e& uy &ki&&. Sil ' ... 'V '.--,'.. -.l..- WJ V1.IV SA. J ...'' - J.. MAMA n'nWH a- a a jar ' -. OFFICIAL HIWWAFW V-ilj,'W-' r?Ni Yesr"- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, liS -:$( btsfW PP.,' i"f-S S ES53BBX v' - ' J? ? - - ' f.i. . '. . -& ttWnJ&n&xtgM to?- ',.... . . r tfavV as TO ' m - hil turmat.' o .miffaw EJ 0Jti JFittMrfitrt tl"ffV.! nil niiiin' ,,- . w .-j. amnsnnnnnnMn. gsnm nanm nanm nanm nanm gsnaai namm Bamm sanam m& .atanaamu naaaaw .naaw ntnnaw .ntnv. .afanaaan'.aaaaaaank. aaam, i mm kmr UT V m.P Fmmm.. 4W r9 9 WWr0 . f . ,-fo 1 t i nnnnaaasmarl faV - -w -v ,-W "w -w -w -- v -aaar - ' - ' TZ b m saaw -r " - -'jL r- j ii ' i i. -, , - i, ,ra i i i Ma asaaci r " r 1 1 saganaaaBM w - . v S.M1 MOTHER ACTION NEW DEPARTMENT IS FILED AGAINST ; STORE FOR K. F.l KLAMATH FAILS u. h. hah the greatest chance ix its history for foreign business i . Ilsse. MAI1PM-: ALMCUKft PROP KIITV DAMAGED Ii i ...... - i. niv (o Prooerlr Drain run- ' "' , g-lB, on litnd Adjoining Her Klamath Avenu Pi"' IMvwta ,. Ww ,,cr ,', ,u,,, H ,,U,,M, ' lit Vulur, Arcordlng lo CMUlnt CK.VTIIAI. OUTMITIXfl COMI'AXV is iti:n:iviNo r;onH to oikx i:ST.lll,IHII,Mi:T UWAIi MKIU CIIAXTH OWX HTOIIK Klaiiinlli Kill In' Intent morcnntllo c InlilUliincnl Ih tlio Contra! Oiitnttlng company. U. (J. Jonuun nml Chorion The Mcotid (inmiigo null to bo Mod Utlnit tho city of KlnmHtli KnJIs rltbln R wk Mvi iwin by lUiy t Mwrlnian, ittlorny fr Mr. K, . Mirute. Mr. Mnrplo alloKeiMhut tkt cltr l" ruined her property vn KUmtlli nwiiuo, nur Becond trwt. by iBiufflclont drnlnn?, nml ti ln (kjudimcnt for f 3,906. Of thin, MOIi U for deprivation of tht uo of tlio property, nnd fS.COO riprtMntn tlio iloproclatlon In vntuo, Kr. The tompliilnl iwtn forth th-i In 1I10-11. when Klnmnth avenuo nml' gtconil trcl were paved, tho trct j Itrtl ni rninoa HOTerai 1 isi wv'. J8HK;' . , .1. -ffi-H4L'-l! A , 1 -f fti il;Ti3itW, !KV - ;-NHlr W,:v' i -!rfRilL: i 1 r "1 WASHINGTON. U. C April 22. Tho upeclal commlttoo of the Chamber of Commerce of tho I'nlted 8ttea, nt tho end of two iIiij-h' ronferenco with cOlclals of the Htutu dopnrtment nnd tho do pnrtment of commerce, nn notinrfid llnalt ns of the nnnnl moiiH opinion that the United Htntcn fncoH tho greatest oppor tunity of Its history for tho de velopment of foreign trndn. Tho commlttoo bollovcs con gress 'should appropriate more llborally for development, of for eign commerce and discussed plana to that end with Secretary rtcdflcld. BASEBALL TEAM ORGANIZES SOON MKKTING OF THE PLAYBIM, FANS AND DIRECTOrtS OF THK ASSO CIATION WILL UK HELD MORROW NIGHT WHITES FISHING OP TO NDIANS Trying to Plnp .-' Italians Into Wr MATTKK OF ni:lt'l,ATIXJ OR PROHIOIT1NO WHITK MBN TO. FROM A?;OI,ING ON RFSKHVA ' TION TO GO DHFOIU: COUNCIL FLEET SAYS IS OUR EXHIBIT GOOD CluiK. F. Ktomwrll FART OF THU DIHIMiAVHAH IIKK.V MOVMI) FROM ORIGIN'AIi SOT TING, AND IMPROVEMENTS WILL RE MADE feet nbovu.F. Htomwoll nto the proprlotora, nnd the lcvl of her property. Although their locution will ho. tho corner of imowlng that n living spring on an Ninth anil Muln atrcels, where atom ssjolalng lot had previously (lowed I well ImK purclinscd n half Interest In utois Into tho lako before tho street the building owned by Jensen. 1ml was raised, Mra. Marple nllegca' clothing, hhoea, (urnlshlrigs, crock tbitln putting In tho grado nnd pnv-'c.y ,.,,m nn, similar linos will bo ins. the city neglected to provide carrcd by tho now concern. Stcmwoll proper drainage for this spring, wlthl,()H jUHt riiurned from Sau Francisco, tie result that tho. flow was diverted lwni.ro ,c ordered nn extonslve lino of hvto lite Marpic propcm, mm am uivi rooilH, nnd Jouscn is now in roninnu It no drainage, It at certain Intervals buying more atock. Tho gooda nro nr- of the year completely Inundatea the rYng dally, nnd tho establishment Is ',1iyerty, rendering It absolutely OIH)n for busluess. 