BBnjJ""- v-v'www' :"" H"Bla-S-BBBnmUjBnnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBn, p. .UV" . '.'.'. r w - '.,- '""jTi-'?it-"'ti' ? v.ty.. ; r'sw T5HigWgggg. v - ,, Jl t(A iVs V,'W t? ijErf&r ScRKHWB iis-FT' ... ' : immmmmmmm m KMMATH FAIXS' I If! U. rtlMfi?', .1 - I KiiaiATnettHitti, "". I OFFICIAL MKWWAP'i 8$ V 8, LBBBBBj , mmTmTmM ..-. Tl Am .. '.J- - "; -Vi.-ftri' J . . - " 5 ff TTrB"v gg,je'gm 'f .X.. gg,gHT"!' '2j mar" Bm '''"' ijv; - .-asBsrvflSmTasasanBsasiBi :.g a ' . '. s- 'i i - IP KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1915 IS RILED E ON STAAD - ii si UNO WAKES ARMS l.WWH EXAMINATION; COMI'LET- Kl TODAY , nrUHf. j - . IpNt KwiiilnalfcMi Is HeamiM'd o. IrrtKm nhiI Mflhori el IUmmI of I jIm, HmMImn NhmiI viinll. W ('mMiii FhwI in'IMt ArM, MllrK tlMt Uh Juror ire Hmr jac of Juot Now. I i II llOM P. OKDDKM (I'lttfd I'rM H' CorrMMndnt) It" ivnirl'Uk V V.. Anrll 5S . ; RMmcH'K tcntlmoiiy In rhc, RarnH I 'vni lull became tMipMrteui In If Mtiuxl or ilcllvcry today. Cliuhttij f Mvn opponlnif council went frr- '' ftMtalldar. Tka eroM exaMlaattoft by Um plain 1 e lira atloruoyM waa conclidoi af 1 1 t :. " " t&J&'WSteimmmiWml S r,, : . .v.f,,- iP , -; jji.TJyT. .. . , .-a '...M-a SB2ESSK5ry Litigants in $50,000 Libel Suit at Syracuse, New York p: A o'clock. Thn redirect amlnillon , ky RooMvolt'a nltnrnya Inpn com- H'awacd. RaaMVrlt'H rHallonn with M4Mn " ttr I'Utt nnd thn tlotnlla of the col f?i LJfn .nil IUrwMal nf thn 1104 r nillcan campaign faada tw at trs imtly dwelt upon today. Rooae wH aUtcd thatha waa mlatekan kM be tMllfieii that tna eontrlbu- UM amounted to 11,668,666. TroBi wtUry Corteiyou, M MMea, ne 'iMtacd that the fund only amounted ,UV. '.. ..A AAA t m bi.iuu.uuu. ,Wrtbe. Colonel, waa mil .of vim an IW.JqhJHHa,. ,. -. Maw. be maeke hw im into nu "7'S.i 'j-v-. fam when he declared that he work- t v with "nnu" Plat nalv ao far aa .ah eaucleace would permit. Despite a objection, the court refused to atop the witness from leetlculatlnc. RooMTflt said that he consulted Piatt upon certain political polnta be cause Plntt'had a wide knowledge on thin line, and he knew the latter'a ad vice would be valuable. Ttie witness admitted that la 1614, bo mado a speech In which he claaal fled (ho defendant in the suit, William Bsrnee Jr., aa a "meaaee." Cnltud I'resa 8ervlce UNS1.NO, Mich., April 18. The leihlsture, la ooaUauena aeastoa ilnre January 6th, reoeased loiajr un Ul May 20th, when sine die. ad journment Is scheduled. ggggfanaV agM 4? igggggggggggggggggggggggggH I aal :)'t I. 'gggggggV fggggggga I XggggggggggMfaagggggggl gHJ iaVgggggalBVggggaaBVgafC!L ggggggaw BVgggggggV"wsami igH ggggW. ImmHOttmmmM H ggggggf kXMuanyis1H . FIRE CAUSES LOSS OFBUSINESSBiOCK "J- : j Kilt Ml UN I.N'JURKU IIY FAU,INO I' WAUtH-tnilK FORCBH OP TWO T IXMIXXKHOTACITV ' v , 1 nliol I'roAH Service ', ' 8T I'AUI... Mlnn.,.;Aprll SK.An' 'piilto. sqimro of' buildings ln nhe downtown dUtrlct 'IhJ? burning here. nnd the librric of twelve big bualaesa fl,rin He In ruins, wlih mi estimated ' 'dnniagfl of i'tnufifilW V ' Kei'in flri'nien hii been Injured, ' oin'7iitnlly;l)y falling walls; and the '' liui'ls Ht 111 t)u7nlrlg,'biit 1b now uhderj control, " " , Thf. lire departments of Minne&po-, IIk mid St. Paul are lighting the flre.i .' ' tXCURSlUK ill DD Judge and Lawyers in Roosevelt-Barnts Suit Now Going On (AaU9wun ptiA, xpoure of Fumet HKAOQVARTBM x . - ffi. f 'fii'ri n'lnnsin anil U 1. 