r -, y .. '- s ;r ?.. vr .ax vA; " , ' . w- - raVTCSHaaaal aaaaaaaaa - . ' "" '"ri" "" ' . 4" , Vfts E?$!'J, ? w ... ' i i .aaa"""" K P KLAMATH FALL! y -, '$, r ( -v t-t t--" i !TjV" OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL N E WIPAPBK ; i -. -wis;"v ""a lit wr uvwnn inirraui :MI' " i ..i , 1 ,-,- i ji . I 111 1 lf" """ ' 'f " i" ' i -uiJ .... ., i f Vfm-fo. f WOSTS BROUGHT JOHN BUNNY IS 0 COURTROOM I DEAD IN LIBEL TRIAL KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 26,4915, ' rAV--.. ;, Tv , rV-jH, i H3 GOTHAM TIM KVIIK.VK IMKH NOT FAVOR ItOOHKVKLT rtn-apondmce of fear Ooaa bjr, Trading t Nhow the ex-President Wm Tool of Piatt, White Know TfH Wax In High PoeUJoa, Arc Kmd In Hyrnr ur Ttiaa Far Effort .to Anger Rooar-vrll Have Failed. y IKIN'll I'. UKDDMH (I'ultnl 1'rtKn Mutt Correspondent) SYRACUSE, N. Y., April !. Old taMts row today to haunt Colonel RooMVrtt at ilio trial of the $(50,000 uisugu Mitlt brought against him by William llarnoa, republican loader. Dead men's imhea were raked for (Tldcnrr- liniHignlnf the Colontl'a pait tonne. Score of leitera wcro pro dufed, dlHiloalng the doUlla of long ind (requont rorreapondence regard Idi appoint mrntR, and'ltooaevell'a ac qolMCcnro lo tho wlahea of ez-Renator PUtt In many thing. Ono tetter rtUcloaed that llooneveU uked tliHt nn architect friend bo ol- loved to bid on a government con- trad. Leitera were alao read ahow- ( (list ItooKovelt aympathlied with nt In his oppoaltlon to Juatlce Huihed' gubernatorial nomination. Roovo'lt Admitted that he had net Piatt and hi bob at private toakfa'U. nnd dlaeuaaed patronage iod leglalatlon with therm. Ha ad UNMIXr I.ITTI.K MAX IN THH VOUI,l" HIIUATHKH HIH lAT. HAH MAIIK MIM.IO.VH Of lKO. I'M! LAt'dll Czarina and Daughters Attending Russian Soldiers in Imperial Hospital United l'rec Hervlco NKU VOUK, April 20. .loliii lluu ny, tln wnrld'H Iiphi known motion plcturo actor, died today from brlght'o ' ulwniu'. Ho wan ill for oovcral weckM, following n breakdown from over-i work, and he linn boon near dcnth'sl door acvcrnl time. Ilunny, tho dumpy, funny little fat man who jinn plnyod ludicrous com-' rdy rolen for tho Vllagraph company, la Mid to ho hotter known to tho peo plo of the world than any other living man. "Funny Bunny" movies have nlwuya attracted largo Iioiihor, wheth er ihown In America or In China. Ilunny wat 52 yenrs of ago. II- hldrH IiIh work In ihovIch, ho has alo playod on tho atago. Emitted that ho had worked with Piatt. ;,Tbe evidence admitted today la am, unfavorable ,yot brought out Rooaevelt. All attempt to the Colonel to Iota hla temper today failed. ' STUDENTS MAKE A GOOD SHOWING whim: i out tkam thims man KCII(H)I, 10 TO 8, Cnil'I'liKD TKAM'H l'l.AYINO ROOHTH THR ' HKAHOX'M PltOHPKCTft Wlion Coach Motacbenbacher left hero Saturday morning with a aadly crippled Klamath County High Sehool tmicbnll team, to play agalnat the 'ort Klamath raen'ateam, the moat nptlmlntlc looked for a acoro of RO to t, or thereabout, with the K. O. H. B. AXKreRntlon on ihe abort ondof the trlng. a happy dlaappolntment wa In toro for thorn, for the final roault wl0io8 In theForfa favor. Tim allowing made hy ihe high wnool l0yR H