?". "j k ? .. -V rji I feV1 4 Pi..-, T tlAMATH'FAIXi' KLAMATH 0H- riiCIAt NBWWAMt . r" !?;" ". "' jflfiJ ,. ::' i, '. , "i.y- whH "W - "" st . , 'jta' -.&' iifafm. w . . rf,:3gfwfft?'H r Raw at aWsa-aV mi . ', T1''' . '' . - mwr i j . - g-r& , vin if ftupwtit o lar ora !- . -- --a -- --- - -w . vgaraaavnw-aaf w'rrr aw's'snj- - " p. i i ' 1 1 1 Hi i NESS Hani fgUft ".Vc I CONCESSIONS i i -riirrn y Ill , , ..,.., .,.. . 4J-- - ' - ' ' MEN AND 6ET CONCESSION WHI jin.v i'.iuxiVAii 'VwtfM Introduced by III IkHrgalloa ? A KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, ftUE&DAY, APRIL 27yHJS; HEAT KILLING 'LONG LAKE Mill MANY IN EAST, BfcGINS SEASON I (Mill llIK IX VIIIOAflO HIXCi: rfl '., o.NCKKX f YlXTISMI'liATNH CUT- Canadii Who Is Responsible for Boom in American Stocks ,,,....- ..iii k m tmiHP- JE I f XfltM I'.w, .m tiiii!ti:i:x ixiAr.Ht IHK IX riXriXVATI IX tiii: MMV. TIMi: ' " Tl. t,MH KKUT OP MIMIIKH .1 IUVWIIX CMI'MJV TIIIIITV "Jt HHITV .H A CIIKW t(ii...i I'i..h St.-j(. ' J rim ruttliiR k-ohoii will ccmimcnte ' CINlMN'XATI. Alirll 27 Thn!inmnrriu mn..i.. ... .i. .. .. TiitorHpriliUrf WlMrrt,j nnnlih ilopurlmcut roporiH thlrU-eu I.ohk Uko Umbur vunipoiiy at 8hlp-, !' u. . v.. .. Jai. a ii l"'"nl ,,CMl,IB "lnc Hu,,,,u'' .l'lKinn, The plant will begin oper Wrt Htr.r. fc'r., J9 , . ..srHbrU to ,!.,.. , , wlth a crow of n.irty.ttve or f V(Si t'' of fnitiMll tlMWtbrr for! "" ' '"fly man, mainly omployoo wliol Mm ' ., .. I' "Ut"' ' Hrlc orkoil lHt koiirdii. mid Ikih a IhihvI plMlN "' " Ottllwwee U K UIHCAtIO, April 27.- -'iIh-i.. urt nuihoii'h work ahead of It. Wl$L IhmuI lnlilirni ,our rot,l ,,oa', "' " rt'HU" "r lw An "U'rage of 40,000 fuel of limi- 'Zr? ' auildcn hot wnvn nlnro Htindny. her n ilnv wHi h rut n u f.n...wi i "- jTho plant, In the pnHt few wock, liu.nl b FalU HualBMi Meat ., ,.,..,, nn ., ,. ,. . ... .... .,. . t?T",'ll'at"'!??": nkln th. hottest April day In'.UU .onctrn Ih hauled from near Chlloquln, where thn eompnny lian a contriiet for Retting Hmlior from thn' Indian xerrlco. IXHTtll OK HIIII'I'IXO THKM TO AI.OKIIIA, UKia'III.IC HAH THKM MtU builiiew and Cor Jwrjywimj Tneri) ,. ,,,, MttctlnK M iauw ' """" , ,' inn n reiult. IjuU4 by (he council lam algbl., Tim followed a' vbVlt from a delega-i tao(MtniNnbuilnMna. ,Tninr HOIUP 0Hrquet waa for keeping Main' f Hi II I. f 1 1 A I (111 it(Nt iprlnkled at bat lwlc a day.li linifUl UUIMU Tkh win he take up by airwt mn nninntirnn Ttc?nd waa for the wclualvi.' WAK T KIuURlKu .rtWMilon prhllege on July S. 3 and J "" "iwwiia.nw i.:wtifn the association will conduct , l urtt-aij cciesraiioB, inia w IMUd, with a furtbtr prowlM that JWaitreri will be doted for two ort ikMA hlivlta fnr noaalr daMel. jk reaueat waa alo made for the MIXIXH, IWIMIIXO AXD BAIL- cm of the city hall every Wedaeaday itOADIXQ iitjkt for aeetlaca of tie aMOclatloa. - TMi waa granted. ' T lat requeat waa referred toituiicd I'roaa Service Ciy Attorney It u teak. Tela la forj I'AIIIB, April 27. France la al tteiBMdlag of the seddler'a leegeltendy making a