- 7; ,t "3 .Vtwul ia i , v, ;,ri: ia,. r r.r? rJK F" -.ltr,i,.V , - ., , V&. .f Mwjm '-'JvaS m &' " : s?i . a' "hr..5- aiibai ' ;?" ifcj ZU. sssmis jf MSPf . t( WJir, a.,. w KLAMATH FALLf !M WJ a Vv OFFICIAL N1WIFAPBR KLAMATH COUMTY sn, ? iv v Jim ygi $ wrrivinb natTTarnram rVSfcyt '- JA HimHMHBm Ft, J 1 "yit ' t ler Ll-"" - ?mr ik-ka mi . " " 'i K KNERAL FRENCH )--. nniro ncununo INTO WARRIORS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, frMDAY, APRIL' 23, If 15 s Envoy i which phkpAihno foii the hvmso WORK flriit.li (omniiiniler-ln-Clilef Denies Reported Recapturing of Hill Oil Br Geniuins, nnd HT He Domin ate Whole Section. Troops Soon lo M In West. Casr On Wnjr lv iIk' Intern Front I I'hlK'J I'mwHenhe I LONDON, April 33; -Field Mar ' hl French today reported that 19 I ifUtori bombed the JSeppelln shed ' k flhent. The explosions heard In- dtcatcd t tlcrmnn crnft wore do- t ilrojee, ' 'The (IcnimiiH nave not recaptured " Hill. 60." nll Frenwi, "Wo hold it crrM, mid from' there, domlnnto i ih whole section." Utrmnii) In attacking around I .it Psim. Sappers oro being utilised ' ery where thcro. I The British are giving much nt Jfftntlon t drilling. General French It gradunlly seasoning tho men now Ho the army, preparatory to n aprlng IttUek. The genoral belief la that i ik offensive will noon be resumed .ggggBk. dkBmBV i H&ft ITE PLANT FOR KLAMATH CO. Explosion of a Turkish Mine in the Dardanelles Recently KMAIVIII .ui;,vi i im:hiay . HI NTAIIT WIioIcmiIc mill I, liKms To Ite t'nrrleil r,u IIii-iiiikIi(iih SoiiiIipitiI Oh-Koii mimI .Voiiliirii f'nllfomlul M) Sow (.'inoiniin. HlmiKlitei ' 1 l lloiiM'. V.U., ut ,iiunli To lie ' . j Km lot .hit UiiUlile Vlty I.IiiiIIh KDWAHI) MANDIXIi IIOIIRi: t'nltcU l'ra Hervlea PETROaitAD, April 23. Ctar Mcholss In today at Lemburit oi hi njr to tho front. I'IiIh nhotoernph of 11. M. IIoubo, cloia friend of. Prcaldenl Wllaon, aald tn hao been Kpnt privately by ntm to sound European governments on tho auustlon of peace, was taken tho other day In London. Mr. Home has lit en chary of photographers In tho United States, hut he had Itttlo hesi tation In poNlng In London. For Kovornl years ho has been a very clone friend of tho "President' Tho President usually stops ai nis homo In Now York on trips made thcro alone. Mr, Houao war born in Texas. July 20, 185S. nnd Is tnus within two years of the ago of tho resident. Ills hdme Is In Austin, i fox., hut ho spends most of his time In Kow York. He has boon In politics Tltllf. llli: ItCINti .M.VM1-: TO VA1U( Town, for many ea-s. but never hold public oillce lie is hoiiu u u mm court HCTIMi ROAD r lilt's IMIITH OF TJII-: COUXTV.i TO .V.srilllTAlX THK .NCI.DH OI-'! inn i:hi:t iiiHTiticrs I ery wealthy. Thu members of tho couuty court tie burning up considerable gaaollno sad cylinder oil these days, streak Ini ener the county to got some first bend Information regarding the roads of Klnmmii, with the HforataUon tbui gained from peraosal laapeetlon thty will ho nblo to appropriate mon r for road work to tho beat ndvant . Veiterday the roads la Langelt Val lr were Inspected by the 'aaombcrs of tho court. Today the rogda In the 3prim Itlvnr section are being looked oor. llclitl'in Clilldreii Aided United Troita Service WASHINGTON. U. 0., Apr(l 23. The uplrlt of tho Nntlon'a" was a pl?v presented by society beaux, holies and matrons today for n fund for Hel- Klnn children. The gold industry of tho Hand Is estimated to be worth half u million dollars n day to South Africa. Organized labor threatens to defeat $l,2f.0.000 road bond issue al Port land unless tho county agrees to do all work nt $3 