'msm?; rf-j 'Vwfc ''.? j ,.? r J i.j i ilii-; . W1., ?v L"sf r ' f " T tf. " 44 ,i i4 -$H -A f j KLAMATH lfc; .. J M A'M .Mi - V", , "..! .i a5- . KLAMATH COUNTY I.OFFICIAL NlWiFAMtK 7 iHfifV OFFICIAL NtWSPAW Ks : rrf; iry-u?v" r )V, '.'fWdl-. ' " 7 f J-'TRK - ,v; st$u&t , . ic V f . -.,EIi'Ti t .W , 1 - - (M-u ap iTt rtlA.&?&- ' '"V1, I 'J . v . $ -wi mm rpjii(-"! SPiIm &SiTi T rVu flulTlflU i r a r ii.iiiiiim KXAMAT11 FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, lt!5 :& Rt? ill TUC TIUC !M ALL I ML MRU ill WmCTAKV KIKBT MACK PROM Sx". J?M HAN rilAMMMVU STORM IS SEVERE OFF PACIFIC COAST 3CE35T I- Greatest Terror of the Wat, the German 42 -Centimeter Shot !$p MUCH DAMAGE IKI.VE IIV IALE that ih hwiximmi k i han cikto' am) vicimty - i wo 'hoym i:i,i:ctiw)('iti:i) 1ri1'r........nt of Klamath Ksltsbk' s ; f " rtrs jjltr" It l He, liM Ttot (l I il((tl I'lri'P' -fMllf BAN PIIANCIHCO. April 30. Two (kUlltlix, umti)' Htnull (ik8()Ih iIiiid rtt .ViMntM lit AWlUo Of HwHyfag,,,!, ti-lottliono nut) t.onrili lrc-n SK'ff Kvcryblr-0M lo Uek.ITOiir.ieU. fiou.wnn .m.nago to oil. 'H i Jw lrirly unm up tho roHUltn of n lHf,l .. t.j.ni- ... --1 oroitrated. 1200.000 ilnuiiiKo to oil.- '&vl? w'1, l,r"lr'y unm up tho roHUltn of n !ff f Utrmluiv, Mte., RwrlJiUe'iitorm ttint Ih wihiIdk Hnn Knin- JC .. '. cUcb nnd vlrlullv. Tho Htorm Iiiih 1?" " , )l)wm rngB for twi.,uy.f0r h0llro riV-5" '-- ' j John OhhIbd nnd Walter I'etomon, ' V r . I-? v no lUetM',wo,,c',00' 0'i " l'Ctrocutcd by p. innvu wire. witumtii county kM ff.. n.nf.ma.Pelle MMMrillOB. atld t K ",v tLTtiblblt from tier Is ot '. T,, l'"f ll,lor I'enimyUnnla. 1 'Sin n. tho ililMU of moit of "' "" X"110' ""h10"" 'nTolbfr )roo eomitlM. A Reed. "'" ""rducf nnd Kr.,.t anxiety I jlwrmmmlio Utlc at the Kl.m- ' r i.rr khh-,,- itt county uootn wm u ii Jl to nmho up for thwe nhortcoro- W by tt'lllnc peopl of thin icctlon, Ml itnincrhiK InqulriM from Inter . ttttd itcmonit paiwlnf the booth." Tbli Htatoratnt w mdo by Hoc " rtUry Frd Fleet of Kliimatli Chum- "Ibtr of Commerce, who returned Ut "sight from the exposition. Ho wm, BIG ORDERS FROBfl WARRING El IS mi thi-ro to re-arrsage the KlaauUtt iiklblt, nnd to briag back a report on , iMTTHIll'ltd lf,A.TH IIAVK HK- 'i1.mhh)hU MillitUM k : , IBVIUUHI m MMVwimm ww- Fleet hni movea tae exniou o a. kt between the tmoktag room and Inception room. aa all eaterlag these ilmmtl naa tli xklkW U OMUtlUl a CUIIKII CONTflACTH VitU Tllllt-! TV JIII.I.IO.VR' HTKKL WORK WOHTI! or mco thirty feet la leagtb, aad has bcea neatly arraagtel. Besides this, tkere are Klamath eouaty seeaea all t,(tu , Vlw snltt. orsr tno oregoa miMiag. ineoe) ar li'r-.v. l a . .J .If .a OAJM-i un.wwi"iwajs' .