reaaonnble uo of her mm to mkn It tooiegaeaalve for warprlaoaera In keeping up the neces-Mt-retldnta to dtinoee of werchan- ry manual labor of the nation. ,VHaer. . -- For the tine belag, at leait, tbe nu noi our wian is any way w .. -"' ' T"" . " :. T... The cleaning bee there Saturday was hUre with Camera aad otkere ofind MoroccoMwhere thouaand. hae AnM(ji guccig ! iMiaMrictaelllag their produce, etc., been employed almoat JTrom the flnl u fhoro j( o ,m more work ,t Wrijaor to dtecourage the sale of dyK of the war, ,"raWaa decided by those laboring Satur JCirtld. manufactured .or raised ly abandoned. They are now be- wt another q( voluB,wr Ijn," add Prealdent J. F. Magulre In uUlhed cloaer to home .work would practically put the cem- Of Ihit atnrlnllnn. "Wn nnlv ink to' In COMlCtt abOUt 3,000 are UOW be- , ' ..,. , CEMETERY IS : MUCH CLtANtR KiaTKO WITH THK I.MI'IIOVK. MKXT ACtXIMI'MHHKU 8ATUR UAV, WOMKX PIAX MORK WORK KHT OK THIS WKKK It there lit anybody thu leuut (llt ciirloua u bo ut the amount of work that a numbor of determined men and women can accomplish la one day, they need only visit the cemetery. utery In good condition, so far aa re-j -V i. ... . !. u,i.klJ la ill mlnAa tn All ntf h out some or the ouui.ie peaaiera,.na "" "t Z .h-nil"! ot "" ctc- ,8 concerned, ud faklm who mlcht overate here." rlcultural dlstrlcta of France about .,.', i. n. BUmARS TAKE OUT P. 0. SAFE UTKR CARRVINO AWAY OOV KR.NMKXT ' HTRONaaOX VMM WPia: IIUHOLAIW TAKB $l,99 FROM UNOLK HAM J 4 no aro being worked at 1'uy-de-Dome; about 1,060 In Hrltany, whllo unothcr lot la uied In railway con struction along the north const, while I large contingents nre being utilised tin other public works in Champagne, jCreuHP, Ardeche and Herault. I llecauae of the war Canada la nl- ready In need of drugs and chemlcalH. Bcnrrlty of olive oil haa led to the uae of American cottonseed oil n a aub-stltate. jaafe from Rell'a atoro nt Caatella, and carried it isr yarai away, iney men .dynamited tbe safe, nnd got 11,000 , in cash and a quantity of stamps, halted l'fe Service , . w I There la no clue to the robbers. RRDDINQ. April t7.-r-BurglarsjThe crime was not dUcovered until jt alght bodily stole taa postotlceithls morning. Irrigation Season Is Connmenced on Project Therefore, thore will be another boo Saturday, and all aro invited to help In the Improvement work, After tho brush, weeds, etc., are cleaned away, the Woman's Relict CorpH will bogln work to repnlr the fences and driveway, and do other work requiring an expenditure of money. Besides the funds received from the city, the Corps Is raising money by holding silver teas, and will see that thb cemotery Is In proper condition before Memorial Day. Once this Is accomplished, steps will bo taken to keep up this orderly condition. This will be dono by reor ganising the Cemetery Association, nnd conducting the cemetery through this organisation. ' the Hrat Ue, water KbeW rnlihd tho water user Tinder the lmaih I'roject' on a weaaureawnt ?. Inateud pf being assessed at r t rut