per day for eight hours. i This country's travollng public last) There are iho persons to each JWwas an army of 1,004,081,346, house on nn average In Iroland. Work on Enlargement of Lateral Nears End " lh middle nf.'next week, tho Merrill and north f Tulo l.iko. Wof enlarging Urltath ltorul wlliphese jonds wero formerly wnlored completed, according to Project? rrom xhh 8outh Dra"h cn,,R,,1 I'1" Maaaaor i t " roin" ,J tho wooden llnug In tlmt mnal he Mr J. C. Camn of the rnclam-1 .... .. ....r This Insures the end An examination proved that lr would bo better to reduce iho flow in tho South Branch and lmo the uetossary water carrlod tluough tho UrlDth Lateral. This tiuves the cost of a concrete fining for tho South Branch. :,' J The'artttth Latoial oulargeiuHnr. Is a, record Job. Reolamntlon olllcluls secured the consent of the water users Btterla house-to-house canvass, pid. Just as quick as the, weather permitted, every available man iiid ieam, was put to work, wt,l ,tho rsenlt that there will be no neiHy Uon service. "' mis work before tho tlmo for " nnai 'or the use of the farmers Jho canal enlargement has, en lied the handling 'of about n80t00 wrds of airt in exc.vatloa, As a '""It. orimth LaUrnl, -jwhlch last "V carried nn average flow of IB Tna feet, is now suffelsntly large " k care of a i6 second foot eai,,,m!Cm t0 VlMs)aivJ Werway haa em'emiMfai. aUh water to lasda In the tf4fmty'o In atartlag Irrigation May 1 Throe jciirn ucu, Klumutli cnuity shipped In from other places tho htiniH and pork prodm-tH ur.od hero; Tuesday, steps will bo started thut 'a 111 change tliU older of UiIiiks. and liihtcad of Importing, Klamath Falls ulll bo (i InrKe cxpnrier of pork and other incut pioauctH. Tuesday, tho Klamath Moat Com- p.iny will commence the erection of n IiIr concrote slnuKlner mid pncKIng I'nnt. TIiIh will be used lu supply lt,x tin UMV'dN of Klniiiutli ton u ty, nnd In tho furnishing ut w tiolosnlu ull the in ent products neoded lu South ern Oregon nnd Northern California. Just as soon ns tho concern Is In shape to begin tho tilling of tho ninny ordorH und lontrncts that are iilready bookod, a Federal moat In- tptitur will be stationed here by the Iiuportment of ARricullurc, to give hi solo attention to the Inspection of the Mb output cf the locnl con cern. With micli Brand prospects at the start of the worlr. mere is ew-ry reason to expect a rnpld en largement nf business, nnd Increaso In rupaitty or the plant here to meet this now demand. The plant to bo erected will bo up te-date in oery detail, meeting the most exacting requirements nf stati and national rcBiiiauons. ii is In he of concrete. 3(KG0 fret to be Kin '.vlth. nnd the Initial cost will fi ?1S0O(l. The locatlou decided upon la closo to the hot springs Jt beond the city limits This spilUK. Known as tl.c "devil's teapot" Is the hottest lu the county, and U'o waier irnm this !t to bo piped all through the plant, to bo used lu scalding, cleini bg. etc. Concrete Is to be uod throughout iiiiiniiiiliie. Tho loors and wans will b( of this material, und the. floors of tho killing pvm and roonw will bo of concrete, which will n- ablo tho concern to keop these spot- loss. All boilers, tnnkers and machinery will bo located In tho basement or b building. Thero ulso will bo stored the hides, and ull offal, etc., will bo dropped through from tne upper floors to n spoclal place tn the basomont, when awaiting disposal. At tho Plant will also bo erocted tho feeding corrals. This is not all tho work to be dono at ouco, accord ing to Manager George Watt. Tho company also intends to build two more largo cooling rooms in mo basomont of the Palace market hore, to caro for the fresh and pickled moitig. chickens, etc.. needed for tbo local trade and for shlpmont to Northoin California points. i 2iSjiSgrfi JmnKvKnnnhnnnnmnmM X v WCTrrnnnmBBBnJTtjPnnnnnnnnnnnmnMng .4 9gnHgB3DU!