1 II5V HHIItYf lllrlll UlllMllnl -Li ihvvmmj, 1 "j- ? ! J l u i-iitsT miivuAv irppfcn OF THK Y'BAK WIMi UK KKTRIP lX lIKIiD SUNDAY IF THE: WKATHKB IS AmtKEABLE 1 t 4 Wlll-nni llnrncN, Jr. Tlicoilorn Itmwc'Vfll 1'roviding the weather Is agreeable, 'the first 101S Upper,,KUmath Lake jcxcurHlon will be hold Sunday. CeJ kins & Iltimlltoni who operate the jranll boats, will usetbe Oakland and Spray, It the ezcunsbn is held, and 'will visit Rocky -sIht, Harriman Lodgu nndT:ngleiUdge,r v """ " I The boats will leave here ;ln the imorulng, and return late in the after noon. A ntop or Beyeral nours will bo made at some point of Interest that the oxcurslonlsts may enjoy picnics, etc., and to allow those who desire to cat lunch at one of the resorts. 1 J" -'. t gHgggggggHgggB V flPiggggMFlilggggggggggggggK 1 m ggtBBa'BaWBBgggf I VglggggggM " I ' V jllgggggggggggggw BggggggggggggggggE: 'ftgggggggggggggggggggggl Iggggggggggggggggggggf "' gggggPEgggggggggggggf ' fa-cc. Aprtt aaaaaaaaaagggggggggggaa - gggglHggggggggggggggl . mmmS mkwmLmm. LHHm kmmmmmmWBHmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmm. gggggggggggggggggggggggaT gggggggggHggflggggggggHPIH ?; agggggggggggggggggggH UggW-gWiLgggggm-tgcM ggggggggggggggggggggggggggB 9 ' - ggggggggggggflr- gggggggggggggggggggflM '"' ggggggggggggggl ggggKsaanaffggggWnl algggggggggggS V gggBUPgggggggl .ggggggggggggfl! r -ammmmmBaYrnfrimrrrirrmrrr ammmmmami t'i ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm T- ggggggggggggggggggB ''iggggggggggggghl -t & gggLlHigigB :U5' iiifl 2BE.'" ggggggggggH ;agglhWI ' gggggH fi igggggggarm-?vk 'ggggggga ff-f"'mmmmMKHiJ-:li- An .ggBs" I fl 'gggggggftnff-'JI 11 l. 8- J II jf t. gggggggggggggggaViir '- ill eranPsgBBBsBni ii ggggggggaw 7 pPBeqaa 'gggggggr '" X'LsSMiSBBnnanxi-teyv. 'VsSggga''s1gar' 'wSSImmmf " " gggggaW 'ggB)' - tila!talrP'5ll' " ,1,,,s!?saJJLBeeSBainw r.AQ virnwQ qi IftlaTglA 1 W'l I'l ';i.lgl:al " . 4JS .. iij.r' atm "ggl ggaV SaW.'1 daVtXaVggggaani' mWM tgggga. Mgggl MM AW1NI& BrlUKh Vi 3s JV2a; .ht'j mm '.?,- 3:;rst;fiLS.w?'! ' : " i , i -;'"--' .-..--. . ' . - i:aTm-amBTarl?''L -x 5ft - ?,, 3fti grVFi m vatrw wnni- ,vimi,. 1 1 majm ' lAmitUI!a0 (wwto-j'.!, 'j, ,.jJ." a ,, ' -p. fit rv.ifejf':..i.. .'.A4 mat 2- ' :iVL aliS 5ff?si-i' - Hpurs,f,; NkHatBcip? . (Usilted.'tPreaaf.ataJf. ConMMdfatP'P'-'. "?i - -. 55 jcj&.j,..-A3!AMnirS!haVaf.:'''. .,ial iis, ay the ti&tiTmWi?m.mK-H-4 ' " " ' ..: - - . ;. ... ., TT"J , . .,' -' I ', mmmirm9M,VimtmMVmvtrmwtMmmjj'mmmmmMt"-'" :'M ..! ei.ta.FlM--': OVNslfAaKPBNtMJf3l - a 'iv-it '"wrwg, Ty.f-S'f ?r - t ;? S ' "-".' "I-i" I1 ' ' "i, Jl" .