t, ..",.. 'j ".. p fr- Ambassador Warns YanketsNot to Sail lor Europe' IH HOT I.V THrijEAHT. KII.V FIBM,.,V i ." Am it Town nail, TIik;' . MtMtnil l'iUHn, Are lttulMl , Jl AMt k In Prussia, & Mart"'! i '-'' at .iwhiht I'umi mui ! f liftii)' IhMHSgce In Willi ttsrtr ' l'11 tMM'k Legion. m 'Uk I'ibm HurVlw i MRLIN, ly l.-r-Th, war offlci Millr nnnuunce thUt Iht bura Itriaeat of Dunkirk continue. I Tka big rum are balng uaid ln( tkttballlni of the cltr. Many of tho j MMtMnlnch ahalla ar ImIdr inlti from tlio fJoraaaD ioUlontJ u'Ia tttA IK Tbrtft allied nvlalora, on a recon MittrloR (rip, war forc4 to land litMe the (Ivrmaa Hbm aftar bolim ituekod by nero-RUa. Thay warp nttnred. la tho eitirn caaapaiRB, flghtlnR UtMn the aerraaa i Ruaalann hai Iln born raauaad In aaany Tka KuMlana holdlHf fcwala lad ttm the town after aettlat Ir to It , Ttwr wro pursued by tke Oeraaaa, . al 1,000 worn UkeeV rriNtm.. iTha IluMlana are MtklRg Tlgoroui AMtacki around Pteek. Thus far, ttkwa attack hare keea eeeaefully naalaad by the Tavteu. A atronx latlom of Ceaoackj aur- jid a Oerman foreo at Ancwtow. TNy routed the OtnMM aftef ra UJbr heavy, damacte Ib their caarRea. FALLS UNDER A STAGEUNHURT MF.ItltlM, MAX ATTIIMITIXO, TO 0 KltOM o.VK VUHICLK TO AX milKU FALLS UXDEIt WHKKI An is m; ovkr RtH RRfffffffffifffffffffHH W Ra4 rBh RtH RHSBiHk'r! IXiwkiRRRRVitalml aflaSaHal S0U6HT FOR WAR HKNVKIt MK.V ABB HKBB UVYISQ tJAVAIiltV HTBKDH, WHICH THBY WILL HELL TO THK BEL. MOKHKNTS I 11 KfclilnK horsos HiillHlile for artll lory and cavalry purposes, TIIIkoii & ' TrlfHtor art here from Denver, look Iiik to hcc wlmt Klntnutli county men have to offer. Tht-y have iilready purchased a niimbeVof heart. It In re-' roiled. " , These men purchuue the nulmu'U ' r.li gin fnuii tl.fs(ockiiieu and the' faraera. They ahifi them to Denver, i and Hell them to the. warring nations, J or In open niarketrtk the demand for, Kfiod horses arises - A CRUEL MOTHER DESERTS FAMILY CHILIIKBN LEFT EXPOSED TO THE MOORS OF THE 8TOHM WHILE PARBXT HEEKH HHEL TEK IX WARM HOUSE One .of the moat flagrant cases of oin'tlie ilWnlls of it iiieiMiKo between (iuiiiimiy mid the fulled States, and If it lit found tbut he acted upon his own volition In thin matter to prevent 'people from taking pannage on tho . Mituinnia, it is pobkioio unu m re-i,he heartless deaertiom of helplesa ....... ..1 ...III I (..n.l t... .!. ITnll I . ... . iiu.mui u ivijuvpivu, iuv w..v- cniidren by an unaatural mother was . ' ...... t brought to light In this eity yesterday evening, when a Klamath Falls cit izen found two children of very ten der age crying from the cold, and fright In his back yard., . The liunatural mother of the un- I iiinunaie. cultural wan msooverea ib ! n nanrtif rfnmlnlljk mrv tnimtnrtmMm United 1'iesu sioivke NEW YOUK. May 1. In addition to the warnings printed in the papers, pi oinlnent. people Intending to sail on the l.uitltuiila today received anony- mnua ti.lfttrriimu w.irnlnir thnm thlltn Two views of Count von llernstorff, the lirltlsh liner would be torpedoed i "Hunted, and apparently perfectly Herman Ainlmmuidor n the Vnlteii nllll unk, a number of strangers at'contented' wlth no thought for the Hlatce. 