- " w" "- " Jln the absence of a representative; W tbe Klamath booth, Mr. Fleet had a number of placards printed, telliag tuts about Klamath 'eouaty acreage, Uritlon. products, timbered area, Irrlritlon works, opportuaitlss, ate. TlMse ere answers to the e.aeeUoas tsoti frequently askod. ' - P1TT8MJUU. April ao. Three '" KUwttli Russia as theJ oftclals of concerns with plant In this city. Tho Pressed Steel Car company an nouncod the receipt of an order cars and abrapnol, and from unofficial sources It Is learned that there Ih a $30,000,000 contract, awarded. litiulelaaa te Gala AMw i:Mt.itiun Polo flMin Earta. Vultfd I'rcHs Service i SAN" KUA.N'CISCO. Abrll 30 Tholttllllcd Press 8er ice Psflann'Pndilo polo season which brought tosftlier wiue of the beat Pkjm of tho i:ut and West, closed tossy. I al BmaBBWBsaTaLlenBKBW3BTJaBaTaBm l9l.maP9lmmPaumaummmamaumml HBalaaHHH.malH Hpl 'lulaumaumaumaumaumaumai BilKilgtamaumaumaumaumui IHilimBM.lmBMmBMmBMmBMmMMl H laua8mCamamHamMalaHLamaumaumau uB DEFENSE HITS A HEAVY FIRING BUNCH OF LEGAL ' mum TODAY -h- : AIONf, 'j"7 BELGIAN COAST 'ftliwife vVaJW ' -vSKI - 'VrJirijTCS i-Arn.-rr.n ,4mJ'j' rf ; WSSW JUDOFTH Itl'LI-VO HUIITH KOOHE VEW Murli Argumeat by Oppoelag Attor- Uy WM. G. SHEPHERD (Huff' Cormpondeat Valwd Presa) fi '&':4 s2SayMsv Lip (Copyright 1B1B. by tbe Vaitrd Pre n. Copyright in Great Wo'.f .KI 'iKJSSSWK T"t "n. Jii 1.4. v Britata),! HEADQUARTER8 BRITISH ARMY IX -NORTHERN FRAXCS, JU &itl ?W p. in., April 20. (Via London) The great artillery battle tfee-j ne U Heard Today, la Uie Battle coloiaalgagemeBt of tbe world's greatest war, abated today.; n1 j$f$Mg bailie, wheal oace again, Field Marshal Sir, Mu FMMhV. BrHlali- forces have hold and throwa ckMdk'fsis oi tno ueteraHMa oacnairc minemeat''ttyKta,$m$m1Sa carried oa by a great Genaaa fotree. , (, ?TM,- 'iiw ntwc hhik iruBV lowr inaiaiiaiiTWBpab for AdmlMiba of Certala Evfdeace, Adjourameat Taken Uatli Monday. Many Wltaeasea to Be Called for Corroboratioas. 'tiiitteU I'l Ser vice -SYRACUSE. S. Y., April 30. Coi- Jonel RooBovelt'B defense in the f50, ilOO damage xult brought against him tj William Barnes Ji. ran Into a brick wall of legal obstaclea today. Rebuff followed rebuff for the de-' feneo In the rulings of Justice An drews. These were regarding the admlssablllty of testimony offered for ItooKevelt. and practically all ex cluded the testimony In controversy i Tliiee of these rulings by Andrews barring out evidence are regarded court attaches and attorneys as scri ouh reverses for tbe defense. TJils, afternoon court until Monday. There is a cession of witnesses here, brought to corroborate the testimony of. Roose- i m J Tlito la coaaldered an ekqaeattettKto'tiSesi.g s:- InJ Tji i- iV 'Wt flmmAnmt gSssanuaa smmirf t.1 tuaai svA atUl 1 a" amaa naa aataB4BM wmmwM cvsMSia nvxa Kansas aaaasaaBT.S'W to Calala aad tte Stratta. , " . KJSSSmSkM I During tbe terilflc fighting, tho clsjr-ofiyaiaVaitfbil fercd terrlblo daatage, aad there to hardly a'bnfldlaw tnMSi ik um ui iiih Mini aeairuyen iroHi.uw nyiag I &, .j . i Jiii".rw.