w ,, ,; I . (&(, IfeA .K ' & r53iy"vis-? !-, -.' x. r.Y. -' l:is3 F ....JrsJ ''illLLe 10, 1 V IT - '"'tt Ell KLAMATH PALLI" OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER snKBestraiBsfs ct Ko. MT . LflP W li ,5ft V 'M ugrtfttj wvry-.,''r. - -v,. V -fe & jnA'Aly'tfU- 1 , isaii. ,!t, ) , ' "- I ft .A .a v".-: "bj. ) ? pS&t! TM-Hs'tfp"i. mmimmmtulm KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL'??, 1915 Mir burning ,S'l RMANS BLAMED WHITE PELICAN OF i OPENS MAY 15 nninnro III 0 pi DKIUULO m d. u. K! I'-fr11-.-! F wyvAKA tllli MH W imK A MILLION lIM- not.Miw S$f!. I8V '$rK I ItHiinliiK IIUli Im, Viiiwmi. . M'. .... .... IHu lliiau Am wrfr. nil"" "" -" "- " &: . .. ...... ,".. 0AMtt, end iwinifw inu .... iV -- f!$ffi, Arre-led ib TniMwin tlwrnr. lUimm Two Mht IX II AIo IIXIX1 IKHIM H Hi:i.(J UKTIXT i;i, AX 1 1 'OTIIKIt IMI'ltOVK- .mi:.th iiivi.vo .maim: roit a lll'KV HIIAHO.V lll'Ki: Photo Taken From German Trenches While the British Fired 100 Yards Away Tlio WliHo IVIIciui llolul Ih in Iki ri'-0Kii(!ii to ilio imhlir Muy IHtli, K. 11. Hull, tin iiiMinicur. tiiiiiouricn tlmt nil (W'lmniiieiitw hill ilicn Im In romll nornt for Dm Biwmtt", uml li J liollitvul that llii! ttMiriiit tiallic (IiIh yvnr will Lo huiyler iliuu ver lfort-. " ( I'.vliloiH'crt (if till .4r nlrfitily i in liolcil. Tint pnxt (wo wctikH liave hccii ntHiiy niilo !iitlo (d inline imro from outnldo polntK. nnit nl limes tho ciiinc Hy of (ho Hotel Kail lian lircn tuxuil to nccomtnodato the Rueatit. Tho riKiiliiK of I Iki IVIIciui uml tlm I'nllrd I'uw Si'rvlif 1 VANCOIIVKH. II. ., AHil .-- Jli , In wikI will. Ih ,n"a l'1 nlUoB for nil UTwm. .. .. iiiimlii. Imlti Innrlul nml nmtnarliil ilij m-- " ..... . ...... ...... ..........v........ -wmmt " .... . .. .. . ,,... ,. ... Mi. Murinl lh.t tuo othm MMy "" "' "" "' """"" ,or VV" ru8" '" I . -L.J.I .i.i- - it i. k. I'ntronnito. tlto two liontolrlen nro b. ktarrMiftl tnU aftniMie. It M be !7!? ..... ii.j. !... mm... r.imlnto.J In placcn unci otborwUo " M renovated unU romodlloil to bo more I Jiyt hlgli llih lirraOM, uml to rt 1 ami vloloitcc, the government hu mmiril to wmil miayerto wimeiu. wlr t Hii cletciitkm rampn m Vm. WED8W0MANWH0 I'Blttd I'reM Service ' VANCOUVKR. II. C, April !. ' Tke Ortnvlllo end Cobui ht bridge 1 m burolBK. and li la alleged Ibat1 flrmn lympalhUera are reapoMlblo, Th iConnaught bridge will bo n Ttttal Iom. but the, Oraavllle bridge tr be Mvtnl fron total deatruetion. . 1 .VTk- t.ll..l Aim. WArik MMlllfllilw l IIImm Jnll.. immA .kma 4I.W' .!. i SAVED HIS LIFE i . 1 y riiaafgMirM-tvyilMtei ! fa rJPfaBTaTaTawra4ngMTKMMBlB , ATaTaTaTaTal & 1 FaHlPlHiHwgaH ' I KflBHgl-wWgtgHii IH'ISllfevaMI I 1 X' uliv J i if . 1-1.' ri i." t,-rm'ir'-.M:r U'.I'.lkUWrajBBBBBBBBB i i I :l:r,ria2SII ri .ftw i . . jTTta"! 'jPi 3 ' BVaTaKaTaTaTaTaTuaTaTaSXfTdBTBTS 1 I .,'VSlv5 T .-- 7awawaW"BfciSJMgMTal i f; - - v.;v'1. r.-iyaSawaVaVaVawaHlledSanElfci1 M '' vP jUgMgMaBaKMM?E2fc3a I KfeC.-'s.'