-. L ;, IPW' : - " IT rf'irf 'rfr,l.3''Jvi J. WI. BBamarammmn. ammmmmmme mmmmi mmmr ; T ;tar -n' V 7 ' 'J -- . . . " W'aJIMroeMavsanaaweliamvaeYwaa ,... ;.' Aa.eWtWef.l sidaaew 1-l.te vioaisJea-ef'aUitlserMiMiTMMMv mmVM'S- k i. i"" 4.- J. V".i. rf ' r.Tji,. . if tl, 't1 ;' f the'ajae' vlrtlam lwea jrllltJa)a1atf T, f- . w-'-"" --'- .--- .. " howra of aalck amei .irthroul-.thetrre . 1 r i ' J? ' 1-- t "B - " T V r t "4"' 5ij a " VBW uua MHsjB.asanT; per aamatf ,', ae :mmmiffmmtr,it ;, . 'Daetawe srhe watch: th . mfJ lTa1' f . state, that the Genw-JMln! JaM: W;eH IBa ajwlaln SfBgaSgaWngeV MM4?frtCj 4Vsigam ' 3fr .I-L t - M0V1?iV(.'i i&t'vyr''"1 m ma wiw fnrwu ,V .Krf'i ,P Jt. J t 'V. fc-.T' .'-r- MvgpOTMgglejfamBms 3m$l Oeneral Readf ta Reiirr I'nltcd I'resa Serrlee SAN PIIANCIBCO, April t. Ma- 'Jor (Icneral Arthur Murray, com mandtng the Weatern department of the United States' rmy Reached the. see of retirement today, but will re ula on the active list until the elose of the Kxpoaltlon. ThU photograph shows WllllniUi Mr. Koosevclt stated also that tbe !iarma, Jr., former chairman of thow.i older political parties were com- , . ..., , M,1plctoly dominated by Mr. llarnes and nepubllcn stale camtulttee of New, .. York nnd leader -In tho ue"'u';roi(0UI.s8 WU8 duo to tho co-opera-flght against Theodore Itoosowlt Inn f Mr Mllrn.iv nnd Mr. names. the Hepubllcnu National Convention llc(nR turough Governors UIx and of 1018, and Mr. nooaovou na iney (yuu. lut ,.tho ,ntorcBtg of Mr.' appeared In Syracuse, New York, . .; Murnhv nr funda-'. irendy for tho trial of tho suit of tho' mentll1. ,lonlCOt alI(1 that whon former for 160,000 for libel. Tho'tno l8SUC oetweeu popular rights and) two did not pose togetner. in ' COrr,Uit aud machine ruled govern-: for tho first day of the session of tho mont , cU.arl). ,jrnwn ti,0 two bosses THK UIQI1 SCHOOI, AGOKKGATION court tney urn noi uui . . w, ,)0 aW,,yB found flghtlng on th Mr: Barnes bases his action against, u Mc ovvny or convortly, glv- Mr. Koosevclt on a statement madoK ono n,loUlor gUpport as can by the latter on July .22, 1914, prior wHh safoty uo renUered. They to the direct primaries, ncia to so- renHy forn Ul0 nj.p0werUj invisible loct candidates for state offices In K0Vcrnmcnt which Is responsible for New York. The Colonol said on thnt'tl0 maindiulnlBtration and' corrup occaslon: ton In the public odlccs of the state." "In Now York stato wo see at; Us, Mr. Unrno's complaint asserts that Rock Ishusdl O-ttef liMurue Called I'resa Dervlee ' -J ROCK I8I.AND, 111;, April II. toek uind will be mlaslng today .Has tbe Three-Kye league teama " tftcir seasons. , '" ' Ik r i worst tho deyolopmcnt of tho syttem j, Uoog0Voll.8 ferenc0 lo Mr. of, Di-parusan ooss rH .. . "-J names were libellous, false, and un como of this system Is necessarily published mallclouy that invisible government which the n. lroiaJpatve party was In large Prt'tl(f founded to opppose. It Is Impossible . r' . ... j i ('nIoniH Itoasovelt's answer Is a to secure tne economic, Bociai, uuu iu- r.v , i ., ohslrlal reforms to which wo "uocumont of 113 printed, pages,, and pledged until this Invincible govern- goes back Into ppllflcal history aa far Sent of the irty bosses working The answer repeas that S..7a.. .t Jooked nolltlca Is root-w corrijptlon existed In tho tod out of our governmental iy.tem.''