- 4iti ijnitetl 1'ieis ServKis PARIS. April 30 The German, in tboir, casspaaga ,gj f in Flanders, hare truck from tlie en.slTheIr warshlaa.g.4l - - . ,- a i "". "WJvJ1ViriJ Ictii(ibs uv ww irom iHeir dam oi gf ""il "T .T 3i canvtzn Mfcm'MT.-uivfni ouotl-. '!i F".-!" II WCShmbhrnr. Mieileu ine lortiflcd city of Dankirk. fallen In i he rlty. 'Twenty personam re reported kld(k'lland ;forWiae '"Jfr Wl.nded. ' ' . ' ttbXJ& Yiietber the bombardment ban been contlnned. or by fht-t lias steamed aoatii to blieH Calala aad other, strategic pejats on, titer's rl- Trench coast has not been announced by tno government."- ' iSJ ( It is the general supposition that ,the Genaaa wnrshlpaliave ' bvrSSA;'r adlourned , seat south to co-operate with Uie German army in a new drive nan hist taa. Hi Iamw nn- L'mhkIi mi. TUi- UM..1.I l,L..lU. - M . LZr&lJf sJ13 A. Mi i$&2 jl s. jftgaVRa ngnlnst Barnes. drive Just stopped by the allien after'nwreekof hard' Moat of the French vmrahtaa Menoir' engaged hi the nacralieaat to'Atr velt, and to substantiate the charges t force the paaaage of the Dnrdaaellea. TAerefor,JktoVVi''fCll or political intrigue ne nu msaej nwttoh government will be naked toTaead ahlpn to protect AaFisaash'ooiat xins may rcswH an law giww aaragne oetwera tne wnnsa-'aaa iuiyito umi( iuihjuv nt far inai uie scrne ininet n me innm oi inn nro aaaoeaaa. - t- I . J-. ' ?2-..tf"-...J.J?-J'!t . ." L.T' . w" .T. Tr." I.... - -.';.k ,, .". ....? ?S?i.JS35&TiS?SWPVW,E'- 'i35! -fSSi jiBSifli r35.AS:i Tff' PK i-p'rf ' WING CUTS OFF 5r1Si,!rTtS tiSrtr "K FACfORY POWER tells of tlie.sfaeatag of DaakJrk aad (He BritJab fertreaa of:.IIViiwMhgBtg NEW ORLEANS, April 30, This city today la celebrating tho anni versary of the Ix)tilslann purchase 110 years ago. Much fork Ahead of Klamath Grand Jury . scorn iunn ; ?9a RtsWlAlwM itati. E.,Dolr Charged with larceny by bailbe, Sam Evans alleging he is wrongfully withholding Evans' cloth lag." Kcleasod upon own rocogult aaee, "Ray Atherton Charged with "ob taining property under false pre tenses, Released on own rocognli- At Least EightCaae WillBelnveitigated ' Next Week la.piupuratloa for the JHMuratiaisblag liquor to as minor. Out on VI tne elrriilt uu,ri k.v'Lrt..i. I k4 ' -..... w,, HW'MMMHIW, nwoty gmud jury wlireoavssu) bars today. They will dslro iaU mat wjcrlmlnar, and.wlll oompbjt IMr liberation. In oVdarto biTo" tht llual docket la skapo for trial be. 'oretlmo f((r their dlsaUaaal by Judge "Olsad. r ' Mbers of tb'gaiijHryWaV.' w- ". . u. q.'jvv,inww, wm .""ton, it. u.cdwloy.'Jamta.L. worlcy. prod Merj4raola,rrak Theic u,0 i fa l0, r4JuTa sttontlon of tka grsad Jury that ti !. n rof" to thorn by Ju follow.. V,' s" .V Cody Warnar Ohargsd with -' n to PeUrMitaffalifor Oat .f bond. ,i vtaS,vv ,,;. Jrt"wrMiWw1uir wlth Msros. waapoa (a W. Outorfk,M,t,: ,; J-"n WardiajrjWWlMi fur. wmi. UhrlaoflMi re(o support htajSUlrf oiit Besides tbeso caaes, there are oth; er bappeolugs