$&?BMjfT-EsM'BgBgggggnmgigglB WL snHsnnnPx.rf'SSiiiimlgnwnnnnlnnnnnnmeinl v fi!SS's!?SPvV9nnBiKnnnnnnnnH B TOMBSTONES ON SOLOtERSGRAVES Dtitixa The past hixtkb, the f; It AND ABSIY IiOYSHAVK IIKEN O.UII7IXY AT WOnK'dBTTING MAItnLK HLAfW . , J There is one thing that wilt at tract the attention of the -people of (Klamath Falls tomorrow, when 'they .go to clean up tho city cemetery. This lis the manner In which the Brave 'Old Boys of Sprague Post, Grand Army of the Republic, havo remem Ibercd those of their comrades In the Civil War who have answered the 'final calL , The local post has a number of men who believe in "deeau, not wore". They believed jtbat the Jocnl soldiers' gravel should be suitably marked, and ns a result of their work through the War Department, there are. mar ble tombstones, four feet in height and suitably engraved, over these graves. They, were Installed also by the' veterans, nnd tho comrades thus remembered are the follewing: John H, Miller. Co.. K.. First Ore gon Infantry. , Co. D., , Alonxo Wright, musn.. -i 1,79th New York Infantry., James Berkley 8gt Co. C, First Oregon Cavalry. i David J. Duvall, Co. I.. First Ore tgon Infantry. f. Charles H7 Humphrey, Co. D., Pint Minnesota Heavy Artillery. , ' This Is the work that har been ear irled on quietly, by the'raen who over jflfty years-ago fougkt to" keep "the i nation 'Intact. Theyrare not as act- ' Ive nor as stronn as they were in "the This great spout of water is from, obstructed In some manner and wentl'fio'g but they believe the lest remv the explosion of a Turkish mine In off without damage to warships. Tne the Dardanelles. The mine was one I power of tho explosion Is shown In .. Ing place of 'their coarades "shonld be kepf'sacred. p u of thoso turned loosen the stmlUjthe great height to which the water j Toward this end, they have placed for tho allies' battleships. But It was wag thrown. tneEe tombstones, and have made the" .. . "'graves presentable. If they can "do this much for their comrades, why LATE HAPPENINGS AT MT. LAKI CLUB MEETS T0M0R0W SOCIAL TIMB, PRX3HAM AM) IKFK8HMK.TH FKATl'BKS. 'to OOSERVK MICMOIlIAL DAY. OTIIRR MT. liAKl NEWS (Herald Special Service) . MT..LAKI, April 38, The Mt. Lakl Improvement Association wiu hold its regular meeting Saturday evening. A social tlmo is planned for and refreshments are to be brought and served, Ai interesting program Is being arranged, Memorial, way win oe owrw with nn appropriate program at the' Mt. I.okl Cemetery on Decoration Day, George Grizzle Is setting some stone work this week at the ceme tery. The grounds "hae been great ly lmprocd this last year., Rev. George Aery left Tuesday for Grunts Pass to attend tho I'res bjtery meeting as delegate from the Mt. Lakl church. Will Moirlson wns in town Friday nitendlng to business matters. Floid McComb was a visitor at tho Falls tho first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie DeLap spent Wednesdny with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Griffith. Mis. Lewis and Mis. Hill Oiniinluir 111 town TllCSdaJ". 1 A wnct nn,l Archie Oolson had "' uuu""' uMPPMN cannot the rest of the people show their love and respect for relatives and friends' by turning out tomorrow and assisting In cleaning up the cem etery. All who can do so are urged to be present and assist In the work. 0-lJ mm t fo STORM AND Ft mmisi a 'H r- viii as et UUIH1'"1IL m M MMA'mmmmiXttCy DMnautrtin aiiu -t v- - .aCiUAit.. 