.' ' V. v'.f- r -v yiiMtaata"aaaWa.a'.Blai ; . I itilH lilioioKrapli. taken by Herbert n tn0 Immediate foreground the ob- KOI'KI.KSHI.V t.'llirPIKO IX IX KMI,IX)VKlt KUO.M DKATII. VOIAX IH NOW WIKK Ol" THK tlHATKFt'l. MAN HAV-jCorty, the war corrt'Hiiondcnt, from tlio Oermiin trenchox near In linage. France, in unique, Nothing like It i lsh soldier who had" charged to within Wkwn thn determtaatlon by tho aov fluent to intern all foreign enc-'" ' tvh-o witt In detention ranpt, following I'AHADKNA, April 28. MIbm Jean; tke ilaughtor of CanadlnnN In Det etto Tltouiuu, ngvd 47, who Ih crippled llnm recently. for life, waa thin afternoon wedded to The flfrmiiiH bore celebrated on Prank Hoibert, her former employer, lian comn from tho war. Ho und a (tiiuill camera which he" thrust Into one of tho portholes In tho German , ,- .r4ilrJuiroijutUerioiv,ij.1trt'nplieft toniy. 100 ynrdH nwjy. Ho did not' dare utlck IiIh fnre down to get tho focus, hut Miinpi.od when ho felt tho lens pointed toward tho Ilrltlnli trenches. Tho dark hIiiiUowh at tho top, at tho Ject which -look, like njplle of old clothe is in fact the body of a Brlt- slx feet of the trenches. It lay there for ten days at .the time the picture wan taken, because the British would gUiryirtrwi .'.l'Un nt'riaiiua teuiaiatgClnll; not, reach over to get It wlthout;daB- ger. Further on nro shown the wire ontanglemonts of German trenches, and over them are the tops of the stakes of the British entanglements. The indistinct objects at the. German fence are tho bodies of British sol- Twerfay nliht tho Victory of the Ger-' A month ngo tho brldo saved Sca-.rlKht mid ut tho bottom nro, tho aides ann :irmlc In llolglu in, nntf feeling bert'a life, resisting tho attack madoif tho porthole. What the camera dicrs. Some of themjiad been there runs IiIrIi. .upon lilm by Joe Zajoc, who tried to'fn'iKlit la not shown very distinctly., for three weeks In the hot sun. Imurdor Bonbort. woman was shot In the melee, tho In tho spluo, and flolng to ClilhMiHln. Af(r Jlondity, OhllOQuin will be .' permanently Injurod, nnd Benhert was r. Shoplierd'H addreaa. Thla well known capltallnt liu long been one of the most ardent of the fans whipping 8prlnK Creek and Bpraguo nnd Wll IUrikou rlvera, for rainbows, and thla "uon h will spend some llttlo time la that section. alno badly wounded. New. Although the knitting Industry !f Jiipnn Is less thnn ten years old, It' la said that there nro no fewer than 1,300 mnuufacturors of these goods' in the city of Osako alone. . -lAITOHTKK CHILOS HELPED SAYS EXHIBIT BY YOUNG GIRL, MUCH IMPROVED , h Shook Rate in Effect Next Month OF WOMAX WHO FORMKIt MAYS .lliniST WAS BBXT ON) HKXIHXG HBK TO PKNITEX-! TIAHY HEPUDIATK8 MOTHER KliAMATM 'MAN ( BB- UKYEH KErRESRNTATIVB AT AT BOOTH NECESSARY AND URGES FUND FOR THIS .' freight Tariff to Sacramento to Be Cut Practically in Two by Order United i'rens Service SACRAMENTO, April The following letter received from be According to the local 'oMtajot the ;8outhorn Pacific, the newUilf'' hookH between Algoma, Klamath j Fli, Hilt nnd other poinU and 8ac mento, W bo ea!ective'MayxIIUi, Tbh nvik... :.,i..