In Klamath county that' may be looked Into by the grand Jury,. ' , r Tkere is much Intorest In the War nar affair, Tbe chief witness In this action s Uadore' Maustllahall, a youth who was also employed at tho PeUrstelaer cafe, and whom. It waa reported a abort time sfo, sought to leave v the eouatryV'so aa Mt ., ap pear, to tstrtlfy, y' . MausUlshsll did leave Klamath Palls beeauso he could not obtala employ mont) but as aeon as he so oartd ab at Lookout, Calif., 105 miles .from bare, be wrote Proiecut litgj Attorney Irwin of bis where abouts, and said be would return to lsatlfy: whenever wasted, Maustll shall earns la yesterday . aad wlU i mala Vatil t,k grad jury has taken his teatmioay; This is tho terror of tlio uar, thoi this shot. The Illustration shows tbe Oermnn 42-centimeter shot, guaran-ishot in comparison with some of those j rail iu n.ir uy iue BiruiigtMi luri bo oi iiiu rruucti Kuna. ii is un luuuea fur built. In fact, it Is believed en-' In diameter and C4 Inches long. The Riiieers have given up hope of making , French shots nro less than three a fort so strong it will hold against (Inches In diameter. ' l FIVE POLES BLOWX DOWN DVR l.VG YESTERDAY'S GALE, BUT OTHERWISE XO DAMAGE HAS BEEX REPORTED i.i'i l,b .cBssteg the ahettiag of Dankirk, e report aaya thto'waajdasiliGSS " w--.-f v mpiiiiip.. aa wvriTHa ucvnvr Senator to Receive KuffragUta J On lied 1'iess Service NEW YORK. April 30, Headed by Mrs. O. II. P. Uolmont, 500 auffra-, gluts will call today upon Senator O'Oorman in an effort to enlist his I active support for the suffrage cam paign. The suffragists will march from tho city hall to Wall street, whoro the senator's office Is lcoated. Miss Doris Stevens of tho Congres sional Union for Woman Suffrage, said that this would bo the first of a number. GRABS CAPS FROM FIRE; BURNS FACE GOVERNMENT EMPIOYE HAS A HARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH WHILE SEEKING TO PRETEXT BIG EXPLOSION 'The Klamath Manufacturing com pany's box factory at Sblpplagtoa was compelled to auspend operations late yesterday afternoon, "and the people -of that suburb were without lights until about 8 o'clock u a re sult of damage to the power lines caused by the high wind. Fire polea were carried out between here aad Shlpplngton. Aside from this, no other serious damage is reported aa a result of tbe gale. Quite a number of. small signs were blown from their hand-lags. llr)an to Talk Prohibition United. 1'ie.a Service prod ScwlUer, an employe on the NEW' YORK, April 30. William I Griffith lateral enlargement work, re- Jcnnlngs Bryan, secretary; of stato, Is I colved painful, but not serious la- slated as tho principal speaker at a ' Juries about tbe face today as tbe re tomperanco meeting to bo held in f suit of an effort to prevent the explo- Cni nogle hall tonight, under the au- j sion of a box of dynamite. The acci splrcs of tho National