3f .& i DAMf ABE TO SOOTH ,?K '..: WJAV-R hSSSt . , i&L&SgS? TKXAH.AN0 OKLAHOMA 'IHV'BIMIjfN RAOIXO ,s it, t( "V w tT LaP .,iSJ m.mji .-rtiw! Bll. m. m m m ... Zi 43 TCThT e ism musimi in fMX4tiors, H12.-3J-, ia . i-jt Reported, fkreams Are .SweUesi.1 $&!. $, end Live, .ad PrcWr A&!k$?i 9 - ' s' i.v'Ci-i la SecrWced. BealefleeCr . &-n. -- . i i jiJiiii'i'w itfl -vw - "T 'VT"T?"JMl ,T Zl gtumjnfikl tamg sets Flreto.Tesmej " V5 SxS ! -J-..fjl((,i!LiS,j. United PreSeIeJs:M4M wMM VA A r m. ?7!ZSt.,.r-Lirr-v:1iiil UAUUAB, ieM,AIVJIWTJS!S II 9 . 'm'j'"'- 'my'(ril&'&i-:ii: " h mKiB are iimyaf : VSSI VA;i -X - rim' " wjbji.t ; a Many deaths tMKI homa and Texas. .... j ..t. " jL liL:r?-J?ibteiti wn"i iw preparer . wijpu. . --p-Asr srKJBri :i&?J?Xlg8: .1' v ir-jyi jyv losses are appaiuna."- ' raa ,, "' iAJK,- n-TiIL -SaC3 irmaa tuo mint, tm.,mmaj.9iwmWKai.M :V, In six hours.ahere wMisfc,nlM;sieliss; rainfall. canalnllSflTeftoWSJI come torrenui w '"i I iTl L;r.ir to some of the'bilrfleleX,MfJrigdgvtl set Are to the btTweils, and the leeerfil from this will run Into the;;ttes-V?ffe! Anri . S" .f-h"t4S?' ... . -,. -- y. - , ,-$i&&i United Press Berrlee. - . . "MmA aubtin ATeaas, Aprli3l.r-4nrM forty ta.slztv. tuvonlAiara dau.ha dreds of families aTeShomleeTaU:fe f.u -.' ". JSi.W--'?).- & damage' to? the extent, of, Ui'SJ;Sig- ters of a hUlUonari'UelreMltvrtef' date of a flood UaV'm.sweeesnk'eirtS: of this state and Shoal "and Waller Creeks' - " Mha '-- r.-r xtT;! " iviunau niTer ..aro -in sweetteg;ert Cfc.."L-CiV I '-" L-l-T.TTw?- mm l'ROJIPT AND KFFICIENT WORK OK UL'CKET IIRIGADK PRE VENTS SERIOUS F1KE. MILLS GETTING READY TO RUN SEES MILLIONS IF FIGHT LASTS TIia .WflitAeV t. m er re. m rla A - 4tmav. "" '-" ...... tw ---w . - --T.wr-JK stage in Wetery ' ,p EsMgg bodies come in: BkisMlt ImmfM-' -- - - v w -w . t---jjt aa'n vr feared, that, the' deathillet .wUrWfJ'. hundreds. - M&M; ml ...a .; 5T. -?irri"sr&.!i auo nui un wwa www.wm.iWJKJtf"4 to prevent any looting1. and police are also pndaty-resetting; people fromitreetops- 'MM m. R ! n-t.T ..- .i...r .iw'-wtf uriaBES are oemg carnca out; 9j v&Ssii ill k..llln sod luullu . TmmZf'-CTiStPlit . -., ""-ifS1. s ak. a .ti ii.- .av.a. - - : v jlviv.. iuubu iu sit me ueuru. jl una iaw-,i' v flier .Is,!. - - tlmml.m. 9V &- ,pi l lilted Frees Berrtee (Herald Steclal Service) SHIPPINGTON. April 23. There vEw YORK. Anriia t h. were J as much excitement caused by the dred mlliiong ot AoXHn wl ,, fire L, their sheep sheared this week. wnicn ournea sown mm. a. . b,.en ., . thi. ui,tBd attm- u- Wednesday. tb helllaerent nation. jV th ar Had It not been for tho work of the , - . Ribbon feed and a hinged screen "krf (feW. 4ivt JfI 1 h 1ESS&9I jratitJfiTS I Wr a new laundry mangle preventa WSSl jury 10 ine nnsers oi ine odstsiotb.-. -.jw.'.i "6 't&2Li&d8m& & vT7Ti ;e.'XS. Btreec nnancier msenanisre7K. '?m; iw.am 10fl,tW,MM . -j lasts, until September. wait mark. According have already In tht alone. spent United' Statesyfor Sk3-j Congressman To i Speak Here 4th HEaannH mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnVPv TVHnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnl LIIHgel;: lyiiHflH ganmmnlillHmnl KiHH mnr&!j ' imnH ' mnWlS'lmnH mnVtv'ianm.m I nHHHHIIIIIIIIW' JmnnKjK amnlllllllllllllllllllH gaHE-jHHgmnnnH V volunteer Are department, the house-' ,ot Miss L Sargent might nave been n, smoking ruin. We havo no reg- ulur fire department out here, nor !lune wo a water supply, but our Volunteer bucket brigade cannot be beaten. i The mills are all getting In shaoe for the summer's run. t The steamer Masama made her j first trip this week to points on Wood Rlyer. x , v , The' steamer Annie Laurie caught Myfor hinnIoefe$ rj.oasia?. r9fmtz SOS'S .saaai an. ' akav't:.' New rorase and Silo . .r f fl .. 