--.ii, I'Vw. " f Mlii li .!.. .... i. ". -:. iv-. -i. ;("- miu mi unooKa ueiween nere , thaCnllforuiaXapiUl.'. " ' At. PrOkunf (Im flVo frnla Vl.m.th vSlll Id Dt... Z. ... ,V'Jw .!;. . ' ft.' . piucuio is fi.iu iwrwii Qfl.lB D6r ton vfr(?lmllnr CuU ,lrJ,"M, n Iho'mtee IV A "" KlgtUlIlB. Tfi lalaaM)BlinaBfBla 'llfl VA :"m"to froa, boi manufacturing r'lZl ,0 N0fa callfomu,: Thla UT"m. oaaler for thla.aaetlon to onpete with nL.''ivU.i . . CallfomiM i..it?iL-?i-.-7F a f .With the .Mf, tiitfgSZk .M U'Wd their own-MtM better la-1 I r,W!Un w.r that la Welaa wsU d River ; Lunae eoas'iMmv. big plant. ta oM4LatWet. Mwnoso bla nl.. I.. .m.i:. ifood, W On tna maw . ii..mwIII, ii ' Tbli,conearB favlkwhtu iiiwii' to mak. i lii-LiS:; Z :2:rj.V?- t'0 opk; ; sssh-s.'TS' i. o. .. -"-rr w"T.l?""t,P!'1ev!'," ifort:. the .Wteatwoad plant was built and before a railroad reached that city, It is atated, tho Southern I'ncluc nnd the Western Pa cific both sought to get, tho Immense trade of tbe plant by building, into yestwood., To.socuro tho trade, It is understood, at high Southern Pacific dlRoial since then dead, made a rate of about $2.1 r. a ton on box shook lumber between Westwood and Sacra meate, Westwood and Klamath Falls are both about (he same distance from Sacramento, but with their extremely low freight rate the Red Illver people were ablo to cut prices considerably iower,than could Klamnth box mak ers.' T;e reduction of tho rate from here place the two localities upon an oqugl footing in this phase of .the gghttfor'more huainess, l The; rates which become effective May, ItBh also make a reduction to pdlaU la Oallfornla beyond Sacra mento.. thV'raducUou to Southern California points la slighter than the ew rate to Sacramento, but, It la enough to aid thejocal manufaotur ra.maUrlally In supplying the citrus akd?(Kher crops with the necessary v -", tho former Klamath county man who riartol, ugod 13 years, arrived from" irecentIy wro,o- ttom Oakland stating Montana this morning to testify in l0 Klamath county exhibit at the Hie Impeachment proceedings brought EX,,08ition was nothing to be proud rmulnH Superior Judge Chllds of Dol!of sUoW8 n chango has. been brought NorU county. Sho yas called by the about by Secretary Fleet of the Chomr Invfthtlffatlng committee. ,bcr of'Commerco. Tho girt trfok the witness stand, , aclng her mo her. w,' ' 'D,a'ccntly nnd xvas agreably ,.urpri.ed r:iT,rr:r;:,;; "rn,::h,H it '. " had taPrbved,the - 1 1. ... II nmnMrl ttn nhllfl t lor nor iiiuuuiuim iuni p v...., . . , u-imh'o kihii .,n.,, The girl was compelled to repeat the; terrible details of brutal attacks nd romo(J t- mado upon hor by three Del Norte J county mon' while her mother and an- "I am going over again today, and other womnn held her. " ,ee ir he cannot propone aome plan Tho llttlo witness hogged to bo ex-.to raise money enough neaome cuse'd from Vepoatlng tho repulsive ' " two to stay there. I nnder. . . Ittniwl vrtii 4ttn nnr stIva nwnv nnv Mai story, Tho committee tucn exeiuaea -""- ' "- .. -..