10 ,,,,,,. aUo crcUntoa similar re-!su,rer,,,K of her chlldrea. No argu- WASIIINaTON. I. C. May 1 ports. t mcn. couW persuade her to go back Count von Uornstorff. Oerman am- Nu "K w cancelled, how- " 'her suffering little ones so the baaaador to the United States. I. ".d cabin Hat Utho jau iiKiiln thrown HtronKiy into tho lime- "nw1 ovor "'Pieu. ii i unuer IfKln. this tline through tho medium MM,d tlml "oarly 30n ,C0lll Hal,ed loony on liners. Kxtremo caution Is being takou to examine' all bnggago brought aboard. Klbort Hubbard and wife, Selfred Vanderbllt, .Charles Frobman and Cliurlcu Klein uro among the Lust tan In passengers. (Heiulil HperUl Mervkt) MKRIULL, War 1. Toga aHaford. Maateupting to jump from tin eroam n truck to tao Merrill ataaje truck mttrday noon, fell uaderthV wheal I "a stage. Though Ue ktad wheel i at tae stago passed ovor Urn, aaldo ,' ioiiio bad brulsea and tcratchea,' was unhurt. ft I) bolloved that h. slipped In Mme tnnnnor after he hopped from tie. creamery truck aid before he wuld recover hla balance or the stago mld stop, h0 rim Mtk tho wheels. --.. little of advert Isementb "warning Amer ican that they travel to and In Eu lopo ut their own risks," which ap peared In this morning's papers In N'ew York and other largo Eastern cities. Tlieeo advertisements, siguod "Uer- man EutbasN," promise u big sensa tion. lrlnco,von llntsfeldt, counsel lor nt tho' embassy, explains that von Ilerniitorff prepared tho notices himself. He did not stato whether this was at Germany's requost. "Thosu wn ruing are to avoid trouble for Americans," was the word glvon out by the orabaasy. "The first was given February 1st, and this Is n, repetition, tho purposo being to let Americans know It Is bettor to salt under their own flag." It is believed than nn Investigation will bo mado by tho United States omelnls, Itccently, von UornstortT roused tho administration by giving and cared tor them, for he night, At the same time, the aforesaid cit izen still thinks that d n hen ought to liavo her neck wrung. iHEPPE AT LAST SECURES FILING ..IFTEIt MEYEN YEAItS AXO KXD-! . LESS DIFFICULTIES, HOME. ' STEADEH IS IX POSITION TO HKCOME A FARMER SMALL FIRE AT ! MILLS ADDITION German Socialist Fights Militarism i . - . - aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhBBBBBw RRRRRRRRRRaBBBBBBW IllllBllllllllllV .BBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBw. dRRaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPSsgaSBBBBBBB BBBE 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM'.iST'ikaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB B rrrrrKrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBTrrrrrrrrrrrrr sbk ;ssbbbHsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvsYsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 