!'''t.i'ament9" i i . colonel Uoosovoll further contends that lto hud n right to criticise Indi viduals and events, and that his com nicnt and criticisms wcro fair and I privileged. MmM to Commeflceuient Talk '? .. !.- .'. I T High icaWhaa Juat received wora that Dr, Reeee, head of the Da- Psrtaent of BnilMi at theUnjveraity ot Oregon,, has aeeepted the InvlU- jtlon to dUv tW yeUalpaq sddMSi U the comaeasementasrKses'ef the hwnth Oenkty MitAttlfkQOl, "! I In addition tevbelag ea of the ot learned studenU of Bag llsh, Dr. Wbeo has ae,uWd a reutUe for Pleasing M jjrM; IntereaUag an judlenae, T)tfHlill:JWtM-1,rtited The held i!W ' ..- win ha iiruumiAri in twonty- ! 1 n.uJ. Ihj.Iii4Ih Mttnv wlm hftVft oib Buuiura, iuviuumh " - been great factors In athletics and, scholastic achievement at the school, 'It la believed that the exercises will J&nldWtht opera houaeSinatakd at the High Ichool'thls yoar. Anoth er' change In the order of coramenee-meat-activities Is ibe scattering out the declamation contest, tho senior play, and otkvetvnctlvltiee that havo heretoforp been held the flail school My Itth. At tht time, dli- 'as. ?'uiu verda OasmaVla the' Wedtetor :;OUoird letlta.hi taesalutatbr. "i lUico Fvaturtw Itasln Day United Press Service ' PUKSNO. Cal., April J-S.A naj tlonul automobilo race with a, prise of 110.000 to be divided among lead-, lug 'contestants, will bo tho feature of tho r.nsln day celebration, hero, which begins today. Amateur Wrestlers Meet United Press Service $ NRW YORK. April '28, Prelimi nary jvenU.abe,? MftropnUlan wrestling championships will be de cided tonight In tlio Bronx, under the auspices of tho Amateur Athletlo Un ion. ; : ft I. . ' Lt? in rrow bhi i : l'Bwan'Lake' Valley, was a business, visiter In Klamath Tails' "yesterday, 4, PLAY FORT TEAM HERE THIS WEEK WILL SEEK TO GET REVENGE FOB" THE TROUNCING THEY RECEIVED LAST WEEK To get revenge forthe 10-to-8 .de feat last Saturday' afternoon" at the hands of tho ForrKlanlath" baseball team, the team; of Klamath County. Hign scbooi win tacgie tne ,wooa River Valley aggregation Friday af ternoon at Modoe Park, 'The game will start at 2:30 o'clock, with Jake Stelger and Ira Oreouaabe battery for the local school. s n With a badly crippled team, the local boys visited Fort' Klamath last Saturday, but lack of tbe regular cat tery and one or two other first string piayevs enabled the Fort .Klamath boys to ''grab tbe bacon," .The reg ular players of the high school will fbe In the game Friday afternoon, which may mean victory for -Coach Motschenbacher'a protsjsjea. The Fort Klamath players wtlKar- rtve Friday morning In automobiles. - ., tA."1! TeMtMnsnCemTetloii X'nlted Press Service 4 l-AUR'Uli. Mlsj.. Xprll8.rjWUh