1','!!lu. j noth men nro well known In Klntn- attidea thin, Mrs. Marple alleges ti Kails. Mr. Jensen, In addition to tlat tht property has been flooded ho'ow,)K considerable local real estate, ich In this way that the ntmoa ( has conducted n furniture store here, pktre there Is unwholesome, and the nntf for six months hna also had n line property U pertnnnontly damaged. 0( glassware. Mrs. Marple too); HiIh matter up' Mr. 'stemwclt camo to Klamath MVtral tlmoH with the elty council i.nilH seven years ago, and hna been kfun- hrlitRliiR suit. connected with K. Sugnrmnn and Hec- ,., , .., . tor'M stores, besides being n pnrtnor ladbinin to WihI. In the Qiilllltch grocery. For a year Bankey Merrill and Huhlo Cleorgo.'und a half ho has been In business In two Klamath Indians, were today Is- Portland, but ho believes Klnmnth wed ,i mnt ilago license. hni tho. beat opportunities Tho following was received today from Secrutary Fleet of tho Klamath Chamber of Commerce, who Is ul tho exposition, looking over tho Klamath exhibit with a view to Improving It If deemed advisable. Tho display has been removed from It3 orlglnnl setting, and the greater I'nrt now oA-iiilc the entrnnco way Into the smoking nnd reception rooms at' tho hoad of the Oregon building. A number of. Improvement and addi tions suggest themselves to ine ns liiNlnir ndvlnnbln. but tho ccnornl effect Weed,- and other 'fast outside teams , .,--- ..- - -, .. , . . of the wall display of deer heads, pic- ' tacKiea ootn aero ana auroad Tho baseball players and fans, un able to resist this tort, of weather, aro fit It again. Their talk of the coming season's prospects Indicate a rattling good team to'ropreient Klam-. nth Palls. ' Things will be started tomorrow night at a meeting to bo held at the Palm Rowling alley.. This meeting begins at 8 o'clock, and players, offi cials of tho baseball club and fans in terested will nt thWtlrao talk over plana for tho season? The club last year purchased suits. bats and other equipment, and will be able to secure Modoc Park again on tho name terms as last year. A good' brand of ball was played here lata season, and the attendance at the games and support tendered tho team proved conclusively, that Klamath Falls faim nro wlththo team from start to finish, providing they see real baseball when they pay real money In nt the gate; with equipment, etc., all ready, the main proposition to b'e settled la the personnel of the team and the ar rangement of a schedule of fast games. There will be much baseball in the county this year, for Fort Klamath and Bonanaa both have good aggregations, Merrill will get up a team to make the rest qf the county sit up and take notice, and the Klamath Indians, besides a team at Yatnax, will also form another team, with hcadquarteraat the Agency or Chlloquin. These teams will be play ed by the Klamath Falls, Treka and BHTRfi li&hjL'i BMS w .. V fcf -'c4$" WliAtliAr tvtiltA nAfinl,. will h nt. lowed to fish In the streams on the! Klamath Indian reservation isa mat-1 ter that Is largely up to the Indiana, according to Indian Agent Wm. B. Freer.' A meeting of the Tribal Coun cil baa been called for May r.tli, and at this time tho proposition will be discussed thoroughly. ' " The Indiana make complaint that the white people disregard the red man's rights