Hplondld, conalderlng Ihe fuel that their regular battery and two Infleldora wore laid tin by ox mlnatlon failure and by Injurlea. When tho team I In abape again, and '' a little more practice, it ahould "skn nil other high aehool team Jilt "P nd take notice. inwivnco Motacbenbacher made hit debut na n pitcher ,y; holdlhg the Wood lilvcr bunch to.nve hit, The high Mhoo hoya tJippod ttio Port iab- ior ror eleven hit7. , . ' A breakdown-of "Jako Stelgdr'a. car wcurrcd near Naylox on the' way to ,h Port. As a mult. Bteiaer and poaeh Motacbenbacher and, wife were "Ailed (here all day, and old not get nuend tho gama.s - V. ('. T. V. MeWlMK. Tho rogulad moetiug of tho locul) branch of tho V. C. T. U. will bo held I HVT4BHaVHaVaWPimViEM I M&aMggBlEl MSBLaaaaalmaWilaalaaaaLjai ! ml maaaaHJHaHHajimaaaaaaHa I LaaaaLHalajHaaaaaaaBaa LVPiijmBaaaaaaaaaiHPl'-'KIS gmwrTiammmmmmmmmmjajgmmmiBBmmmmmM gflpjamp mr Agmgmmmmma !UmfK0mflKKK0y '"H vMBmaaVMmaflmmamaaaml mstffft'i-i9tmi IgBilPliggggggggggB I Mamjamjaamjmjjigfmjgm inViii"a)( "'i ' 1 ' 'lrammmmmmmmmjmmmajgmjjjjgm CONFLICTING TALES TOIO ABOUT USE Of GAS BOMBS; FIG WAXING HOT QN EVERY rasfe VJv8.y msmmii K mm . . JESsrf.si H'. ."'fr 'rtK-'i vWSA jrv?! llr'WILI.IAM O. HHEPHKHD . (United Pre Correapondest) Copyright,- 115 by United Pre Asaoclatloni i ' i&ikate SH wm km r 'A&1 ii.. ' -a. w'mm 5S . m-1 sm ,, : m rnnvrlarlit In' ilramt HrltAln .&( ttf f- -. v Pw rmMvi -iwft'y.'! HBAIiaVARTKKM BIUT1MH OVKR8EAM AKMY, Xorthern ' IjMSsrfej April !. The German' araar' area evm-hicli kwm are biimbai ! AMU HgBPB kJl. at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon at the.iuiid DucIiokh OIk, eldoHt datiRhtor homo of Mr. Kakolson, corner Ninth 'tho (inind DucIicsh Tatjann. and f.llncoln atrcot. Tho Ituaatan royal family Is sitld Thl photograph ahow a aceno In tho lmporlal IluKultal at Tsarkoo Selo. 'The flrat figure on the left U of the czar. On t the. right I tho czarina and immediately back Is to liavu takt-n considerable Interest in nursing soldiers. New Slavic Empire Is Latest Ambition ROAD THRU LAVA BEDS IS CERTAIN s .-" -. mM Prince Regent of ServiaSays This Race Intends to Resume Place in World .who tight merely because he is order ed to do ko. The poorest pcasunt In lljr HK.NHY WOOD ( United Press Staff Correspondent) ....r... n . a ,. ,. .. c our nrniy lights with grim dotermlna NIBH, 8.rvl. April 10.(Via Sal- ... ..... onkla nnd lxndon) April 56. A ,rn Umt hls .,n(1 hls country's, new Rlavlah nation to includii Servla, Fighting liko this la.luvlnclblo. I per- Slavonian sunnily am an ardent admirer of mill- si Crotla, Ooanln, Hercgov-tnry dlsclplluo and organization, but,lomes inn, uaimaua, is- i cannot ueny tnat tne real source or trla and the un-(strength of tho Servian army Is In Its clont Bcrvlan em- ( patriotism. MKMUKIIK OK THC LOCAL COM MITTKk r'ltOSI'KCT. IX SCENIC POIXT8 KLATKD WITH THK nOUTB UILITAKR plro paat the Dan ubo, I the hopo and ambition of the Servian lead ers. And whon the present war Is settled tho Servian leader will de mand that tho powers settle for all tlmo tho great Balkan questions eo that thoy may build up tbotr de tnatnted country nnd resume their place In tho family of nation. This was