- - r- -- Mrs. Bartol.JudgoChldsnndaloth-'""""" ..., . wv ersfrom tho'robm; ' " h0ad,uartera but must get It from After hearing tho girPs testlmonyj; senei tnbl. 'bf asking Jor, It. tlm committee declared that the evl- Thla 1 think is exceedingly bady, donee submitted by tho girl completo- "From Mr. Fleet" I nnd that money ly . exonerated Chllds of tho charge of u tho main question In Klamath Influencing her testimony. county's participation.' ;It Is a alngu- . ,lar situation. Monoy ,ought, to" be A wrench that Its Ohio, Invontor raUod moat anyYoJd.wayv f ' claims will replace the monkey ,,. toM?jvVBtf JfcS.eai t ' -.-". S " . . . V v t l.-IV- ?r twenty people can he secured ta subscribe, It seems singular there shuJ4 he, any wrench anda that w ?dle plnyj urabVt0 rft,M ftnWiwrtl)? aa. well,a.nt.H0f;ll " - ., months, up .to l.e'if .W milled wheel, adjusted by a prlB secured t-'iSbserib p, in Place of a lower Jaw. t.m. i,Bflar thr &H ftl er can move, a lover In hla cab and ....-. . w-i-'AST.. , switch automatically, cloflng' whn tbe last vcar hta paitedTr iU , j'whgt lKtla J see Q,Wat?f" neerCH .uo . "------ business men. . They ought to raise .. ah m u imrAnraui anriinn in - a . . s. , open a pjveiinj wiwiw -. - ... ,..., ,iv,. lai.v , .li-. kiM. in .mi o din.. ma , -L--,-... -. VUHIIIV MIIM, l " ?"w f ". TESTIMONY OF ROOSEVELT IS FINISHED TODAY GOVERNOR WHITMAN'S NAME IS MENTIONED Colonel Produce - Letter From Wlillnian Muggestiag a Reabtican lliill tffm Alliance' to Change the I'olllliitl Itbmhuitioa Demonatra l'iB In Court Room Are' Ssippress 1 ly Judge . - t'nfted I'reks Service SYRAClSE, NtiY., April 28. Col onel Roosevelt just after noon today finished hi testimony in the suit for! $50,000 damages for libel brought, against him by William Barnes Jr., republican leader of New York. 1 During the forenoon Roosevelt pro-, m9mmmmwmmwmwmmmQamxiam , -'-gajggrgBmi ,. .' ',., ' ' '' - mmzt$gfiL Turks Hold Allied Army i4ttcmpfe at Lmmmm& Other Timely War News . w : TV'Wf:f"VS-or a ,-.. -v.r7reMsr"i iMiwd lUe;HHaa;warMj'i; ,SV? " ' "United il'reea Benrire liONDON, Anrll SaWThe odrfail statemeatt M.a1 ..ata. iLa kh iKA.aBksV.uttsaM' Tf i !!! i W i si T1 'I T s smAssi Ism and Goavetnemea. Xo mentlen la'made of the A.m. &mmi3M W- Tiie neigian' troep ay co-operaonar wwatae mstaai aai aeaiaw mwmvf:bl ,... ri. .. . b- bm.m : . . " :ffeAI?S3'iS?5S: iim wiiiMsnii skmi ? awsii , i fc- W; ' ., 4y a?iv,aiffjflwiiKir,. . . --" "- '- - rtw,. .,..').; 4-ti t'nlted Press Servtee I'ARIS. AnrM a--It la Mwemced'tfiie aflemesn terday attempted-to raVi INnklrk. It 'w?ielw4 w'ttw'fc" ann aiiaeagM ic f lilted Pr RERUN, Anrfl 90-Todaya odcial that one allied transport we sunk of AvHinrnn.'1" r. allle'a troona were adao drfven to the coast at'l : - . .v tannpin rmssi isaMjn or tne, gaavn. waa; ! aitwMjBHp u . t -, .v'wvyuf-v?:K5fj3'r-''.Ar," - . 