for frrlfattou 'water, fyc, 'Jw farmers will tht year pay accord. to the amount of water they actu ' uie In tho course of the season. A minimum of two aore feet per " for the iMion'tai been wUb " A rate for this amount will letermlned upon ateraad aa et ' c'arge will beaiade where more '"n this amount It used. '- 1 Already water Is being furnished to 'math project farmers. There ii In tho maln'oanal now that It owing to Malta, and bslag used by "."www them whr arefsralag dy ,o, andJwH.vMkePtliat .ttafi - y water eariler'taU ieaee. Irrl...i .. . . .1 T iTTT- v.t ik.V . wnnTnerf will sUrt ,k Monday, y naturday at the latest, the enlargement of the Griffith lateral will be fully completed, and water will be turned Into that water way to Irrigate the acreage trlfiutary : .-.. 'With tho completion of tne urimm lateral It will bo possible for Merrill and Matin districts to get water Just as early aa they want It, as Instead of being supplied through the South Uraneh canal, which la turn Is fur nished with water from Upper Klam ath !ake via the Main oanal, tho wa ter used or their Irrigation will,, be takes fronVLwt Illver at.tha ilyw-ilM'-eam, and carried' through v the arlalth Uteral lp the sub-tatera,!?, the.farmera. . v .A total of ll.ooo acrea win oe irn MUST UPEN UP INDUSTRIAL AD. 8TRROTH AND AU'KYH FKXOED IN ARK TO BE CliKAXRD AXD REOPKXBD TO PUBLIC TBAVKL BY COUNCILS OBDKB . After aa Investigation Into tbe con' dltlon ot Btreets and alleys In Indus trial Addition, the street committee of the counoll lost night reported that several streets nnd alleys are Impas Bible, owing to fences across them. iThoy also reported these littered badly, r The council then ordered the street committee to serve notice for the va cation of these thoroughfares, and for cleaning them up aad placing them In condition for use by the public , fgaaw K ...saBBaaaMBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW . - iHESaaaaaaaaHl v saaaaaaaaaaaavn9aaaapv vror.v.? - t saaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas naa .U gegfgfKljgfKiVr,;' vi. cit ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal sal &i naaaaaaflHsaaaaaaaa;4f. AVsHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaB tJSBl SBBBBBBBBasBBBBBBVMasKdSBBBBBBBaBBBBlaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBB gflBBBl iagWI-SPiHsjaaasaaall sneaK ' .. ni i mi . ivsaaaaaaaaamaMf .BBW (V- M 'BSKeBBBBBBW FARTH TRFMRIFS :AS 6UNS R0AR ALU 4 y- " LRONT: WORID'S BIGGEST DifL v?4 fjbar , H.l??Ari,P5. : "B&mnffitisA it. .--" . i,:-p" & A-! yk, y.'-L,' . .. . Tr'C ,1..-' I " - mm& "A Mm rS&J&V . . f v.... . HyMM.IAH.ltKIHK (I'alted Prow StasT CerrentteeMtent) icopyriam ,ini.i nj iiwra rrnap. AW&3mte m, lAjLi&i&smmr. - - ' ';vw!" HTi 7.Jipsr?ti &3Mr. mm i . J1 rrX- r t, HKADQUARTKH8 MtlTMH UHIslHllAB EXlHHMTtWfieftaiswW-S . -v;w :'-? '"ifti i-mncc, Aprn.xTVNe greaieM ansattry mm mmmwjmfMkif .ZL?'. i . ' 'J ' . .! . 