4. '.S."TT-i-4: ;XSVM 4 , 'tat. -tT? li- friHK Are lntrl,u-l WeVVLWW IIIV UIMVUUWVll P ' , lKtyvH&j& f -V ' ' X . -t V'r Bomethiug "new ,, in forage and silt i.c rtts3Jl WJ'iSiflfiV'rJ - jwiiWKjik :vo.jt . SH 2htts l .li3iii-.1 'ziKz-tt' r-wT?i.. - .ir. - ivi:a.3 I'W'sir '.h'j "Ntck" Wiuiot.,t' ft' e from tho smokestack fitenttv Thc"flnmos werofoon extinguished age ropa are,JW be tested Indian. win. sllpht lo-s ath county this year. These are the Chnrles 11. Wlthiow hab for the famous 75 and 80 day dry land, var; inst week-been lepalrlng ha boats ely Qt kafflr corUi atCf tnat, are Jheie. preparing them tor n aumr's Va,M, wHh 8uch 8UfcegR , the ,.. leiijoymeut on the Upper 1ik". Ids of Oktohoma. IMbllshera Meet - -- - - w. Hanman, wno u nere xroui ,.iin,i !,. s.ru.e Oklahoma, belloyea these crops wlli NEW YORK. April 23.-The an- do evon better bore than ln.Okla- 'inual bnntiuet of the American Pub- homa, He haa therefore received iiHi.i'Asocintloii Avllibefield Jo- d und specimens of ksjar Htii "" v r ... il.' ... . tlglit iioujjit i-urii, (oimreiis, miio maize, -, ' and red and blaplt anther, from. Okla- i a ,mvAi uatriini nntaina a huielar l.oina, and ln'addRlonte displays of alarm so arranged aa to sound when jt hue speelaeaa at. the ,Chambe.' of uni uuaui(iiris idih nmm, "Pleasod to accept your Invitation." This brief wire waa'reeelvei to day from Congressman N. S, Slnnott In response to an invitation to deliver tho Fourth of July-oraUon'iere. Aa a sneaker of eloauence'and wit, Slnnott haa attained national! fame. and the. Business Men's Association i al.4.4 ntf..,tiiiln Ma nraaaarn'nnrt IM .1RU .www, s ..- ww - aid, at the observance hereA Gray horses are the longest lived, and cream colored ones ibe moat af fected by temperatures. I'The Albany council plans ;v paving twelve bocks on three itreeW. v $ v Mrs; Joel R, Nlnde of Fert'Wajrne, imi.. besides bslnn an.,. arehMeot, makes' a specialty of homes?'rf Ccammereeand B, M.- Ohllcote's.-reai estate efftee, .he.wlil furnish seed fee ttetnlejtttail'ati leeit: twentyfflve aeriisthle'seison. v " tliartman Is so certain that ,,the nrpiiswlU be, a aueeess that he beilng-alone the texjene of v seed ing, etc. Hi wl'Plnt(te eres nt the AlUmont raneh; and .nf?e.Hl amount of land In c4her;ft4s,V'trfJ inn county,,, sn'iiNifiMM wiu ee ywntM uneer, xne eitestiep t ! vi- "s a---rj.fa.' wftmwAiiaai-a.'". of County MW( $ rilnt where its Rvalue aaslisge eenwA bj'ljiMinte t&i tiThe yarkUes ,broJtt b llar(man!were raised-at an levrtlfew;? otv 00 feetXhlgher5thniw.etle All of i these are liady .forhnrves4lm" Jjaffl w w -"! - - -. ! ii .v . ff fiCJtA t iewvays aer pianung,' ana-jf.wftvi the-yieif is65 tpuahelajto.theijgig acr. i . ., is-. vifMsm&xti ; .- t. rin n ji . ,ifin".L,ni i - The. gralnifromLC these SWfSjcil extdllont for chli?kaiiH?.ahMriu hara'AJ t;iA 'r f " :. -- " rrmz''zr9W' c-;-i;r'i.v, lit 'A J 1l ....W V'Baali. ILL! ?! - eatt e and, all, stockBesldei' thhi.X fhefstnlks, e'.cf, furnWik?ofntfr; forate for stock and'the.two'eaaUteu:' J fed together,. 'Besides tbsso alstr'out In KlawMhw-atkaaA. 3$ tnJlrT.'- "PlsntlnV tkff mmsfSflnflVJ 'J.lM wth ln!June, Voiiuan'esi', iiuztHim: .TulvJuS.fM,,tta laatam ikThditj .lk''rWnifel- Inlmltar;;. 1 ,".!? .3LW.'r. n. ' !' .1 n. . . . ." V.WjJJZlt tK!'f ?. i . . - 'i ji. Wrh ii" W Ki 3., . L-jt.MTs.:vt.11n.!ra'". . z. 1 ' " , , ' ' 5 V " as -n-vwKtr- rnffli