WWr aVaVaVay' tH '. - 4 , . ?S T i XmUA i rt, ' T f J.T- . ' " miJW' '"MM '-1 - 4a4att' af ataw.as ."--. w n - .i Tj.;a" I z ' RSrl 4v : -til 'kv- m.. i - y I in AMATH FALL!' - LAMATlSOilTWi '' : VOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER . . .. . rs- -eos3 :-' 'is .?? t,-,v' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPE ?m ' .! . M , y . -v ,, v. jra.-yry.,i" ,j. , '.-a I '(. Wtf- .'..C'l .i..' '. ' JM jwmmj:Ji KLAMATH I?ALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, ;i9 15 , i9imm&rj' CWti -iittiMtntn -Wpralil ' ' " ? -'- i p"1 -ta.l,tJ"1"""M . ,n III ' "' " T"' " - AJLIES ROUTED ij"j. sy-i It, I. 1Y GERMANS, IS BERLIN REPORT f'ilTA VMS YPRKH K.im IX i DISASTER j Ijiniif I Kloriiird ami Captured by we Trunin1), nnd It I Stated Tlwt .tHlrt In ""'lr DttnoralJaed Comfa Im TiinuMl (.'Aiuin Kliw iHto Own Htak iJrrnwn (toremiimM Hf (Mlrliii of Amoricn N'nt (Mlrtiil. : I'oiud I'rtiH Horvlca BBRLIN, April 84 The tttrnpt of I tbt Illc to recapture Yprpi and vl cbrttr hYi fnllutl. Th enemy, U , rt1Ud, Mliollcd their own trenche u4 )ot mniiy cannon and macblnt Tb0 (liTinnn force utormcd and raptured Liuvrno. Tuoy alao blavlod ad Mpturoil tlio nlllcn' trenclirn at CkMPUDtf. The nnvy iiluy In colebratlns ttio Ifiltth nunlvrninry of the ontninco of Grand Admiral von Tlrpltt Into tho ' wnflce. Knlwr Wllholra h docorat r4klm with tlm Iron crow of the Aral (Um,ik1 railed him the tavlor of the raplre. It l iml-omclallytatcd that ho Mtlff rrltlclsm In newapapera of iMrira' retiming to end traffic In waiunltloiiH la not the aentlraent of tUioTernment. '. .The admlrnlly atatca that the North (M it cMr of flrltlah ahlpi, and bo- ktlMTM lht k nnval batlla la imminent. f'y 1. UI...J II. -l IL. n.Kl.k xlll tin 7lA II IlinUTU 1UHI tllV UMIIIHI ! HV i-" .; ". l-W HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE 600D PAPER i'V nut tiik "K. ;. ii. s. ,. Xl'Ali" IS .NOW IX Till: HANDS OI TIIK I'lllNTDIt. OMVKIt XV. I'l.DOATK IS KlilTOH Beautiful Princess Is a Refuge itthcd tit the data of (Icrmany'a '0H Milpn. ('litdl'i Kim Service LONDON, April 24t The Canadian troop bore (lit brunt' nf the fight kil ttiH main drlvn of the tier Bias at YircH ycMcrdny. and tholr action umlor llro wbh oxtrcftioly cour aftoiiN. , rt(trinilnK Mnwly and tlKhtlng every Inch of ilio wny along tho Vnnr, tho "Canucks" provonted tho penetration of the nmlii linen. In ono rally they rcaiturcil four gunx nnd lomo )rl-onrii. Copy for ho l!ifi Ihhiio of tho "K, t', II, K, Antiunl," I lio nuiKiirlno loHuod yearly by the Htiulcntit of the Klamath county liluli hcIiooI, Ih how ImlnK net up In typo form by compoultorH, und publlcutlou will bo bold at no late diitt'. Tlio Annual HiU year lit moro coiiiprcliontilvo In ll acopo than over, nnd nil linen of hcIiooI nctlvlty are covered by the tnff, The booklet will bo llluatrated by innny ciiIm, and on ' the whole, It formn a mom InterentlnR expoiltlou of Ktudcnt life, MemberH of tho Annual ntuff nre: i Kdlior-ln-Clilef. Oliver Applegate; j imHUtuiil editor, ChnrleM Dorr; bunl noHH inunngur, l.uwrenco .Motuclim-' bacher; xubicrlptlon innnager, Clrn ham Klebli athletic, editor, Clatide' Hill; noddy, l'crlc Dow; Jokes, Vcrdn' Coiad; nlumnl, William Hagoltcln; ' DMilorft, Klla Dcwh; Jnnloro, Kathryn McAudrowa; aophomoreN, John Houh lon; frcHhineu, I'earl I.cnvltt; fnculty mlvlm.r, lltnile II. Applcgaie. WOMAN PIONEER DIES ON ERIDAY I t maalllllllllar iitffiW inCSBBmaBaBaBaBaY -BbbT bbbTiP1Mii "j "? -iaw m.lHal aV r-kii 1 'voir-' CRIPPLED TEAM ' OFF FOR GAME 1 1. MIXUH FOUB OF THE MAINHTAVH.i THE KLAMATH OOUNTV IIIOH SCHOOl, TKAM OOKH TO I'lAY1 I AT FORT KLAMATH TX -.