'T'au .ZlX-fri'if" m&r r-lslaaaaaal sfBBBBBBBBBl saaaaaaaaaaaaaaat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ggHgH gegegeLgegcccccH ' ''saaaaaaaaaal JL stiillrrr iuua.it litidnaiiuw wit sjai rant f xcm aw ee tlw' aiwaaber et , ' MiaA 'ssM"! lIKJ.MflBHp1! cast ."V awv, " Into'tlie' ,iA i-fj - i ii i -A.T" d JT -Jn-. k -,! I' - k . ' -"" i. " . 7 L 3 ?'"'''?' ''? J rT" W erw V0M o ris".. . ' -'"."-'?" jsVjiiL JLlriraSUiiBW , T7T-- rrTrfiTT3.i.w, s -. - v. i- ..tgiHtmy. w'l'ig.JHi.TVJ :& '. ' " . - r , . ' j r Hie tMk V 3 AT ri;-s -j .' ;?; " y, -tj 1 ? "Jt r,?Jr".vT-' .' -'.' r-VT!'Vi .S .'mil saaaar gggfJB saaaTwy ajgam jnaosBk- nsnsjsnrcy cew-o Wfeeawejes' aefwssrvva w w-:jf.a-.n- , j ?TI-J k.Mfcf.i .f-aWi-dh. 5KJ3WVaifVX .Gttoft 1 :-" -'f." : fr-aur'.. " -- ' -K--i,vt ,H"c,r,w e?'f!555Fi1"JW'ffl?S 55'J.mffl .. " ' - i " - i 1M... V",a NftJT;iiiifM A S&fte.L'i'''l. . saa aam laasrweBBBrsBBBB! .a wjun J nU .. t.J"aiJ(V'. fc. .- . -.. ti' V w"i-'t3. ' nmMftHM ceii hAPfllv few esMfMseekiPJSSvr " , , ,. tvj, .af -i,j '",1 rrllMM SeisaTfaii mttr deaaaaadl ad beSBtafaw .,J -vS?Tfe "' ".'-!' Jf-TSi' KO-SMmmbd. cvplodlng shrapnel ur nenplaaei. of the Gmaep aa4Bte;sMs) : nui Mprefi, aeeKiaa; la locale tiwjsweaaeaa'f me t awl Impart-to their awtlMeiyaaea.IsaToraaattnai' tkat: M xhootinx m an to.raaMe gmrter dialiacrtea ef life wad piupuly f ' ' it rtjf M , l mnn. , '; j Jr 1 t Throagbowt the day. i agate wotted te the awe ef .J' terW;lNie4Sfey, I iH a v-j kirA.fci' ..b . I. ., i ' . - " jt4 j-TV ffj'nrfMfil' " g.-tii) TW . .7 ( late the aUlee. I Ifalted Press Service a, J .j-a.?- ltRRUX, AprH S7. TM fi-iv 1. NatbunK-l Currryrarlch''Oattaduin,;Hlbloror'tHt!'rapid rise fn that ttr; It became the leader in the market la place of the stock of Bethlehem Steel, Charles M. Schwab's company, which f. advanced on" much smaller orders for i &&5&l&$ awswwBjes.iasMae 4 sasaas m ;'- - I.- ""f ,rS;1 v'.Kf J"r ", It, Ik also. eaalswed. that (be tlw.left hMk.ef theiYser ssawsasei .kt' Oewe .Freswfc S!aJ65' :'. . ...! . T i " . lit " . I i.i T . J -- "I 'C "--' I'i ' s4 , aJLLZL2Z ,'2. .KKSM S6LifeSfdJ- P-?v- a-p-Mwn .iii..paarap.7v iF xr'S'it-s-JWS&cL.: arj . r?! y ;,v"4.tff'..rf jy!?'iF.. w'sa?' lij-g. i was the mysterious cause ot tbe great boom in American Industrial stocks which has set tho financial world by the ears for the past few days. Had' Mr. Curry bcen'n speculator he might t-war' material. The low price for, r nvrHvr Am-H ?!-- asjiiTiiTi Tnaii tune won millions. The Information Ameiican Locomotive in the week ofi ., . ........- .. . r.t Aj-i; "'.'- m ttj Tb Ihnf ho held would have made.lt pos-, April 12 to 17 was 314. It went up' " cneca:is ttM tirnnaa savwjm,BBWMs. jm Kioie ior mm 10 uuy m ine low prices to us tue same weeK on me repuri ui bulled l'rea Service mmwm. JmTmimmaimmm'mt?.,m" ' (Mel.- Whi riXfSSiSTi , -r-Ta&iMHSmmf!mXi.i v . , ., v$ riirriiW-iamirtp l,,1 "L wr-f" ' yiai re-orewpied Heteae. of several weeks at'o and sell at ad- the hlgnTng of tbe new contract. vuncoa in some cns,es of more than 2C, per cent Of course reports of other big war uHiMtju CoaRdeaee la exfweeeed sv :,: i'S S-lO-tfUl iffJi- t I.