1 ' " B. . iMfc -"' "-9 wWW SBw CIHRW If .WPi, HHP tf B riljpitTn-ff Ut 'V -J duced a letter written to him In 1914 Inlted Print scriea' LONDON common a toxicaats. Tbe N, April 90-Lleyd George, today 'lavwayeai.antlMiiof government' MI defamed te rtejhi'-mU7wf:M as Sfe r-ir 4 nam .noa m.w-::;:-vi 4 ,Siui:30W.T2SI..Pi;, by, Governor Whitman, suggesting I rT '. . -, -J -.V r-''; 1iJS;; ProSeliS rd"Tte - - T - KoV T B3 u ooi iuia. ui ui-iai acux wuuuii i v t The letter stated that such control! Uni,ed '" reo was responsible .for tho existing cor- -ruptlon. It waa written when Whit-' uvnn was still district attorney. The Colonel also'made more-ex-' plnnation. of the letters pasaing be-' tween himself and ex-Senator Piatt. He stated that In all he has written about 150,000 letters, since he was gvcrnor of New York. The. 1904 campaign contributions were' -also Roosevelt. LONDON. Aaril at). The otteial statement "AeeonUaa ta wlUMn maovta reeelvasl. hvytha aniniasaaati aaSaaMa '.I tlosa lookbta! to tke miaiiiallim of aeaee' ha'fweeM Aa MJMja n iae.UIWBIUW nasrVtJIHKVIOar PJT VlVSa.fJSMajay;MMMMMy arawsMMMMMaMMa- to oe aetuea are 1 "Rotterdam a Pope BeaetUctaa XV. abonM he placed the warriag natioata when 'lie ,heleTeh'.tls;;lJta further discussed today, vDuteh cardinal Is now Whl way to ltow;t takoip ' A' 'h.' stated that he sUrted the.' Vattam. - - , J 'f J, VWf1WM&l'C' -'.'-' tjnona.,yvhen,. "Srl,54-:. .f- -MiM.MatslalBBBfM'aaaJ.oa'iOBnt .i.- A . -rr '...- " .--- i -F.'.-i-- -"fl V lr --""-V .-- -- -STrWA.-.' 4.'.-...tf -5 . SI... . .....l... . .. .a .a.. ' - VM. AB .aa..h KBBAA .)JV .' ' ho waa There were v repeated tlons In 'the court room, thla ng. Judge Andrews quickly pressed these, however. sap- ijw-!ssfc: . '... ' i J , FED JUMPS TO GIANTS9 CAMP .- ' "' . ''.' i-, ! jc4fet'i.r:.v:.i5S'ibr En&T TPIU PIH'T .fflfasaSStH!BBp , -i : uno oisa pcaoqi caerfj .io iiir;MW t BE HERE FRIDAY ,THE HIGH SCHOOL, THEREFORE, i TSSf: ... ? tr . .... r-'. "J. ft, ..li. .d., ijl.TCiSi,.-' In case the Bonanaa team oa not''r4- aivHSSit. come, thero-wi'liftnfa.;prolb a game1 betw'eeaTthe';kuae,traj.ai;I team ypg4&$g&i TJA, isifrea SIcGRAW ATTEMPTED TO PUTi KACFF IN, THE CENTER GAB- SENDS. A CHALLENGE TO BO! By the use NANZA. AND MAY WIND tP BY ment, for cutting liruni itrins; a i'kautiuk uamk I them Mfmm of "nv delkato'aatruffv "wjWctte&v&mm . K. ----"'-.. -T r --. . .. ii. i Btnn i ".....I . ji-, -' -:'fc"i rf'-W by microicope 'ii m - Isclentist5;arefable .to:-gnldnllnmfM12 . - ta-a7t-anJf. wf-. 1 e-u ava whdvwmi aa v n sa a a nv " 1 aaawa U ,tUC'DVII7VMwn'iVl,lIVIaMH Va t ' in, mil- xAiiia-u aaivaw m Klamath: team will not he here I ber. TO PLAY THE GAME. (lulled fress Service NEW YORK., April 28. The table n.AWA B..WIV.AJ BlAVV.AWl.At lk 4l.h VmjtBuMal. vtVATJ fcUIUW IVUignwi. mw r vw. bm- . urgamsea uaseoaii war loaay, wien Benny Kauff , a member of the Indian apolis Federal League team, Jumped to the New York Giants, Today Kauff appeared at-the Polo Grounds