Sjff"V.i "& &' :'-f-t'". 3sr&t w at- ' C r. - THURHDAY, AFIUli SO, W W.D.MILLER .....if tf ill. rtf hollow BUluMXa, V ANUKMIKH st VI" .. ... . l.. .nj lutalnlng Walls ;H0Oll!W A PKCIAITY Sixth and Walnut THE LAST WORD IN fSMific Glass Fttiag fvoii re Carefully and Correctly Kitted at Witftrs ; ' ilinitiifttff optician ?RKlr:MllKll THK NUMIIKIt , AilA I You'll Get a Good Turnout From the Blue Front Sublet Mundy & Hilyard, Props. rlrnne t!.V.'Wt Klamath, near Hlli Office of Dr. C. O. Prentice WicHiutry Huriccon WOOD! iuuk Winni, iimi) tti.7n INrrrt rnmi ulinU, Imhiv dry fAOO Boablo lornl ..,.,. ,94.0 IH-jr HIhU. UMnrli . ... . .M.U.1 jiry MUli, 4-fool ,..,,... .M.AO 4 tMv . and. I Jaab WJm1 ? nt and Kurt Oir KLAMATH FUEL CO. y 5 Main Street For Your Spring Gard 1 A iiiiin In not (al ways a spade, ;iid tluro Ih u big difference bo. ""u H(mil, Knruen toois nnu oilifra, WliMi sidckliiK up with your ;nrlcn xiippiuts, kindly bear iu mind that our line of these goods 'I complete, mid made up of only i'MHHIy high grade brands. We Mlnill he glad to ahowfyou lie nu pny ua a ylalt. V also sell the Roberts & Hank te Have N.tiiig toSdi Unless fa tho BKBT In the Gro "it Mae for th meyt , Ueiuember. oir-Pfcoiw WM. M48. nttk y n ig - - lla I 1 w I I 'm - mB 33t CONCERNING OUR Matter, of Interest IE ZtUZ!ll,T ., K.''"'"" "'''. nn.l nhlrl. .oncer,, not only tho lecher and pupil but li 1 .7 Z 1 "u T T '" """ ,"",r'"' '" OH,Pr ""'k U " ' l'rpo,e In the best Sail m ., jZ ,'J Tr""',0""'"" l,l(,Hfll'rt.,lh, W bo glad to get before our nailer things that the school rc, lm..,, l. Pl,.,,. ., ,,, . Tl.y n. Tm welcomed. ATTENDANCE FOR THE PAST MONTH THREE l-IHTIIK-IH HAVE PER- vkw iiitroitiiH no pupils HKI.VC AIIMEXT OH TARRY IIUH. i. that'time "I The records of attendance and tar- 'illncss for tho mcIiooIh of Klnmutli county for tlio school motitli ending 'April 10th In as follew: t . NAMKOKHCIIOOI. D C V a 1 n B C Kliiinntli KnlU &8f Ilonniizti 40 llonnnzn lilgh school .. 13 Topxy , X Olene K. Dairy 1C Onle 27 K(. Klnnmlli ,. 74 Illy high Nchool , , , . . C Lnngelt Uly grades 23 I'lno Crovo . , , 12 lrullu 10 lllldcbrtiud 3G l'levni .., 1C 'JC 90 97 or, 95 9C 98 9C 94 100 97 99 99 94 93 96 95 100 82 9C 3, 22 2 6 3 5 8 7 21 Lower I'oe , 11 Lone" lMn 22 Cedam .., 2 Wordeii . . 17 Lowor Rwnu ........ 14 JUlJcUAkn. . t Hound l.nki 98 Orlndnlo 4 9G" Cherry Creek ....... 0 Merrill high kcIiooI . . . 2.". Howard C 100 9(i 93 94 ur. 70 Sh "! 9S 97 93 SO 95 88 92 92 Khnslii View Crescent . . 35 21 4 nJ. in ii; x 2ii (I'okegamii .. Henley Midland ......... rSvnii ........... IKidiIh Hollow . . . , ,Mt. Lnkti .Falrvlow 19 lAlgomn H Miller Hill 17 llryaut Mountain . . 14 tKcno j. 32 I WILL BE FINE' lEXPERIEXCED MAX CHOSEX TO TAKE PART IX WORK HERE, i AXI COMPREHENSIVE COURSE IH OUTLINED P. J. Kiintr. of Halem has been en gaged for work In tho Klamath coun ty summer school. Mr. Kuntx hn lid a groat deal of experience In con duotlng summer schools In Minne sota, whoro ho taught for n number of years. His work will be along i.n linn of mot hods for the upper .,, .... . ... grades, ns well us general scnooi na - ministration. An outline follews: ARITHMETIC What to do In onch grado; essentials to uo em phasised; how to tench each part; tneherra and pupils point of, view; teach use of present texts; plnco of tents In Arithmetic. HISTORY Oenernl outline of his tory work'; jhmbIsi of history; how to teach outlluo ntid map; history In Jlfej how. to use text books, library, eto; present sample outline nnu can for at leeet two outlines eacit woex; what should pupils know of history when they begin tho study of the lxf.'what should 8th grade pupils bo able to do In history; students prepare lists of questions In