BB RPfRRVJ-V RRRM ' Sllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 9B ;Rgf ??Bf ' ..rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrB ; 8 M mm 'wBSSSM ' i B ISOalSRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSlllllllllllllV 1 k SlgRBWJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHia m IUJgWmmmmTaHgaViRRRRRRR mmmml MWCT-ammmmf EmmVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml rrrrH K lX.MlfmmmmammmmmmmB I 1 lRKlRRRamlmml I Wi PI-l'''mmmmmmmW.:smmmmmmml ami W llMrRRRRRRRRRRRRRlmmmmmmmmm! ffii:zrth,RLittz?? sviamm'ri'iBsmmmmmlP'' -'-lsmsw ' KasMmV' lfniTjsmmlRRRRP' ''??5ia' ' GRIFFITH 01 WILL BE FOR .r;. MA rr-u m -jmfiM wssm . ". r. w.iwav MWW'sir iirfll I wsmciKmi WtW&r'fZiS!WK9 1 rfw6)i'l I -WCTV.!j, 1 t?xsmm nvb nmiimiiiaiw Hill IfflllHIIN I"'f5Swi ; r ' uiiii camps ami.: n!ivnHi?r'riowv.5-;v . - . :' TlMtP'1-" Steel 1'Utes for Oatee nd WUI Be DuliHed But About Ttrrutv'Mm WaH-t'tWiJ '. " ' -"". ': . .Xi8&m3t& '.vfc?'..yi.'rJJWJW(Ji. I nld O by Thfci Eveathaa; ;lWief -5 .-- r ;WiJ'.fv,-JW4'J Cem'hWtVto THitiiir?- rearrkl tto.a,lBia)fe1f Clicck .'; .', Vi&SM&&iSSSSS. .TUta. AiimMmEQ$ffil88tK ": r " ' ' ':z&gm8&m. Mbijday waterS wllVjfuraml o water users uBeer. tBe yK lamatnagy; project wao jive sear- Merrill uiMffcjswiSM,' UV.',.,N.lJ t harifflTh Ur.t ' -Thi?iViir'J.'iiiiaWSl lerglhg this waterway from MZassJsasil ond-foot to a-190-aecond-foot yiaSSSWfiStK '"'?r-ri..-wLi? Ity .Is completeC.today, vwlththife ceptlori of the InSltatlonyofaVM of ;the. 'steel gate "w&$mW' minor finishing.- ,f -&&?&: $V$$$i$W' i " - ..l1 .' .. r.- wm W. Sweeney's outfit &ufffim men and ninety-four head Ut&hmm - i"! i - .- -r r-js. wie'--i j-' m beeat4?fs(iiJ ba8 J. fifty horses, and mules, which working force accbuat-for nation service; finished' work - tuf ' .1-, ; r " J.j,riry -. j money. Tho gang of Itty meaih?v. with 100 liead ofhoi haabMmiHSVKi smfrm Ployed at the Stukel Brikk1.kn de'r Con' Murphyaiso flnlshedjtftiaj'a?'! 'and this evening two thIrdstbfttmPi: sixty rmen.used, atihe '&4$&js3 camp under ElmenSmtth will -fee ldl,4i off, the minor. ..Karl LehjdtMcbi; remwnoer,.jB(asT;titept.:ir:Ji;; 'niUunmimm4M.fMmm . The'enkU3watrthmidRehjwsA'A ' commeaeedtlCsrek 1 0.1;aifeat&ih time. therr.hsihiwHvili? KnritlebkaehVagk'ssJwtVlti'tVmlgbr irman mllitartsmrln th'or Reichstag katcht-takes he'poaItlqB.'or!theSoln.the;nelghBr --v -5!T55 Is a war agalnst'German.mllltar- lateral, enables thatTcanaItojr1ltll But this is not "the, case.. ,0ejpart6f.thfimwviunora dlates that view and attrlbutestbe. soutir rueagAltkMtiitd Ixihe fBiiaattjrtfafeMil fc?E;ri?Spfl iaiBiniTifi wypwe i"p jjt WOODSHED AT POTTBR RKSI. DBXCB CATCHES FIfB, BUT A BUCKET BRIGADE PUTS THIS OUT IN VERY SHORT TIME o Election tt 4 . ' w''" the annual cltyelwtlav to ,nca Monday, r there stems to be I'tMo interest iskait In 'the out come, noro a soaae campalgalng S,,0m of Wrta by' rivals, for fWncllmanic pesJtlitji but R' others re is tt great qtttt; eag4i4.te "MrentJy conaldariif hlamelf eUeted. Over tho AnlYMHMeriae "endment th.re Is some UteVest .'fea 2wb. There ta.msthpersoMl Jlng being dow by be?Md .T " tne WJMftthW.gsa - .' .s.' fri. a-." -KS.w.wLt n i v " , JH to be eks,:;jP1fie l D vi.Vt. '" T?wslt1lgta)ai p i "MSS Wo all know E. M. Heppc, Lower Klamath Lake homesteader. Soon he U to bo Farmer Hoppe, for after sev en years of effort no has secured a tiling on his homestead on the Lower Lake, two tracts containing 120 acres and located seven miles south of ! Midland. Heppo worked for four years to get n filing on tho forty acre tract. Three more years were roqulred to get a (llliiK on the eighty acre tract, and itita lina liiat lwut anAiiss1 Tha lenila Third ward has four candl- """ "'"""-- 7; ....-. These uro Councilman John Interest in the Next Monday Fire of unknown origin threatened the destruction of the woodshed at John H. Potter's residence In Mills Addition this afternoon. It was ex tinguished by' men. of; that, section with buckets before 'the damage was of any consequenco, and before the Are department could respond to the alarm. Councilman Ben S. Owens, who Is a victim of heart trouble;' overexerted himself In running to the ire. The result is that he will b laid up at his home for several days. Tho dates, H. Hamilton, Clarenco H. Undorwood, I, R. Strublo and J. W. Tyrrell. A. D. Miller and O, J. Zlnk ure out agulnst Councilman Owens In the Fourth, and In the Fifth, Councilman Lockwood, strenuous one "Tho land Is worth It," says Mr, lleppo. "I Intend to go In tor wheat tameVCounonman M. R. Doty l,k'21!!'1 ll?VV IUSIP 10 MV HBIIVI piKVU IIIMI this one. I, have It. all fenced had under cultivation." Builders Hope for Peace. United Hreaa Service r " - CmOAOO, May l.-oTaumber of n hkaaim An to ti 1 1 h oft i vm ftl'Ava nv tot . wero partly. In tho bird reserve, and . aJ ib,,A.iUM ' ,.,. partly withdrawn by the reclamation! iJ7j ---..'ft7TTLar.ii- service, so the Teuton's battle was a1ThomBS Wttmii hMJ of iho Duld- lug' Trades department, are hopeful Oerman has brought on him the attention oflclallsts of France and Belgium that the world. His defiance of the-gov- this eminent In December when the kaiser Ism.' demanded popular support In financ-lrepu ing tho war brought him into viothq war to the desire of capitalists 'of j.lhg tne flow; lent, conflict, not only With tho Ger-'j!) ureat nations for new markets and and ellmtaatlss: ... . . .. ...!. ,, . .. i ;. ,, , .. -- . -., .' , -.. '-iZ.T'-'i-i.J'- man raiiuarisis, out wun bocibiisib 01 .new ueius 01 mvesiuieui. motwiver, numg mo wiuui Brancn? his own, party. W. E. Availing, writ-! he favors. Immediate Ing in the Survey about the fight in would undoubtedly mean the reichstag, had this to say: 'tho status quo which 'He declared that Germany for the war, another point on which the watwr all lands lying undrtheAsM'fif I many years' has been 'the accomplice .socialists of France and Belgium ,casl bywaterJdrs,fi"C;Rlv. nt pvavkm .nil tha mndnl nf nnlltlrnl .urhnlil nnt txtrrtn with htm TflA 1m Ar A ttlA S1IvavCa .'AMiwVttaatMtmM -.. a ArL Tjj&i . ...... - ...w. .