altogether, and break down their fences and burn them foV campflres, drive through their plant ed fields, leave gates open and com mit other depredations that are a. hindrance to the Indians! It Ii be lieved that instead of prohibiting fishing, the council will vote to have the white men obey certain regula tions, among other, ,erhaps, the se curing of permission to fish from the Indian service officials. CALL TO ARMS MADE BY CORPS MEMBERS OF PATRIOTIC ORGAN IZATIOX ASK KLAMATH FAIXS PEOPLE TO ASSI8TJN THE CEM ETERY IMPROVEMENT 1 nHHaBaageH r BBBBBBBBBgeH BnjBBnnBnnBnnBnnBnnBnnBBnn BBBBBBBH BffiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH IgigigigHHI -1 BBBBBBBBBgW ' IbbbbbbbbH ! . Igegegegegega: HHflBli i BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBaBBBBggmga 9" IgegeHgeHI HOTTER IN ALL THE - as V-JJ- 5V7.. .f ."".!i:v. - 'ijj-j ii rt vJ ar:-f. ".PiZif --.wit.--iitfp;Mf. ' CAMPAIGNS . MOHAMMMANS ?p ftvtt .ie a jm&mm i. &$i&m iuniTIHH TROOPS, DSPKAT " ' "'"' iiV iiJt .A m mmm: .A ii i . ,-. .,WliWiA'i , 1 -. . .-Hi - -T-.' ...i .'V1.. . oerMM iMaupyeni, waut . mtkmbi mm jat$K ) ftjia-TAlUji nafiiais ' -""' - " -" - "-. . JT .. . -iUV 3" ..::. 'jzffi2ZB&m aihvihi a.wv uracmiw.s FV:itH2g.lW . . . jLimsm, for Mlnntc'a uaii wufeAWt Yt& B.'- Tv, JL. 3 d" iKmyWl.s ,. JWffiSEr "3iSKBasS5S; j fvr.T," . ?m "t lng la the immix S.Tki'r '- u . m.&t .T7Tvftt- - forcM dafMtad ''.000 MehMUSesI " --f r, 'tJy " -fY"Pf.t, v J. ijv. LKi t " af Hafi Sbker InamaVB-jCiiMfi W1 . ' vv ,,:ivis.jjj.,,-i'i i ..:-'-i.iK-.-,-'ii-'4 afl...-',,. vv fled to'-the blli.i;.TWTsridlitl.i.'l .A'fcr Vwit-i:yAkfc'gt':V" 'vl lUCllf .Mvyin1.w.'M"W.aB-MBJwJtK,' inzMjstfsMBf "vr' - j 'if .'cJ.lArt.J-; . , ' r;',.TTi.m.l.ifcrrf1 uesiuea wcup;iB ounuiii, Cliarlea Baaotet Charles Banolst is tho new, French ambassador to Rome., There be must work to offset the efforts of Prince von Buelow, the- German ambassador, who Is trying to keep Italy from going to war with Austria. It la .the hope will Jolnu with the Austria, drive her statesmen, believe, quickly be forced ' Late reports that' Baaolst's efforts are meeting led that the s IK Sui.'inWa uu j -7' -' '-" '-;.- 'y mil- 7-ht rne latest -eye,wiineaasswp;wi31i:;. .- ' ilKhtini In the WeBtemtheatf nUW4r i i.'.t.ii. ui.iii iiJii c.M.2jr ii '-sAJilMaL-. U nottceaBVakeaalBwlllH m...v nh.nrit aii ifnT"rii I'lianns "' ' .'.A k i,,uU-'-t,'-:wiiZird7J forts to takn thelrtalBtt:-fro-fts.i;Sl:. . . .- .i,- ;'t,.ti)."'j"i!'J.-. jS( scriou. rife&wra&a? imMW & . '..j n a -T T S'iWT'i, BERNE. 'April ;. ItoIle'ogaeatTsmJ . .- . -. . ."iii.rs.-r-:f ..i7 tures, grain and grasses Is very cred itable. The smoklnj room door at I he left nnd tho reception room at tho right makes it necessary for thoso entering to pass directly through this exhibit. I believe It to be a good pinto on that account. I have been shown every courtesy by Secretary Hyland of tho Oregon commission. Will bo with you ahortly. Federal Building Is Wanted for Klamath - At Iiibi night's meeting of tho Klamath Falls Business Men's Aoso elitlon, tho campaign for a fcdoral batldlug for this city was ronowed. The merchants are of the opinion that iuch an Institution la a necessity here, and they havo started plana for an ag iresilvo campaign to aocuro a govern ment bulldlug. Several lines of effort aro to be fol lowed In tho work for this end. A Pie will bo made to tho congressional delegation of tho state, and.tho matter Willi If possible, bo taken up through the.dlffei out executive departments, Tl.uro are f(v,' h;kw .In w state tout have such strong clulma to offer In support of theirs