-ft'' WW , raAr Bridi Mny Miles on Honeymoon RFNFflRGIITS t-?-i a".1""'" .Kt'!'A'w i Between three pt the beet players . being' ruled out oh account, of low 1 grade, A nd' 0. 'fourth Unable to takot ma piece Demnaune obi on account of Injuries. It 'Is a aadly dilapidated i Klamath County High pchool baaeball ( team that will play at Fort Klamath ' today. Itllnek set In at tbevery laat ! minute, and'amaahed almoat hopelens-1 ly the' team (hat Coach Motscben-J bacher has !eeB building up. Aa'shlfted. the team will line up f this way-In the game'at the Fort; Catcher, Qravea; pitchers, Sparks and Lawrence Motschenb'acher; flratj base, Noel; second base, Houston; third bono. Pace: ahortstoo. Clrde , , H-. r. - - fHhort; outfield, Stewart, Adama and 'Montgomery; extra men, Wade Short and Oiilette. OHAXIWIA" lK.T OK KliAMATH FOII TWKXTV.FOUU iiviioimhif, m:si. COUXTV VKAItS, Mtlle I'rlnceaa Mnrlo Jose, dnugh- mken possession of tier home, and she ter of the King of DolRiuin, snld to. ," ""- -f" " , 1 mother spends moshof her time near .ho lli most beautiful princess nthe r,nellno with Jhe king. This Is Europe, Is now n wauUercr on tho ,, ho )asl niiotographtaken of the little fnco of tho eiirih. Tho Uermans have girl. t'AHHKM A WAV AT ll XK' FLAT (Uvrnld hpriUI Service) DAIRY, Ore., April 24. Mrs. Caro line Burgdorf, known throughout this section as "Orandma," passed away yesterday afternoon ut her homo at I'lno Flat.' She was over 70 years 'of age; and u natlvo of Denmark. She camo to Klamath county in 1801 with her husband nnd family, settling nt I'lno Flat, where alio bus Hlncc re sided. In her residence horo Mrs. Burg dorf acquired a wide circle of friends, who regret deeply her demise. Tho funeral cortege will lenve tho house OYERiWAP IF CAR IS SOLD .SUIT SO IS LICENSE1 IS BEFORE COURT STORIES ABOUT KENO'S PEOPLE SCHOOL CmXDRKX TO FIiAXT FLOWERS MONEY VOTED FOR COMPLETIOX OF NEW SCHOOL OTHER LIVE ITEMS BBBH r aBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaJJat.. aVaVaVaVaVaTaVaVaVaVaVam'-' BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI 1 'tavvf BVaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTavi ' BBBBBBBBH ' BBBBBBB I : ' BTaVaVaVar' BBBBBBT- VawaTB WaVaV BBBMi.' f vaTavaTavawaTavaTavavaTavaTaiaia BiaiavaTavaTJiBvJBTavaTavaTavaTaiai LIBbIbbbbbbH''' mwm. ARMY THIS v ,Twt bLBbI mZ m 1 mi ma 'h-.f' i-.SSj. :S'.l-i?S'1 ,rl-t 1 wsm Hi mm mivji. iSS?5'. .MAjrKZJtt rwAw .2i xwmim "- . Li.-tr5!s- SSD-" awK. I-HIK.I-TIAN'l READY FOR ANOTHtV - " . ' tiT-P-TriTr-if.. .jy -- fl'wssjawsKi m&FMiS ?" '3V5V7-'fcS3; a iJtfi-?i H ER ATTACK - 4w ,!" VlUa'a Troop. XW (WwHfotM-e. "T goii'a Army 'sad ' Agnas tCrtfaiies, rf&iBa; Will VadoabtedJr Be Uie Sees tUmfwM the Xext Hkr Fight Ma le nefOttdtKi" - - S3i'a',15BSJ to WUsom May Re Able to OH:hM'PM - ir. ' ii: - ?rfH".ripv?ivKffl ifaiiiiojMpmiM :iMffiSr-3? .NEW LAW EFFECTIVE -NEXT TESTIMONY UE1XG TAKEX IN A home. (Henild Special Service) KENO, April 24. the children (have received their flower.and 'garden aeeda from. the Children's Flower MU- 'slon, this' week. Mrs. Jim Kerns called' on Mrs. 