tho plan and hopo express ed today by tho Prlnco llogent Alex ander of Sorvln, in hi flrat public ut terance since tho war began. Ho ro- "Whllo w hnvo defeated tho enemy flllrougll ,ue -Lavas" from Lookout. HMuyVeod twice, I do not bolievo that a third attempt lo overwhelm us will bo made at present. It was tho plan of the AuKtro-Ocrman staff to send another great combined army through Ser via and, if victorious, to Influence llulgarin to Jlon'ln the lighting and march to the relief of Turkey, Fort unately tho success of our Russian al lies has nindo It necessary for the enemy lo withdraw this army from our northern boundaries. 1 do not bcllovo that either Austria or Ger many will now bo nblo to mass au oilier expedition against us, "lint wo will not remain idle. Al though our losses have been terrific eclved mo In hi .11 vo room coltagoi,,,,,) ollr nation is now being swept aotnpnrt for hi convenience at Krag-, ny fntn epidemic of typhus, our myevata, tho general hoaaquarior or:nrmy lH Miii jntoct. It is as cou rag- tile Servian army, and recited ror the United Press dotal) of the great cam paign tho lttle Servian army ha been able to wage against tho might of Austria. eons and determined rs ever, and I rciidy (o como to tho, assistance of our allies when thoy need us. "Wts lionn In contribute our full For time the prlnco wa , iwnrd tho ienernl strua-ele for "ltn PoalUoe). H ' Edmund Clowe haa.raalgnad hla Jioaltlon in the groeerir atoresa Van R per Brother, and nil aaeeptad om wh the Klamath MatTe6mpany. ,' nK Oitnpii'iT The circuit oowrt today la hearing fyldeact, etc., Ik a pled of aha tamest, i led by the dafMM jaVtkc.wK ' Mrlnda Trust d SavitiN lank yux m. R. Dot, (a faraaUMraaf a Mt oortgait; ", the Inteivlowcr, aklng anxiously ro-;10 manCnnton of tho opprcsaod gardlug my oborvatlon In Franco Ruropwm peoplea nnd for tho reform and questioning aa to the possibility .nR of tno tf rr,f0,.n, nmit8 0f Eur of Italy' entrance Into the war. 0))0 B,ong nBtonall,y ine8." , When i ho discussed Iho work of hi , "jg'8crvln especially Interestod In own troop the prlnco waxed enthusl- n,H )n(ter. phrase of tho war?,, I nsk astlc. It wa plain that he wa proud edi , of the manner In which hi soldier I'Ves, it Is," tho prlnco .replied have twice weight of the Austrian array, und ho f010 Tng mcans raoro.to us than wa glad to tell of the lighting.. m,y other thing. This war, which bo- Captain O. C. Applegate, W. A. Dolzell, Charles Grave and Cbauncey Itnymond, tho Klamath Falls mem bers of the road exploring party, re turned late Saturday from the confer ence in- Lava Hods. Chas. Merrill, who accompanied them, was lefi at Merrill, and tho Modoc and Siskiyou delegations also returned to their Tho expedition .Was voted a success. The main features of the proposed enterprise, making a direct road CallL. to Klamath Falls, was fully discussed on the ground. A unani mous agreement was reached' to per fect the .road to Boar's Paw Cave from Klamath Falls, and from that point, connect with the route from Lookout, near the Sand Buttes, thus making u direct through route, which later can bo connected by aide roads to tho various point of scenic .and historic interest. On tho main route aa outlined' are a number tit tho greatest scenic at tractions in a region covering approx-; imately 150 square miles, and re-' pleto with volcanic wonders, such as cinder cones, ico caves, blow holes, bottomless fissures add craters of1 vnrloiiB sizes and elevations. 