-,) r- J?- flu. I-- - a g" 7,, , ;, Sala J S?n , it8r?effi4?ija 1 - " .--l "- ' ' " ' r ...-.-;--. -a- w'""", ,"?.i"7l?"T,5!!S?r Jft'EPS imj, f ' - 'mssssisws'mHs-t Mr Ptirrv. ns fie&d of the rnnt rtR HU that nf the New YtHrk i v ,. ?. "i ma J4tn.i.uu..u UmL a saa Inl an takaasaaBBatfaaasBsaanaw'-i I hit smumu mym . Kwotn , r," -'- samv ' & irwSw a-Br w t f . i. -in , m-l ii-: " j;t 000.000 contract helpedthe upward' vaace la slow, aad tbe.ieas f HfsM bmb'Hshn.w m muuueui., uu. .. v,..j - .ut The oWctai coauwaHwe tsewea my me siessai big man behind."" . t , J xrar lanatry repeuea-iaree aaacma aoinn Cnnndlan Cur and Foundry company, Air Brake company getting a SlS,- But Mr. Curry was the' of Montreal, negotiated a .contract with the llusslun goernment for the delivery ot $&0,000,000 of war ma terial, it large part ot it shrapnel. Ills He started a very poor man in Boa- plant was, ot course, unable to All 'ton forty-four years ago., and dtd were driven from Uzerao, btrtlate yesterday thfcjjBsWeerw some contracting business He. made I ho order. He did uot have tbe equip ment. Ho had to turn some of tbo business over to American' Arms, and the report that he gave the' American Locomotive company of Philadelphia ubout $40,000,000 of it waa respon-. Canadian Car and Foundry, company, t "Both aide are reiafercteg teavUy aear Yaeea. A.HfcJ xe-.i sufficient money to go to Nevada, aad i . . A- .. LL-it.L .Ad.t.-v.'jauv?- ., . .. .. ' liiJ.tv.! BBW TOomici imowhiiH hm T S"K J"TT" VW V H"P "il ' ' '( ...CO uv u.UUo. ww.v. -..,,-.., , ,.fc ...i. rf "'' . I-. ?. i . ,Tr f r -" "" -" L" ." "Jl ( - ' .. - . ....-. turned to Canada (ha waa bora lnt Ca M". aeafS i Nova Scotia) ands organised J'the' Tim nmaiaae are LUMBERMAN MAY MORE LETTERS i NVEST IN CO. AGAINST T. R. ifcij-LT; . i?4VST.iS. ' . " M$? rssas&ESiVMV't ,. ? .jj, : ,, raAraa aetsc aeaeiygiatf nsaam;xnaiiiisM-sawsajfft .ay,,' ' trawale. . , f f TiBm.W3m- f Unltid Pre- Servte. - V 9ii0SsSivsJt t ltOMK.Aprta7. U retorted, hi tHidesMMie . '&'JM& . the GerBMW aad, Anatrlaa aaatbasaadnrs ;awHed vta Mdaa- tMMtfgJMmi s to her lateet. ttemaaoa em vieaaa . sc wa nw bmTjMwmh .pwfrfS? f r" "-". - .." 'J ."'' . '.. -...:- 5S, 1tiWVft:tSBl. M1XXKAPOIJS MAN IS "ELATED tFIFTfci"1 COMMUNICATIONS a WITH KLASUTH COUNTY'S' TWEKN ROOSKVEIT AND NtOSPECTS, AXD MAY HELP ARE INTRODUCED BY ITS DEVEI.OPMKNT ., , ATTORNEYS' i. It la alecetoted that' the Italian amhaaaadav ll lHiinn and Rerlla hmn bee I. n. i i saaaaara ,!naiawjfcj;t.yp;ivag?ag a4NkfaadMFatWYseBBM a.ai3 45?T7-'' ju.Vaia.' .... i r'f.( 13 ',dfAtJiByW i. 5 "V tWVM SaJSASS. it. ...... i i. c...i... -.. iT!j-.i"n!;-vjM.tf v.iss'a.. .f ailAVnri lnll avIA tfUnnr.M fi nil rnaaflhiMli miit St - " - ' . BARNES j o a alet to kill hifc 3enaaa asTBwMeeaeta;a Mwniynaa. . a j .K;r,y?.