contention for 'doral building -an has Klamath Palls. tiny dopuitmouta of govern ntnt activities are represented hero. As there Is as yet no free mall de livery In Klamath Falls, the postofflco ' visited dally by thousands, Tho nulldlug now holng used for n post 0"lco is ronted. The reclamation snrvlpn oflloa force uero la of considerable siie, and there could bo ample provision for its needs n a federal building. Tho Klamath Indian, Raaarvatlon lng so close, a large volume of busl 'H betwesa the Indian service and Klamath Folia people Is carried on. An offlc or suite of bflces In the fod- bulWigg woHld alleviate much e)ay, and says many, mlstmiserstand ', as this could be the heauar tsrs of ladlaa servte oclals vlstt- RY. COMMISSION SHORN OF POWER JUSTICE RKNSON RENDERS DECI SION IN FAVOR OF COMMISSION MEN, DECLARING 1013 LAW UN. CONSTITUTIONAL , lng tho city, nnd would inako It poasl bio for persons to communicate with them peraonally with no loss of time. Lower Klnmnth l.ako, n fow miles from Klnmnth Fall. Is ono of tho national bird preserves, protected ky tho government, Tho biological sur vey of tho Department of Agriculture carries on extensive work In connec tion with this, nnd on many occa sions, persons desiring to boo the war dena and 'district Inspectors when they nro In town, nro unable to find them on account of tho 'lack of offlco quar ters. Thin offlco should also be In tho federal building. While the headquarters of Crater National forest -Is nt Medford, thero Is much of Im'pprtnnce to tho forest service nnd tho administration of Its work transpiring hero. An offlco for tho forest service lit the proposed fod orol building would be useful whon offlclnlB are hero on business, ns local people would know Just where to find thorn. Besldea those, Crater Lake National Park, the Indian reclamation service liureau of Entomology of Ue Depart ment of Agriculture and other federal branches have much business nere. Thar are many prisoners taken from - -- ..' ... . !....... Am hm and tnn Kiamnin nucuvr " Portland annually on federal charges, and these prisoner, for want or suu nhle government quarters, are kept In the county Jail while hero. A -few cells In the basement of, the Jtsderal building Klamath Falls Is after would alleviate this, SALEM, April 22. Pronouncing an act passed by the 1913 legislature, providing tor regulation of commis sion merchants by tho stato railroad commission unconstitutional, the au- nromo court In an opinion written by Justice Benson, afnrmed Circuit Judgo Davis of Multnomah county, In tho case of tho state, appellant, vs. H. II. Levy and J. 'J. Cole, respondents. The ground upon which the act waa declared unconstitutional was that It violated the constitutional provision providing that "every act shall em brace but one subject, and matters nronorly connected therewith, which subject shall be expressed in the title." The .supremo court held tne powers granted to the railroad com mission wero vital and dominant na tures of the statute, yet the title was wholly allont as to them and that this constituted a violation of the provi sion of the constitution. Defendants wero convicted and sen tenced to pay a flne of f 26, and upon appeal to the circuit court Judge Da vis sustained the demurer to com plaint. Senator's Birthday fulled Press MtTlW WASHINGTON, D. C.April !. Benatti Miles Polnilexter of Wash ington, the lone Progressive member, ,f the JJnlted8tatas Senate,, waa, to day tecelving conmtulatlons upon bis 47th btrthday.anBtversary, Many of tho fastest men of last year a team will bo out for positions again. Besides