history; give .teat of work done. 4aOOBAPHY How to use booh In "work;" what other material need 41 map of worky with charactwUtlc SUMMER SCHOOL t'lUJ KVISNlNd to Pupils, Patrons, Hues; full trcntmoiit of zones; mo iIoiih of (j,irlh fully explained; ro- 'siiIIh of curth motions; how to out line country for Its study; what ought pupils he nhlo to leurn; place J of mnji ilrjwlnc in reogrophy; Ken ernl revlow. LAN(IUAH AM) (UtAMMAll iinuivKMiK)' in onii or rnur years; what to do wjfh text hooks; outline work by yuars deilulttly; get isome tlilng definite from iitiidy; place of matyslH In gruimnnr and amount; Place of parsing In grammar, etc; what iioeu It 4ill mean? uuuui of ninipoHltlon work, and how to pro ri'd; uveryilay fiiBllnh; erlilidsnu) of work In cngllsh. I'HVBIOI.OOV A.NU IIYilinNK Jls place In hcIioo! and life; ,,., .. - , you know of yourself; practical work s'lln brief; sketch or renults of study; .'classification of nchool use. ,, uioi,i. .muhic; drawing; gym- 71 iiiintlcH and phylrl culture ! .cnltiiro. agrl - I (.Vnenir KcltiNd AdiiiiiilMmflou .' ('reparation for work; Mm day at .' schoel: 111., ilnllv nriiL'riini! Mm nrnli. glleni of discipline; the country school; ami a country Lo.v;i(.-aciiiiig pupils to , think i direct Impression from class; .j knowledge, most useful; (liu forraa 1 3 t tton of liahltH; the recitation; hooks .-Ifor every teacher; what next. DO NOT FORGET SCHOOL MEET hate ik si;t for ji;xi: ai, and ALL IXTEREKTED IX SCHOOL woHirsiiouLirsEir who ahe itmm rr jujtoi""11" I f " NAMED DIRECTORS i The annual school meeting for tho lair. 1915 will fall on Juno 21st. 'At this time officers will be elected itid tin usual business of the district acted upon, sl- T1 q Inter This Is a mooting that every ouo rested in schools should attend, The man who does not Attend the .annual school meeting should bo nlow to complain If school nn'nlra do not suit him. Only taxpayers and heads of faml- llles may voto at these elections, m mm ..MOST ISOLATED DISTRICT MAKES ( OOOD PUCK. HESS UNDER MISS I MINGO MUCH IMPROVEMENT , NOTED THERE The trip to the Howard school in Northern Klamath county is the long est that tho Superintendent of Klam ath county Is called upon to make. This school Ir located about ono hun dred nnd fifteen mile from tho county seat. At this place Miss Frances Mingo, n grouiittto or ine Los Angeles Nor- I ... . , .1 .. 111.1a inni scnooi is coihiuciiub a mm nun school. A now Smith heating plant has been Installed during tho yenr. pict ures placed upon tlio wwlls, and the school tins been made standard In every Horn, oxcopt the lack of threo features of play apparatus, EIGHTH GRADE EXAMS ARE ON FOR NEXT WEEK Tho Statu exumlnatloiiH for tho eighth grade occuro May 6 aud 7. Tho number of eighth grade. -apllcan'U will bo about one hundred twenty five There uro sixty-four applicants for eighth grade diplomas from Klamath Falls. Insurance that pays, and pays oh lime. Hoc Chllcote, S5 Main St, Straws and Panamas, 'una. K..K.K. Store. some gxod ie HOWARD HO HKHALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SCHOOLS Teachers, Taxpayers CRESCENT SCHOOL IS A SIGHTLY ONE IS LARGEST OXE-HOOM IXO IX COUNTY EXTRA PROP. ERTV IS PURCHASED FOR A PLAYGROUND The Crescent school district has,on ncount of rain. Iiullt u school house that should he, in matter of prldo to the community, Upsides being g' very attractive and l is the largest one-ji i well planned room building in tho county. Tho hoard hus secured n splendid 'B,,J "f " "ttl0 moro llmu two acres,V and 'J,0KC nre l""e" UP- ....i.. ...a, .. ...uuu 111, v. .iu UK-'"" ""e l"yKiunu. ino uireciors aro. fount nrty; Your com in neaa or "l mukl"B Ule wltk of Placing a'cntarrh disappears. Your