delegates present from throughout Mississippi, the State Teach era. As soclntton convened here today for a three day session. )f f . v.vr-,l ,h . .. A scleaUflo lnvestlsjater.f Europe has discovered a hew method of de stroying fungua dtaawe'u'an'd house hold nesta by the useef 'mercur-. In Inclosed spaces "the mareurr Is em ploy ed In the f orm! of , iper; In other, cases Itila Injected lnmetalUe form directly Into the clreulfaig fluids of the Dlant. "ifhe growtfc of-the plant ".""'Ai ? -.1 .-'-r"-'': :.,! ,1t. ; II "- . m i i n iiBiaiiun -iiiiiiin.lMiiaf wmmwwmwm wmmm'wmw.! 4 m ypimOli.Jiam. sT-h(sWsa,sm-nsysBtaj . are 11 h rr iim nsTnaatTri f nrr'lhVs'nali Fnhic aa,Relgisaiu'amat'isa4:1Bm,4B - h J : . . 5. . . .w- .. 1, ,. i ' - - - - v -rf"ar-e .. j.w.'m ftvu.'i.itry.cii.S'-U- .vr?--iL ji'.f .S.ndMwa.juaimas Stateupreme court, ,whor ig.nag-partaswJiW:lmt.lmflTimia r& at the trial of Ue 150.09?: . wreritaiar H-lstlasi luait n.ra4tfwira W taM.-afcs : tto ahet.. '4 .'.i-..'-raTiagiaTs - J '& "",e , n rny to memvalw tatiUsit ss,fcw:talai4 Jury K- . ,k. --'- .'. i,'. - l.-?i--. j;..."v's'a: l. .: f-:: ; A:"; .lf?r5!:Mt; ' , i dflil : 1 4tjf isr.i32l:mi'esr':rr;--! ..cflL'-i -...", -fc-tS'.itv:shjasK'iR.'r5?'s'iiJ's - WLr-H a samt nalr mHyfsett-jsasesaiiaV saaaur .ef -JL ; '.i- ! '.'.'t'y'Tr-".'f.f,J..y. -.-w ,.l; -- fM,- . .'-l William: Now York nreslded libel suit, of Winm'Baniee;':Jrle-fI'ti mej- chairman of -the Republican 'J.aK;Ce trms state committee 01 new ior,,wMi ,. Ffatitaar Theodore Roosevelt, waa so Interested In the choice of a that he read, a seed caUlogue tor In-, ntsnthnrplr. lorniltuuu ouvui y.-m -. while tbe wyera were. oujr. wT. tniUHi Press Service Ham M. Ivins, chief, counsel tor mr. uarnea, ue ui . u-. .v-. -- ..,.. taM4Mi. bia. Sk yers of New York. He la daring; ano, - ,.JLJ2:Ll&&&&L . .,' .... -ft1.AltAl.: IBM . ? flTWnMRIWIII 1IBHII JMUH.WHiiKIW.nMBilBIB, reniarnuui wuw. ,. . -.,- . ,,-..., .-1,12, 'r" f. irfin' :"vt.,y.,'- " a' cross-examlna .iiuuiiupi nignv im ie JunMic am tiH..atvvft'jj!ypvwB-vvvvMjMav suD-aarne J (,tf 7ltt 'vS'.- , .,' v-,: 1. urtli ciiorAAfl in uv - r- , 1 ti ," -- - - ' - , n A,x I-' .., bA,-n. RHiflwinaD n raa-MD. 411MB UOU 01 air. iwwiwi w--...-. . ..j;,-. ,-., - , ,iW- : wviki'iAv'ifrtvAiiiS,! i1 (' No other person who had attempted, &-lto.ddjsyh ftramHosw the feat baa succeeded. William H4 CambeUa, waa mtcO, ttoMtbsg em the iiefc,'Tfce, jressieltiMJIatim; Van1 Benschoten Is one of 'Mr.. Rooae-p reach the beech. t v vnlt'a lnwran . - ' --'- ' r '"-" "1 , t ..' iifti- s;,. -I m Kkii A i . , .', A '1niMV,maViCa r,,;,;,.,; Tk' Wi?'sWalVi.TraM l.' j..., ,. ,.f. .jl. "t , ' vm 'g, HAD 14 FROGS M HIS STOMACH ""- OF THESE. TEN WERE ..ALIVE, AND, noCTORSjIlEtlEyB THAT HATCHED IN THEY BREADRA8KET , Vi i. ... m3-tr- & fc MAN'S -.. IP ;. United Preaa Serylce ST. PAUU. Mlnn.AprUclir-Al bert Kreuger, the maa'-who carried fourteen frogs in his tummy for sev eral weeks, and found that ten of them were, alive when ejected, resum ed worit,rtoday after being ?. d" for over , two', weeks to think It oyer, Kreuger la believed by-Dr; C. F; Johhson, ot- Wluttwp. MlnVt,:-J0. vouches for the story, to have, taken trogeggs" Into his stomach while drinking water. The egge'-got into thelnteetltMB. where the dlgeeUve Juices are. less severe, and there they .. !..' .. ... 