Abstainers' , dent occurred about noon, and the in- ... , .. ... . .I .... n.llt ! J..M.M.1 M(.n ...aa ti.llt Btflfr . IaVH n union, It uun-aevwrinn uu uuu-ijuiii-j juiuu .uuu no i"i "f v leal organisation. ' Engineer Shadier for madlcal atten- . i tlon. ' j A box of dynamlte.betng thawed .out noar a bonfire, caught "fire, 'in Kansas Shriaera at Reunion I'niU'U 1'rens Service i WICHITA. Kaas.. April JO The 8brlners of Medlam Temple gathered here today la reunion. Trap Shooters hi Tourney i tiiiA.I I'rfsfi Knrii , Vrtnlr ....... nn... f the box were a number of oaps. and . . , ,,..,. ---- -Mt0 preTent aa explosion of the dyna lowu gunners will compete with local "r . np ,.,. tha ' . of tho box. Tbe capa or their wrap pers evidently burned the man's flag- trap shooters at the Travaers Island traps today In the tenth annual tour nament for the championship of America, held under the auspices of tho New York Athletic Clubr Two Department Celebrate ( (lulled Press Service 1 NEW YORK, April J?. Tba post ers, as ho dropped tbem. As they , struck tho ground they exploded, In- Jurlng Scwltzer's face-with powder bums and bits of gravel aad oaps. (a Granted Divorce. - i ii A divorce waa todaygranted by omce and a ISmS. coisoraieu mo buuiywimmj v -,... . ... . io., ...- legeu inav ueorge arowa, ,ner nua- band, beat her, anusee. .er, ana celebrated the auniversary creation by congress Called a "Runabout," a motor- driven display rack tor atorea lareat ed In England carries goods to be' shown on the ends of arms that re volve vertically and at the'sams tlsas swing arouad a vertical 'shaft. threatened .bar-lite. Ai many' as seventy-two different kinds of wood fir used ai'tka maau facture of 'umbrella bagdlfs, oaass Case Set for Mai. The differences between J, W. De Puy and E. L, Hopkins, two residents of the Midland district, are to be hoard again in the circuit court May 8th. Judge, Noland today set thta case for trial, at that time. The case la one of several that have been tied by the .two men, seeking aettle- ment of their aeoouata. May Locate la Klamath. Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Clark and fam ily are In Klamath Falls from to Diego. They are thinking of making this section their homo. Rack to California. , A. A. Bellman and wfe leave to morrow for California agaln,-;art9r a snort visit la Kiamata raus - Hi DaFault la Town. . '- vt Bd DuFault Is la from bis lusfill Valley ranch for a few days Hesaya prospects tor a big year for Uo farm er were never better than at' present, , 1 iu-u ,H OB Tbe town of Simla. Xadta, la bailt a bill o steep that k g aiure- ilble to stop from the UnoMM of oat house to tho roof i3 rfs?rl The atatetneat also aaya tho Bri tiah and Freiich offeaslfe rf she iMS ban been.checkod. , f , ffi$$f The repnlee of the French attack north ofFiireyr vrfth4,ojiiiSt and 48 oacern lost by tbe French, la alio rlstawd. - 's'5'?: - No mention 1 made of 'the report of the raaiored 'l7rrmsn nsTal raid n ...!... H.,l. ..