clogged nos- b""" """ "-: " -! '"'!' KCIIOIH.H ARK CLOHIXfl KOrt 'PRESENT YEAR 1 The following schools are closed for the yoar; Round Lake, Orlndalo. Hlldobrand, Doods Hollow, Fair- (VIGW. Tho schools that hold nine monthB',ng nnd ncaling the swollen or ln-t will closo late In .May, . . uinmed mucous membrane, giving you ,' instant relief. Head colds and catarrh ' You "auto" see thow; Ladle Auto. yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed Cups for tjtt.OO unci Sl.2.1 at, K. K. K. , uii and miserable. Relief Is sure. i .Stoic. ,19 i (Paid Advertisement) f r BIG MAY DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT. MAY I, 1915 ' ' jsL JBslaflSlsBSSSa. a jABmm' SBxBBBxeBxeBxVx .j- , iL:;": t'laLBflHggggggV XP mm '" ge??)SJrejMmmmmmmmmmmk I'mW&'i -ggffa9gSlgggcBgggggggga wdVBjgeJkggggHpggggB Br'',if j'??'? " V!ilS''-rBgggggC"T3ggggggB s9X(A.vk-vf.4g3.r E?y.immmmFngggggggi 1 5"TiVrH'faiBBmBifei A"'lt'S'5 j. t!V''-ikm .'" Vvsggffggaat7- ! i-of' jLw .'tgkBSBSBS i i 7 piece orchestra. Public invited to our opening. PAVILION IWi WE NOW HAVE THE Largest Stock of Tires and Tubes That was ever brought to Klamath Falls. Let our Tire Doctor preacribe for your tire troubles. WHITE PELICAN GARAGE 0 TODAY'S ODDEST STORY 'I United Press Bervlce O ALU POMS, O., April 28. We all hare our dellcato apota. ' Jesso Hann, a privileged patient from Morgan county In tho state hospital for epileptics here, fell off a fifty-six foot cliff, dropped through a tree, struck on his head, rolled down a hundred foot hill, and fifteen minutes' after aroBo and walked away. His only complaint was that lie had skinned his shin. YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE SCORES At Portland It. Los Angeles 0 ii. 7 13 K. 2 4 'Portland ... 5 rf Burns, Scogglns and Doles; Hlggln UUIIiDrbotham and Curlsh; . At Ban Francisico - k. k. . San Francisco 4 8 0 Salt Lake ....-, . 3 7 0 Killllay. i'ernoll. Smltlh and Hchmldt; u. Williams, wroy. ana Hannah. Oakland-Venlco game postponed i &i opEN NOSTRILS! JND . CQLD flR . A COLD OR CATARRH ? How To Get Relief When Head ', JWSWW?!!V'W , iril will open, luo uir )uw the nlr passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, musous discbarge, dryness 'nr headache; no struggling ior breatb lot night.. I Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream 'na)m trom your d.uggjgt and apply a I..... f ,, . fragrant antiseptic creams , J0Ur n0StrIlB. it penetrates through 'ifni'tf nit nnafiitrA nf iho hpfld. ftOOttl- ! I .fVk KUauth They do Falls support' ten families. not sleep In tho laundrlM, nor do they cat rice; nor do they tend , money to foreign countries. their 2t Men's fine Ho, two pair for SWc, at K. K. K. Store. 19 .LEGAL NOTICES Xotlco to Credltoni Notice Is hereby given that, the un dersigned' has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Kman ticl J. fool, deceased, by the county court of Klamath county, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present same to me nt the law office of Rollo C. Orocsbeck, In Klamath Falls, Oregon, within bIx months from the date of this notice, verified as required by law. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 22d day of April, 1915. Administrator of the Estate of Kman uel 3. Peel, Deceased. J2-29-6-13-20 Xotlce Tiirn nrn fundM In the cltv treasurv. Tho steam laundries .Of for the Redemption of the ollowtagy',n uet. north ne. "2.86 liGf (JOn(ig. seri'eg a, Nos. 107, 108, 109, 110; ueries n. v0. 202. 203: .Series :C. Nos. 212, 213. Interes't on same will cease from ' May 1, 1916 Dated at Klamath Falls. Ore., this i26th day of April, 1916. J. W. SIEMENS, City Treasurer. Kiinnnoiig for Publication. la Foreclos ure of Tax Lies , n.-- i u-i.m.,K r.o...