-. -. .-... . ... ,..- . j . ,.--,, '- backwardness; that the war was in nortanco, of the. stand taken no sense a war of defense, but was fknecht and the German socialists! 'n.utunllly fostered by German and i support blm lies in their readiness tout from use during 'the' peace.- wntcnt along tne nixnemtenlciBf natM'oa-r.M - i T- ,,... . :j r: i , . . r.zi.t isr.-wi'iar a return to t ther 16b iarne. - w5rKffiW8H&TS existed before ' The Griatb Jateral "as enlarsjs .will Al'3?5 Z-'4i f.fS sfSil WtrMf I by Lleb-ffroai the BwUn.caaalThtowMJialffl aUsU that j mlt tbe 'diversion chanp'el'r tpieatX. mm Austrian war parties In the darkness M enter Into an immediate life and J months., and therebr th4 sroMasa,'Bf of semt-absoiutlsm and secret dlplo-iteath struggle with tbe German rul- drataage M ti)tiaafw!' macy in order to steal a march on Jin? ches, taking full advanUge of. thef be greatly reuced.ltli'wellta tho adversary.' critical-moment." fttj to " ' ??wlil'MWi: - . , , , , ....-"I sissi .enannei aurmr t-WNf!wrjm&&WS& j ; son; is a serious detriment tarflisroMt M7&SS imm i " lWeSWB5-WW BMNS'ir.BSsW5S4S; .folncludoieoVBsm Lske:fand.jBithe;rstife tend rt6:fuw'coMVfriiM,t.-Tstem.wklch-wini'si-W'iUla& REVIEW BOARD ON JOB SOON EXGIXEER SAXDERS IX FROM LOS AXGELKS,SAXD THE THIRD MEMBER, IS EXPECTED MOX DAY'FROM BERKELEY New Steamer Servie'BeghM, CnlteU I'resa Service NEW YORK. Mayl,-r The flrstTslble steamer for San Francisco, via theyrule Holland-American .line; Is .scheduled jthus to leave here this afternoon. More aton'systsm.wh than 4,000, passengers were booked .board of mtewjn .thVBrWtws'M by thte lne preliminary to Inaugurat-f With, thesnewiani' JR4MnsWW Ing ,!tp service frpm.Burope to therPa-J.nrea.pt tije flrsunlt ;Willil4eS cine Coast metropolis... The vessel Is 1 2.900 .aeree. tht tiVriiirtilT,4y SW'. j... - it i-;i. -, .. -.'t-: -.- ' r -r '- A7ZT77irrryim uue at me uomen uaie May .xin.;oi cosu over the largerysre',sMs,rTtStl ine next one win leave in tnre, ied to direct advantastonStt.Bltai "wt lc unoa m lae awwiDutwn orcoit,:Ti ' : - V - i-j4'-v)(xatM "V-v. , , . uyMaytaa t-l rf -h: j t. i'.uw 7 Ei"r. a 1 . Z iffiW&8&&m&&ffll i'srm-i afw hbs h BBi , . i.v' ' -it-ji-u ".'i JlTT-J tUllI'-.f-M ( ItiAtfAM ' lAkMaAWMSlalM& IflCVIIII IIKIIIHIHS IIS ,: m?T,'mim tmmmm -ww wm.m ('Hitmimmr.'i.-ftii'i'AfSli I ' A nnovafmn f a I fnmn f fiyvgu aTHH.,HaHinaT .'.'-'' rra ' maMsivaam awt frtd Lofgren are all out for the '. ,Tiie polla open at 9 a. m. and close Ui. p.m. The ward vptlng places arsW follows! v First Ward Bank Exchange, r igscoiid Ward New city frail, Third Ward-Greeley plumbing shop, a i rourih Ward Bath bouie. ; Falrvlew. that a peaceful continuance of, previ ous relations will bo.malntalned ns a result of the recent cfsjfereee. May lco Tonlglit. ' Thore .is every reason to expect a big crowd aud a fine time this even ing, when