thete, there will be some now material available, and some of the local establishments have agreed to furnish employment to barcbnll players who may be brought bore. Until Borne tryouts have been held, It will be hard to tell Just what tho team needs. Tho battery was thd main trouble Inst year. This year Motachenbacher, the University of Oregon catcher, will be on hand, and he la as good a stick er ns a backstop. Glalsyer, who caught and played In the outflold for Washington State College and Oregon Agricultural College, says he would rather bo an outfielder, but with him on the team there will be a good man to ahoot behind tho bat In case of an emergency. Mauer, or the creamery. and Hlckox of Lorella are pitchers, and there is other twirling; material that will be given a tryout. Thon, too friends of Ban Browne hope to alter his determination not to play ball this season, and ha would be a tower of strength to the mound department. An earnest invltatlon is extended by the Women's Relief Corps to every resldent-ot Klamath Fajls to assist in cleaning up the cemetery on Satur day. It is desired to have as much of the work done without cost as possi ble, as the money that has been raised by. the ladles will be needed In .fixing the fences and for permanent Im provements. Everyone. Is asked to Join in tho work and to bring along shovels, hoes, rakes and (rubbing hoes. The officers of tho corps and the committee In charge of the work are Mrs. O. W. Robertson, president; Mrs. Z. C. Kimball, secretary; Mrs. C. M. Ramsby, treasurer. .Cemmittee: Mrs. O., W. Robertson, Mrs. C. M. Ramsby. Mrs. Fred Houston, Mrs. 8.' St. Mar tin, -Mrs. B. B. Wlthrow and Mrs. C. K. Belts, tntUAUu c nuninnBiiM . to place ,eexeee order CHICAGO, April ,22. Orders tor $3,000,000 worth of equipment are to I be placed by tlie Chicago North-fnlght. western Railway been announced, FRATERNAL DAY ATE XPOSITION LATE SHIPMENTS DELAY BUILDING EXCAVATION FOB aOiXW HOMB IB HALTED BY CONTRACTOR'S ORDER UNTIL TERRA COTTA, ETC., IB READY with 'success. of France, that Italy I at- the' gV.reatta;jiJJfa- allies In Invading dered to. he .Ia;-readlnaj.1aaj-i,4 to peaces Then, the dan recall o;Mgm.djtg :.' , Germany wouW v, "FWI&WmZmm 5 itbVgtve-ln: ,. - pm.mmft.TJ, from ItaiyMndleat ,BERUN;?AkII JlQi tj -y- ... a. -,iy:, ,. nJJswn nnijjwMiNH,ig7 . . tmm-Amwxt u.W,t .. : rv Uj4 LiPatrie'forWweran WtittHk&CaOKnuHm l:i . vii i.--rJ a:w.a'.1V.iii .:Mt. ' leiTi forced -the'RusalaM-ta:evas , SK.-EseSBaHBS'S uvivnu; uwiwuwgimuwwsiw, . j submarlhe ntolng tHMIgeteMSWPtA, Another. snbmas;waa:.swBV,ff tfH ,. .. . "!'' .,'ll.W . "J",-"J' . V.- ay ;compnny. it 3uw aged.. TeBrRiaa der Is a purchase, of 2,000 steel boxj CoprahaMivJTejBayala cars and 50 steel passenger cars. iv:usllilsvS!tMi First Golf Fixtare Opens United Press Service LAKEWOOD, N. J..pril 22. The annual spring golf fixture, the inaug ural "star" event of American golf dom, the Lakewood. tourney, opened today, with some of the. country's fore-. most golfers .entered. , Manufacturing , eatablishmenta, la Philadelphia .employ, over. l;ftD women as' overseers and foremen ' and the- .German ieet;inttBSS;S- Pocisc. coast nexew vimm:J'mm( llutud FresS'Serviea .w'es :g, , m&&&t SAN FRAN'CI8CO.AprilfaTa)e&f nt.dintMtih nf ihld ritT had'tha' aiaslii'.:'. aj .;,- -rw !, T --.. P".it - "'' gest. 