8chon-' chin Peak, a perfect extinct volcano, which rises to a height of 800 feet' LOVE CAUSES A SUICIDE IN WEED ,-. i .&&&:$ i Yprtft, tm& the sjreat offeflnive itsrted Uto Vri4?V aJ'M-' the GernMM Is an KortAo drire Uuroatfit the Ma ronllauen wlUi naaiMKMl ferocKy, t -WS'M& ine roar 01 mic rag ucma pi iwi.awi,& miieti. lacemnarjr Mteu are Betas. rra w au ,in arij;, Kkut farm beam a! oam the twwrty mtle freHtay the i M& German gaouaera, 'and tonight the afcy-toHtiaal ted fritk 4i,,Ml btaciag batldlac. ' '-?& Tlif ftatam tkttntttnlmfm attack, wma ih,wmK-at -uim, "A Jix aaphysMtJea fceaab's V the GeimMLTlM?1niaB tbeae, after the shell bunt, earned wtwptiKtkm:;M:.A&40 uffocatiOBj. ' . -V taipameMm;amU.tifeii HL ' T jt JXFtSK With a chaae fa tbe.dlitloat'oflue;wta;ih.;;fti the fame awe carried away -froa the" Fijaylda gglfg .The alUea Wtterly deavece the we of Xmmitm-m- mim'iii -aai BBaB a r naa aa aaaBiaaaFaKaaa: aBanaaaeraa Baai. AAtA-As -..--. - .- . - -.., "w,w""- civilized warfare. The Canadian troopa, who bore the brtnt "of altlioiutfa nntnnmhorML all iWkmd thmt 'ir ,n,.jmm mmma-thim:'tmi'&''Ci'&l shell agaiBst them. Maajr of tbeae me are' ta taehppltai eat inhnlina; tht 8glrtaBaaaBr.Si';i am a-e4" UOa".t'. Of i. ;"-' L'olted Press Serrtce UERLIN; April a. Th war ofllce today xpecidcally claim of tlie allies that gawea werefemrled acroas the Veer. serted that the Genoa hold bank of the Ysrr. many CaaadiasM. r f 'vrcuwar? -. A, -Z i&ih?.m c..jfS if ;'j: ",!$, -leil i . -W1I.ML .-uj-- ----.v i;-';-,! -,,v. T-i- 57', tZm-rixj ?-T:'lZi poaltlwn at Lvaerae' aad Five thoasHid British prUoaer were taltea, It is ate '$0-:-4vmti wm ,f SH8:I United Pre Service ATHEXS, April aa. The emtJre elUed fleet to " "fki-m ' Jl .. .-'.-s .-.2a .','.,T!3.5.9.. 9 MMiOAi'mi -.-I Turkish forts guarding the OarrtaaH.The forts are Tlgoroaalf . i wpllag This tatest attack comaaeaced Saaday. damage. JII.TKI) ItY A-WAiTBFJ AT THK FliOBKXCK ' HOTEL, HORXr " "nrinrilt vniTTH ninws 6ti-iiifiiS!l,.. "javuie taraatawii BRAIXS SUNDAY United Pre Service . VIKXXA, April a.(PeUrd by Cfiiiwr) Today' oaVlal vxasr. r-" iS . T.IAH(JW A7af Aa.yet there ,.ao;rapatiafeK'Si; VvStB . - &ml0$MMm L- W i,?''feC'.S sssmm .JX'ViCX- JcSTi-Et ,P X? i Mg5 -;: 'B f'-v. m " t, . , .. 1. -- - A mm -m. ' J ai1 ' "" iJf'mlmLZ 'fiJvP( i&M imrtaat aoetioaa or tne AHmrsaa rreav iaeavc"i"imif , ,amam7SJsasmaaM.i nutaanklBir oaeratioaai la tha aaaai- rallers: of Cataeka. " aT"a i""TTaaiTalilaai' l k P 1 "Heavy flgbtlag has laated. for. several days. v The AaWi la Haas an WffM everywhere' faitact, aad the eaeair Is uaable ta.aaakejMy.-jiaiatiM.fgMaarfg' .!... .J ..