- - '- ii '.". i MG SV..CT UVUMM WW, X .. If X -2,i united Preaa Berrlee ?5; LONDON, AprU SO Advices from Fellxtowe and other, potato W' M niiiui n nuuiai acpjfcum pwi iHt "Jgll. snow- inni UlOj IIMSIIIII aiMHSII .,-.., inflicted bnt Uttle damage. ... Jh&&m MiiLfti Fire honsea at Ipawich were dentroyed by fire from inrnnjtarr tern, 88&I t1 li Rt lailaav. Hnl.1 ..il...ii. ,1 l.u kaJUt. " i.-." - IJ; nnart. -. Ind . lffi?J'tai35P!5 I The Britlah collier Mobile and the day la the North Sea. . " Tbe LUydale wm toroedoed o Tyae. Tiie .CTew'es'oansd wlthtma lanail&.t The Mobile waa saakroC Lewie Islaad. The crew, after sewMag alsm 'A; houm In an ram haatv --- rUnn. J-Vl 'r,'' ..VvS.i" Problems of America . , , KS . From War Discussed .' p&smm. I j,Sii".'t.'. &.tSm3)!i &:&jmm "-.'-,CTBT',3r5i,'- tX! tS 'a I.V I". -X Vet-''. 4l,ffifc mm iWWilri 1 JiT TI.I PSXSLi S?JS Political and Social ScientitU 2 't ,?J& ' f s,.yj&w&mg;x, 'V. i- Big M m mmm United Presa Service PHILADEL-PHIA. April 30. Speakers from all sections of tbe Ualt- led States gathered here today td.et- ;eua tne nineteenin annual peeuag i( the American .Academy of Poll! led and Social Science. The n ssasloms which will continue tbrougtTtomur row will partake of the nature of a national conference, to consider the Important problem, now.,,confrontlag the United States,-wkleh have arisen because of the Biropen conflict. Del- egataa. appolated1 by1 governors of muy.Matsi la tbe Uaton, ead'ropre oatattToot Mttoaal, civic and Uade OUaaU'atloaStwIll also be .present, Tbejiaeetiag has all Ue eamarka of belagthe moat' taportaat aatloaal meetlag that haaibaea held alaei the outbrask of tho Europeaa n-ir, I .1J0 meting wlU oomIoC sUsas Hoas.v The Wpke whlsb:wtHbe dlo- cusaed'at ,tody's;aossloaa wlMybo Aaserlcaa'fadaatry aad Labor ,a JU fcftttct ,.'S .tA'4ii3v t :rwiik?riz&m&?.m 3 .., .i w wrssee v'-- Sl fj &&8m&. 5Bairji".aK:ey.2 i fir I V 1 ' .-A .1 S?.l rade 9aho J0lt44JWm by. BawpoilfS 0fNetraUtyCthe1:; S ternatlonal Trade a" la.l ..'. '.1 f 'W,J aal Ulaa.la:a' Uu..ulll J' ' .'Ul ! taa j jaamnnaa, i-iBiaLrHjiLW,'Miii ! i -'- . 'i- ---TT-T-i'-- aT-S'K p,,,na.. nr.. . -.i.'.' . ?z:,ivii? vr-w"ii Bt amvMt na-pninpn-,-j'tfr of.aatloaal reputations who wlirtwr-;rs ticipate m the discusaioaa are: WMwW& WflllM S. MfMf commerce of the Uaked atear Joamtl -$ fflrSrWfosi, (bfTgJlU YaaktSbWi nw f -j"j, gunmeermns mam isjra: - giu, vona n, raney. irsaiaaanTaam , t -i w ...Ai. lift-r iw'aiZaaT X jS rrr!.r-5y s ,"'"7 JaFj j lin,tgeeor 1 WstblsajtaB, P. O.i abainM .Of A tho trUe.eaMtl.ktf, r oramottr , lfeibr-thoAiooaJw? ,-!jrm wlliMfc ,. t W5& f yKf J& ji -- w, ' jifim -".a rjr.Allr KA jri"nv rj J8 I, -V l VA"N ."E ." y ,! I tij. i -.iS'S'W. T ,A. Ji, .4 .. .. &k!t 4" t .. . " ' -e c. f. -. T,l$. 't 7V MgsAiay r.-- m s.T'r,- . . i.j . i j n