Henry Free opens the Pa vl)tlon , as a dance, hall, The ftoor baa bees put into perfect condition. , and a tevsn piece orchestra, will fur nlah tho bast of muale. MrWsrls l!hlud Press Service' ' - ' NEW YORK, May I. Consumers of electriolty served by tk New York Hdtthm company. aTespMssi;thoae in the old town of Klnsajkrldta, will have their lighting sost "reduced from 10 peats a kllewsitWll .' The csmpany. bowevsr,vWlU. Wpsr. itiM w eaaraw for items Mmps, Ths asw rat joes into ssiest todfy, ... '..JMa-k-Ci: L' t K BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBU L.M.- -" If &-aBBBBBBBWBS?l X V . m lRlir With Abel Ady of the Water'lisers Asoclation already on the Job, Con sulting Engineer rW.j H," Sanders of tj, tne reclamation service nere irom i.os Angeles, and word received that Mr, i Etchevery, instructor In Irrigation r at the California university win De here Monday night, to take up. jiis duties as a disinterested, party, .the, . board of review will nexttweek begin ,', , , ,j . ,- a reViow" of thS eXDenalturesanrior-i l J.ed HOrlce tlonmeaU, etc., on this project since' OHAMPOEO, Ore,, May Its Inception. vseventy-second . anniversary of theaa4 i nw w.orK is vpong carriea on on ,wim oi uresjon 'was oeieemea all the reclamailort, projects. The. here today bypioaWs' from.aU parts data una secures will be used in re-;0 . -ttt Jt ? 5 &'? appertloasMate. etc. whsjavsr it to, Tne;mitf0Vti. osomeVt tHer: : "Mr, Ady. Engineer Don J. Zumwalt aaavrauae . uoseooom nave ,oeen working, hard for,, several weeks, jet (lag the data her la shape tor the re. vlew.boad. ." 1 & Wale DsssmIssse. , ,..r't . "fi'w.w-rii 'J. Kkij&xiiSs'i.ki: .-v.lSfe't RRRBHRRU 'MK&&&vm. tofcLl-J!V?ijfr J " ; yo if i j..-- rtrn triJiTJj-. rirx'-'v- YBK .fTSKyf "ffKCTCy-i pSl-'e V fcT S , rfJ' N.l JtJ. - " ..., "if ; i ,ivl fs? HafTtiir a " "'ii.'-VsM. A 4w f.' "- ii-j.j:-. ' VHIsVaH- TTaHff :u4ff .eftsippwiiiMint ihairedioltf msAaad. them'B.Ud.yswhtheOrii- gen t err Itory was considered "spwiM and .remote" from ,;Washbtonr' the 'Ma'tof '. American , governsientr that' Mny'statesmen balla,.tlni'(eagi- Wi hrAi, i ' VV u . ,V.r. I 3 ". ' .i 'r..1 .., ' i av . t . ,iii "( Mt was at Champoeg where a sasaal T ."- '.J " ' '- tl " ' .' - group-oi stser arttf. voted id,;,becoine':a , part"'otitaiUal(ii,v'. i-r "j-- ..r - - - .vfcijiiA-', . .--.y-i-i .-ana not oi uanaas,iiy.w'Vw' ; toftke tlmetw-tttilasisWlw" & ', . ". , . ,: adliitlbi.(MaiM aibeljfgl'saai' "y"v" 1 '"-rn iti-TiHBBm ai ;' ,..?fl SSSSSsftUBK ly; walked cr:Me-s saasa sssd, ' ,vi JrMPi,Piia Tl sa si TIM assVV ftf gagRRRssRRRM Ian bbbb1b j ' ..i."'lVTM .iin , r M--:iJi4MM qr:.BaBiaiSeijatS .a .sHa. jMssgasibaht -V 1 ui -sjufcrr 'WKMfc let. . : 'SrR'Mi isrssrai y aU as seuMrg, , .... aayaesaiea ta is ansraeea..-v - f-ttwoyssrssgo, aaa wna;a awMrnr ar lureaoa-la tfea naluSL - - - .!. 'M 5 - .? f"r--. rt-C '.- --,"" -- Vi'IJ.A2 J .' ..'" ". , I .!, i" 'ai.m ti . 1iMIit - .i tt t,'i. I- W. "7 l.IiC-..- """l' r ' " .. '