- - Iltt JA n.It - ' - -- -' AU"t-f"- IllliUMna iMir ocm- Mim a vtwHMmiii, jav wmsv wm too mmmggmmmmAjiiA (Henild Sntilal Service) WEED, Calirr.. April 26 Despond ent because he was jilted by Miss Cal laban, a waitress at the Florence Ho-1 tel, MontleKeal last night blew outj his brains with a revolver. Keal was youthful, and was from Hornbrook. Ono side of the theater was thei nlnro rhnsnn bv Keal for endina his' earthly existence. The shot was fired J just landed." . Just before tho picture program wasj xhl force was Uaaded yesterday. concluded, and the tragic affair A 1 "itSl ZUA.mm ? trasreaa ar levriac: 3 mj-i caused much, excitement in the crowd ed theater. HERE TO LOOK GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR WILI GO OVER THE TERRITORY BE TWEEX HERE AN'6 aflDLAND WITH 'VIEW TO ESTABLISH United Pre Service lIVnOV tnioll MTtu MUnl tA-ml rtA tnAr '-'-''' ....... ..... .. .-... . r ,. VJ?ijJ?ou? . "We Iwvo landed a Urge force or taea oajWHMoit"j!aiaaiMpK,.a-,TOi-y believed that aa attempt wlU be started both by'hutd aidsea?' duce the DardaaeHe forts. Sh laa Hamfltoa is in charge of the'":troofi; r i.-; ..... ' fSfl The laiwMfirWrOt! . .a . - . . a -" ia. " a l-THM VJb'J3 naa ehak nHtaahitav nainrarraiii Tnaa minm amaan raaaamiv injitaraav am aajaaamwaawaai i -.- '. t. r.w-, -m - ,--- .., j.,..tti aa'adaiuiaa. .. 1 ' rf.rftrirS - .-- -aw - t -I ' -'?, I " TTrT' if-jrfUfr It' '.".s&: Jnlted Press 8ervice JL., J ... r;, r"'A ? erted WA8HIXGTOV, D, a, Aprtt HS.--U is reported ttu4,th GOraM et. tl cralser Kroaprtes, Wltttetaa hat. jatewsed ac-airyatt:lhj.i ! JTVtf "I&JA, v",",;J' iwsaJi iefcsf I mst wwm&m if DIIDil DMlfC Ma. I .111- & hi nuiinL.nuWii..im iuu mm-wmmsm . . ; - t. w.s(e3fSMSs? WY -aTTWal . T., -aT. , 'SJ!.iS?aj-?! lip a Iheese .y? For tho purpose of.lnspectlngrtho lilt 11 unco w n uaiui .wvv ink - -., v- - .,,.V J ,. . a"bovo the general level of the lava territory between Klamath Falla and, field, will bo on tho route of -tho pro Midland, Wesfof fthe, Merrill stage posed new road. ! route, wiwre a.ru-w .- On. this km also be ,Be.r aw. g-t ' VoarS MammothNind Skull. We, anfthe &?, - J lffl"S two-story cave, the lower floor, of which Is solid ice the year round. This cave 1b a natural refrigerator several .hundred feet In length, fltt'y" feet below the surface of the lava field. 'It is accessible" only through a camo In .last night from Roseburg. ' Mr. Wood will go ovej the. ground carefully, interviewing the patrons, etai'und gathering-all the data avail able regarding the proposed route .!,.. - " "'.. .'U ." & i- ."' l ". . ' j-.T,:r T T i i i jrf. 1 Jr ' x ar-r i V '& T M at . s j-, ".' -a- jf u i .- . j 'MinlA rnnii gan In rllnmAtar tn IhA Hnnr i XfnrA than 2000 WOmen DdlOllff (O ... . ' . - I llU) SM w T" - r " ----- -- ihrnwn hftflk InO etlllFG nlil. aitaii tvrnntnt amttlifiQla than hn. ' . . ' . ' ... - ..ji-j aa w . t- 1 tl " V B ,( f ,( "Tho moral forco behind the sold lor fighting for homo and country makes him Invlndblo over .the soldier whosetonly force li that Inspired by Military discipline and orgaBlaatlon," ha iald. "It Is that, which has en- abled'ServIa twice to defeat Austria, and Itla, that which will enable ner to continue victorious to tho end. (Soldiers of an1 agricultural country like Bervia, HUtti aary altte. owns hi own bona or farpi aro moro to ha rockoned with than the soldier gun for tjio inalntonauco or our Inde-. pondonco, has now becomo also war. for tho liberation and unity of our. brethren, tho Servians, tho Croatian, and the Slavonians, who .still, are un der Austrian domination.. 