'entry-lHW.Paatl,jCmA i$?k ..l.llnno aaAiv2hnxlBapu kan0rsveyfasY-:teaaW?eii iliWfAmmmASSmt.A W. .. k rtA-i :TJ Work of excavating for the Elks' home has been stopped by C. A. Ar nold, following telsfraahle advices from LeDoux ft LeDoux, tht eon tractors. A letter Just .received' ex plains that this Is due to the fact that' the delivery of the terra cotta win be delayed a tew days,' and tht rah-. contractors tor in masonry wars believes It will be best to await this before excavating further, so there be no dander of the earth wans rail tnn In from too musk expottrt. The contracting rm states that If tha materials .ore shipped In-'prompt- ly, there It no dsnter f ay in completion ot the hulUlng ky nP temher 16th. and taay state they wU put on eatra large erowt te work, If, THOUSAND OF LODGEMEX IN AT- TENDANCE, AND UNINFORMED TEAMS ARE HOLDING OOMPET. 1TIVB DRILLS United Press Service ' 'SAN FRANCISCO, Aprtl23. This Is fraternal day at the Panama-Pacidc exposition. The celebration; hold la connection with Insurance week, is one of the big events of the period given .over to fraternal and insurance organisations. A big parade, lu whlcn uuuormea ranks of various fraternal orders par ticipated, was one of. the features. Thousands of brilliant, fascinating uniforms and costumes were .used. An elaborato program of exercises has beensrranged, which Includes a scrlea of competitive drills by, tho.unt forra ranks of many orders this af ternoon. ' , Sixteen special trains arrived! from the East this morning, bringing lodge; am ! -------------MBBaBBBBMBMBBBBBjaBaga ,--, .annBBSamasssssBaBffrrrn im am Committee Leaves to Outline Scenic Road The uist big. step toward opening over the the Modoc Lava Beds to tourist travel la to be taken at a conference ot dele gations, irom xdoaoc,; suaiyou ana, Klamath' counties 'at the Stronghold. The three delegations will meet there this afternoon, tuis -morning uap- taln O. C." Applegate, 'W, A., Delsell, Charles Gravot and Chauneey -Ray mond ,the committee named by the. Klamatn unamocr oi commerce, m he proiwsedrouU foc thronrt , to c-ymi i i hi ' I I,.,.. Ikmn.nmsaM ' rUWl - IV-. !, msjifc. aWIWoirirmia, - wrana . psjnmmmsnr- . ,- attoounVli'oMtk.: ...' "T T74."TT,iT "' XZf7.l. .v.,T7r, . '. porta of that; eeetio;5ortttin:.aaK t much as plble Ue 'aost-faalWe roatea-tohaloltowsdyillstg,!!!,-,,: irs-rascr-EKiSs: -w,'r7mf''srrrf "w-vif-"- ana BoeaH poiataw ovav . i V.kM.L'ttw.iMi,!i :c.j,. . r:?v 'UMrtewmmMMS . . i x' j - r-' f.rti" .". -T "VE-.M'S 'tvra-ir .i . n . n,nn fnr tha bmbIob. Tbrv wara ThftzLava Beds ara'.Jaatiovas- the mit en .pnte by a ;delegaUoa; from, lino l) , palitotaftam4rrjMs ana, aiaaiyoa BomiiHaj.'" ww w of KlamatheoaniyKjii cannot approprutatmoaf , intw s road from MerrlU into tka ;v,Mda; ulari8UbscVlptlonJ;SMi',I' n ., &, Jaeo'!citOjHuiiaorf .ercdlrsetoraU, and J. A nWfMiBr J JpBtaysjffa WlBjBjrBjBi Merrill, who. are lawo enthusiastic over the prospects of; a road. c 'fho Siskiyou county, .delegation will go lu from near DbrrU. Tbs Modoc county, delegation .will await tho other, partiae at -the-Stronghold. Captain Jaeh'a keadqaorters aad rst- ugj' during tae stoaoe wariaia '70:V JMj&i'. MdMdelaialaa uounty; nnrveyor uies,,:.v,i;vw. tne east mis aiuruiBa, pii w"'in'rr",- - "J rz-Z-7i-3-tZZ-oaclali and drill teams to tk egpoalr ley.G.WCtourtrlfktot ..CaJttat; ttoa. """' 7 ' "WkWWW'W?' v vfi- teheei AtaauU Meet vr- ' -SOMIRVILLE, MW'i AH"! ! The runcnl reunion of the ioaserville hick Btkaal nsteoUUoa wflrke held r w- ? , . tonight. W -v. Gecrgs A.-Kressjeioltthe- forest'iaarr'r vi.kslr ether mWeats .of .Lan j liWhlle' ln;tha?Uvaa;'kdaB? ten, "nrlUr 'm- h$iw-i.,yi d e.H are highly ssMoaraiahi; atn'-FiUls Buslnafi Mop; BaaawBJowBpB"W waBBt to gt aroad teV5'fN4tv (.: 'wPPM'.r i-'n MK9mi& mSm m&JSm smanBnn tmfft. mm i1: V . M, I ','.., ' ' ,.,'"' & &,? .'? ' 'w'MfiaaflBaalflBfis