'l Jt-' nflLIHSUMK. 1 Ej, thyriBadeUbelr;wayjhck man's stomach, where thear created Irritations that produced violent pains and nausea, which 'almoat oauaed Kreuger to have an operation, . -, j- it ws oue ura ,mm vtiaj that KreuWe4etef ton nf them housed about real Hreay. llke;on,the'aiawtd.';,-- ' . ASTsl'AL AFFAIR " piJHL'laWIlM gSS- Tfiil'i?. . ,.The Senior claas;.of. the. local high t ..ited ftea, mMfflj&ri$i ," school. Ui:"be, guts ot'tthe, 'Junlori jPAI4i.e . 'class Saturday afternoon of thla week ! dot, sm-la-Uw of Paetser. has Jm -'' iSs T1 ' "" f .T8 ' !-AT:",ti-; M French scienttau'i aNpuamwc themselves over -the,, faetthat tarn black apcit at thaVead.iaaiurt'a tentacle seems to irfAamaWtwlMR "" - - -1 -" TT' .--; ,- - I a . - . C1"-L. !..-.' 'A-V Is ae only dtaturaed, ht lata nM isjaMniaWi mwroaoopiaayiy'mmm .V ' aaUagng. s-auatta-taW ;Jgggggtagl V weBSB7aBji anraff jivBajsr s"S"sw?B-ar'B t 4 t, ? ,w' ffl?. .. - . aCnv am anm fll ataa ataa aw aCan -' Ah eaVe, atm k . .l'nmjtm al at'sfga m at f ' stg. fll ULIIIIU li; ICU l: i gglllPU lit IgllWLiH ga aVaaafr aWgsVaWflsm 'Iafga' sFlftm.Ti' aam&aVi'' aaaVal Ht I ,v. tttiHIHU hool jmiioitH iii 1 nnh fir rnlTfiatr w if riafiiif - i HIGH SCHOOL .-.. - . , .. ,.-ti, ... , .-"..fVr.j lf5V..V. .1.',.. . TAKE "THE 115 HUNCH'FOR A' iTHAT HOaSrWAl-FOmiJaiela'. i.AiTvrcr sutik im tr)KinLiB nPKNnnMrw,HvH9tiaa) o - -w- - ,,, , i "tt - . .,. , t v. . . , iW' .TTvTT i n a 1antii.1i vtata. cmal t.(nlr AS T A aTdh j Otl nillEstl V A4 ImaLaalf al T 1. Ewauna and Klamath River. ' Thidlera'reaered:M''sMa5 la''P rtuaer-njla In Uunrhna. a-ad if Naltnn't rnTii ' rTrrril tn bn far raalar'- -- near;'Keso. .wll(.laAdt'oitJoyvlunchu)ti .'.J n &Sn 0UF, 9w, "The, party tVM:MMMi0 WK1 :, ,Enertalnmentof the putaylaaktoeai'hranghtjas tf class ot'Klamth;Couhty;Hlgh flcht ryji by the sunual aaWr f ;thV,,- , :of tho, InatituUenr: In ,natypawl;ilt la hr wy,;.-T;aee tfaet , haa. taken tte''fhape-of!net,liaf liu'iaun. nuwi iwwm ywwp-.iwijpsiijyi i-f.w-a,iwiY.,l-n - -wjHPfi', jjj-m "..-- I'T " '. .. t'V J -."T. ' i '".fc a 'VU ..t )-:. fSWHw-wtw e but. only c a few esmaleaa aea rfumur, viaiis bitvk Bmawa'nsw.,ia)ervw;swrsss -. la, .tourlnt 'frWam teavaaaVlaw aelwsCta flMalyMlnf r.1, -"yx, 'Vtvs'4Wik imftwm fc SUl-aSSJflg&,rC:. vifffll MWlmkm di4sHh-kti I. . j." ' u u vm'WMM Jhmak::;Dswnaak.i,fkmiM.&:hnewm aastha amis Taamanmai 1 i''lll Kbjaaath; eatr,iassi.lB. upvf W-f W Wnoaaieaeea;tH- apf,s avsHSHree.awnsj,aBS':is brMge,v In neoe.k the hisaai w- I rfW;1 .".. '''.-.-i'' ! f.VIjmi-. . cT.: . aRBfTsr iB! -ifor leWU.;,MTW,Wv,tJir3M3. :M,WP,W,"wVVM JfWMifCv '4H t ,&i - :- i ,4V - ,.Af U V tl i. 41 ' . f i 7t. . . htJ., Vi .. -M.F$&t avx ?MW '- v. e ?,t