In a New York uniform. Mc-, G raw announced that ho would play htm In center Held. To this. Manager Stalling, of the Boston Brave objected. He made his kick so strenuous, thaY he refused 'to let hla;' team play at Kauhf was used. and In -the end, the Giants were obliged to send the new man to the bench. - KauSFwaa the leading sticker of tbe Feds 'last season. He flnlshed with van avraga. of , ,366 "'for. J84, games, wnicn I Just two points oe-, hlndttho .season 'rocord3of;T7,jCjb;1 andone point less than tbeblgh man in the Nationals, Wlltse of New York, whose record, however, waa' basedon . .,1 5-" '.j.X '-tV-WWSSSWlSC . u -. i&. KAkV.F-v&Sim'SZCt&tfX,-: Present Gmnan Drive . wv &' ';57 ?TS2SgaB May Ke Supreme Mort General FrwicK :SaylrflJ,lliel , Come,. Harder lneyr5iw . . Uy Wat O. SHEPHERD V,-feMf . SS ,1 l ..- .- "f5?yaffiia:--p .- . .ija.- -s-v. .!"& Wfjjp.-.w'r. yj-M jt?ff;JpiitfLCi'''Kw: i -by the 'United ,.Yprw7l'Ww?retf will be a valuable addition Mc Qraw'a forces, if he.cgn be' kept par-' manently. r - - j The suggest Ion. -of an' Engllah jf "1 .like; Mr. Fleet ywmuch 'from scientist that coalet"hurne4 inmla! and the reeultlhg' go utilised Vpro; dnee electric power forgnralKdWr trlbutlon will be aeted upon in an ox- perlmehtai; way In thenoar fntare. - -r. m ieis aiavti jr mm mmfm HW' iinvian umTP ."' ui(i tajiuaaiM tor a single aaasier ctee,w-,ppanw 660 other, cloeka.' itrnuwoajftSftr .. - -b.-. . .,ri..v;i, -jv mtwa ox wir.,.Vv In 'Great (Copyrighted. 1916! '.Prau' Pini.l.,.rf Britain.,' ' ' " . . . . j1?.1 HEADQUARTERS OF THEBRIT- flSH.. OVERSEASVARMY. Northarn France, April 86. (Yla Lonaon)--- "The further jtheypomeUiolwritrri they" will get whipped.,Ji &(&$ This sharp comrae of, FJelnMar- ahial 'Sir John Frenchwhentapprtaed only 21 games. .Jf Kaurs 'fielding "reeord for Ul;waa' ?""' 7" rZji-i7T'-Mii-.andia an m, Inifcj.S!.. .I f. wayhrough.toirteyojlg; uay iae aiognn oi; tna enure urtuan army. -It express tn aiiDrame eon. fidence of thoratnlirVaad; yoluntaac flaugut tt aVeng the Itnetotrrand roeoverleat1? eroand - thi''for :';'iorei neaaVanyenever. benm,.in'ny' , ,!5&!'T2-i -"-. - t-j- i. - ' .Fv-te.--i:r f-T- k. .H. U nghtwgWtliaai!rkh the ntnKs intensity, xeinforeemenu rn t latota line at every aawhro pot1attom the oirnwtiitiatixthjst MWnaannltif ' ..SSiife' ;'iJii!iis.-&Sla .TS!5;R45t!5 T7?? ?' iln):4Ui.i, teen; mile; ivaneramn' iedfwiv'aanaai. J2? the- glwntlc oppcl - ,: -J 1i.iiwiB-Ti-2it'.xrri. .-a ". Tz- A"A'r?'?i T! ?ST!,.: 9' . Feworeen uermaawar .nuantnav'. tnrov amok and tnaanlt: wnUa ck couM Ua'dcHtlngth , Brliiahiauli!hW&pttmJ . '' - vicin1iiV-eoMWaij,w .n -elf's deuw .moke;. '" ," " ,u-wV; y,lw'"l " aMajHi from VtbeOermoal wtjWS Uptly -bwrrt 4TCf erry, prweag Oi thVBritlah' ncllaitt:Xr - ' ' kiMi-.-ifn-i'-, ,.; j?wff Vj ' r ." w ,W . muoa . ntwuMMg . oc tae puii.iww wn-OTai sUU7slaaf hoMlnc Tae aew ao.U of the) M UUIAUIUM ' CADI fV nnd . -. -v. . St-WMB. ? -?MW 1 ' v I. ' ' V V . u "''- ' ,' .. h. v- ,lv. SJ -V' M A ft-.