- of Oregon, for Klamath County. J. J. Stelger, Plaintiff, vs. John U. Oausel and John K. Qan sel (name written both waya)i.n hoii r. I iii also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein. Defendants. To John E. Gausel and John E. Gan- sel (name written both ways) - also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest In the real estate described herein. .the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon:' You are hereby notified that J. 3. Stelger, the holder of certificate of delinquency numbered 506, Issued on the 6th day of February, 1915, by the tax collector of the County of Klam ath, State of Oregon, for the amount ; of thirty-one and 32-100 dollars, the same being the amouunt then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1909, together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon, upon the real property .assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of rec ord, situated In said county and state, 1 .and particularly bounded and de I scribed as follows, to wit: The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section twen ty-one; also the east halt ot tne northeast quarter and the south west quarter of the northeast quar ter, of Section twenty-eight, all in Township twenty - seven south, i range ten east, Villamette Merld- Ian, Klamath county, Oregon. You are further notified that said J. J. Stelger has paid taxes on said '.premises for prior or subsequent! years, with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follews: Year's tax for 1914, paid' March ,12, l.tts, tax receipt No. 651, amount I!$30.37, rate of Interest 15 per cent. i Fire patrol for 19l4f paler' March 12, 19 IS, receipt No. 651, amount $1,60, rateot'intereat.15 per cent. Sain John E. Gausel and John E. Gansel (name written both ways) as the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, and each ot the other persons above named, are here by notified that the said J. 3, Stelgei wl apply- to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid for a de gree foreclosing the lien against the property above described, and men tioned Iu said certificate. And you are .hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days' after the first publica tion of this summons, exclusive of the day ot said first publication, and de fend this action or pay. the amouat due as .above shown, together with costs and accrued interest, and in ease Of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered, foredosUg the lien of said taxes and coats against the land and premise above aamed, This summons la published by order of the i Honorable George "Nolaad, Judge ot the'clrcult court of the state' of Oregon for the Couaty of Klamath, and said order waa made and dated thtatth. day of March, 1918, and re quires that publication be. made at least once each week for six oonseou live and successive weeks, and the date of the first publlcatlo of thla summons is the 16th day of March, 1916. "',.. All procesa and naperi la thla pro-. fr1 . ceedlag ''nay' be Mie4'j0f& ;l of Oregon at the address bresjrtkr,T.;., . ,.j ' ''' t; -SI; I BBRT.TH01 Atiorney ior. pmmvm , s i Aaaress, zuiv wiims .sjinsbw,'.-.. 2r..i.M5...jfff4gj StMnlatlna IV. !! laaasaar'.iSSSVKi ri'ilrfVfiKl -w - mi . - . i.-!. ?-. ChMge thePr ft JMto'W.Maf Street, Frem the XerthertrsViaw e w n, -a .1 ..!- 4. Li The common council oi tne ynj ciftjM.i?-..; Klamath Falls, deeming It expe4lei'H to change the grade of Sixth street, t ' i from the northerly line of Pine street? X " to the southerly- line of High street! , rrom Iu present grade' to the grade. shown and set lortn as ioiiews: ,.".. fr Slxth Street $$Vj: Curb Qradee V , L i Weei 'aet iri. uiwaa. iinA tA4 a i a ' nKt. . .i 1 120 feet from Pine A V : toward High ...... 