'nutchens Wednesday afternoon. ! Miss Christine Houston la spefidng ,n few days visiting at the Nelson .MONTH I'HOVIDES THAT NUM. HER PLATE ON REGISTERED' TAR CIIAXOKS OWNER IN 8AI1E DEAL FOR TRADING KJA.MATH RANCH FOR SUMMER RESORT, WHICH FELL THROUGH'" , SALEM, April 24. Secretary of Stale Olcott Ims railed attention to Mr. Mattou called at the Smith homo last Tuesday evening. Mr: and Mrs. McCormick and daughter, Mrs. Madison of Klamath Tails, Glenn McCormick and family, Mrs. Madge Puckett and daughter and Miss Hatel McCormick spent last Sat- 'Tnklng of testimony. In the suit of urday an(i Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. The Hermann ara hacking awnr vlo-if,,ncrnl coriege win u-ue " suite Olcott has called attention to i;. (j, Argraves agauiBi Aiexanaer r. piniey Padgett and family at .Dorrls, tartly today with a large mass of men)ul ,J:30 t""0"0' morning, unu tne ,c fac, tnnl afler Ma. 22 tho Bale of ( Dyer and Mamie Sumraera to set aside Mr8- 0oidle Avery and Mrs. Kate n the firing lino. They are 'again iuurlul w'11 M0 Bl UoBniB ,Hboub a registered motor vchlclo alsoon-idei'da conveying 22u acreavonthe Avery were in Klamath' Falla last wnrklnR lo reach the aea. wrvlcea to be hold at tho grave. On veyj( hc ,))n,(! number, a bill passed Mildland road from Argraves to Dyer TueSdayv .account of the endearment In which tjle Iast legislature nmendlng tho nnd from Dyer to .Mrs., 8umers. W. ' ,At the school meeting held rlast Mrs. Ilurcdorf waa hold uy an who ,,Mf,n, illnior vehicle .AM. kM I, In avhaiiIaiI llmft tlin Tu Idllliklitu- ....... - 'knew her It Is expoctod that .:,?, ,. , Fi , . 'uneral will bo largely attended. v his afternoon or. Ukevlow. to v ve ch. look after the Interests of tho Wcyer-lr ar0 troo ,,nugh(or8, euer Land company. M Mnr,ha mCximb4ST, Mrs. Minnie T5 Arant and Mrs. Lena Flackua, and two ' ..-U. ", pons, Charles and Albert Burgdorf. uurreii nnori anu present effectlvo on Hint dato. lnw becomlngH. Shaw and Arthur u. Hay represent Saturday, It was voted to give the Argraves uoioro me circuit coun, uuu, scn00i board authority to issue war- ''Thp preaont law provides that a,K- h. Elliott Is counsel for the de- ,,ant8 for not more than. $1,000 to WwrtK Are Here. ' Mr. ami Mrs. nro in irom inair rancn in tne ... iii.-inpw,. D. Kills Young, a prominent, Klam- talloy. Hrltlnli 1 1-nnn. inruirfv ix.imiin nro nth county rancher. Is In from NUSil l'ld by tho Indian gownmont. Lake. ' Volunteer Road Work May Be Done in May number plate can bo transferred from ono car to another car owned by tho Individual who applied for the orig inal registration," said tho secretary of state, "Th6 motor vehicle law, however, was amended at the last session so that tho original applica tion for registration for any year shall remain with the car for the year cov ered by tho certificate of registration, not with tho Individual. "Under the amended law when any motor vehicle Is sold, It