-j ,LTX?V'l'Vii j- , , - . - s tfo jLx.?K?s?w.3'."C'i55,r"'?r;i.,-ii; 1 : r Ut war, tliaed to'eaalede dwinc the nrtlssj tty sy;ea -l With a Nlew to investing In Klam- United PreWServjcc - . g&u. " A aVtM0.RH1-V kU ' aUi county. Albert W. Plnger, a prom- SYHACCSE. N. Y., April 27,-At- f . e,"a" " ?"""' ' AVf MMffik ' ' Ineut lumberman is here from MInne- turneya.fpp willlamBaraes, Jro today j' , SeweralltaTe beea arceated, aawaHiwelpBiaa; iMtosewM ,jaM " apolia as the guest pf Robert A. John- prodnced-flfty letters from e-8eaater j coRreeeiesta. , ' -,' S!fWSSl-1 ? ' son of the -Klamath 'Manufacturing IpTatt' to Roosevelt dBrlngCtheUinel " ' T " fK " tl TVnilllll 1 tf - ' r 6 if-e1 'rJ3 riV r;HJ!WvjJWJKftif -"- i 13 j bb -r WTaVT1 K ,V.aVYf sae.&r .TSV' . ' - .. . rl 'T. saT"H". .ff:i-W JtTrW- I i i gal Ii III - ' '-V 'at T t JaXsali " , . V Ji.kjbbbI ,.- iJtMIIvuI IS The 'leading newsp'apef f Prafcue,j Ilphemla, was .recently, .produced, W nhntMnnhv from tvne written COPT '..... ' ...I l..1l '""""'"" " .. ... gated tnis seaaoa ey tne rwei"nti because printers were not avanaoie Bfrvtoe. Of this Mo acres tinaer the second or PoeYaueys unit. wi;t KoUbly not he watered until .about May II, aa the toll thera es not re ejnlre early irrigation. Though It conducts the whole, hank ing business of tne nmtsa g9?era- ment, the bank ot England; )s..not a state departmant. in. n ; i confpuny. Mr, Plnger, who repre-( aents Eastern capital, Is casting about1 for good Investments on the Coast, and' Klamath Falls and vicinity looks moro than'good to him, . Mr, Plnger wiirieave In the moru-i lug. Thore 1b reason to took tor bis return at no late date, as his enthusi asm over Klamath and her possibly ltt.es from n commorclaLand manu facturing 'standpoint 1-unbounded. For sharpening shears at bone there has been Invented a clamp and unrine controlled device "to hold a blado In the right position against a ,..-..--; hensatlonal' testlmonylnt ., Fire Alarm thai Roosevert was governor ot New York, vice president and president. Q.H...I ftn.BMM VHAMn M...1aA mA 4t OBTvrat liuuia nviu .uHvift j. ,Ia uM1l.w st Ihnaa amrf lhA Waa MA VUU COiM,C.B) MW. WMM .H. w wot mw introduced. Sumlt for VlaR. i r &f . am . p Mrs Harry Richardson baa gone to! nuMalTv' Dunsmulr. Calif., to spend a week ort lVmaV WWr. -. ten days with Meade. , 'u-ft- .'tVSi ' ? . irrjfK- fci' r . jTi.'t ? S"Ai7r ooT i iCiu Ji.m .Ji r J; - . -VJJJV.. , . '-iv f; ;i(jfe?': ?45!ey" i r- gVIA. .. iji l,IIJ rv t --' i v ! ... MenUl Couple to Wed; C.B. Parker and. Anna M. Osw-l; Froatt; purg were luuay arumeu n ih-wmpw , wed, The groom haa a farm near tbviMakum'haal-r,Ta-MBtB)iwaa. r l - , . j, ... , P , T. -t-Ji ,, rlttU.aoro.iMU.a kbd.La,nae,ttiit : v. .t-t'- rr ff? Merrill, aad the bride has beea !- ncena'of many ires? bat ' amr aaa,M , in. near ifalih. ' - j. sertea of i tests aetag .eeamnaismanr wiit.awa-M " W .. .. T .. ', .'... I ' Ji-'Jl-.- a.'iTniJ Druftja the distance la teet from; the lowest part of the bottom of a vessel 'to the aotual water 'Une at which the veseel Is toatlng'. . In aermany one man In lU'gees j;.'..Wi-u:U anilsmm Mrergen tVmwmptm b)rJ.aai; cimpiiy. wok;lslHMtWaitrt whto adJaataaaM ef- ammHwet) 1 , f. s . .Lv:fc '- i, Kit' ftfctfVJ ,'tjit iHJ ?rs?v fl- ' r ..,