'T , (Continued on page t) ( Over HHmlay. ,t R, CMKleppeh.and Olan Fountain were over-nunaay yisuor irom vnii oquln. ' ' , of tho upper cave, where a rudellad-Nowyork prlntlpg trade" unions. r der makes descent to the. frigid lower..- " s lovola possible, ''mounted, scout in the reconalssance Camp' was madoHwo nights 't tbejiopit. ' r '; Kri t . A. .. - ... .t ..-. . tt - .i, ' ;... 4 - .. y nn nw niiiAm'n rtiiia vinni. iiiii m i.i.'.uAK.i.AMa. '"" ....w. - .....rlj ,-.. , , Lake,' where the army waa camped tit tho. tlmovof the peace, commission massacre, the annihilation of Captain Thomas' command' and ;the final in vestment and capture" .of.' the Modoc Stronghold.. Eatel WlrU ,nd feon Lewis of Klamath Falls aaalated as ?. Dr, C. O. Prentice made a bualnes jtrlp to White Lake Ctty Sunday. The local'nierabera'of the commit tee are ready to make further Inves tigations In the Lava Beds when the other delegations are In shape to do so. On the next, trip; the rbuta". from Bear'a Foot tol'the- aamd Battsi, which is acroaa .comparatlTtly lav) country, nnd from tho luttfarto McClellan and Letter Willi if Initial Plans Are iMlMMm Wl"! fftlWim'.vi' yy&iiii-k aaal aamBamaamaaaaaaBV aaaVfaaaa. aaaa T. a-.sssais rinni t'V. .SIH.", .. ..rvjr.i's7 &&CSi .T- T"l "7"7"T,T. ;i-"'j &vsmmM Klamath.. county's latest, enterprise la nnotberxheese factory. This la to be atartedUa a'smallway at'Mt.. Lakt of cheese, as caa bet puroi i aasd .-, aayt - L3-.. 1 -". ..,.".' V. .- . r v . ... piace. -'tne joosters, aarduwHs.act) i , v f . r m .. . .!" a - mitvit .. -. v" v "Vjfrt' , haiiaflwn? lMntaaaatina jratli., aUbb laaaaal J 4aumaV w awaai, -. faamaa-., yaaraajai v: WSt. ua.4'i1Uir bV H, ,. Leater and f -v Pfiiii the; former a prominent rancher,, tha tfrkYli i,mm&?&M; I latter a live merchant In'tfaeLab f-UyMMWmM i l aaa..'Al1v hoped for, It wlllba eaJarged to haav country,, i &, prty;maufa.rtAi4 .. .. ... i iS. .f ' ' nnV tha nattav nn with . ha aaAaia . .- . .A '.'- ia.aAasa avtaat' at4 flatuaaajrt aiaktasV- - .- j. . .T . ,-.--- .-r-t'. Loekout: will be mm over. H M planstd to camp aiitVWartltfJtoftwfcoat, small; dMaj Foot i. 'iU i M, Itatro la manufacturiag aa,lMtt4o meeting nt "13 die a' big perceatkge of the output' of me aairiea ia, ,iaai sneB. :vuo s- pediment Jlaf' thertf ere jbilagv watched wlttegraatiinttHiiit, ii' -, ' . Ik order tdget some Idea a,' to theBfimachlneryijiulttdft taairiaaaaa ana to aei ouwr. vutavrf ragardlag .haeM takligAMCiilkJrie'4Kta.aMU: adLter-wre taken to ForKKmsa- thraa.veraj;daya'ami?'Md;.t;:Mlir) have beenoaafrriat w, meat UwKKiatloa:, 't. UU tima m Saturatari emitfft 5fe ' ,.V;u'V ' ' - I. rvjf W. ' . ii I IoydwuiK)atlUiaMfTta'ol' 1 ff :??Ili?" iWrf-- oniy-iaw araaa m.aawwafmajrmi amav, it-;,wlir'laa aaHaiarasaat' f'M' a' ready. aurkt'-tVo'.a- "U'-.S'Li-.t. r.-'i-T'C' iJ. . .7. ?TT. naj; . 'a1" av utflt sj .I? . Ilasldas taa .tnt7i .aaustrf'tha'V KWatatb. a4 SBSSS; fWfU1 r.wMriiiira !. .'s''.'IVVrvS! v""": IsV'A ' C r ."..!' 5jT:ttrMjr.rHii "-"t-!, Xr T-C .yt : -S V; ft '4 ZriiihflsVrt) u H,U . .."A'VUti. ..