Is made thei feuse. complete and furnish the new school Argraves alleges that lie aud Dyer . building. They are also readvertta contemplated trading Argraves' ranch Hfag for "bids. for Terrace Grove Hotel, a Santa Crux Ben Kerns arid ramily were In county resort, owned by Dyer, They Klamath Falls last Saturday .evening. Agreed, Argraves cuuiouub, avu m furnish an abstract of title to hU own property and to .oxeeuto deeds' trans ferring the property to the other, tho deeds to bo placed la escrow with nn Oakland real estate man, and de livered when both had Died deeds. Tho plaintiff contends that he did CONGER T STAR r-'r THEATER tr..lUf f t 1 1 .ii sasfi -riJ---T -rTi-f-T'i-niffn-T riT'i -" fior Mexico 'ciirhY&ni:Mmm who is to make a reporttoPresleat a ;; Wtlnnm At i..nJIlnM.'l-litjU.3'i':fc.!W t U lWmo' h.t lf-WTri':':.-- '' .?. -'!. jC -? "i. . -jr- JK,.Sad 1 rj.rria. mends it; VUo will; mhm ia 111 mlfiMl'' nr'lSanrlwn' is done. Carransar-Vin4have?i;tre-;5.! ,d' mindous advantage. a),'wrojM?sgy, '.j.1.1. , a itiltl'--:i--:r-:-i-A -.,. . ...' iMtii-.X. auie iu raise nuiuosi iim uniiMmt ttaLfSw nnnral'VIIlaCai-ra'MBi.'a. -.IT. 7' - 1 .' ." . .- . -. ' xvz t'!&M:4-lt j. T - , " - . .' -; .j u ;fc--"i'Ai .Zs'M niter Ming oeeiMeiy,.Deaieai oy,-:-,we,rtf'&: u..iA..Ai.u-x.. "."i,".?r-'-sii-aaiw ah f ijsaw. '. -...". .-. -'. "ji-l-.''i Robert E. Jeffrey H Obrei Robert E. Jeffrey.lawjrer, oMIomtn It js bellered 'thft'S'baitlrl'weitf!' Olive, Ark-, waited until he was ready the- twof actions 'Is ImaMBSBti'B-irmtwri to sail for bis .new post as. United do fbughtnear AnasJleit4.Cfm States minister to Uruguay before e regon's pctlon.oatenmBg,lni41.4 u ... ....... .1 nnw. 1a Z . .... ' -1.1.--. '. . . .'.. n...-i-. taken hU bride or one of the longest' honeymoon Journeys an ArkaaaaB.1 . - .. - ever .anew.- jna was. receiijr uanv br Presl4eBtJSV.llsqB.aa4 coalrBjed, the senate. , - -, He was a member of the legislature of Arkansasand tbenrosecaUBg at-s toruey for the; third Judicial district T there. Iater he.became Judge.of the circuit courr. A month, ago he mar- rled Miss Nita Hoos of Hebor Springs. . . , -t EVIDENCE RATE HEARING IS POSTPONED li' aaiardous., -W' s?M8W&fBT. r .1 v inT o f-,u j,'t j.;-(v-.-.'-rf,iii . j'j mmmmmm ,' -- vwmfmMsmm: TRIAiOiflOK SUBMnTED. IN ' HbW-SIM kL TRIAI. TENDEBWJsWrXl: t - vt.v u . -.p.j.t.-!' ua..l'5iJ -., i-AiASi". i.t-ri-- F I ERAL1 "" V4.V u . '.Pb.!r' uSi..iA3hju t'; i. iiJS13h .1 '" - j.- 'Af ?.", -rftrrK,,:j- i :that rixxKS(m&8ftKn&im GUILTVPARTV..lX'8'IXDiS'Ji!&4l . . THyaftjagfggBag pi.- f...i",ii.i.i.t' ..k;;.' ;iiu;f-Jl.rjaS-!Mt Ino D -VI TlnlHu f.nl l.a.i: .VfSTl dent of. the First, State MdyskflihjwflM, 'AlexaaierMt ekai of the charges made against !rM':d,e,:Slti s, etc.. of the CallfomiarOre- iMgMot uttffM W?&Si5 tl 5 tJ ",i -- -j.w,- irrw. and Klamath Falte has VffF ?JFr?$WJ$mW . A sUpulatloa for.a : i""-.' !Ju"'S.i?g . H.to tn h at uaie.oi. nronn.s uaic.iWHO rgrii ! xx'.i z w -" ,-- -- ; ira. nower . 7 for '" lesinyiOtwtwIiBi'iiWPI hereaga'lnsReldy.;atteBWVthpl Th hotirlnr hv lh. railroad com- Baak,,and,J; mission mc, lain, 5i.i, w mw vw...v.w-w w-v-- . - - Jte'JZ!i. r. . --- '."vv.'. gon Power company by Mearora,,"'v--;,.7!?