169.0 189.0 Xn '' iHIgh street, south line 185.0 114.0 t -"'I ! Sixth Street g Sidewalk Qradeavr y Weet laat - -j 120 fee from Pine toward High ...... 170.6 High street, south line 188.9 168.0 does hereby) on motion,. of Cdnell-:. Hamilton, duljr eecoaded; reaolTe vfc that It Is the Intention of "the Coaaawtt 'council of : the City orMamatSFalia to change, the grade. thai haeeeBvv; v 'M heretofore, officially, MUbllehed oai., '! sum street, irom ine aoruwir iiss,fp-' i: of Pine, street to the soutawly JIe s. of High street, so a to conform to' the words andngurea cVmUlsed.: la . !tnc table and descrlpUon of thenew, i . , U1,.h. h. .,, 'irt-' grade furnished by the city engineer. above set forth. , tf Tfila VAflnlirflAii ali1l 1A IrAf ni rmi .u. .U.U...... .u..., --T r- "TSjIil lord In the office of the Polioe JaSaw.r secutive publications in the clty;offl clal newspaper; according to the pro visions of Section 252, Article III., of the charter ofrthe city, S Ti'ir., r K i.a.n araua w. w w -m..w. County of Klamath, ss: - . " 8tate of Oregon. " I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; do hereby attestthe foratolBKito-M7a properly and correctly enroUeteoyy -' of the Resolution adopted by a xaajor-, - te nt Um MiamltAM A k f"iH i"saal I hi ... A Council elect, ,andJ approved' by- ta'a Sg&'4 Mayor, ac & regular neeuag new ? m April 19. 1015. .i; r:SS -f A. L. LSAVnT.K Police Judge of the City of Klamath: L. Falls. Oregon. ., J7-lt& ' - L: i-w. DeUaqiMBt Sale .Notices " KlamaUi Derelopmesit Compaay - " Location of principal place'of-busl-" ness, No. 1 SanBome street', on, the B northwest corner of Saasome and Sutr tei; streets, San Franeisco.'Callf. " v Notice There Is' delinquent upon. the following described stock, on. ac count of Assessment No. 5, levied on j' the 8th day of March, 1915, the sev- , era, amounts set opposite the names j of the respective. shareholders, 'as fot lews: Noe.of ' .107 .108 ..109 No. of NAMES Shares Amt. Geo. M, Martin Ceo. M. Martin 7R Mas'' 100 100 Geo. -t; Martin C. H. Trolllet, trustee .... ... . . 28 145 j The National Bank I of California, at Jfornla, pledge ,114 Jno. C. Hill trustee 115 Jno. C. Hltl trustee 116 Jno, C. Hill trustee 117 . 800 1250 2308 2400? 3750,5 6924 : 300' 'AOl lpO JOO, .10.0 Jno, C.Hill trustee 118 Jno. C.Hill trustee. 119 Jno. C. Hill trustee 120 Jno.;C. Hill trus'tee 181 Jno. C. Hill trustee 122" Z9P .lop .;3o lOp; 300J 600 1500 iiiu. i,. run iruBino ia abv. i"t . x 75(1 And In accordance with ' the law? ' v1 aud order of the board of directori. fsS yu toi&"' V- ijfaf ae on tne 8th aayt or March, ii,:- - ..fe- so many shares ot each, parcel of suehv J ,fe' a.AAl. ab MAnw t. MJUlAaanM. a.,111 1.M mjU r A' -- DWVW WStf U CICVVMa. j, w.ttvv Vf at oublle. auction at the oBm nt tkt.'i compauy at No, 1 Sansome street, ;;o -v.. uu iiyriinoat, vunivr; ui dimwviuv Sutter streets. Ban Francisco. Callf.v onVednesday, the 12lh day oMiy 1U15, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day.-.' Weil thereon, together with costs of .adTer-p-;. tlslng and expenses of ine:Baer"'S4t By order of the Boardof -IMrBetfcf jOTfe, JOHN 0,, HihhiBMnniMMtS. Office, No. northwest corner,,pr. gaBiojM;d& rees. SaiiraBlabilrt'' 1 Mutter. streets. Notice. Uy; order ofahe bMkr4;r41(tf th nhnvn ituilflnd il-r ml fmrnH!' fcaar beeBpoatponed from WidBaaiay, jtBiBorMay,;iia,iepiWF,. u met,? Bw.31 ayeesnej mm. irorieesiwr. ' .nutter Kf iw I .IB .IBM W.t.?!?4jW'w4'--C .-,, Mi 1.M.1 MS Ji y m x mi & m Sil -M v .. - uh ' m. '"S ; ' .id'o'i Jl-i,'S Wj atiJ -issfti '8 li v "! m :jr "1 sn y.Sl tyi y si m , .r'l .VSfcl i, ' fI W V5! '&! :''... i r--'Ja mWfi &"mmyft t .A't.V.-S V