-,v Grants Pass been postponed. postponement later waa made between the pnmnanv.'a counsel) and counsel Medford and.aranta Pass. T , tr!"i, d City Attorney Rutenlc; representing- & According Klamath FalU. made vigorous. objec- fore tloa- to' this postponement. He 'gave could some strong reasons, for immediate .man uearing,' ana it is, oeueveu un m result, the hearing will be held before June. ,j i, . .nn ;vuouKo, asaiaBirHii Saturday Visitor. C. C. Lewis, who has a .ranch ii'TiJSil !.'. .-!. 1'T.T-". ADDED, ATTRAC TION TOMORROW NIGHT KXtiia- .lust at pre time todaf, the Khimaih wmwty f ileUiat'" r twd rroai KM LTft,ttedN wafer. face. They state that aU three coaa. are enthusiastic orer (he proposed Jd, and all nre. aaxious to pat It through at once. According to reports drifting back 'fom tho Lava Beds, there will be a "uple of days of veateeVroad rk m that region next otW. JfkUt m decided upon at the Irat "raeetlng " tho delegatloas of fMt boosters nw Xlaautb, Siskiyou and Mbdoe 'ountlei, and a little later arrange mts will, be so far alosg that the dale can b. Hi,. -7 " g. , ' The delegaUoasHrarMatthVpW who w,h t have tas Uva Beds Paad to tourist tratai: -Taar.arf i duty of the purchasor to report sucIir agreed, and sent the deedhr, but( purchase to Secretary Olcott, ana iiC alleges that Dyer raueo to 4ioio,i tho secretary of tho state, and the and that Dyer secured Argraves' deed; SEVEN PIECE ORCHESTRA 'UNDER vi.miorkis reoulred to transfer the . transferring the Klamath .county' LEADERSHIP)? HAHRY BOREL m,,.;.i,.i- i.intes with the car to the nroncrty to Dyor. Though. notified to WILL GIVE purchasor thereof. This new require-'surrender this, Argravea alleges that lmenl goes into oiiect may , ouujuyer aiu uui uu ou, uuv whw j,.o-( .. . . ..... ..M-.. nnH. kMMAW ! -.-. ,!. nAMAMW A Ih.'WtmM.H , alter uiai oaie inis on"-" ""iu """" jiorrou mo yiyi'w.w u....- mmm requests for tho transfer of number woman. , . still in tho Lava Beds, going over tho ! Plates from one cur to another. , . dllBerent routes, in order to decldo1 "Tho law makes uo exceptions AttentloB, Odd Fellowa. the most feasible and tho most prac 'whatever, and provides in nuau on, Ia celebration of the 96th anniver- II IS IIISO lirUYIUUU, n..., mv r"'- i tho.secretary of state for noting auchj transfer upon 'the registration books- at 10. SO and march to the church. 3& -- u.. .. AM -" - 1 . . irai mnrt to be Imnrovod. that no sale or iransier.oi any v. u. . tKe order , America, the Odd Mpnoy la being raised among Klam- motor vohiclo registered tnereunaerFeUoW8 wd Bebekahs wllliattend-the "',,,, ath county people by, private aubscrlp- shall ho valid without eompllanoB M E c1jurcn toraorr0w morning la ,;",." tlon. Tbi California counties may an-'.with auch roaulremont, A fee of ?boay. Members will meet at Ihe halftrJ ... . ........ i.j. .ii la i, Ian nrnvldod. shall be paid to' .,.. ..h , ,h.K.v, j, y propnate money i rum iuuuv; - There Is much' work that can be done with lit, tie expense, and It Is pro posed to do this, with volunteer; labor. Afterwards, the money raised can bo Used or. the difficult parts. The rente In some places Is right nowlawst a roadway. All that Is needed Is Ihe raklhl out ,of the many sharp stoats. -A few men with rakes, etc, could clean, out Mveral miles of rhia with little effort In no tine, and la possible oven now .for son of tbls Is the work that It "li hoped to theUJ " h"ll"l?iin!!: haTa"thi public do free of charg The mala work now Is tb. alahlag of a.stoatb, t Jthetaatn laterals .iraaa. ... pwsw. Daughter Is Bom PruJtHt Neara Cotwpletlon, , A seven-pound girl arrived i at he JUdfl LOW, WIIOvlS propiojrou uu m ', BOBO OI Mr, BOU wf-a jTii(wamwt Modoc Point project on (be; Klamath" ubwdoln. Mr, nowdbtn is, Klaroatb Reservation, came in yesterday io re- Falls' pioneer printer. - ; mnlu over Sunday in.Klamath Falls., L UJL-r Ho states that the work will all hef ',., 1 .i.m uithin a month, and that IniFrom Keao Way. f.. u la nosaible evea now .for aom of. Grant Gay, who has ieassd'tbe Van Vnlkenburg; ranch on the Keao road, Is a Saturday visitor laMaV county atat.t ith. , - ' -fwr The Star theater announces a one musical" nroa-ram for Sunday night, when the following program will' be readered. by a seven piece orchestra (under the leadership of Harry. Borel. formerly leader of the Star theater orchestra,1 The enchore numoers will consist of aomo of the; latest selections; Chorus ,from "Thanhauser" Wagaer. . Vatoe-':Reve,,dJ Avenlr"-T Dairies, V V, ft 3, Selection from, "Faust" Gounod. 4 (a) Fresa foreign parts, "Hub gary" Mbskowski. , 4. (b) "Sereaade" Herbert.4' .j p. vaise Leavo, -wr cRosaa" Maquarre.-- .v: ,6. "Bits of RemicksHlta Nortis " a.i " ,1i ' Lape. "j.-.-.: 7, March, "Gruss Uhar, the. opera bMjusturBed&g?; 't6Gale, the;jurprsvberSM-: being dischsrgedaskM lf5tsSSg k return a.;verdtct'COB'Hetia;aae'f-J and'acqulttlng ta6tlrbrttofeM(S H.-j'K -"?v-s- '.."!,Tr.sf.r.r.'w.twai 'generally supposedrtluittiwM'tlwIrlMSjp.' Intention, to. coavlct AJexaaaer; laa.ifca.' ;r-3aa5ciar "wwfmRwlS! emi The case u,to jm itmijMk M9mS&tm Lost River, Is here on a" business trtpably la, ,iWl&4J imzSiSM Many at Work in the City Cemetery loday ' 3 Vvj ..Tl .T. J -"t,' W-ri'inj.;". J ." t,-1 fS'iTi.iPMP?iK?" -WKJ iwrllt-aliri.'fti aaeSiSLir (ic'.- ".v" . x SL.1 . ' -W ' T, "' tTKt .' . . , ' The threatening ,appearaaee,of ,the reprtseated. weather baa not dasapeaed-the . . - j. ' f thuslasm of the public -spirited people who believe thai'ths KUmathTalls cemetery,: shouldbejelaaaed upaad iJUt IUU utnvuit Wfklsiul. lf,at toere aaa'aeea a nuiaier oi paow av worlj,-' ";am,tKe tfiffat Halaad'" a"rc wyaipaiMn.. H. t t . f Meaabera of Bprague Xbaptero WaB's Relief CorpsVwaalaltiated this iia'p'roJect;- were 'Miltiftli dayS Kach.ladyVaalled lato .taaiwai wlthra.wlU.rM-tney.a -a;apHi pmo roroothawotl "t w.t - r? ,''if.w." i .These vetaraaa' . 4 .. . H J rf - J .".. har'.' and much' of. the, aaaaaaa "of j! -w ' -PJ .2 t.. v'..j! 'j.-.i.i-JMiT .. " "'M cleaa-up; bee to AMxJimmrM'' rA Butnhe rork was- not -seadasdM ; $ th. acUvltles-oYthe twq-MtlicAl'. - . ... . ... . -. t , -J' ii I ii -it i 11 muni i.ia.. aiJ- , aa4;;woea'uniH'.;' . f of the m witk'ariahaixta Wtaa haw ' k doae great deal: tpwaH Waa j, ..wi. i 1 1 ib. aainiii " - ?'' "".?-' i.p'rs;" mSWlKm& uB;revJroB-i PJwS euri Matgto.;haai mm S.K?1R:.S 'n t ArmyrW Rapaww.:wa.aiaii aaaaaa mmmmmwmmm - " " .' K ' -tS?l; -', ". i! '3& r fe, . t j